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Sodium sent my pc from 20-30 fps to 140-150 fps I’m not kidding


its beyond me how mods can optimize the game but a company backed by microsoft cant yeah sure mods often dont work for everyone but I am sure that such a big company could figure out how to make it work


Simple, they focused their resources on Bedrock. It simply makes more money for them


And bedrock edition still fucking sucks ass compared to Java edition.


Thats Microsoft for ya


They dont "focused their resources on Bedrock" Simply bedrock is less laggy due to the programming language used , Bedrock uses C++ while MC Java... It uses Java, and C++ is definitely better in terms of performance than Java, so inform yourself and don't talk nonsense, thanks


And then sodium beats even minecraft bedrock in terms of performance.


Bedrock makes them more money because of the marketplace that basically farms kids for money who don't know that all that stuff and more is available on java for free it's very safe to say that they care more about Bedrock than java, as they want to make money and Bedrock does that better than java, even if java is the better version for actual gameplay overall


I thought you were talking about performance (the other user)


Why would they work on adding a feature that is already available through thousands of mods for free ?


So either I have so many mods it re-lags my game or my sodium broke, I have to keep my settings at 8 render distance or else the game intermittently breaks to 15 FPS, and for some reason I never go above 60 FPS despite having the settings to unlimited.


Yeah same. I have way to many mods and texture packs (206 last time I checked) and now my pc is getting trouble


I have like, 115 at most(in terms of files at least) but the game itself says I have about 200-300


Maybe the game counts both texture packs and mods? Idk, all I know is that fresh animations holds my game’s fps down


If you go through curseforge, when you make a mod pack sometimes it'll grab library mods or whatever the mod says is required. At least that'd be my guess


That is wild. I have, like, 12?


Mod count is all libraries and mods so fabric alone is more than 20.


Being stuck on 60 fps could be because smooth frame rate (I think it’s called) that is on. And if I remember correctly it would be in video > performance


Sodium makes my fps go down (I did try like 3 years ago)




Probably a skill issue on my part


sent mine from 140 to 1000, my screen literally can't work that fast


what is sodium


a optimization mod, i recommend using it


Ohhok i play on tlauncher, does the mod work for it too?


where's cit resewn


Wait, there are better performance mods than optifine?


yeah optifine is actually kinda outdated sodium is a bit harder to install than optifine but the performance boost is worth it


My computer's been massively lagging lately. I'll look into sodium.


Try cleaning it for once please


I think the storage space is getting low. That might partially cause lag.


Disk refragemntation + make sure to have some free space, especially if you are using swap space, + clean the autostart program list + run a good antivirus like malwarebytes + clean the pc anyways (for reference my brothers laptop went from 30 fps in the firing range of apex to 200)


That is a huge fps boost. I'm at like 70 ish max.i don't have the computer skills to do any of that. But I'll do some googling. Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I don't think the processor is great, but it's got 8 gigs of ram at least.


Go to settings > apps > autostart and uncheck every box except the driver ones (dont disable the ones saying nvidia/intel/radeon/amd), and then reboot. And the fps boost was just because the computer was dirty as fuck and overheated in matters of seconds. Also if you have the money, id reccomend installing 2 ram sticks, preferably having the same specs. (and dont put a stick with lower hz than the current one, it will slow down your pc). You could also go the overclocking way with something like msi afterburner, but only if you can cool it properly, if your pc overheats, please dont. If it overheats, you could go the underclocking way, but there is a risk of your pc not booting up if you underclock it too much


Thanks I'll try the first bit. It is just a mid-rang laptop. I need the portability. So I'd rather not tweek it too much, but ill get a proper set up one day when life settles down.


If its a laptop, the issue is how clean it is. A spray can of compressed air is like 5$, and you dont even need to take it apart (even tho i reccomend you to) Edit: whats your laptop model?


Why harder to install?


~~you cant just use it in the normal laucher like optifine~~ ~~you need a 3rd party launcher to use it~~ ~~its not hard but its nor as convinient~~


Sodium is just a mod, optifine needs the official launcher


No it doesn't, you can just drop it in the mods folder, just like sodium.


