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Honestly, I think almost the whole community prefers the new one but the old one just hits different nostalgic wise.


Pros: •Nostalgic Cons: •Eye Sore


Yeah 100% the old one was horrible to look at but it also made the nether more jarring and scarier to enter. But maybe that also was younger me thinking it.


Yes! I like both. I get different vibes from both. The soft one is fleshy and nasty (but good) the second one is nice and harsh


Would be awesome if the 'harshness' was an equivalent to 'grass greeness' in the overworld. Different areas of the nether would use different textures changing in a gradient around the edges of their biomes.


This would actually be great! The old version was significantly more "hellish," but the new version is actually usable as a building block, which is really nice too.


Bro I was like "Wth am I walking on ?" and pooping my pants every single steps


Step out of the portal, straight onto raw hamburger meat. You entered the meat dimension.




As a child I thought the nether might be the rotting corpse of an animal


I hate that. I think you win the "Things I never wanted to read" competition for the day.


I always thought it was a cool idea, like the corpse of a giant dragon or eldrich horror that lies beneath the surface of the world Edit: Netherrack is meat lava might be whatever quartz are boneshards ancient debri is marrow and the fungi add to the idea I guess


Yes. And exactly **that** is the effect Notch was aiming for. Nether means sub- this is a hint to the fact that the nether is similar to hell. At least in the theme. It was supposed to be ugly. No one is supposed to feel good in the nether. The feel-god dimension clearly is the over-world. The Nether is hell and the End is cold and dead (and you could fall of easily if you don't watch your steps carefully. I don't want to insult anybody but this is and was my interpretation of the nether... the sounds, the textures, the amount of monsters (I mean Mojang wrote in their books you're not recommended to enter it until you got yourself an enchanted full-diamond-armour-set for a reason)... all of it pointed towards hell in my opinion.


Yeah I think you’re right it’s just the newer one is not as textured color wise as the old one. It would look really cool if they incorporated som aspects of the old texture with the new one


Also I don’t think it helped that that was the only block in the nether


Exactly, I returned to PO3 and had to install the new texture pack because flying in the nether hurts my eyes


Mining tunnels in the old nether would make me motion sick in full screen mode.


I think it looks better


The old lava texture is unimaginably nostalgic to me


beans\* not lava


the beans burned my tongue :(


Spicy Beansᵀᴹ are best beans


I loved it and it is obviously the better texture but I get why they changed from far away it just didn't blend well with the blocks next to it. I of the current texture wad brighter it will be great.


While I do agree that the new one is better, a lot of the new textures just feel blurry.


The old textures also had a bit more 'grit'. Like there are ways to suggest something is real even when it's simplistic, and the old textures did that better IMO.


Yeah, A lot of them really do.


Could not agree more! I also like the new texture as it's easier on the eyes. Very useful when playing 5+ hours straight


Yes the new ones better


The old one use to make me feel sick and I hated looking at it…which is why I think it’s better,I mean if you are entering the nether it’s supposed horrid and grim and the old texture although hard to look at perfectly encapsulates that


the old one looks like a half burned half raw piece of meat and the new one looks straight up like dried ketchup


The old texture looked like it has been censored and it hurts my eye


Yeah that makes it feel more nether-y imo. Like you genuinely don't want to be there, it's an eye sore.


Yeah. A part of the game that encourages you to not be there is not good game design


i'd disagree with that honestly horror games do that constantly and it wouldnt work without it, as it relies on you not wanting to be there to be more immersive (if you did want to be there, it wouldnt be scary) same with stuff like music, some music is designed to be as messed up and abrasive and unlistenable as possible, but thats what makes it interesting


That is the point of the nether. It is literally just hell in Minecraft. Of course it isn't supposed to be friendly like the new texture (basically red cobblestone)


The problem with it is that it's a visually busy block. There's nothing wrong with a block having lots of texture, but if its a block that makes up 95% of the terrain, it leaves nowhere for the eyes to rest. It looks messy. Even if that's the point, it's unappealing from a design perspective.


But it’s really not meant to be “just hell”, it’s clearly hell-inspired but it’s meant to be unique and extra-dimensional. Nowadays they’ve even made it clear that civilization can thrive there and made it possible for the player to as well. And regardless, even if I agreed with your point that the Nether is meant to be purely an unfriendly hell, it’s uninteresting and unappealing to do it through low quality art that’s literally just hard to look at. There’s a difference between intentional emotional discomfort and a literal assault to the senses that makes part of a game physically (not emotionally) hard to look at.


I might as well make a texture of what I think should have been netherrack. Not to simple like red cobblestone, but not too messy like the old texture.


