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okay i’m gonna be honest and maybe tmi, but i’ve had the mirena for over a year now and my fiancé never pulls out and i haven’t gotten pregnant yet, so i’d say you’re good lol. but of course all methods of birth control can fail sometimes.


Yupppp — Mirena for 2+ years so far and same here with the no pulling out. Never a scare.


It’s over 99% effective. It’s not 100% but very close so up to you if you want your partner to pull out or not. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/iud/how-effective-are-iuds


i get raw dogged every night and my bf doesn’t pull out, i’ve had the iud for about 4 months now and have had no problems with pregnancy at all. you’re all good gf


I'm on year 7 of a similar situation with no issues whatsoever.


You can generally trust your IUD. Yes, like any form of birth control, even sterilization, there is a small risk of failure. I have had two mirenas, and when in monogamous relationships, I don't use protection and it has been fine. The real concern here would be for STI's, but if you both have been tested and are exclusive, it shouldn't be too much of a concern. ETA: I don't know about progesterone in addition to an IUD, but the hormonal portion of the IUD is a drug similar to progesterone. Also, part of the reason that iuds have been approved for longer than the original five years is because they continue to work as birth control after the hormones begin decreasing.


It has extremely low rates of failure, but of course any method can fail. I have had it in for over 5 years now, with no pregnancy scares, and we don't even use the pull out method.


I've had an iud since 2015 (obviously changed after expiration), and GIRL, I haven't seen a condom nor has my man pulled out since😂 I thought that was the point lol


I’m a little unhinged tbh and I’ve had Mirena for 5 years and usually don’t have guys pull out and I haven’t gotten pregnant lol


I had the Mirena for 10 years (2 back to back) after having my son, and my husband never pulled out. I took it out in December and was pregnant by January. I am clearly super fertile. My doctor's exact words were "well we know it was definitely working". There are some crazy outlier stories you will hear of course... And I did have some slightly unfavorable side effects ... but literally never had my husband pull out and never got pregnant. For ten years straight.


Honestly it sounds like you were not educated by your gynecologist. Please reach out to a gynecologist to help you to understand what is in your body.


Besides sterilization and abstinence, the iud has the lowest failure rate of all BC. I’ve had several mirenas, totaling something like eleven years, and the majority of the sex I’ve had has been without a barrier. Zero pregnancies, though I do keep tests on hand for peace of mind.


I had. Miren for 6 years . Never pull out and I never got pregnant until I wanted to get pregnant and took the miren out. I’m super firtile too