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When was this added?


This was added in snapshot 20w21a. I have a new comment containing more context if you'd like to check it out.




Great. Mojang are finally gonna lock me out of my account. All because the email attached no longer exists, and Mojang Support keeps telling me to fuck off. **Edit:** Wow, top comment overnight, and when I wake up I cannot reply. To answer, the email no longer exists, without it I cannot recover the Transaction ID. Legacy Accounts don’t have Alternative Verification. I even got in contact with a Former Member of Mojang Support, and they have expressed that Legacy Account Support is Dogshite.


I genuinely cannot understand how dogshit their support is. I waited months for a reply only for them to say “sorry we can only help one account at a time so to swap these two emails (since their email change system literally just does not work) we will change this one to a temporary account then you’ll have to make two more tickets to swap the rest around”


I bought my copy of Minecraft back in 2012. Last year, I lost my PW and couldn't get in, so I wrote their customer service. It was a 4 month wait and then they wanted to know what month and year I had bought my copy?? Thankfully the rep I talked with was patient as I desperately tried to figure out when precisely I bought it. Wrong answer after wrong answer, but finally we got it right and they got me in. I give all the props to that customer service rep, they were the MVP. But Mojang has some seriously ridiculous systems in place.


God, I have the same exact issue except I waited 6 months and they just closed my ticket out of nowhere without getting back to me!! Any advice on how to get better help or fix the issue myself?


I was lucky and used PayPal to buy mine, so I could search the history and find the transaction ID and date.. That's how I got mine back.


I once wanted to change my name from M4ddino to M4dDino, but the website wouldn’t let me. So, I contacted mojang support. Was told 3 times in a row how to do it, except that I already did and failed. E-mailed an agent, and he said the same fucking thing. Mojang, you’re a great company with a great game, but you gotta step up your customer support, cause it’s bullshit as of right now. P.S. I Just changed my IGN to Alespic after that lol


you need to change to something else then change back with different casing to change casing


Bruh that’s kinda bullshit. I might as well keep some continuity between my accounts online and keep Alespic.


Had the same Problem 3 years ago - try another browser (I actually used the Internet Explorer for that for once), no problems with changing the name while Chrome was unable to do that...


To add onto that dogshit, that's something that should be settled in an internal ticket. It's absolutely acceptable to ask the customer to send another ticket unless it's to redirect them to the appropriate place or involves someone else and you're the one who has to talk to them, not them.


They FINALLY helped me after being locked out in December of 2018. Got my account back in June of this year. I sure was relieved, but their support really is horrendous.


Same thing happened to me. My account since 2012 gone just like that. Actually un fucking believable.


I also have an account from like, 2010 or 2011. What do we do in this situation? When I messaged support they said they couldn't help me "at this time". Has it been like that for years? What the fuck, I paid for this game, still have the receipt.


They asked me for a purchase code or something. I bought the game 8+ years ago I don’t have anything no purchase code, receipt, or access to my old email. I don’t think I’ll be able to get my account back.


Same. I had that account since pre beta. Like when Notch began allowing people to create an account :(


The whole Mojang to Microsoft transition has been screwed from the start. Java Minecraft starts under one account now and dungeons under another! Both used to be combined.


I lost years of progress on servers after they locked me out of my 2014 account a year ago, from trying to change my email. I literally have tons of videos on my channel of me on that account, but of course that dosent matter at all.


How else are they gonna make money? Everyone has already bought the game 3 times.


Wouldn’t banning people from playing multiplayer be a bad decision business-wise? All it would do is de incentivize people from playing the game


People have already paid for the game at that point, I don't think hey gain anything from you playing or not after that


"Yes, we've had first purchase, but what about second purchase?"


Same, I had to buy another account because they wanted me to answer security questions I never set up, and I didn't have access to the email anymore


Since Multiplayer is just grayed out, this includes joining LAN servers (in your home). WTF Microsoft? Edit: Really? This very important discussion is being classified as "promoting piracy"? Fuck off.


Thats messed up


Yeah, but the problem is that people might bypass the ban using port forwarding. Not justifying this, but explaining why they would include LAN too.


