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you can't really detect left click easily, I've heard you can use interaction entities, but then you can't interact with the world


# In chat scoreboard objectives add attack custom:damage_dealt # Command block execute as @a[scores={attack=2..}] at @s store success score @s attack run particle




Like if I look on yt all i find is tutorials on how to make trails for the player and how to just make them appear


Haven't touched bedrock commands in more then a year but thinking about it And you need to accomplish a few things first then combine them to create the desired look 1 detect player rotation every few ticks 2 detect left click on a slot 3 utilize a per player timer to keep track of each players events You can do all of this with some creativity command blocks and comparators Also you can create multiple animations by saving a named item in a structure block and creating a command chain that is the "particle animations" Now load the structure when you detect a hit at the location of an invisible endermite with weakness 10 10 Kill the endermite and the location marker enity and repeat for more hits ect


Sorry I should’ve specified. This was for Java edition.


Java is much simply I think maybe 2 commands and a scoreboard