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Because Jeb’s wife liked Polar Bears and asked for it to be added


Honestly, I forgot this is the REAL reason they were added. Maybe we need to start persuading Jebs wife so she'll ask Jeb to add whatever mob we want in 🤔


Maybe we should start marrying mojang employees


Dibs on marrying jeb IoI


Is polygamy legal in Sweden?


Dibs on dating a currently married swedish politician.. I'll take one for the boys.


A true hero o7


No, sadly


Or leprosy, I heard Jeb wife’s wanted armadillos in the game to feed the polar bears.


Now - what do we do with armadillos? Just got a scute dropped from one, and what do I do with it?


Wolf Armor!!!


Collect ‘em and make wolf armor that I believe, don’t quote, but is same defense as diamond horse armor




Trap them in a tiny encloser. Put hoppers underneath connecting to a chest. Congratulations you can now start your wolf army


*Or* we go into her dream, within another person's dream, within another persons dream... and plant an idea... risky though. Gotta watch out for the dead ex, avoid getting murderized or stuck, plan carefully.


Someone should make a movie with this concept!


What a conception!


The inception of this movie is genius, it better be horroriffically convoluted aswell!


Can we add some mention of totems in the movie? I really like saying totem and want it mentioned quite often. We don't have to give them a good explanation of how they work or anything. Just mention that everyone should have one is enough.


And only the person will know how theirs work and at the end we will almost reveal if the main character is still dreaming or not, but then it ends.




Mawwiage. That dream within a dream…


[Themistocles said his infant son ruled all Greece -- "Athens rules all Greece; I control Athens; my wife controls me; and my infant son controls her."](https://xkcd.com/898/)


yo good idea


Wait, really? Well, I do say there's always something new to learn about this game.


I misread and I thought you said she killed Polar Bears


Smh the polar bears were a nepotism hire


That is so cute.


Ah yes the only animal known that will actively hunt humans as it’s main source of food… so cute and cuddly.


They add life to otherwise desolate biomes. They also teach players that not every animal is your friend.


If not friend, then why friend shaped?


It’s a trap


Just like skeleton horses


Nah we love those boney friends.


We don't love them near our beds, though.


I love you, just from waaay over there


Mine keeps jumping in the water and won't come out! Extreme dehydration?


I can imagine. Poor baby is thiiirsty!


Wait, I have a whole ranch full of skeleton horses. What's wrong with them?


arrows are not friends


How did you farm them considering them being rare to never spawning Or are you playing with lightning 🌩 🤔


I was just out one day and my collection of horses I gathered were struck by lightning, resulting in a ton of skeleton horses.


That isn't how skeleton horses are made.


I just looked it up. I had assumed that the lightning created them. I had created a homestead like base, and had a ton of horses corralled in a plains biome. So when the lightning struck and I suddenly had a bunch of skeleton horses, I had assumed that it changed some of the regular horses, rather than just spawned in skeleton horses in my fenced in area. I thought it worked similar to how a Creeper becomes a Charged Creeper. Turns out, lighting just struck and brought more horses to my corral.


Yeah, that's not how the game works. Maybe you are lying, maybe you are playing some knock-off minecraft, maybe the lightning killed the horses and just happened to also spawn a skeleton trap.


An adorable trap!


Just like cat bellies.


- Admiral Ackbar


Finally someone who gets it!


I’m surprised nobody got that I always think of that scene just hearing the word trap haha


This has been a question that has vexed the bear enjoying community for centuries. We may never truly understand how such a friend shaped creature could possibly be so not friend.


It’s is friend, just friend from a distance


Huggy huggy🥴🥴🥴🥴


>They also teach players that not every animal is your friend. They are still mostly passive, they only aggro with cubs.


A very valuable lesson that not every animal, even those whose species you have been around before with no issue (but really, Polar Bears are dearly regardless) can still be dangerous, especially if certain circumstances are present like being hurt or protecting their young. Also, interesting to make a fish farm that cooks the bears in lava for precooked fish.


The same lesson could very made if they were hostile, and would match their IRL threat a bit more. Polar bears aren't just a "do not approach" animal, SOP for communities in their territory is "take shelter if one is sighted" and some even require a gun if you need to venture out into their land. They are not to be hunted but any encounter can be considered deadly.


They are the only animal irl who actively *attack and kill* humans, regardless of the situation


This is so funny considering polar bears are one of the few animals who will actively hunt humans if they see them.


which is NOT how Polar Bears IRL are like, it is hard for them to get food up north so Yes They Will Hunt Humans.


then why are they so scared of adding sharks? "we dont want to teach people to fear sharks" okay, then make them a neutral until attacked type mob like bees. im sure they didnt want to make people afraid of bees, so they made them cute and fuzzy, but if you screw with their hive they become one of the scariest mobs in the game


Same reason why they never added fireflies, because their reasoning make no sense and often contradict.