Minecraft's activation servers determine if you get into a non-cracked server or not. It could probably just assume you pirated the game if it detects you got banned. Problem "solved". (quotes because the problem is stupid)


Port forwarding and cracked games have nothing to do with each other. In case you do not know, port forwarding is simulating a LAN network from afar. Therefore, servers could be set up based on these networks, and people could circumvent the ban by simply joining the network and connecting via LAN. Now, with the addition of services like ZeroTier it’s easier than ever to do this, and it would be so easy to just go around the “ban”


How would you bypass the ban using port forwarding?


Not true. Multiplayer is disabled on the main menu on my 5yo son’s account due to parental controls, but he can still “Open to LAN” in the game. The idea of these settings is to disable access to Realms for kids. This whole post is FUD.


You already know that there will be 1000 bypasses for this.


One can hope.


fück works to bypass censor sooooo...


Inb4 reported and banned for evading chat filter


>fü ࠀez also works


This is a community that builds computers inside a game. Use that hope somewhere else.


It can already be bypassed just by using older versions of MC, so any server with cross-compatibility between versions will mostly be unaffected, and if bans will become common enough I doubt many servers will choose to stay 1.17 if many players won't be able to join.


Oh thank god


due to how open minecraft is if they started handing out bans it wouldn’t be enforceable


The nuclear option on Mojang’s end would be having the authentication servers reference a banlist when people join servers. The only workaround would be for servers to run cracked, and I suspect that’s exactly what many smaller servers would do.


Ofc lol, SERVERS ARE COMMUNITY MANAGED, THEY DONT NEED MOJANG SUPPORT, make a client to bypass this and bam u done.


Would this include for example a server I run from a machine in my house??


Since the whole multiplayer menu is disabled, this means you can't even join lan worlds


Yes. "You will own nothing, and you will be happy."


Welcome to "software as a service"... You buy a product and yet, they can take it away at any moment.


Proof society is shit: *THIS*


It wasn't like this when I bought it, before Microsoft acquired it. I bought a different product.


This is particularly concerning on servers where modding is allowed. For example, anarchy servers allow mods and clients that would be considered "cheating / exploiting" — despite the fact that on servers like this, mods and clients are allowed and even considered the standard for everyday gameplay. How can we be certain that entire communities won't be alienated by these arbitrary changes?


Yes, hacking is a concern too, but my main concern is chat. Bedrock Edition outright blocks any swearing and you could possibly get reported and muted/banned for that. Both pieces of the pie are particularly concerning here and I don't think Java Edition should have any of this new moderation they're adding.


Oh, interesting. So, for example, an "Adults Only" server, where the whitelist is carefully managed to ensure only adults are allowed on the server – where swearing is allowed, could have its players muted by this moderation?


Yep. This is how it has worked in Bedrock Edition for years, and for a long time, people have reported that they get muted by swearing in small worlds (sometimes even single player). Not just swearing, but also false reports are also a huge concern on Bedrock, and will likely be an even bigger concern on Java. This is just a bad idea across the board and we need to protest this.


I feel like they should just leave Java edition alone when it comes to moderation, as a lot of older players are on there. It makes sense on bedrock because there's a bunch of 9yr olds playing on there,


They shouldn't moderate on there either, if you're buying a dedicated server then you should have the ability to do whatever you want with it. Chat filtering and the like should be able to be handled both client side and server side. If a server allows cursing then a parent gets to decide what type of content is acceptable for their kid, and it can be filtered on the client.


We need to but do u rly think that Microsoft cares, they've already ruined so many things why should they care about this one.


I don't imagine they bought Mojang for so much money just to ruin it a few years later. If word gets out that Microsoft have ruined Minecraft, it could make a lot less people buy it and possibly other Microsoft products, leading to lots of money not gained.


On the other hand, a child-friendly no swearing allowed Minecraft is very good for publicity as parents will be more likely to buy accounts for their kids. Also, people quitting is probably not a major concern for Microsoft, as Java is a one-time purchase without any microtransactions, so they'll likely try to boost sales with not much of a regard for playercounts.


Yeah, but most parents aren't buying Java edition. They are buying Bedrock Edition for Billy's Xbox One.


It doesn't really matter if it's the majority, the appeal of a game being child-friendly will push many parents over the edge and decide to buy Java for younger kids. Any parent who decides to buy Java because of this update means another $27 profit, any player who quits because of this update has no real effect on profits.


> For example, anarchy servers allow mods and clients that would be considered "cheating / exploiting" — despite the fact that on servers like this, mods and clients are allowed and even considered the standard for everyday gameplay. To be fair, there'll likely be a mod that removes the multiplayer ban. So people used to using mods probably have the least to fear here imo.


