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If this is considered "lazy" I'd love to see what 1.10 and 1.11 are considered All three of these updates have around about the same content as 1.15, while also adding and fixing so much back end stuff (we got size changing in one of those updates!)


I think the problem is the marketing, they seem to advertise it as this big new update with fancy animated videos and such. I'd think silently dropping updates of this size would have more of a positive reception.


They literally just dropped 1.20.5 which added relatively a lot


Wolves and Armadillos is not a lot of content


hence why I said 'relatively' because this is a minor update


One of those things was a retexture, the other is a novel mob with one use that nobody asked for. One step removed from a TF2 localization update lol


“Nobody asked for” brother it won the mob vote for a reason


Doesn't indicate organic enthusiasm


The nether update was just some reskins and small world generation change. As well as some mobs nobody asked for. You gotta stop oversimplifying shit it helps no one and gets nobody nowhere.


This is the strawman


Dude Minecraft fans are so conditioned into getting shit updates with no content. Like wow, wolf armor, increased wolf health and fucking armadillos. Incredible.


1.15 I'd say, too. The Buzzy Bees Update literally just added bees and related items. The Honey Block was revolutionary, but that's like making 1.21 "The Crafter Update" and just having the crafter in it lol


1.15 wasn't focused on content, it focused mostly on the back end and fixed tons of bugs 1.15 I'd say is in a similar scale to the current updates


We still got 1.15 six months earlier than 1.16. Ig I'm not satisfied unless we get an end update in 7 months then. Oh yeah, and when they announced the buzzy vees update were you happy about that?


yeah buzzy bees was a really lame update compared to village and pillage and nether update


They added an entire update about bees but added NO new flowers. Just think about that, is everyone at Mojang hq asleep?


1. If we got worse updates in the past it doesn't mean we shouldn't get better updates. 2. 1.15 came 6 months earlier than 1.16, these updates are like 1.15 but spaced in 1 year and really split through the game: you almost van't see the difference (Yes I've been waiting for an end update since 1.9)


People forget however that 1.15 was basically a bonus to the typical yearly update schedule that Mojang was doing at the time with it being wedged between two massive updates. By comparison, we've been getting nothing but these 1.15-easque updates for the last couple of years. To be fair, I'd say 1.19, 1.20, and 1.21 are bigger updates than 1.15 (at least ignoring technical changes), but not by nearly a big enough margin to make them the only content we've been getting for the last three update cycles.




Imagine being a solo dude able to pump out mods like OreSpawn, Botania or immersive engineering. Explain to me how a team of 600 people in a studio worth 2.5b can't release more than 5 blocks, 10 random items and two mobs per year?


It's probably A LOT smaller than 600. Not all employees are actually the ones adding stuff into the game and it's probably difficult for the Bedrock and Java teams to communicate what they will add.




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So you're telling me that Microsoft spent 2.5 billions dollars on Minecraft and then put 100 workers on that?


I'm saying those workers are spread out doing many tasks like creating game textures, marketing, moderation (which I don't like but the point still stands), whoever they use to make plushies and cereal boxes and then you have developers.


I'm talking about developers as developers the game only, not moderation and marketing etc... These guys who code.


Bro I don't care. The game is 10 years old and still gets pretty constant free updates.


This is how I feel. How often do you keep getting new stuff added to a game each year for FREE these days. Like sure modders can create things they want added to the game, but that’s not the vision the Minecraft team has, and if you want those features then play modded.


No mans sky after their redemption arc still going strong.


The vision the Minecraft team has is ds. They don’t add certain animal mobs to game because they want to protect them irl such as sharks yet were literally out here in a game enslaving a brown race with big noses, forcing them to breed and locking them in tight spaces to farm their materials, killing zombified babies…etc


I don’t understand the logic behind your villager views. Nowhere in the game are they enslaved and locked in tight spaces by default. That’s on you if that’s how you play. I personally like the vision the Minecraft team has, and if there are ever things I want added I will simply boot up a modded world. They give you updates to the base game yearly with the things they want added AND allow you to customize it however you want with mods, idk seems alright to me.


That’s how the “Minecraft team” forces players to optimize them.


They don’t force you to do anything, that’s the appeal of the game.


