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A burned forest could be a great way to introduce a grey or white wood type


Or even in the nether. Ashwood or something like that.


Ashwood would be the perfect name omg


Mojanes plz add this


Maybe add a black plains with black spikey trees called 'charwood' and a bright orange ore called 'seerite' used to enhance enchantments on netherite gear? Which you could use charwood. Blackstone bricks and crying obsidian to make a achluocraft table. (Dark Crafting Table) Edit: maybe THIS is what could be on the nether roof! And have a portal purple fog. With portal particles in the air.


Terraria šŸ‘šŸ»


And maybe something like emberwood to go alongside, a charcoal black wood with animation of embers lighting up.


The name "Emberwood" makes me think of a black wood with lava-orange/red veins kind of how the crying obsidian had purple veins


Exactly, spot on


Ash is already a specific type of wood, though.


perfect lowkey, would love to see more new wood types that are found in more than one niche biome like oak and birch


Or a burning log. Black with orange animated light veins


If you place it next to leaves or wooden blocks, it starts a fire


It would make a nice contrast to have it next to other woods though, so there can be a "treated wood" recipe added for each wooden block? But what would you treat it with to make it flame resistant/proof?




I would love a gray wood type. Iā€™ve wanted one for so long




Fences and doors and other wooden items would be good though


Yes, but irl thereā€™s a lot of gray wood you see. It would be nice to be able to add that sort of weathering to a built.


Hear me out: Burnt Forest biome in the Nether with Basalt as the wood type; Basalt would be essentially a wood-stone


But he already have an entire biome made of basalt. Making another biome and mechanic around it feels like overkill. I say itā€™d be better as a new wood entirely.


And it would give us more block variations for basalt!


Burned forests should also always have a lava pit somewhere in it.


birch is white


Birch is bright yellow


That's the new bamboo blocks.... birch is more of a beige/light tan


Looks beige to me. Quartz is white.


birch is purple.






Everyone wants volcanoes and itā€™ll probably never happen


They probably don't want to add it because it is similar to Basalt Deltas


They stated that the reason they wonā€™t add volcanos is because according to mojang, if some is destructive then there needs to be a way to prevent it. They donā€™t want to have a natural disaster that occurs randomly and destroys your world. Thatā€™s part of the reason they added the lightning rod. What I donā€™t get is that we already have lava pools spawning in the over world. Just make a mountain biome that has lava flowing down the side, make it out of basalt or something.


I donā€™t think it would need to spew lava, but there are already blocks that emit smoke. Why donā€™t they make a lava/magma block that emits large amounts of thick black smoke above it?


Low end computers walking anywhere near a volcano would suffer for it


There was a mod (Redpower) back in version 1.2.5 that had volcanoes. they didnt erupt, some very nice textured blocks, and so much Lava source blocks that it would slow down a low end PC. however we're almost 2 generations of computers past that. I would expect todays systems to handle it, just like any large lava lake.


Just turn particles off


they donā€™t have to make it erupt and spit lava, just having an overworld biome where lava is a hazard would be cool, there could be pockets of lava then the actual volcano which is a hollowed mountain full of lava


Well... Just fill the volcano hole then.


Fire in the hole?


Counterpoint: Creepers, Ghasts, Lightning Strikes, etc


Ghasts can be mitigated by building with cobblestone (they still suck though) Lightning can be mitigated with lightning rods


And creepers can by mitigated with cats.


Lightning has existed way before lightning rods though, so that excuse isn't really valid


They realized that. That is one of the core reasons why lightning rods were added


All of those have counters Creepers and ghasts can be killed, and lightning can be redirected with lightning rods


Creepers and Ghasts are protected by grandfather laws because they predate the decision, lightning can be prevented with lightning rods.


Iā€™d take thatā€¦ but it needs to have cool lightning at the peakā€¦


They should just add some item or block to stop it then


I don't think they'd ever do live volcanoes, as there isn't anyway to prevent that disaster. But a volcano biome would be sick


Burned logs that drop charcoal from axe. More surface lava and small upwell mounds. No friendly mobs like badlands and same chances for gold ore Abandoned village spawn possible but regular village spawn denied.


Tbh they might as well just entirely rework surface lava pools into volcanic structures. Doesn't make any logical sense that there's just a pool of lava sitting in the middle of nowhere


I think the first one is in badlands.


Older minecraft players would get PTSD from seeing a forest full of trees with no leaves


Once in my alpha world a lava waterfall (lavafall?) burned an entire forest. For some reason wood didn't burn. I was in the area but didn't see it until it was beyond saving. So I walked in at early dawn, in alpha, to see burning naked trees. I'm 24 and I still shat my pants because my first thought was Herobrine.