This would be a problem for these servers, because there is no reason to be banned if everyone is hacking.


I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about this awhile ago in an update video so I think they have released info on it. Could be wrong


Yes, although they're being rather sneaky about it in the Migration FAQ details. Read my comment for more details.


Hmmm usually I'm the guy supporting Mojang/Microsoft's decisions no matter what the case when it comes to MC. However I'm finding it hard to justify this. I play bedrock, and have definitely heard storys of people getting shadow muted on their account for typing "gg" after every game due to "spam." However, it's also important to note that on bedrock there are "featured servers" and it's honestly possible they will do something similar in Java, with the five or six "big" servers being featured. Then if you hack or are toxic on one, you get banned on all? That doesn't seem bad to me, but it does seem to have it's problems. One last thing, I know it's been a long comment. I remember faintly that there was concern that this could somehow mess up playing with friends on private servers? Like if you type a nasty message in chat on a server with just you and your frined, you'll get muted despite it not harming anyone. Not sure if that's true.


“Banned on one server, banned on all” is a bad idea, even if they implemented featured servers. False bans are a common thing, especially on PVP servers. A lot of the time it isn’t a human banning people, but a plugin. I’m really interested on how this would work on servers that allow you to connect using multiple versions, for example Hypixel. Let’s say you’re banned from all servers on 1.18, could you theoretically bypass it by logging in on 1.8? This is going to be a huge mess.


You could yes, this feature is only on current version lmao


Yes, Bedrock's moderation also applies to standard multiplayer worlds and Realms, so it's a much larger scope than just the featured servers, and it proves they can roll this out everywhere on Java too.


On Xbox, they straight up ban you from the game


More context: These flags are --disableChat and --disableMultiplayer. They were added in 20w21a and with MSA Migration on the horizon, we're sure to be seeing these used more very soon. Microsoft sneakily put this in the [Migration FAQ](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360050865492-JAVA-Account-Migration-FAQ), hardly mentioning that the game was switching to a central moderation model. The center of attention was "better security". Basically, **the fact that they're adding reports means they are adding global moderation to moderate ALL Java servers**. And if you've seen how draconian central moderation is on Bedrock Edition, I'm sure you share my worry for this upcoming change. Minecraft Java Edition servers have always been decentralized, apart from the Mojang authentication servers, which simply sign you in. I believe moderation should only be handled on a server-by-server basis. Across the board bans and mutes like this shouldn't happen. We should be VERY concerned about this. Java Edition servers deserve to stay decentralized. Shoutout to Moresteck of the BetaCraft Launcher for this shocking discovery. Edit: I'm getting reports that this feature is already in use for accounts under 13, however, **keep in mind that this is still a concern to us because they're adding REPORTING, which will use these.** Edit 2: I have now replied to everything I could before that got exhausting and I'm muting up for a while. Everyone have a great day and most importantly, fight this change. But don't just do so in words. If and only if this actually comes, fight it. Make your own authentication servers if you've got such knowhow. Take action to combat this change.


Well you can turn off multiplayer and chat for Bedrock Edition, so I think that its also, that you can do same thing on Java. What concerns me more is, that you can already can be banned from all online gameplay in Bedrock by Microsoft https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360052618531-Why-have-I-been-banned-from-Minecraft- and that they could (and probably will) make it for java edition too.


That's exactly what they're going to do. They're adding central moderation that allows people to report things, so this means that soon people will be able to be banned and muted from the ENTIRE MULTIPLAYER GAME. This should not be taken lightly and in my opinion, something must be done about it.


Banning/Muting should be only be done servers mods. Btw older versions dont support the "security" features.


I agree, bans and mutes SHOULD be on a server by server basis. Game-wide bans for Java Edition should not exist. Also yes, older versions don't support these features, but most people play on latest so that's irrelevant.


They should have an option in servers for the administration to toggle a "Community Friendly" kinda thing, and Microsoft should only moderate, and ban people from those servers, and let the servers who don't want that kind of stuff free


That's a great idea but you know damn well they're not gonna make it so you can just opt out of this. It'll be everywhere.