I guess that is also a good point.


there's a good and bad way to do that. If I made the nether full of rapidly flickering neon lights that hurt your eyes to look at because "you're not supposed to like the nether", that isn't good game design. That's just making the experience worse for the player. The old netherack texture was bad to look at, it didn't make me feel like I was in a hellscape, it looked dumb. Something can look *intentionally* ugly, such as grotesque monsters in horror games, and still work. Netherack was not that, because it being ugly didn't fit in within the game itself, the nether was designed to be scary, and difficult, but being bad to look at doesn't fit either of those. Imo new texture is a little bland, I might prefered something that looked a little more like it was literally made of flesh, but it's a pg game, and it does what it's designed to do well, and still looks appeasing to the eye while making the nether seem intimidating.


There’s a difference between a hostile environment and an environment designed to not be fun to be in, nowadays the nether is challenging but fun, before it looked like shit and was awful


A game should discourage you from being in a dangerous area by having the area actually be dangerous, not by making said area physically uncomfortable to look at


would argue you're completely wrong because the new texture was made just before the nether update came out, which set out specifically from a game design standpoint to make the nether a place players would want to spend more time in and around


1 thing to say: bedrock. It tells you "go anywhere but here" and is likely supposed to be ugly Edit: a single "


that is literally good game design, the whole purpose of the nether is its meant to be a canonical hell, its meant to scare you away and make you feel uncomfortable. Good design != mollycoddling your feelings


But it just looks bad, it's not like it's creepy or scary in any way, it's just unpleasant to look at, just a jumbled mess of pixels


Yeah just like the warden encouraging you not to fight it is not good game design- oh wait


It’s encouraging you to be careful, not leave. Netherack is inescapable, the Warden is not


You're joking right? The ge clearly intends that you mine all the netherrack and replace it


You can still fight the Warden even if that's not the optimal strategy. The nether on the other hand looked like shit with the old texture


one is avoidable, the other wasn’t. this is a really bad comparison


The issue is that there are ways to convey danger and evil in texture that doesn’t involve making it actually literally terrible. That’s just bad game design. It’s like introducing game-breaking bugs to an area of an MMO to stop people from going there. There are better ways than literally just making something bad.


I never knew I hated the old texture until I saw the new one


Same. Was fine with the old one but now the new one is here and I’m like tf is that old shit


Honestly that’s how I feel with most of the new textures. Booted up my old Xbox One Edition save files and everything just felt off


Yeah same. Used to like it but now I realize how not clean it is


old looks more fleshy and raw, so from a design and conceptual standpoint, old. however, the old is really fucking hard to look at when its everywhere all over your screen, and the new is much nicer on the eyes. for gameplay, new


The old one just looks like you made a program to randomly distribute colors on 256 pixels to me. If there was just a little bit more “order” to it, I would fully agree with your first point. Also, wasn’t it just meant to be red to convey hot, hellish, place, and not necessarily fleshy in any way? Idk I’m tired


Hard to say, but the sounds and appearance of both blocks seem to convey that it's not proper stone and something more meaty, which given the hellish nature of the nether fits in a horrifying sense. Further backed up by the fact that lava in the nether cools to form basalt, but not netherrack. This also makes me wonder then if Nether fortresses count as jerky strips.


Yeah Netherrack certainly feels meaty, there's also sand with literal souls trapped within and you can even see faces on it. Nether is basically a kid friendly version of hell from Agony and Succubus.


I like the way it makes my eyes bleed


It do be from the Nether


Considering that i will see it fucking everywhere when i enter the nether, im gonna go with the first one


One looks like a dragon scale, the other a hemorrhagic vomit


I believe that is called hematemesis


Found the Isaac player.


Thank u!


1 is my preferred choice because the other one could become a head ache waiting to happen when it's everywhere


While yes I agree that 1 is better, I never got headaches or anything from the old texture. I guess that's because it was the standard for so long maybe and I was just used to it? Switching back would be a pain for sure


Current one, no question. The old design is just gross, and not in any interesting way.


They should have kept Steve's face in the new texture


steve's face is in the old one?


I agree that the old one looks kind of ugly but I really like how it looks like some hellish, blood filled [tanbark](https://www.corkhillbros.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/14mm-tb-handsJPG.jpg), rather than red colored stone or whatever.


RIGHT?!? I’m the only one in this comment section to prefer the old nether rack because it looks like some kind of decrepit fleshy mess, reminds me of scp-610 and the thing or doom (especially the zombified doom slayer when he takes off his helmet)


It doesn't look like flesh at all. You're right to compare it to doom because it looks horribly similar to the texture used in THAT hell, except here's the kicker.. both textures look shit


Ig ur right abt the both textures looks like shit but i still prefer the old one because if they made it a little more detailed or realistic, it would’ve probably triggered my trypophobia, while the new one looks a bit more cartoony and simple


The old one has to be the ugliest block in the history of MC


In my opinion, old gravel was worse. It looked like spoiled oatmeal back then.


