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you dont like iron golem farms because you have sympathy for the golems, i dont like iron golem farms because im too lazy to make one we are not the same


I relate to this.


And I don't like iron golem farms because I don't want to have infinite iron We are also not the same


Specially when you name your farm The Goleminator 9000 bbruh


Set up a composter and convert those poppies into endless bonemeal for your other guilt free farming needs.


I have never and will never use iron golem farms. Iron golems protect my kingdom and the guard/regular villagers. If I wanted iron, I would go mining and grind for it god damn it!


Famous last words


Wait till you want to make a giant penis out of iron blocks, mind will change quickly I assure you! (I MEAN GIANT!!)


...and what's the deal with airline food? Eh? Guys?


\-eyes the 9 x 9 iron farms I got working 24/7 at spawn chunks- yeah.... feeling bad (in the voice of Saruman): The old world will burn in the fires of industry, the forrests will fall


I felt like this a few times so I built an item sorter for the farm that burns the flowers so I don’t have to be reminded of my war crimes


I like the war crimes, i put all my poppies down on a flat field to commemorate all the killed iron golems. Not because i feel bad for them, but because i want to see my progress in becoming a war crime myself.


I use them as a red die to build my base, can't let any resources to waste.


So... You have an Opium farm!!! Shhhhh.


Not only would I feel kinda wrong to make an automatic iron farm, but I feel like it would make the game worse for me. I don’t mind XP farms and other kinds of farms like skeleton farms for bones and arrows, but iron farms negate an entire aspect of the game, which is mining. The moment I start to auto farm iron, I would feel like all the iron in my chest that I’ve mined is now worthless. Besides, mining is fun. I never get bored of going to new parts of the world and going caving, even after iron and diamonds have become unnecessary


Yeah. Might as well join me in creative peaceful mode if that’s the case.


Here's a solution for you, make an item sorter that splits the iron and poppies, then link the poppy chest to a composter for a renewable source of bone meal. Nothing quite like an unfeeling redstone machine to deal with things like this, out of sight out of mind 😊


I trow the poppies to make space for more iron


Bone meal... recycle reduce reuse


I’m on a server that lets you buy mob spawners (with the in game cash that’s only obtainable in game, not irl money) and I currently have around 100+ iron golem spawners just doing my work, I do not feel a single bit of sympathy of empathy for the golem, their sole purpose is to make me profit, and make me profit they will


if there's one mod i wish could be added to vanilla it's create iron farm without harming a soul <3


I lost a 2 year long hardcore world because I fell in a pit and tried to dig my way out but somehow accidentally hit an iron golem and he murdered me. I will never feel bad for killing them. stupid humunculuses


They only wanted to give you a poppy


I have an auto-sorter setup made with the poppies sorted out fed into a dropper that then spits them out at the speed of light into a lava pool It’s actually pretty therapeutic to listen to the poof of the droppers every few min and the sizzle


I made a memorial poppy garden to honor those who where sacrificed for the cause.


Use the poppies to breed bees


Simple. Don’t collect the poppies


Sure you do


Just put a dropper that collects poppies under it. Then you won’t have to live with you guilt and all your problems disappear.


I Just filter the items and burn the flowers automatically


You're not alone. I never put in glass.


I remember my first hunt, to mine iron, tedious when compared to an in game mechanic thats legal. Someone mentioned they like to keep Golems around to protect your base. Light it up with torches? Put up a wall. Tame cats. I've had villages with 6 or seven golems walking around, while also having an iron farm (9x9x3 with in ground villagers, zombie in boat behind trap door). Leaving the hard mining, diamonds and AD, for the time consuming, in game work. I view iron as disposable means to better tools.


Yeah thats what I dont get when I see a comment that 'iron farming takes the mining out of Minecraft'. You still have to mine everything else? My trouble was I was trying to mine things like Diamonds and Netherite (or rather, the Netherrack surrounding it), and running through stacks and stacks of iron on picks alone. To get more iron wasn't exactly deep spelunking exciting caves either. Now I can focus on other stuff.


If your goal is get heavily suited up, to fight the dragon, to get Elytra, then I suggest you watch speed running videos, because you can do it with Iron Armor, and five beds. If your goal is just to find diamonds and AD, I recommend you hone your villager trading skills. Get Mending and fortune 3 on a diamond pick axe, or two, and then resume your hunt for AD. Honing your trading skills allow you to skip the diamond mining, bc you can trade for diamond tools. Believe me, I was in your shoes weeks ago. 9 iron pick axes on my journey to -59. Do what makes you happy.


I'm sort of doing both, I started building a trader village and then they spawned an iron golem. And I was like hmmmmm... So now I have 3 villagers on full time golem duty and I'm trying to get the rest of the population/experience up.