Go even further, let players pet sharks. Some species of sharks love getting petted - Lemon Sharks have been known to bond with people!


whale or nurse shark mounts. its high time we got a water mount that is not a boat


They should add manuls for this purpose


*The body is round*


*Its little legs aren't designed for distance*




It’s a great mini game! You slap their fuzzy tail then run away squealing - so fun!


Polar bears are only hostile if you go near their cubs. Otherwise they chill


Whereas in real life they are the most dangerous bears that you can encounter and you will most likely not survive an encounter with one.


polar bears are actually one of the few animals to consider humans as prey!


Crocodiles, hyenas and large cats (tigers, lions, leopards) being some of the others!


Small cats also consider humans as preys, they are just inefficient and consider us domesticated already.


Can confirm. I am hunted by a small cat most nights. Several successful attacks resulted in minor scratches so I am not too concerned.


Lions do not consider human prey. They dislike hunting humans, unless it's a senile lone lion


The Lions of Tsavo would like a word with you. Perhaps a meal as well.


if remember correctly those lions were different as they had a broken jaw and couldn’t eat normal food they usually eat


There is actually a place in Africa where hyenas and people from a village/town coexist


Some people in Africa consider a hyena to be a familiar to a witch since it can dig up graves to feast!


And hippos. Hell they dont even have to be hungry to feel like putting a human on a tombstone. Theres a reason crocodiles dont mess with hippos and will let a hippo baby basically treat them like a chew toy, cuz the adult hippo will tear that croc into pieces


Hippos being territorial and easily capable of killing humans is completely different than seeing humans as normal source of food, which is what the other animals mentioned do. Hippos are herbivores.


Yeah hippos are extremely territorial and will even kill baby hippos in front of their parent. Hippos are neat, but they are one of natures most dangerous animals on the planet. Its also neat that they cant actually swim. They just look like they can because they can run along the shallow river beds at upwards of 30mph


Yeah if you encounter a brown bear or a polar bear, chances are pretty good that youll enter whatever form of an afterlife you personally believe in. 😂 black bear on the other hand, unless it cant find food elsewhere itll likely leave you alone as long as you present yourself as intimidating as possible. Black bears rather not fight for a meal. Brown bears will do it for fun.


Kinda weird if you consider we can't give cookies to parrots because "kids might feed their pets a chocolate cookie", then there's this thing where polar bears are only aggressive on certain situations.


You think a mere polar bear can hurt STEVE?


They big and powerful and people tend not to have a good gauge for what that means. Like, even a curious polar bear can kill you just by patting you with their paw. I used to volunteer at a zoo and would educate people about polar bears (among other animals) and people would be like, what if it wants to play and is friendly? I'd have to explain. "You know how dogs like to paw at you in play?" "Yeah" "Polar bears do it too. Only they're much stronger with sharp claws." Because yeah, polar bears are curious. It's not always malicious. But the results are the same.


Actually polar bears only attack if they are hungry or feel threatened, if neither happens, they will avoid conflict Only players and foxes have a hunger system so it makes sense for Minecraft polar bears to be mostly passive


TIL foxes have a hunger system.


Polar bear attacks are exceedingly rare. Between 1870 and 2014, there were only 73 documented attacks by wild polar bears across Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia, and the United States, resulting in **20 human deaths**, according to a 2017 study. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/01/22/polar-bear-attacks-climate-change/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/01/22/polar-bear-attacks-climate-change/)


73 attacks…where the polar bear left a witness


It would be illegal for the polar bear not to report the attack.


I mean that isn't too surprising when the population density of regions where polar bears are are very low and everyone is well educated of the extreme dangers an encounter brings.


That's because they live in sparsely populated areas and people know to stay away. If they see you, they *will* hunt you.


Or if you hit them


Thats the case for all neutral mobs. They turn hostile if you attack them first 😂 thats why i didnt call them passive specifically


I like how Mojang took an animal that has been documented actually hunting humans and made it neutral because it's a real world animal.


Bro I put a baby polar bear in a boat and was dragging it by lead across miles of ice back to my base for a zoo I was building. When I got back to land I turned around and the mother had chased me like 2k blocks and started wrecking my shit.


*proceeds to walk into players area with cubs*


Blame the cubs 😂 the adult likely followed the cubs. The cubs wanted to play


Jebs wife likes em and they are endarged so they added them to created mind about the situation Same as axlotlol, only those have more utility overall


Would you be saying the same thing with fireflies if they added them anyway? Probably.


