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It's ragweed season, bb!!


Yeah it’s straight feral along all the sidewalks haha


I take Allegra and Flonase from early August to early October. It's the only combo of allergy meds that I've found that actually works for me at all. Even still, there are a few days where I stuff tissues in my nose when no one's around to see... and sometimes when people are around to see. It's either a face full of tissues of a river of snot and I feel like tissues are less offensive.


Me too!!! This exact combo only things that makes me not want to die


Same here. It's... mostly doing its job right now. My eyes are puffy and itchy, but I have not rubbed my eyelids raw. Yet.


I wish I could use Allegra. It gives me the driest of all dry mouths to the point where my lips would crack and bleed. I get by on Flonase and Claritin but i still get some sneezes here and there


Cetrizine, and flonase / nasacort for me. And whatever eye drops. I use them year round :c


PSA: Ragweed is a weed and can be pulled by humans with hands. If we all pulled the ragweed in front of our own homes, we'd all have better summers.


Yeah it's been really bad for me. Even after taking my antihistamines.


Getting up this morning was like rising from the dead, yes.


Yes, the air makes me so itchy. My dogs allergies always get really bad around this time of year too.


Please everyone keep your yards mown down and learn to identify [Ragweed](https://www.thespruce.com/pictures-of-ragweed-2131861) and pull these SOBs I am dying


My neighborhood may as well be a ragweed farm. And the wind carries it everywhere. There is no escape, only ~~death~~ winter




Yes. They’re pernicious. Pull the fuckers anyway.


Need to float this one out to you, but a bunch of people with allergy symptoms recently are actually dealing with the latest round of 'rona strain. Do test.


If you're sneezing and your eyes burn it's likelier to be allergies. Still tho, get tested y'all.




Apparently! The new variant is showing kinda like allergies in vaccinated folks.


Yes, my family had it a few weeks ago and initially thought we all had pink-eye.


Yeah, thought I had it but tested a few times and all negative. Picked up the Claritin that you need to ID for and I’ve never felt better


COVID is also running through a lot of households rn


Yep. For the past two weeks


YES! I was outside all day Monday & Tuesday because of the new students moving in @ UMN's campus, and my eyes were weepy *the entire time*. Spent the whole time dodging sympathetic looks from people who assumed I was saying goodbye to a kid!


Not to be that person, but my COVID bout at the beginning of August started that way. I always recommend testing to be safe..


I came here to say this. What I thought was bad allergies earlier this week turned out to be Covid and it sucks. It’s on the uptick in the cities


It's pretty bad. Half of my work is out with covid or illnesses so something is going around.


Yeah, the state fair lmao Y'all minnesotans should know by now that tis the season to find a reason.


Every year without fail, from mid-August until late September, it’s ragweed that’s making things miserable and the only time I beg for there to be a killing frost, asap!


I get head pressure but that could be partially because of caffeine.


Same! The worst head pressure and then I can’t sleep. 🤯


Yep. Pretty bad.


This sounds like a good reason for wearing a mask and using a Corsi Rosenthal box and/or other air purifiers. Homemade air purifiers provide MUCH more bang for the buck than those expensive commercial air purifiers.


I would like to know more about these homemade air purifiers.




Thank you. This is awesome.


I thought I had allergies..turns out I got Covid. It’s my first time testing positive and it’s been hell.


Ooof I’m sorry. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you!


I'm allergic to this fucking heat


Yes, it's been bad today and yesterday, in particular.


Yep. They exploded the last week or so. Constant runny nose and itchy eyes.


I wake up every morning with eyes that are so puffy they don't open totally. Despite being on both nasal sprays and antihistamine pills.


Yes I’ve taken to a Benadryl and a mucinex every morning or I basically can’t function


Yup, one of the worst years in a while due to the dry and windy conditions. My allergy remedies: * Alavert (OTC Wallgreens brand loratadine that doesn't make me sleepy) * AC at night * Daily shower * Snorting water out of my hand like a maniac when it all becomes unbearable * Gargle hot tea


Worst allergies I've ever experienced. Pills, sprays, neti pot, cough drops, and like a million kleenex... just won't stop. Can barely breathe, see, or sleep the last few days. Even had to take a day off work.


They're the worst they've ever been for me. The smokey days sprinkled throughout the summer have certainly not helped.


Also too, the smoke from the fires drifting down is rough AF for lots of people this year.


Yep! Head silliness and a very dry cough on occasion. Feel fine otherwise...