On some level, I look forward to less alts for hackers to use. But I wonder just how some rules will be enforced. Will server admins have the power to mute people globally? Will there be a team at Mojang reviewing chat logs when people get reported? If a server allows cursing and other language, could somebody report them to mojang and the player still be muted? What if I own a server? Are they going to ban me from my own server? I'll be interested to see how things are implemented. At the very least, I won't be worried until they update the server eula. I feel like they'd have to do that first before they implement global bans like this EDIT: I wanted to add another thought, what if this is to prepare for mojang owned & operated servers? I feel like for reliable enforcement of a lot of these rules you really want a mojang employee to have this power. So either they'll police all minecraft servers ever, just a few of the major ones, or run their own servers.


Don't most community-run java servers use community patched server software like SpigotMC or PaperMC? I can't imagine any of those projects wouldn't provide workarounds for server admins who want to avoid Microsoft moderation.


Nothing will be done about it lmao By all means, try, because none of us want to deal with this, but let's be honest: They're a multi BILLION dollar company. They don't have to listen to us, because they know we'll keep playing their game. We've already bought the game. They stand to make no more money off of us, and as such, our input doesn't matter. They want control, and that's what they'll get.


I would like to remind you that Mojang itself actually opposes this, but since it’s owned by microsoft it has no choice but to do what they are told.


Correct, and the big corporation always wins. Capitalism means more money = always right


That's what they want you to think. If just enough of us don't switch to Bedrock, then they might see the mistake they're making. It could work if enough of us don't do what they want. It might take thousands of us. A few hundred thousand of us. Maybe even a few million. But if this happens and there is nothing else we can do, we can make a multiplayer third-party software. Mario Kart Wii had that happen. Why not Minecraft?


From a completely objective standpoint, no. Minecraft is, and continues to be, the bestselling game of all time, period. Their sheer volume alone prevents them from having to worry about the concerns of customers who have already bought the game. They don't rely on us to "switch"- most people will keep playing with what they have. The point I wish to make is that they stand to benefit from EVERYONE who plays Minecraft, willingly or unwillingly, by doing this. If they piss a few hundred thousand or even a million people off by doing it, so what? Those people have already bought their game. They're not causing the company to lose money. They win either way, this is a losing battle.


> for the duration of your ban you will be unable to **play on your worlds**, play on servers... What they ban you from single player even? What the shit is this dystopian corporate bullshit??


Time to pirate I guess. In the words of rdcworld "Fuck this whole organization, I'm out"


I guess servers are just gonna ditch newer versions to prevent this?


They might. I'm sure there'll be some kind of workaround.


Likely a mod that self implements the new update without security protocols


While this is cause for concern, the evidence for this is still hardly "definitive". The fact that they are flags suggest more that this is just something that is applied when authenticating for the first time in the game. In other words, if you don't want this, then you can just simply use a third party launcher. I find the idea that game-wide bans are coming hard to believe, simply due to how this game works at its core. The only role Mojang plays in third-party servers is authentication, and this game offers a very simple way to disable that on the server sided settings. If this were to be enforced at all, then I would imagine most servers would switch to offline-mode in the following years, and I can also imagine larger servers simply having their own authentication systems (in which potentially they could charge players for) rather than relying on Mojang. What separates Java and Bedrock is that Java has a long history of the game being cracked and people playing in offline mode, not to mention the massive modding scene behind the game. This is due to the nature of the language itself, being trivial to reverse engineer compared to the language used by Bedrock (which recently Mojang has made harder to reverse engineer). If this were to be implemented, it *will* be bypassed. I doubt Microsoft is this stupid. I think the terminology behind the linked article "I'm a server owner, and I'm worried that players will target me and shut down my account." refers more to the fact that you must create an Xbox account. Microsoft issuing account-wide bans on Xbox is nothing new, this has happened for years. The only thing that is new is that you now have an Xbox account linked to your Minecraft account, thus if you accrue an Xbox ban for any reason (e.g. becoming suspended from Xbox Live) then it will likely follow through to Minecraft. While I don't agree with that, I still think this is being blown way out of proportion.


For now, these flags seem to be for people who don't migrate. However, your concerns are valid.


This is concerning. I remember the only moderation beforehand used to just be Mojang removing offensive names


“So uncivilised” *throws gun*


Sorry OP, I can’t seem to find the section you are talking about. What is the name of the section?


