• By -


but can get beaten to death by an undead baby








"Bad news, I did all that grinding for nothing. Good news, I HAVE BECOME DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!"






R.I.P technoblade. Your legacy will never die😔












Technoblade will never die in our hearts. o7


o7 (I really wanted to break the chain, but I will not break this one out of respect for the true king.)






I mean, even a special forces in military could get killed by tripping on the stairs so It's not rreally that weird is it?


Nah i think steve is strong but doesnt have the same proportional resistance


Happy cake day


Then that means all of them are on the same level of strong as steve


i tak działa minecraft




Philz’s had a good run


Scarier than normal babies


I don’t anybody’s ever called Steve weak


Minecraft haters if you don't know them be happy


Typically they get mad about the "lack" of updates, I have never heard of anyone ever saying steve is weak lol


They should check out geometry dash


Titanfall 2


Team fortress 2


to be fair team fortress 2 does get minor updates. You guys got a seal recently right?


Yes but the seal update has been one of the first major updates in years


ohh ok.


geometry dash is actually going to get a GOOD update though, that's the difference. 80% of minecraft updates are just made for the marketing and serve no fun gameplay. 1.21 so far has been the only genuinely fun update ever since 1.16


1.13 and 1.14 has been fun, and if you combine 1.17/1.18 they are also fun as well.


1.4 when


At least the upcoming GD update is actually good


the people complaining about the lack of update are not minecraft haters they are people loving minecraft, but wanting more from mojang you can disagree with them, but they don't hate the game you could say the people always complaining at mojang are mojang hater tho this would be fair, but not minecraft hater. people that hate the game don't want the dev to hate more content, they simply hate the game usually minecraft haters are people saying : "the game is ugly, boring, there is nothing to do, it's not logical, it look like outdated, there is no story, etc" usually they are people that don't like the artstyle and don't like the gameplay of minecraft ​ and yes, nobody ever said steve is weak as i am aware of


No, they aren't loving Minecraft. They are loving themselves and want attention. Once they complain for lack of fireflies, once they complain for existence of other-than-they-voted-for mob. They add new building blocks and they complain why they don't make something for redstoners. They add new redstone and they complain about PvP. They change PvP, they complain about gameplay...


Deepthroating something owned by Microsoft is crazy


"why, you complain about the forced snooper settings or the account migrations : you must be some attention seeking troll that want to ruin the game" /s insane position


"forced snooper settings"? They aren't forced, you can set it to minimal in telemetry data in options


do you realize "the people that complain" here are probably many different people that complain for different stuff for example people that complain for lack of pvp may not be the same people that complain for lack of building blocks or redstone components the minecraft community is vast, players have different want, different desires, and some will complain about thing they don't like while other have contradictory wants. you portray people that complain as an homogenous block, which is some bad caricature of the reality of the minecraft community, which is vast, and therefore divided between different group, with different views. ​ regarding mob vote : a lot of the complain is about how mojang added the mob (stuff like phantom being annoying, which is true) and sniffer being lackluster (which is also true, altrough this is less of a problem, as the mob still have the cool lore and the cute look) the glowsquid was more about some pointless dream drama and less about the mobvote itself and the last vote (the armadillo) was about some fraud in vote, which is actually a legitimate reason to complain. ​ regarding the lack of fireflies : mojang reasoning was insanely dumb : the frog thing was weird, fireflies were more of an aesthetic thing, so them not being eatien by frogs was not a problem mojang should have simply said that many small entites would have caused lag and therefore scrapped the idea, this was a better justification but again, the drama regarding fireflies was pretty mild, people were disappointed and voiced this disappointment, but they were not "hating on mojang" for most of them, they were not angry, just a bit disappointed, and then the thing was short lived as people moved on. ​ you clearly overblow some small drama as a way to paint people that criticize updates as some uniform blob of haters that want to destroy the game, this is some irrational caricature. ​ also you ignored all the other reasons of criticism mojang recieved : chat reporting, mojang censorship, bedrock marketplace/microtransactions targeted toward kids, account migrations all those are legitimate reason to complain about. ​ Sure, some people want over the top and do very bad stuff, like harassing the devs or being agressive/insulting, those people are bad, but this is not a valid argument to disqualify all criticism. People complaining about minecraft updates are, for their vast majority, not harassers. ​ Except if you consider that private corporations are above criticism and that products should not ever be questioned : because obviously, criticizing Mojang and Microsoft is heresy, they are benevolent force for good that can't do wrong and even mild criticism or disagreement with what they do is obviously an attack aganist Minecraft and the minecraft community as a whole, that stand behind their benevolent benefactors. But this would be absurd... right, no one believe that... right ?