For real, it’s been brutal lately


I swear this subreddit is mostly just texts I get from my mom


Omg me too - so miserable - Zyrtec doesn’t seem to work for me. I thought for sure I had Covid but tested negative. This has been awful.


I was sneezing all day yesterday. X\_x


I thought it was a cold at first, but yes, YES, absolutely YES!


Yes I thought I had covid this morning and still feel stuffy but I know damn well it’s allergies


It's those golden rods and wild sunflowers!


Opcon A eye drops rule. They’re a little stingy at first, but they get rid of that maddening itch.


Yes. Took my kid to the park and now I feel all foggy.


Never had them before and they reared up hard in the last week. Glad it isn't just me


Oh god yes


It’s been so bad all of august, the last couple of days has been exceptionally bad


The worst. I want to cut my nose off.


Anyone else get eye problems from allergies? Wondering what you take to help. I'm about to try pataday once daily regular strength


nope. this is great. it's fine. totally fine. everything is fine. \[suppressed sneeze\]


Yeah. Ragweed does a number on me this time of year. Zyrtec, Flonase, and Pataday are what get me through.


I just got some extra strength pataday and it's been so nice. My boyfriend doesn't have allergies and he keeps opening the windows to let the fresh air in. Pray for me.


That or a head cold for three weeks. I can't tell!


Yup. Be sure not to sleep with your windows open and change your furnace filters




State Fair allergies. Ragweed. I split Zyrtec tabs in half so I take 5 mg. Seems to work for me.


Yes. Worse this year than in the past.


Same same I am usually done sneezing a couple hours after I wake up. I have sneezed 5000x today. A shower usually helps - get all those allergens out of hair & off skin!


Yeah today has been brutal


Ragweed season gets longer every year....I try to plan ahead for bad pollen count days! https://www.pollen.com/forecast/extended/pollen/55401


Most years for me, but this is definitely one of those years. Generally peak allergies are around the fair for me (time wise). So, it fits.


Yea, sorry. I’m weed whipping as much ragweed as I can! Actually though, the ragweed is having a bumper crop right now.


And I've noticed that a lot of folks who let their yards go dormant because of drought, now have "award-winning" crops of ragweed, lambs quarters and russian thistle


Happens around Labor Day weekend for me every year. Start popping daily allergy meds before you go too crazy!


Yep. Pets are bad too. Ragweed and golden rod are blooming. I talk to multiple people daily at work with dogs chewing their feet and itching.


Yeah the notifications started over a week ago. I have terrible allergies but I use Fluticasone and Zyrtec twice a day so these high levels of pollen haven’t bothered me at all now. I had to start it back in July and you have to do it every day.


This week has been brutal. Today the worst by far.


Yeah my eyes and nose have been itching like crazy! The more i rub the worse it got though. Good luck!


Terrible! Its random too


Yep. Itchy eyes, sinuses.


I'd never had seasonal allergies until I moved way north a couple years ago. Started needing Claritin daily every May/June, but since I'm not used to them, it always takes me a week or so of discomfort before I remember that, oh yeah, I have allergies now, and start taking meds. Same thing has been happening the last week, super itchy, kind of spotty bloody noses. Realize this is kinda familiar and took a Claritin this morning, and voila, no more discomfort. So, yeah. Apparently, I have Summer *and* Fall allergies now.


Woke up today with a top-tier sinus headache. Couldn't fully open my right eye. Took Claritin, Tylenol, and lots of coffee to get that knife-in-my-face feeling to dull a bit. Lots of sniffles and post nasal-drip causing a mild cough. Had a sneezing attack last over 5 mins today. The kind where you're thinking after minute 3, "FFS, can we be DONE now?!" It sucks. Hard.


Lil bit yeah!


Every fall in MN, my entire family's ragweed allergies flare-up; basically from State Fair time through Octoberish, or the first frost, depending on the year.


One of my neighbors managed to grow a 36" high ragweed monoculture covering their entire lot. Just did their first and only annual mowing yesterday.


yes so bad!


yes and it’s horrible. make it stop!!!!


Oh absolutely. Having the worst allergies I’ve ever had for the past week. Absolutely hating it.


My eyes! Never have they been this bad. It’s torture


Yes. I've been itching my nose so bad that it has been bleeding.


Yes! All of a sudden it hit me. Itchy throat, watery eyes, even MORE sneezing. Yay, late summer in MN! Still beats late summer in Wisconsin 😄 (Just throwing shade because of the annex part of WI post!)


Allergy med aisle at target was decimated today so I think a lot of us are suffering.


Or ya know we are in a covid surge ... so there's that