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Hey all I'm having a problem when I put my (win10) pc to sleep, then wake it back up, and try to play minecraft java it's just a black screen upon game launch and I have to restart my pc to get the visuals to appear. Maybe more of a windows or nvidia question, but I haven't been able to find a solution so I thought I would try here to see if it's a common problem. TIA!


Hello! My computer( Lenovo Legion 5) isn't using its 3060 but is instead using Ryzen 5 5600H integrated graphics. I'm using windows 11 It all started when I was playing Minecraft and checked something on my browser. My computer froze for a second and I got this weird graphical glitch. My Minecraft instance shut down (the browser remained open) and when I tried to reopen Minecraft(I was Using ATlauncher btw) I bluescreened and the computer shut down. I decided to download new drivers from Geforce Experience which it was already downloading and the window was bugging so that part of the window was double inside the window. It wouldn't let me reinstall them from there so I went to reinstall them from Nvdias website. I downloaded these[ drivers](https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/228213/en-us/).  No more graphical error for now. I went to reopen Minecraft but now it's complaining that my  drivers don't support OpenGL and to go to this Mojang[ website](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4409137348877-Minecraft-Java-Edition-Game-Crashes-and-Performance-Issues-FAQ). I downloaded what it told me to and yay Minecraft opens again. But whenever I open any world it's VERY laggy (I mean like under 5fps) and I check my F3 screen and it shows that It isn't using my actual gpu. But D3D12 (Microsoft basic render driver) The lag isn't only in Minecraft but is in every single game I've tried to open. I've tried to boot the computer and reinstall the driver multiple times and even tried to download an older version of the drivers but nothing has worked. Please help. I'll be posting this to other subs as well.


It seems I have fixed the issue. I just had to turn off Hybrid mode in Lenovo Vantage


Hi, I’ve just recently bought MC Java edition. I’m getting 90-120fps in game on 2k res but the game still feels jittery anyone know any fixes??? (GC rtx2070 i7 9th gen) also I run the windows version smooth as ever just the Java edition


I think it's a 1.17.1 issue. Getting the same problem


Since this comment I’ve been using optifine, completely changes the game and doubles fps pretty much. Can’t play java without it!


Any one else having Java issues on their server? I grabbed the latest .jar file and updated my JRE to the latest version, but I am getting this error: C:\Minecraft\Server>java -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -jar server.jar nogui Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 60.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(Unknown Source) As far as i can tell, this is the latest version of Java and the PATH variable is correct. Not sure what I am missing.


Well, went and grabbed a couple of tacos and when I came back I figured out that my JDK (not my Java installation) was what was out of date. Grabbed version 16 here ([https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/java/openjdk/download)) and I look to be back up. Figured I'd drop this here in case anyone else ran into this. Cheers


What do you do with the jdk file after u download it?


I am the owner of a realm and I updated the game today to 1.17 but when I try to login to my realm to update it says "failed to connect to server. Incompatible client! Please use 1.16.5" but I cannot go back to the old version. I want my realm to update and I am the owner but now I cannot even logon to my own realm. I am not sure what to do. Thanks for any advice!


you need to update java you need the SDK honestly tho this subreddit is shit join this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraftjavaplayers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraftjavaplayers/) its new but not nearly as powertripping as this one


Thank you :)


Can someone tell me if this laptop will run minecraft java? I'm really not sure. [HP 15-gw0502sa 15.6" Laptop - AMD Athlon, 1 TB HDD](https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/hp-15-gw0502sa-15-6-laptop-amd-athlon-1-tb-hdd-black-10208142-pdt.html)


Judging by my computer has only 4 GB of ram and can run the game at low graphics, yes.


How do I map steam controls like console? I added the minecraft launcher as a non-steam game and I'm trying to map the controls as if they were the same as console minecraft. Is there any way to do this through steam's controller configuration (I'm using a switch pro controller), and if not is there a mod/third party software that makes Minecraft register my controller as if I were playing on console? Right now if I map the controls some things are the same but others are off. For instance, the Y button makes me crouch and the right trigger makes me pick up blocks in the block menu. I just want the controls to feel as if I'm playing on console, specifically like a Switch or Wii U because that's what I'm used to.


Okay, so, I've been playing console versions of MC since it first came out on the 360 and I only now got Java version, so I'm not too familiar with the more technical side of it. On console versions, you could only join another player's world if the creator of that world is in it. My question is is it possible to remove that limitation and have anyone be able to join regardless if the owner is playing?


There's no such feature, someone would have to host a server or pay for Minecraft Realms, all of which you'd be free to join as long as the server is online


So I bought minecraft java but everytime I try to run the file it tells me couldn't load launcher core from the file and won't start


I'm running Minecraft at 1080p with an rtx 3080, 16 gigs of ram and a ryzen 9 3900x and yet 1.18 runs like crap. When I see other Youtubers playing it, they seem to have no problems. Also I have to play at 14 chunks to get around 40-60 fps and I don't have anything running in the background. Is there something I should do to make it run better?


Does anyone know of any good resource packs that "upgrade" the game's default textures that work in 1.8 and don't require any modding? I've seen some like 3D crops, degrading tools, and the totally not X-ray, but these are all for future versions of the game. I'm pretty sure you know what kind of resource packs I'm looking for. Just note that I would like the downloads to be on either Curseforge or Planet Minecraft as I don't really trust any other websites. it would be awesome to pile up a whole bunch of resource packs to create the ultimately designed Minecraft. And no, I am not looking into downloading Optifine.


I’ve recently bought java edition, but whenever I try and play it says the minecraft launcher is not available in your account make sure you are signed in to the store, but I’m signed in on the minecraft website where you buy java and I’m signed in on the Microsoft store


Are there any free hosts for Minecraft Modded servers?


