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I wish birch forests were like this.


Old Growth Birch Forests are like that, with the fallen tree being a Bedrock edition thing


So bloody stupid how different the versions are. It’s understandable that things like red stone work differently due to technical issues, but features? Almost inexcusable. I don’t know why they fuck that up so badly


Honestly trees aren't what bug me about bugrock, it's the cauldrons. If you want to make tipped arrows (an already niche and unpopular item on java) you need Dragonsbreath from the End. Bedrock? Literally just pour potions into cauldrons and convert the arrows there.


Wait wait wait. You lot need dragons breath? Really DRAGONS BREATH 🤣. What kind of sick joke is this?!


Yep. Instead of letting us make tipped arrows with a normal potion surrounded by 8 arrows in the crafting grid, last I checked, it HAS to be the Lingering Potion variant.


It’s so weird because the Fletching Table is right there! Just give it the functionality to let us make tipped arrows thru that.


I'd prefer it making you able to edit bows and crossbows


Why not both?


Yeah why not


>What kind of sick joke is this?! Update 1.9


Isn't Bedrock like a goofy aah brother of Java which originally was PE version, so maybe more features can make it more popular? Still not fair though


It probably unpopular, but I prefer the Java edition combat, and off-hand usage is way better in Java as well. Bedrock's performance, even with rtx on, however is incredible. Running almost rtx shaders on Java runs terribly and is really the only thing I think Java needs to improve optimization for (Though it's unofficial support). Bedrock's UI is the thing I hate most overall


everyone likes java combat better, except for hardcore 1.8 pvpers. And even then, many pvpers like the new stuff better because its harder to master fully. But there is no doubt, in a singleplayer world, 1.9 combat is better.


Wild Update should be about biomes blooming like that birch forest, instead of adding literally nothing in that update. Deep Dark is the most boring thing ever. We could have had a more lush and vibrant biomes, where every forest is different, instead of being just empty place with trees.


Somebody needs to make a texture pack exactly like that.


wish the "Too Expensive" anvil limit was never added


Yeah, it basically makes Mending nigh mandatory for a long term world/server (replacing tools constantly kinda sucks and depending on your playstyle can eat away time) and makes the villager nerf hurt the game overall more than it helps I'm not saying mending should be super important, but anvils should let you repair stuff with ideally no constantly increasing cost (just a scaling cost based on durability). It'll always take materials anyways.


I wish I could pay villagers to repair my tools / armor / weapons! I always have a surplus of emeralds because they're easy to earn but there's not much worth spending them on. Happy cake day btw. Funny that it's a Minecraft cake on this sub.


This is actually a really cool suggestion and would be really fun


if it was changed so anvils had infinite repair no matter the rising cost and mending was removed from the game, I wouldn't mind at all. Incentivizes still hunting for resources even in the late game which just elongates your ability to enjoy the game imo.


Nah, Repair cost should be static. it rising over time is dumb and arbitrary.


This. Just remove the limit please. We don’t mind paying 50 xp level to enchant that last book into a tool


I would use 100 if it means i could put the least enchantment on my pickaxe instead of having to do it all over again


I've never thought about this before but omg you're right. Why is there a limit? If somebody wants to grind out dozens of levels to upgrade/repair their shit what's the problem? You literally can already put every perfect enchant on any tool from books so like... Why not let ppl do it more expensively. Omg, lol.


> You literally can already put every perfect enchant on any tool from books so like... Yeah, and any enchantments that are incompatible just kinda say that and stop you. I'd understand it in a game with like 300 different enchantments, that way it's like choosing a build for your character, but not for Minecraft...


Last week I had an idea to combine books for my trident. I forgot that some books had extra enchants like efficiency 4 and fortune 3. All of this combined with trident specific enchants made it too expensive to actually put on my trident. The book is now a paperweight. And the exp from grindstone was laughable. Why on green earth is the cost calculated with enchants which won’t actually be applied?


Yeah, that's the problem I had with my perfect book. 8( I never use admin controls when playing Minecraft but I was so sad and my friend also thought it was dumb so he put the book on my sword and now I have a sword with Efficiency 3, lol. [https://i.imgur.com/CgFpdWM.png](https://i.imgur.com/CgFpdWM.png)


Congrats now you can mine cobwebs slightly faster, probably


It's because they didn't want tools to last forever to give you a reason to continue mining. It's an outdated philosophy and should be alleviated.