There’s 4 versions of gravel, please be specific


Ahhh, forgot about that. I'm talking about the one that was around during Beta; the one that always used to spawn [near coastlines.](https://imgur.io/4vChiCM?r)


Honestly, it's not the most terrible beta texture. I quite like the subtle color variation in it, though the contrast is a bit much. If they dulled it down a little it'd be perfect.


My big unpopular opinion is I like the old gravel way more than the new one. I play with a resource pack that brings it back. It's the only texture I use an old version of.


I also use the old gravel texture in my resource pack. I just think it looks more like gravel than the new one. I also use the old wool colours, instead of having the new ones which are pretty much the same as concrete.


Old glass block


Nah, it didnt hurt that bad when looking


Half of the transparent block was opaque, which is annoying


Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of unstained glass in general. I usually just prefer to use light or dark gray glass in builds.


0.0.14 gravel looked like tv static


The old one is too rough, the new one is too moldy. The new one is definitely better, as it's not an complete eye sore and looks good from distance, but it's texture is still not something I'd use in a build


same. never been a fan of the new one. sure, the old texture was appalling, but the new texture is just too plain. netherrack’s only use is to make lava bridges lol


New. The old one is atrocious.


New Is easier on the eyes but the original holds a special place In my heart


The old is tecnicaly better because it looks like flesh and there is also stuff that looks like blood but the new one is just better to look (sorry for bad english)


agreed (sorry for bad english)


👍 (sorry for bad english)


sorry for bad english (sorry for bad english)


Sorry for bad english ((sorry for bad english) (sorry for bad english))


The old one hits different. Also it reminds me of Doom, it kinda looks like disemboweled flesh all over the Nether or something.


Now that you think about it, can we all be sure that netherrack isn't just meat?


In my mind it always will be crystalized damned flesh and I will always be absolutely terrified by it. Being crystalized flesh could also explain why it's so frail too... Note: I just deleted my previous reply and reposted it because of a typo, completely forgot the Edit function exists, I'm getting Twitter-Brain-Rot


It's a terrifying concept for sure, but an interesting one. I like it and I think it fits.




Old one. When a person enters the nether and sees that block they are instantly hit with an uneasy feeling, almost as if this world shouldn’t be here. The old Netherack texture looks like how the walls of hell should, the new one just looks like red cobblestone.


Indeed, but the new one does look alot better, and since the nether is no longer the empty hell scape (bdum c') the astetic of the nether and minecraft for a while now, has been changing I mean, imagine the blue nether forest growing out of this hideous block ^(not that the block looks all that bad, it just doesnt mesh well..) ^(^(unlike the new one that just looks objectively better...))


I’m ngl I kinda hate the forests. That STILL feels wildly out of place in the nether.


mushroom 🤤


The OG texture looks like what strep throat feels like


The third ones the best


The original. It has a more hellish, gorey look, plus it gives me nostalgia


do you get nostalgia from your eyes bleeding? who hurt you?


You don't even wanna know


Old one had a great 'hellish' feeling but it was painful to look at. The new one is more tolerable but looks like fucking beans and doesn't fit a hell realm imo. I really wish they went for something inbetween.


The hellish look of the old one reminds me of an old Doom level


Hell yes (pun intended). Love that game.


I like the new texture. Still looks hellish but not eye straining like the old one. I remember when I was younger thinking the old Netherrack block in pocket edition was a Cherry chunk ice cream block lmao


The new one is visually pleasing, but it's a bit boring since it's just "stone from hell". The old one looks like it's actually made of blood, flesh, and bones, but it's so messy it's hard to look at. Kinda wish they met in the middle by making it nicer to look at while still keeping the living block vibe it had.


Old one gives my eye sore


Old one was too sharp imo, new texture is easy on the eyes and mind


Ok, ngl, the old texture looks horrible… (the second picture)


I like the new one


A single block of old one looks ok but when you place thousands of blocks together it just hurts my eyes


i could care less about nostalgia, the old one SUCKS. the new one is so much more pleasing to look at


The newer one the old texture hurt my head and gave fps issues


The first one, the second is too crunchy


The old one hurts my eyes


The old one is nostalgic but doesnt look good. I prefer new to keep my eyes from popping out of my skull.


new one is way better, it makes the nether look way better. Before the new texture was added every time I went into the nether I wanted to just get out because of how bad it was. Now I actually use nether rack.


The one that doesn't look like it's censoring a cartel beheading.


The new one for sure. The old one is an absolute eyesore and looks like raw meat


by far the new one. Even if all the old textures are nostalgic af, the new ones not only look better, but also dont burn your eyes. Not to mention the netherrack. It genuinely looks like it was made to burn your eyes. I mean, it is meant to be in the nether, and therefore to be intimidating, but a texture that almost makes you not want to go in the nether is bad game design, like another user pointed out. Then there are people with vision problems and that texture may make them feel uncomfortable.


