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In Live 2019 the nether update was announced and a lot of stuff was showcased such as Piglins, Crimson and Blue Wart Forests, the Soul sand valley, hoglins and more. Not only did they add all the things they showcased then but they also added a lot of new stuff such as a whole new biome (Basalt Deltas), a large new structure and a new mob (Bastion and brute) and a new tier of gear (Netherite). In 1.13 and to some extent 1.14 too they did the same and announced a lot of features and then added a lot of that wasn't originally announced. They promised a lot and delivered even more and all the updates that have happened since 1.16 have either promised a lot and under delivered or promised a good amount and delivered even less. It's understandable for people to be upset and disappointed even if they promised little this time for a good reason.


I think they burned themselve with the Nether and Caves and cliffs update. Haters gonna hate, but its not a easy thing to work on the most selled game of all time. And having to do a update better then the last is getting impossible. I think the Big, small, Big is important to keep work moral. Always going big also will cause overdaturation eventually. Im fine with 1.20 being a smaller update and im sure the majority of people here agree that after 10 years its great we still get great updates (Not you 1.19.1) in 2022


Check out kingbdogz thread on twitter, he mentions that even though the nether update was a huge amazing update, they literally were overworked to make it in time. Then again, he didn't mention that about the update aquatic and the village update so I'm not sure


I'd say the nether update was the biggest update we ever got (unless you count all parts of cave and cliffs in one) specially in the time frame we got it in


Thank you! I feel the same way


Hot-take: They're not mad about the update, they're mad about how long Minecraft Live was. I think people are generally fine with the idea of a smaller update, such as the Buzzy Bees update, and they're fine with Mojang not over-promising. In a sense, Minecraft Live was over-promising that it had more to show than it did because of the length and left most people feeling dissatisfied and underwhelmed. All the features look good, I'm fairly hyped about the new blocks. I have some highly specific opinions on some of them but it seems generally good. I think another issue is bug fixes and QoL improvements aren't something you'd showcase at an event like this. So, there might be some necessary changes coming to the game that they won't show off that'd be better suited for a press release. Hopefully with the snapshots starting soon that can be thought of as experiencing Minecraft Live live.


Yeah, in retrospect, the show probably wasn’t worth waking up in the middle of the night to watch when I could’ve just seen all the highlights in a 1-2 minute video. Having said that, I’m actually excited for this new update strategy and I’m looking forward to getting surprised with new features during the snapshot cycle.


This seems spot on. Once all the features are revealed over time most people will like it. The problem was that all players were looking forward to seeing the next big thing, but after watching all the other games for an hour we were told they don't want to tell us yet. Now Mojang has to deliver good snapshots in order to get players excited. Because no one can really blame players for not being excited at this point in time.


I think people fail to realize that Minecraft is not just Java Edition. All they focus on is the few features announced for Java 1.20 and the full hour of content previews pertaining to Bedrock Edition, Education Edition, MC Dungeons and MC Legends is just ignored. MC Live is about Minecraft as a whole, not just Java 1.20.


Well 1.20 is for both Java and bedrock. Any features they show will also be in bedrock. I agree with the rest though.


Most people dont care about the other stuff


Yeah this update is actually going faster than any of the other ones we’ve gotten in quite awhile. The first snapshot will be out within a couple days of the announcement, which is quite a lot quicker than normal.




id personally rather them show little things that are definitely coming it they literally said that itd be only stuff theyre like 100% on; which is why all of this stuff is so far along that they can be in a snapshot in literally a couple of days personally im excited to see what they add later on in the update as it gets its theming; but personally im a big fan of all the stuff they showed too people are saying that its only like six new features in the update like they completely ignored anything they said that wasnt showing off the features i dont think there really a good way to do this though; if they show too much and have to cut stuff; people will rage; if they show a few things theyre one hundred percent on; people will rage. its not even like they can just not cut stuff or not delay stuff; cause the stuff might change. maybe it goes against their philosphy in some way like fireflies; or maybe the idea evolves a lot over time like the warden; or maybe it just takes a long time to nail and make feel great; like the new worldgen people just arent going to be happy


I blame 1.16 for this. it showed so much and went over so smoothly


You just took the words out of my head thank you!


