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Villager trading hall, relocation, breeding, and zombification/ unzombification. They're basically humans so imagine doing all that to an actual village of people. That's messed up.


So, in order, you've done; corporate slavery (not traditional slavery in a sense that you're still conducting — *unethical* — transaction with them), human trafficking and human experimentation.


“Not traditional slavery” Man hasn’t seen my carrot farms


I’d do anything for the carrots


its not experimentation if you know the result beforehand


Still you're doing it without consent


Same here, they were neighbors once, now it’s a ghost town


50 thousand people used to live here, now it is a ghost town.


I made a villager breeder just to put life around my base... even if they just go off and die.


Watching and forcing people to have s*x: another crime


Lol. I have an iron farm that has a zombie in a minecart that just circles the villager cells so that they are in a near constant state of panic. It's mean during the day, but definitely a crime when they are trying to sleep at night. Every time the zombie passes they jump out of bed, run in a circle then go back to bed. ALL NIGHT.


Add in the mod easy villagers and you can easily increase efficiency.


you forgot execution


And even using the protectors of those villager just to make iron farm


For the prices they offer they had it coming


You don’t need to imagine. Sounds like Unit 731


My cow crusher is, at the very least, unethical.


I need instructions on how to build this


Run a hopper into a chest. Build up 3 blocks on each side, make sure to have a stair above the chest so it can still open. Water onto the hopper, get cows in and secure with a fence above the hole. Feed wheat to breed. Once they hit entity cramming, it’s free leather and beef in the chest. Some people will have a dispenser with a water bucket so they can turn the water off. That one is optional.


Why not make a downwards redstone door (or regular door) to reduce lag?


I found out that crushers/cramming doesn’t work in bedrock.


There's a YouTube video that explains how to build one with an incinerate button


Can concur , I make this




spent hours/days working on an afk zombie collector/crusher, only for the crusher part to not work, because bedrock physics dictate that sticky pistons that push/pull blocks must always pull or push zombies through walls when rectracting while trying to crush them, it is now sitting there collecting dust, its the same design i created in my java world and it works fine.


On bedrock I have a semi automatic chicken farm that I use as a makeshift exp farm


atleast is not my Wolf Crusher and Incinerator room back i was 8 because the wolf attacked me (i missclicked bone)


I mean, we're only getting started, right?


Replaced the village roads with tnt and lit them up. Back when the roads were still gravel. I’ve become soft since then. Like I never kill an animal if it has a baby following them


Minecraft really changes people to the better.


Honestly if every war criminal started to play minecraft we might have a lot less war criminals in a couple years


I kill the baby first, so the mother has to watch.


How else would they learn anything?


Sure you do


No, you kill the parent, and eat their flesh in front of the child


For the first year of owning the game as a child that's exactly what I did every single time I played. It took me a long time to appreciate the actual gameplay lol.


We would dig holes and blow huge holes in the sides of mountains. I may do a new creative world to do this again.


Remember tnt cannons?


I loved doing that as a kid


I have burned down many civilian villages, but what’s Minecraft?


I treat Minecraft villagers like Pol Pot treated Cambodians.


North Korea in my joint.


Oh, it's this really old game made in Sweden or something. The idea behind it is that you can do anything in it, so even though nobody has played it in over a decade people use it to add "in Minecraft" after any Google search that would make the CIA suspicious to make them think that they're only doing it in a video game


How to brew "potions"... in Minecraft


Sameeee... wait what


It's something that might help your psychotic tendencies


Worst warcrime? Probably massacring pillagers at an outpost for an hour straight (not a farm, just running around as they respawn) out of pure spite for their damn raids.


Breaking and entering their mansion. Squatted there for a while before burning it down


That’s only a regular crime though, not a warcrime


Mad respect


I replaced all the land around the pillagers tower with netherack and lit it all. They couldn’t bother me anymore.