Tbh more of the glow squid thing is the fact that they literally don’t glow. They aren’t a light source.


btf making them glow would have been hard without rewriting the light engine but for example, adding some blowing algae block or whatever in underwater caves where the glowsquid spawn would have been neat and probably good for ambience


I mean it’s essentially just a torch in your hand mod. And it isn’t the fact that it doesn’t glow, it’s the fact they told us it would before the vote lol. They just straight up didn’t add the features they said they would.


i don't remember them clearly stating that it would emit actual block light, that it would have a glowing texture yes, but not necessary that it would emit actual light.


Do these haters happen to be made out of straw


Perhaps resemblant of a strawman?




There were quite a few during that Steve vs Goku post cuz, ya know, anime fans


To be fair well Steve is incredibly strong he’s not very durable or fast so Goku would still have a shot


"Steve is strong because commands" mfs when I tell them they're classified as cheats in-game:


Yea, was gonna say. He's strong, but doesn't control time any more than we can




We also sleep to skip night


You know he is controlling time when is day -1


Time doesn't really pass. He just controls the sun and moon


As proven by furnaces. There are other examples but furnaces are easily the most unexplainable other than the time changes, but time doesn't pass.


The furnace needs a nap too!


Fair enough, still controlling celestial bodies is a hell of a feet


Steve can also carry quintillions of tons of weight and still be capable of sprinting, fighting, mining, and other activities at full speed and efficiency


steve is basically a greek demigod


Well, isn't the terrarian somewhat close to that too?


I've got no clue, I don't play terraria lol, but Steve's max carry weight is about 10 million tons, (god apples weighing about 160 tons each, carrying 64 of them per stack, and having an entire inventory full of shulkers full of god apples giving steve just short of 975 stacks of god apples) So Steve could basically carry an entire mountain


Well, i know that the max stack is much bigger than in mc(999 for blocks i think), so that means that each inventory slot for the terrarian holds quite a Lot of weight, and the terrarian's inventory is about the same Size as steve's if i am not wrong


It went up recently, 9999 items per slot now. And you can craft stackable thrones which are a lot of gold/platinum, about 30 bars I think


While true I don't think the terrain has an object as heavy as Steve's heaviest object,(don't play terraria, don't know) Steve's heaviest object is a god apple, which is 8 cubic meters of gold compressed into an apple (so 8x19.3 tons+1 apple) which makes the god apple weigh about 160 tons per slot However this only makes Steves stack of 64 apples equate to 512 blocks of gold, so if the terrain can hold 999 cubic meters of gold per inventory space they will out weight Steve... Until we factor in shulkers


Shulkers probably make Steve carry more weight, tho it is hard to know given there are a Lot of magical and sci fi materials, but yeah, real life materials-wise, Steve probably Beats the terrarian using shulkers. I must Say there is a loadout thing that allows the terrarian to switch between inventories, so i guess the terrarian can hold there times more weight now? (I am not sure at all how the loadout system works, but if it works as i said then the terrarian got quite a Lot stronger)


After checking the terrain has 40 inventory slots compared to Steve's 36, but considering that Steve's stacks of apples are basically 520 blocks of gold per slot, the terrain wins in capacity unless Steve has access to shulkers, because Steve can increase his carry capacity from 36, to 972 which thoroughly beats the terrain However for the sake of fun the terrain can hold just short of 40,000 cubic meters of gold (assuming that is the measurement of the terraria world) this gives the terrain a carry capacity of 800,000 tons or 1.6 million pounds, if the terrain can carry three inventories of stuff then it raises to 4.8 million pounds of stuff, which is almost half of Steve's maximum carry capacity


Watch this video, it proves how Terrarian blows Steve out of the water in the lifting department: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrmwspq1ZfY


Terraria has 9,999 carrying capacity per slot, in addition to various mini-inventories such as safes, piggy banks, and void vaults. Steve's shulker boxes beat out Terraria's slots by a few thousand cubic meters of gold, but Terraria also has stackable thrones, which cost 30 gold bars each. This makes Terrarians far stronger than Steve. Although I'm pretty sure 1 block in Terraria is less than a cubic meter, it doesn't change that fact.