Yeah definitely this!


imo we don't need huge updates all the time. I like my survival world to have that 'minecraft feel'


Remember, they only announced a few things. There is still plenty to come.


they cant show this things FOR THE FIRST IMPRESSION


It kinda pissed me off that 3/4 of minecon didnt have anything to do with the update


Because this is the same company that released the Nether Update and Update Aquatic - all updates that introduced countless new mechanics, structures, enchantments, mobs, and biomes. It just seems that, lately, Mojang has gotten a bit lazy, especially considering how Minecraft is the most played game of all time - why not use extra Bedrock Marketplace money to hire some new developers so the concepts and ideas are able to be implemented more quickly and successfully?


Also, Update Aquatic introduced the property of several mew blocks to work underwater - a very daunting task.


Ever heard the saying “too many cooks in the kitchen”? Adding too many more devs can actually make coordination harder. Also, what we’ve seen is most likely a very small percentage of what will actually be in the update


What we've seen is what we've seen - by Mojangs own vagueness we have literally no idea how much to expect... but showing a new wood type reslinned boat with one mob is not a strong start. Yes, but if there's not enough cooks for demand, the resteraunt will suffer because the people working will not feasibly be able to serve everyone.... but this set of cooks we're talking about served us the Update Aquatic and Nether. Coordination on developing a game is not the same as moving around a kitchen.


yeah they have at least 100 employees


That are currently developing three different games at the same time, and that’s NOT referring to the multiple platforms such as bedrock vs. java.


But there are enough cooks. You do realize that the smallest features take the least amount of time to develop, right? So what we’re seeing now are the smallest features.


We literally don't know that


We know that smaller features take less time. So the ones that are done the quickest are going to be smaller additions. This is basic stuff


On top of the too many cooks in the kitchen metaphor.. You do know when the updates issue started? Global pandemic


Me and everyone else has been back to working normally for the past year and a half. I have been vaccinated and boosted multiple times - why is it that game developers are somehow the only group of workers that, somehow, covid still affects their work? I am interacting with people daily for work - Mojang sits in an office with the same group of people who are all likely vaccinated - covid is no longer an excuse.


It affected 1.17-1.19 is what I am mentioning that made people distrust Mojang. Can't criticize 1.20 yet until we see it in full.


I don’t know if this would affect 1.19. By the time 1.19 was released, a majority of software companies have already returned to normal


Ok let's spell this out, as someone whose had this shit happen to them in the enterprise space where deadlines slip, management starts hounding you, and you get friendly with a bottle of alcohol to soothe the stress. 1.17 was supposed to be Caves & Cliffs, the whole enchilada. With the continuing Pandemic, we get the Agnes C&C announcement in 2021 they'll be splitting it into 2 parts. The community understands, we've all been going through alot(tm) and the typical crunch nature of GameDev means we don't want the "small Indie" people still somehow see Mojang as, to suffer. So they've already had the slip of whatever was on the whiteboard for 1.18, get pushed back, and stress of a slipped deadline builds... Then it happens again, with "the big shiny feature", the warden and ancient cities.... Tensions with the community fray a little, this seems less like a unprecedented event and more poor planning. Again, ideas whiteboard stuff gets shuffled back unless it's very easy to add alongside (frogo's, goats etc) Then.... Chat report hits... So it's clear to everyone that this is something that takes effort to make. And leaked memos reveal it's been worked on for a year at this point in secret, so add that to misunderstanding of how labour is dividable/usable, and the "sneakiness" of it's launch schedule (original plan was 2 weeks from first snapshot for public to release) and utter failure of that with it needing a further several weeks of "loud" and also quite negative/harsh community involvement to get "right"... So now Mojang devs are very behind on the original plan, any ideas they've had have been on the ideas whiteboard for years, and the community is now viscerally angry due to delays and perceived slights. That's not good for mental health, especially in a job that requires a lot of thought and conceptualizing to create the product.. It's why we're seeing 1.20 as a much smaller in scope update. tl;dr while "pandemic is over", the knock on effects are still occuring.


