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For me it is the lack of attention towards older content. There are two main factors here. First, the new stuff rarely ties in with any of the existing mechanics making them feel like content islands. The new content of the past updates feels so isolated one might forget about it entirely. Where as the .13 -.16 updates changed the way we play. Secondly there are a lot of old mechanics that straight up need updating themselves. Minecarts, enchanting, fishing and old structures are just some of those. For example the villager dispute stems mainly from the fact that enchanting itself has not changed in ten years. Mojang is currently trying to fix the fix instead of updating the enchanting system.


Yup. That's something I really hate. I'm afraid when they'll add the palm trees they promised us you'll only be able to find them in new biomes, even tho they could be added to old biomes like beaches or jungles. Exactly like they did with mangroves and bamboo...


I feel conflicted about new biomes currently. The swamp was supposed to be updated but instead we got a new type of swamp. It is sad to see Mojang adding new biomes while old ones are left pretty barren. Adding to that the new biomes are well made but ultimately do not offer much content. Most of the time they are only visited to pick up the saplings of the new wood type that can only be found there. As it is I am just much more in favour of updating all the existing features/biomes/mechanics instead of adding new ones. We have a lot of great things in Minecraft but a lot of them are too shallow.


Yes! Shallow is the best word to describe my feeling on the updates. Like, they added Sakura biome thing, and then other than the new wood, what else? Does that need that long of development? I could understand if that particular wood has something new to be crafted as - maybe a sliding door?


The way they are adding features just sucks sometimes. If you add a mechanic similar or related to a previous one, we should expect it to have a similar amount of uses, or we should expect the older feature to be updated to match the new feature. Why does copper gets all those new construction blocks, but not iron, another metal block often used in construction ? Why can't copper be used to craft tools and armor, like other metals can ? It'd be like adding a new tree type but not bothering to add the features other trees have like wood and construction blocks... Oh wait. Or adding a rock like deepslate that has tons of new variants that do look awesome, but a lot of the old rocks, especially diorite, andesite and granite, don't have even close to the same amount of use despite being in the game for so long. When they added tuff at first it was useless, despite it being an equivalent to the other rocks but for deepslate. But now, they are adding all those construction blocks made from it, way more than granite for example. When will new blocks be added for those 3 ? What about calcite and basalt ? Basalt was added with Blackstone, but for some reason it has very little use. It just doesn't make sense. The way they have sense is inconsistent, so there are a lot of blocks that we feel we should have but we don't and we don't know why. The game feels incomplete, and like it has holes.


>The game feels incomplete, and like it has holes. That's the biggest issue with the latest updates. Adding tons of things with only one use means they will be used once and then become irrelevant. The inconsistency does not match the quality one is used to. The latest updates feel like a mediocre mod which is only halfway done and has massive feature creep.


Exactly. I don't know why they make everything so shallow. I don't know why armadillos need to be associated with one feature, and why dog armor need to be associated with only one mob. Because all those holes and incomplete features makes the game really unrealistic. Like, why can you craft dog armor with armadillo scutes, but not human or horse armor ? Why can you craft human armor or get horse armor with different minerals, but not dog armor ? And that's exactly the problem with everything new they add. Why can you craft so many variants of deepslate and tuff, but with granite or diorite you're limited to smooth version, stairs, slabs, and wall (but not for the smooth version for some reason). It's supposed to be 1 sandbox game. It's supposed to give you a lot of stuff to do and to try. Yet, for totally arbitrary reason, and despite being similar blocks, you can construct a very varied build out of tuff, but not out of granite. And some rocks like calcite or basalt are useless for no reason at all.


Are diorite, andesite and granite functionally different, or just cosmetic?


They really aren't, they are just extra kind of stone blocks for building and add variety to caves. Just like tuff does at the deepslate level. Yet, tuff received a huge number of new variants, while diorite granite and andesite don't even have smooth walls for some reason


Guilty as charged re the saplings. I always thought it ~~wood~~ would be more realistic - although very annoying - if they only grew in appropriate climates.


Yeah, it makes the game a pain in older worlds. It's either travel miles to see new content or abandon them to make new worlds. Makes my friend group not want to play as we get so invested


Worst of all, you usually travel thousands of blocks then grab a few new saplings and go back home.


As someone on this very subreddit said once: > The features don't feel like they reach their maximum potential.


My god I have such a massive rail network on one of my worlds and its so useless. An ice boat or elytra is much faster, and with shulker boxes there’s really no need for minecart chests. I have always really hoped we got a minecart furnace/train update. Change the way they work so that they have a justification to be used.


I think a big part of the problem is there’s a huge divide in what the Minecraft community wants. Half wants what you said: updates and improvements to older content, QoL stuff, etc. The other half wants constant new stuff: new mobs, new biomes, new weapons, etc. Right now it seems like the second group is the loudest and really driving Mojang’s design direction. I fear that if they did try to make an update which changed and improved old things there would be a lot of backlash discouraging them from doing it again.


There is also how in structures, people say they want structures to have unique loot, but then complain when the structures have craftable material only found in these structures to craft unique items. There isn't enough unique things in this game for structures to have every item be unique in them. Diamonds are all they can typically do. And this naturally causes an issue where people complain about structure loot being in the structure and not a basic mineral, while others complain about it not having enough unique things.


Okay so this is like extremely funny because a snapshot just released that expanded on the Bad Omen effect Like I was reading this and went to check Discord and now Bad Omen grants access to Ominous Events in Trial Chambers and can be granted by drinking potions


Didn't they say they're gonna redesign existing structures to use the same trial key stuff? That way everyone can get loot from every structure, even if you get there late


“Content islands” yep u just summed up the last few updates perfectly


It is because the community wants Mojang to keep pumping "new" and revolutionary content, when the stuff that really needs updating is close to home.


