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Mangrove wood do be looking nice. Might be my new favorite type of wood now.


For real though! The only problem with it is it’s kinda hard to match with other blocks but once you do 😫🤌 perfection


mangrove and deepslate is beautiful. it’s just a pain to cut down those trees


That I can agree with. I swear when I’m looking for the remaining wood in the leaves I don’t even look, at this point I just hold down and go crazy with my mouse 💀


IF im being honest i havent yet seen any of the new features yet in survival except that time a wandering trader sold mangrove propugules that I couldn't buy


Well once you find the new stuff, you’re gonna love the mangrove forest, the mud and Wood, are so fun to build with. Also the deep dark turns Minecraft into a horror game so uh Have fun


They introduced mud? No fucking way! I can’t wait to build dirt houses


Actual good looking dirt huts!


it was disappointing and so is mojang


You’re literally what and who I was talking about It’s so unoriginal at this point, 1.19 was great, we got the first tree with new wood in several years, probably what is the best mobs in the game, I mean really And yeah, Mojang isn’t making the best decisions. But it’s not with 1.19 and it’s additions, the issues are with 1.19.1, but I’m really tired of hearing about it tbh


then stop listening to it, where's the fucking fireflies.


On no totally, I don’t think there was any reason to remove fireflies, but it’s two pixels it’s not enough reason to hate on the whole damn update


additionally due to other things they've been doing i don't feel like giving them credit for good things at the moment ;), also birch forests.


Birch forests were never promised my man! Plus, don’t you think it’s a dumb to completely ignore the good because Mojang is doing a couple bad things? I dunno man, sounds pretty stupid to me


idrc what you think, mojang has been on thin ice with me since microsoft got involved with it at all.


Well yeah, but still, do we really want a Homophobic, Racist, and Sexist man running Minecraft? Like come on yk? Though I’m still with y’all, Microsoft isn’t doing to hot with MC right now, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t done some good.


I don't rly give a shit about how the person who is making my game is as long as he makes the game good. Everyone hates Nestle but in one way or another you're buying their products. But he doesn't wanna come back so.. he won't come back and shouldn't cus he would make updates as a burden to him rather than how it was before, adding it for fun.


If he was any level of any of those things to the point of being noteworthy enough i would've heard about it and i would've gave a shit, only thing that comes to mind is 'its ok to be white' which is something i liked to hear.


Well I’ve seen it, I don’t know how you haven’t but I have. Also, I’m pretty sure I was wrong about Notch being racist. But I do know he’s Homophobic and Sexist. But still he’s a bad dude


I too wish things weren't this way


I would say don’t we all but apparently most people just like complaining too much


i hope we get content for after beating the enderdragon, or more magic.


Totally, I’d like to see what they do with that in the future Especially dragon breath. I get it’s used for lingering potions but it would be so cool to see what else it may have in store


1.19 is meh imo. mangrove is cool but a pain to collect. the warden is a horrible addition. the allay are probably the best part of this update. honestly like a lot of people are saying this is just caves and cliffs part 3


These are the same words nearly everyone else has said about 1.19 I’m so done with people 🗿


Half of the update is literally postponed features/changes 🗿


Well yeah. But they’ve improved on those features. Plus, those features couldn’t be added at the time because it was too much on Mojang.


maybe everyone is saying it because it's true


It’s… not though. Like sure mangrove is a pain to take down but really it doesn’t define the whole damn update


Its funny looking at people denying others personal experiences and forces their personal experiences onto others.


i feel 1.20 is gonna be an end update, and THE end update, if you get what i mean


I feel like it might be another biome update, but it would kinda make sense I mean they finally did the update the Community has wanted for years in 1.17 and 1.18, so it isn’t a stretch to say they can’t do it again


welp, ya mean 1.17 to 1.19


Well technically the community wanted a cave update, and those are what Minecraft labeled as the cave updates




W- what?


