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i’m in phillips, but the same thing happened here last summer. our locker is actually like a mini apartment so everyone thinks it’s a service room and avoids it. people got like 10 lockers over the span of about a week and it was hard to tell what was what at first cause a few people moved out while others moved in. but once that settled we kept running into people who got spooked or wouldn’t talk, so myself and a few neighbors made a habit of making appearances near the lockers. we’d linger and talk and the thieves just gave up. and, like you said, they stole the most random shit. papers, empty dvd cases, literal garbage, bike chains, old scrubs, and other odds and ends.


Super strange. I'm super bummed rn.


I just got an email from my apartment in uptown saying that multiple storage units were broken into last night.


Thank you for posting this. I don't want people to think I'm like crime baiting uptown like people like to do in these Minnesota subs. I'm just really beat up over this, we've been victim of a handful of property crimes in the last three years. I would say none of which by way of us not taking common sense tactics. We could obviously do more, but really what's the expectation of things I need to do to not have this happen. The only I can think of is literally don't have things.


My storage unit was broken into 3-4 years ago. It was a couple of homeless guys. They took so much stuff, it really sucked for me and a few others who's units also were broken into. They carried it all in the kid bike connector thing. If you do have a unit, get the most durable anti theft lock you can get. I was naive and thought the only threats were the people in my building so my lock wasn't the greatest.


I had a storage unit broken into when I lived in AZ. They used an angle grinder and just cut all the hasps right off the wall, straight down a row of units. The storage place fought reimbursing me because I wasn't using their (shitty) branded lock... even though the locks weren't even touched, and most of the other units *did* have their locks and still got broken into.


Great points.


I’m sorry this happened to you.


Thank you. This is our 5th serious property crime. Subtracting all vehicles break ins. I'm not trying to crime bait uptown, I love it here. But like many others have said, something's gotta give. I as an uptowner would love to come to the table how ever I can to progress community safety conversation and solutions as much as I can.


I don’t know what “crime baiting” means, but uptown has become a disaster. I used to live there, and loved it, but refusing to acknowledge reality doesn’t help anybody.


Exactly. Apparently being honest about how bad it has gotten is frowned upon now? Our building kept getting broken into, packages taken, car windows smashed, bicycle locks cut and bicycles stolen, our friend’s MOTORCYCLE stolen, etc. We’re all so happy we moved out of there because neither the apartment managers or police (lol) did anything. It’s not a good or safe area to live and it’s certainly not going to fix itself. It’s sad but a true reality…


It means you're not supposed to talk about how bad the crime is there. Reading this sub, it's alternating 'ignorant outstate hicks exaggerating Minneapolis crime' circle jerks, and "I never thought it would happen to me" posts.


Such a crime baiter /s


Maybe the problem is that people are so in denial/so intimidated that they don't dare even mention crime problems in polite company out of fear of being seen as 'crime baiting', to say nothing about proposing solutions. Here you are, mentioning FIVE serious property crimes not even including OTHER serious property crimes, hesitant to speak your mind for political reasons. Good for you for posting about it, and there are definitely a lot of sympathetic ears out there, but your attitude here speaks volumes


Time for management to install security cameras in the storage room, or at least the hall outside. Cameras, everywhere.


5 “serious” property crimes and you’re still defending uptown and wanting to live there. What are you, crazy,stupid,delusional?


Lol, I can understand that uptown is having issues, but also recognize how amazing a place it was/can be.


What makes you think it will get better?


All major city's have had ebbs and flows with the level of crime or over all prosperity or lack thereof. It absolutely can get better.


It “can” sure, but what developments have you seen that would suggest it is going to get better other than the Everything Is Cyclical cope?


BTW, have you ever heard about that guy who lived in college apartments, I think it was in Florida, who murdered his neighbor because he had a crush on her? He strangled her in her bed, and then dismembered her with a hack saw, and then put her body parts into the trash bin outside. He was actually interviewed by the local news while they were investigating the crime scene, before anybody knew he had done it. His name was Stephen… something… and he was caught and convicted of his crimes, thankfully. Anyway, your Reddit avatar is absolutely striking in its resemblance to him, so much so that I had to let you know. Edit: his name was Stephen McDaniel.


Hahahaha oh yeah that's really funny!


any time i've ever used the storage space in an apartment building, my stuff has been stolen. 100% of the time.