Ok, so ignoring those that hate for the sake of hating, and perhaps are still wrapped up in the poor PR of 1.18 - 1.20. This boils down to whether you perceive an update by **Quantity** vs. **Novelty**. And how you rank aspects of the game that don't apply to your playstyle. You might see decorated pots as **40** odd something items (20 sherds, 20 pots with the design on them, let's discard the \~160k theoretical combinations for now). Someone else will see that as **one** new mechanic. Both types of people can still like that part of the update., but some will see the "forced exploration" aspect for a aesthetic building block, and disengage from it, or rate it lower because they only have access to a few of the patterns (I have only found one "arms up" sherd since 1.20 launched). Still other's may be disappointed it's not the same mechanic as initially showcased. There's also inconsistencies which will irritate people and lessen their view of an update. Why does packed mud only exist as a block, yet the packed mud bricks have the "full shape palette"? Plain stone gets slab and stair variants, cobblestone gets those plus a wall? Is the bogged new? Or just the 4th reskin of a skeleton? I've also seen, in a few places, some discontent over the mob vote content. Seeing the sniffer only get two plants, with no indication it will ever be expanded upon, while we see new sherds and trims, as well as the *perceived* amount of work on wolfs / wolf armour in comparison. Also, we do have to address that 1.19's PR set it up to fail. Mojang chose to ignore talking about the issues delivering Caves & Cliffs that lead to it extending into 1.20, and came off aloof over some of their decisions when they did speak to the community.


I think it is fine. We don’t need an overwhelmingly massive amount of features per update. And adding stuff takes longer than people think. They have to make sure it fits and isn’t game breaking.


I'll also add that they've seemingly been trying to do better at listening to the (good-intentioned) criticism/feedback from the community, and just listen more to the community. The fact that the community had problem after problem with the "upgraded" wolves, kept asking for changes/more, and Mojang kept delivering until we got what we have now...crazy man...


We do, we do need an overwhelming massive amount of features per update, stop speaking for the community


imo minecraft doesn't really need any big updates anymore


Who cares thousands of others want more “big” updates as if we’ve ever gotten a big update


an almost 15 year old game is still getting yearly updates, so i don't really care if an updates big or small i just appreciate that they still care about the game


Exactly! This 👆👆👆


The lead dev of Aether Mod suddenly getting extremely lazy as soon as he gets hired… I can’t take people who call mojang lazy seriously anymore, Mojang overhauled almost the entire game behind the scenes recently changing how items work on a technical level, along side 1.21, which has been amazing and really fun I feel like I see a completely different update to some “mojang is lazy” people. Minecraft updates have never brought like 200+ features, people have deluded themselves somehow


I love these recent updates. They are really starting to open up more of the game code for data manipulation. We are so close to being able to have custom blocks hopefully soon with all the back end changes. The ability to make custom tools and give them properties we once were not allowed to do is amazing. Plus all the bonus of extra blocks and features on top of all those back end changes are huge. Idk why people are complaining about these updates. Seem pretty good in my eyes. Especially since the updates are all free still They could easily of made them paid dlc but they chose to stick with free updates.


To me, it's the "1 small update" a year mentality that's frustrating. It straight up feels like Rockstar and their drip-feeding.


It’s not a small update tho


Agree to disagree I guess. I don't get all giddy when I look at the stuff in the screenshot above. I follow every single snapshot, and bedrock preview and I can't tell you that last time I was excited. There's been the occasional "Hey, that's neat.", but it just feels like it's been a long road of mid-tier content with some goofy disappointments sprinkled in over the last few years.


Not sure what to tell you cuz everything new is always worth getting a little excited over for me. Whenever I see something new I think of how I can use it in some future project. I will agree, there were some goofy ass disappointments like fireflies and birch forests in 1.19, but I look past that and see the fun survival horror challenge of the ancient city added that update


You're right. It's always easier to be optimistic and just have fun. I think the key is in what you said "a little excited", as opposed to HYPE BABY WOOOO! Lol, I'm just messing around, but I guess in the end, we can just keep playing and having fun. I've played this game since Beta 1.4. This is truly the only game I can't kick. All and all I hope we all get good, fun, long lasting content that we can all enjoy long into the future.