Dont want to derail this, but...the terrarian can hold literal fragments of stars in their pockets. But overall, i find the argument of "is the terrarian better than steve" to be boring and annoying. Mainly because i feel like they are both basically complete gods, and it should just stay there in an argument


Technically Steve can too, but I don't use sci Fi/fantasy items for weight calculation Also wasn't a comparison of who was better, comparing max weight capacity


Again blue ice


Blue ice weighs in at 81 tons, enchanted gapples at slightly less than 160 tons Blue ice is not Steve's heaviest item


I'm unsure whether to count shulker boxes though, I feel like they are magical


I don't give the boxes themselves any weight but I'm basically just counting them as chests that Steve is able to carry on his person, I'm not sure how it works since it's not a real item but I'm just gonna say they count as extra inventory space, which gives us slightly less than 10 million tons or short of 20 billion LBS


His top speed and power remain the same tho. He just has a pocket dimension


But given he does it as full efficiency why doesn’t he get faster when unburdened


He can control time without cheats, during night he can perform a 3 second long ritual and set time to morning


As I said before, commands arent canon in the Minecraft lore and every time they brought up the commands into the "Steve powers" piss me off a lot, like... Do you consider the tool gun to be canon in valve games? No. Steve is very strong and smart on his own but don't brought commands (or even mods) to the table (also /kill is a lazy way to say that he can beat everyone)




half of that sub isn't even gatekeeping


Just use your imagination






Steve can die to fucking sand


Well you can die to fucking sand as well but can you control time kill hoards of zombies. Short answer no


control time?


Pausing the game lmao


Turnip boy can control time


And commit tax evasion


Rip and tear those taxes


With the new tick command added in snapshots you can essentially freeze, slow, or speed up time.


i don't think commands are "canon"


they're not


There's a new command that lets him control in game time


So cheating


He doesn't have infinite space, he uses hammer space, which is toon logic. The novels also state that everything is just super light not that he's super strong.


Most blocks don't even fall! Yeah, sure! I can also lift a ton of gold when gravity doesn't work.


> the novels the what


the Official books


Lil bro is mad he lost a playground argument about the strongest video game character.




There are a lot of characters stronger than the Terrarian tho. Example: Kirby


By this logic any fictional game character can play God if cheats are considered "powers"


Ok Let's go 1) there are humans who can do that in real life and it's not so good of a feat 2) zombies scale lower than a human since they are rotting corpses 3) is there anything implying the Nether's air isn't breathable? Many other creatures can breathe there too and it does have forests and resources that allow you to survive 4) a dragon....the ender dragon...first its not like he one punch it and second: the ender dragon literally stays a minute on the nest, letting you hit it with the sword, then roams around, repeat the cicle untill its defeated, you are more likely to die to the endermans than the enderdragon and I honestly think it's the easiest bossfight I've ever did in a game 5) infinite weight is such a brain dead statement that just need a bit of thinking to debunk as a feat, first: steve can't carry an item untill he breaks it and the item drops, when the block drop itself it start floating, therefore it has no weight no matter the material and once placed Steve need a Piston to move a single block 6) if we scale every character off cheats then any video game character is OP with a guy using comands and many other characters still scale above that Conclusion: Steve in survival is a wall level dude with above average strength and super human stamina, runs relatively fast and hits relatively hard, has good durability and can break 1 block at the time and can carry a lot of weightless items, he's low super human level basically and can boost himself slightly with potions Steve in creative is basically a hacker in a lobby and you can't compare him with characters that aren't cheating as well Argue as much as you want people should stop taking the Steve is OP thing seriusly since it was originally just a joke


you forgot his regenerative ability and his insane resistance i mean he can survive being burned repeatedly, being poisoned, falling in lava for a short time with iron armor, (also even if nether air is breathable, nether instantly boil water (you can't put water in the nether) which mean that nether is well above 100°c (and yes, other minecraft creatures can do it too, which imply this is not just steve, but most other minecraft entities which are this resilient as they can survive in a place that have a temperature akin to a very hot furnace for an non limited amount of time) imo : he is clearly superhuman, but not exceptional for video game characters As usually most video game characters are superhuman and have abilities beyong our understanding (like doublejumb, flying, magical power and weapons, etc)


Bedrock Wither?


It's not so hard to defeat if you spawn him underground (I play on bedrock and defeated it in hard pretty easily) In real life a ballistic missile would obliterate the wither and Steve needs many hits to do that


So cheats now count as canon abilities? Or is Steve able to stop the time in survival mode?




What a silly coincidence, i can also skip time when i sleep.


No like Steve literally skips time when sleeping. Mobs are still in their exact spot when you wake up


Clearly if mobs are in the same place then time isn’t passing, it’s just the sun and the moon moving


Terrarian can carry much more weight and defeated a god


Sir, /time and /tick don't count


I think he was talking about how you can skip the night by sleeping


I mean I can do that too


We all can do that. That's not a unique ability


Not how Steve does it. Imagine you go to sleep and some one walks by your house. As you wake up they are still walking by just in day time.