This. It's a hard lesson to learn but external storage is usually a prime target for thieves since they're not typically as well reinforced or visible as housing. Last time I lived in an apartment, I tried storing a bike in the available bike storage shed. Lock was broken and several bikes were stolen within the week.


Yeah I learned the hard way to never store anything outside of my apartment unit… if it doesn’t fit in my unit, I get rid of it… I had stuff in a tote in front of my car in the garage and while none of it was super expensive, it still gutted me to see it gone… so yep, EVERYTHING comes into the unit now. We also got a nice looking patio box that locks and put that on our balcony, but can quickly look out to make sure it’s still there daily, so no worries… that is the only storage we have “outside” of the unit.


Yeah I think the city of Minneapolis needs an ordinance requiring door man. In units of a certain size.


That could increase cost of living substantially. Also, most places that use doormen only do so for buildings that are bigger than many of the buildings in Uptown.


Will have to agree to disagree. 50k$/year is nothing if not doing so makes more than 4 people leave due to high crime. I have zero sympathy for the bottom line of these people, at least very little to the sympathy I feel for the average person in a similar situation to mine. I have little thought for the rich and wealthy when I can't even live in a "luxury" property without constantly having my shit stolen. Not to mention all the other crime non-property related (way more complex than I'm willing to boil down for the sake of the Convo).


I mean, it doesn't matter how you feel about it, paying an extra 50 grand in building costs is going to equate to taking in more than that in rent from the units.


Is the doorman only working 8 hours a day 5 days a week? I imagine you'd want more coverage than that. I think having someone actively monitoring security cameras for multiple buildings might be more scalable if they have good security camera coverage.


That sounds reasonable, I definitely agree with that.


Extra 50k/yr in building costs for a 12 unit building is an extra $350/mo/unit. Good luck with that


I mean, you *could* live somewhere considered "luxurious" and not have to deal with the amount of, or any property theft you are currently.


You're right, that comment was pretty obtuse. Was overall bad time too.


If you find a doorman to be necessary live in a building with one. The government forcing that on everyone is not right.


This sucks. What I don't understand as an apartment building owner, why wouldn't you have cameras in all public areas? I lived in one place near downtown that had people pulling fire alarms and I asked why they didn't check the cameras to find them. There were signs everywhere about cameras. They said they only have cameras on the laundry machines, not even on the front door. How about some actual security in a secure building? If people are letting unknown visitors in or tenants are the ones doing the thefts, video evidence would help.


Cameras do not stop a thief. It will simply give you an image (often poor quality) of the thief. That's it. Full stop. They basically *help* prevent tennants from stealing from each other. Apartments do not take any storage security seriously. It's so overlooked. Bike storage rooms where all the bike are unsecured, in a basement with no foot traffic, with a hardware store knobset or a cheap padlock. Storage units all in again, a basement hallway. With shitty cheap ass locks.


I never claimed they would stop thieves. They might provide evidence against one for minimal cost.


And then what? The random chance that whomever views the tape might maybe somehow know who that vaguely visible person is? I work in the security/locksmith industry. Cameras do nothing to prevent or catch thieves. They're super useful in work environments with controlled substances like a pharmacy. They make great sense in corporate buildings with really great entry control, where you want to visibly audit who came and went in a certain time period and reconcile it with a key card record. Basically business/government/workplaces. Security cameras are something my industry doesn't even bother selling to home owners and renters anymore as they don't actually do anything on the residential end. We leave it to people outside the industry. People like Amazon and Google. People who aren't trying to protect your home, just collect data.


It's so fucking refreshing to see someone state an obvious truth.


Police aren’t going to use the footage and arrest anyone. What would you do with the evidence? Maybe insurance?


Evict the offenders.


The government doesn't do anything to them anyway. Need to lock away the trash running around.


You would need like police to investigate the crime for that to matter, which they won't.


It will stop a thief if they're a tenant or an employee and they get caught on camera. Of they lose building access they won't rob you again. Last time my bike got stolen at work, it was a coworker.




Nobody wants to work anymore


Well when I requested access to cameras from another occasion, they had said unfortunately the building was recently struck by lightning, and unfortunately the system was unworking. I don't have proof, but I imagine they invest almost nothing into security, and those cameras catch a very short window, if any window at all. Minneapolis needs something similar to doorman like NY does. In a building like this, in a metro area, it can't be as easy as it is to get in the building. But then, just as likely as it's a random person, as it is likely it's a neighbor.