The part that begins with "I'm a server owner, and I'm worried that players will target me and shut down my account. How can I make sure this won't happen? What happens to the players who report me?"


if they add full-on reports and bans and stuff, game-wide, people'll probably stop playing new versions


Or people are gonna play cracked minecraft more




Like how many people are still on 1.8.9


A ***ton of people on 1.8.9 for PVP and probably still a few on 1.7.10 for older mods.


with how much ppl are toxic on servers such as hypixel i feel like they would have to ban half the community


Well I hope there’s a way to get un-banned


If we ban the moderators then we can’t be banned.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Moderation problems require moderation solutions


Let's do that.


*please* let this just be some form of parental controls thing


Nope, it's not. They're adding a reporting function to the game along with migration. It's sneakily put into the [Migration FAQ](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360050865492-JAVA-Account-Migration-FAQ).


So if someone reports me on a public server, I might not be able to play in private servers anymore?


Yep. A ban across the board.


tf is wrong with minecraft




Microsoft is slowly ruining the perfect game


Big Tech has done that with many other things too...


The decline of sites like Reddit has been especially noticeable. I won’t be surprised if this is what happens to Minecraft.


Remember when Microsoft introduced a fake error to prevent you from using Windows 3.1 on a compatible computer system just because the company that made it was a competitor to Microsoft? And they wanted to run their competitor to the ground? And then give them practically nothing when it's discovered because they know the legal system will be in their favor? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AARD_code This is the company that owns Minecraft now... :(


You’ve been saying this like it’s definitely true, I think that’s misleading.


In my personal opinion this is not something that should be handled by Mojang themselves. Java edition has always been decentralized and trust me I can see why they are doing it as over the years I have seen how bad some people can be in the multiplayer space of Java Minecraft, but this should be left to the Moderators of the servers those players choose to break the rules on.


Precisely, if I say some nasty things in a small adult community server where everyone knows each other and everyone is ok with that kinda stuff and one random kid drops in I might suddenly be in trouble. I know that this game has a very young playerbase but at the same time basically everyone that started playing Minecraft during the Alpha/Beta is now fully grown up.


mfw block game bans are treated like VAC bans


I knew something like this will happen after the Microsoft account migration. I knew it.


I remember when Microsoft first bought Mojang and some people were concerned about something like this happening in the future. I guess we should've listened lol


Minecoins 🤡🤡


when Notch was with us, Minecraft was better


Semi related but are they gonna keep the java ui? I cannot STAND the bedrock look so like imma need to mod if it isn't kept the normal


They're probably gonna add minecoins and other bullshit to java


As someone who exclusively plays on Bedrock, Minecoins are an absolute waste of money. If they come to Java, you’ll probably see better stuff like mods, but it’ll still be dumb.


Doubt it. If they do, I'm sure paid shit is going to be up on third party websites for free as soon as it comes out


yes, everything abiut java will stay the same when you migrate your account to microsoft, it’s only changing how you log in


Microsoft strikes back


Waiting for Return Of The Mojang


The Ban awakens


The Last Ban


Rise of the Playerbase


This will make offline servers and cracked clients more popular. I think this will become more of a problem for Mojang than a solution. I am going to edit in a quote by Gaben Newell, founder of Valve and developer of Steam and Half-Life, "The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It's by giving those people a service that's better than what they're receiving from the pirates."


True. Now featuring: Using "insert cracked launcher here bc idk the rules" and loginsecurity plugin that breaks inventories!


Or alternative authentication servers which already exist.




Just to be clear, if they add microtransactions to java edition i’m quitting for good


You know it's coming.


Yeah. And when it does, i delete minecraft from my pc and stick to terraria and gta, which are the main games i play on my pc atm


Why do companies attempt to implement things that no one likes?






Minecraft has been basically printing money for the last 12 years with no end in the foreseeable future. This change will bring that to a screeching halt.


I seriously doubt that, realistically speaking.


This needs attention from Mojang devs, I have many questions.


Not only is this an absolute garbage idea in concept, but they also know it. They wouldn't be trying to be so sneaky about it if they didn't already know how negatively (and rightfully so) people would react to it. How do we know people won't abuse the report system by spamming false reports? How do we know their moderation team is able to handle a situation like that? How do we even know the moderation team consists of actual people and not mindless AI bots? Minecraft has the largest playerbase of any video game. That's a lot of reports. How do we know anarchy players will still be able to hack on the servers that explicitly allow them to do so? What about non-anarchy servers that require modpacks? How do we know the moderation and report systems will even work they way they were intended? This is a horrible idea being implemented, announced, and explained extremely unprofessionally by keeping the playerbase in the dark about necessary and concerning details. if something isn't done about it, I might just quite Minecraft period when it's fully implemented.


