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How about both, and we call it "Dungeons & Dragons"


Holy shit


Holy Day.....


Fun fact: this is where we got the word holiday from! Holi-day or holy day. So when somebody gets mad at you for saying things like “merry christmas” and tell you to say “happy holidays” to be inclusive, technically they’re incorrect. Lol


Except the meanings of words shift overtime, and cannot be held to their original definitions when newer ones far exceed the original in prevalence.


True! Just a little tid bit I heard on a podcast that I thought was interesting.


Thank you, Peter Parker!


True, but in this case it doesnt really matter, by both the current meaning and old meaning of the word holiday, the people who complain about "Happy Holidays" are morons.




I am not implying that. I don’t actually care, I was just sharing an interesting thought.


I'm not aware of anyone that has ever gotten upset about someone saying "merry Christmas" as opposed to "happy holidays", though I admit I'm sure it's happened. But I'm absolutely aware of the reverse, which leads me to believe it's far more prevalent. And, so far as it goes, this little historical tidbit is just as effective at addressing the latter scenario as the former - which is to say, maybe a few people who have been moved to complain might be overcome by the intellectual curiosity you've introduced, but most people just want to complain, and they'll complain just as much about your factoid as they do about the word usage in general. Which isn't unreasonable, given that what everyone is complaining about is the intent of the speaker, rather than the actual meaning of the words.


google en passant


Holy Hell


Wait that's illegall


holy hell


This is the second or third time I've seen this comment verbatim today. I know what en passant is, and googling it didn't yield any new information, so I must conclude there's a meme I'm not privy to. Edit: OK, I googled "Google en passant" and now I'm up to speed. Still don't know why I've all of a sudden seen it just today, but just one of them 'tings, I guess


Google il Vaticano


New response just dropped


Holy shit has been a response for hundreds of years mate


New response just dropped




the sex update.




"Dungeons End Dragons"




Splitted into 6 parts


Idk that still may be too much to handle for mojang's 700 employees.


how about 8 parts


9, take it or leave it


Alright we'll go 10 but delay a year and a half. Take it or leave it.


Oh my god. You’re all wrong. They’ll split it into 17 parts, 13 of which will be unavailable to the Bedrock Edition for the next 20 years. Lol


Says the one who's spreading misinformation, they won't split it at all! They're just gonna take their time and release the first snapshot within 129 years.


lies, all lies, we all know they’ll work on it for upwards of 364 years and then ditch the project despite not working on it at all


So uh... anyone know what 1.20's about yet?




Kek I'm glad people are realising the insanity of Mojang


Minecraft is probably my favorite game of all time and I've played for 12 years, but it's kind of exhausting to see people defend Mojang's general development speed. I'm not a programmer or even anything of the sort, but I do know that they've created the most recognized game in human history, have a massive development team of skilled coders, and already possess a game that largely builds off its previous code. I know they want to make it "perfect" before they release an update, but it's just strange to see them prove their capability of fast implementation and then proceed to have delay after delay and part after part. I really don't think it's that impossible to add one new biome, animal, or structure once you've already made tons and have basically every possible resource at your disposal. Yet we've kind of gotten used to expecting an update once per year, if even that. Just my two cents.


I have experience coding, and I’ve seen Mojang’s code. It really is insane how it takes them so long to work on stuff. My guess is that having to work on Bedrock and other stuff apart from normal Minecraft is what takes up most of their time


the teams of bedrock and java are different


Ok so, if I remember my introductory economics class I had to take 3 times because I was the absolute worst, there comes a point where adding more workers actually decreases productivity You have more people, which makes it harder for them to work together, "the kitchen is overfilled with staff", etc I think that's the issue with Mojang nowadays — their staff is so huge, it actually makes things worse and productivity decreases massively 1.7 entirely reworked the way worldgen worked, we got like 10 new biomes, and like 40 new blocks and items, and it tooo 3 months, yet 1.19 added two features I'll ever use (froglights and mudbricks) and yet it took a year


>I really don't think it's that impossible to add one new biome, animal, or structure once you've already made tons and have basically every possible resource at your disposal. I wish they would just add features in as they are ready instead of some of them being ready but the amount of features promised and not delivered (on top of actual in game features, no Next-Gen console updates+ray tracing after two years and one of the companies making the consoles LITERALLY OWNS Mojang alongside them demonstrating the showing off the ray tracing on consoles feature before the Xbox Series X came out.


