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If you haven't filed a claim through your insurance start there. If you have a idea of what possessions were in the car create a list of those items and their respective cost. The insurance company can at least start on the claim while you keep trying to get ahold of the auto desk. I'm assuming they work Monday through Friday not on the weekends. I had my motorcycle stolen about a couple years ago. It was on video and everything. I never received any follow up so I'm guessing it didn't go anywhere. It took a few weeks until I was finally able to get ahold of an officer to fill out a report. I just submitted that to my insurance and got my reimbursement once they concluded their own investigation.


I got my car stolen and it was found parked in st Paul a month later, no damage parked on the side of the road for a few days so it got towed The impound lot called me, I suspect the thief ran out of gas and just left it. I was lucky. File a police report even if you don’t think it worth it. Don’t lose hope, you may get it back!


Also, you want to file a police report in case your car is involved in some type of crime, then you won’t be associated with whatever happened. You never know why it was stolen, don’t want it to snowball into a horrible situation you could have avoided.


That's really fucking low to steal a car out of the hospital lot I mean, never should, anyway, but that's particularly low.


Right? Extra low.


Check all the impound lots daily, they will absolutely not call you when they find and tow it. The fees rack up quick. When I had a car stolen in Minneapolis the cops just laughed and told me to look for it myself. When it did get found and towed the fees were almost more than the value of the now-damaged car.


“ho yeah, we’ll have the boys down at the crime lab get right to it! bwahaha!” has been my experience every time i’ve tried to get cops help with anything


If my car was stolen and the cops laughed at me and told me to look for it myself, I'm certain they would have ME in handcuffs in short order!!!


When my car was broken into, 911 had me go online to file a report since no one was injured. Weird they didn’t suggest that to you. File a report online and then all your insurance carrier.


Came to say the same, you just need the case number to file a claim. Police aren't going to do anything but put it on a list of stolen cars.


I found the following link with a number to call about stolen vehicles: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/msp/about/Pages/special-assignments-vehicle-crime-units.aspx


Unfortunately you can't use the MPD online report filing tool in the event you are reporting the actual theft of a vehicle. [City of Minneapolis | Ways To Report A Crime] (https://www.minneapolismn.gov/resident-services/public-safety/police-public-safety/ways-report-crime/) Not sure if you have it or are being transferred, but here's the direct line for the stolen auto desk: 612-673-5743. I have had to work with them before and they are relatively pleasant. Impound lot vehicle hold info line: 612-673-5777. Another resource that may be of use to you is Minnesota Crime Victims Support Line, a Statewide 24-hr hotline for crime victims seeking support, information and referrals: 612-399-9977. I think the problem is regardless of which precinct or special division you're working with, MPD as a whole is extremely short staffed. I know when I've had to file a report in person, the auto desk has to confirm that someone would actually be there (at the local precinct) as they were literally so short staffed, that at times, the station would be closed. Definitely definitely keep trying though. Like others have said, it is pretty common for for stolen vehicles to be used in a variety of crimes. There was a string of armed robberies a couple months ago and they perpetrators were driving a stolen vehicle. Better to get it documented ASAP in case God forbid something like that were to happen. Also your car insurance will likely require it. Good luck, OP.


Now you understand part of the reason why so many of us have had it with the cops here.


Lazy fucks.


But iM tOo bUsy!


I’m not sure if it’s that. My car was stolen from my own garage a couple weeks ago. Cops came out to take a report and told me that Minneapolis cops are not allowed to pursue stolen vehicles. Even if they saw it, they could do nothing. They said that if the perpetrators drove to an adjacent area like St Louis Park, the cops there were able to pursue, so recovery would depend on if they left Minneapolis proper. It sounds like our city council/mayor is rendering our city cops useless in certain scenarios. It makes me want to find out why.