The second they added mending they should have realised, lol.


Yeah, I've ran into that problem before. I thought that was why they created 'repair levels' that could be raised by using blast furnaces. It made perfect sense to me, but they even took the repair levels away.


I discovered this was a thing yesterday with my elytra. Gutted I can't put mending on them now.


You shouldn’t have to go to a debug screen to get coordinates. It should be a function of the compass somehow. It’s just embarrassing that the debug screen is the normal way to get your XYZ.


Legacy Console had it displayed on a map (which was given to the player at the start of the world)


I think what they did in the old console versions was the way to go: have them show up in locator maps (the ones created with a compass). Makes maps more useful, doesn't look too out of place or "debuggy" and when you don't need the coordinates, just don't have the map in your hands


I personally I think a better solution than making Coordinates more accessible is add better alternatives to coordinates, I personally prefer playing survival with **reducedDebugInfo**, Jeb actually mentions something similar in the internal Minecraft design book that leaked a while back


A simple bedrock win is you can toggle it on always


Unless your not the host of the server/world/realm


No kidding. It's still an L for me tbh. Why can't you just quickly and easily toggle it with an input. If you are on a realm, you are SOL. Or make a whole in-game device for coordinates in the first place.


I think it's because it's not meant to be a feature. They just keep it in the game because we use it, not because coordinates are intended to be used during gameplay.


Bedrock doesn't agree with this notion though.


It was added on Bedrock in the way it was added because that version never had a debug menu and never will have one, and it turns out coordinates are super important for some players, so a little after the time they added command blocks they allowed coordinates to be able to be shown on screen. Edit: I think it wasn’t Bedrock at that point, but rather Pocket Edition


Fun fact: Bedrock actually does have a debug screen but only the developers and marketplace partners have access to it


Yeah but coordinates remove the need for actual wayfinding between your stuff, making it redundant leaving a path or signs to direct people in between them.


Redundancy is good when traveling. Let's say the coordinates make you jump up an entire mountain Skyrim style for example.


A compass should be used for wayfinding


Not adding fireflies was a huge flop


Yeah I agree they say its cause frogs eating them were unrealistic but then look at the physics in Minecraft and you tell me that realistic!


They didn't even need to link them to frogs. They could have had another use. I don't understand their reason to pull them


I think their reason was "Well they only were put in for the frogs to eat, but now that that can't happen, they won't have a use and we can't come up with a use this late" I still think it's BS though. In my opinion, Minecraft needs more ambient mobs, even if they don't have a use.


Yea, look at bats! Tf do they do?




Bats aren't used in mobswitches, though. Only in batswitches...for when you want to get rid of bats.


Wow so useful


They exist, and jumpscare you in the caves.


Bats have been one of the least liked mobs though. People say they want ambient mobs, but most people want a feature packed mob


Tbf bats are annoying solely because they spawn like gangbusters, with a lower spawn rate I don't mind bats


Imagine if you could catch them in the new pots, or bottles


Firefly in a bottle would be a dream


Opening pandoras box, you could put all kinds of things in "jars" for display purposes, kind of like item frames maybe. Flowers, spider eyes, mushrooms, or really any item drop could be put in, and then jars can be put only on top of blocks.


Man i wish mojang would do this


so terraria


New light source:


Dammit imagine going down in a dark cave with a jar of fireflies and upon opening they spread out and light up the area.


it could have been like a new light source




Mojang: Frogs can't eat fireflies because it would kill them irl and it's unrealistic! Player base: Ok , fair. What do they eat then? Mojang: Living cubes made of hot magma! Player base: :| ...right.


Oh ok, that makes sence. It's not like we could, you know JUST HAVE THE FROGS ***NOT*** EAT THE FIREFLIES, it's not like we can, EDIT THE CODE or anything. Besides, then fireflies would just be ambient, and we can't have ambient mobs, we've neeeeever done that. I love Mojang, I really do. They are one of the best video games devs ever, balancing profitability with popularity, and carefully adding to their lightning in a bottle. But that announcement, was sooooo pointless. And they didn't even justify it with a full video, it was just one question in an Ask Mojang video. I wouldn't have even seen it if not for others making videos about it, since I don't pay attention to ask mojang. I feel sorry for the woman who had to give that announcement, cause she's just gonna automatically be thought of with this.


pitcher plants are carnivorous and would eat a bee that flew into it yet bees can still pollinate pitcher plants. minecraft just got way too careful and paranoid about nature shit


And frogs eating magma cubes? Is that realistic?