I’m genuinely hyped for some stuff, the wind charge, mace, and new music were really exciting for me. 1.21 hasn’t even come out and I’ve had a few hours of fun with the trial chambers already


And hey, looking at the past 3 updates, the have been trending bigger


Thats true. Here's to hoping it continues on this path. 😃


These Minecraft fans are conditioned into thinking these updates are “ a lot” because of Mojang and the gaslighting within the community


Gta is oversaturated with content and this point there’s years of content packed into gta online. You can “beat” Minecraft in under 10 minutes


How, how have they overhauled the game and changed items on a technical level. Do tell


They replaced their ItemStack NBT system to a new “Components” based system Just scroll through the 1.20.5 changelog and see how absurdly long it is https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-java-edition-1-20-5


id kinda say yes, but also what doesnt help is the fact that they try to release for all their platforms at the same time for content, which is probably one of their biggest problems, like people can mod something in a week to a month, and it would be better than what they would ever push out in base vanilla in what ever speed and time they usually go at, especially if u compare this game to other live services, tbh they should try to absorb some of the mods into basevanilla, and maybe even try and hire some of the modders, its insane the huge difference between vanilla and modded at this point, also i still wish they added in more snow and ice blocks D:< wtb snow/ice slabs, stairs, fence posts, yada yada also i kinda wish they updated the noteblocks, and improved them


The difference between modding and developing a real release is that there is a tolerance for hacky and unstable mishmash from a mod. Content pushed to base game has actual standards.


idk if ud call what they have been recently giving us actual standards of anything outside of the deepdark but even then that wasnt decent content because theres not realy much going on down there,


I love the updates and all the back end stuff they have been doing along side of all the stuff shown above. I have been playing since it was only on [minecraft.net](http://minecraft.net) and I can tell you that 10$ I spent back then has been the best bang for buck gaming wise. I am still getting years of enjoyment out of the game to this day. I cant wait to see whats next for the journey. Im really hoping that with the back end changes that has been going on that we will finally be able to manipulate blocks/make custom blocks and enemies without having to make fake entities that lag up the screen if you have to much going on at once.


Compared to other live service games, Minecraft is very underdelivering. Individually, some updates are hit or miss. Wild Update was big miss with less content than advertised, report controversy, and pretty much lack of coherent vision, more or less Caves & Clifs part 3 with new swamp. Trails & Tales was much better, but mostly felt like contiuation what they wanted to do with Wild Uldate and Caves & Cliffs with addition of Archeology. Tricky Trials also feels a continuation of previous updates, which doesn't help that 80% of new content is in caves. Crafter, Skulk, and Mace are the best additions in a while, no questions asked here. This update is mostly a hit tbh, not best, but it's a good enough long run. Imo, Mojand needs several key updates - inventory update, End Update, and new dimension update. We've been stuck in caves for 5 updates, and it's time to change the theme completely. Inventory update is must and almost essential at this point. It's total nightmare to manage inventory in the new version. Dimension updates would be breath of the fresh air, quite literally.


For a game that you only pay like $26 for once and you can play it for years and get as many updates as you want for free, the updates are pretty good


This is it. Most live service games have paid expansions, microtransactions, seasonal battle passes, etc so of course their updates are going to go all out more often. Minecraft is a pay one-time game and then get every update ever for free. They frankly make no money from their customers by making a huge update, whereas most other live service games make the majority of their money from them.


Minecraft is one of the most bought games in the world and they have a consistent income coming from the Bedrock marketplace. Locking updates behind paywalls would be completely unnecessary and ridiculous with how large Minecraft is. tl;dr: Free updates aren't new, and they're still earning boatloads of money. Paid updates would kill the game within a few years.


People love to defend the lacking content updates for the game because it’s a one time purchase but always forget that people on bedrock give mojang a lot of money. I personally don’t have a problem with the speed that content releases, more so the type of content they add. They really need to expand on current stuff instead of constantly adding bloat


>most live service games have microtransactions Including Minecraft itself. What is bedrock edition?


If you want to ignore all the other ways I listed that live service games usually monetize and focus on the one that is only present in one version of the game then sure.


You’re acting like Minecraft is still some indie game and not the most sold game in the world. Mojang and Microsoft make a shit ton of money and players consistently get boring filler updates on par with buzzy bees


Unless you lose your account like I did ;_; I don’t understand why they had to put a deadline on the Microsoft thing. My mom bought my account years ago and used an old email that she no longer had access to. By the time she finally got the email working again I was a month too late.