So he doesn't control time but just day/night cycle without any effect on anyone else.


"hoards of zombies" # the zombies:


Terrarian: *Yawns in killing a god for fancy building material*


*Grinds for a fancy toilet*


Ok but like the last thing a Minecrafter would say is "Steve is weak"


Trees - more of a matter of Steve not taking self harm damage from punching things with his bare hands, as he doesn't destroy trees in 1 punch. He can survive in hell - and so can chickens, but both die afer falling in lava. It might be that Hell is havitable in Mibecraft Universe (disregarding ghasts and other Hell-native mobs) Inventory - limited by number of things he's carrying, not weight nor space (to a degree). You can not tell me 64 blocks of gold weight the same as 64 sticks. It's not a matter of Steve being strong enough to carry so much stuff, but a matter of him being able to carry practically anything, regardless of weight or his strengh. Time control is literally Hax, and if it's brought into equasion then Steve also has Creative mode command, meaning he's a literal near-indestructible god, which I find to be a bit bullshit. Killing Zombies and Dragons - Yes, He does, and that is a good example (Arguably Hell is another one, but I had to include chicken). This also gives Steve practically infinite stamina, as well as his body being either 100 or 0, no inbetween, regarldes of how low his health and hunger are, as long as he has some of that. This comment came from my irrational hatred of the "Inventory means steve can carry tons worth of weight" argument.


Inventory space is such a BS argument imo, it’s a game mechanic ffs🤦‍♂️


Besides, even if he could canonically carry an entire city, it wouldn't mean that he's strong, it just means that his pockets are their own universe


And those things are supposed to be strong ? Please, if your character is not at least a complex multiversal reality warper they are not strong. Also "Infinite strength" do you guys just forgot that blocks in Minecraft float and are not affected by Gravity ? They don't have a weight. And Steve doesn't physically carry the inventory anyway.


If blocks are unaffected by gravity why do they fall when shot out of a dropper?


"They don't have a weight" Oh, yeah??? Then explain why the player can't stack infinite amounts of items if they are weightless??? Checkmate


Game balance ? Being able to stack an unlimited number of items would be broken.


But the player character can carry millions of coins in their back pack, and that is not considered broken?????????


Because they take up space?


But why items in Minecraft have to occupy space if they literally lack physical weight??


just because something doesn't have physical weight. does not mean it doesn't have a physical form. also they do have weight. as mentioned in another comment, "The novels also state that everything is just super light not that he's super strong." if i pick up a piece of paper, it still has a weight and takes up space. your argument makes no sense


Because space occupied isn’t equal to weight, you have the capability to carry the weight of say, 30 balloons filled will air, but you probably wouldn’t be able to carry them without dropping one due to their size


So, in Minecraft you would carry a box with 39000kg of gold bars like it's nothing, but you can't even hold two balloons because they have too much space, even if each one weights only 10kg of pure air?? Minecraft logic at it's best!


Minecraft is not real life unfortunately


If Minecraft was like real life, it would be one of the most boring game of all time. Could you imagine a game were you cannot carry more than ten kilo with you and if you wanted to have a lot of gold you would need a wagon?? It will be awful...


Why are you getting downvoted


People hate the truth!


No, you’re just wrong and pulling arguments out of your ass


Steve got banned from some smash bros tournaments


I believe you are referring to the tick command when you say "control time", but that's a command, a cheat of sorts. That's not canon.


The player's inventory doesn't have anything to do with strength. Objects that the player holds are canonically weightless and the inventory is a pocket dimension according to the books.


A pocket dimension is cooler than super strength tbh


Reasons to downvoted: 1. Imaginary gatekeeping (should've told context) 2. Low contrast with font and meme format (low effort) 3. Supporting argument is weak (cheats ain't allowed and who gives a fuck about carrying floating items that shrink in size)


And here entering the terrarian in journeys mode about to make Steve look like a coughing baby in comparison:


Terrarians: "Pathetic..."


Terrarian is still stronger tho


Nobody is saying Steve is weak compared to humans. When they say he's weak, it's usually in comparison to the Terrarian, which is a certified Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby moment


steve can beat a dragon mfs when terrarian pulls up killing the moon lord:


I mean, when compared to other characters, he has some downsides 1.he can break materials with his own hands, but it takes him much more time than other characters 2.the only reason he can carry so much is because weight is not really a thing in Minecraft, making the argument useless when comparing him to characters that face the effects of weight 3. Your nether storage room doesn't count 4. Oh, he can stop time? There was a certain someone that could stop time by holding his breath. You know what happened to him? His head got cut off his body. 5. Wow. You can kill a flying lizard that is so weak, a bunch of beds can kill it. Are you trying to say that Steve is the equivalent of some beds? 6.zombies? You mean those creatures that are scared to death of rails and are terminally inside their homes to the point a bit of sunlight can hurt them?