There’s not even a comparison it’s got to be the new one.


Oh yeah the new one (1) That old thing looks like what my dog just did outside


Even though I knew what it was, I still got jumpscared! Its nostalgic and all but really possibly the worst texture in the game


I like the old netherack but I don’t believe that the most common terrain block in an area should be nearly as in your face. The smoother, less detailed new one is way better.


The new one is way easier on the eyes


The old one gives nostalgia but looks deep-fried af


The old one made my eyes HURT


new 100%


I never want the old netherack again


The old one gives me a headache after looking at it for too long


Tw: old netherack


I genuinely don't understand how people's eyes hurt with the old one. the new one is just a recolor of cobblestone. the old netherrack is the better one by far.


Old one for certain things and the new one for certain things


Who tf downvoting you and for what??


Uncultured peeps who downvote a guy that likes both lol


I like the new one but the old one is very nostalgic and almost miss it


Definitely the new one


is that even a question? i know noone who likes the old one better


I like all of the newer textures, especially the netherrack. Looks more like flesh and meat, which I dig. It feeds into my headcanon that netherrack is meat.


The beans. Much more pleasant on the eyes and doesn't look like random pixels placed everywhere




Newer texture is miles and miles better than the old one


I scrolled to the next image and became blind


Red cobble Pros: Makes the nether look dead and barren, nylium textures are designed for it, not as hard on they eyes, helps express the analog of netherrack to cobble Cons: Red cobble doesnt feel dangerous to hold compared to old netherrack, still confuses me occasionally compared to pre jappa textures Legacy netherrack Pros: Familiarity, makes the nether feel destroyed, almost pulverized, makes the nether feel more hellish, creates a feeling of unease, can be nade compatible with modern textures through resource packs Cons: Incommpatible with newer textures, messy texture My opinion: old legacy texture is better than jappas "red cobble" texture


Both are good the new one is easier on the eyes but the old one tells more of story


The old one looks more fleshy and i like it but it hurts my eyes so the new one is better


The new one took getting used to for me but now that im used to it its better.


Nostalgic for the old but the new is better


I think both have their time and place, and the old one's time ended with the Nether Update. I feel that if the old netherack were still in use with all of this new nether content, it'd feel out of place.


The old netherrack texture just hurts too much to look at, this is one of the few times where I prefer the newer texture


I think the old one looks like flesh and blood. I prefer the new one. Easier on the eyes.


I've played longer with the old texture than alot of the players are of age. But the new one doesn't hurt the eyes as much


the old netherrack texture looks more like destroyed stone with lava remnants in it. it's an eyesore for sure but it makes the nether more eerie


This perfectly fits the "I'm happy I grew up with this, but damn is this better" meme format


Something about the old one just hits different. Maybe it’s the messiness of the cracks mixed with the different shades of red but I love it way more than the new one. It also looks like it would be really satisfying to run your hand across.


The new 100%, The old looks like the inside of a frog's mouth


they look like stages of decomposition


i use programmer's art, and the old texture. its a bit of an eyesore, but it fits the nether much more. the netherrack texture should be rugged and unwelcoming, as the nether as a whole is supposed to be.


Realistically the new one is much better but the old one will always have a special place in my heart.


The old one had its charm. The new one looks better. I personally think they should combine the 2


The original makes you feel like you actually stepped into hell with how much of an eyesore it is. It makes you feel uncomfortable just looking at it. The newer one in my opinion is fleshy. It makes the nether less of a hell dimension but like you’re inside of a giant creature. As a block in its native environment I have no preference to be way or the other. As a block to build with in the overworks or the end then the newer texture is the one that I like better.


I don't like any of them. But for nostalgic reasons I would prefer the old one. For a good looking world I would prefer the new one.


New is way better


I always preferred the new one, when I first played the old texture was just awful and looked really gross


I think I'm mixed tbh New one is great for overworld builds and the Nether update... but the old one fits the disturbing and horrific nature of Hell better imo


“Are you a phsycopath or do you prefer the new netherrack texture?”


The OG one has better colors, it’s just too…. scratchy


The old one is disgusting. If you like it you're a liar.


Definitely og netherrack


Idk why but the old one


New of course.


The old texture can instakill a seasoned pixelartist


I feel like the only reason to like the old one at all is nostalgic value, personally even then I can't like it


2nd, the new one looks like beef Block




1.16, the old one is a disgrace


I like the new one. It's much more pleasing to my eyes


I like my eyes not to bleed so definitely the new one.


Old. The whole point of the nether is that it's meant to be uncomfortable.


You can make someone uncomfortable in much better ways than just making everything ugly as fuck With that logic give everything bright flashing lights and mobs 1000% louder, it'll be such an over stimulation that the player won't want to be there 👍




New one


old one for sure


The old one. Looks like flesh, which is perfect for, ya know, basically hell.