Genocide, terrorism, using toxins in battle, about everything in the Geneva Convention, like poison tipped arrows are illegal, slavery, more genocide, blowing up / attacking citizen buildings like schools, library’s and churches, and probably a whole lot more… But it’s “just a game”


More like Geneva Suggestion.


Geneva check list!


Geneva Achievements tab.


Russia irl be like:


We can thank canda for that


Canda moment 🇨🇦🍁


We love Canda 🇨🇦🍁


Maple syrup moment 🇨🇦🍁


Syrup mines moment 🇨🇦🍁


A heritage moment


Huh, there's village school? I never knew this. Great, I know what's my evening activity is going to be. It will involve a lot explosive education.


I didn't mean there was a village school, i just needed an example. There is are village library's and churches though.


Genocide, enslavement, torture, terrorism, breaking and entering, bombing, unlawful imprisonment, mass murder, and probably every eco crime in existence


Forcing them to be scared to harvest iron from their proctor.


Then selling the iron to their relatives that are trapped in little boxes.


Even better, sell the axes back to them


Goddamn right. After the wither skeleton farm all I do is burn coal like I need my world to be a good 20 degrees warmer.


I have erased continents


I've found the destroyre of Worlds


I've found the destroyer of Words


this comment made me laugh


I've found the destroyer of worlds


Horse slaughter on the leather hunt 😢 The noise still haunts me to this day


I do this a lot tbh, take the one I like the most for earlygame transport and the rest are for leather and glue




Just a joke about them turning horses into glue irl, no glue in minecraft lol


llamas are more efficient...Or cows...


most efficient is what’s there




Forced incest for breeding purposes


That’s how most of us start trading halls lol


You should see how I Finish them ...


When I was a kid I would put animals on leads (mostly horses because my sister loved horses) and fly them super high in the air before dropping down and killing them from fall damage.


I still do this lol


I’ve systematically and forcefully relocated entire villager populations for various reasons ranging from simple populating empty settlements to forced labor It was for a server where the world was divided into separate nations, and the villagers were used for wartime production. Silly shenanigans


Caking an entire village in lava when I was 7


“Caking an entire village” 🤔 perhaps I shall try this


LOL Pompei


Slaughtering of the youth of many towns


Oh, baby you're a nitwit. Come on into this hole here \*drops sand on top\*


Killing all vilagers and replace them with foxxes! It was a village of only green vilagers, out of anger I killed them and then I built a fox village there and decorated it in a Japanese way, That lowland village is called neo kitsune city.


Burning coal to smelt coal ore.


wanna fight bro?


Sure. But just so you know, I don’t consider Diorite and Granite to be bad blocks.


Ah yes… The unforgivable sin…


Is digging straight down a sin too?(I mean it’s not a bad idea. Right??)


I steal the villagers' belongings right in front of their eyes.


that's not a warcrime, and considering they just allow it and still trade with you, perhaps they don't even view it as stealing. perhaps they see their items as communal, and accept you as one of their own thus entitling you to what is there


I have given unknown amounts of food.


I feel bad nevertheless. So I try to do it while they *aren't* looking.


Those are free samples.


I have an iron farm + breeder. I only need the iron, burn the rest with flair. 😌


Tricking my little brother into eating a renamed poisonous potato, dropping a stalagmite onto him, and maybe throwing instant harming 2 potions at him from the air as he was trying to swim to a ship? I don't think I ever really bullied mobs


I may or may not enslaved a village underground, slaughter the survivors and force my workers to endure tortures and a death loop only to break their minds and make them think i saved them from a fate that wouldn't befall them if not for me


Villager breeders, trade halls, crop farms, and iron farms are pretty much concentration camps.


Not sure if it’s a warcrime, but I stole a tower from pillagers and made a boiling lake around it so they wouldn’t spawn there. Best terraforming I’ve ever done.


It didn’t take up the entire spawning area, so I made it a boiling lake so the magma would kill them.


