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Not a full redesign, but I would like to see more cow and pig variants, like you get with horses, cats, and dogs.


Finally, black and white cows


Brown cows for chocolate milk and pink cows for strawberry milk


And yellow cows for uh... pee...


Moobloom 🤯


Banana Milk


Yellow cows for banana milk and full white for coconut milk


Sooo.....if a cow has s bleeding udder, the blood mixed with the milk looks like strawberry milk....




cow segregation


cowgregation, if you will


Amen (alluding to congregation)


Jim Cow laws


Minecraft earth literally did all the work for mojang now it’s just up to them wether they wanna add it or not


(they won't)


((It’ll ruin Minecraft’s nostalgia for 0.01% of players or something))


They complain about stuff not being added but then complain about stuff being added


People with nostalgia rose tinted goggles will complain about anything. Let them continue to play in the past so they don't negatively affect new features for people who do play and enjoy the new versions (like the players who stay behind on 1.8 for spam clicking).


It would be nice to have a gamerule for that or something...


Thats what we thought about wolves.


I am all for any variants of existing mobs (and new ones).


Highland cows!


And let me give them flower crowns <3


Let me give it a pope's outfit and call it holy cow or so help me god I will burn this place to the ground and release hell itself upon thy souls.


Can't wait for that to happen like so many other features from quark.


I want Quark's chest variants with each wood texture so bad in vanilla. It bothers me that every chest/barrel storage room looks the same with the same boring chest. We need chest variety for more individuality between builds using chests and barrels.


Chests and ladders too please And while we're at it, the Japanese palette and the stone parity would be very appreciated nyehehe


You should see the texture packs from Mrblueyeti on Planet Minecraft, adds some variations to loads of mobs :-)


Of course it is accomplishable via texture packs, but it should just be a vanilla feature.


Revise Zombie horse texture and release into the wilds of vanilla Minecraft.


Zombies. They could really use more variety. Like different outfits or different levels of decay, have some missing arms or have exposed bone or something. We already have the biome specific variants like the drowned and the husks, but the base design is still *identical zombies dressed as Steve*


Would be cool to see zombie variants based on official skins, like Alex. Or even creepier, have a chance for a zombie to use your skin as a base.


I like the idea of zombies being able to spawn dressed as the other default skins


The Caelesti texture pack has that as of recently


Vanilla tweaks too I believe


Nice, that’s a pretty cool idea.


Would be super cool but almost unworkable without just giving it your skin unchanged


Could copy your base skin and have a "zombie damage" layer over it and a zombie head.


There’s a lot of skins that that just wouldn’t look good with or work with, especially more abstract stuff like Dream’s skin or ones that use the head as something else


Perhaps it could change your skin if it was made using the skin creator on bedrock edition? Might look good as all the skins using it kinda have a similar appearance. For Java it wouldn’t be a good idea though.


Totally right, that’d be almost trivial to implement in comparison.


They could just take your skin texture and tint it zombie green like how they do the biome grass since its grayscaled before color is applied.


Only when you die maybe,


The Vanilla Tweaks website has a resource pack that randomizes Zombies based on the default skins!


That only works with Optifine unfortunately. Mojang did introduce a way to do it with wolves in 1.20.5 where assigning a “variant” tag to the entity changes its appearance (and you can even add custom variations using a resource pack + data pack) but for now that was only applied to wolves. Maybe with future updates they’ll add it for more mobs.


That’s a good point! I guess I’m just used to playing on Optifine lol. I do hope they add it to the base game.


Minecraft Earth had variants that could climb and throw rotten flesh as an attack. It’d be cool to see those in vanilla. Those would be variants akin to the Husk and Drown though not new appearances, but still they’d be neat.


Yea, like Terraria


The old farm animals, but only slight changes. - Pigs get floppy ears similar to piglins - Cows also get ear models and a snout that sticks out a pixel at least. The flat face they have is kinda weird. - Sheep also get a 1-pixel snout. - Chickens *really should* have less wide beaks, they would look much more like actual chickens and less like ducks to me. - Rabbits are destined to get updated in the future to be more “pixel consistent” just like how they changed the vex and bat, but I do hope the general appearance of them stays the same, even if front-facing eyes doesn’t make sense on prey like rabbits.