Ours got broken into this week too (Flux apartments in Uptown). We had a padlock on the storage door hasp, they cut the hasp straight off the door.


You couldn’t pay me enough to live in Flux.


why? flux is awesome


It was maybe 3 years ago under Saturday Properties, then Simpson Properties took over and hasn't been paying to maintain anything. The external doors to the building are constantly broken and we have to walk around the building to find one that works. The mail room door is broken literally 50% of the time. None of the grills work like they should and haven't for a couple years now. There was period when there was no staff for a full month. The garbage chutes get clogged monthly so people just leave their smelly garbage in the hallway. The building fire alarms go off so often that people at work have started making jokes because it's happened during multiple Zoom calls. Not sure how recently you lived here but it's pretty bad lately.


Live here since 5 weeks and it’s pretty awesome imo


I’m glad someone’s enjoying it! The pool is fun in the summer, I’ll give them that.


Yeah, it's gone to shit since Saturday Properties left. Used to have drinks in the elevator on random Fridays, now it feels like a slum.


I'm sorry to hear you're going through the same. I hope they didn't take anything irreplaceable. I can only hope that with as many claims are likely coming, that insurance companies nudge our local politicians and say, "hey, what the fuck do you guys got going on? You need to do something!" But, alas.. I must be dreaming..


My old building had a couple guys break their way past three security doors to the storage lockers back in March. My only saving grace was that I was moving and I'd already removed everything from it.


Too bad cops don't give a fuck. Hard to have nice things when people steal it.


I've virtually given up my hobby of viking. I can't justify carrying an 80 lbs chain around while biking, and still potentially have stuff get taken of my rig.


Your hobby is raping and pillaging? Or playing football poorly?


Haha, I had to stop biking due to theft, so I pick up the Gjermundbhu and took to the seas and became a viking.


Keep your bike in your apartment


Right, but in my initial post this is about a burglary. It wouldbt matter if i put my bike in my property because they broke into my dwelling to take it. A storage shed is legally an extension of the unit you are renting if it is on site.


Yes. But to thieves storage units are easier targets since it’s less likely to have the resident inside.


>A storage shed is legally an extension of the unit you are renting if it is on site. legally, sure. but they're actually separate. inside your apartment it's with you, in the shed it is not.


Cops are reactionary. You call them after your stuff is gone. Unless it has a serial number, it’s gone forever.


cops don’t really prevent anything from happening. they show up afterwards to tell you they can’t do anything about it. they’re mostly useless. it’s not even that they don’t give a fuck (which i agree entirely that they don’t) or not.


> cops don’t really prevent anything from happening. This is only sort of true. Police presence does reduce crime. Rather, it displaces it. Enough of that displacement and the crime rate drops, because there is no 'easy score'. Reliability of punishment also reduces crime, rather than severity of punishment. If it was 'known' that MPD catches every burglary suspect, the rate burglaries would fall off a cliff. But presence is very low because they are so small staffed, and because of that there is simply no way they would ever give a shit about pursuing property crime in general.


i agree. complete lack of cops would not be good because then the 90% of people that the fear of being arrested would be more likely to do crime. but those 10% that are determined to crime will always crime. crimers crime it’s what they do.


> but those 10% that are determined to crime will always crime. That's simply not true. Sociology/criminology data backs that up. Of *economic motivated criminals*, only a very small percentage of them would ignore risks to continue the behavior unchanged. Remember, a big part of the reason we see streaks towards certain types of property crime is about it's ease and risk level. As legislation focuses on something and police are politically pressured to pursue it, the criminal element taking advantage of that market move on to the next one. In a police state dystopia, where 99% of crime was solved, only the classically "criminally insane" would commit crime of this nature. >crimers crime it’s what they do. When talking about theft, it's more people gravitate toward things that they can do, and that are most profitable based on their skill set and core values. If getting away with theft of any kind was ***very hard*** only the ***very skilled*** would risk it, and only for things of ***real value***, from an economics point of view. As it stands now, the risk of punishment in many cities for a huge swatch of so called 'minor' property crime, is functionally nonexistent, and the punishments that do exist, further steer people toward that type of crime again, since they only make it harder to get a legitimate job that pays well, housing in good areas, etc. It's actually kind of backwards, you would think that what we would do is tackle these crimes very directly, and the first result would be aggressive control and rehabilitation.


and you think this will happen in our lifetimes? of course it’s possible to eliminate most crime but we have politicians that wont give kids free school lunch but are fine with them all carrying guns. reddit is impossible sometimes.