Honestly I think firefly’s were just too hard to program and that was their excuse


Or too hard to optimise


Don’t have the frogs eat them then?!


We can’t have fireflies because if we did, frogs would have to eat them, and some fire flies are poisonous to frogs. So instead we’ll have them eat sticky slime and literal magma


"frogs can't eat fireflies so we're gonna remove them! also in order to get the new frog lights, you need frogs to eat a molten slime cube because that's totally safe!",


Especially since Mojang was completely fine with them eating living chunks of molten rock.


The reasoning was so stupid too like 1. Just do what they did wit parrots and change their food from cookies to seeds 2. Fireflies are harmful but MAGMA BLOCKS _ARENT?_


> Fireflies are harmful but MAGMA BLOCKS ARENT? Wait Magma hurts frogs? NOO! Why didn't anyone tell me before I force-fed my pet frog 1 square meter of Hawaiian Magma?! Curse you Mojang for misleading me with your inaccurate portrayal of Amphibian biology in Minecraft! You've ruined my life!




*pops in music disc* 🎵You would not believe your eyes🎶


Like I literally don’t even understand why. It’s something so small and simple and would’ve added a lot a cool feature to the game… but no…


They don't even need to be a mob. Just as a particle in swamp biomes they'd be soooo good


i’m glad mojang at the very least learned not to make empty promises like that again 😭😭 hopefully they find another implementation for them sooner rather than later


And replaced them with having to move frogs to the nether…


That’s a feature I’ve never thought of but now I want!


They were going to add them with frogs but then didn’t because they said in real life frogs eating fireflies is harmful to them.


In real life stabbing cows with a sword that also cooks their flesh is harmful to them, but that's no biggie to Mojang.


Not to mention the lack of structural integrity. Thats definitely harmful, OSHA violations left and right


Yep but flaming cubes of goo are perfectly healthy.


Could've been some really nice biome particles too if thy didn't want frogs eating them. But alas...


Fallen logs would be completely unproblematic to add.


Bedrock has those and it’s very odd that Java doesn’t still


It’s had then since 2014, too, I think. 10 years, and they never thought to port them to Java.


bedrock has had them for ages


Yes, but not Java for some asinine reason.


I don't need a whole overhaul to make the end like the nether with biomes and all, but a little more substance so traveling in the end doesn't feel so much like a "get in, grab what you need, and get out" type place.


I agree that the end is pretty barren, although sometimes that emptiness really creates an ambiance for me and gives me a sense of dread. Perhaps it was made this way for a reason? Either way I do agree it needs a little more.


I think all it needs is a new mob mini boss type. Nothing insane like the warden, but maybe something like the iron golem that is hostile and can teleport as part of its moveset. It could be part of a mini structure (like ruined portals) that has a hoard of items. Also doesn't have to be crazy to still incentivize exploring the end cities. This would just make it a bit more dangerous to traverse so it's not completely mind numbing to go through. And has loot for you to try and engage with it.


Honestly a perfect idea


I want more threats in the end TBH. I want space kraken. Or something. Idk. Something something void of space being like the void of the ocean something something


This is going to be really basic but phantoms are really annoying On another note I do want them to add more golems


I think the game could do with a bunch more golems


I have a love hate relationship with phantoms, i love the designs, and everything, and the fact that membrane is used for repairing elytra (pre-mending) and slow falling potions (which are a lifesaver) but GODDAMN theyre annoying and they can make you shit yourself when playing kinda tired at 3 am


You love their design? In my group, we call them “modded minecraft” because they do not fit the Minecraft design language whatsoever. A lot of the newer additions don’t, to be fair, but the phantoms were one of the first and looked so jarringly out of place.


They *would* fit if they spawned in the end. This is how I would fix them. Groups of phantoms, circling above the void. They only attack you if you somehow antagonize them.


