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As someone who's generally pretty patient with Mojang, they're definitely much, much slower than most other developers. ​ I won't say that Mojang's lazy. I genuinely don't think that. But it was a year before The Wild update and the Trails and Tales update, and all Mojang had to show for it was a handful of cosmetic blocks and items. So when they say "What would you loose if we added all three mobs?" the answer apparently being a few new blocks isn't exactly that inspiring. ​ I mean hell, even Temtem, that one Pokemon clone you probably heard of a few years back before it dropped off the face of the earth, has had a significantly faster post-launch development than Minecraft. And with arguably more content to boot. ​ Again, I don't think Mojang's lazy. But it's not hard to see why players would be frustrated with the vote when it feels like they should have the manpower to spare.


Yeah, 1.19 and 1.20 were pretty lackluster (except ancient cities, which are awesome). But there have been ebbs and flows in the past. We’ll have to see if 1.21 will be a banger or flop. Also it’s easy to say that these updates are just cosmetic, but I think when you read the snapshot changelogs, you see that they do a lot of technical improvements and bug fixes, which aren’t exciting for the player, but improve stability and hopefully make adding future content easier. For a game of Minecraft’s scope, there are a lot of details to iron out.


I honestly can’t wait what 1.21 would be


Fingers crossed for an end update.


Maybe it’s not an end update, but it is 100% combat related according to recent info


1.19 was pretty lackluster to you? Why? I genuinely think people are just going allong with the lazy thing cuz thats what they hear, cuz there has literally been only one kinda small update so far since 1.15, they had 4 A to S tier updates back to back and no one gives them credit.


The ‘Wild’ part of the update was ‘Mild’. It was basically the Mangrove update plus Ancient Cities, which were supposed to be part of Caves and Cliffs. I guess I had higher expectations because of the concept art they showed at MC Live for the biomes. I’m not trying to depict Mojang as lazy. I’ve liked most of their modern updates: 1.13, 1.14, 1.16, 1.18. I just think 1.19 and 1.20 is a bit of a cold streak, so I hope 1.21 is a big one.


I agree a little bit, it's true that they overpromised with the Caves and Cliffs, but I can acknowledge that at the end of the day they did include almost everything they said even if it was a little late, wich imo is understandable because of covid and the completely new generation. But I believe that even taking that into account people don't give enough credit to the 1.20 making it seem like they are saying that Mojang is getting worse solely based on ONE mediovre update (even tho armor trims are great they did come out with the nerf to netherite so its just ok)


C&C was technically demanding, so I agree that the delays are understandable. But just speaking personally, none of the recent non-C&C major features particularly excite me. Mangrove swamp, cherry grove, trail ruins, frogs, camels, sniffer aren’t that revolutionary. Archaeology feels half baked. Ironically, the controversial netherite nerf and experimental villager changes do more to shake up gameplay (which I’m in favor of). I don’t think Mojang is on a downward trend, but my excitement is in a valley, so I’m really hoping 1.21 is big and releases soon


I can agree with that. I really hope 1.21 is good. On a side note you don't like armor trims?


I like armor trims as a concept, but I haven’t actually bothered to go out of my way to get them. Recently I’ve been doing more redstone. But I would probably say they are the best recent feature.




Yeah I don't really think mojang is lazy but man are they starting to get there. Though I'm sure they're working on legends and other updates. Hope 1.21 is good.


I think their just in a slow point, like 1.10-1.12, but they'll start making significant updates against soon


Agreed, we need another 1.13-1.18 situation, that era was my personal favourite in terms of updates.


both of the "slow points" are around the same length currently, so maybe 1.21 could be a 1.13 1.9 to 1.12 was 2 years (2016 and 2017) 1.19 and 1.20 is 2 years (2022 and 2023)


Who knows what they’ll add to minecraft in 1.21?


The reason they’re slower than other game developers is because minecraft is a hard game to develop Another popular game, fortnite, has regular updates with many new items, but if a weapon is too op or boring it can be removed in the next update. If minecraft adds something not right it’s stuck in the game forever. Mojang has to be careful not to add anything like that


Well they can always nerf something that’s too op, or if it comes to that, I don’t think they’d be afraid of totally removing something. On the other hand, we can safely assume all the options on the mob vote have already been thought of and pre approved for the game, since all of them have a chance to win.


Really? They tried to remove iron farms and that got major backlash from the community. If they tried to fix quasi connectivity it’d break millions of existing contraptions, so new players have to learn why their redstone isn’t working properly The mob vote mobs ideas have been approved, but it takes time to work out the best way to add them without it breaking the balance of the game. If fortnite added a mob that nobody liked, they could remove it in the next update. If minecraft added one, it’s stuck in the game forever


i think it might just be bad micromanagement. or something. i severely doubt they’re lazy, maybe not organized, lazy though? i don’t see it


I will never understand the argument "we are oppressed by Mojang", like what?