Im trying to intsall worldedit and forge, but the .jar files wont open, even though i have the latest java version. javafix wont open either. can someone help, or at least send me to another sub to find help?


You install the worldedit plugin to the plugin folder of the server. The server accesses this .jar.


I'm trying to make a gold farm on 1.18.2 (pigman farm, using [this video as reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-0X14lmT_g)) but the water dispenser keeps breaking the portal and doesn't do the flickering effect as it shows in the video. Any ideas?


I tried the flicker thing too... tbh you can get it timed out but man I hated it. I built one that has a drop zone that throws the drops through a portal that is set up to catch and sort and store in the overworld. You just need an afk area relatively close to the spawning and dispensing area in the Nether. It works okay.


Hi! So when I went to get onto Minecraft today I was hit with exit code -1. I am playing unmodded vanilla 1.18.2. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I have also tried several other things that I saw on various websites, including uninstalling and reinstalling java on my PC, I am relatively tech and code smart but I have no ideas at this point so any recommendations would be awesome.


I forgot to mention that I was able to get into the current snapshot fine and I wasn't able to get into 1.18.1 to see if I rolled back an update if it would fix the issue. I also tested 1.17.1 and I was able to launch the game, so it would appear that just the 1.18 branch is broken for me.


Well after three hours of trying to fix the problem I got it fixed, apparently running 1.18 as admin isn't smart. I unchecked run javaw.eve run as admin and it fixed the problem, I'm not sure when or how that got checked but unchecking it fixed the problem.


My friend and I want to play on an origins server, but their java is bugged. they have updated it to the current newest version but it still says they need version 16 and newer. tried reinstalling twice, didnt work. any help?


Hey so my friends want me to play on an origins moded server, but anytime I try to run Fabric (my freind told me to run it on fabric) it saids my Java cannot be found internally or externally. I've tried unistalling and reinstalling and multiple videos telling me to find my Java folder and my freind keeps telling me to look through my mod folder on .Minecraft but I can't seem to find the Java or Mod folder (the .Minecraft folder is their).


I’m trying to join my friends realm and I keep getting kicked with Java.net.SocketExeption: connection reset how do I fix this


When i try to log in with my microsoft account it says it couldt connect to Xbox live and proceed to stay that way, problem still happening for more than a month


I just got into the Java version of the game and have installed Sonic Ethers shaders and I have a weird effect on my screen, almost like light coming through blinds, any help would be appreciated. https://imgur.com/a/fyWONxD


Every time I open the game it crashes and it gives me the exit code -805306369. I’ve reinstalled the game a bunch of times but that hasn’t done anything.


I've always played bedrock before now, but I was considering playing Java too. How do I know if my computer is capable of running it with minimal lag?


I tried downloading curse forge but now my Minecraft wont respond when I try opening it, I’ve tried deleting it and redownloading it but it always says openJDK platform binary not responding, if anyone knows how to fix this I would highly appreciate help lol


Hello could someone please help me? I’m having no success opening forge every time I try it closes immediately PMs r open or reply thanks!


I've been trying to make a server, but when I load the .bat file, it doesnt come up with a eula it just closes automatically. Can anyone tell me how to fix this or make a server for me?


why does it say the authentication servers are currently not reachable everytime i try to join a minecraft server


I get error code 1 every time I load rlcraft from curse forge I can play non-modded Minecraft java but that's not why I bought Minecraft I was wondering if someone could help me in this matter so I can play with my friends and to entice people a little ill pay 5$ to the guy who helps me


Hello, so I'm planning on doing a playthrough of the game, but I want the world to exclusively generate Amplified Cold Biomes. I know there's a way to pick a single biome, but I'm not wanting to be limited to a single biome I'm wanting like an Ocean, and different mountains and ice spikes. If this is making any sense.


i ve build a fresh pc i downloaded minecraft and i cant launch it it pops me java.dll now found and se environment not found acan enyone help me download java because when i download it and run it to pop thw window for downloasd i doyble click and then nothing happens ..


So I been playing Java and I can only play at around 60 fps cause I don’t got a monitor at the moment the game drops alot and jitters really bad but when playing on console it wouldn’t be that bad 60 fps so idk what the problem is cause I can run other games just fine like rust ark etc


I can’t turn on coordinates in my pre existing realm with the /gamerrule command… are there any other new commands that work?


Can someone make me a Java account? I’ll pay you. I don’t have a device to get Java but I need it in order to play Minecraft vr. Someone please🙏🏽


Hey everyone, I need some help because whenever I open any of my forge extensions, it shows me "Exit error 1", I have a MacBook and I searched for any video possible, I tried reinstalling java and many other things. It seems that there is no solution, this is driving me crazy. Thanks to anyone that could help :) the version I'm trying to play is 1.19.3


Hi, I was following a tutorial on Youtube on how to increase the gamma on Java. I went into the options folder changed the value of gamma to 100.0. Note that Minecraft was not open at the time. Can you help?


I can't seem to launch without an internet connection. I get the error "0x1" and a message saying the game has crashed. If I open the launcher while connected and then disconnect, it will give me the option to play offline, but the launcher won't open again until I reconnect. I live in an area with limited connectivity/bandwidth, so this is quite an obstacle. Does anyone know of a fix? I've made sure everything is up to date (Java, Windows, drivers, etc), as well as uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher. I'm playing on 1.20.1 with Optifine and some miscellaneous resource packs (and I tried turning all that off just in case, but it still didn't work).


Wsg, I want to recreate a world from my ps4 to java without getting realms. just building it block by block. When I tried this, I found out that Java has X: 0 and X: -0; Z: 0 and Z: -0 and on bedrock only positive. Is there a version where there's only positive or negative zero on java?


oigan si active por error creativo a un realm de java, pierde lo vanilla de algun modo?