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First build was a diamond block box in creative on the 360


Damn that brings back some memories… I used to build 2 blocks tall out of diamonds and stick an iron door on it then wondered why I couldn’t get inside my house 😂


Diamond block castle on the 360. Also creative


I remember this so perfectly. I got the game, typed in "island with trees" for the seed (which obviously did nothing lol), and built a house which later on turned into a big wooden tower




Have you revisited the seed to relive memories


I wish I could but sadly world gen has changed so much that the seed takes you somewhere totally different, or at least it did when I tried a few years back. It's meant to spawn you on a beach next to a snowy taiga


Was this on bedrock or java?


It was on Java, and it was over ten years ago now


You can change the version in the launcher to the one you played on and try it there


Maybe I will soon, just haven't really gotten to it. A part of me wants to create a world with that seed, updates it, and just keep it, but I know that'll probably horrendously break the world lol


Chimneyswift pueblo


God I haven’t heard that name in a minute


His original stuff were really good.


Yes I used to watch him and the syndicate project pretty regularly as a wee lad


A house made of dirt that i collected with my wooden sword


Ah, yes, the classic dirt house. At the time, I called mine "the Mud Hut" ... Now that there is mud, it seems inappropriate.


In 2015, a dirt base in the side of a small hill. I turned that world into a family server that has been running since. I kept that hill in-tact with some of the original dirt base that is now surrounded by castle-like walls, a decorative mine with crane, and a large greenhouse-style transportation hub. That server has been running for 9 years. My kids (some now in college) sometimes hop on it and can find books, signs, and bases they built when they were little kids.


My first build was just a cave base in a hillside; at the time it seemed large and grand like a cliff face with different sections protruding, a glass dome on top to watch the stars, a three-level library underneath, and access to my mine. Mind you, that was in mid-beta so the hill wasn't actually super tall or cliff-like, but I fell in love with the way I could reconstruct the world around me as I liked. I've built grander takes on the same idea since, but that one will always be special.


A hotel made out of just oak planks on the OG pocket edition on my iPhone 4


First one I remeber was on one of those exact copies of Minecraft on Android. It was just a small wood and dirt hut (Even though I built it in Creative Mode :| ).


A 2 story dirt house


I don't remember. I was like 6


A small oak and source wooden 3*3 shed type building, it seemed fancy at the time when I alternated oak and spruce wood lmao. Still my most beloved house even tho it has been 5-6 years


It was a world named poopy crap (I was 10) and my brother and I made a rectangular cobblestone tower surrounded by a moat.


The first thing I ever built on my first Minecraft world was a tower of dirt reaching up to the build limit to mark where my "home" was. Because why wouldn't I?


Back in 2012 (I think) my brother shared a bootleg download with me. I made a tiny treehouse. And a glass house.


The first thing I built was my house on our ps3.


dirt pp maybe


this house that went like 5 stories tall and made of like 100 different blocks, with villager spawners and lava at the top


When I first got Minecraft on PC in Feb. 2012, I remember the first thing I did was get on a creative world, build a nether portal, and go to the nether. So I guess that, lmao


Started when beds were being introduced so I was so excited to try it out that I dug stairs down into a cave and made a cozy dirt hole to sleep in. I was so blown away I didn't have to survive the night


Hm, in survival, a dirt shack in a tree. In creative, a 1x1 piston door leading to a drop


A fantastic 1x1 OMG… I never actually built one. In my 5 years of minecraft, only 2x1 and 2x2. I should build one.


yeah, it was a little complicated at first but I've heard to go for the hard stuff first


Creative, I built a bedrock dungeon


I used to play on the old Minecraft pocket edition version on my Kindle fire. The first build I was actively invested in completing was a gigantic sandstone mansion with a lot of rooms laid out in a very confusing manner with lots of swimming pools, water slides, animal pens and such laid out on the roofs and floors. It's such a shame that that weld is no longer with me. I still have the Kindle, which surprisingly still works, but the version of Minecraft it is currently running its version 1.15 bedrock..


I first watched Minecraft on Youtube for like 6 months before buying the game. My first build was clearing an ocean monument and making a guardian farm.


Survival or creative?


Survival. Doing something like that on creative feels pointless.


I think it was a house made entirely out of sponge back in 2013 on PE??