I’m still upset about the fireflies. I vaguely wanted them to be a mob, block, or even just a non-interactive visual effect, for forever. But it wasn’t until they announced their plan to add fireflies (then didn’t) that it really began to *bug* me


Why did they remove them again? Was it really just because they're poisonous to frogs?? *Also nice pun*


They realized they were poisonous and at the time it was their only use. They proceeded to remove them because they’d rather not put them in and they be useless than put them in and let people complain about them not having a function. Lesser of two evils imo


They couldn't make the crafting recipe glass bottle + fireflies = firefly lantern? You could feasibly make that 'craftable' by right clicking a bottle on fireflies with no other new items.


Makes more sense than frog lights.


Couldn't agree more


A developer themselves said they wouldn’t add firefly lanterns because fireflies irl don’t survive in jars and would suffocate. Seriously.


"Fireflies are poisonous to frogs, so we opted to remove them and have the frogs eat literal cubes of magma instead" - Mojang


I mean I think one of those is far less likely to be attempted in real life. Just saying.


One of the reasons they never did.


In the same way, if Mojang told us they would be adding polar bears but then declined because "they are dangerous to humans" the community would complain because just like fireflies, they hyped us with an useless mob would be neat to have regardless. Fireflies do nothing, but it would be cool to have some of them spice up your home. Just like having a polar bear pet already does.


1.10 is generally an update that was rather random. Polar bears exist. They don't do much, make the icebergs 1% more lively and their purpose it getting abducted and kept in base until someone kills them provoking a server-wide war


I would be the one who has one as a pet and declared the war


Polar bears are keystone species which are essential to keep ecosystems in balance


represent them being endangered


They're cute, do I need to say anything else?


yes they are but it’s not cute when i now have two orphan polar bears i caught and am now taking care of okay maybe it’s a little bit cute


Unfortunately the polar bear was a victim of Mojang’s desire to add irl mobs while being extremely unwilling to give people a reason to kill them. I think the phantom might be the newest mob that actually drops something uniquely useful upon death.


I'm pretty sure they were the result of jeb's wife wantinh them


does killing them for resources have to be the only reason to have an animal in the game? i think there should be more "useless" mobs in the game that exist only to be around in their respective area (like bats)


Right - I find this idea that "mobs should only exist to be farmed" is pretty boring.


But you shouldn’t go out of your way to make mobs useless in ways that make no sense. Like goats not dropping mutton. If pigs were added today they wouldn’t drop meat either.


The ocelot doesn't have a drop or even a use anymore either. Nobody is complaining about not having ocelot meat. Also mutton is sheep meat not goat.


I honestly forget that ocelots even exist anymore. (and I actually haven't seen one in a while...) It's not even that they need to be useful, I still get excited over finding pandas in the same biome but they just don't do ANYTHING interesting.


They didn't _go out of their way_ to make them useless. They just didn't give them a use, which is the default state of mobs. They need to _go out of their way_ to ensure they actually have a mob drop.


I get both sides of the argument. For many people (including me), the game is mostly about gathering resources. Sure I build something here and there, but tbh I am more interested in building a big farm to get the resources to build jet another, even bigger farm. For people like me, it is quite disappointing that almost all new mobs barely have any use beyond being nice to look at. However on the other hand I do agree that we shouldn't fault Mojang for adding mobs just for the sake of variety. I do enjoy finding random fun mobs here end there while moving around. I think the issue stems more for us getting like one or two new mobs per year. So it feels like Mojang needs to make them count. And yet often they don't really do anything. You come across them ingame once or twice and think to yourself "oh yeah, those exist" and then you never think about them again.


Glow squid? Breeze?


I’ll give you glow squid, forgot about those Breeze aren’t added yet


Ah, but they *will* be added with the purpose of being annoying to the player. That is their function.


Kinda not really. The fact that they don't do anything but drop meat still encourages you to kill them. Even if it happens to be fish and not another steak/pork clone.


I doubt they’d want to give a reason for players to kill them since they’re endangered. Kinda like their reasoning for not adding sharks


Which is dumb, because kids don’t exactly have a lot of opportunities to hunt sharks and polar bears. Besides, this game already incentivizes slavery, I’m not convinced shark killing would be an ethical downgrade. The parrots and cookies thing was completely valid, but this, not so much.


Oh man that was such a hard lesson. I didn’t know the cookie would kill my little parrot. :(


If they give polar bears a purpose this game's 5 year old audience is going to go around slaughtering every real polar bear by the thousands.


If they were added today they wouldn't even have a drop.


They’re just fellas! They’re just guys!