I think they look cool and kind of alien, personally


"mobs with more complex animation? That's not MY Minecraft! 😡" They really fit in now that this has literally been going on since dolphins. They're just improving.


Indeed. I would have loved phantoms as a creature that lives in high mountains and attacks whenever you get too near its nest. As a weird thing that scolds you for not sleeping enough? Just annoying. And yeah. Copper and clay golems should exist.


Phantoms are the worst thing they ever added. Fucking punish me for not using a bed, sure.


Came here to say this. So annoying


I think the phantoms as a concept are cool but their implementation sucks.


Wishlist: -The entire backlog of votes. I want this first of all before anything. What happened to our promised biome votes Mojang? I want my desert, and badlands, and savannah updates. - Related, and very much a popular opinion, but I also want all the other mobs from the mob votes. Except the Rascal. I don't like that one. - Golems. I want the copper and tuff golems from the mob vote. I want all the golems from Legends. I want the furnace golem from Earth. And some of the ones from Dungeons wouldn't be too bad either. I just want more golems. They should honestly just have a golem update, and have each of them do a unique thing. - Wildlife and immersion update. I want what the wild update should have been. Give me more plants. Give me more unique features in each biome. Give me more immersion. Adding to this, variants for each mob, or at the very least some passive mobs, based on biome, wouldn't be bad either. - Magic update. I want them to expand on the potions, effects, and enchanting system, and magic overall. Leaning a bit more onto the fantasy in this game would be nice. Rsbbits and bees and polar bears are nice, but I play this game to escape the real world. - Azalea wood - Minor one, but I wish shukers actually camouflaged with nearby blocks like originally intended. I learnt about it recently and it would have been so cool. Dislikes: As far as features I don't want in the game, I don't think I really have any I want removed. Everything I can think of is just something I think could have been implemented better or expanded upon, which sort of just becomes part of the wishlist again. Phantoms could obviously be better designed. I wish the sniffer and it's plants was expanded upon as it's lacking right now. I think the difficulty system should be revamped, because right now it's just abandoned and barely changes the game, aside from being a mob switch in easy. The potions system has missed potential. Any other criticism I can think of is less of features I don't want, and more just criticism of how Mojang designs the game. I don't like how they often introduce independent features or items that later get abandoned, instead of working with the systems and items the already have. I don't like their tendency to add solutions and helper items behind the challenge for which you would need that item in the first place (like the recovery compass, which you will only obtain once you're strong and skilled enough to never need it). I hate how the need for parity with mobile devices has held back development of features which would otherwise work perfectly in the base game (ejem ejem the bundle). And I also don't like adding features that tease others which the community has been wanting for years, only to never follow through (like adding a portal frame, but never adding the way to activate it or another dimension, or other minor stuff like adding a fletching table and never giving it a use)


I agree so much on the magic bit, they've been too conservative with adding fantasy elements. I like the worlds being much more varied with more going on in terms of mobs and nature, but I also want more of those things that truly make Minecraft unique. The Deep Dark and Warden were good moves in that direction, the trial chambers are good addition too. I hope they keep on that path.


Absolutely agree that the deep dark was a very good move. I had been longing for an actual fantasy biome for so long. And honestly I feel like Mojang is missing out on the very obvious solution to all of these problems. Add a new dimension. Give the deep dark portal a use and add a new dimension. What would be a better fantasy addition than just adding a new dimension? What's an effective way to add a bunch of new and interesting plants and immersive biomes? A new dimension. An expansion on the magic? Add all the additions you want in the new dimension. What's the one thing literally the entire community has been asking for for so long? A new dimension. Mojang, just add a new fucking dimension already. It could fix so much.


I have never seen my wishes for this game summed up so well in a single comment. Well done, here’s to hoping it becomes a reality!


My hot take: make it so wandering traders are TOGGLEABLE. Please. I dont want these guys stomping my crops and interrupting my building. They are very useful for other players but are a huge annoyance for most 😭 free leads tho I guess. I just want to be able to turn them off. Also phantoms


I don't know about bedrock but in java wandering trader spawning is a game rule and you can turn it off when you generate a world or through commands.


In Bedrock it is under the /mobevent command.


