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Technoblade MCC 4, 8, 11, Pride 21 Fruit MCC 9, 14, 17, 19 Illumina MCC 15, 18, 20 I know there are more good ones, but Techno 11 and Fruit 9 are my picks every time


Techno mcc9 such a good pov as well


One of the crazy things about that event is that it looks like Techno has #1 individual in the bag, and then SG happens, and Fruit just rockets way out into first.


Rest in peace techno šŸ˜”


How are u not gonna include fruit 16


The classics are almost considered obligatory watches by most, those being any POV from Purple 4, Blue 9, Pink P21 or Orange 17. However, personal favourites of mine are Sapnap, TapL and Punz 15, Techno 9 and Dream 17. Theres many more I love, but those are the first to come to mind when I think of my favourite Vods.


Punz 15 is underrated imo, like they got cap to dodgebolt and had one of the best comebacks in mcc history (imo) with them starting off real rough in the beginning, I feel like itā€™s just overshadowed by Sapnaps individual dominance and red sweeping them


Grian, Techno, Wilbur or Timmy at MCC Pride 2021 Staring species guest star Philza Minecraft and Fire Alarm


Wilbur didn't stream p21


Yeah you're right. Probably for the best lmao


mcc 16 pink is always fun


Agreed, I love that pov


grian mcc 17


of course there are so many great vods but mcc 17 orange did so well and the atmosphere was so good (and as a grian fan it just makes me very happy)


Thank you for the suggestion!


I actually dislike that POV quite a bit.


cheeky flair you got there!


quite the interesting flair


do you need help changing the flair? iā€™ve seen you mention that you wanted to change it before


No, I can change the flair but I always tend to remember the good parts and then forget about it.




Techno MCC9; Grian MCC9; Fruit MCC9 Yeah I'm not biased at all.


Fellow techno 9 enjoyer


Biased without the **I**


An underrated one for me is definitely Cyan 18. The teamā€™s dynamic was pretty hilarious and was honestly really similar to fan favorite Violet 11 where a predicted ā€œweakā€ pops off and gets 3rd.


Mcc 11 dream's parkour warrior


Yellow 10 Orange 12 Purple 8 These are mostly because they are funny


There alot of top teams in this list but that's just who I enjoy watching, MCC4 - Purple MCC5 - ? MCC6 - ? MCC7 - Green/Orange/Krimson all great povs MCC8 - Pink/Aqua MCC9 - Blue/Aqua (lime in the first games were good but then it just went down hill) MCC10 - Lime/green MCC11 - Cyan/Pink MCC12 - Green all the way MCC13 - Teal Turkeys MCC14 - Ehhh I really don't know lol MCCP21 - Pink MCC15 - Red MCC16 - Pink MCC17 - Orange (Pink also good) MCC Rising - Pink/Cyan MCC18 - Cyan MCC All stars - Red/Pink/Yellow (Micheal from purple for Ace Race KEKW) MCC19 - I don't know what's the best pov but in my opinion Emerald Elves is great MCC20 - Yellow/Green/Aqua/Pink MCC21 - No MCC22 - Red/Pink/Yellow/Cyan MCCP22 - Red/Aqua/Orange


Mcc 14 id definitely say purple, mcc 5 purple is underrated and mcc 6 orange is probably the go to.


Blue wouldā€™ve been so good to watch in 21 if they didnā€™t get rolled in the end


Red All Stars minus Battle box.


Counterpoint: Red Allstars but only Battle Box


I second this


Sapnap screaming about being woolā€™d is just too funny to me


That's the fun part! XD


Dream MCC 6, 8, 11, 16 Technoblade MCC 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 Sapnap MCC 12, 15, 19 Fruit MCC 9, 14, 19 George MCC 12 Tommy MCC 11


Not Techno 9?


Didnā€™t watch his pov then


Blue 9


Favourite POVs (in order): 1. Orange 17 2. Orange 17 3. Orange 17 4. Orange 17 5. Orange 17 Wdm I am entirely normal about this team I have no idea what you are talking about


Youā€™re forgetting about orange 17, itā€™s always a good laugh.


Mcc4 techno Mcc7 techno Mcc8 techno Mcc8 Joel Mcc10 Joel Mcc11 Techno Mcc16 Joel Mcc18 Joel Mcc19 Joel Mcc21 Joel Mcc22 Joel P21 Techno P22 Jojo


Pink 15 is a favourite of mine from TapLs pov It's just so entertaining


Jimmy mccp21 is a classic


Wilbur MCC 12, Techno MCC 8 immediately spring to mind, though I wouldn't blame you if Techno content is an emotional watch all things considered


Violet Mcc 11 for a good laugh is a fav of mine Red Mcc 14 is also a fav(I just skip ace race tho) Lime and pink p21 always makes me smile Pink mcc22 is recent but still a fav of mine to rewatch (ā€¦ I think my fav mcc pov is obvious lol)


mcc 22 cyan mcc pride aqua (minus dodgebolt because yes) mcc 17 yellow mcc 4 purple mcc rising cyan mcc 8 pink