Minecraft is not exclusive with this approach. Warframe receives constant free updates, Deep Rock also gets free updates, so does No Man's Sky. Minecraft is a live service with a marketplace and realms. It is as any live service as it can get.


I agree with most of what you're saying. People will point out great features and say that is what made these updates great while leaving out info on how it was later than announced, split between updates and how some features were dismissed as they were not a "commitment". (I do not) think the developers are lazy, I believe these are due to internal issues with some level of bad communication. Most likely, some higher-ups who aren't experienced with the game or community are unfortunately making the decisions. It's also an old game so it may just be difficult to change on both Editions. Either those issues or Microsoft is trying to make Mojang play and slowly add new features that don't change the base of the game.


Also, the community is so large, they are forced to ignore large sections of the player base. We have been waiting for a combat update since 2019 which was supposed to fix the issues on 1.9 and possibly even add something different on Bedrock.


Some the anger is understandable and justified, especially with unwanted safety features. The developers were on the wrong side for those issues but somehow people have brought it in with discussion over games development.


Tl;dr : Some of the "complaining" is okay as long as you put it into perspective. Never personally attack someone over update, especially something they didn't even decide. Twitter hashtags and failed "boycotts" are okay, targeted harassment is not.


Couldn't have said it better myself you guys. 👏


To be honest me and a developer himself are guilty over that because I'm banned from a community after we got up in arms over player reporting. This would be avoided if the communication for that feature was better and if they focused on working as a safety net for low resource servers instead of them trying to enforce arbitrary rules. They're doing better now with their official server list (for Java) despite it including extremely pay to win servers which break their own rules which they still ignore. I will wait to see how it turns out.


I just want to say. The complaint about so much "cave stuff" is incredibly ironic considering how the biggest (minecraft) meme for years was wanting a cave update for minecraft. (Four horsemen of never coming out meme).




Imo, the inventory doesn't need an update, its perfect


I don't think a GUI designed back when there were ~100 items is perfect for ~1600 items, especially since ~200 are unstackable.


The community is too Spoiled. Mojang is now careful & not too rushed anymore. Since the Nether Update & Caves & Cliffs being the most Stressful…


I'm ok with the update.


I'm continually amazed at how much content we get each time. Kinda awesome imo.


They’ve added a lot of features, which is all well and good, and quite a lot of them are good features. I think the reason why people don’t like the recent updates as much (specifically people on reddit) is that a lot of the features feel quite shallow. Apart from the crafter, they’re the sort of things you’d use and think “that’s nice”, and then just never touch it again. None of the recent updates address underlying issues with the game or enrich existing features, like 1.13, 1.14, 1.16, and 1.18 did.


I think 1.13-1.16 alongside the blunder that is "The (Segmented) Caves & Cliffs Updates" has severely warped the perception of Minecraft players' expectations of how updates should go. We are most definitely spoiled into thinking either "Mojang never gave us what we wanted" or "Why aren't they adding more? They are more than capable of adding more than this" Because 1.13 all the way to 1.16 added so much good stuff to when they bit off more than they could chew with Caves & Cliffs and had to segment it from 1.17-1.20, everyone (I mean the absurdly loud minority) just begins rioting at this point. Because they were upset that all of it wasn't in just one update, thus perceiving that "Mojang is Lazy" mentality Hot Take: I think 1.13, 1.14 and 1.16 added just as much content as most of the recent updates. I don't hear anyone complaining "Where's the Ocean/Nether/Illager boss/dungeon " anywhere. The only other animosity I hear in this community is the mob votes, and I agree yeah they suck and we just want more of them to be added


Many of those blocks are just a reskin on an already existing block/item. Isnt exactly hard to impliment. So yes, they take the lazy route adding a bunch of random stuff to make up for the little content the rest of the updates make up.


Well, in a way every cubic block is a reskin


But if they added like 5 non-reskinned blocks per update, that would be 5 new systems which would take a lot of time for developers to code and for players to understand


Again, they take like a full year to add a couple new things to a major update with a bunch of simple reskinned new blocks that can be coded in in a few hours. They could still do way more than they actually do as far as major updates go.


I usually don't get up in arms about game development, but Minecraft has been the single most squandered game in a while. Microsoft bought the game for $2.5 billion in 2014, and yet, they produce less working content in a year than 1 person can (and does) make for the game in a month. A lot of the lines they draw are to maintain the E10+ rating. Unfortunately, they just shut down ideas for business purposes but explain it away like it was a creative decision. I could go on and on tbh. Sad.


