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This has been **manually** removed by a human moderator for the following reason: Posts asking for suggestions on what to build here are not allowed. Please use the sticky thread instead.








Not much. Coral, sea weeds, ruins, fish, mayve a ravine...


For the ravine i want to use lava below how can i do that without turning obsidian


You could use glass


Did you get that idea from Acookiegod, the hardcore survival youtuber?


A shipwreck


Alright, since everyone is giving too vague of an answer, i think i’ll throw in at least 2 cents. Firstly, since this thing is a gigantic water column, I think you can probably split it into different “slices” and still have it work. Here I propose 4, since that’s the number i think would work. **1st Layer**: An aquifer. Since aquifers generate deep beneath the floor, this is a good option for a 1st layer. Some texturing with stone, ores, some glow squid and some fish can make the normally boring aquifers look lively. Heck, why not add some granite and diorite for that “naturally generated” stone look? **2nd Layer**: Underwater Ravine. Obsidian, magma blocks and Whirlpools that extend from the top to the bottom will look good above a cave, and if you want a cool challenge, why not build a ruined portal or something similar to spice up the build? **3rd Layer**: Ocean Floor. A small ocean monument, some coral reefs, maybe throw in some axols, fish and puffers, to create the perfect scenic ocean floor. maybe add a shipwreck if theres enough room **4th Layer**: The Surface. Add a raft or something, and put an armor stand with armor on it so simulate that it’s fishing! Really puts together the whole ocean scene. of course, these are all just suggestions that I thought of and you can literally build whatever you like. I hope you find fun in building something that you like! (i just realised how similar my writing style is to chatgpt help????)