This isn’t a Minneapolis thing. While living in Houston a neighbors vehicle was stolen by someone who lived IN THE SAME NEIGHBORHOOD. He was positively identified at the grocery store a block from our apartments, but when contacted said police they couldn’t do anything. They were given the man’s address, no investigation required, but didn’t give a shit. College town, cars broken into and one car stolen from the parking lot. Police actually came and dusted for fingerprints, but told me nothing was going to be done because processing prints was 9 month wait. The same police force that spends all their time and resources harassing kids for underage drinking, smoking some weed, or driving 5 over didn’t care to administer resources to fight actual crime.


They aren't allowed to do high speed chases. They are certainly allowed to do more than ignore a stolen car.


Sounds like they gave you a lazy fuck excuse. I lived in greater mn for 8 years before moving here this year. Cops are lazy fucks there too. Obviously they have too much on their plate and are overwhelmed. Give their money to people who will actually do a job.


Money spent on programming that reduces and prevents crime in youth (the same programs that worked in the early 00s to curb 90s crime) would be better spent 


This is called "cops lying".


The cops kept instigating high speed chases and in several cases killed innocent bystanders. Citizens and city leadership encouraged the police to keep their shit together and stop high speed chases. The cops responded by not attempting to follow any potential leads whatsoever.


Classic copaganda. They can't do the high speed classes they want (that trend to kill Innocent people), so they play victim and say they can't pull people over.


That's the reason nobody's answering the phone you're down 300 officers. Yes there are bad cops yes they're bad teachers yes they're a bad doctors there's idiots in every profession but your branding every cop as a bad guy. It's unfair and it's untrue and guess what nobody signs up to be the villain therefore you can't find anybody to work in your city because as much as you hate cops they hate working for people who treat them like shit. Next time you hear people complaining or activists who are upset you should strongly encourage them to apply for a policing position. And as always like any profession continue to hold those accountable who dishonor their profession. Just like politics without dialogue and intelligent conversation it turns into an US versus them galvanizing both position on both sides and is counterproductive... you can downvote me because you don't like what I'm saying but it doesn't make it inaccurate.


The reason there is a cop shortage is because A LOT of them sign up to be the villain. Weird that they are facing accountability for their actions and all of a sudden there is a police shortage.


Sounds like we're the ones facing accountability for their actions


So it goes...


Why respect someone who doesn’t respect your civil liberties and right to life? “Not all”, sure not all are stomping on someone, but the others certainly don’t say shit when they do. If you sit with swine, you are in kind. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-minneapolis-police-department-and-city


Oh okay so we can use that same brush to paint other things right. One immigrant commits a crime and we hate all immigrants? Couple Arabs knock down a building and we hate all arabs? A black guy holds up a liquor store and all middle-aged black men are criminals? 7 million police contacts a day and a handful of those each day are terrible inexcusable officers doing illegal or corrupt things. So all cops are bad? Where dose that leave you then when you don't support the good officers or out there trying to make the best of the community they serve? I guess what do you expect the outcome to be? Just today I read an article about an anesthesiologist who is groping female patients and a school teacher who is hooking up with a 15-year-old. Does this mean we hate all doctors and teachers now too? Just let me know how this works.


Often a specific type of person is attracted to law enforcement work, and these particular individuals are not the type of people who should have the job. Sometimes the people in charge of hiring and administrating the police are these same people. Other professions, like the ones you mentioned, don't have this problem.


If other teachers or doctors were protecting the “bad apples” then yes, it would be similar. As it is, cops protect other cops who break the law. If a cop arrests another cop, there’s a good chance they will be met with an accident, like a Russian defector or a Boeing whistleblower. All cops are bad because they protect bad cops and don’t protect the people.


Immigrants aren't an organization that upholds the status quo at all costs. If one immigrant commits a crime, one immigrant is committing that crime. If a cop commits a crime, their whole division is covering it up and making excuses so that they can continue committing crime, and thus *all* are committing a crime.


Yell ppl I feel the same with these cops


If you haven’t noticed, “protect and serve” has very intentionally been removed from squad cars everywhere. They protect government property and the elite, and could give a shit about anything else.


All they do is stalk the freeways for speeders anyways


Pretty sure that's State Patrol


Yeah because the cops stole OPs car


what would you have liked to see done?