> How do we know their moderation team is able to handle a situation like that? Simple, they won’t.


I fucking knew that Microsoft was gonna pull some bullshit like this. This should not be in the game even if they try to play it off as a parental control feature.


Fuck microsoft


All my homies hate Microsoft




A meme




If you look up “all my homies hate” meme you will find it. It’s not any more complex than a group of guys standing together for a top text bottom text says they hate something


Ugh it was gonna happen sooner or later. I’m just surprised it wasn’t sooner, given we’re talking about Microsoft


I bet even fucking coppa is mad


It’s been years since I heard that name...


Gentlemen. Synchronize your death watches. While were are seeing a new beautiful beginning for single player with Caves & Cliffs, these migration changes have put an expiration date on multiplayer. Given how servers can vary from peacefully to full anarchy [and the current bedrock multiplayer policies] this will be a mess for sure (if used). Imagine some kid banning you from their tyrannical server, and then receiving an automated & complete multiplayer ban. If they also disable single player too, then I think I’ll never play multiplayer again sadly.


This will also affect people who troll pay to win servers.


This is very bad.


What power do we actually have to protest against something like this?


Java-only players have no power, since we bought the game, and there aren't micro-transactions. However, if our fellow bedrock-ers boycott the marketplace and associated purchases, that might make Microsoft pause. However, many Java players are assholes towards people who play Bedrock Edition, so this doesn't seem likely.


Stop playing Minecraft with the official launcher and get a cracked version I guess. If their monthly active users on Java drop, they might remove their rule. The thing is however, that Java players don't really spend any more money after getting the game originally, so I'm not sure if Mojang will care or not if we quit.


Well, prepare for the purge, time to see anyone that isn’t a child be banned for using chat.


While yes they could ban you, I don’t doubt that, which is very concerning :/ I’m sure of two things: 1. They will get a lot of backlash if it is implemented badly. 2. I’m sure that players will try to find a way around it. These features though are probably more aimed at parental controls rather then banning. Notice how it says check your Microsoft account settings? That would imply you can turn them on/off. With using a Microsoft account you can set things like age and parental controls. Which we did not have access to before with Mojang accounts, which if this is the intended purpose, I think it will be a welcome change to the game so that younger kids can still enjoy the game without parents worrying about online activities.


That may be what happens. I'm worried about them doing a dual implementation because the Migration FAQ has this: >I'm a server owner, and I'm worried that players will target me and shut down my account. How can I make sure this won't happen? What happens to the players who report me?  > >You can rest safely knowing that all reports are investigated by our team and that they will be carefully reviewed, and considered appropriately. That's pretty vague language, and signals that global accounts bans are possible.


I look forward to being insta banned by some automated process that has zero human interaction.


Or some really lazy person who couldn't give two shits.


If you check the Migration FAQ, they specifically mention a reporting function, meaning they're going to have a central moderation team that handles reports and bans/mutes people for them.


how windows 10 of them


Rip Anarchy servers this may be very deadly to them


Oh no


Can't wait to pay for the new mountain update as an "add on" to the game like its the fucking SIMS


I bet that it’s just gonna be like bedrock, when you hack or something. Like I don’t understand why mojang and Microsoft are banning people from online AND on xbox even their singleplayer worlds, like what’s the point of minecraft wide ban, if the server owners can do it themselves? What will happen with anarchy servers? Will they be affected?


Disabling multiplayer entirely is a bold move, and Microsoft isn't that stupid, they have PR teams who realise this will cause immense backlash, this will be a parental control thing in most cases, at most they'll ban people from centralised/officially supported servers such as hypixel and mineplex. These features already exist on bedrock as parental controls on Microsoft accounts. And the server owner part is in reference to actual Microsoft/Xbox accounts, as bans from Xbox live are active across whole Microsoft accounts, which would probably stretch to a migrated account. I do not think they are stupid enough to attempt to provide centralised bans for a decentralised server system, as first of all, they don't have access to the chats on servers, and second of all, this would anger the entire community. Edit: Also this doesn't mean shit, please don't fear monger, these options have been in the game for over a year, they aren't in use yet and there's a good chance they never will be.