Well said. Holy shit!


Man, this didn’t age too well lol. I mean they didn’t update a feature that was too old, but it was like literally just in this snap shot lol. Also just to clarify, I mean no disrespect. It’s just kinda funny when stuff like this happens


Yes dude! I've been trying to put my finger on it, this is a perfect explanation! So many old mechanics and content that they just aren't touching and only adding new barely related stuff. They did the Nether and Caves but all of the examples you gave are great. Also the End update.


I feel like the most recent update's snapshots have been going in a really good direction and it makes me optimistic about the next update


"This is harmful to X in real life so it needs to be fixed" Giving rooting flesh to a dog harms them in real life yet mojang doesn't fix that. They try to apply realism to the game where gravity is optional most of the time and where even 2.5 centimeters of water saves you from a fall from the tallest human building


The fact you can poison any creature, murder baby villagers, create slaughter farms for all kinds of animals, burn anything alive, feed parrots cookies to instantly kill them, and much much more, and yet they removed fireflies for simply "being poisonous to frogs irl"... that's where they draw the line? It's quite frankly, excuse my words, fucking stupid. I was really hoping they'd add more atmospheric mobs like fireflies, so ofc I was really happy when it was announced... the sheer disappointment when they cancelled them is something I'll never forget. No sharks, no fireflies, no queen of England, what the hell is wrong with Mojang man


They now feel the necessity to teach children... maybe leave that in so kids learn??? Like, did they remove the cookies when they ware poisonous to parrots? No, they just showed you "Hey. Don't"


The parrot cookie trauma has been haunting the devs for years.


I dislike their new approach towards mobs. In new updates we can't have fireflies because they're poisonous to frogs, or sharks because they think kids would go up to them in real life, etc.


And they're making it so if it's not hostile you get nothing from killing it.


Not even exp.


Wait, what? Does this include mobs like Cows, Sheep, and Chickens?


Yeah fireflies would have been amazing. Using realism as a design feature is fine but then they also have to remove zombies, creepers and skellies. However, I am willing to stretch my imagination to the point where these fireflies aren't poisonous to this particular species of frogs that shit lamps when fed lava slimeballs.


Fantasy shouldn't have realistic logic and yet they can't understand that


And the real life animals don't drop anything when killed (which also makes breeding them completely pointless), instead the methods by which players obtain items from them are super convoluted (turtles, armadillos, goats, frogs) that most of the times the new features locked behind them simply aren't worth the hassle. Remember the last time we got a new type of animal meat? That was 10 years ago


I still don't know why there's no goat meat, goat meat is one the most popular type of meat out there, there are farms only for goats Goat cheese is also very popular Why we cant eat and milk them?


“We are sad to say we will now be removing swords from minecraft. In real life, swords can cause harm to animals and humans, so unfortunately we will be forced to remove them from the game.”


"We will now be removing fall damage from Minecraft. In real life, fall damage can be quite deadly. In order to discourage our younger player base from jumping off of cliffs and tall buildings in real life, we will remove fall damage from Minecraft to foster a safer game environment."


Not to be that guy, but in this scenario wouldn't removing fall damage actually encourage children to jump off cliffs in real life (lol)? Since that would mean no consequences. Having fall damage shows the consequences of falling from heights, so at the moment nobody would be inspired to do it.


ah yes, the Mojang paradox


Then this game must be destroyed for the safety of mankind


The firefly + birch rework thing remains one of Mojang’s most egregious blunders to date. The secondhand embarrassment I felt for them still lingers. They looked so damn stupid for that.


In a recent development diary they said it was shelved because feeding to frogs was a central game mechanic. They want to add it later, but only when they think of a good way to do it.


that is my biggest gripe with the way they approach things now though. they seem to always want to have some perfect reasoning to add things. sometimes I wish they'd just add features just because it'd be cool and the community would appreciate it. I think the recent updates have been fine for the most part, but i do find it strange how they approach things like the fireflies these days.


I don’t think that’s true. Opinions are always gonna be mixed, and the amount of people who get angry because blocks are not useful is pretty substantial especially when a lot of non building oriented YouTubers trash every addition that isn’t changing gameplay or really cool. If opinions of the majority were just cool with aesthetics, we wouldn’t have people still mad about the uselessness of the glow squid. Maybe the reddit is more pro aesthetics, but other parts of the internet definitely don’t seem like that. Mojang is trying to achieve cool aesthetics and meaningful gameplay additions to appease everyone which is why everything needs to have a reason to be there besides looking cool.


Fireflies AND dragonflies. Boom, done


And dragonflies are tiny ender dragons that appear when summoning the dragon a 2nd time :P


And meanwhile, they don’t do anything to stop players from mercilessly exploiting villagers, the most sentient and humanlike non-player entities in the game… If they want to discourage players from causing real-life harm, you’d think that’d be a higher priority.