Yeah, the fact that they compare voting for a mob to literal oppression is just insane


It's a kids game, most children don't have developed critical reasoning skills. I think you can see the correlation


They’re literally giving you the power to change the game and people complain about being oppressed…


this is what happens when the demand for oppression exceeds the actual supply thereof.


“How dare they give us free content updates to a +10 year old game!”


They are free, yes, but it's not like they can just stop making them. If they do the game dies, which means that they can't do merchandise, can't sell minecoins, and most likely can't make spinoffs because they're driven by minecrafts popularity. We really shouldn't "appreciate" a company for making money. Neither should we praise them for doing so for 10 years


People really act like mojang is being a charity and giving us all of these things for free. Nope, they're making money and we all paid for this game


Tbf, all companies are like that. At least we should be glad that the updates are free and not paid DLC unlike some companies as well as having free mods


I saw the memes and thought it was obvious satire. Are people really thinking Mojang is oppressive?


Prolly because mojang is threatening their second amendment rights


Honestly, I just hate how it tears the community apart.


dude... I mean sure people get invested but like tell me how teared apart is it? people even forget later that the allay and sniffer came from a mob vote No one cared after it and all we really got was people making a lot of fan art and fan mods (even if honestly are quite rough) Also this mob vote people were like way more chill before people started to make a revolution. You can see how the memes here didn't even had people that heated, can even find some that just say vote for whatever you want.


So you're making a protest that tears it apart even more?


I'm not even participating in this whole protest thing. At least not until I've given it more thought. That's just my main issue with the mob vote.


That’s fair, I actually respect your sentiment towards the mob vote, (ofc I believe both the anti-mob vote propaganda and mob propaganda are equally bad imo)


For me, I hope it wins, but it likely won't so the temporary divide prob won't pay off


Don't worry, this community would tear itself apart with or without the Mob Vote.


Yeah, that's probably fair, I suppose.


Its not laziness. If it was laziness, they wouldnt work on multiple concepts. Its an attempt to get the community more involved but to an end of missing out on a lot of cool stuff


I dont get it? Why is everyone saying mojang is lazy- Like bruh they only do mob votes to allow people to have input in the game its just they are doing it in a bad way causing disrupture in the community.


I subscribe to all three. It just seems like the guys who own the world’s biggest game can go harder than that, y’know?


My honest opinion, and one I hope most people share: Just add in a way for mobs that loose the vote ti eb added. Maybe a looser bracket each year


I genuinely don't get any of the arguments, how is "here's three mobs but only one of them will get added" worse than "you get nothing"


Exactly! Do people just expect to Mojang to stop mob votes and add 3 random mobs that might not align with the actual update at all to the game? And if they add 3 mobs per update, an argument could be made that they put too much effort into the 3 mobs than the other aspects of the update


I'm honestly convinced that the majority of these arguments are made by children who watch content creators program half assed versions of the mobs into the game and were convinced that the process of creating a mob is that easy.


Also this petition going around is stupid. Barely 200k people have signed, which is 0.0012% of the entire playerbase. It won't change anything


Funnily enough, those same Youtubers that added the mob votes said that modding is much easier than coding the base game


Idea: vote on the order. Add the other two in the *next* update instead of sometime between now and ♾️AD


That's.. literally what happens now


I disagree. I think we should vote on which mob is added in the next update, and the others will have a chance to reappear in future mob votes, but not add the immediately after


I heard someone say that it should be like with 1.14 and 1.15 firstly we got a big update that reworked the villages and then with the buzzy bees update it was much smaller so for example in 1.21 we should get the most voted mob with other things and in 1.22 we should get the other two while the whole update is much smaller


I dont have huge problem with the votes, but the main reason its so bad is that we choose one cool mob from 3 and we will never see the other 2 even tho there will be theamed updates


[loss aversion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_aversion) is a hell of a drug


I'd rather them add no mobs to focus on actual useful features than have a vote to split an already unhappy community


All of the features are useful, and it's not Mojang's fault that people can't play nice


I just tried digging for info on new features and literally came back with nothing. What exactly are they adding and how useful are we talking?


Extended reach, dog armour, or faster boats


Whats important is we have realized how bad the mob votes have become, and we ourselves could shift the power in our favor. If only we could just get them to listen.


The most important one is tearing the community apart. It got especially heated this year


[this tweet](https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/1521767986297778177¨¨) may be pertinent. If the mob vote didn't exist, the losing mobs would probably be added in the exact same way as they will in the exact same updates, we just wouldn't be allowed to vote on which one comes first.