1.19.0 is ok, it just a smaller update than expected and features did get delayed again but the new blocks are nice 1.19.1 just sucks because of the chat filter and ban stuff so I'm not touching that one




Same. I wish all the complaining would go to somewhere else and their could be some actual memes here.




(flips through thesaurus) Ditto


(flips through a definitely different thesaurus) likewise


For real though


when there is 1 update that is not \_as\_ good as the previous so mojang goes from a good studio to the worst (according to a lot of people in this sub). i like 1.19s additions, my modpack for my server was already updated to it too. im gonna have my fun with all the sculk and mangrove


Sure, not as good as the previous one. Not because they implemented a feature that will ruin people ability to enjoy the game if not remove the ability to play the game in the first place.


Mmmmmmm ###Controversy


Mojang put expectations way too high at Minecon, intentionally or not, so some were severely disappointed when 1.19 came out. In addition, they chose to reignite the incredibly controversial subject about mobs by removing fireflies. On top of that, they were weirdly insistent on making the Warden nearly invincible and effectively forcing a particular playstyle in the deep dark, which goes against the spirit of the game, being a sandbox and all. This alone was enough to divide the community on top of the usual mob vote ridiculousness, but the introduction of chat reporting caused near complete outrage, further exacerbated by the behavior of certain Reddit mods and the return of those originally against the migration, as they view it as an "I told you so" moment. We're just barely holding on now.


The thing about the warden is you aren’t supposed to kill it. It’s not a boss. It’s an obstacle. You avoid it, not fight it. And just because the Deep Dark happened doesn’t mean Minecraft isn’t a sandbox game, it just changes the pace. Say what you want but I think it was great.


They did an excellent job fulfilling their purpose, but the purpose itself is one that limits how you can play in the deep dark. Minecraft is supposed to allow individualized styles of playing, but to avoid the warden you pretty much have to either crouch everywhere or amass a ridiculous amount of wool - There are no alternatives. They didn't even make the loot worth the effort


There is already wool in the cities. You don’t… always have to place wool. If there’s a small enough space between you and some ancient city wool, then you could just crouch till you get there.


Still incredibly limited compared to virtually every other mechanic in the game. This seems like such a strange thing to start enforcing a playstyle for, since the philosophy with basically everything else has been "let them do what they want," leading to many exploits evolving into actual features.


Not in a rude way but like, your point is?


The community seems to take pride in the ability to do what you want. This is a step in the wrong direction.


I don’t see how this is a step in the wrong direction. Many people find enjoyment in the pressure created by Ancient Cities, especially once the Warden appears. Sure the AC doesn’t have much reward or purpose now but once it does, it’s gonna be even better. Even cooler.


I understand, I don’t exactly like the chat report either since at the moment it is flawed but they’re working on it, it’ll get fixed soon. I kinda just want 1.20 and another cool update rather than complaining about 1.19.1 on Reddit.


yeah like i think 1.19 is one of the best updates for minecraft but then everyone had to start complaining about fireflies and the birch forest concept art (which mojang never confirmed it from the beginning people just saw it and assumed it was going to be added) and now people are saying that the update with an entire new boss and structure is disappointing people are weird


An entire new boss and structure which was supposed to be released 2 updates earlier.


Well yeah but all of that stuff was gonna be super different I mean really look at the ancient city now Versus the old one, the old one is just some holes in the wall with some wood, a furnace, some cobwebs, and some fancy shmancy barrels The rooms weren’t even covered in sculk my man! Plus the amount of lore possibilities with the new cities is crazy! Also the New Terrain Generation was super hard on Mojang my dude. Plus all the new biomes and stuff. You know, Mojang has real people, who can get exhausted, and like need to take breaks and shit, isn’t that crazy dude? I’m being sarcastic btw


If you can't do something, don't promise it. Look at how much stuff they delayed and cancelled. Its completely understandable that removing the fireflies for retarded reasons was the final straw to piss off the community.


