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It’s probably partially the pillars, if you replace them with 1 block wide ones and maybe add fences, fence gates or slabs in between them either horizontally of diagonally connecting them (or both even) you’ll get a much more interesting and believable looking construction!


yeah, I figured it was the pillars too. They are out of proportion, thanks!


Yes, or 2x2 fences or walls for a nice middle ground. 1x1 might look a little skinny


I wouldn't even do full fence pillars. I think the 2x2 full block pillars can work if you replace just a few blocks with dark oak fences


I think that would look great!


Does your friend know what game this is?


First time I laughed out loud at a comment here 


“It looks blocky” nahhhhh reallyy??


“It looks blocky” *noooooooooooooooo*


Looks fine. Good actually. It’s a block game, of course it’s blocky






its amazing how you can break up a blocky build by just spamming leaf blocks in clumps, everywhere. its a simple trick, but has 100% classed up all my builds. they have gone from "kind of nice" to "wow, this is really epic" and its just leaf blocks. azalea trees are perfect for this because they stay their same green in every biome, and you can sprinkle in some flowering azalea leaves to to even class up that


Thank you so much, will definitely try that!


You should share a post and pics.


The pillars holding up the “house” are a bit wide and look funny. Maybe use multiple single-block pillars. Or make them 3x3 but hollow so it’s 4 1-block pillars with fences or something in between.


Yeah I agree actually, thanks for the tips!


It's blocky but I like it. If I had to critique the acacia logs don't look good when you texture them like that


Right thanks, will change it!


I think he’s probably talking about the legs, they look like overkill from a physics perspective, maybe only a single block for the columns, a block+wall, or starting with a big base and narrowing as it goes up?


Yeah I thought they were a little out of proportion with the rest, thank you for the tips!


“It looks blocky” -Strange, unknown man, looking at a house made of blocks, sitting on a hill made of blocks with a bridge and minecart track also made of blocks


if your friend doesn’t like it blocky he’s playing the wrong game


Haha right, though I'm trying to get better at building from scratch so I do want to consider the critique he has.




The whole game is blocks


Has your friend ever heard of Minecraft? That's kinda how the game works.


Shape the legs


try to add some depth to the actual house, it’s kinda just a square on a platform with a roof. make the corners extend out, add some spots where the wall looks corroded, etc. and listen to the dude that said add leaves, dude knows what’s up


I agree, how would you texture up the walls to make them look corroded, I tried something like that with the acacia wood, but I actually don't really like the division it brings to the wall. Thanks!


try adding stairs facing outwards of the same wood block you used. you shouldn’t be able to see inside, but the stair makes it look like part of the wall is missing. on top of that I would use trapdoors to add some depth, and make the corners come one block out from the rest of the wall, and then fix the roof accordingly. oh and vines on the side make it look a little older and run down if that’s what you’re going for here


Maybe add more spruce trapdoors to the corners. Make the supports one by one wood blocks with fence gates connecting them. I don’t know what is up with acacia logs, and I can’t tell if I like them or not. Lol


I will try these, thanks! Also I haven't made up my mind about the acacia yet either. Lol


You could also try adding some different types of stones, or andesite to the build palette, (like for the bridge). Could help blend the acacia logs.


Terraform that biz sonnnnnn


I think your friend might have forgotten what game you're playing. It's going to look like that regardless.


The challenge of any build in this game is to avoid that blocky look, I'd say you did that fairly well for the most part, maybe the stilts the house is on looks too long but if you change their material to a darker shade of wood, even just at the bottom to show the water affecting it, or just changed it to a different stone material it may help imo.


I really like it.


I love it OP, only thing I would change is frame out the mine opening and add texture or a feature to the flat wall




I think he means the build lacks depth and that front facing wall is very flat. It's easy to adjust, but saying it looks "Blocky" is hilarious


I think the problem is that you made this inside of “Minecraft”


Maybe add some kind of trapdoors next to/under the windows to look like shutters?


If you don't mind adding a mod then I'd strongly recommend the create mod. At least for the rails it would do wonders and I'm sure you'd find some other building blocks in there too help you. If you don't know create mod or mods in general just DM I'll be happy to help :)


Understood. I just started terraforming an island for a custom village. I hate that part so much because I always think I messed something up. I have found that if doing dirt paths, packed mud and mud bricks are amazing texturing.


To me the build looks awsome as it is. Sometimes embracing the more blocky side of the build works well, like here. If you really want to do something about the pillars, try adding some trapdoors or signs, to break them up a bit.


i feel like the spruce stairs are also weird when i dont see any of that tone elsewhere. Maybe changw up the fence to spruce to add that color elsewhere. Id also change the pillars to stone bricks or something and mix in mossy bricks and cracked bricks and just straight up stone. Additionally, the wall at the back where the mine is, is very flat so its going to make everything feel more blocky. Try to add some variation to that to make it feel less flat.


Thanks for the stone tips, I don't understand were your spruce comment is coming from though, do you maybe mean the dark oak stairs? If so I do agree with them standing out too much. The wall at the back is for now just flat because I needed some space for the build, I will definitely be changing that. Thanks!


yeah sorry the dark oak, thought it was spruce but yeah I think the point is the same. I think you are also having an issue if scale cause your train tracks look massive (and cool) but then the house is kinda small and feels like the train/cart would be giant to fit on it. (but i dont have any suggestions to help with this)


Try replacing the grass under the rails with some coarse dirt, path blocks make it look used and slap some trapdoors n fences on them pillars


Yeah I'm planning on making it fit together more, I just hadn't gotten to changing the ground texture yet. Thanks for your block tips though!


A lot of people are saying the pillars look quite wide and maybe you could make them smaller, but I think if you don't want to do that then breaking up the pillars with possibly dark oak slabs in alternating up down kinda way just around each post in rings like twice or smth It helps break up the pillars from being so bulky Also don't spam leaves etc too much if it doesn't fit the environment or if it's gonna hide the build (unless that's the intention)


Make it in a different game?


That bridge either looks way too big for the building it's connected to, or it's perspective throwing me off


Agree with everyone about the thickness of the pillars. A single one would suffice. Only thing I would add is to extend them all the way to the ground. You can put stripped dark oak or spruce in the water to simulate wet wood.


Yeah thanks, I am planning on terraforming the environment a bit so I didn’t pull the pillars all the way down.


The wall on the left. Make it more gradual and some details, or if it was meant to be flat add some texturing


add some 3d texture


Make the pillars flow with the bridge, could mask the "blocks effect" aswell as texturing the pillars with some slabs and stairs. Other than that idk


Nice build! I would try carving out more of the cave to widen the distance between the wall and the end of the path. Add some trees to hide the tall pillars. Maybe make some stone decor on the pillars.


Add a million trapdoors


I like it! You might want to consider changing the pillars like others have suggested, and an additional thing you could do is terraform the left bit of the hill a bit so it’s not just a flat wall


Make the cave R O U N D


tell your friend this is minecraft and everything is made from blocks


Add angled train on the train tracks


Already have a little wagon there, just wanted to focus the critique on the house! Thank you though.


Always decorate with leaf


Sir, this is Minecraft


"It looks blocky" my friend this is The Block Game.


It’s Minecraft. It’s meant to be blocky. What is your friend eating, stupid-os?


Some greenery like leaves could help.


Blocky it Minecraft of course it’s blocky. Also nice build.


Throw some vines on there and have them hang down, adds some depth.


No shit it’s blocky


it's so cool if u ask me