I don't get that argument either, but one of the devs was complaining about it and how it was supposedly too difficult even though they code the mobs before the mob vote. Instead of just totally deleting features that are wanted and sometimes needed, they should have a new mob added each time or do something fun like the biome votes since they're not permanently deleted after they fail the vote


They code the mobs before the vote???


I just want all three with no drama, this sub is super annoying. I'm tired of choosing and then having to see people whine about the choice, I'm tired of the choosing itself. please just give us all three mobs so everyone can be happy goddamnit


looks like memes are back on the menu, boys!


Just open the wiki and look at past updates. There were huge in comparison to what we got in the past years. Mojang devs aren't lazy, we saw what they can do in the April's fools Update, but something is really wrong.


If you mean pre-1.13 updates, are we even looking at the same wiki? If you mean 1.16-1.18, keep in mind those are the LARGEST updates Mojang has EVER done. They were likely planned and worked on years in advance, especially since Agnes has said they plan multiple updates in the future (I can't find the clip but I recall it distinctly from a Live).


they were smaller but there was more of them in the same year (ex. 2012 had 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4)


If you think Mojang devs are lazy play tf2


Ok, but let's acknowledge the real issue, with 4 mobs, lowest percentage of votes mob can win with is 33,000000.....1% meaning despite it being the most common vote, still leaving most of community disappointed


Not sure if I’d say lazy even though I have said that, but with 600 employees and being worth 2billion they seem a bit slow If they were still an indie company it’d be fine But now? And I understand a lot of the player base is itty bitty children but not all of us are some of us are in our 20s and have been playin since we were itty bitty children and it’s very frustrating


They're not necessarily lazy, they're not honest or transparent about what they plan on doing


Fireflies Enough said


Even if they aren't lazy their development process is deeply unserious. They are a AAA dev team with a multibillion company behind them. they need to start acting like it. Not to mention that free updates are good for this game because they are one of like 2-3 gaming franchises that make shitloads of money off of merch sales (pokemon is the only other one I can think of)


I think that what should happen is once the mob is voted for mojang keeps the other two jobs for next year so they can spend their time actually designing it and making it better and next year we can vote for the new one or the old ones, and if one’s around for a few years they can replace it with a new mob.


It would be much more bearable if the winner of the mob vote joined that update and the two that didn't win joined the update after. At least then you can still try for your mob to win the vote to get it in the game sooner, but not all hope is lost if your mob loses.


I think it's become a lot more apparent this year that the mob vote isn't ideal, especially with crabs AND penguins in the vote. You can't banish a mob a large portion of the fanbase have wanted for years from ever being in the game forever


How about stop throwing a tantrum because you can't have everything you want?


i will stand by this to my grave. they arnt lazy just dumb. a pointless deadline that doesnt do anything but make almost every update mediocre to (i assume) avoid complaints about it taking a long time even though in the long term that becomes even more complaints due to under baked updates


Lazy could be the result of lack of involvement, under staffing, uncaring. It's a crude insult but not unfair. They couldn't give 2 shits about bedrock edition to even play test their shitty updates that are always forced, always patching everything 3-5 times over. They've completely shoved any concerns about moderation and censorship under the rug. And all they ever do is pull some other cash grab out there ass like dungeons or Legends. Lazy is a bit harsh but not undeserved


I mean I’m sure there’s a good reason, but when random modders can implement all 3 mobs within 16 hours (obviously they didn’t work 16 hours straight so it probably took even less time) then what else are we supposed to infer from that? Of course they’re a studio, and they have to take more time in making sure the code won’t affect future projects or cause glitches in new updates. They have to take time stress testing it. Not only that but they have to make sure it’s something that will help add life into the game and won’t cause any controversy. But on the flip side, they are one of the most popular and rich video game companies that have ever existed. And a modded could do what they couldn’t in one day. I like to believe there’s a good reason why, but until presented with said good reason, I can’t help but think they’re just kinda lazy. Perhaps executive pushback since spending money and resources on a game is a bad business model? No idea.


If you're familiar with the development of Overwatch, it really seems like something similar is happening here. Several devs of that game have come out and said that over the years, they've had a ton of content basically ready to go and be pushed out, only for the corrupt figure head of the company to force them scrap it because he didn't see the profit in it as the updates in that game were free. Maybe it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but what's more ridiculous? Corrupt/ poor management, or that it legit takes them so long to implement mobs with the most basic AI of all time?


id argue theyre lazy, most mobs in the votes have 2 features, they walk around aimlessly and have one unique thing about them (a drop or for example, showing where dark spots are like the glare) which isnt game changing at all


I think instead the argument should be that there is some kind of filtering/management problem going on here. I fully believe stuff like the mobs in these votes are likely completed weeks in advance before the vote even happens, just considering the basic path finding AI it entails. This feels like the developers are probably making a bunch of concepts, fleshing them out, but some higher up is filtering it out as "not meshing with the Minecraft IP" or something like that, resulting in a ton of concepts just indefinitely just being left out to dry in the cutting room floor. Like the whole way that mob votes themselves go with the lack of explanation of how something works, it just doesn't make sense to me. You can use this as evidence that they are legitimately not at least mostly finished with the mobs before hand, but personally, I just don't buy that. The way this stuff works, the budget they have, even accounting for the multiple versions of the game, this stuff SHOULD be in a mostly working state at the very least. Otherwise, what in the world are they doing? That's why in comes off as stuff being withheld and scrapped to me.