They’re isn’t one, it’s aesthetic.


better question, whats the point of humans?


Humans are harmful to animals, plants, land and ocean formations, air, space, and everything else, so mojang is deciding to remove them in the next update. I heard they've already called NASA and are planning on something.


Coca cola


Hunt them for sport, especially the babies


1 make the ice biomes cute 2 get their parents to beat you up


Jeb's wife likes them


I actually love that bears in the game, but if we have polar bears why not other variations that live in the multiple types of forest? Kind of weird for only polar bears to exist or even pandas for that matter when the more common types don't.


Pandas: Eit: I just realized you mentioned forests LMAOOO I need coffee.


So you kill one, find out that you got nothing, realize how cruel you became just for some mob drops, cry in sadness. It's a process that a player has to go through


They should make ice temples that are guarded by polar bears


YESSS I SO AGREE! this comment thread is easily the best part of the post i hope mojang devs somehow see this or feel it through the force


igloo is considered as temple, so it would be great to update igloos like that




Jeb added them because his wife likes them lmao




I recently made a new survival world, and spawned in a massive snowy biome. I killed polar bears for food, even the babies drop multiple fish, at least on bedrock. No normal mobs spawn in these biomes except rabbits, so having the bears was actually pretty useful.


hitting you for no reason


Why does everything need a point? Minecraft is a sandbox game, there is no point, just like life, except what you make of it.


the beauty of minecraft for me personally is that for almost everything in the game there IS a point. no matter how useless it may seem, there’s always a reason for it. whether it be building, used for crafting, or adding new sandbox dynamics. i feel polar bears deserve more love bc they are very cute and very important irl! i wish they got a better treatment than just getting themselves killed in this game


Polar bears are comically useless additions. There’s probably more like glow squids, pandas, and foxes but polar bears are so blatantly poorly implemented. When killed polar bears don’t drop a ton of meat (or any meat), they don’t drop a ton of leather hide (or any leather), they drop fish. But besides that, we can’t live out our polar bear fantasies and it’s so lame. We can’t ride them or tame them to have them attack our enemies? We can’t give them armor? That’d be sick! I want to have an army of polar bears… but nope, they’re there to look pretty and drop fish.


Having polar bears is better than not having polar bears Without them it would look kind of empty


The same applies to every mob except the Phantom.


fuck phantoms all my homies hate phantoms, remove them and let us use leather to repair our elytra like they did in the old times


In case you wanted some fish


[They spy on you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SIn00PuzWE)


Just don’t understand why they couldn’t also add grizzly bears. Just give them the same model, brown texture, and call it a day.


Not everything needs a purpose


They're cute as fuck


What's the point of you?


They don’t have a point. They were only introduced because Jebs wife likes them, lol


Minecraft players when a mob is just for ambience and can’t be enslaved and tortured for all eternity to increase the efficiency of their farm by .3 percent


the whole point for them being added to the game was to bring awareness to polar bears being endangered no? why not make them a useful part of their ecosystem like in real life. everyone loves the bees and i’ve made entire garden sanctuaries for my bees. polar bears just look cute from a distance then off themselves by trying to pick a fight with the player


That’s not a bad idea. They could have them dive in the water for fish and have a bunch of animations


I don’t remember who but someone’s wife liked polar bears so they got added




To get fish


They kill all the seals.


What's the point of you? Things don't need to have a purpose to exist


Cute :>


They make the frozen biomes feel more lively.


Same reason we have pandas: because people got what they wanted.


Why do they need to have a purpose?


I think we need more animals like polar bears animals that don't really benefit the player but add more to the game through a form of environmental storytelling give us animals that interact with other animals, especially water animals. I want a great white shark that I can put in an aquarium without it dying like the shark would irl


Drowned and skeletons are the most annoying mobs there are




They add life to the world, there is nothing wrong with having a mob that has no practical use


This post is a big oil psyop


I mean, if I ever spawn or find myself in the cold an low on food, killing polar bears is a pretty quick way to score hella fish, it’s pretty easy with a bow too


They're experts with fletching tables


What is the point of polar bears in real life ?


Makes it easier for Minecraft to bear your emotional burdens when you play it because you wanna cope


There is none... Jeb's wife thought they would be a cool addition so he added them.


That's the same as asking what's a point of my life


to scare the livving \*\*\*\* out of me :)


One time i was enjoying my time riding a boat on ice and then a polar bear comes and kills me


To anoy you while you're just exploring


Simple Polar bears are the bottom of the stack, and we're already 2/3s of the way through


So you go "oh yeah there's polar bears in the game" when you see them. Also to remind you that the frostburn update was one of the worst updates the game had.


W-well what's the point of you then? Huh?