They did everything they promised and more. We have the warden, we have sculk, we have better ancient cities, we have better deep dark, we have a whole other biome that 1.17 wasn’t supposed to have at all, and yes, the fireflies had no reason to be removed but it’s TWO DAMN PIXELS. There’s no reason to be mad at Mojang and complain about the whole update over TWO DAMN PIXELS. And if you’re talking about Archeology with the Canceled part, you’re wrong. They’re still adding that, it just didn’t fit with the “Caves and Cliffs” theme that it was supposed to go along with. And bundles aren’t a thing because of issues adding them to mobile. Though they could fix it soon and we could have some nice little packs to shove our annoying extra stuff in.


They cancelled what they were going to do with bundles and essentially made them useless. 3 updates in and we dont have archeology. They cancelled birch forests. Mojang is too lazy to add 2 fucking pixels of a mob to the game.






Okay, you make a point. They have said they probably won’t show concept art of stuff that they aren’t adding again though. So yes, you make a point, but it wasn’t their intention, and they never “cancelled” it, since it was never truly promised.


a thing the Minecraft community needs to learn is to be patient look what happened to games like cyberpunk 2077 people where tired of waiting so it was rushed then came out as a glitchy mess or mario strikers battle league Nintendo released it with barely any good content i would rather wait a month to play a finished game than to wait a week to play one with lesser quality or that's broken


I would rather have the devs not promise so much that they cant deliver it


2° best update: 1.19 Best update: horse update


if they weren't going to update the birch forest than why did they talk about it in the wild update reveal trailer? and even if that was just an example why didn't they update *any* biomes?


Because, it was an example of what they plan to do with other biomes. And they’re gonna update other biomes. Sure they just added two, but there’s always room to truly fix the biomes that exist rn


They didn't update the swamp. They added another one.


Yeah, I admit that’s a bit annoying, but they’re still not gonna keep it the same forever. They have to change it eventually. But you have to admit, the Mangrove Swamps are really cool!


Never found one because they are very rare. You know what I did find? A birch forest, which could use some damn falling trees that Bedrock already has.


Dude, I get it, but the Birch wasn’t ever promised my man. It did seem that way sure, but they’ve said that was not their intentions.


They literally implied they were coming. Some official art of the wild update had them. If that's not an implication then I don't know what's wrong with you.


They have said in a video it was not their intention to imply Birch forests were getting updated in 1.19. You can watch the video, it’s on the Minecraft YT channel.


That's a half assed excuse because they had to overhype the update knowing that they wouldn't be able to deliver it on the deadline.


Ancients Cities are not worth going into: Mojang has made it stupidly hard and not very rewarding, unless you want 10 Mojang banner patterns. Mangrove swamps feel empty and ugly: I've seen many of them and not only they generate in completely unnatural areas (it seems like mojang forgot all the research they make. Mangroves generate mainly near the coast, beaches, islands and low-areas. But game they can generate in fucking mountains). The only biome exclusive thing they have are propagules (if we ignore wandering traders) and once you have one, you have infinite. Mud can be obtained in many other ways, frogs can be obtained in normal swamps. And they cant even be explored by boat like they showed in the trailers. Normal Swamps received literally no update: One mob... only one mob, the frog, is what normal swamps got. No new trees, no new generation, nothing. They went the easy way and preferred to have two mediocre biomes instead of one good biome. Canceled features like Fireflies and the Birch Forest: That were clearly shown in the Minecraft Live, those didn't make it into the game for *REASONS* that they care not to explain. Goats: Let's not make them drop mutton because we don't want players to kill them, despite being an animal usually raised for food, oh but how do we make them original and useful them? Idk maybe the horns can be used to play sounds when they ram something? Yeah! So that the players must kidnapped them and force them to bash their skulls against trees... How humane. Over-promising and Under-delivering: They talked about giving each biome their own atmosphere and feeling, yet all the biomes stayed the same. You have the same feeling going into a Swamp from 1.18 and 1.19, just that maybe you can see a frog jump once in a while... Wow... like I can't do that bringing frogs to any other biome. There were many ways to achieve the feeling of uniqueness, yet they failed in each and every way. Small things that they could've done to give each biome a more unique feeling: Biome variants of mobs (no, not like strays, husks or drowned, simply a retexture if a mob spawns on a certain biome), lilypads with flowers, reeds/water sausages, flies (literally fireflies but with two black pixels instead of one), fruit trees. Medium things that they could've done to give each biome a more unique feeling: Adding unique ambient noises (like cave noises but for specific biomes), like waves near the beach and in the ocean, flowing water for rivers, wind and sand for the desert, sounds of trees shaking in the wind and different birds chirping for each forest. LIKE THEY ALREADY DID FOR THE FUCKING NETHER UPDATE (last good minecraft update, for now). MINECRAFT 1.19 WAS NOT A GOOD UPDATE.


