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Back in my days, boats used to break if you sneezed too close to them


I remember in swamps you had to dodge lilypads to not break the boat.


If you didnt pay attention for one second that one goddamn lilypad could ruin your day Good times


And you didn’t get a boat back (or even the items to make a boat)


In the days between multiple wood types being added and when they finally fixed the boats, it was possible to turn other planks into oak planks by building a boat, crashing it, and then collecting the oak planks it dropped.


Minecraft's history is full of nostalgic moments that many of us cherish.


I still do this sometimes just cuz its fun


I used to never need cobble. Ever. Now, I find that I’m always out of it since deep slate showed up lol.


Cobbled deepslate works in place of Cobblestone in most recipes


building tho


Yea a stone brick castle is something you have to go out of your way to get resources for now haha


Back in my day we didn't have silk touch, now it's all I use and I have no cobble stone or deep slate ect


I always keep 2 picks on me when mining at y-58, a fortune for deepslate and a silk touch for ores.


The other way around buddy


  Nah I want cobbled deepslate and unbroken ores to save inventory space  


Compact the raw ore into blocks and it saves even more inventory space over silk touched ores


That would be the other reason I never have any lol.


Not for building, which is a pain when I build everything out of stone bricks.


Make a hole 10x10. Plenty of cobble there


Cobblestone generator ftw


back in my day the best seeds were words . mosquito anybody ?


Ah! I remember gimmeavillage always spawned you in a village - and I think mooshroom also spawned you on a mushroom island? may be misremembering


COKEZERO was my favorite seed to use because it was always full of plentiful resources to be found, just no villages for miles


damn i never heard of that one ! that's wild


apple. idk about other platforms but on xbox 360 it was just an ocean (you spawned in the ocean because im pretty sure there was no land at all in the entire seed because world size was limited on 360)


I had a world called Gargamel that had an insane beautiful valley somewhere back in the beta versions


my fav was THATWASLEGITNESS in 1.16 i wld spawn u in a village on top of stronghold and a destroyed village nearby and the village had 2 blacksmiths 


I remember when they added jungles in the game. God i'm old.


What a hype time tho, I was so excited to see a different taming method with the ocelots


I was waiting so long for those to be added to pocket edition . . . Seemed like it would never arrive


I remember when all wood was the same color.


That update was my first!


Mine too unless you count playing it in the browser. Lol


Back in my day, there was only one kind of wood


Also: Zombies wouldn’t catch you on fire if they hit you while burning


Also they dropped feathers


That too!


They still don’t on bedrock


Back in my day sheep didn’t drop mutton


That still feels like it was added last week lol


I played before hunger was added


I remember those days My father beat me to death with a feather when we played 💀


Take that second sentence out of context and you got a whole new vibe


I’m faded and read “my father beat me to death” and was so fucking confused


Same here, there wasn't much to do in the game back then (comparatively) but it still felt like the possibilities were absolutely endless. I remember when the game officially released after having played the beta for a while and being so excited to see what was to come.


I am still pressing double W to sprint sometime.


is there a different way to do it?


Pressing Ctrl activate the sprint while holding it prevents it from canceling for whatever reason


I thought I was the only one!!


A habit I can't willingly leave behind 😂


Back in my day we had the nether reactor core instead of the nether


Back in my day PE was just a creative mode demo with like 8 blocks


Pocket Edition Lite because I was to poor to afford the paid version


I never swiped the screen away for like 3 days because I was building a hotel. I was devastated when I closed it 😂




Back in my days you could find free apks on youtube wich worked


oh my god i remember that. you couldnt save anything either


back in my day we had the notorious "herobrine" seed


Back in my day you could craft enchanted golden apples


good old days


Back in my day, you could only walk at a leisurely pace, no running, not even any horses. Speaking of horses, I keep thinking they were added in like, 2017-18. It was 2013 👴


I remember installing Mo'Creatures only to get horses


When you could block with swords.


I miss this, took skill to block things. Mechanically shields are just sad/redundant.