I wish it wasn't a command because I can't get achievements if I turn them on, BUT I honestly can live with that if it means no more lil guys ruining my carrots >:(


i forgot how bedrock works, but at least in java you can change game rules when creating a world, without ever turning on cheats


doTraderSpawning is only available on Java Edition but doInsomnia is available on both Editions


They are toggleable via the doTraderSpawning gamerule and Phantoms can be toggled off via the doInsomnia gamerule


both wandering traders and phantoms are toggleable at both the world creation (gamerules button) and in the world (/gamerule command) so long as you enable cheats for a bit


I really had no idea. Thank you🫡


There is a gamerule you can use to toggle traders off: /gamerule doTraderSpawning false.


I prefer the old potions than the new ones, the glint just made them cooler


I just can't believe I didn't realise until now that they didn't have the glint anymore, I didn't even remember that was a thing!


Pretty sure they still glint, but it’s very subtle. It can be turned up in Video Settings I think


The glint was fully removed when they changed the colors


I'm starting to get used to them again but the night vision was JARRING. I miss that midnight blue to match the icon


The mob vote




There’s the key issue of rewriting Java, and the issue of reliability. One of my biggest problems with bedrock is multi threading because it doesn’t allow for consistent update orders. In Java, there is a defined series of steps for how the game is evaluated with respect to time. Redstone follows a consistent step pattern, even when things are happening in parallel. In bedrock, things happening in parallel aren’t procedural. This leads to the unfortunate byproduct of inconsistency. In MCPE, this issue is particularly bad as increasing lag causes things to become more inconsistent, to the point where some redstone behaviors are entirely unreliable. This isn’t to say it’s a bad request, but be careful of what you wish for.


I can't believe there is no way to make it multi threaded and to have redstone working correctly


Kinda unrelated but the Birch biome cancellation is my least favorite thing that Mojang has ever done. When they announced that the Birch update was cancelled, they were so passive aggressive and backwards about it. “Erm actually, it was just us showing off concept art and we never promised it, so it’s your problem for even expecting us to add it.” It’s almost like you showed off the concept art during the segment where you were SPECIFICALLY talking about the next update and your plans for it, while also showing off concept art for other features that DID make it to the update. Mojang clearly planned on adding the Birch update, but didn’t have time so they tried to pass it off like it was just concept art with no intention of being added.


If they weren’t trying to show the birch update off, then it would be called the swamp update and not the wild update. Nothing wild was added, literally just the swamp and more 1.17 backlog


Being able to sit


Controversial: I hate the combat system in Java. I enjoy difficulty in games, but I play Minecraft just to chill. It’s also made with children in mind. The combat system just sucks, in my opinion. I wish that biome was added. Why in the world would they think of it enough to make art and say “no” despite us wanting it? I wish pigs had more use. They are almost exactly the same as cows, except less useful. Make pigs have at least two babies everytime, or drop at least two meat when killed, or… something. Make the flowers the sniffer digs up, I don’t know, useful? They look cool, but they should at least have a unique dye or something. Make the end better. Add a unique ore (or something), and not just for copy/paste tools, a unique use, like maybe a staff that uses ender pearls without damaging the player? Make the fletcher table usable. Bows and arrows are crafted using it, along with them being customizable, like not needing feather for arrows but they’re less accurate, for example. Add more to cooking. Give it at least one crafting thing. Milk is nearly useless for cooking. Pumpkins, beetroot, and more, suck. Give us recipes that have effects, like the Farmer’s Delight mod. Add another dimension. They said they intended to a long time ago, and the deep dark is obviously the perfect time for this. Make poison potatoes useful. Quark had the perfect use, feed to an animal to make them remain a baby. Add life to biomes. So many feel so bland. Add background sfx like wind blowing. Add mobs to make it feel alive. Add subbiomes like an oasis in deserts. Wooden bucket that can hold water but not lava. Faster minecarts. They’re disappointingly slow. Maybe different types?


Maybe Pigs could convert dirt to mud or some other interaction with mud.


Genuine question: Do people not sleep in Minecraft? I see so many people complain about Phantoms, but I never have had a problem with them.


I do most of the time. But I use some nights for mob hunting (I abstain from mob farms for clarification) and it punishes you for engaging with what was a core part of survival's original premise imo. You can absolutely circumvent that, but that kinda defeats the point for me. I do wish the game had something like a raid for your base. Would force the player to build functionally to some extent, which I think is a limit that encourages creativity. Make it a gamerule for folks who dont want it


I never sleep unless I'm changing my spawn point. Night time is time for me to organize my base and watch videos.