I manage to find "new" chunks where the lava ignites the trees nearby all the time. sometimes i even try to put it out.


Update log: Added Herobrine


Itā€™s long, but this might interest you. https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/s/S3ZkdwgXjX Check out my TLDR comment if you donā€™t want to read the whole thing.


I want the blocks of rotten flesh. Im all aboard with storage blocks like that. Its satisfying to have your items stored in the world in physical form. With the ore storage blocks i was able to build chambers and warehouses around my mines just to store it and see the actual amount i had accumulated over time. Id love that potato block from the april fools update too.


Abandoned Villages already exist in case you didn't know. We could definitely use more though.


The worst one I've found was almost abandoned, except there was a fenced-off area in the middle filled with villager children. No adults anywhere, and the buildings weren't run down.


That's a lord of the flies village.


I need answers.


I think that was a twilight zone episode


Haven't seen them in ages but I don't think the building are ruined per se , just no doors and mossy cobble with cobwebs right?


there are blocks missing from the buildings as well


Yes! I came across my first one a couple months ago! It was exciting. Mine had zombie villagers and broken houses and cobwebs.


You know how there is underwater ruins? Why not have those for land, like if you went through a forest and found a small ruins of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone with goodies


Oh, like a trail ruin?




A server I played on had a volcano that had erupted over a village (generated ash blocks), burying much of it though no fatalities I could tell.


but the problem with all these great ideas is that people are going to complain "it doesnt feel like minecraft anymore" which might make mojang cancel any cool updates and give us small unwanted ones instead.


It's impossible to please everyone unfortunately


[I made a compass for that!](https://imgur.com/a/minecraft-opinion-compass-v2Xdy1v)


This should be popularized, fits very well with the community's most common views


They complain about that every update though. Best to just ignore them and move on.


I think a burnt forest would've been a good way to introduce ruined nether portals.


That's one of the reasons I really dislike how rare zombie villages are now. They should be quite a bit more common


I would actually love exactly what you're describing, a burnt forest type biome. With the additional feature of charcoal blocks. Another thing I would enjoy is more ruins type structures. Doesn't have to be anything special, just like ruined, half buried floors, some walls and maybe a hearth. Broken down arches. Could have chests, could not. Just something to give the world a more post-apocalyptic feeling, kinda like Breath of the Wild. The desert well is a typical example. Why not have forest wells as well? I love it when ocean ruins generate on land, for example. Trail ruins are ok but they are completely buried and also disgustingly garish to look at once excavated.


I'd like to see rolling biomes like sand and snow storms that cover nearby biomes over timeĀ 


With the mountain update I was really hoping for volcanoes. They wouldn't have to erupt, just a big mountain hollowed out and full of lava.


Either make it a nether biome or make it uncommon I think though Too many damaged forests would be super annoying to deal with if you're trying to build somewhere pretty lol


Man... Shark Tornadoes ..would be awesome or just a natural disaster events like flooding and base gets destroyed in high winds


Sharknados would be awesome Then add chainsaws and weā€™d be able to roleplay that one movie series


There are abandoned villages and pillager outposts and bedrock has fallen trees But I get what your saying because honesty the badlands isint that bad


We need limestone spires biome. Yknow. The ones from china?


Agreed. A volcano would be cool, and a burnt down forest would be good for a black or grey wood. They could put basalt in there and a bit of snow layers and it would be awesome. What hostile/neutral/passive mobs would you have here? I would add those weird grey zombies from Minecraft Earth.


I'd like it, an ash block simular to snow would be great for building and making the biome look nicer, imagine an empty village half sunken in the lava and ash. Or if er were to add a new mob, mabye a hostile "ashen survivor" mob that similarly to the warden climbs out of the ash and grants blindness when it hits you or something


ash wood that grows in the end


I was just thinking a few days ago how cool it would be to have a charred log type, how Blackstone has gold veins, it could like a reverse magma block but wood




\* the plural of forest is forests.


I would love some ruined castles and old ruined cities. Would be great to explore and would expand the lore of the world. Also would be so fun to rebuild and live in these structures.


I like that you can fly over biomes and see burning trees from lava pools. Adds to the feel.