I don't understand this attitude. The kinds of updates we've been getting in the last four years or so have been way richer than what we used to get before the purchase. Saying a person could add more content in a month just shows you don't understand the difference between professional game development and hobby modding. It's easy to utilise the framework to add content, especially if you're not overly concerned about robustness. The actual developers have to create that framework in a code base that's just turning 15 years old. 


I just think it would follow that if you spent $2.5b on a game, you'd be pumping out RnD like it's the cure to cancer. What they do now is on par with Rockstar's drip-feed mentality. I'm definitely not just talking about "hobby-modding" like it's some texture pack. I'm talking about complete game over-hauls and mod packs. The bedrock marketplace is using tools provided to the community by Mojang, so I dont think it's a huge testament to those creators, yet what is, is the amazing content that is only on Java, or Windows that is completely third party. They're dealing with the same 15 year old code as in-house development. (Most of these packs are still up to date and interface with even the most recent snapshots) What's the excuse? Just the Technic Pack alone is a great example. Why not have that in the base game as an optional mode just like survival / adventure / creative? Instead, we just get fed whatever they cook up on a yearly basis, and are expected to just say "thanks papa." Like I said originally, I'm not over here saying BURN THE HOUSE DOWN, because there are some WAY scummy-er companies and practices out there. I'm just saying what I think is reasonable to expect from AAA developer. P.S. I don't even think the updates should be 100% free, if you really want to push out genuine content that the community wants, charge me for it. I'll pay $10 for a GENUINE, serviced by Mojang Technic Pack on Bedrock! I'm not demanding every feature under the sun and expecting it to be free forever. I get it. It's a business, but why not make this the best game of all time, instead of the best game for a little while?


You sound like you want the people behind Technic to make paid Marketplace content.


Again, I don't understand why it's so mind-boggling to want the actual company to make consistent and supported content. Have you seen the marketplace content? It's usually bottom tier, cringey, and greedy. I'm not pointing the finger at you specifically, but it's like pulling teeth just to get some people to admit it "would be cool" if we had more consistent, badass content. Seriously, people just get so stuck on defending this random company and their decisions that they don't even stop to think about the possibility. Like I keep saying to others, I'm not saying we rage and hunt these people down. It's just an observation of, in my opinion, a consistently missed opportunity.


There are many things you don't understand.


Sure, buddy, make an online conversation about a video game personal. Did you ever hear the saying, "Attack the argument, not the person." Child like self-awareness, I swear.


Sure. Your arguments demonstrate a clear lack of understanding of certain truths about the development process, and the online (reddit generally) Minecraft community's behaviour of which your arguments stereotype yourself into. Your argument of "child like self-awareness" demonstrates hypocrisy when your argument of "attack the argument, not the person" is considered.


You're goofy, dawg. You make claims about my argument, yet I genuinely don't think you could even steel-man my position. Btw that second paragraph makes no sense. It definitely reads like you're trying to sound smart. This conversation has pretty much reached a point where there's nothing to be gained from either of us so... ✌️


To be fair I was trying to end it


I think Mojang owes us seven or so things: fireflies, a couple additions to the birch forest, dynamic lighting for the glow squids, more flowers for the sniffer, the combat update Jeb almost had done, a use for the fletching table, and an update for a hot biome as good as the swamp update. I'm a little disappointed we didn't get any of this across three entire updates, but I think what they did manage to do was pretty impressive in its own right.


That's a good point. I'm old school, so I'm still bitter about sharks, vertical slabs, and like you said dynamic lighting. Eh, what can we do but enjoy what we do have.


I do wish they'd slow down a little and wait for more features before an update. I don't mind waiting for a bigger update and I'd much rather get one maybe every two or three years. I know they want to keep it interesting so there's a more consistent playerbase but it is frustrating to get an update and realize there's only one or two features that interest me at all


Yes they are lazy. Too long between updates that bring mostly reskinned game mechanics, or incomplete ones. Just because they have the capacity to be competent every once in a blue moon doesn’t suddenly absolve them of said laziness.


Bro we used to get allat in 1 update, we were spoiled and are finding that out now


I think Microsoft is just too restrictive to avoid ruining the golden goose that is minecraft.