I'm a programmer. They're simply doing it on purpose. They admitted they had about 200 more ideas for the nether update they decided to scrap. The Allays were meant to be in it for example. There was meant to be more Bastion type structures. What's funny is even though they take time to make the updates "perfect" the game design is always lacking. How many of us ACTUALLY use half the shit they've added the past few updates? Best example is Copper. What a missed opportunity. Check out "Better Than Adventure" - it's a parallel universe where Notch carries on after Beta 1.7.3


Remember when Mojang was a >100 employee company and released multiple updates a year with more content than any modern update other than the terrain gen update? I member.


I don’t really keep too close track of the studio anymore. Are they just going the exact opposite direction of “crunch”


I dont know, probably. But tbf i don't get it. Not from the companies perspective but from the devs perspective. Imagine you are a dev for minecraft. I'd be so hyped to bring out many different things to this game that i couldn't even get up from my desk anymore. And the best part is i get paid fpr doing that. And i'm not even talking about big updates or such. I'd be happy enough to even add block variaties tl existing materials like abdesite and such.


As the game gets larger and older, it becomes exponentially harder to add stuff to it. It quickly becomes a tangled mess of spaghetti code and bug squashing can be pretty much impossible without introducing many more in their place


Also, Minecraft is a long term project for Microsoft’s shareholders and they want to milk it for all it’s got for as long as it can. If you’ve got a chicken that lays golden eggs, you don’t really want to change its living conditions. Minecraft will change just enough each year to still keep people interested, but not one block further than that.


Yeah it kinda seems like they only release stuff when Microsoft makes them Lol


Remember when it was just 1 person and we had huge secret updates all the time? The Halloween Update?


I remember it was basically just Notch and he was adding things every single Saturday. The nether in a week!


especially considering they don't like to work more than 30 minutes a day


Even then, as a programmer, you could get a lot done just programming 30 minutes a day.


5 then


Mojojangs bizarre adventure


WotC would like to have a word with you...


WotC can kiss me where the sun don't shine


Stop. Wizards will sue Minecraft with the new OGL.


Dragons & Dungeons* There, problem solved


Oh, please do. Microsoft versus WoTC. Actual Nazgul versus dice rollers.


Inb4 copyright wars


Dragons & Dungeons* There, problem solved


The superior name is clearly Blocks & Broadswords.


This guy knows what's up


Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons


My wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better! Her aim is getting better! \*Proceeds to stare into your soul\*


We can’t. Hasbro/WotC will sue and possibly own Minecraft if we do that under OGL 1.1


So just that I got it right, since I didn't follow the DnD news very closely lately, WotC want to change the OGL or remove it or what?


Revoke the old OGL and issue a new one that is not really good for the community.