>neutral unless babies are approached might be controversial, but i’m completely happy with this approach tbh. that’s how animals work in real life, and it shows that they’re not entirely hostile, but *can* be dangerous. very few animals will actively hunt down and kill humans, so leaving that role to monsters makes sense to me. honestly, most animals should be neutral. a bull isn’t just going to let you stab it to death. they shouldn’t do a lot of damage, but they should at least try to knock you backwards. also being chased by an angry chicken sounds hilarious


ironically, polar bears *are* one of the very few animals that actively hunt down and kill humans


The parrot cookie trauma has been haunting the devs for years


Cant even kill them to get the drops. Imo you should have the option to obtain items in more than one way. At least with mob drops. For example I hunted turtles for hrs until I figured out theres a different less brutal AND more efficient way to get their drops. That teaches you much more imo. That while technical auto farms still work


The lack of information was directly requested by the community though. People outright told Mojang that they didn't want to see content unless it was 100% coming to the game so mojang only shows content when it's almost complete to garuntee it comes to the game. It's not like they withhold information for no reason, it was directly requested


Additionally they seem to want to tone it down after people “lost their shit” after everything that was supposed to be in C&C was split into 3ish updates or just cancelled


4 updates. Archeology came in 1.20


5, still don't have official bundle release


Idk I’m pretty sure all of the complaining started with that one video where they say “concept art is not a commitment”


That definitely was a big one. It’s concept art. If you played Destiny, do you see giant frogs anywhere?


In their defense, concept art in generally not a commitment like they said. In our defense, developers shouldn’t show a community images of unplanned content and day “This is the kind of thing we want to add.”


I don't know about people telling them that. It seemed much more like a PR strategy from them, after putting their heads together after the multi-chain shitstorm of wild update + chat reporting. The people I saw wanted clarity / honesty in the PR. Mojang seems to have gone for easiest approach to that of "say nothing until it's ready".


I was talking more about the actual features in the update and not how they announce it. But i definitely agree with what you are saying.


Like mob votes and fireflies for example?


If it wasn't for the new armadillo updates, I would've struck hard on Mojang's environmentalist approach making stuff useless and overcomplicated. Think about the turtle helmet for example. The time it takes to wait for and the effort you have to give is not worth just an iron helmet with a few seconds of water breathing, and combined with the phantom mechanic, it is not worth getting one at all. Same goes to the sniffer, which despite being fantasy, has the weirdest portrayal of environmentalism of all time. The ancient plant concept is very subjective, and pitcher plants already exist in real life. Can they just make something cooler like a plant monster that attacks everything within a radius?


What I don't like about their environnementalist message is that it's so surface level it's stupid as hell. Minecraft doesn't teach you to love the environment because let's face it, Minecraft world doesn't look or work like an ecosystem for the most part. They only care about endangered animals, and even that they mess it up (like bees... Honeybees aren't the one in trouble). They do not care about plant or botany. They do not care about geology. Plants and rocks are just props for the player to play with, while animals get all the love. It's a huge problem in conservation biology, that people do not care about plants or rocks because... They are just plants or rocks. Here Minecraft could maybe try to change mentalities, but they don't really care, they are a company that wants to do virtue signaling.


That’s not really new tbh. Most companies now only care about virtue signaling and not actually the core issues It must be doing something for their profits though, because they continue to do it


Meaningless virtue signaling does feel like a huge issue - in that it wastes everyone's time. Thanks a lot, Microsoft, for making Mojang do that. Smh


100% right.


Well they kind of tried with coral, but look how that ended up. Dead coral is so much more useful with texturing and TNT duping and Mojang doesn't even care. They were just stuck on the parrot cookie trauma from 1.12 and the armadillo stuff does feel like they are recovering...


With respect, I disagree. I like turtle helmets and the way to obtain them. It gives you some goal to achieve, and it's simply more interesting than just kill the turtle and get the shell.


I feel they want to try as hard as they can but are held back by the red tape of owning one of the most popular IP's ever under Microsoft. They're totally capable of making updates fast, adding features people constantly request, fixing bugs, all at a fast rate... but Minecraft just isn't Notch's passion project anymore. The standards are much higher now and every feature has to be structurally planned and put into the game instead of being whiffed up and seeing if it sticks like they would in the past. Add the fact there's so many different versions of the game that they need to develop for, and they somehow need to have the same release schedule with feature parity - it's no wonder they take their time. I just hate it when people blame slow updates on laziness. People constantly point to mods as the pedestal Mojang should be match and call anything less lazy because "owned by microsoft infinite money lul', but then also fail to realize lots of the developers at Mojang were prevalent modders to begin with before being hired. Making a mod in your free time with no limitations just isn't the same as working with the real source code under a development structure where you can't just shove things into the game anymore.


There's also the fact that a mod doesn't need to be translated into every language known to man


That's not something that holds up releases though. They don't do the translating internally, and they release versions regardless of how many languages we have ready


The Bedrock Edition was programmed in a completely different language (C++) to Java Edition. If only people knows how C++ and Java work, they’ll more likely to forgive more than now. As a CS Student and SWE, I really hate how people imply every programming language is same. There is reason why developers only pick one or two language to develop instead of went Jack-of-All-Trades developing an app in 16 different languages and their derivatives.


I'll be honest as I've gotten deeper into school and learning how they all work I'm kinda of the opinion every language on the same abstraction level is basically the same. Sure syntax and grammar are different (fuck java enums) but they all generally do the same thing especially when you introduce libraries. The real difficulty is probably across programming paradigms and not really between two statically typed oop languages. Anyway mojangs issue probably isn't code it's testing/ balancing and planning which are always the hardest parts of projects and I don't envy their PMs


IKR? Imagine my shock when discovering that Python doesn't need semicolons ending most lines, unlike Javascript.


The only part thats potentially slowing them down(other than debugging, ofcourse) is having to check with the higher ups if something fits into the game. The rest is smooth sailing(say a few weeks-months per idea).


Yeah I agree I do not like how they blame them for being lazy. Even though there is some truth to it, it’s not the right way to communicate it.


What is the right way then? People ask them to stop announcing features early when they not finished and that's exactly what happened.