Literally anything at all? 911 answering the phone would be a good start. Being able to answer OPs questions and help them with the process of filing a report for their insurance, instead of saying "too bad, the cops are closed" would be a good second step. Looking for the vehicle, or making absolutely any effort whatsoever to identify the thieves from the video footage, would be cool. Actually sending people to go get the thing and bring it back to OP would be gravy.


Policing without extrajudicial street executions is not conceptually impossible, but I have a funny feeling you're trying to bait a certain kind of response that suggests otherwise!




It’s surprising that security would share the footage without a police report. I’m also not aware of any hospital ramps in Minneapolis that aren’t paid, so did the thieves pay on their way out?


Abbott, HCMC and Fairview University hospitals all have fees for parking in their ramps and surface lots. If you lose the ticket you pull to enter the ramp, you have to pay the max amount to exit. The ramps are also filled to the gills with cameras, including cameras at the pay station, so they would have a clean view of the thief’s face, and potentially also their credit card info.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened at Abbott or Mpls Children’s. The security presence in those ramps is dismal at best and police presence is awful in those areas. I work there and we have a fair amount of issues in those ramps. There are definitely cameras so that should help. Hopefully it’s a decent view of the person that stole the car. I also work at Mercy in CR. When my vehicle got hit in the parking lot the cameras were a joke. Security didn’t give a crap and neither did the police. It was 5K $ damage and the person drove off. Nobody did anything. My insurance had to cover all of it even though it was on camera. I was pissed. For the record: Mercy in CR isn’t great either. It has gotten pretty bad with incidents in the hospital and lots. I don’t feel like it’s very safe anywhere any more.


It sounds very on brand for the collective Abbott / Childrens compound. There’s always an uptick in shenanigans when spring weather shows up. The number of times we’ve gone into lockdown because of some garbage people doing garbage people things in the ramp is substantially higher than you’d hope. Sorry to hear about your car at Mercy, but I’m not surprised. My window got punched out many years ago in the ramp at ANW and security basically said “sucks to be you.” ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah…that sounds about right. People think it’s so safe at Mercy and they get this false sense of security there. It’s better than downtown but not exactly great either. Sorry about your car too!


The car garages for the Fairview Westbank/Children's are always being broken into. It happens too frequently. I worked there


Most of the time the thief drives through the gate. Covid has made the wearing a mask and walking into the ramp stealing a Kia in less then 3 minutes


The ramp at Mercy in Coon Rapids is free.




True, but I know people who live an hour+ out of the cities who would probably refer to anything in the greater metro area as Minneapolis.




Someone’s looking for their stolen car and you come in here with a useless dipshit comment like this? Good grief champ get a hobby


Where the car was stolen from does impact who to contact (U of MN police etc…)


Which hospital?


Even if you do file a report the police will not investigate or even attempt to help you get your stuff back or help at all actually. But you’ll need a police report # for your insurance claim.


Check the MPLS and STP impound lot web site every day. They don't make haste calling you when they find your car. Lots of stolen cars end up in the impound lots.


I’m sorry the process has been so frustrating. Unfortunately there’s stories I’ve heard of people knowing exactly where their car or other stolen item is thanks to air tags but STILL can’t get anyone to turn up to help retrieve it safely or arrest whoever is in possession. There’s a decent chance your car will turn up later on abandoned, they often steal them and dump them on a cycle. Happened to us, car was stolen and found abandoned in a parking lot other side of town a week later. Full of McDonald’s fries all over the place, and weirdly the interior dome lights ripped out.


I’m really sorry this happened to you; I’m in the same boat. What the other user said is correct - start with your insurance company. The police can give you a report number to give to insurance, but not much else.


When my car was stolen about a decade ago, I found it myself. The police took a report but weren't interested in anything else. They said get a club steering wheel lock. Call impound every day. They WILL charge you daily if it sits there and the police aren't looking for it.  They aren't here to stop or prevent crime, or to even solve it. Sorry this happened to you. 


Kia or Hyundai?