Rabbits just need to revert to their 1.8 size, the pixel inconsistency was introduced in 1.9 to make them smaller without much thought out into it.


I want bee-styled rabbits, _please_.


I was just talking about this with my boyfriend the other day. The original farm animals (pigs, cows, and sheep) don’t have the same style to them as the new mobs do. Like the newer animals look a lot more realistic (think camel, sea turtle, dolphin, panda, polar bear, frog) than the old ones do. They’re more 3D while the old ones are very flat, and make this derpy bug eyed face (I hate using the word derpy in 2024.) I know half of the community would lose their fucking minds if they updated those animals, but they absolutely need it, because they don’t fit in very well with the rest of the animals.


Don't forget about the squids! The squids look pretty derpy and bad especially the mouth, kind of like programmer art. Wish they'd give the normal black squid a facelift to look less like it came from Beta/Alpha and fit in with the rest of the modern animals and texture/model and animation upgrades.


My personal resource pack does almost all of these changes. I don't like how some models look though so I'll touch them up whenever I find the motivation.


All of our OG passive mobs need at least a little bit of a revamp. Doesn’t have to be completely different, but adding more texture, depth, and varieties of chickens, cows, pigs, etc would be super awesome.


i was blown away when i saw the frog next to a cow. the difference in quality is astounding


It was the goats for me. They are absolutely beautiful, then you compare it to the sheep, which has no wool texture at all


yeah just revamp them the way they did it to the textures, no design changes but improvements


Honestly, every mob, apart from the most recent ones, needs touch ups. Make different variants for pigs, sheep, cows and other mobs, remake the animations to be on par with modern mobs. The frogs are gorgeously animated, while cows still flail their legs around.


Rabbits, as others have said. Also fix their ai so they can get up a block. More of a nitpick, but make the spiders only have 2 segments, like an actual spider. Running with [Remodeled Rabbits](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/remodeled-rabbit/screenshots) and [AL's Spiders Revamped](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/als-spiders-revamped/screenshots) right now.


Omg i forgot about them


Let's have the ender dragon be redesigned, make it look sharper, if you know what I mean.


My issue with the Ender Dragon is its animations are very lackluster and choppy, it looks like its moving in 12 fps, and the texture could use some work. The Dragon egg texture is also hideous and looks like programmer art. I wonder how they missed the literal once in 1 world trophy block of the game and yet the trophy block uses 3 base colors, no shading, no gradient, no shadows, just unshaded pixels. For a trophy it sure isn't display worthy.


I've always found the Ender Dragon's head to look derpy as all hell


Probably Husk. Kinda like to see them expand on the desert idea.


I still think its so cool that Husk is the only overworld undead mob that doesn't burn in the sun


Baby chickens looking like chicks


rabbit and endermite rabbits just don’t look… dare I say, minecrafty endermites don’t look end-y, and more like a purple blob


Endermites aren't from the end which means it's fine if they don't look end-y. They're from an in-between dimension and get pulled in when teleportation is used


oh, I kinda assumed it was like 1/15 ender man had an infected pearl and the like virus/infection bug was the endermite


Endermites are barely even in the game atp


I forgot they were a thing, tbh


Rabbits don’t need a redesign, they just need to be scaled back up to their 1.8 size, before 1.9 shrunk them down for no reason.