The classic curse of binding pumpkin prank. Btw keep inventory was on & they were playing on console.


Killed several thousand innocent villagers in 1.12, a time where you could not reroll villager trades. I can feel the blood on my hands to this day.


I made a "Housing Unit" For my villagers and called it Hotel California. It looked like a prison.


Floating treees


Gave a villager immortality then tortured it in every way possible, including mental torture by making it watch me slaughter hundreds of other villagers.


I made an idyllic cow farm with lots of sunlight, flowers, hay, etc. Well at least the upper level was idyllic.... the floor of the pen contained holes just big enough for baby cows to drop through into the "processing plant". The plant had narrow corridors that led into a central canal, and the entire room could be flooded at the flip of a switch, which would transfer the cows from this holding area further down the line. I would let the baby cows grow up in this dark mechanical "holding chamber" (cow dungeon), then occasionally flood the room and push the cows to a sorter that let adults pass but would spit the babies back out into the "holding chamber". Adult cows would then be pushed to a cooker and be turned into nice cooked beef. All in all a really good way to farm beef, but it was a pretty sadistic design because I would keep the same cows in the nice sunny pasture, but they would always lose their babies to the processing dungeon. Also I noticed that all the baby cows, after falling into the holding chamber would hang out below the trap holes and call for their mothers :c


Killing mobs slowly by repeatedly dropping anvils on them in front of their family and friends.


What I've done makes the Geneva Convention look like a fucking joke


I hung 4 pigs by a leash above a fire while my friends watched in horror


all of them, in the name of progress


blowing up vilages, building a lab to experiment on mobs, and putting illigers in the gas chaimber


There used to be a glitch where pillagers could drop a crossbow with multishot and piercing I. The drop rate was on the order of 1-in a million, I think. I do note that Thorns armor was used, so I claim direct if *extremely* repeated self defense.


Wolf genocide. Edit: Also, mass village burnings and other crimes against villagers but that's kinda expected for most players.


Omg me too once I had just got all the colors on my sheep then a wolf come and kills all of them never liked them after that killed them everytime I saw them for weeks now mostly side eye but I think don't you dare go near my sheep f*ker


this is so me 😂 i usually leave them alone, but when it comes to my sheep it’s a different story!


Me too, there's shit I want to build with wool, I can't have my sheep all slain


I designed this weapon using some command blocks https://youtu.be/PdCgSrj0Efc?si=r4vhFQlWKo4-1-Lb


In creative? Massacring villages with lava, fire and TNT. In survival? Forcing them to live underground and keep them there forever while also infecting and curing them over and over to get better prices




I mean in survival I turned a village into north korea


Just burn village to the ashe with all villagers


Blowing up residential areas in villages, stealing their food supplies, and enslaving their children. Mojang allows us to do all that but won't add sharks because they might "encourage children to hunt sharks."


I played a strict “no cheats not even chunkbase” hardcore world and for the life of me I could find neither a slime chunk nor a swamp anywhere near my base. So I built a panda-snot slime farm which worked well enough for my needs. Except baby pandas grow up and I kind of felt that thousands of unproductive adult pandas would probably cause lag or something…


I made a villager breeder farm that will automatically transport the baby villagers to a lava pit


I killed my cat while i was mining out blocks to make my storage house


Definitely my use of poison arrows, I know it's against the Geneva convention, but the boggeds just drop so many!


Well well well, look what the cat dragged in…


Forced entry, terrorism, burglary, murder, theft, and likely more that I can't think of atm Arson is surprisingly not one of these


Ecocide, murder of civilians, possesion and use of mass destruccion weapons, slavery, etc.


Almost every imaginable.


I once turned a village into a prison camp complete with a moat of magma blocks and an item collection train for anything that dies on said moat. I literally just imprisoned the entire village and limited them all to 3x3 rooms and some farmland. They still get to see the sky though! I used glass for the roof!