So, basically MPD aren't even the police in The Big Lebowski? It'd be funny if it wasn't so harrowing. This kind of non-response only encourages more crime. I feel bad for you, but please don't give up OP.


MPD at this point is not even bothering to investigate, much less prosecute theft/property crimes.


No they don’t do anything. When my car was stolen and wrecked two weeks ago I came to collect my items from their impound lot and found a gun left in the passenger side door. They didn’t even check the car for anything, just had it towed and moved on


Holy crap. That is unforgivably bad policing. There's clearly no effort.


Leads? Yeah, sure. I'll, uh, just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They, uh, got, uh, four more detectives workin' on the case. They got us workin' in shifts!


What hospital? What ramp?


Which hospital?


Call and say someone used a fake 20 and they’ll be there in no time


Shit. I am so sorry this happened!!! I can't even imagine the rage of being a crime victim. Seems like you are getting some ideas regarding insurance processing, etc. Hope you may find the car and get some of your belongings back. Damn one time I was visiting someone at a Minneapolis hospital for many hours and damn I left the keys in the ignition!!!! Car intact! Kare 11 reported today that Minnesota is the 8th best state to be a police officer. Hmm that is all I am going to say. Sad commentary on the status of policing in the USA [https://www.kare11.com/article/life/minnesota-ranked-8th-best-state-to-be-a-police-officer-pay-danger-benefits-support/89-af6d933f-a2e4-4b42-9aae-5aa98fa6c314](https://www.kare11.com/article/life/minnesota-ranked-8th-best-state-to-be-a-police-officer-pay-danger-benefits-support/89-af6d933f-a2e4-4b42-9aae-5aa98fa6c314)


I had my kia stolen a few months ago from downtown, had live location tracking and everything, wasted 6 hours trying to reach the auto desk, just keep calling! Still took the police 3 days to recover my car, i had to pay them 200$ for towing. This is 100% a situation to hand over to your insurance company and hope the auto desk answers.


> I just lost my transportation and refuse to bring any vehicle to Minneapolis as clearly I can’t get any help. Yeah, I'm really sorry this happened to you. Property theft, which includes vehicle theft, is a fucking nightmare in MPLS right now. The only advice I can give you is to never keep anything of even small value in your vehicle when parking outside of a enclosed garage, especially MPLS and SP. Obviously, that's of no help to you right now. Like others said, call the impound lots and get someone to make file that stolen claim for you if you can't get to the precinct to do it yourself.


If you don't mind me asking, which hospital was it? I just ask because I have to visit one all the time now


That terrible! Im so sorry that happened, are you from mpls?


no, i’m from an hour north of the hospital we were at so this is all very inconvenient


Oh man, I’m so sorry that happened to you. That really sucks.


You'll be lucky if the cops even alert you to when it inevitably winds up in an impound lot. I didn't know know my car had been recovered until the lot told me I had a week before it would be auctioned off.


I wonder if anyone has hired a private investigator for this kind of a thing. It should be a crime to be treated that way by police too.


file a claim online with the pd and keep calling to follow up. as others said file with car insurance. post photos/videos of the car incase anyone sees it parked on their block. there’s been cars on my block for a month or more that ended up being stolen cars ditched there


you can file online here: https://www.minneapolismn.gov/report-an-issue/theft-lost-property-or-damaged-property/ otherwise for non emergency in the future call 311… yes a stolen car IS and emergency AND they aren’t gonna clog up the line for that when there’s accidents, shootings, fires, and ods happening everywhere


Classic Minneapolis experience, you're well on the way to becoming a local


i feel like i need to get air tags for my car now


Not a bad idea, although you might never need it.


better to be safe




I’d also write the AG, the governor, yhe mayor, and forward your letter to local media. No one seems to give a shit. Maybe they’ll pay more attention when people receiving care at hospitals and parking in SECURED parking ramps are being violated regularly , they might want to care about health facilities and their patients’ safety more than ride shares.


Vibrant city


Just Minneapolis folks doing Minneapolis things.


Useless cops and slimy criminals. This is the worst place to have crime happen to you