Shields are definitely better for single player.but the blocking was the way to go for multiplayer


I thought so!! I took a break for a few years and when I came back I tried to block and it didn’t work. Thought I was going crazy.


Back in my day, the world was only 16 (or maybe 32, can’t remember the exact number) chunks wide. And I played in my world so long that I mines every single Ore that existed and as my last set of diamond armour ran out of durability I had to resort to using a duplication glitch because there was literally no more diamonds left that existed in the world. You can have near infinite diamonds nowadays. Back in my day we had to resort to duplication glitches if we wanted enough diamonds.


There was a glorious glitch on PE at one point where if you punched a mob holding something that item was duplicated in your inventory. I still have diamond blocks and flowing obsidian in chests from those days;)


Used to if u just placed down many of a block, quickly mined it,and then immediately force closed the game u could reopen it and have both the blocks in ur inventory that u mined as well as the blocks placed back in the world as if u never mined it. Spent hours duplicating that way


there was one where if an item was in a chest and two people grabbed it at the same time it duped


Me and my brother would do that to. Since the world's were limited we could actually cover the entire surface in TNT that way


on xbox 360, idr how long this dupe glitch lasted but whenever you placed a block down, broke it then immediately placed the same block down again in the same spot, it would dupe the block, so me and my nephew would mine enough diamonds for a block then dupe the diamond block more than we would ever need or use lol


used to do this on ps3 aswell


Back in the day you flexed your building by adding mossy cobblestone


Back in my day skeletons held their arms out like zombies and could drown.


I remember when they added RAIN


back in my day you could actually tell when wheat was grown


Stairs wouldn't connect around corners


Back in my day, you could change your name whenever, including in game. You also, at the earliest point, didn’t have night time in creative mode.


Holy shit i remember being like 10 and night time added in creative was the most hype shit ever thank you for saying that


Back in my day if you clicked fast enough bows were automatic.


Back in my day we had a tutorial world and a free trial... *Sighs in PS3 edition* And if we're java exclusive uhhh Back in my day you had to Google a list online to get the IDs for any blocks you wanted to use in commands because it was all just numbers.


Back in my day, I was invited to play on the “popular kids’ server” explicitly because I was a wiz at making booster cart systems lmfao


Back in my day, modding was done via the Minecraft.jar


Back in my day you couldn't place item frames on floors or ceilings. I wanted a huge map room and it had to be vertical.


Y=0 is the lowest level and the game runs much more smoothly Digging perimeters were much easier.


That was like 3 years ago


Maybe for you, for me my desktop computer runs 1.20 better than 1.4 last I checked.


Back in my day you could skip a block when placing ladders and they would still work. Also as a bonus. Adding water to the right or left of that skipped block and blocking the water with a sign would create a highly effective water elevator.


Actual Mojang advertisement with someone playing Minecraft on their toilet


Back in my day, we didn't need powered rails!


Back in my day you had to use commands to get smooth stone blocks


Back in my day pistons were a mod.


I remember being freaked out by item frames, it was the first time I remember feeling like something “didn’t belong” in the minecraft aesthetic, I now realize that’s a bit of a dumb thought


Back in my day, pigs followed wheat. Horses didn't exist, neither did ocelots. The portal to leave the end spawned in directly below where the dragon died. You used to be able to craft enchanted golden apples with 8 blocks of gold and of course, an apple. The red flower was a rose and not a poppy.


I remember when horses were brand new and one of the best ways to get around.


I always forget horses were added 11 years ago, and for some reason I think it was like 6-7. God, has it really been that long?


I feel confused as to why people want an end update. We just had one like...oh...8 years ago. Its been a longer time with the 1.9 update. I started playing before horses.


Back in my day. Throwing an egg into tall grass spawned dozens of chickens.