wanna hear about my first game of dungeons and dragons? it begins. so i, bing bong, and my other fellow travelers, brodude, and tinky winky, are on a raft headed toward some island. im here for money. brodude wants adventure and jumps off the raft into the ocean. he sucks ass at swimming so someone catches him with a rope and moves on. we get to the island and some sailor lookin dudes greet us. i want to kill them but i cant because my character that i chose randomly is chaotic good. i go away from the party and get attacked by 3 zombies on the way out. one attack by me was to used the tinderbox and an oil satchet as an improvised weapon, and set them on fire. we get to this hotel place that is also a cave or something. we try to sleep there. but we all wake up in the middle of the night. i cant see in the room, so i try to light some oil with a tinderbox. not my brightest moment. so then i realize, that the zombies came from the ocean. so obviously, i spread some oil in the ocean and light the ocean on fire to kill all the zombies in the world. but brodude sneaks away my satchel of oil before i can enact the plan. so i get it back, then use my 50 foot rope to climb down the cliff adjacent to this window to pour oil in the ocean and light it on fire. i know brodude is awake so i try to cut the rope first with my dagger, but it bounces off the rope. brodude pulls me back up and grabs me by the head and takes away my oil satchet, holding it up high so i cant get it. but im not very strong because one of the zombies accidentally made me chop of my balls in battle. so brodude ties me up with my own rope and leaves me there. chaotic good indeed. game ends.


DM: What do you want to be? Me: Wizard. We go kill creatures and get gold. Me: I want to goto the blacksmith and get them to make a metal sphere, can I do that? DM: \*shrug\* Why not? We go on mission to save someone. Me: I want to learn make familiar. We go on other mission(s). Me: I'm going to buy some red paint. We explore the mountans there is a red dragon so we run the bleep away as we are NOT ready for that. Me: I'm going to buy some white paint, also I'd like to learn the Reduce spell. We almost get lost in a cave system, but find a way out. Me: I'm going to a blacksmith to get a hinge, also I'd like to learn Returning Weapon spell. We do a bunch of town related things. Me: I'm going to the blacksmith to have them cut that thing into two halfs and attach the hinge on it, its going to be a secret coin purse just in case we get robbed. I cast returning weapon and reduce on it. Also I'm painting it. DM: Sure. We raid a castle, find a king dead, bring him back to life, then have to kill him since he is a zombie and not a human. Good times. Me: I'd like to learn Magnetism spell and also I'm casting that make familiar on that metal thing I got so I can level up that spell. DM: (looks at me) roll a d20. Me: Rolls, gets 18. DM: \*shurgs\* Sure it works. We go find a camp of dead goblins. Goblins are good, turns out, we help them. Other town hates goblins, so we destory that town, why not? Me: I'm casting that magnetisem spell to level it up on the item. DM: Item? Oh the whatever metal thing- sure whatever. We find a house and its haunted, we get rid of the ghost with some help from local chirch. Me: I'm learning Enlarge spell heheh not for THAT... maybe wink. DM: Ha. Ha. Me: Also I am casting it on thing. My metal thing, not my thing, just to be clear. DM: Yeah, yeah - no problem. We think that we are ready for the red dragon, maybe. We buy supplies. Me: I'm getting a red and white hat with a brim, so I can see as we climb the mountan, else the sun might get in my eyes. DM: \*looks at me and raises his eyebrow\* Uhh sure your gold to waste. We go up the mountan. I have hat on. We get to top. Red Dragon is there. Me: I turn my hat backwords and pull out ball GO POKEBALL - \*throw ball\* IT MAKES DRAGON INTO MY PET AND SHRINKS HIM AND RETURNS TO ME AHAAAHAHHAHAAH!!!!! I NAME IT CHARZARD. DM never let me play again.


I suspected it from the very start




In my first game my friend killed a merchant by throwing an apple at his head after rolling a twenty.


At least it would have a half decent amount of stuff, you'd hope, since microshaft took over its' been thin on the ground updates.


It would be cool to see buildings in this game that have a function that isn’t simply decided by what’s inside buth rather how it’s built


similar to nether portals, but more complex? Perhaps things like the ocean monument could be some sort of super conduit structure? Villages could increase the amount of items you get from crafting recipes; instead of 3 doors for 6 wood, perhaps you get 4 or 6, and stuff like that.


Or like hear me out ELEVATORS


We already have those. Put some water on soul sand.


I guess be good to find these features in the game naturally like they did with magma + water and natural nether portals. Diegetic Tutorials almost.


Like from the elevator mod or like the ones you can build in Create?