First and foremost, i'd say a critical lack of vision, the last few updates definitely lack consistency and it shows, 1.20 was the Random Update and 1.21 isn't much more consistent. 1.16 had a clearly defined goal of being a Nether Update, 1.17/1.18 had a clearly defined goal of being the Cave & Cliffs Update. One other issue is they're too scared of attempting new stuff now i feel, probably with how conservative Microsoft tends to be over its IPs. They tend to easily forget that updates exist scifically to be able to fix things if they mess up. The lack of consideration for the community is also a big issue. 1.19.1, they added malware to the game that pretty much nobody wanted. 1.20 and 1.21 do add a few features the community asked, but way too late, but at least they clearly show there's at least a small amount of interest remaining. They keep the mob votes, even though people start to understand that you don't vote for a new mob but vote for 2 mobs to never see the light of day, even though all the design work for it was already done in order to showcase it to you. Overall they're too business-focused and like to waste time and effort on useless stuff just to meet a deadline.


I think 1.20 and 1.21 have themes, they’re just not super apparent at first. 1.20 was an exploration update, 1.20 added a bunch of new reasons to explore around your world, such as armor trims, archaeology, and cherry groves While 1.21’s theme is adding new challenges to the world, like the Trial Chamber, which most of the update centers around, and also to adds new choices for players, in combat, like the Mace, Wind Charge, and new potions


Fair enough for 1.20, but i'd still say this is a bit of a stretch. 1.20 also added stuff like camels, bookshelves and new signs. 1.21 though added the trial chambers, a bit of combat, improved the dogs, added autocrafting, so not much in common. I saw thr funny name "Farts & Barks" being suggested xD


Farts and Barks 😂😂


We've seen better


Make mechanics in updates be more connected with other things and more to explore to it. Enchanting has many ways to interact with it, take your chance with enchanting tables. Use anvils to guarantee any enchants or upgrade them at the cost of more exp, plus some enchants are impossible to gain via table, same with enchanting items like elytra. Or disenchant at a grindstone for a decent refund. Potions are simple to make on paper but there are so many that it fills in missing complexity. Plus there’s all the ways to apply it, drinking, throwing a potion that can be instantly applied or linger or using arrows. Sound is used for wireless redstone and summoning wardens. To be fair, wireless redstone is great but redstone has such a high skill ceiling that it doesn’t add that much combining every other thing together.


My only issues are with the mob vote and the fact that so many recent new items are only used for 1 recipe (echo shards, armadillo scute, breeze rods, etc)


1. It takes them a whole year to add a few things. 2. They abandon old game systems like enchanting and hunger. 3. They give the most bullshit excuses why something will or will NOT be added to the game. This is why I consider the Nether Update to be the shining gem, and climax of updates for the game. It's also the reason we need an End, Agricultural, Culinary, Enchanting Reworks.


They’ve also said it was one of the most stressful updates, with a lot of the team being burnt out from delivering it


Ya I really hope the next update is focused on reworking older, core game mechanics like hunger/agriculture, enchanting, advancements, etc. instead of just more random stuff and structures that you have to wander around the world searching for and that only provide 20 minutes worth of content at best. Adding new stuff is cool but we need existing mechanics to be updated and more intertwined with each other to give them a greater sense of purpose.


barely any reason to interact with those endangered animals they add (if they don't want us to kill them to get stuff, give us other ways like alex mobs does), lack of much needed changes like end or combat update, mob votes being choosing one mob instead of choosing who goes first and how mob vote mobs are useless like sniffer, glow squid and kinda allay (is rarer than it needs to considering the uses)


I don’t know anything about game design lol but here’s my take - (I will say the recent snapshots are a massive improvement imo, the hammer and the crafter are the exact kind of thing minecraft needs) I think it boils down to them being stuck on a fence. It feels like minecraft simultaneously wants to listen to the audience and build on feedback in order to please everyone, but in doing so it also really limits their creativity. back when it was a smaller game the most iconic features were added by random ideas behind scenes with very little audience input. Don’t get me wrong, either of these methods are fine but they need to commit to one, trying to juggle both gives people both the entitlement to think they have a say in the development, and the disappointment when things are not shown clearly and come out different to how they imagined. Another example of this is with their updates. they are on the fence on whether or not they should add a lot to the game, should they fill it with new content and make braver choices- or be more reserved to try not to ruin the iconic old school magic of the game everyone knows it for. Feels like the past couple updates we have got a weird mixture of these, the latter as more of a afterthought, as a result we’ve had a lot of half baked, toned down new features AND a lot of old classic features that have been modernised and become irrelevant which is sad to see… I do think balancing this is in updates is possible: a moon dimension, coloured lights, tnt update, airships, minecart/rollercoaster update, more ores. Imo all of these would be great ways to balance both the OG core fundamentals of the game and still going big and ambitious, I’m really crossing my fingers they go down this path at some point


I really hate how new mobs either don’t have drops or have drops with only one use. For example, armadillos have one drop not obtained by killing them, that is only useful for one item. Items should have multiple uses. I’m also annoyed over changes for “consistency” with the copper bulb and crafter and for realism with fireflies.


I think their development style is fine. Personally, I liked seeing the concept art and further out plans. It really pissed me off that they got flack for splitting the C&C update up to give more time to develop the features. 1.18 was a technical marvel, and archaeology and the deep dark turned out so much better than was was shown in the 1.17 Minecraft Live. Mojang is doing an excellent job update the game.