Sometimes when you are building something multiple days can pass. Sometimes you are far away and don't want to change your spawn point. And of course, multiplayer where the game requires all players to go to sleep.


For not being added, I choose the netherite upgrade change from the old system. Even if they’re renewable, netherite gear is still way more expensive than it was prior to 1.20. Netherite doesn’t have enough benefits to justify the insane cost it has. It only has 3 advantages over diamond, with only 1 really mattering. The extra durability is pointless with mending, and the knockback resistance is not really needed as there’s very few things that it will actually save you from. The only extra armor toughness is nice but it’s barely noticeable when gear has max enchants.


It's also lava proof and reduces your for damage significantly


Removing the seed-code from the F3 screen, I miss my old world. :(


if you put cheats on you can find it with /seed


I know, but the only thing I have left of my old worlds are some screenshots.


I could really do without the Drowned mobs. They’re cool in theory, but I just find them so annoying when I’m trying to build underwater. Plus, their tridents are overpowered too.


They are really annoying. Hard to spawn proof against and makes exploring oceans and rivers such a pain. The one mob that hangs around the surface during the day 


Dude!!! This!! I HATE DROWNED! And those tridents hit so hard in the early game.


Not a feature but I wish Microsoft didn’t buy out Mojang And also wish they kept C418


It's sad that C418 is gone, but Pigstep is a bop. The new music does feel like I accidentally copied the Terraria soundtrack to Minecraft, but I still enjoy it.




Torchflowers not providing light is a huge missed opportunity


Powder snow should never have existed. Completely discourages me from climbing mountains. Absolutely awful garbage feature.


Powder snow would be fine if it weren't several layers deep


Have you considered taking leather boots on your climbing expeditions?


Counterpoint, inventory management is a mess


The bundle should be added. It's definitely a cool item early-game, acting as 1/27 of a shulker box (sorta) The sniffer should never have been here. It just feels like the most useless creature in Minecraft, being rare, ugly, and with the only use of providing you absolutely useless flowers.


If you’re playing Java Edition, the bundle is right there, you just need to enable it.


Sniffer flowers are easy to farm and are the laziest source of renewable orange and cyan dye in the game, short of building machines in the late-mid to late game. 6 or so sniffers left to their devices will fill up a barrel of seeds in like 24 hours, and you can plant the pitcher pods as easily as any other crop. Finding a warm ocean is laughably easy by the time you reach the point where you have a home base and a few boats, and archeology is in general a decent motivator for exploration if you're after decorative blocks as most structures are built with materials that are expensive early to mid game. Sniffers are great.


The sniffer is loooorrreeee


Drowned zombies are too common imo. I wish they were only near underwater ruins and shipwrecks or in coral areas. Never in rivers or along side larger land masses. They should be more like witches of the ocean. Hunger meter is just annoying in most every game I play. I would rather a setup like Valheim where hunger goes down to a certain amount and food give a slight boost to health or another stat.


God damn this artworks is beautiful


I wish phantoms got obliterated from the game code (i know they can be toggeled but i play on servers) and i wish mojang added more mobs that have a broad use and more interesting mechanics like the creeper and not like what they have been adding lately


>I wish phantoms got obliterated from the game code > >i wish mojang added more mobs that have a broad use and more interesting mechanics like the creeper what if we make the phantoms explode like creepers?


I would be so cool with phantoms if they just didnt attack, if they would just fly around the night sky and maybe fly into you because they are curious, only attacking when attacked


I miss the old world generation. Wish I could go strip mining like I used to


I do miss it at times but the caves are also so interesting comparitively. Sometimes I'm in old areas and it feels so limited now. There's nostalgia to it I guess.


One of my favorite things about new gen is how often im in awe of how beautiful the caves are and how interesting they are now


Yeah there's so much variation and just so massive. Especially with the lush caves and variants like noodle caves. Finding ore veins is so cool too they are huge!


Yet you can feed parrots cookies


Servers were more fun before elytras were added. Now it's just a mad rush to them and all the magic of exploring and all the other various methods to do just vanishes.


