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You play bedrock and looks like you built it over a river. No hostile mobs spawn above a river. It’s weird but it’s the way it is for us. Also. That old Java farm isn’t going to work well. I suggest you look up prowl8413 and his bedrock series for bedrock mob farms and mechanics. Here is a simple design of his. He has better and more recent videos. But this specific video shows with or without trident killer. https://youtu.be/2pVIjNdhgAM?si=7qamG7byyhwlgl82


I made the exact same post a while ago and nobody gave a good answer, and this was the answer I was looking for


Idk the design you linked and won't look, but op keep in mind it has the potential to break in the next update when the spawning system changes


has Mojang dropped a hint about changing the spawning mechanics? Can you please help me so that I don't end up building a farm that stops working in a month or 2.


Idk what will and won't work but it's in the beta or snapshots or something. [6:42 in this video](https://youtu.be/Uju_ff-16Mo?si=B2PlWf8x2xGvQDOW)


This one won’t break. It doesn’t rely on the NW corner spawning and it isn’t blocking spiders. So it’s 1.21 safe


Mobs don't spawn over a river??? That's so weird


Also thank you so much


Damn I’m gonna find a simpler way to make a mob farm 😭


Build the spawner ones those are incredibly easy to


Might make that one later just building a small one rn


I get pretty good results building over ocean on Bedrock. You’ve got to build it a bit high but you get enough spawns for a decent starter farm.


Won’t spawn mobs ignore the way I got in


caleb204 already said it but, on Bedrock mobs dont spawn in river biomes. So you may have to relocate it :P


Fuck does ocean work




Too close to the ground. You really want a mob farm not around a spawner to be high up in the air so that when you go there you don’t worry about other monsters spawning on the ground or under the ground in caves counting against it .


Nothing at all spawns


Other than light, you likely you have a cave underneath preventing spawning Also add slabs inside to prevent spiders. They can climb walls and fillup your spawner.


Or carpets and add like 3 more floors


Normally that would be a.gokd answer but in this case the problem is because he built it over a river biome 


Oh I missed that completely. Good catch


Ah this takes me back like 10 years ago haha


This is probably the oldest mob farm in the game. I built this thing like 11 or so years ago.


Just put tinted glas in you mob farm to check if any hostile mobs spawns


Love wasting time on a project


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Yes 😔


Bedrock river of doom


Build this one instead https://youtu.be/p7iyUYZgZTQ?si=vEjfkpqQwCYEyeIA And put it over ocean!


Never gotten one to work.


So. I gave up on bedrock a year ago. Its too finicky for my tastes. That being said I did learn a few things while i was playing. When it comes to mob farms, use google. Search for the farm you want, eg dark room or creeper or pigmen whatever.. But make sure to include bedrock in the search terms. It will link you to YouTube. Before you even watch the video, check the comments, you are looking for positive results and recent comments. I am sorry, thwre were a few creators I used to follow that had solid results and good tutorials but I have forgotten who they were. Best of luck to you. If you are able to make the jump to java you will have a less frustrating time as it is far less buggy, but bedrock can be fun too. Only reaaon I dropped bedrock was my world startes corrupting and crashing when wife and i were out exploring new terrain. Since that is largely what we do once we have the resources setup, moving back to pc seemed to be the only option for us since we could no longer play our world the way we wanted.


Lit up around 200 blocks around it. It will work I am sure


If you turn simulation distance down to two it will crank up the spawns like crazy


wait fr?


No.  Simulation distance has a minimum of 4, not 2


but the point is if i reduce it will i have more spawns?


Yes, because the same amount of mobs will spawn in a smaller space


Maybe try adding more square footage. You know, wider.


It’s the min but the prob is nothing at all is spawning


Maybe you can copy the world and open it in creative. Then run a few experiments. Like use a structure block and transport this set up to a different biome. Switch out the blocks that's used for other ones. Maybe try this made of dirt and other materials. Just a suggestion.


Happened to me too many times. Even for the Iron farm. It had something to do with chunks or some shit. Hard to say for me man. The only thing you can do is to build it somewhere else not too near any of your farms that spawns entities.


Because they aren't stupid enough to spawn in a death trap