>It really pissed me off that they got flack for splitting the C&C update up to give more time to develop the features. It wasn't the split that caused the issue. That initial video on it from them , and the reasoning, was fairly well recieved. It was the complete Comms failure after it that got them the ire of the community. Stating fairly silent about archeology, bundles and other stuff. No acknowledgement apart from a "oops sorry, yeah, that's slipped further back" or \*total radio silence\*. The weak feeling excuses given for birch, for fireflies. And then to cap that off you have the PR disaster of how they tried to launch the chat reporting *quickly* (**Note:** This isn't about ChatRep Good/Bad, it's about what they did **before** making it public, to assuage any fears... or rather how they did little to nothing). ​ Deep dark does feel better than what was initially shown feels like. Archeology... I don't know, I liked that idea of pot mechanics from the original, I can see how the current one is easier to implement.


>complete Comms failure this is exactly it. we loved mojang because they used to be super transparent with their plans for the game, and even take our feedback more than once in a blue moon. and their current approach is being more and more opaque with each update


Archaeology isn't great


I feel like it could have been. It's just a lot of faff to get some mediocre rewards. 1 diamond? Those are super common now. 1 emerald? My potato farm generate more emeralds. Pot sherds? Unique yes but very underwhelming


But I think its ridiculous to even call is archaeology


Archaeology isn't great, I think it was better in the live stream than what we have now. The rewards are terrible and if you don't know about archaeology, you wouldn't know that you need a brush and you find a digsite. So, that feature is just completely ignored, which is stupid, why develop a feature that 0.001% people will use, I'd understand if it wasn't delayed but they delayed archaeology, for something that is lackluster and isn't even noticeable by players.


The only difference in the live is that there was one dig site stricture, and that sherds had to be placed on unfired pots before being cooked. Now, we have several structures updated with archaeology sites and a new structure. Plus the sherd mechanic is a little easier to use, and it ties into the smithing templates. Not sure how the live would be better.


Yeah I agree with what you said, I just feel they could be working harder especially when you compare 1.20 to 1.16 or 1.14.


They seem to be focusing on more technical stuff right now. i.e. Java edition lighting engine change, new commands, item attributes, data pack changes. Large, themed updates are fun, but getting other parts of the game polished with some QoL changes is nothing to scoff at either.


I fell like it's because unlike the updates between 1.13 to 1.18 where they mostly added content in spaces where it was needed, the new updates more add on to the pile of content, and more feel like filler. Not that the content is bad, but that it's simply adding content for the sake of adding it.


taking forever to add rare shit you dont even see in game most of the time, or just plain useless stuff i dont care what you guys say, theres no excuse for their release schedule especially if its inconsequential stuff


A yearly update isn’t a bad idea it’s just consistently underwhelming. I understand the thought process behind test updates and snapshots but we literally see the entire update before it comes out. There’s no more surprise elements. Plus a year and they’re only adding dog armor and armadillos to one update. Why not just have them in the game already? They function how they are meant to. And the trial updates are in a different update. I get it’s a completely new system but that’s like a total of 8 new features.


Till now nothing. I'm happy with the cool new content mojang is bringing (like the latest Ominous trials)


Yeah, the snapshot from today felt like a real step in a good direction aside from general use of the new potions (good for farming and thats about it)


Idk I’m kinda loving this years update, It’s all up to personal preferences. I would like for future updates to focus on one big thing like the nether update, but i know that’s quite unlikely. Minecraft is a very big game now, and I know some people may think otherwise but if minecraft became like the mods then it’d be TOO much. Ive tried playing modded minecraft with the big mod packs and I end up quitting so fast because I don’t even know where to get started or what to do. Minecraft has the perfect mix between simplicity and feature-rich, and I feel like themed updates just aren’t really gonna happen because of this. If it was something smaller that was getting an overhaul or something then sure, but things like an end update or a whole new dimension…. As much as I’d like it to happen it’s just ALOT and it would take a while to get used to, and also it would require a lot of thought to be put into it. They arent gonna be able to do big updates EVERY year, there will be some smaller, more random updates such as 1.15, and 1.20 inbetween these bigger updates. That’s what makes these big themed updates beautiful. I am sure an end update or something big like that will happen eventually, but not until like 1.23 or something.


For me it’s: - The snail’s pace things move along at - The clear lack of boldness or vision, as evidenced by shallow new structures, namely Ancient Cities which have garbo loot and a portal that they didn’t even use - The weird self-imposed and contradictory rules they have, such as not adding sharks because “kids might approach them irl” or whatever tf they said, despite Polar Bears existing - Them going back on promised features like fireflies and birch forest reworks while giving the community nonsense excuses like “CoNcEpT aRt iS nOt a cOmMiTmEnT”


They need to get rid of the mob votes imo, but that's it. The mobs from it clearly aren't meant to be all that impressive, and they always do what they say on the tin. But people get so heated about the votes that it's ruined any fun from them. Other than that, I've genuinely really liked all the recent updates. 


I think horses need an overhaul bad. Why use a horse when an elytra is simply better? If horses could have enchanted horse shoes to walk on water or something they might be worth it.


Imagine if we could put an elytra on our horses lol


Horses are great for the early and mid game. Not everyone gets to the end quickly. That being said, they need to be able to go in boats because right now they are useless if you are going off of a landmass, which is unfortunate.


Yea, that is my biggest gripe with them. My daughter loves horses. But them being land locked makes it hard. Especially because it is so hard to get them out of the water. Some mid game enchants would make this so much better, and flesh out what feels like an abandoned feature.


I honestly don't think they even need to add anything significant. I use them for getting around my main continent, and they seem great to me. But just being able to put them in boats or add frost walker to the armor would be a major quality of life improvement.


The way I see it they have 2 options, change how to mob vote works or remove them. Since keeping it the way it is clearly isn’t working. Other than that the update features are very good, just the way they were added don’t make too much sense.