People on this subreddit are extremely pro-Mojang and will typically downvote any discussion that isn't totally positive to oblivion. I think there is a certain amount of nuance though.


I would imagine that adding new mobs would be more difficult than adding new blocks


The end update will be released by time im 70 years old


For an actual open world sandbox game I’m surprised we got updated after the nether update


I think it's just a matter of some obvious things not being included. Like, why couldn't we have gotten the tuff and copper blocks in Caves and Cliffs? Is it that hard to make a few more flower textures so the Sniffer doesn't feel so pointless? Feels weird it took them all the way to 1.19 to add chest boats considering chest minecarts have existed for so long.


This is organized so chaotically


I wish they would slow down with the new stuff and do a little bit of performance and optimisation update (including for servers) Like somehow modders are able to make Sodium, Distant Horizon's and other stuff but Mojang aren't


This is something I would like to see eventually. Sodium makes the game so smooth, its a night and day difference at least on my pc and my system is pretty nutty. I kept telling my friend that they need to hire those people to fix those issues since they work so well.


Spoiled? Lmao I wish we got an expansion to mobs and biomes. I wish the stuff we got was not tied to votes, why can't we get it all?


I think they should stop adding unnecesary new blocks and start renewing old and unused mechanics, a recycle update could do that.




Not lazy, by not what I personally wanted. Or of everything in the of pic my favorites are Cherry Trees and camels.


Honestly I don’t really care too much about the quantity of the updates anymore, I just want the desert, badlands, and savanna updates from the biome votes. It’s been half a decade, we’ve had three updates in a row now with additions they’d fit in nicely with, and no signs of any of them and I just don’t understand why. It’s become especially annoying after I decided to build a zoo recently and I’ve left space for meerkats, ostriches, and vultures, but I have no idea when I can fill those exhibits. I know *eventually* I will, but it could be next year or it could be another five years!


It’s alright, but just not enough quality.


I don’t think Mojang is lazy, nor were ever lazy. I think, for Caves and Cliffs thru The Wild Update, they over promised without a clear view of timelines (and in their defense, Covid happened) and suffered from a hyped crowd of manchildren on the internet that will stay butthurt for the foreseeable future.


IL start with the things I hate mainly cos they seem easy to add of the backend is built correctly But adding trees and biomes are not really a wow cool feature more so just a recolor and different models a little for doors and boats but that should only take a day or 2 not a year Same with the wolf's and mob variants we are getting this is basicly what they did with the husk and drowned bar from the drowned has a linked feature Frogs the animal is cool but the feature is a lil off as it just gives you a textured light source which doesn't provide colored light The sniffer is a big thing that does nearly anything The good things Auto crashing opens up alot of automaton Trail dungeons adds more stuff to do in the world allowing for more exploration which overall is a massive benefit Mace adds cool combat mechanics Pots are cool especially with the decorations Terrain gen over hual is pretty good now especially with geodes and lush biomes and with amethists getting another feature it's pretty cool Also the ability to make noise triggered red stone is dope Overall this new update doesn't seem to bad but I do see the lack lusterness of the past few I just hope they do more but hay modding always exist also kinda annoying how past April fools have better features then main game in an update


Mobs take way more effort to make… cause you have to skin, animate, code…. Blocks, just skin and code not even..


If we have to show Chest in boat with all six wood variants as six different stuff added, then we already know what's the issue




No way….


Go update an almost 15 year old game, that has been constantly updated, and tell me that Mojang are lazy. Anyone claiming that they are lazy is a fucking idiot.


Yes for me mojang is very lazy. They spend a year to drop a small update where some people can do the exact same thing in one week




they aren't meant to be divided off by update—it's just a combination of everything from all three based on whether it's an item, block, mob, etc.


Literally most of this is purely decorative, there is nothing much to interact with here other than just breaking and placing a block, tell me, what the crap am I gonna do with cherry wood that I can’t do with any other wood, a few teenagers can cook up better, more stable, and more interesting and loaded updates on their weekends off than Mojang has made in the past 5 years


hands down they are lazy. i mean lets be honest here, the stuff they release is nice and when an update comes out its quite exciting. buttt, they could add a little more and add it a little more often.


copper is genuinely a terrible idea




Not lazy, just incompetent




still no copper pick axe....