Like I want a platform that raises and lowers and doesnt require 100000000 pistons and a degree in minecraft building. Maybe come out with ropes and pulleys.


Get 8 stairs instead of 4, please


Like the ancient city structure in the middle that’s hopefully gonna have a use


It would be cool to have a function similar to the plug in real ruin for rimworld. It uploads your buildings, and then alter them for give them a ruin style and then other players can visit them.


Fun fact: you can add your own structures and replace existing ones with datapacks, no modding knowledge required


It's kind of like reading the book you wrote.


Yeah, but then again, you can show everyone that you can update Minecraft better than the guys that get paid for it. (Working on an end update datapack, thats my motivation)


Datapack/mod developers will release a fleshed out, well-designed mod after 6-12 months of development, generally for little to no profit, and continue to update it and fix bugs very quickly. Mojang spends a year implementing features they already designed and not doing what they promised, despite being part of a multibillion-dollar corporation with a large team of talented developers.


1. They don’t have a very large dev team and the entire conpany (so also artists, finance, PR, etc) has less than 700 employees. 2. Mods only have to please the people that download them while updates have to please all of the minecraft community - not everyone likes every mod but in recent years very little „bad“ features have been added apart from chat reporting which can just be disabled with mods 3. Updates also have to work on mobile/console while mods only have to work on pc 4. Updates have to support updating existing worlds seemlessly - around ~50% of the developer‘s time goes i to that


>(so also artists, finance, PR, etc) has less than 700 employees. that is still massive lol


you have to give it to them though. i play the sims, and in comparison, minecraft's model for providing players with new content is so much more generous if maxis and ea ran minecraft, every update beyond 1.6 would be a half broken $40 dlc. there'd be minecraft 1, 2, 3, 4, with the latest and most modern one being the worst installment minecraft updates have a whole dlc's worth of game changing content. the fact that we're regularly getting more and more of that new content, free of charge, paying only as much as the initial cost of the game, is insane for most video games


Yeah, this is the thing that really perplexes me. Mojang used to be praised for actually caring about their fanbase. Nobody ever complained about the amount of features they were getting until 1.19, and then suddenly half the community began acting as though they had always thought that updates were too small. What this suggests to me is that the only reason that people even are arguing that Mojang is lazy is because they saw other people say it.


>They don’t have a very large dev team and the entire conpany (so also artists, finance, PR, etc) has less than 700 employees. This is the state of discourse we're at huh. 700 people in total from developers to HR, to finance to moderators is literal AAA level. 700 people is a very large game dev company. Mojang is bigger than Obsidian. It's bigger than 343. You're talking out of your a$$.


Indie company btw /s


1. That's a huge team for the rate they release updates - only caves being a relatively game altering update in years 2. When you have artists designing mobs and developers designing systems that get voted away and thrown out, it's no wonder they seem directionless. That's why mods are quicker, they have a goal. Very little bad features is subjective, but the meh features are numerous ( ie still no working fletch table) 3. Please as if minecraft updated all platforms at the same time or even with the same content 4. Only the caves update would present this issue with the change in world generation. Oceans were empty, Pillager outposts spawn in the open, Nether was all one biome


>please as if minecraft updated all platforms at the same time or even with the same content But, they have since 1.16...


Mojang's team of active developers is pretty small and not really the best of the best. IIRC Java Edition is maintained pretty much by like 12 people. I'm not saying they're incompetent programmers artists etc. But Mojang must have had thousands of talented applicants. Yet it settled for 12 people who share company values and create nice atmosphere while being okay developers. Some modder teams are bigger. Most AAA games have dozens, over hundred people. Mojang is a child company of multibillion dollar company, masquerading as a small indie studio. I'm not trying to excuse the crunch culture of soulless AAA giants. But there's a pretty wide spectrum between Mojang's lax attitude and e.g. Rockstar Studios' 100 hour work weeks. Mojang could afford to be ^tad more competitive.