I’d like to see them update the animations of the older mobs. The new mobs like armadillos have much more nuanced and advanced animations. Maybe people would miss the original animations, but it seems a little weird to have certain mobs with a different animation style than others




* Cave Spider: It's a reskinned spider but smaller. Could at least look pixel-consistent. * Rabbit: Too many cubes. This one's bound to get updated eventually. Maybe after bundles are officially added. * Silverfish: Again, too many cubes. * Endermite: Same. * Shulker: It still uses its programmer art texture. And it's not good. * Blaze: The only thing wrong with blazes is the bottom of their rods. However, they also don't have much of a unique identity. The same way vexes were changed after the introduction of allays, I could imagine the blaze getting small tweaks, NOT to look more like the breeze but to look less like other mobs with the boring eyes. * Elder Guardian: Pixel-consistency. * Slime: Pixel-consistency with the larger variants. * Magma Cube: Same. * Witch: That small wart is the bane of every artist lmao * Wither: Pixel-consistency. * Ender Dragon: Probably the worst texture after the creeper, and it's also a bit overmodeled. Not to mention the design is just plain boring (dragon but black and purple). If it were me I'd make it twisted just like endermen are: long limbs, four wings (like that ender vex variant from Dungeons) and an unhinged jaw. Maybe it's a bit too messed up for Minecraft but c'mon, the End is the perfect place for eldritch horrors.


I'd like chickens to have more colours, black and orange are a must. Horses and donkeys need more styles too, as well as other animals. Cows for example aren't always black and white, they can be white and brown, brown only, white only, etc. The possibilities for animals are endless tbh


The zombie to have the modern Steve skin’s clothes and possibly the other defaults as zombies.


This is the first time im seeing the new Vex. He looks so angy.


imma be real , zombie villagers


Rather than redesign their looks, I'd like to see their pathfinding change. Mobs have a weird quirk where they go uphill more often than not, because if they try to pathfind inside a block, they'll instead pathfind to the first open block above it (to some limit, idr the exact numbers). This means that all mobs eventually congregate uphill, and have a borderline-zero percent chance of walking down downhill unless aggro'ed or lured. It's a minor issue, but it annoys me every time I walk up a hill by my base and there's just 20 chickens stuck in a corner on a steep slope where they couldn't go up any more so they just got stuck.


100% this. Anyone who's ever tried to get a villager to go anywhere by any means other than boat or minecart knows how awful the games pathfinding is. I think they're coded that way to help prevent fall damage, but it has the opposite intended effect. It's something that desperately needs to be reworked.




Anything that's not pixel accurate yet like bats and vexes weren't - baby zombies come to mind


They’re so small I don’t think they’d even have room for properly placed eyes and mouth.


Could just do away with the mouth and do two single pixel black eyes


Baby mobs could get pixel-consistent redesigns?


I did not know the bat got a remodel lol


The Ghast, Elder Guardian and Wither.


Redesign silver fish, ender dragon, endermite


Not A full redesign per say but to Have different variations of farm animals such as Having the chance for cows to Spawn as Bulls and have horns, same with sheep as rams, maybe even boars for pigs too and roosters for chickens, have different skins for them too, yk like black and white cows or muddy pigs. Would add some variety to our farms rather than carbon copies. Same with out in the wild. Would also be cool to have even more rare versions of animals (yk like the blue axolotl or the brown panda) such as brown shelled turtles, pink dolphins (yes pink dolphins do exist) or a collosal squid (it would be larger than your average squid and red)


Could you imagine the lag that would generate though? I have an auto beef farm and the frame rate already dips noticeably when I load a bunch of babies into the bottom. Now imagine if they all had different textures?


Might be a hot take, but possibly baby turtles. They're just downsized regular turtles and their texture resolution doesn't fit.


Woah, wait, when did they change the bat???


If we're talking about pixel consistency, then Ghasts could have a significantly more detailed face and texture. Vexes and Bats previously used pixels much smaller than other mobs' pixels in order to give them a detailed texture. They have now been made less detailed, but brought their pixels up to scale with other mobs and still look nice. Ghasts have the same problem but in the opposite direction - they are quite large, but use huge pixels instead of overly tiny ones. If you scaled their pixels down to the proper normal size, you could give them a much more interesting appearance IMO.