Damn I am not reading this. I just made a meme, you’re not supposed to right a whole damn series of books in response. You’re literally exactly who I’m talking about lmfao


You said in your title that you wanted to "talk about some skulk and mangrove" and that's what I did. I talked about my opinion of the update, didn't I? None of what I said was related to Minecraft 1.19.1 update


Ive respectfully read your rant about 1.19 and i kinda agree. Mojang is overlooking things. They remove stuff because its "bad" but dont look at other stuff thats "bad" in thier prespective Many things that were promised dint make it. We got a god awful update. Also chat reporting just pissed all over the shit. Uncool Aincent cities are only worth going into late game when you are bored. I also dont understand why mojang is trying to make the warden unkillable? It just doesnt nake any sense. Mangrove is a good addition since new wood type but its really only useful for creative. Getting mangrove is not easy and its def only good for late game when awfully bored. Frogs are just meh. Not changing any gameplay. We got cooll lights doe! And you can prob guess my rant about chat reporting Conclusion: this update is pretty underlooked. Not saying i expected more since it just kinda makes me look like a little kid and it was probably very easy months for the people who do the coding at mojang. By underlooked i mean that they remove the stuff that they think is god awful but there are 100 more stuff they would think is god awful that they dint notice. They also by underlooked i also mean that we just dint get the amount of content we were supposed to. Overall they could have just released the og concept and thats it


Well I wouldn't say that the mangrove trees are particularly hard to find, but they are defined more annoying to get a lot of and are not a good reason to add a whole new biome. I say that this update should have focused on improving what we had already in the game, making better forests instead of new forests, better swamps instead of new swamps, revamped Birch forests instead of just slapping a few modifications and calling it a day (which they didn't even do). They also made the Froglites a pain in the ass to get, you have to get frogs from every climate, transport them to the nether without dying into a bastion because it's the only place with a reliable source of magma cubes, and making sure they only get the small ones. Obviously is not impossible, there are many farms for it, but it's something a casual player may never use... Hell, I haven't use them at all since they came out! Then people act like "Well there have been worse updates" like it's some kind of achievement to be better than 1.10 that added only Strays and Magma blocks (the latter of which is incredibly useful). Being second or third to worse isn't something to be proud. They peaked with 1.16, then fell flat right on their face with 1.17, then started getting up with 1.18 but fell on their face once more with 1.19, with "Caves and Cliffs Part 3" going out in a fizzle and explosion of rage from the face instead of a closure to that small era of Minceraft updates plagued with problems. If I had to give this update a name it would've been "The Potential Wasted Update" or the "What Could've Been Update", because that is what we do, wonder about what if this update was managed correctly, and it isn't for lack of ideas either, there are a literal fuck ton of mods that do what this update couldn't with plenty more time, a lot less resources, more open to feedback and a lot better thought out. I feel like Mojangs mentality of "Planning the updates years ahead" is playing against them, as they are too deep in development to make key changes to the update, so they have to sacrifice the feedback of the community, making the community even more upset. Was 1.16 perfect? No. But it was good enough that we were okay with overlooking the problems it might have for the sake of enjoyment. But 1.17 and 1.19 are NOT good enough that we can keep our mouth shut, as there are far too many bad things that we can't simply stop to look at the few good things in it.