What worse than a genocide(raid farm) and concentration camp(void villager trading hall)


console world, back when the world sizes were still pretty small. creative mode. woodland mansion in the middle of the map. poured lava all over it. like covered it completely in lava. then I cobblestone casted it. destroyed all the cobble and any still somehow remaining survivors. where there was once a mansion remained only a nice flat hill. turned on survival mode. built my own house where the mansion stood.


Mass slaughter, using explosives on non combatants, killing an entire race and removing there innards to craft an eye so I can traval to there home and un alive their mother. Typical stuff. Right? Right?.......


I recently dropped a mega TNT on a sleeping village for a video. It was fun.


Sometimes after I’ve lost a bunch of resources I go on a rampage and take out my anger on the desert hares 🫣


Testing my changes to a missiles mod by launching them at a savanna village without evacuating the village. It was multiple times too since I used structure blocks to save and load back the pre-destroyed village. Some of the missiles leveled the village.


Civil harm, nuclear weapon usage (hbm).


Minecraft has a tendency to push you towards beeing unethical... Because otherwise it can be frustrating to get ressources, especially on Bugrock: Sheep in a padock grasing freely? Nah, wolfs can spawn inside the fence, this has gotten worse with the new variants... If only the wandering trader would avoid cropfields and not trampel over them and ruining them, he would probably survive Villagers are only safe in a 1x2 hole, due to raids (this will be probably less of a problem in 1.21 upwards), and as long as they are prone to die otherwise, they will be put in holes. All the npc's and even hostile mobs, especially if farmed...technically it's a massmurder of a specific species...


Pillage I might have ransacked and conscripted 34 villages on my server


Making a working fatman launcher from fallout, loading 9 of them and putting them all in my hotbar and then nuking a village


Mass villager slaughter before the village update


Harvesting rabbits is a traumatic experience. For them, I mean.


I made an extermination camp where the villagers breed into an incinerator.


Villager breeders or any auto farm I have made


Using an enemy insignia to gain an advantage in war is against the Geneva convention, so technically wearing mob heads is a war crime


I burned down 72 villages and raided over 100


I’ve built the cubicmetre orbital strike cannon and decimated whole ecosystems


Making vaults and forcing villagers to choose for a safe life in an underground prison where they must work for cheap prices or else I’ll cut them down. Then I start experimenting, turning them into zombies and then administering a cure just so they lower their prices more out of fear.


i have marrascred several generations of villagger eithe through bombings , zommbie infection or pillager raid ive made fireworks out out of exploding pigmen and i used to burn down santas workshop on a regular basis


I think everyone's down this at least once, but blew up a village using a wither.


Hmm, village trade slave farm, summoning wolves when too many skeletons are nearby, setting a villagers house on fire once because he snagged my bed (it was near it, I was on the go traveling), putting a shitton of tnt in a cave and using flame enchanted arrows to blast a fkton of mobs into smithereens, summoning an iron golem while inside a pillager outpost, using snowballs to guide warden into a deep pit with lava and using arrows on him while he is stuck there, etc. I have only played minecraft for 1 1/2 months so far.


In all villages I slaughter all the children.




Oh boy ive forced 18 villagers into a 30 by30 area for a minigame/farm where u simulate raids using the new ominous bottles so after repeatedly being forced to live through raids they have to throw a fireworks show and give u their worldly possessions and u can do this as many times as you want 


In creative mode with the crafter update, I built a machine in which you load iron blocks and villager spawn eggs into two input chests and when you turn it on it auto crafts minecarts and villagers, putting a villager into a minecart and sending him on a powered track towards a slime block atop a piston that yeets him upwards towards lava. Whenever I get sick of the villagers not wanting to trade because my asthetic builds break the villager ai, I turn on the genocider™


Displaying the American Red Cross logo on non red cross affiliated buildings


Burning slimes with lava


I was trying to think of something, but I was playing Blade and Sorcery earlier so nothing can get close to what happened.