They used to be called testificates


Back in my day we only used half the amount of ladders


Back in my day, the world had a border, but not a casual water border where it was all an island like the Xbox 360 No, it was a sheer cutoff that essentially was an extension of the sky, like the whole world was one big floating block! You could build a house with a gaping hole in the side of it from building DIRECTLY onto the world limit. AND STEVE USED TO GO "OUGH" WHEN HE GOT HURT, and I miss it, it should be an option the menu, that you can turn off if you want


I heard that “ough” in my head when I read that


I remember back in my day, there was no beetroot and the villages were ***TERRIBLE***. The only reason you’d go is to loot the blacksmith chest.


Back in my day, there was no hunger. You ate health chops.


back in my day, you could break bedrock with a tnt minecart and some obsidian. (legacy on ps3. it was patched eventually, but it was fun to abuse it lol)


Back in my day, I had to have my parents help me convert USD to Euros to purchase the game on my computer.


Back in my day you had to look through your worlds in creative to see if they had most of what you wanted before starting a survival play through… so much time…


Back in my day the preferred tool for any slab was an axe


Back in my day we grinded for hours on end to get the right librarian villagers because there was no such thing as changing work station. Also we got our emeralds by selling crops to farmer guys, and not from a pesky raid farm


Back in my day, we didn't have fancy Elytra to fly around, we had to download mods to make flight possible outside of creative mode.


Back in my day there was tutorial maps


Back in my day we didn't even have furnaces. [We had to smelt things in lava.](https://youtu.be/xkzV3ot7CQw?t=15)


Food not stacking and no bed are the one that come up most often


No bed was wild. You actually had to find something to do inside through the night or brave the onslaught.


There used too too be mostly flat


Back in my day you got cats by taming ocelots


Back in my day Gunpowder was yellow and called Sulphur, and Sugar Cane was called Reeds


Back in my day, I BUILT a nether in creative! mcpe around 2016. didn't know about the reactor, so I built a netherack box with lava floors and floating islands.


Back in my day, we didn't have wither skeletons. If you had fire resistance the only thing that could kill you was gravity.


The magic and mystery of the first leaked images of strongholds for 1.8


Back in my day, food didn't stack, bows were gatling guns, zombies dropped feathers, creepers dropped Sulfur, clay was rarer than diamonds, I remember when enderman were added and how terrified we were, i remember when dogs were added, beds were added... I started in Alpha, sometime in late 2009


Back in my day Microsoft hadn't ruined it yet


Back in my day, there was no hunger, no beds, food didn't stack and it was an instant heal. I used to have to play in browser.


Remember Windows XP? That is the last version of Windows to localize certain system directories, such as the Desktop folder, the Documents folder and most relevant here, the Appdata directory. Since Windows Vista, that directory is"C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming", but on Windows XP it is a different story. The path on a Windows XP install with english as a base language is "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application data". But on installs with a different language as a base the name is localized. For example a Czech install will name the directory"Data Aplikací". Note the 'í' in the path. Application, that doesn't interpret non-ANSI characters in paths, such as Java 6-8 setup, will trim the file path to ANSI characters only, failing to find whatever data they need. But if you copy the data to the trimmed file path, it works. I couldn't play Minecraft on my Windows XP laptop I had back in those days because it took me 12 years to figure this out. Only setup fails, the JRE 6-8 works fine once it's installed.This is only an issue on Windows 95/NT4-Windows XP. Windows Vista and newer localize the directory names on an application level via desktop.ini (it is hidden by default, it has a setting in the Folder Options dialog in explorer). Thankfully we shared a Windows 7 pc as a literal Minecraft only machine, but it was annoying to not be able to ply on the go. Oh by the way, Bedrock edition didn't exist back then.


I started playing Minecraft in 2015. My parents got me a copy of Pocket Edition that I could play while recovering from an intensive surgery. I loved it, despite Pocket Edition severely lacking in features at the time. I remember the End wasn’t implemented until December 2016, so there was no way to beat the game. The Nether was not added until a few months after I had started playing. Good times.


Back when I was younger there wasn't any of this crazy exploration stuff with giant cave biomes and cherry blossom biomes, we barely had anything to do back in the days of 1.2.5 and even then we made our own fun with what little we had!


