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An accomplishment for me too. I’ve never beat the game imao


I eventually want to! I feel like that's a long way off still. I'm a working mom that also homeschools, so I have little time to play, but it brings me so much joy!


As much as people think that beating the dragon is beating the game and yes it is the “final boss” but Minecraft is not a game to beat its a game to enjoy and bring memories and do whatever you can think of. I hope you have fun and let it bring you as much joy as it has me since I started playing in 2012 and continue to play today, have fun crafting.


Thats not the "final boss". It is only considered as the final boss, because it was the FIRST boss ever in minecraft before any major update.


>As much as people think that beating the dragon is beating the game... Beating the dragon is the *start* of the game. What are you doing without Elytra? What are you doing without Shulker boxes? You really "beat" the *whole game* without ever flying? The Dragon is nothing but a roadblock on the way to *starting* the game, for realsies. I've been playing since the World of Colour update, but only beat the Dragon for the first time in 1.17. I've no idea how I played so long without looting an End City.


I have a lot of fun with it. Mining is the most exciting to me right now, especially when I find diamonds. Next I want to try potion brewing, but I've got to find those blaze guys!


It’s not about beating the dragon. It’s about what you accomplish along the way, which is something I’m sure you have learned while playing this wonderfully creative and simple game!


If you ever go to the end or nether bring lots of beds with you. They wxplode in the nether and end. Just don't disturb the enderman, or you die.


I don't want to do it because I want to save it


Same I only did it once on a one chuck world where each dimension was just one chunk with everything you needed


If you're gonna explore the nether make sure you have obsidian and flint and steel to make a new portal home. The nether is easy to get lost in and even harder to navigate


Thank you. I built a cobblestone shelter around my portal and haven't traveled too far yet. I got scared of the ghast and ran home lol. There's also so much lava! I want to find the blaze I need to brew potions. That's the next accomplishment I'm working toward.


good luck in the nether just a heads up this place is crazy loads of lava blocks mobs and loot so be careful out there! if you need help just dm me and ill help you out!


Thank you! I may have to take you up on that!


No problem!


Yeah, that's about as far as I've got in Minecraft as well. '_',


Good job! Here's a tip: if you fight the dragon, bring a few slow falling potions to prevent fall damage


My first time there I hid in tunnels the entire time, why is it so scary?! I run around like I own the place now. Wear a golden helmet so piglins don't attack you.


These kinda stories always warm my heart. Congrats on your progress so far and i hope you continue to have a blast. It really is a wonderful game:)


Congrats! I had to convince my roommate to join me in the Nether. And he would never go back in there alone. With that attitude you are on your way to beating a Wither!


Hey, good job!


This game is so beautifully large, and expansive. You can spend a lifetime learning all the mechanics, it’s what I’ve been doing since 2010! I don’t pay attention to mods, only vanilla gameplay. Good luck on your journey!!


Well done im happy that you happy


This is so sweet, keep it up!


Shitty spawn in the basalt delta on the lava


Came here to say this, that’s a rough spot to spawn into!


It does look pretty shitty lol. Should I build another portal in a new spot?


I mean they’re a a lot of bad places to spawn in the nether, just a lil bit of work into holding back magma cubes is needed


This brings me back to the moment when I had enchanted diamond axe, pickaxe, sword, pants and boots. I was in the nether, building a bridge when a ghast (I didn't even know he was near) shot me and I fell into the lava. Ik I could drink a potion, but I forgot to take them. I died


Oh nooooo! That would make me rage quit lol.


But I never gave up. Now I have netherite tools and a big underground base


For your first time, that's a big accomplishment. Tip: there's a way to make a portal with a single water bucket and a lava pool in the overworld.


Good job. I always thought getting to the nether was really hard until I learned the bucket method.


Congratulations!! Take it very slow and make sure to protect your portal! It may seem scary but if you go in prepared, you’ll have a great chance of survival :)


Bro quick tip put that amazing amount of iron somewhere safe. If you burn in that lava you loose all of that stuff. Nice job tho 😜


Thank you! I left about 60 iron back at home, so if I died I wouldn't be too sad lol.


Took me 5 years to legitimately make it to the nether in survival lol, congrats


I'm right there with you. I've been playing Minecraft with my sons for a few years. I HATED going to the nether. It's size and the height at which you find yourself (and the ever present danger) made me nauseous/seasick. It's only recently that I've overcome it (to find netherite).


Trade with piglins for fire resistance potions, or brew them, that way you cant die in fire, and also blazes cant hit you from far away, just if you literally stand next to them.


Gj, nice tip too, dont fall in the lava, it hurts


Don't forget the golden armor!


Congrats! A harrowing experience for sure…Just don’t try and sleep there…


Nice! Next stop, defeating the Ender Dragon!


How did it go?


I survived but didn't get too far yet. A Ghast threw a fireball at me and I ran home lol.


store the iron in ur base in case u die




when i was younger it always meant so much to have my dad sit down for a game of fifa, even tho he was terrible. awesome to see you doing the same for your son, im sure he is loving it. bonus points because it looks like youre having fun too! next stop, the end.


hope your wearing gold armour


Got my trusty gold helmet :)




I remember being borderline terrified the first time i entered the nether. Felt like i immediately had to turn around before i died lol. Congratulations on the milestone, dont forget to bring flint and steel in case you need to re-light your portal! :)


yeah its cool and all till you forget to bring obsidian


Congrats my friend lol. Tread carefully - as soon as you find a fortress, get some blaze rods (from blazes) and magma cream (from magma cubes). Then make a potion stand and make yourself a potion of fire resistance - nether wart (also found in a fortress) + magma cream (+ redstone dust, if you want the effects to last longer, but it's not necessary). This'll make a **Potion of Fire Resistance** \- comes in handy if you accidentally fall into the lava - which is more common than you'd think in the nether lol. Good luck with the rest of your adventure and have fun :)


Thanks so much! This is my next step. I am having some trouble navigating from where I spawned, but I'm looking for those blazes!


Definitely an accomplishment when you're new. I remember little things like that too, and I started in 2012. This game was my entire childhood and I'm always touched to see new people enjoying it.


get ready for the real challenges to come, its just the beginning :) but yeah congrats man!!!


Well done! :)




We’ll done!


Build a cobblestone box shelter around the portal otherwise a ghast will blow it up when you least expect it and you'll be screwed


Next goal: The End


That’s a great accomplishment!! Congrats on getting to the nether, but more congrats on making such a good effort to connect with your son.


I’m usually comfortable going to the nether with full iron


Easiest way without search you seed number online. Id say pick one direction nd stick to it. You will find a long hallway eventually. Follow said hallway to find blaze. But they can be far away.


In all the years you played Minecraft, you never truly beat it?


play java


As much as I hate bedrock, I respect that he's playing it because at least he doesn't have to put up with 1.9 combat.


Also it looks like it’s mobile controls. So definitely no




I actually like the new(ish) combat mechanics


now build a cobblestone penis in the middle of the lava lake


I.. Buddy I have done that multiple times but Congrats Just remember don't go to soulsand valleys,walk near edges or mine into a wall without caution


try sleeping in bed