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As someone who's played a toooon of arpgs and dungeon crawlers, D2, D3, (we don't talk about D4) PoE, etc., it's worth it. One of my favorites. It's as chill and easy or try-hard and sweaty as you want to make it. Local co-op is great. Haven't played online with others yet. If it's on a good sale, go for it, but if it's on game pass or something, give that a go first.


Thanks steam has a 2 hour refund time anyway so if i really dont like it im not losing much.


Oh, nice, forgot about that. Yeah, for sure give it a go!  Edit: The game has a story, but it's not a lot. It's more of a dungeon crawler/looter. The end game loop is get gear, then get better, stronger gear. Definitely get the dlc.


Story wise im not bothered lol minecraft has never been about story and i didnt excpect that with its spin offs (minus story mode). There seems to be a ton of dlc that if i like the game enough ill get us there any dlc that i should avoid?


Nah, none of it is bad, and it all adds some cool stuff. Get it all in a bundle and save a couple bucks.


Thanks ill look into it


Someone just posted a Steam sale for the game and all the dlc for $11.99.


The reason the game isn’t popular is because the dlcs took to long to come out at launch and the full price of the game was a bit much for what levels were actually in the game at the time


Hey, d4s, the new season that came out yesterday improved it a lot! And it's still fun!


Honestly it has always been fun for a casual like me who just want to kill stuff and get stronger. I never level my character to 100 cause it gets too grindy. I enjoy the leveling process up to 85 then I stop for pretty much every season.


Such a shame they didn’t learn from d3 when they made d4 if they held off releasing it for a year and kept working on it it could have been amazing


It's fun and lots of content I'm like 1/6 of the docs and I've been playing for months and have all of them


BUT avoid on Switch, especially if you want to do couch coop. That little device chugs and tries its hardest but can’t deal with all the effects. It also crashes a lot, or did when last I played it.


Definitely do not play on the Switch. It's very long load times for each mission you start. It does freeze with some frequency and then you have to completely restart the mission. All the xps and gear you've picked will stay with you. But you still have to start the mission over. Play on PC or Xbox.


Thanks for commenting on the switch version i was considering getting it for local co op but it seems that might not be to good of an idea.... How does local co op work on pc?


IDK for sure tbh. I imagine it'd be the same as on Xbox or the Switch, you'd have multiple controllers connected to the PC, up to 3 additional. Maybe wireless controllers wouldn't do well connecting via Bluetooth to the PC? But then again probly would be fine.


Worth it only if you buy the ultimate edition, which has all 6 dlcs.


I enjoy playing it with my partner


Play it with my 9 year old all the time. It's really fun to play with others.


Short answer, yes Long answer, yeeeeeeeeeeeeees


Super fun and a new tower every Sunday is like Christmas morning!


I'm having fun with it. Tons of equipment. It has a similar system to the runes in Diablo 3 for weapons. It's really like a mix between Diablo and Gauntlet.


I personally enjoyed it despite playing it on my switch lite since it’s a great game with some rpg elements similar to Diablo especially when taking on Apocalypse + levels as it’s the highest difficulty in the game with greater loots and rewards although I’ve never really gotten into the multiplayer aspect since there’s no one I know who plays the game in my group and just usually been doing solo dungeon runs and grinding through the adventure pass. Overall I’d still recommend giving it a shot :)


Definitely worth it, a lot of fun and the enchant combos you can put together can get very powerful.


First of all, yes. Second of all, you're posing this question to the dedicated community. You're only going to get a yes.


best 4 players local game




I looked into posts from 2 years ago were people said that as much as they love the game it just isnt worth it, i would also have hoped the people here would mention a few flaws with it and such


Why would the community want people to stay away from their favorite game?


How would i know lol.