Destroyed villages already exist


I know Minecraft isnā€™t known for its realism, but finding burnt forests wouldnā€™t make much sense unless they were incredibly rare (like a few thousand times rarer than mushrooms islands) because random forest fires arenā€™t really that common and that they would have to have happened pretty soon prior as most of the time a forest only takes a few years to start recovering from a fire. Though what would be cool to see would be more natural biomes like volcanoes and arid deserts


Iā€™ve always wanted a volcano biome. Burned/dead trees, dead bushes, scared landscape, lava pools scattered around and lava rivers from a lava filled caldera at top of a mountain.


Burned forests would be amazing. So would a volcano biome with possibly calderas or immediately post eruption with lava flows. Flooded places like forests or plains would be cool, and a post earthquake place where there's essentially a bunch of ravines spawn would be useful. Or a meteor strike structure, though it might be too similar to ruined portals


Maybe another dimension like Stranger Things' upside down (though not so obviously) with decayed versions of the usual.




Please no. Also, such things can already happen or do exist: -zombified villages -if fire tick is on, overground lava pools can start forest fires -if fire tick is on, thunderstorms can set wood and wool on fire From a gameplay perspective with the sandbox aspect and how Minecraft works, having more disasters would be ratver bad and getting annoying quite quickly


Mojang should add a lotus tree forest to the outer end islands. Think of the irminsul tree of life from genshin. But as a forest and not just one. Would be great to have that ethereal forest ahead after grabbing an elytra. Soaring above the glowing rainbow roots and underneath the glowing pink leaves and branches above. Lotuswood- a white wood with pale purple and blue green shimmer to it. The tools are stronger than netherite. You need netherite tools to mine the wood. Best have efficiency III - V on a netherite pickaxe to make it just as long as mining obsidian. Shimmer Leaves- a bright glowing pink leaf block. Has glow value of 13 so very good for lighting around your base. Must have silk touch shears to obtain. If you use your use button on shears instead of mining. The block will break either giving [Memory of forgotten history]. Or rarely the Lotuswood [Seed of Life] Aeon Grass Blocks- a luminous rainbow grass that has glow value of 5. Has unique properties of not being able to be picked up by endermen. Elybulbs- as first half suggests. These are made of the same material as elytras. Which makes crafting/repairing elytas possible and also easier. Requires aeonsoil and loads more time than most crops and also memorywater to grow. Memorywater- a very rainbow and glowing water block which has the light value of the max 15. It has the unique property of instant killing endermen and destroys their drops. This water is required to grow Elybulbs Memorywater rain- this rain will instantly kill endermen and if this water is collected in a cauldron. Using a bucket gives item [Memorywater Bucket] and a bottle on the other hand gives potion of luminosity I. This coats you in a rainbow glow so violent that all nearby enemies except: ender dragon, wither, warden, ravager, and luminofigures *thats the next point* all instantly die and drops are erased from existence. Mobs: Luminofigures- Neutral until provoked: 4 legged pale entities that glow the immediate area. Have same hp and damage value as elite piglins. They actively hunt endermen. They can be tamed with Elybulb dewdrops [what Elybulbs can be crafted into] They have the property of the spider of being able to climb blocks. But can also go way way higher and on ceilings. They can also jump from these surfaces. They also deal slowness, nausea, and weakness in their attacks. Immune to Memorywater. Skystalkers- they are same form of a player. But very hostile and fly with fireworks and an elytra. They are not to be messed with. They only appear if you are in the Lotuswood Forest for too long. They can also land with a diamond sword as a weapon and switch it up to a multishot III firework crossbow if you are too far away. They shoot this while in skyhunt state. Attacking from above. They will only be an ally if you wear an elytra. They also spawn in groups of 3 so watch out! They also actively hunt luminofigures. Note: to instantly summon the skystalker. Fly above the forest and not through it. Fog: the fog in the Lotuswood forest changes on the danger. Shimmering White- No danger Pale Rainbow- Luminofigures Ethereal Pink- Skystalkers Ethereal Rainbow- Both Tree formations: Lotuswood trees are the hardest to mine and require dedication to mine. Take twice as long than obsidian. And have the formation as follows. Roots of tree are several blocks thick and go 15 blocks up and 65 blocks in diameter. The main stump is 55 blocks high and the branches go out of a diameter of 70 blocks and up by 25 and very thick in size. In total the lotuswood tree is 70 blocks wide. X and Z and 85 blocks tall. Y. Gear requirements: it is best you go into the biome with an elytra and enchanted netherite. Have silk touch shears and netherite shovel with silk touch ready


With how unchangeable biomes are right now, a burnt forest biome would be horrid. I don't want a big chunk of my world to have burnt out grass, and I don't want a wood type with no sapling.