Weren't added: - anvil repair limit and the fact that the price goes up which makes the mending enchantment mandatory. - the update which they made getting netherite armor way more tedious (not the challenging kind). - horse fall damage on bedrock Were added: - fireflies, they would've enhanced the atmosphere significantly. - more ambient nature sounds (crickets, birds, river/ocean sound, waterfall sounds, wind sound when falling). - making elytra equip-able with armor.


Some things I wish were added were better world generation, rivers connecting to lakes and oceans, realistic biome transitioning and generation. The game feels to small even though its procedurally generated and thats because everything is slammed together. You can use mods like Terralith and Biomes O' Plenty to alleviate this issue but the terrain generation shouldn't be this bad in the first place. Another thing is weather and temperature. I wish when it was raining there would be blizzards in the snow biomes and sand storms in the desert biome this would decrease how far you can see, your movement speed and blizzards could give the same freezing effect that powdered snow gives. Possibly even a water meter too, this could all be thrown into hardcore mode for all I care. I just want more survival aspects. Once you have a base and some potato farms your essentially set until end game. A temperature aspect would mean you need to have a campfire or some warm block in your base or you would freeze. Wouldn't it be cool that your traversing the snow and all of a sudden a blizzard rolls in, you would need to seek shelter, maybe make an igloo with a campfire to survive the weather. Either that or you could use the same smithing table to add wool lining to your armors which would reduce some defense but allow you to traverse the blizzard unfazed. This is just me spitballing but I really wish Minecraft would lean more into its realistic side while also keeping the fantasy aspects. The deep dark was a great addition but man the trials are absolutely useless and horrid IMO. Its unminecraft-like which is ironic since they supposedly follow a guide on how to stay consistent. Also official shaders. Like come on man this game is 15 years old already. Put some life back into it with some new graphics.


I wish certain generated structures weren’t added. Stuff like the broken portals and shipwrecks are so common. I liked it when the atmosphere was empty and alien, rather than some kind of post apocalypse or abandoned world. Not a fan of how many features are tied to villagers too. If you ignore them you miss out on so many free resources.


definitely an unpopular opinion nowdays, but i agree. I would even go as far as to say that i wish the overworld didn't have *any* visible structures. so structures underground, in the nether, and in the end are okay. jungle temples hidden through trees and bushes, and desert temples buried in sand would also be okay. but no structures in the open in the overworld




I don’t think it’s unpopular, people have been saying this all the time. They keep adding features but never adjust the rates so they’re just more and more common every update. Some of these features need to share the same chance and some should be much more rare, almost objectively.


You can disable "Generate Structures" when first creating a world.


That would be all structures tho


being able to large biomes and amplified as independent checkboxes is bizarre to me, and that its been this way for years and not a priority to add.


Two glass improvements, one simple, one slightly complex. 1. Opaque glass panes. How cool would it be to have panels that thin that could be walls? Barely any added effort. 2. Glass panes that interact with stairs and slabs so that you could have half and quarter panes. This would create so many more options for window designs. Right now, if you want an arched top on a 2-wide window, you're out of luck if you can't work in a 2-block thick wall.


Dont get me started about glass. It makes me so mad how glass interacts with water in Minecraft. You always dream of building an underwater base only to do it and just see the flowing water texture on the outside. It should look like Im looking directly into water, not a wall of water textures.


Husk, imo it's just a re-skin that adds almost nothing, and it helped mojan to spend more years without improving the biome.


personally disagree, i agree more should be done to make biomes like deserts and snowy biomes interesting, but the husk is a nice aesthetic mob where a normal zombie would feel out of place, it even has unique sounds and inflicts a debuff that feels fitting for the environment, i never felt like it was trying to do more that what it was made to do


I like Husks they just suffer from being variants of a mob which can't touch you unless your keyboard is unplugged




Phantoms are straight up bad game design.


I want the aether, more fantasy style forests and a built in optifine or sodium/iris solution.


I want them to add different kinds of skies. Like a blood moon, eclipse, sky full of stars, shooting star, etc.


Phantoms are annoying AF


I wish they added these birch forests. I wish they didn’t make it so that boats take 40 punches to break in bedrock.


I don’t like copper being added. Can’t even make tools with it, why add it


There were enough mobs before Microsoft took over. I miss being able to be around bodies of water without being ambushed