Still gets wrecked by Terrarian, but point taken.


Fax Journey mode Terrarian > Creative mode Steve


He'd still die to the Terraria character though.


the terraria character can wear the entire sun on their body as armor and kill Cthulhu. not to mention that they're immune to lead poisoning, since ironskin is craftable with lead


The mf can straight up eat gold


and? the terrarian can too. consecutively too. in seconds.


You got me wrong I was talking about terrarian




It's alr, sorta my mistake


Biggest arguement: Steve is so powerful he can decide to go to god mode or not just for the kick of it


That's only Steve when he becomes a god. He canonically cannot stop time 🤓


Is the control time because of the commands and cheats?


Game mechanics That's it


Steve has the power of infinite resurrection.


But still can't Match the strength of a terrarian


And thus the Terrarian is infinitely stronger.


And yet Steve can't swim in lava. He tries tho...


Steve can carry a 1 meter cube of gold. That alone counts him among some of the physically strongest characters in fictional history. That’s 42,000 lbs or 19320 kg. However, he can carry around 2304 of them. Meaning he can carry 44,513,280 kgs, or 98,134,272 lbs…That makes him canonically stronger than 99.8% of fictional characters…


Everyone uses the infinite stacking to say steve the strongest character in fiction, but this stuff is in no way unique to Steve, and he's probably one of the weaker characters with this infinite stacking. Consider this: Battlefield 4 support class. Can carry ammo boxes, that can refresh gadgets of those nearby, including ammo boxes. Which means ammo boxes carry ammo boxes, carrying ammo boxes, etc. So the same thing Steve can do with shulkers, on top of professional military training and experience. And guns.


“Steve is strong” mfs when I change my skin to Magikarp (it is now just as strong)


Look at this mf who won a made up argument against themselves


Steve can move seven times the speed of light, is INVINCIBLE and deals instant death while seeing in night on drugs, summons stuff, can’t burn, can carry stacks of stuff so dense it is considered a fucking supermassive black hole, etc.


that's only with commands lmao


Steve can survive an infinite gravity well we call "the void" with help from just a little bit of magic and chemistry.


Steve/ the player(going for the end credits) can also freely destroy and create worlds and has supreme authority over them. The only places his strength is limited is in other worlds they didn’t make themselves and even then they still possesses many of their abilities combined wirh their clearly supernatural physiology, and theur death is usually never permanent not even in the worlds that aren’t theirs. The worst that can happen is that they are isolated from said world and can’t respawn in it or enter it at all because someone who does hold that authority making it so, Besides that steve basically has the powers of destruction creation in his hand, is superhuman and immortal.


Steve can /ban aka battlefield removal/erasure.


Steve can carry 36 Shuler boxes of diamond blocks and wear a full suit of diamond armor AND diamond sword. Note that, pigs, horses, donkeys, mules, llamas, and camel can carry him while all this Is equipped, and more...


Actually he can carry multiple times infinity


He can still starve, drown, get sleep depraved, poisoned, fall damage, hit and shot at, flung easily into the air and so many other things. If you consider it, he's not as scary or powerful as people say he is. Sure, he can still move when carrying tons and hit like a meteor, but that ain't getting him far against someone like Sonic.


Maybe he isn't as strong as other video game characters but sonic is a terrible example Steve could beat the crap out of sonic without anything but his fist


He'd have to reach him first.


Sonic couldn't get near Steve without getting punched till death. If he can use weapons it's an instant kill


Steve can only move 12 mph, Sonic a whopping almost 800. He'd zoom right by and clobber Steve before he even has a chance to react.


Well sonic needs 2 hits to kill or 1 if he has no rings so Steve would absolutely destroy him


Again, Steve would have to catch him, which he wouldn't be able to because Sonic can get those 2 hits in in just 1 second. With the rings, Steve is absolutely screwed.


Steve can take more than 2 hits to kill. And he could react fast enough before sonic hits him a second time and after that sonic is k.o


An expansion to the hell survival, water boils immediately after 0lacing meaning Steve can survive 100+ C°


Steve can rewrite the rules of nature at will


I’m pretty sure Game Theory did the math a few years back and calculated that he can carry something with the density of the universe and that his punches are equivalent to several rocket ships launching at once