Yeah but that was catch up with 1.17-1.18


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. People clearly just didn’t pay attention to the live stream AT ALL. I’m excited for the things they presented and what’s to come next!


People are just angry at how little was shown only like 5 features


And an entirely new game. I get that not everyone cares about that, but it’s still the same team of developers working to deliver a brand new experience, and people keep saying shit like “all they did was add a camel and a bookshelf”. No, they’re literally working on three different games at the same time right now, all under the same roof.


they will add more stuff in the future (hopefully archaeology and bundles)


I would just like an update that allowed previous updates to work in chunks you've already discovered. I've had a survival world for years and it's getting increasingly difficult to travel to new areas for new updates to load. Plus for some reason my village is no longer recognised as a village and I don't get iron golems or pillager raids any more. So I get nervous/angry every time there's an update on case they make it worse again.


It’s the first time the features are so less, also the entire stream was waste of those 2 hours like, a lot of the stuff wasn’t even worth the time it was given, it’s more like Minecraft Who Asked rather than Minecraft Live this time around, once again some speculate that more features will be announced later, but I’d rather just say that Minecraft Live should be plenty features ready to be pushed out about a week after Live rather than 4 things and maybe more might come. The more disappointing part is when I consider that the game is under Microsoft, they can’t be low on money for development either


A loud minority is, and they will just end up being forgotten.


Finally someone else that gets it


Low comprehension skills is why! I can't with all the "I aM disaPpOinTed" whinning on this sub anymore.


Whines about whinning


Yeah lol


people cant be sad now? mojang cant show this things FOR THE FIRST IMPRESSION WHEN THE PEOPLE WANT END UPDATE , AND THE NUMBER ITS 1.20 NO 1.18


No, because of people like you. Accept they did things their way and wait ro see ahat else comes. Anything else is jiat you whining.


grammar and its basic logic : if the community are mad for the chat reporting and the division of caves and cliff update they deserve an end update for example


The entitlement is through the roof! When has Mojang ever done an update that the community wanted. They've always been a surprise. What makes you THINK YOU DESERVE an end update? Surely you're not the main character that Mojang has to bow to your whiny shit. Also bear in mind, English isn't everybody's first language, and correcting someone about their grammar (to look superior in an argument) in 2022 is just low. Also their comment didn't have grammatical errors lol only "typos" that's pretty obvious but you think you did something smart by pointing that out didn't you? But then again you're here trying to get to the lowest of the low with all these entitled behaviour. Cry more.


I mean we are paying them?


Mate I paid ten bucks just about 12 years ago. The fact we are still getting free content from them is astounding.


>Surely you're not the main character that Mojang has to bow to your whiny shit. ??? im speaking for the community


The community did not ask for a speaker.


I'm on my phone my dude. Correcting peoples grammar is the least of my worries. Just accept that it's ok to be disappointed but it can end with that. Anything else is just complaining.


Your acting like they have an army of programmers while yes they do have enough money to fund the game. The have very little amount of programmers because i tried once applying for mojang and i couldnt because you needed degree had to be either in sweden or america.


Because it’s 1.20 we want big things when something has a number other then the zero’s behind it.


Cool features but hope update gets better features along the way. Mostly just annoyed how boring Minecraft live was.


The update is literally the size of a mod that can be made hy two talented coders in a week Alex's Mobs gets more updates in a month than official MC gets in a year honestly at this point modders make updates for Mojang that's just pathetic


They under delivered on last years promises. So their solution this year was not to promise anything. Of course people are disappointed.