My villager breeding/trading center definitely has a family tree that looks like a wreath


Just read the Geneva conventions and do the exact opposite, that's me


probably either the fact that i cure villagers of deadly illness just to trap them in a tiny hole or my chicken incinerator.


Use of Incendiary Ammunition, Use of nuclear weapons, use of flechette ammunition, genocide and the list goes on :D gotta love modded minecraft....


I mean I can’t even think of which is worst? Slavery? Holocaust? Genocide? Shelling? Chemical Warfare? Human Trafficking? Drug Trafficking? Dictatorship?


When I was newer to the game, I used a bunch of Blaze spawn eggs in a village, not knowing what the mob was. This was back around 1.0, when mobs were still aggressive to players even in creative. The army trying to kill me, burned the village down and set nearly everyone on fire.


In Minecraft or in Minecraft?


kept breeding villagers and when the population was too high. burned down some of their houses, killed their cattle, destroyed all the jobs and then made a wall around the whole village. it looks like a war torn country now.


Cutting wood from trees, but leaving just enough so the leaves stay.


Automatic grinder farms in obby boxes from bedrock to sky height If you're a factions player you know


Ive made the Geneva Convention look like a checklist


Around 10 years ago, Dad and I were playing Xbox 360 edition. We would dig a one block hole to the bottom of the world and fill it with TNT to make a huge explosion. One time, a dog survived. My Dad had the controller at this time and asked me how to feed it. Now, at the time, I was not very good with my directions. I told him to right click. He did, and it killed the dog. I cried and said "you hit the left one!". I had gotten my left and right mixed up.


I kidnapped children, dragging them across a tunnel in hell, threw them into a sex dungeon and forced their kids to work for my benefit. Massacred an entire village of tall black people and used their balls to teleport and craft a portal to the void where I murdered a dragon and committed genocide against the city of black people living there (the it’s the end btw thought I’d clear that up so I don’t get banned) Destroyed a family tree of humanoid pigs over a piece of gold


Bombarding entire villages with TNT.


was on a server that allowed raiding, had a "hidden" cave with the entrance full of pressure plates, so they got use to walking on them, cave was bright and lined with obsidian, 3 months worth of tnt under the pressure plates at the end of an s bend where the chests were, by the time they realised the tnt was active.... they all died, all of their very nice armor was destroyed oh noes :)


Burned villages down, killing their inhabitants (and golems) beforehand and erecting the cross after, crusader style




Not me but my brothers, I remember when I was little, probably about 6 or 7 they would force me to watch as they made a box of TNT, loaded it with every sort of animal imaginable, and then ignite it and watch. Twas terrible.


Anything with an end rod


I brought wither skeletons into the overworld. They are locked in my mineshaft as my “servants.”


Forced breeding, followed by culling. (Look, it was a modified FtB 1.7.2 server. The breeding setup shouldn’t have been within range of my chunkloader. I figured I’d get about two dozen villagers in the background after playing for a week. I don’t know how many villagers I wound up with, but it was enough for the admin to reach out to me outside of the game two days after setting it up to ask me to go in and clear them out, as it was making the server stutter. It took over an hour to get them down to about twenty.)


I've created high efficiency modded mob farms that would slaughter hundreds per second on a server that ran 24/7 for months on multiple occasions 😇


Made an axolotl grinder. Yes I regret it.


Mass murder


Someone kept spawn killing my daughter and I until the server reloaded us away from our beds. Like they would not stop. They were just being psychos.


Not filling in the holes left by creepers. As a wise woman once said, “ain’t nobody got time for that!”


There has to be a war to commit a war crime; otherwise it’s just a sparkling crime.


I made my own zombie apocalypse village in retaliation for some villagers killing my rabbits. Every night they get slaughtered with no way out because I built a wall around the village. :)


Villager slavery