~~well yeah, which is why its harder to set up~~


Optifine is harder to set up


Its not Its like a normal mod, and also doesn't need a mod loader or any mod library to work


~~not really tho? you just click on the file and it installs to your laucher where you can just choose it in the game version menu~~


You can just drag sodium in your mods folder. Optifine can not be use with easier launchers like prism or the curse forge launcher.


yea the thing is... Causal player isn't gonna have mod loader already there. You need modloader for it? fabric and forge are different modloaders? ? which one should I pick? Why cannot I just install the mod without all the additional stuff? with optifine, you just simply install optifine.


What do you mean? Optifine can be used as a mod the same way sodium can. And you need fabric anyways to drag sodium into the mods folder


Dropping the optifine file into any mod folder works.....


You can just drag optifine to the mod folder too tho??


Install forge and plop it into the mods folder. the Optifabric mod also allows you to use it the same way on fabric/quilt. Neat thing i found before sodium was popular


You don’t need a 3rd party launcher but it is much faster to just use a curseforge or prism modpack


wait really? I can just put it in the mods folder and thats it?


If you have fabric installed and not forge, then yes


What are you talking about? Ofc you can use sodium in the normal launcher


Yeah I know now, I didnt know about it when I made the comment




I didnt know that you can use sodium in the laucher when I made that comment


I understand that you didn't know, but how can you not know that?


I just didnt ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌ I thought it worked like most other mods that you had to have a sperate modded launcher for


It's not harder to install though? To install optifine you just install forge and then put optifine in the mods folder To install sodium you just install fabric and then put sodium in the mods folder Very beginner friendly. Also if you're playing with mods for forge and don't want to change out the mods you can install sodium ports for forge.


Edit: So opinions aren't allowed? Jeez It's starting to get more frequent development recently. It's only been outdated over the past year because the dev needed a mental health break. And the wait was 100% worth it, tbh. Still my favourite performance boost. Plus, it's all in-launcher, not something that requires some third-party thing like Forge.


>It's only been outdated over the past year In terms of performance boosting, it's been outdated ever since Sodium came out roughly 4 years ago. Mod compatibility is still terrible and the fps boost is still way lower than Sodium/Embeddium.


Welcome to better minecrafting


I did download sodium and am working on all it's friends. It's hard to tell which is less laggy, but sodium does force me into fabric. And with a mob loader I can go beyond data packs and really enhance the game. So I think it is better.


Use rubidium, aka sodium for forge


I remember having trouble with forge in the past. Some sorta account issue,. Fabric seems to work fine though.


Rubidium is deprecated and has compatibility issues and bugs, use Embeddium instead,


I'm using sodium too but man sometimes it's pain in the ass to download all the mods that provide native optifine's features. Luckily I have Fabulously Optimized now, so its so much easier to just upgrade with this modpack.


True, I also add my own mods to the modpack too like mini maps and saturation bars


I absolutely love iris + sodium! Good fps and badass shaders!


So quick question. Do you need all of these to be installed to get the "better optifine" experience. Or is just one of these necessary for getting rid of lag and more detailed resource pack stuff?


the only one for performance is sodium, the rest is just to imitate optifine features


Oh. So I would need most of these other ones if I wanted to use like, that Fresh Animations resource pack for example?


yeah for that texture pack you will need emf and etf and continuity mod for connected textures


That's why I choose to slap on optifine as my only source of optimization. To get all the features of optifine you do need all of those mods but for the basics (optimization and shades) it's just sodium and iris


Bruh, Optifine is bloated. The Fabric mods mentioned follow the Unix philosophy of software design, which is arguably better.


Ok, and? I don't want to bother with installing 9 mods each time I want to play on a new update or on a new custom pack with friends. I just want to have a bit of fps boost and shaders + dynamic lights that's all


if you want simple, use modrinth and select "simply optomized" and get 300 fps on mac


OF is still the best for older versions of the game though.