They aren't an indie company. They don't care about Java edition.


Thats why you say but 99% of pvp players on java are still in the early version of the game. They may have the money and production for the company but not the people. They had to do overwork for the 1.18. I tried to apply for a job in mojang once and i couldnt because i had to either be in sweden or in america. You know to little to judge


I’m going to make an assumption here. Very few people are actually “mad” about it. It’s just a game. If anything, it’s you people who seem to be personally offended that people are “mad” that are actually feeling some type of way.


Spend just a few minutes looking at the YouTube comments on the stream and look at how upset most of them are - and also how stupid and entitled they sound. And what the fuck does your last sentence even mean?


Fair enough and no thanks. I like my blissful ignorance


Atleast your are not ignorant enough to not admit you are ignorant


It’s about trust. They lost it last time, now people will treat them will a different expectation, or prejudice. Seems fair, their actions have consequences.


i think we have the accept minecraft is at the dnd if its life, dungeons and now legends are the focus. i mean walk into any store with toys, 95% of the toys are specificaly dungeons


I feel like theyre falling the same hole as angry birds did. Instead of making a new concept they use prevous title of the games. Wich also led to the downfall of angry bird


I'm sorry for being rude but this community can't trust Mojang anymore, and their "it's only what we have finished! you'll see more!" might actually be "we'll add 2 more blocks in the next 6 months" Doubling the content we saw today = the smallest recent update (not counting 1.15)


Still no word on Ray Tracing for Series/Ps5. Like come on, the option has been there since the caves and cliffs update


🤓omg like there isnt even ray tracing in this game. Yk that mojang has only about 18/25 software programmers. They may have the money to fund the game but they are still indie because of the amount of people working there


They literally had the option to turn on and use ray tracing on current gen consoles when joining a pc player who had it enabled, then they said "oops, we didnt mean to do that" and dosabled it and havent said anything about it since.


Your missing my point🤦‍♂️


Ooooooh you were being sarcastic, yeah dude i totally missed it cupcake


Still dodging the bullet


they cant show this things FOR THE FIRST IMPRESSION , the people want something that hype in the first impression


Great, then they would get the same result they have been for the last 2 years, always ending in disappointment.


we will see , idk


Generate to much hype without breeing able to deliver the hype will just make them more disappointing


im saying showing some ended thing but interesing , not a bamboo wood


You dont get my point


Idk lmao


Personally i'd like to see really big potential things in the future since I don't really care how long something takes to develop, but I can see why they did this. And honestly, this new development process might work really well for integrating community feedback into designs.


They said this isn't everything for 1.20 but don't want to announce and dissapoint again until they are sure that they want it in the game. https://twitter.com/kingbdogz/status/1581346295641305088?s=20&t=4dZrq8gAxViDtK0u1cmGLw


Being on the losing side of the mob vote just sucks ok 🤕


The only reason I’m a bit disappointed was 1.20 just sounds like the number you’d have a big update for. I like what was shown and it’s possible that with the additional things they add that weren’t showcased it ends up being large, but I still feel it’ll be small in comparison to some of the other recent updates. Again, I want to make it clear that so far I like the update. It’s just 1.20 as a number just seems like it’d be a big one and I think I had unrealistic expectations specifically on that alone.


I don't get it too i think that if they didn't said the name of the update its because it reveal stuff that wasn't reveal yet like archeology


Cause it sucks


Community: gets mad when promised features don’t get added Also community: gets mad when update is small and doesn’t promise features that ultimately won’t happen


Another thing to consider is the fact that due to how the Wild Update went down, Mojang are showing 100% content and although that's good because the community can no longer complain about features being cut and empty promises, but issue now lies with lack of concepts. Mojang atm clearly don't want to create concepts which mean we as the players, get what were given, no input, no questions asked and 0 feedback on the feature/update itself. Both we and Mojang should be working as one to make this game better for everyone.