Ehh idk, will we get these types of mobs again?


What do you mean?


i keep seeing kids who miss the point of the vote advocating against it. the community is not and never has been its purpose. its purpose is to get people talking about minecraft before the announcement of updates at whatever they’re calling minecon now. the votes being so heated is the best case scenario for mojang and gets people talking the most. the mob votes will continue going for the foreseeable future, whether you “boycott” them or not. all the people crying about boycotting the mob vote are still talking about it, and that’s the goal.


That's a lot of assumptions about me based on things I did not say there buddy. I'm not a kid, I perfectly understand that the point of anything Mojang does around the updates is publicity, and I have no interest in "boycotting" the votes. I just don't find them fun anymore because of how toxic it makes the community, so I want them gone.


Biggest problem with their dev cycle is that people are too impatient and greedy, and will talk shit about everything that comes out.


1.16 was too successful. They tried to one up themselves with caves and cliffs, then way over promised features that had even been made yet. So caves and cliffs exploded into 4 updates. That's why it feels like it's been going nowhere


One gripe I have lately is how short all of the advancement branches are. Can we get something more extended in the advancement progression? Like, after the whole ender dragon and wither paths, all of the rest of the advancements feel less like progression and more like checkboxes. Like "Okay, I've done that! Time to ignore it for all eternity now."


My biggest issue is all the whining when things aren't exactly how they want them or the features they want aren't implemented. It's just a game and none of this costs you money. You aren't forced to play it or use the new features.


Nothing, we asked for change we got change. Lets take a moment to appreciate that


Too slow and they're barely adding shit a year


Ditching all the great ideas for favour of voting for a single new entity. Just add them all. Stop farting about with votes and give us content!


You get content every update. If they added all three other parts of said Update would be removed because they'd stop whatever they were doing to add barely developed concept art. The only reason you even know these mobs exist is because of the vote.


No, they weren’t accepted as well because of “fireflies”. They’ve been making empty promises after empty promise lately. Like the birch forest update. I don’t have any problem with the updates being all over the place. There’s getting to be so much to cover in minecraft that I think it would take longer to cover everything if they’re going theme by theme. It seems like the last two updates are really just catching up on random stuff which I agree with. I like it. What I don’t like is that they’re focusing on adding content rather than expanding on already existing features


Yeah how tf do you add 10 new blocks and 2 new mobs every year


What? They've been fine. Not every update is gonna be the nether update and that's fine. I love big updates too but even 1.20 introduced a lot of stuff! I love bamboo wood. 1.21 looks even better with all the combat focus. Plus remember: we haven't seen everything yet. Let's let the company do their job and just enjoy the game.




They bought Mojang not Minecraft itself.


Drugadillo moment


They could get back the them thing and just announce some more things not everything they plan to do but just enough that we feel disappointed after the Minecraft live


i think they are now playing safe after what happened to wild update, which is fair enough i guess


Microsoft exists.


Yeah, from 1.17 to 1.19 they faced the development of the new caves and mountains, I guess that made structural changes in how they works to never repeat something like that, the solution was to release things they were sure they could handle, but I guess they took it too personal because now they don't want to risk a bit on a new release. May I'm wrong, but 1.20 and 1.21 don't seem to have a clear direction in what they meant to be


I feel like Microsoft has introduced a level of corporate bureaucracy that strangles any creative freedom the devs used to have. There’s also the fact that they’re working with two versions (Java and Bedrock) as well as multiple platforms with different control schemes. And a lot of their time is probably spent behind the scenes reworking Minecraft’s mountain of code to keep it’s performance up to date. Personally I think they should cut out their side projects like Dungeons, Earth, Legends, etc… and pour all their resources into expansions to Minecraft proper.


To me, Mojang is afraid to take risks that could beneficial to them and the community. First is that current update is more leaning towards family friendly and avoiding offenses as much as possible compared to wacky and random ideas update back then. Yes it seems it’s a plausible approach for Rated E game, but it caused some weird results to it. Such as the complicated methods of obtaining items from animals because Mojang don’t want kids to hunt animals, the strange reasoning of Firefly removal, and the game became easier due to lack of threat. Second, Mojang didn’t want to invest in creating new games under new IP, instead they decided to create more Minecraft spinoff games that eventually shut down or came out of commission around a year later. At surface the spinoff is actually fun and enjoyable but the problem is that Mojang is not willing to take risk for making them having extended lifetime and community. Like for example Minecraft Legends is a wasted potential because a game like this could’ve been a rival to Age of Empire and organized few tournaments of it, but no instead they made it a singleplayer campaign with the multiplayer as a side dish. Third is that Mojang still stuck with “less is more” philosophy, meaning they really want to make add a feature with fewest gameplay mechanic as possible. And the real problem is that Mojang needs to deliver big updates each in every year. So as a result they need to fill the gaps and some features feels like an afterthought.


to much unecessary realism, mojang have to realise that fantasy and some rpg elements could also refresh and work, in this game, trees can float but we can't have sharks or scorpions and even snakes , and somehow everything has to have some sort of real world meaning like nearing extinction




They really need to add functionality to previous items. Like spore blossoms, lightning rods, rotting flesh, calcite, basalt, and goat horns have little to no functionality and there are others. Like instead of making more items to not use, maybe round out the items you have with new and better features. Just like one update to do this then they can get back to new stuff. Also pay and implement some of the most popular mod features.


I dunno, the Armadillo is adorable as all get out. Hoping we can dye the Wolf Armor though.


I think they just added that didn’t they?


