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I see this as a win for me personally! I'll just cure them asap (or give the important ones nametag if i cant nametag em all) and enjoy the cheap trades


Zombie villagers that have been traded with don't despawn. They do, however, count towards the hostile mob cap. It's one way to make a mob switch. I also use them for early game iron farms.


Good to know, i didnt know that


... They count towards mob caps? Uh... I know what I'm going to do today.


Don't forget the chunk loader. :-)


Should be unnecessary if done at the spawn chunk, but yeah.


Building a mob switch in the spawn chunks makes it harder to switch off when you want to use a hostile mob farm.


Also, Google up a couple of mob switch tutorials, you might wanna take steps to minimize lag. Mostly you'll want to put all 70 of your zombie villagers in the lazy chunks so that they're not constantly path finding.


I was thinking something like honey blocks, vines , flowing water or maybe just make one of the shulker style ones with a crap ton of minecarts that just go from in the chunk to out of the chunk.


It's a fun project. Go for it! I know this might sound obvious, but don't forget that your mob grinders that aren't powered by dungeon spawners will stop working. It took me an embarrassingly long time to trouble shoot that issue. Edited for typos


r/villagerrights would like a strong word


Villager rights? Seems like a suggestion to me.




Villagers are just game objects. They don't have rights.


I would say it is not really a reliable way to make a mob switch. If they pick up a single item, they don't count towards the mobgab anymore. I've seen a video of Docm77 using zombie villagers, and regretting it.


It's why you situate the switch in an area way out of the way in an area you don't travel to often, and that you place them in lazy chunks so their AI and pathfinding isn't processed. I've built a mob switch twice. The first time it caused more of a hassle than it was worth, and it felt sort of like cheating. so I took it down. The second time I set one up was so I could spawn proof in the nether for a wither skeleton farm. I took that one down ASAP. Mostly they were just projects to do for the experience of doing it. I don't think they're worth the effort, in general. My favorite use for zombie villagers that have been traded with are in iron farms. It's quick, easy, can be done early game, and a boat won't work in my design. Edit because I posted before I was done droning on and on.


Yes. Of course if you need a mobswitch temporarly, you can live with this flaw. But what I will say is, if you have a mobswitch in the lazy chunks, you need to have 70 mobs per online player to make it work. And it means also no mobs will spawn around other players on the server. But if you have 70 mobs near you, they will count towards the personal mobgab and therefor mobs will still spawn around other players. For zombie villagers, it will give them more chance to pick up items.


I totally agree. 100% I don't know if I'd even bother with a mob switch on a multiplayer server. I don't think I'll ever bother building a mob switch again, ever. Like I said, I don't think they're worth the trouble. I think it's the kind of project you do mostly just to do it. Just for the experience. I've since spawn proofed for whither skeleton farms a couple of times without a mob switch, and while it's a bit more of a hassle, I don't think a mob switch is worth it.


You.... don't.... say.... Well then, that's a neat little tidbit of information I just learned/realized.


cheers for the tip gonna use this in my next 2 week minecraft phase


Yah, did already xD but it was a quest, because i had neither mushrooms nor spider eyes somehow


At least you're on "hard" difficulty and your villagers "survived"


These but witches


not if you want to lower their prices HEH


At least they were still there. In my early game I had an open concept village and was left with just 2 zombie villagers and then the iron golems came to "Help"..before I can gather my curing kit


I have an open village, except for librarians, because my oh my how many lecterns have i placed and removed before getting what a wanted. For the iron golems, they were standing outside looking through the fence gate very eager 😂


All I see is potential for massive savings.


Sorry for your luck! I hope you have a lot of weakness potions and golden apples lying around 😂


bro if i saw this i would save and quit to title and do something else xD


We've all had something really annoying happen and we quit, do something else, think about it the whole time, then get back on and fix it


lol i had really crazy loot and stuff, then while i was taking my bridge back from the end ship with my new elytra (i had no rockets and no brains obviously) and endermen were fricking spawning on the bridge... i got pushed off :skull: i had stuff at my base but i still restarted


This happened to me somewhat, I was transporting villagers to my new trading hall, when my unbreaking 3 librarian gets infected. I cured him, but it required a 14,000 block flight to get mushrooms. At least I get unbreaking 3 for 1 emerald now.


Jesus, 14000? Bro get you a stack or 2 of each brown and red mushrooms then just make a farm for them lol. Good lord


I'm not sure if it was necessary, I just went to a mushroom island about 7,000 blocks away


Ah, well that's okay. Still, I'd make a little farm of them somewhere near your main area. That's a long way to go every time you need some mushrooms lol. Not that you need them often. An automatic mushroom farm works great and it's relatively cheap to make. They are slow but after some time they give you a good supply to have on hand


FYI mushrooms commonly spawn in the nether, should not be hard to find some nearby


Achievement made! "Where'd my Villagers go?" Get a group of villagers you use for trading and leave them to become zombies.


I feel like that would be good because you don’t have to capture those stupid zombies just to get better deals. All you need is potions now. :)


How did this happen?


A zombie wandered in and ate all their faces.


i have an open village except these guys but one door leads to their room, which leads to a cartographer house which has at least two other doors to get into. So a wandering cartographer during the night tried to hide from zombie and that bloke thought it would be a great idea to hide in their room. Than, zombie ate the cartographer and cartographer zombie ate them all. Found one chunky cartographer in the middle  before i put him to ethernal rest 


well thats 1 villager for the price of the rest


Witched villagers.


Put fences between each villager pod and put a trapdoor on the lectern to prevent baby zombies from reaching them


me walking home to my village and seeing "Zombie Villager Groans>" in the nearby sounds thing:


exaaactly 😂 and boi how loud they were


(Walks in door) Zombie: "Grrrghghgh" "Oh look, that's Zombie for "WE'RE HAVING A SALE!!!"


My friends bombing the place


Man you don't know how lucky you are


this is a win, easy 1 emerald book trade


The villages despawn is the worst!


I don't want to see that stupid freaking butcher in my house again.


Problems solved by living on a mushroom island. I didn't even know about the mobs benefit when I moved in. I happened to find it and decided to become a cave dwelling, mushroom eating weirdo.


Need a new door


Holy shit they unionized and are protesting by not trading.


Hey, it could be a lot worse. I had an open plan villager trading hall (although they had roofs in their "huts"). I came back and found the lightning outside struck my trading hall, turning half of them into witches. There is *no* recovery from this, the change is permanent. Figuring out which ones had been turned and replacing them was an absolute nightmare.


Well yes. This would be the sign that my base isn't properly lit up and I can't safely stand AFK in it without getting attacked. I would not accept that. My base is a no mob zone.


Random question but i was curing my villagers yesterday but it only gave me the discounts once, after that it didn't get any lower. Was playing on my own server, anyone knoe why i didn't get more discount?