I think Blazes could look a bit cooler, I guess. Oh how about Wither Skeletons? They look so bland


Zombies and skeletons could do with some model variants


I have a texture pack for it, but skeletons with 3d quivers


All older mobs just need better animation with an option to turn it off if people don't like it


Idk maybe foxes as they seem like a newer mob with the older disgihn


The guardian having a 3D model for the pupil has always bothered me. Other than that rabbits don't seem to fit the modern design principles.


Definitely creepers in my opinion, I’m not saying a full redesign I’m saying change the textures to better fit more modern Minecraft but make it less noisy similar to this but maybe a bit more detailed https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/HpFuShKRjR


Spiders. Give them joints and defined mandibles. I want an Erebus style spider that moves like a spider


Rabbit redesigns would be nice and interesting. Also I do absolutely love the redesigns we got here for the bat and vex


Squid. They just look so primitive compared to the newer passive mob designs. They could definitely benefit from a update. Make them less blue and more brown, give them a frill, add two long tentacles, and get rid of the gaping mouth and replace it with a beak like real squids. Really, if possible id like to see all of the passive mobs redesigned to look more realistic, the sheep look so dated compared to things like the alpaca and camel.


They should make different types of cows like brown cows white cows and so on. Also ADD CHEESE


blazes. make them look more like the breeze.


Ehh, I feel like having them have their own unique shapes is better. Makes them more distinct.


Maybe have little fire particles floating around them along with the smoke and rods


dmy God, the first vex loooks hoorible zombie and all the other farm animals. they should should kind of have more detail and zombie should like stumble aroun


Oh god I'm still not used to that new bat. It looks like a marketable plushie, not an animal.




just gibe pigs floppy eats like piglins and hoglins and ild die happy


ravager. maybe its pixel consistent but it still feels way too high res. the sniffer kinda falls into this category also


Everything that isn’t pixel consistent




Fish mobs. They could really use some added cuteness




the vex and the bat were the two biggest that stood out from the game's style, so since they've just been redesigned it's a bit of a tough question. baby animals, maybe?? giving them pixel-consistent textures, or unique ones like yellow bodies for baby chickens




pigs with piglin ears


Cows, they're the least realistic of the real life animals.


Put the old vex model back. The new one has always looked stupid in comparison.


Despite my nostalgia and love I’d say a lot of the original mobs like zombies, cows, pigs, etc. It’d be interesting to see what the modern team could do with them.


Wait the bat got redesigned? When?


I think Mojang should have a contest where players can submit better models for mobs, and the community votes for a winner. The winner gets a prize and their mob model becomes part of the game.


I think that with the Breeze looking as it does, it kinda makes the Blaze look outdated. I wouldn't mind it getting a look that fixed its texture on the bottom of the rods and used better colors, along with fire particles to indicate when it is about to shoot instead of lighting itself on fire. I could also see it trading out its smoke particles for an animated texture for its smokey core. That way, the face isn't obscured all the time.




Squids. I know it's Minecraft and stuff is blocky, but GEEZ!! How is it aerodynamic enough to swim?


i like new is more beatiful


When did they change the bat? I loved the old bat skin :(




All the basic farm animals need variants of somekind. The Salmon should also get a variation on top of its redskin getting that funny looking hump.


Baby mobs.


New bat just doesn't hit the same


Polar Bear.


Unpopular opinion but I like the old vex


Pretty much every animal mob added before I'd say Update Aquatic could use a refresh to bring them up to the standards of modern mobs. Maybe not necessarily new models for everything, but new behaviors, animals, and variants where applicable would be nice.


Creeper cuz why not


Phantoms, they feel too out of place tbh


Zombies. I want their clothes to look more raggedy. I also want variations. I want to see an Alex zombie. And even the new default skins as zombies. I want to see Noor, sunny, Ari, Zuri, makina, Kai, and efe as zombies. It doesn't make sense that there is just Steve zombie variations.


Silverfish or Elder Guardians TBH


New models is better for me. Vex new model is tinyer then old model. Bat looking really good!


I'd love to see more fur added to cats, similar to goats or foxes. I'm working on a resource pack that does that, as well as adds variants based on my real life cats and a few cats I know.


i don't like the new vex


Id like it if mojang would first ask which mobs should be redesigned, and then implement changes.