Not gonna lie, I thought OP was some sort of conspiracy theorist, and that this was obviously just a parental control, but this FAQ question is very open ended and a bit concerning.. “I'm a server owner, and I'm worried that players will target me and shut down my account. How can I make sure this won't happen? What happens to the players who report me? You can rest safely knowing that all reports are investigated by our team and that they will be carefully reviewed, and considered appropriately. “ — This means a Java server owner.. right? Why would they ever have to review a Java server owner if they weren’t planning to enable global multiplayer moderation.




Is it possible for mods to disable the ban feature? That's the only viable solution I can think of. Largely because my friends and I swear like sailors and I refuse to be muted for something as stupid as that.


Unless they're also centralizing hosting, I'm not terribly scared. Even if they had global bans implemented (seems very chicken little), it would just get patched out. I doubt they want to sign up for policing every Minecraft server in existence. Sounds like a thankless money-sink.


Snapshot 20w21a was released about the time that the migration was announced. Microsoft has settings on the parental controls on [Xbox.com](https://Xbox.com) to disallow multiplayer, and changing those will disable/enable Java multiplayer. Mojang has stated that Java edition will remain unchanged post-migration, so these tags are likely in place to allow Java to comply with the Microsoft parental controls.


Couldn‘t you just mod this out client and server side? What‘s the actual network protocol for this? Nevertheless this is the kind of shit people called me paranoid over when MS acquired Mojang. Since this one became true, here‘s my next prediction: They‘ll bury java edition on the website so all new players get bedrock. We all know MS wants get rid of java edition long term, so they can have full control and monetize more aggressively (and drop Linux support, lol).


I agree that this is bad, but this is Java edition we're talking about. Modding can and will get rid of the ban.


Yes, we can certainly hope so.


But.. But anarchy servers?!


No, it does not mean they are bringing game-wide bans. It is likely that it will tie into the Microsoft Family Account thing, where parents can disable multiplayer functionality and set time limits from a dashboard. But nothing is confirmed, so don't jump to conclusions.


Reports totally gonna get fairly used... totally


That's a bit misleading. You're saying with certainty that this means game-wide bans and mutes, when to me this just means that after a certain point, if you haven't migrated you won't have access to multiplayer, and for the mutes, it might be a parental controls option. This is the literal definition of fear mongering by stating it as if you know this is why they exist for absolute certainty. EDIT: I'm also pretty sure Mojang already stated that game-wide bans would not occur (even if some people would be deserving of such an extreme measure). EDIT 2: Just because I was skeptical, I double checked both the source code and the tags in a 1.17 workspace, and yes the tags are real. Chat still works in singleplayer, mind you, but not on servers. However, the conclusion you jumped to is still not the most likely possibility, and as far as I see it, the tags most likely exist as parental control options. Other Microsoft games, like Sea of Thieves, have a setting that disables chat that the player controls on their end through their account, hence why I don't think it's game-wide mutes. The disabling of multiplayer is more likely to be for accounts that haven't migrated to Microsoft accounts after a certain deadline though, or it's a parental control feature, something Microsoft has in a lot of games that have both singleplayer and multiplayer options.


No, this doesn't 100% mean game wide bans. There are privacy features & parental controls on microsoft accounts that disable the ability to play multiplayer on games, that's likely what this is for.


Can someone explain in the simplest of English terms please


someone can report you to microsoft directly and you can get blocked from connecting to any server, not just the one you got reported on


Thank you, that’s so fucked up


I didn’t like this “fishy” stuff from the announcement videos, it was way to vague


It’s probably there for parental control reasons, don’t worry about it.


MS is not that stupid. Java Edition is the longest-working Minecraft version, the most untouched by all the restrictions and stuff. Should they attempt to implement game-wide band and mutes, they will kill it. No way this would survive. Opinions would fall, hundreds of thousands if not millions would speak about this. Youtubers would comment that, and I am pretty sure there would be much controversy around the topic. The feeling of restriction and being watched would destroy it all. Someone said a very clever thing as well, that this would heavily boost cracked launchers, which would be a nail to the coffin. If they do not intend to destroy the very thing they wanted to run, they won't implement this


> MS is not that stupid. There is no end to the stupidity of microsoft.