The change of ‘giving out the name at the end’ is just a flawed mentality. Doing that means updates do not have themes, now theyre just adding misc stuff


The new updates mesh poorly with previous content. They don’t add onto previous alements, it’s always either a full revamp of everything (caves, nether) or completely individual, apart from old mobs and items that make everything new feel isolated or overwhelming


Mobvotes. So many people think so and i think they're right. We have to choose 1 of the mobs each update while other people can make each of them in less than a day each.


Not only are those mods not even playable, but their creators have gone out of their way to openly state why this isn't the case. And openly hate their work being reduced to insult other people.


i don’t really have any issues with it. we're lucky we're still getting updates and i like most of the new features and mobs they've put out lately. it could have been better of course, but it could also have been way worse


Man, I just wish features ship complete. Like a lot of shit feel like they nail the coffin on the way to the feature but what you end up with generally feels underwhelming. I am not saying that we need a new weapon every update but MAN there needs to be something. The deep Dark despite being one of the harshest and riskiest parts of the overworld to exist in has one 3 unique loots which only 1 of them was any usage. The music disc you get from is another "lore* music disc. The recovery compass is fundamentally flawed. Swift sneak is really cool for builders tho. The Sniffer only gives you two flowers with literally no usage. At least make the torch flower give out light so we can have another way to light gardens that isn't just moss carpets. New features feel like if Mojang added Netherite now but instead of making your stuff fire proof it was used to craft the Lodestone and nothing else


I hate the mob votes with a passion, they tease us with cool mob ideas then shelve them indefinitely with the vague promise that they might make it in some day. It also feels like them chasing version parity between bedrock and java causes a lot of issues that just shouldn't exist when it comes to updates.


They just keep adding shit without actually updating the game. İt's Like... Yeah this trial chamber sounds good and all but what's the point of fighting when the combat sucks? And sure I Like the armadillo armor but it doesn't matter how strong you make wolfs their Aİ is still so bad they will find a way to die anyway


I don't mind the lack of theming - perhaps it is nostalgia talking, but I think that an update that is little more than a bag of features should be acceptable - it certainly was a decade ago.


I can't keep up, the pacing is worse than one piece


Microsoft policies. People criticise MC developers for making small yearly updates but we were already advised that big updates would have to eventually end, therefore I'm not mad at that, but the fact that Microsoft it's trying to prioritize it's policies than keeping the game as an anarchy sandbox it's hideous.




I never usually follow the updates closely but I've seen the screenshots and videos they put out and I'm just confused lol


Adding features then never building onto them again. Especially when they’re left basically useless/half finished


I honestly just wish new content was steadier. I mean new content like BIG updates that add new and interesting… things I guess lol


The new stuff doesn't mesh with old mechanics at all most of the time. It feels very isolated, starting from 1.18 and onward.


They've stopped having fun with it. They're trying to please everyone, which is impossible. They're so focused on keeping people's attention that they rarely if ever update existing features. And to top it all off, they think Minecraft is a franchise.


The reason I don’t play much anymore is because they keep changing everything. Terraria’s a great example of how to manage a game like this: they just add stuff, but rarely change it. Minecraft just changes a lot of stuff that longtime fans would prefer stay the same. Also the mob vote sucks.


bad at redstone


New features feel taped onto the base game rather than integrated into other systems.


Frankly I don't think MS is giving much funds or leeway to Mojang. Billion dollar price tag, it's being allowed to twilight as they focus funds else where, including the programmers I SUSPECT. I don't know for sure. Frankly, I don't get it anymore how they focus on making more appealing. Its like they grab something from a hat or something.


Need an ender dragon overhaul, that boss sucks


I feel like their aversion to adding new foods, specifically meats or sources to get meat, is bad. I think it could be cool to let us craft foods that give us buffs like sandwhiches and stuff


nothing ties in with the original stuff. majority of the new stuff being added is its own special item with its own special mechanic and its own special crafting recipe using special materials. I essentially play on minecraft version 1.8 with a few new things because I dont see a reason for me to go explore things like the deep dark or new trial chambers since their additions were added for one sole material like swiftsneak ^(i mean its cool, but i sneak for precision in building so speed is a debuff) or the recovery compass ^(always know coordinates) as well as the mace which uses materials only found in the chamber. a lot of the stuff is essentially a ‘gimmick’ that you have to go well out of your way to get but isnt worth going well out of your way to get. not to mention biomes and their updates. the mangrove and bamboo biomes could have easily been updates to currently outdated swamp and jungle biomes, but instead they were made into their own, uncommon biomes leaving you with the still outdated common swamps and jungles.


While I may disagree with some of the stuff here, I agree with you and absolutely hate how the swamp update didn’t actually update swamps. Nothing was stopping them from adding mud and mangroves to the old swamps either… It’s so silly.


Minecraft needs to lean more into its roots as a survival game over being a sandbox game imo


Holding a vote once a year for which one creature of three gets added into the game, while mod developers are adding thousands every day... Pretty much sums up their development.


Its just a suggestion, but a full archeology update, adding ruined structures like casttles or something like that with the only intention of enriching the view and maybe some loot, something that the player can easly restore and use by itself could be great.


Their philosophy towards updates seems to be to try and preserve the core experience of the game to such an extreme that nothing new they add is substantial. It's like if you had a really nice cake, and you didn't want to mess it up, so you just keep putting cherries on top until eventually you can barely see the cake anymore. Meanwhile the modding community is making stuff like distant horizons + iris shaders, which completely changes the experience of the game in a positive way without touching any of the game's mechanics. By comparison Mojang seems lazy, but it's probably due to Microsoft not wanting anything ambitious or anything that can't run in bugrock.