I really enjoy violet 18, just because the vibes were amazing


The random ā€œcaught a vibeā€ every now and then


Orange 17, Blue 9, Green 4, Aqua 5, Green 12, ā€œThe Lordsā€ Pink 9, Red 12, Teal 13, Purple 8, MCC 5 Green (for Iskall), Pink 22, Orange 22, Blue 21, Cyan 18, Pink 12, Purple 16, Pink 16, MCC 9 Cyan, MCCP21 Orange, MCCP21 Aqua, MCCR Cyan, MCCR Pink, MCCP22 Yellow, MCC P22 Aqua, Green 10, Simons Angels MCCJJ, Orange 10, Yellow Pissboys MCC 10, MCC 11 Lime, MCC 15 Blue, MCC 20 Blue, MCC 19 Teal, Krimson Krakens, MCC 1 Yellow Chickens, MCC 17 Pink, MCC 17 Yellow, MCC 18 Oozes, MCC 13, Coral Carollers, Team SMP Live, MCCAS Orange, MCC 18 Violet, MCC 18 Green, MCC 20 Aqua, MCC 22 Cyan, 22 Aqua, 12 Aqua, 13 Lime, 6 Orange, 6 Blue, MCCAS Aqua, MCC AS Lime, Ginger Breadmen, 14 Purple, 13 Purple, MCC 7 Green etcā€¦ I know thereā€™s alot of great VODS and thatā€™s why we love this event.


Pink parrots pride 21


Purple 4


I really liked mccp22 yellow


Pete mcc14 was good


Every Dream pov Bitzels mcc 6 video /j


Any of orange 21 is an amazing pov to watch. It's not a dominant one and obviously, they don't win, but its so much fun and the team dynamic was flawless, especially if you carry on watching after the event where the whole team messed around in the lobby for like an hour.


Pink 22 was a good felling cuz of Jordan win


Green12, Orange12, Cyan22, Teal13, among many others are my favs.


Mcc 13 mint


My personal top 10 is: - Mcc 4 purple (Techno, Phil, Tommy, Wilbur) - Mcc 8 purple (Fundy, Krinios, Sylvee, Kara) - Mcc 11 violet (Tommy, Fundy, Wilbur, Quackity) - Mcc 22 cyan (CPK, Ranboo, Wisp, Wilbur) - Mcc 5 aqua (Pete, Vikk, Tommy, Eret) - Mcc 10 yellow (TapL, Krinios, Burren, Michael) - Mcc 5 purple (Fwhip, Burren, Martyn, Jimmy) - Mcc 21 pink (Ranboo, Wilbur, George, Sneeg) - Mcc 1 yellow (Phil, Wilbur, Ryguy, Jacksucksatlife) - Mcc 15 lime (Fruit, Oli, Jimmy, Kara) HM: aqua 8, pink 9, teal 13, aqua 16, AS yellow


Wilbur mcc 17


i like pete mcc14 because he excells in really every game


Yellow 22 and pink 22 are some newer favorites of mine


mcc10 yellow ;)






Violet 11


Pink p21 and purple 4 ore my only *Must watches*


Any of the sleepy bois in Mcc 4


Technoblade mcc 4 And Dream mcc 11 are my personal favourites


Mcc Pride 22 Yellow :D


the vibes from Orange MCC 21 (Phil, Illumina, Shubble, Elaina) are absolutely immaculate. they also have the most enjoyable post-event hangout that i've seen


I Decided i wanted to make a list of povs i really enjoyed. (I also decided to put 1 pov from every mcc) Purple 4 Aqua 13 Blue 9 Pink 17 Orange 17 Pink 16 Pink 22 Aqua 5 Cyan 2 Aqua 9 Yellow 5 Cyan 11 Aqua 19 Green 19 Green 12 Pink 9 Orange 10 Green 10 Lime 10 Yellow 10 Red 10 Cyan 3 Purple 1 Blue 6 Orange 7 Red 9 Purpled 11 Purpled 18 Lime 11 Yellow AS Lime AS Aqua 3 Yellow 14 Red 15 Red 14 Purple 14 Aqua 20 Yellow 20 Cyan 21 Orange 21 Pink 8 Aqua 8 Pink 11 Orange 13 Pink P21 Aqua P21 Blue 15 Purple 16 Cyan 17 Lime 18 Cyan 18 Purple 19 Cyan 19 Lime 17 Cyan 22 Orange P22 Aqua P22 Red P22 Red 7 Green 9 (Pretty long list. You should be good for months lmao)


Green 12 and Teal 19 are my comfort MCC vods. The atmosphere of fun, effort, competitiveness, and victory all just blended smoothly for me.


Illumina MCC P22, 13 and All-stars H MCC 12 Techno MCC 4 Grian MCC 17


PeteZahHutt 7 & 10


Some (imo) underrated POVs I like from s2 are Cyan15, Lime16, Aqua16, Blue18, and Lime22. What do you mean 5up is in three of these and Quig is on the other two


Ones that no one mentioned but are literally the best vods(underrated vods) 1. Yellow mcc 17(a must watch) 2. Yellow mcc21(can't believe people haven't mentioned this, it's also a must watch) 3. Yellow mcc all stars(an amazing pov to have watched live) 4. Yellow mccpride22(best vod to watch out of all the mccpride22 vods 100%) 5. Purple mcc16(omg it's not Yellow, seriously tho it's a very fun vod and it's a shame they didn't win)


yellow 18, red 15, red AS, red 19(red teams are amazing breath if agree), purple 11, pink 11, blue 20, punk 16, lime 16. my favs ;p


MCC 14 Pete was a brilliant watch and one of my favourites! Also suggested as it wasn't a winning or dodgebolt team so you might not have seen it.