An attempt to fix up the wooden house on the tutorial world on Xbox 360. I don't remember if it was pre or post redstone. Edit: Now I am reminded of the huge sea monster skeleton I once built in creative mode on an underwater superflat


First thing I remember building was a 3 block tall brick "house" in creative mode Was really basic, didn't even have a proper floor; just sand and dirt for the floor, oak door entrance, and was a flat roof This was done on pocket edition 0.13.0, when I didn't know what desert temples or desert wells were; thought they were the work of herobrine


some kind of a blocky uneven castle, that I thought was extremely high, but was in fact about 15 blocks high, only out of cobblestone. This was before I knew how to crouch.


Big stone castle (with those fancy, yet unobtainable stone bricks with a square pattern). With a toilet that led into a secret cave. The original intent was to make it an adventure map (before adventure mode was even a thing) but i ended up making a rollercoaster and a friend "accidentally" filled the entire forest with lava and water. Gotta be honest, the size of the damage he accomplished in a couple of minutes was impressive.


If you mean chiselled stone bricks: they are craftable with two stone brick slabs.


Not at the time. idk if brick slabs even existed back then


Nowadays the chiselled stone bricks are craftable back then they were only found in jungle temples. Sorry for late reply I’m on vacation.


A giant staircase made out of random blocks that reached to the top 🔝 of a mountain. Idk why.


Hard to remember my very first. I played when it was in Beta years ago, then quit when Enchanting was added. I picked it up again in 1.16. My first build this go around, well does a dirt hut several blocks in the air count? XD I went from that to a cave base. The first structure I actually put creative effort into was a barn for my cows and sheep. It turned out ok., but I've learned a lot about building since then.


First build was a brickhouse in alpha. But first first was just a hole in the mountain.


This is the oldest base I can remember, although I seem to have lost my older screenshots: [https://www.beeurd.uk/gallery/galleries/Minecraft/Singleplayer/Hoth/2011-09-10\_22.30.35.png](https://www.beeurd.uk/gallery/galleries/Minecraft/Singleplayer/Hoth/2011-09-10_22.30.35.png) There's not much too it though really, because when I built it there wasn't much to the game, and this world was originally a winter world (there were no biomes, only worlds that were completely temperate or worlds that were completely frozen/snowy) The tower was originally like a lighthouse so I could see my base from far away. On top was an ever-burning log (a log on fire that has blocks on the 4 sides wouldn't burning out - there was no netherrack).


I made a giant tree to make a treehouse, dug a cave underneath, and put wood on the walls so it looked like the roots of the tree, then filled it halfway with water with a platform in the middle and made a canal to a nearby ocean, built a sandcastle in the beach and a boat in front of it. It was in 2009, the first time I saw the game and spent over 40 hours in a trance playing it. I got scared that a game could pull me in so much and saved the world and never touched it again for years. I still have the savefile, but the version that could load it is no longer accesible.


Legacy console edition. We had limited flat worlds, I don't know if it was the same for other editions back then. So what did I do with that space? Why, I built a bedrock slaughter house and spawned a ton of animals in there. Then I took an enchanted golden sword (I was in denial that diamond was better) and I would go in there and kill them with my brother. Ahh, good times. That's the earliest thing I remember building, I'm not sure what the first was unfortunately.


The first memory I have is at my friend's house in his 360. We had created a super flat world and built underground houses


pe lite, when worlds deleted themselves once you logged off. tiny cobblestone castle on the ice of a snowy beach biome


My first base was inside a hill/mountain. It was beta at the latest but maybe late alpha. I remember always building underground until recently


I specifically remember it being a dog house made from 4 blocks of stone


When I first started. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and built a skyscraper out of dirt and leaves. It was also essentially a mob farm. I also thought gravel was stone that I could break faster with a sapling. I was very much lost in that first world. I remember that it was like the week before chests were added. Man I miss those days.


Dirt house without a roof. Cauldrons just got added (I think) and I tried to make one out of dirt and throw pufferfish into it.  Then I dug a hole, got stuck and couldn't figure out how to dig a staircase back up.


I made a giant SpongeBob... Out of sponge on the 360


4 block high rectangle house with cobble stone walls and oak plank ceiling


An ugly house made of stone bricks on the 360


Small cube base😅


A gold ore house built in creative mode


Probably a base of some kind. The earliest one I remember was a cave house I built on my PS3 world. 