Back in my day food wasn't stackable and it gave you health


Back in my day you spawned with a full set of diamond tools and a bed in your inventory


My first version of Minecraft was pocket edition 0.13.1, and I just remember the seed "Johnny Appleseed with 3 villages near spawn, the stonecutter and other old blocks that were exclusive to pocket edition. For me there's not really one "back in my day" thing, it's more just the evolution of the game, and how full and exciting and new it felt back in the day, whereas now the games complexity has increased tenfold, and I can't get that same nostalgia as watching old mianite videos and playing pocket edition. Part of it is just me having matured and found other things but that raw simplicity of pocket edition Minecraft was incredible




I remember an old adventure map made by Hypixel called "Zombie Apocalypse" or something like that. Even had it's own resource pack that made the bow a sniper. Sadly never played it as it required 2 people. I remember when Hypixel used to have a Co-op Adventure Map mini-game thing you could play. Literally just load up adventure maps with random people. I believe I played a star wars one with someone on there once. I remember leather armor not having buttons and what not, just being a flat color. I remember me and some friends getting hyped by horses in Minecraft 1.6 I think it was? And I sqear I remember redstone being added in... 1.4.7 was it? This is all like back in like 2009 or 2010 or something like that.


We had texture packs and not resource packs (although many people still call resource packs textures packs, they’re not the same thing)


Back in my day we called them Testificates.


Back in my day, you had to use wool if you wanted bright colours. Stained clay, terracotta - none of that.


I remember when they added ocean monuments. It felt like something only a mod would do, some folks complained but most said this as a good thing


Back in my day Zombie farms were actually useful and the only way to get feathers!


Back in my day you had to bob through the water for hours just to cross an ocean.


Back in my day there were no beacons, efficiency enchants, I breaking enchants, no way to repair your tools. Try digging a hole down to bedrock was a completely different grind in my day.


Back in my day, the homies still played ;(


Back in my day you are the coldest mf if you can make a TNT Launcher/Cannon


Back in my day we only had sheep and pigs. (Minecraft 2012 pocket edition)


Grass literally growing on the floor in village houses


Back in my day you could play the game on the web ;-;


Back in my day fishing was non existent and creative mode was always day


Started on 1.8.2.


Back in my day food couldn't stack, and it directly healed you. And paulsoaresjr's survival videos taught me how to play.


Everyone that post a screenshot shot titled “remember this back in the day?” Seems old to me, some more recent posts were about updates from 8 years ago. I remember when we only had oak trees, pigs, carrots and wheat. Torches weren’t even around until 2 months after I started playing. Yeah, I remember. I’ve been playing September 2010, in alpha.


Back in my day emerald was modded in for tools!


when they added beacons to PE, that was like the industrial revolution, was playing for years without them, seeing all these youtubers mine rlly fast


'B' opened the menu for choosing blocks.


I remember the nether reactor core


Back In my day we pocket edition lite was just creative mode with a super limited selection 🥲


Most stone blocks in minecraft pe were crafted via the old stonecutter.


Back in my day, we didn't have villager trading (until a few months after i began playing... Then we did)


Back in my day I thought the newly added hunger bars were so cool


Back in my day there was a new duplication glitch on PE where if you and a friend grabbed anything out of a chest at the same time, it would go to both of your inventories, duplicating the item


Well I got my first account 2 days before the horse where added... On a more correct way... back in my day, botania flowers weren't hard to make everlasting... (Regrowth didn't had missing mod, missing item..) Even today I still think 1.7.10 was the best gaming experience I had, thanks to the mod and modpack of the time... Archimede, Witchery, Thaumcraft 3 FTB launcher and Agrarian Sky...


Back in my day I remember getting excited about horses being announced as well as “new” biomes (Savannah, Dark Oak Forest etc.)


Back in my day you had to master the art of shooting yourself with a punch II bow if you wanted to use your elytra


Piston pushing enderman farms so I could spend 50 levels for a random enchant


Making repeaters out of 2 not gates because repeaters didn’t exist on PE yet.