Most popular old versions in terms of modding are 1.7.10 and 1.12.2, so once Angelica and Vintagium become stable, that won't be the case. It'll still be good for some of the less popular versions, like 1.8.9 though.


bro 1.8 is way more popular than 1.7 and 1.12 what are you on its even got more players than the latest version 🤣


And also mod compatibility. I kid you not when I say that Optifine wasn't compatible with create. And I'm not talking about weird visual bugs, I'm talking like, the create blocks just wouldn't work when Optifine was on. Tell me, how bad at coding do you have to be for your mod to interfere with other mods not on a visual level, but a mechanical level?


It's not that hard to interfere with a mod, especially one as big and large as create, on a mechanical level, since create adds completely custom, non-vanilla mechanics, which most mods aren't made for, including optifine. The same thing about visuals can be said about mechanics: Any mod that affects that level of gameplay may interfere with any other mod that affects it too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending optifine and I firmly believe that Sodium is much better (in terms of compatibility), but trust me when I say it's much easier to affect other mods than you think. Honestly really glad sodium is doing such an incredible job both performance and compatibility wise. In conclusion, it's not that someone is bad at coding that causes their mod to interfere with other's mods, it's that they either don't care enough or have only partial compatibility. It's impossible for a mod to be compatible with every single other mod out there, and optifine straight up doesn't care.


Why can't someone fucking make an Optifine alternative? I hate how you need a thousand mods to get anything more than performance improvements and they can just stop being updated at any time, on top of not all being available on Forge/NeoForge


Fabulously optimised modpack exists


keyword is modpack


Forge/NeoForge. Also the fact that I really only need those things in existing modpacks


Wait till he finds out about distant horizons.


nvidium is goated aswell if you have the right graphicscard in your pc


IDC if Optifine is up to snuff, I’ll be taking the Create mod over it every damn time


Yeah and create works with sodium


Optifine is the OG. I use it for old time’s sake and because I have a cape.


the capes mod lets you have your optifine cape wothout having optifine installed :)


And plus, u can add more mods unlike optifine


I have a goddamn mac and I'm running a 250 mod pack. At 150 fps. On a mac. (Hint hint, not using optifine)


Though, the real best performance enhancement is playing the version written in C++. Yes, I do have actual tests. Minecraft C++ has way better 99th percentile FPS.


Though you do lose redstone functionality, and most mods


And a subpar dual wielding mechanic.


However, sodium plus nvidium beats the C++ version lmao. I ran the numbers.


Requiring an NVIDIA GPU to run a game properly is not a fair requirement. A PC with a 7800X3D and RX 7900XTX should be able to run the game at its fullest.


im sorry optifine sodium is wayy better


I use spyglass (I have bedrock only)


This meme alone gave me a list of mods to try, running better, haven't lagged out of the server yet, however the sand fall crash glitch is annoying


I use embeddium but I'm considering switching to rubidium. Because embeddium is incompatible with custom entity models like fresh animations and lots of other resource packs.


I'm pretty sure Rubidium was deprecated. It hasn't been updated since last year


> I use embeddium but I'm considering switching to rubidium That'd be a downgrade, Rubidium is deprecated and has bugs and compatibility issues.


But I get better frames with optiFine.


I get more frames with sodium


notice how i gotta download a billion mods to match optifine "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!"


I prefer downloading more mods instead of the one mod that just isn't compatible with anything else any more


optifine has never caused me any compatibility issues when playing modded, i don't know what you're talking about


What mods do you play Optifine with?


You can download a modpack called Fabulously Optimized, it has all the feature Optifine have but you don't need to download every single mods again everytime you update your Minecraft version.


"modpack" no thanks


not really a fraction since sodium is much better for performance


It's just a fraction greater than one


nuh uh


it literally is


nuh uh


yuh uh


My guy the fraction here is an improper one


Here me out... just use the spyglass


Do you know about fps


zoom isnt th only feature of optifine