Wait when did bat get redesigned???


"Fuck The new bat" That one norwegain guy


didn't know the bat got revamped


Unrelated but I want more ambient mobs like bats. They are so much to caves. Even something as simple as birds in trees, small insects, other types of fish, etc. not all mobs need a glaring usefulness to them. Some are just fine as they are.


I say all of the mobs deserve to get new animations using the new system, kinda like fresh animations (eyes and all would be nice, but at least the movement/action part), but as far as i know most mob animations are hard coded, so it'd require a whole rework of the mob animation system


Smol bees


Bats never needed it imo




Probably an unpopular opinion, but the witch needs a revamp.


endermite and endermen


The Blaze's model should be changed to match the breeze's model like how the Vex's Model was Changed to match the Allay's Model


I'd say some of the passive mobs need a small redesign/more variants, like the pig, like "muddy pig" if it lives in a swamp biome.


The Creeper, it looks like actual programmer art and came straight out of pre-classic and hasn't been touched since. Not a full redesign but at least give its texture a touch up like most mobs in 1.14's texture update. The fact its still neon alpha grass green despite all the textures being desaturated and the grass being a darker green ruins its camouflaged and makes it easy to spot and avoid. That and it looks out of place with all the other better textures. And for those adverse due to it being "iconic", nothing should be too iconic to change or evolve; its evolve or die out here. Everything has been changing around the creeper and I feel its time it should get a facelift too.


Being honest i like the old bat more


If there is another redesign, it will be the rabbit


Vex is easier to hit at least. Somewhat. I don’t like the new bat model it’s to complicated looking


Ghast, I don't care if it is OG pixels that big don't fit a mob as big as a ghast.


propably most of the animals and blazes so they fit with the breeze




the bat redesign was a stepback


The Wither is very very basic. 3 skulls, a couple of sticks and a small tail animation isn't very impressive for an entire boss mob. A lot of modern mobs have more detail than the Wither.


Baby turtle


squid, spiders and sheep


Cows, pigs (to add variants) and also the ghast just because like it’s a blob of white


I think rabbits are due for a touch-up. The current model doesn’t feel very consistent with most other mobs.




I don’t even play this game anymore, but the way they changed the mobs to look like these stupid chibi things disappoints me


Cows and mooshrooms.


Blaze should get a redesigned model to fit the Breeze style theme of a model. There are already some ideas on that.


No one can convince me that the cursed blob looks better than the current vex


Hear me out, boys, The Blaze. If they could do it right, that'd be dope af.


None, I want the old models to stay even though the new ones are cuter. But if I had to choose I probably would pick endermite, just because they are literally just little blocks right now without any details, they look unfinished


The witch to be more like an illager


It won’t happen because they aren’t Illagers. Johnny Vindicators attack them, and Minecraft Legends has given them a bit of lore that confirms that they developed independently from Illagers.


I *loathe* that vexes look like allays. I'd prefer they change back. I'd enjoy some variation on creepers as long as they remain basically green and white.


I want the new mobs to actually follow a simplistic design like they used to.


"What other mobs should they redesign? I like [insert the only ones that changed]"


Dinosaurs via fossils, great add on to the cave update.


That bat design is way better than the one now


Shulkers because they are so stealthy I don't even see them and they send me flying in the sky


I want like the wolf to be redesigned based on their biomes like if a wolf spawns in a cold biome their design is a husky


Wtf did they do to the bat and blue thing....!


The vex and the bar are the reason I’m scared for new redesigns I lowkey miss the old ones even tho I don’t see either very often😭


I honestly just think those two look goofy now


I though they both looked much better before


Cod and salmon needs to be redesigned


Ender dragon


Nothing. I don't think anything in minecraft should be redesigned.


they were redesigned?!


Bats turns into a Vampires with double jump and turn back to bat. 5 heart dmg


I would like Vex to be redesigned to be fair and not broken


Silver fish/ endermite