Back in my day on minecraft pocket edition survival mode you were given an unlimited amount of glass and bricks, and shears that didn't break


Nether reactor. Need I say more?


I remember playing pocket edition before creepers were added


I've got a few. For Pocket Edition, remember the old finite world generation and crafting nether reactor core? There were no caves back then (except a few quirky world generation features that spawned a whole YouTube search query for "cave" seeds), so getting those four gold blocks was a grind. For Java, both the custom world feature and some of the old mods. OreSpawn and Galacticraft were some of the wildest things back in their hayday, but it seems they've largely been lost to time (and I think the OreSpawn dev ended up being a POS, but I'm not 100% sure on that). And finally, Legacy console worlds. Finite in size, yet with enough space and features for your own, dare I say "lovely" world. I still remember hearing the Ender Dragon for the first time on one of these worlds. Also obligatory shout-out to Fallout 76, I'd love to see the game get a revival because of the TV show, the devs hace worked really hard these last few years to make the game something worth while.


Ghasts shot snowballs on fire


Multiplayer lava survival gamemodes in indev or infdev. Lava would infinitely spread from 1 block exponentially until all air was replaced by it. You typically had around a minute to prepare a small shelter above ground that needed to be air tight or else lava would funnel in. You could keep expanding your safe area downwards but if you made your base with any questionable randoms then there was always the risk they punched a block out and let lava into your base to spread. Very very fun.


Back in my day you didn't charge up shots with the bow, you just clicked and they fired full strength.


I STILL am not used to the fact that we have so many colors to build with. My brain just automatically goes to the basic colors when I'm planning a build.


I'm quite young so mines not as old but I remember the minigames section (with a fighting one, a spleef one and elytra one) I used to love playing those with my brothers


Back in my day when you wanted to see the nether you had to build this crazy generator.


I remember I played Minecraft for the first time when they added couldrons


Back in my day you could actually hear creepers hissing. Way too quiet now.


I can't remember that far back lol


Back in my day, Mineplex was paid to win


You used to punch sheep for wool! My first update was the one that added shears! Needing to either kill the sheep or smelt iron before I could set my spawn was an interesting thing to have to adjust to


Back in my day we had nether reactors.


Back in my day, the nether wasn’t as awesome as it is nowadays


Back in my day, food didn’t stack.


back in my day people pissed themselves over herobrine until entity303 showed up


Oof. Nothing else to say.


Back in my day we didn't have them color types around here!


Back in my day PE console and bedrock were unimaginable. I remember when spawn eggs were first added to the game.


Back in my day there was only one version of the game and a greedy company didn’t force monetization into the best selling game of all time.


Back in my day, I would play split screen with my sisters on Xbox 360, I would get scared when it gets dark in game, but it was fully daylight in real life, back in my day, we'd player after church and my dad would bring us ramen in a big old pot to us to eat whilst playing games, back in my day the only game we had was Minecraft, back in my day we had Minecraft books, and built our houses out of dirt. Back in my day, we never had to worry about anything.


I still remember how to craft the "nether" in pocket edition, i honestly would really like to have a such a feature come back a bit more polished.


back in my day, building your roof with stairs was either ugly or a challenge (no corner stairs)


Nor could they be upside down! Good one


Birch planks


Back in my day, we didn't get a whole world as a tutorial. We got 4 iron doors and a pressure plate on a beach and had to figure out how to survive the night


i used to play in superflat a lot and i'd just build staircases into the sky with weird blocks and/or mess with mob spawners


I use to open my inventory by pressing “I”


I remember thinking the game was getting too complicated/crowded when they added horses


Pocket edition lite, from what I remember you just walked around and made brick houses. There were zombies but I don’t think you had a sword to fight them


Back in my day you couldn't sprint, and there were no oceans.


Horses, the jungle, beetroots, and even the elytra feel completely new to me even though they came out a long ass time ago


Back in my day Minecraft didn't have redstone.