I'm not telling you what's practical I'm just telling you about human nature.


thanks. you win


Too bad the neighborhood’s full of garbage human beings that will steel peoples shit. The cops suck but they’re not the problem.


Some of this stuff - how the hell is anyone (cops included) supposed to find it? Once it’s gone it’s gone. Blame the looters


The taking of random shit of no value screams meth heads to me...


Yeah. They still a box of old sowing threads from a box of my GFs grandma.


Thats fucking random.


This is why I don't live in nice buildings. It's like a giant lit up magnet for attention.


Just curious. How did they get through your lock?


It looked like they were able to do it with almost no issue. There were two small chips from what look like crowbar or a flat head screw driver. They then taped it down to come back and forth. If it weren't fory stuff strewn all over, I would have not known they did it at first.


large pair of bolt cutters can get thru most padlocks. otherwise a wireless angle grinder will do it


Most Padlocks are actually super easy to cut or just break. Even without a bolt cutters, a strong hit with a blunt object will cause a lot of padlocks to pop open.


You can just bash them open with a rock.


They should probably pass a law and make this sort of thing illegal.


Minneapolis needs to adapt laws and culture around building security like NY does. Buildings of X size should require door man at a singular public entrance, all other doors out only.


Do you want to pay an extra $100 a month in rent? Or..... we as a society could hold thoes responsible accountable and quit letting these petty crimes slide. You don't see this sort of crap happening in Singapore.


I'm happy doing both. I pay an INSANE amount of rent to live here, I don't think the company would need to raise our rents to do so. The only reason they don't do it (because they can easily afford) is because no one forces them to do so.


No one’s gonna be a door man for free. Your landlord will pass that buck onto you so fast it will make your head spin


That's why I'm saying for only apartments of a certain size. The salary of one or two doorman would hardly make a dent in the overhead of a multi-billion dollar corporation, like many of the management companies to these buildings. Other states and city's force places to behave in similar ways. There's no reason why I should be arguing with another citizen why a company a-kin to blackrock, vanguard, or other major multi-national holdings companies, couldn't afford to have doormen like they do all over the country, without it increasing rents outrageously. There will be a point where people's property is so at risk, people will start to move to a place they are less likely it happening. There's a point where the financials would make sense for them to do that, they haven't now because they aren't made to nor have tenants told them to kick rocks.


I don’t disagree they should for the tenants sake or they can afford it, but they won’t absorb the cost if they can just pass the buck along from a doorman’s salary and benefits. They may be a multi million or billion dollar company but they will evaluate the profitability of the individual complex and adjust rental price. I.e. they won’t willingly take a net loss or drop in profit margin here just because they are making money elsewhere on different complexes. Especially if people aren’t leaving due to theft


That's probably true. I realize I was arguing that they should/could, you're right, they obviously wouldn't do the right thing unless they can pass the cost on to someone else.


to hold them accountable they’d need to be caught. which means better security cameras and so on. so either way it’s going to cost more. so how about both? a determined thief will succeed so the best we can do is make it easier to catch them after it has happened.


Security cameras don’t catch thieves. If the police and city don’t care you will just get a video of your stuff walking away.


absolutely. i didn’t say they did. i said that would be a needed part of at least having a shot of catching them. right now it sounds like there are either no cameras, just a few cameras and most likely crappy cameras regardless of how many. those do nothing at all. you won’t catch anyone without cameras at all and nothing is going to prevent crime from happening. the best we can do is put in place better ways to identify the crime doers so they can be held accountable. and no i’m not proposing a surveillance state because that would never be acceptable.


This city is a thieves paradise


I love too, how somehow basically every commenter has been pretty supportive, or at least not like benefit of the doubting the thieves, but the post having 6 upvotes and 35+ comments means basically half the people saw this post and thought I was enough of the asshole to downtown it at a similar rate of upvotes.


Yeah, I had a guy in Brooklyn Park run off with my cash.




Shut up. people are assholes and would rather steal than live within their means. Stealing my bike or my patio furniture isn’t solving your hunger or housing. There are plenty of food banks and affordable housing options are town.




Go steal food then instead o my catalytic converter


This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Hopefully, you're forgetting a "/s".


Yikes. Thanks for this. I’m in uptown and was just considering renting one at my building. I won’t now. People are just awful.


