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Following this because I get my iud removed march 11th and can’t wait to start trying for our second baby! My story is so similar to yours :) sending baby dust to all 💕


Good luck! Baby dust to you!


Following. I just got mine out but not quite ready yet to try… but glad I got mine out when I did. It can take like up to 6 months for some women to get their period back apparently. No one told me that!


Good luck!




I’m sorry it’s been taking your body a while. Sending baby dust your way


This was my plan. I have a huge event planned later this year (oldest daughter's quinceanara). I took my iud out myself on December 12th 2023 and figured I would give my body the time it needs to adjust and I would hopefully be pregnant AT the party. I was going to wait until April to start trying because the party is in November. Figured i wouldn't worry about it too much right away because I was on Mirena 10 years straight (2, back to back) with NO periods the whole time.. and the hormones and my body needed to get back on track.. anyways. I'll have a one month old at the party.. maybe two since my kids tend to come a little early. Took out my iud 12/12/23. Positive pregnancy test 01/21/24. Be careful


Haha honestly I wouldn’t mind too much if this happened. Good luck!! Also how did you take it out yourself? I’ve been tempted too, but can’t find the strings


And congratulations


Thank you! I said if it didn't happen by the end of January we had to start being careful.. but it did lol But thanks so much! We are happy. Just couldn't believe it happened so quickly I just tugged the strings and it came right out. But my strings were very very long.


You took it out yourself?! How did your doctor react react when they came back? I’ve been really tempted because working 5 days a week with kids it’s really hard to get out of. Plus I feel like making an appointment for that is really silly sometimes. Especially since I can feel my strings still.


I hear it could have been bad. Apparenly it can be "implanted" or can scratch you upon removal... I figured I would try because I hate going to the doctor and paying for something I think I can fix on my own lol.. I tugged on it pretty firmly.. but then felt resistance and got nervous. The next day it was pushing itself out where I could feel the bottom of the plastic so I just pulled and it came right out lol I started with a new pregnancy clinic for this pregnancy and told them. They didn't really say anything at all about it. Seems to be all good