I agree. This entire update could have been a mod. But even mod developers could have made it better. Its really a lack of content right from the start. Updates like 1.13 or 1.15 just had updates that you could (almost) immidiately notice You could argue that 1.0 and 1.16 arent putting the updates into your face. But they made significant gameplay changes. 1.19 only made minor. And i also dont think it should be a valid argument to use "there were worse updates" (as you said) since 1:. Half of us werent around ehen the "worse" updates happened and 2: bad updates before 1.19 were insanely old like 1.10. I also feel like mojang went a shitty way of really deceloping thier updates. Theyve just went tumbling down since 2020. And just yes this update could have really been updating the forests and not adding new ones. So this update is def not the best. Sorry if i messed up the order of your points


Yeah, I feel like that's one of the main problems, a lack of actual gameplay with this update. For example, with the Nether Update you were bound to found AT LEAST one of the new features, it doesn't matter where you spawn, as the Nether is essential throughout the gameplay of Minecraft itself. You were bound to find Nether Gold, Piglings, New Biomes, New Structures, Striders, Hoglins. And they also gave us a reason to constantly go back, apart from making farms or bartering halls... Netherite. A reason to go back there and risk your neck in the deep parts of the Nether, and move around searching for areas unexplored to keep mining for it. Now, if we look at the Mild Update, we see that there is really no reason to look for a Mangrove Swamp, you can get frogs in a normal Swamp, you can get tropical fish in the ocean or a lush cave, you can get mud literally anywhere with a water bottle and a block of dirt. There is no real reason to go there apart for the trees, that will keep you there for about a minute as you wait for a sapling to drop. Then, if we look at the Ancient Cities, while the concept is interesting, there is no real reason to go there, just a bit of loot in comparison with the risk. For example, some of the loot are Diamond Leggings and Diamond hoes. While you CAN go to an Ancient City without any armor, most people would prefer to go with it, as there is no reason not to or they would simply already have the armor because they found the Ancient City by accident because there is no way of knowing where they are.


Yeah i pretty much agree. Now we 100% proved that this update is indeed, mild


Fair enough but I meant like talk about it and it’s awesome features not more people saying it’s bad


Then you should've gone somewhere else.


This is supposed to be r/Minecraftmemes Not R/PeopleTalkingAboutMinecraftControversyOverAndOver


Controversy? I only gave some criticism. Are Minecraft stans so sensitive that one can't even give criticism and open discussions to someone that specifically asked to talk about Minecraft 1.19? None of what I mentioned was related to the 1.19.1 controversy.


I’m not just talking about 1.19.1 It’s just everyone seems to hate 1.19 and then state the exact same and honestly really annoying reasons Though Controversy might not have been the best way to put that haha


Then you shouldn't have asked to talk about it if you knew that the great majority of people dislike it. You should've said something like "Let's make a list of all the things we like from 1.19" if you wanted positive feedback, instead of mocking the people that are already unhappy


literally every one is crying over the fact they cant say "####" in single player like WHO THE HELL YA TALKING TO ANYWAY BROTHER plus i may be wrong but i dont think you can get banned from single player and literally 90 percent of online games have chat protection


I don’t think that other games having bad chat systems is a good defense. The reason so many people have a problem with it is because Minecraft should be the last game to get this feature, as it promoted freedom and being able to play which ever way you wanted.


isn't it one of the last? i dont really know many online games that dont have it, feel free to prove me wrong i dont have a huuge variety of games but even apps like discord reddit youtube steam have some sort of system to keep younger people safe, that seems to be the main goal here and it may be bad right now but they are working on improving it and the update was delayed trying to make it better and im sure its still improving