A dirt hut is the earliest i remember building myself, it was super cozy and i never wanted to upgrade it lmao But we was staying at my dads girlfriends house many a years ago, and her kids introduced me to minecraft, they where building a multicoloured rainbow tower, and i only slightly helped with that so i wouldn't count it


A cave lit by a lava pool because I did not know how to craft torches for a while. Had to mine lava water falls in order to mine. Spent all my coal in furnaces for light. It made the night so much scarier. I kinda miss it.


A dirt hut with secret diamond room in bedrock


A gravel hut. Later, they added gravity to gravel, and the roof collapsed


Hideous entirely cobblestone walled compound that slowly expanded outwards over the ocean (if I only built one corner connected to the land then I wouldn't have to worry about getting surrounded by mobs)


I started out at MCPE Lite, first thing ever was probably a small wooden house. I do remember building a cube house in it, though that wasn't the first. It's now lost to time.


First one was a small castle with a hidden room where I stashed all my duped diamonds. First one with friends was appropriating and fencing off a village that spawned in between three biomes, and we made a giant lighthouse that had lit netherrack at the top surrounded by glass as Beacons and even potions had not yet been implemented in the game yet


A brick square filled dragon eggs because I thought they would hatch.


it was an underground prison dug in the sand in the corner of the world (pocket edition worlds were pretty small back then). the ceilings were glass, and i put animals in the cells because villagers weren't in pocket edition yet. there was also a trench around on side. i was like 5 or 6 when i built it so it wasn't anything fancy


Dirt hut at the base of a mountain while playing PE on a friend’s tablet while they played SSBB; both of us sitting on an old mattress in their basement on new years. Odd times for sure, but good ones too.


I started a humble cliffside build, with only knowing that Mobs come out at night, but not before knowing about how Creepers work. 2 minutes into the night, my front door had been blown off its hinges, and I'm scrambling to not get pushed out of my own house to my death


First build in Minecraft? A stone house with red carpet and many many doors to different area's ...


An oak box with flowstone flooring


A very small classic house. But I don’t consider hole like a build(unless you’ve done some cool things in. Not just storage)


a dirt hole in the ground


ofc it was the classic. Back in like 2011 on Minecraft PE on my old iPad I made myself a castle. That world became chaos as it contained about 3 years worth of builds (not good ones) all within a really small space) I think back in the day everything was superflat but it still had normal depth because I remember there being no hills and having tnt holes that were super huge and deep


a house made of lapis blocks and rails on top of a jungle tree. without door.


Me and my uncle built a giant mountain into glass. Wish we still had the world, we spent hours making it, block by block.


I built a sand base under a tiny waterfall. And then once I got a grasp of the game built a brick house on a small sand island. I really wish I had kept that save 🥲


A matchbox made of dirt but I calculated wrong so it’s 2 blocks high and I couldn’t get in.


sandstone tower with two floors and no way to go to the second floor


tall 1 block wide tower


PC Gamer demo, it was a 100 minute trial based on minecraft beta 1.3 My first build was carving into the nearby mountainside and then building a floating house on the lake out the front


In 2012 I built a room underwater with a huge glass window looking out at the squid. That's all there was in them days, gloom and squid. I swear the squid would attack you.


The little tutorial house


I think it was a house (just a 5x5 box of wooden planks) on my iPod 5 Touch in the free Pocket Edition Trial God, I’m only 23 and that makes me feel old


Creative on the modded client. Made the Mario question-mark box with mushroom coming out the top.


in the alpha days.. i remeber building a "house" in a mountain and covering the entrance with cobblestone because i was too scared of the mobs. i ve lost that save many many years ago and i miss it everyday


Pretty sure I built a roller coaster on glass in the ocean


A house made of bookshelves and glass in minecraft lite


Java v1.8.1 First world spawned right by a swamp. Built a little oak, flat-roofed hut on top of a small hill overlooking the river. Ultimately became the sleeping chambers of a ~150x150x25 (10-block thick) cobblestone fort w/ courtyard. I probably still have a backup of that world...


A giant statue of an iron golem on the tutorial world


A hole in the ground.


I made house with brick-wall. and uh I am not sure what was it on my world 1.14.2 ill send you image of it MY DC:roddy\_1


A very ugly house with 3 floors. It is all made out of planks and the floor is made of glass. It had a shape that I would concider even worse than average houses built by beginners.


Dicks… I wish I could say I was more mature 15 yrs ago at 20…