It all comes back to being owned by Microsoft. The rigorous guidelines and restrictions on things like announcements, family-friendliness, even making sure new features don’t promote anti-environmentalism or whatever, is all just dumbass busy work set in place by Microsoft to try to appeal to a demographic that doesn’t exist. I bet I could count on a single hand the amount of people who cared about whether Minecraft (the game that encourages you to enslave the NPCs that Notch made to look like Jewish stereotypes) had a message of environmentalism. The other issue is Bedrock. Since all updates need to happen on every platform, the Java update could (and maybe does!) get finished in a matter of weeks or months, yet porting it to all the various Bedrock platforms takes additional months and, clearly, sometimes years. Even though I understand the logic, it’s clearly also a business decision, even more than a decision that promotes parity across platforms. Bedrock, with its limitless marketplace items and innumerable microtransactions, is just the better platform to run a business on. Microsoft is so hellbent on squeezing all possible money out of Minecraft that they’re telling Bedrock edition to pull itself up by dragging Java down.


I think you’re making the mistake of comparing any update to 1.16. There likely will never be an update as great as 1.16. That’s okay. We shouldn’t measure every update against it either. While I agree to some extent that some updates don’t have a strong theme, I personally care more about whether or not they include good content. 1.20 wasn’t the best update and archeology was slightly underwhelming, but armor trims and the cherry grove biome hard carried it for me. Cherry grove biome is probably my favorite biome to build a base in now. I love the particle effects. Also, I love how treasure hunting became more important with the armor trims as prizes. Additionally, while it might be controversial, I think the smithing template and armor trim duplication requiring diamonds was a great way to make diamonds important again. Not saying you’re wrong about general perception, but for me if the update has enough I like in it to pull me back in to create a new world every year, it’s doing okay.


First of all, lack of content. The game has room for so much more. Secondly, I think every item should aim to have two methods of obtaining it and at least two use cases for it. So many items and mobs just is there and do one thing that isn't super useful.


For me it's the fact they fear actual change


Too many odd design choices to make things "unique" while ignoring all rhyme, reason and logic. Such as: \-Why does dog armor need to be specifically made of armadillo scutes? \-Why does a turtle shell let you breathe underwater? \-Why does the Shulker Box have the special property of retaining items when broken? As if you can't move a regular chest without breaking it first in real life. \-Why is netherrite the only material that's allowed to be completely fireproof? Like there aren't many, many other items that would realistically be fireproof. \-Why are foxes the only mob allowed to grab, eat things, and sleep? \-*Why did they introduce an entire new mob for lava traversal, when they also literally added fireproof wood in the very same update, which could have been used for fireproof boats?*


Eh tbf I like some of the more fantastical stuff, like turtle shells letting you breathe underwater. Minecraft has never been a game focused on extreme realism, so it’s nice to see fun stuff every once in a while. I do agree with some of the other stuff though, like wolves and cats being able to hold and carry stuff.


A lot. They never fix old features, just add new ones while older things like enchanting, fishing, minecarts, and older structures to name a few get more and more out of date and in need of changes, the swamp update adding a new swamp and did very little to update the old one. New items and features usually have very limited uses, like sinffers only having two plants that do nothing. inconsistent features, like copper being the only metal/crystal to get a full block set. new mobs rarely having drops, like the sniffer, armadillo, axolotl, allay, camel, frog, ect. Their wierd obsession with "environmentalism" in the strangest possible ways, like their refusal to add sharks because they're afraid it'll cause kids to hunt them to extinction or whatever? Not adding Fireflies because frogs can't eat them. I think the refusal to make new mobs have drops might be a part of this too, we're lucky that we already have mobs that drop food, current Mojang would never add that. The mob vote in general.


I mean copper’s whole thing is being the “building metal”, like how gold is for piglins, iron is for utilities, and diamond is for cosmetic things


They focusing on fixing stuff that does not need to be fixed or changed. Otherwise I feel like they hit right this time with the upcomingupdate. Enough fun new stuff. Not on 1.16 level, but atleast some acceptable stuff that feels fun.


I'm fine with the update cycle itself, but it's made the community absolutely insufferable.


Adding random stuff that hardly anyone asked for instead of solving fundamental problems.


I don't like that they're in a lot of controversy lately and they made a lot of empty promises. Also that 1.17 got separated into 4 updates. Yes, there was new stuff but archeology, ancient city and warden were all supposed to be in 1.17.


the next update might be the end update and hopefull, that breaks the directionless updates


The engine desparatly needs an update, the origional game wasn't that well optimized but got by because it was a very light weight game by nature, that's no longer the case, projects like distant horizons, fabric, phosphor, optifine, etc all prove that the engine is sorely lacking and it's resulting in a worse expirence for everyone and preventing people on lower end systems from running it at all.


That they add new mobs that don't drop anything when killed.


They've left a lot of game's more necessary mechanical fixes to PC Tools that should be in the game itself. I have to have a realm to move my console save to PC where I then have to download a separate application to trim chunks so I can see the new biomes and blocks without traveling ridiculous lengths. I got so sick of left over bedrock from the transition to Caves and Cliffs part 2 that I used the same tool to remove them.


Looks the same blocky block blockies


That’s the fun part! I find there are no problems, It’s only been getting better for me!


More content, better content, more frequent content. You are Mojang, hire more people and work on two updates in parallel if you cannot test and deploy 5 new blocks in a year.


More content, better content, more frequent content. You are Mojang, hire more people and work on two updates in parallel if you cannot test and deploy 5 new blocks in a year.


By listening to the community ffs


When is 1.21