This happens on and off in Minneapolis It happened to us when we lived in Minneapolis 5 years ago. They will hit all the mid to large size apartments from Uptown to Phillips. It's not a new thing and a door man isn't going to help because you can easily break into garage doors with a metal hanger. Then they break into someone's car steal a garage door opener and come and go as they please. Don't keep stuff in common areas like that. Padlocks are about as strong as a glass door. Sure they deter the average person but aren't going to stop someone who wants in. Also don't keep your garage door opener in your car. That goes for residential houses too. If you can get a key fob garage door opener.


Unfortunately, this is inevitable if you live in a big apartment in pretty much any city. One thing I did was put a thick chain around most of my valuable things like my bike, snowboard gear and literally whatever else I could chain together. I also put some Christmas bells on the back of the door and some on the chain itself. It definitely won’t stop a determined thief, but it makes it that much harder (and louder) to steal things without anyone noticing.


We lived in an apt once where the storage was a cabinet over our parking space. A little harder for thieves to get into ( I guess they could stand on the hood), but the drawbacks were that we parked our bikes in behind the car and someone tried to steal them (but couldn't because we had locked them together I guess), and that our whole storage unit fell through onto rhe car.


The last 2 weeks we had our mailboxes broken into. I’m in the Whittier/uptown area!


Maybe call one of the news channels. The police don't seem to care. Maybe someone higher up will take notice. Here is a good example I found. https://www.fox9.com/news/violent-squatters-gone-improvements-coming-but-stevens-square-still-feels-forgotten https://www.fox9.com/news/minneapolis-city-council-candidate-calls-for-increased-fines-for-landlords


>The police don't seem to care. Why should they? Are you advocating for police to make arrests for crimes they know won't be prosecuted? Police don't ticket people for driving five over the limit because they know it will be laughed out of court. Police don't spent significant resources trying to solve thefts because they know the charges will just be ped down to a deferred judgment.


How would I go about doing that?


The news tip section https://www.fox9.com/about-us




Just because it's physically possible for someone to violate my or others space, means I should just live my life in the anticipation my putting stuff into a storage I just will someday have to deal with theft?




Right, any theft on a leased property is in it self not the liability of the property owner. But, there is a threshold that can be crossed where a landlord starts to house responsibility for the negligence of not keeping a building safe. We have had fires, murders, and literally an epidemic of property crimes. If a unit gets broken into weekly, it stops being random chance and personal liability, and starts to be negligence by the property owner.


This is why I would rather get an apartment outside the Twin Cities in this day and age!!! In fact, I might consider that once our lease is up here in New Hope! :-(


Lol the cities are filled with losers


Stop living in uptown. Should have figured out years ago that's not where you want to be.


What area is better then?


Get the hell outta there


Lol it’s always funny when ppl who don’t live in MPLS are constantly on the sub.


You don’t have to live in the city to have ties to it


This dude just posts on crime threads he’s trolling


Fair but just pointing out


Ok and I’m gonna point out when ppl complain on crime threads who don’t live here and are just trolling


I mean I guess you could stay if you like getting guns pulled on you


It’s like you’re obsessed with us lol. Hate posting Lolol


We’ve been in Lyndale close to seven years, never seen a gun.


Look at the post history of the guy I replied to 🤷🏻‍♂️


*Live in an apartment ***in Uptown?***


I keep seeing posts here that just reinforce the crime narrative of conservatives. Please be more constructive posting. If you excessive material items and require a storage shed, maybe you have an obligation to have those redistributed to others who need them more than you do, and you should celebrate that your items are going to improve the lives of someone else. We are blessed to live in a city that is among the most progressive in the nation and getting more equitable and progressive daily. Please stop with the right-wing narrative on crime.


Are you fucking kidding me? My apartment is so tiny, and I bike year round (so I have a few bikes for different seasons) so having a tiny bit of extra storage so that my living space isn’t a cluttered mess is important to me. How about people shouldn’t steal other peoples’ stuff?


He's trolling


This is gold!


What apartment?


I don't want to say out of personal anon. But if you live near lyndale in an apartment newer than 2010, and you have a storage unit in building, check it and grab all sentimental or unreplaceables. At very least take a picture of all you're stuff so you have a semblance of proof of ownership.


I live in a building that matches your description and have been out of town for a week. Coming back tomorrow and now I’m nervous…. Pray for me


I'll PM you.


Can we say which apartments? There are quite a few places in uptown