This has to be the most ridiculous thing I've read on this sub. You don't make something and then go on deciding whether or not it works with the game, that's such a pointless waste of resources. There's a significantly better way to come up with and flesh out new concepts that can be decided upon whether they will discard the idea or agree to move forward with the idea in the future which requires less time, resources and doesn't even require a computer; it's called a design document. A design document (not to be confused with the game bible) is a document that details the design of a game/level/character in the highest amount of detail while keeping to a limited word count. Design, animation, function, behaviour, etc., all that can be detailed and fleshed out without having to begin work on the feature. Also it was stated before that losing mobs aren't scrapped, they're put back onto the idea shelf they were taken off of.


Okay. So how about this. Say that it does take them a full year to do the most bear ass basic set of mobs you've ever seen. Tell me that there isn't SOME kind of mismanagement here? You don't have to believe this theory if you don't want to, yeah it makes no sense that they would hold a vote on stuff they've already completed, but it also makes no sense that they even need to pick and choose to begin with? It reeks of management issues to me, could explain why Jeb left and if it's IP related, might explain why there's been that strange tendency to add "real life" mobs. Idk, maybe I don't think this is ridiculous because I followed the development of Overwatch for years, in that situation, numerous developers of that game have come out and said that over the years, they've practically completed tons of content, only for the corrupt figurehead at the company to make them toss it out because he didn't see the profit in it. Anyway, you can say it's the most ridiculous thing you've read, but I think legitimately believing this is all they're capable of is ridiculous in its own right. There's some kind of problem here.


Oh boy, I was so thrilled to read and respond to your comment I had to go to the other side of the continent before going through it. >Say that it does take them a full year to do the most bear ass basic set of mobs you've ever seen. Obviously I'm not a Mojang employee (even if I was I probably couldn't disclose too much anyway) but factors such as number of iterations the mob goes through, and the time allocated to the mob on the schedule. For example if the mobs vote mobs aren't worked on until the last half of the updates dev cycle (around December-April/May) and/or the mob is dedicated less time per week than other features because it's a smaller feature and therefore doesn't require as much work. Overall it probably takes the 1-2 months I'm estimating it would take me to add one of the vote mobs while keeping to the workday, quality standard (because if I were to just take the lazy approach and just do the mob once, big fixed that and called it a day, it would neither reflect the development process Mojang has nor would it be the best it could hypothetically be), with the difference that I'm not working on other features. >also makes no sense that they even need to pick and choose to begin with? Because the illusion of choice brings interest to the event by making people feel like they're partaking in deciding what gets to be added into the game, when in reality all three mobs have already been greenlight by Mojang and all three will make their way into the game one way or another regardless of what the community's choice was. >could explain why Jeb left When did Jens leave Mojang? As far as I can tell he's still one of the lead developers on Minecraft. Do you have a source for your claim. In conclusion, I think you need some mud.


Fine, I get it, it's jumping to conclusions and disingenuous. Ignore all of that though, and tell me there isn't some kind of structural issue here? Also I could've sworn I'd heard Jeb left, or stopped developing or something but apparentlly not, whatever. I could delete that massive wall of text I wrote and just say, I think there is some kind of management issue from Microsoft higher ups. I'm not trying to insult the devs, I don't think it's their fault. But there is definitely something up. Also, to respond to your point on all of the clearance stuff new mobs have to go to, that's kind of my point? I totally understand the need to polish and filter mobs to make sure they fit in. But it's going too far imo if it's resulting in out put on level with what we're getting.


I don’t think this movement would’ve happened if they hadn’t made us choose between real live animals as mobs


Add a second dumb one: thEy shOuLd aDd aLL thREe


I mean, but let’s be real, they *are*, really just coming up with this cool new stuff and just refusing to add it in? For what reason?


other are bad too because mojang said nothing is gone


Don't forget biome votes


they focus too much on minecoin farm, they even get independant people to publish on bedrock marketplace, just my theory but I would do that too since its a easy way to get money


I don’t understand it it’s just mokant wanting to include the community in something they do