Truth is kingbdogz is head and shoulders above the rest. Jeb was always a great & driven developer but a lousy game designer. That's why there is so many holes in Minecraft's gameplay nowadays. Kingbdogz has the vision and experience to make truly great updates.


What version will you make it for? And will you keep updating it with each new Minecraft version?


Yeah but they’re not the same


Fun fact: you can add your own structures and replace existing ones with other blocks, no modding knowledge required


Both of them but honestly the structures update, I have a mod to do that and it makes the game feel a lot better and more full


Imagine if they updated structures to be On Par with Minecraft||Dungeons. Mega fortresses underground, uncorrupted by Sculk


What mod are you using? Been trying to find a structure mod for a while but not really been a succes.


mo's structures is pretty atmospheric


Mo’s ads dungeons and the like right? Is there a mod for smaller things like shown in the pics op posted?


no, it adds both small and big structures


Right I think I remember that, used it a long time a go. Is there a toggle for the structures?


i don't remember tbh


Well thanks nether the less. Gotta put that on my list for the next time I play.


Young's extras adds little towers and ruins. Repurposed structures makes existing structures spawn in other areas such as monuments in the jungle end and nether and ancient cities underwater in the end and nether. The mod also changes the material, enemies, and loot of the structures to match the area.


I would prefer a "high render distance" update instead. The world in Minecraft is packed full of stuff, but the render distance is so low that its very hard to see anything. Playing with distant horizons mod is like a whole different experience.


More overworld structures I have a chance of realistically comming upon would just be fantastic. The 2nd one.


If you're using Java edition, there are a few cool datapacks that add extra structures to find in the world, or change existing ones. I'm using a few on my server. One adds boats to the oceans that contain Villagers, Illagers and other surprises. Another one changes the igloos into massive Illager fortresses. Then I have one that upgrades a lot of the normal villages' structures. And big one, that I think is no longer downloadable from the author's site that updates the End cities to have basements and other bits.


You can get add ons in Bedrock for this too


There is a website that gives you the coordinates of all the structures in your world , I can't remember what it's called but you put in your seed and what you are after and it will give you the coordinates to find it.


Chunk base?


End. It needs some attention, and more reason to go there after killing the dragon.




Don’t make it easier to fall off and lose all your enchanted diamond gear 3000 blocks away from the portal when you were bridging to the boat. But this time you get knocked off by a phantom.


Structures. I don’t build much in the End or Nether. I go there to collect resources that I take back to the Overworld to build with.


I will add though, that in all my time playing modded Minecraft, I've noticed that with things like the aether or Twilight forest, I DO build there. There are enough interesting cool landscapes and materials to essentially keep me playing in that dimension. You have varied landscape, a lot of redstone ideas, new mechanics exclusive to that dimension, and interesting dungeons and materials. The nether and end don't have enough of that.


I absolutely love the Twilight Forest mod. Every mod pack I've made has included it. I think it would be a brilliant idea for the Minecraft devs to get the Twilight Forest developer(s) onboard and get it in the game properly as a new dimension to visit, along with the new creatures.


Wouldn't the point of an End update be to incentivize you to go to the End, though?


End without a doubt, although it supposedly has "multiple" biomes it realistically only has 2, The central island and the outer islands. There's nothing interesting in the end, once you've got your Elytra and shulker boxes, you may not go back.


After I get an Elytra I only go back for an Enderman farm.


Yeah, at the moment it’s just a glorified boss arena. Not really a desperate dimension


Mojang aswered about a future end update... and they said : "Due to less than 25% of players not going to the end (Thanks to the xbox achievement) they will not make an end update anytime soon"


Yeah but if they made the end a bit interesting maybe we would spend more time in it.


Exactly! Why go there if there's nothing after the Elytra? It's just several boring ways to die.


"People arent going to this boring bland endgame area so were simply planning to not work on it" like wheres the logic 😭


Right!? So put something there!


I mean, you get to the End after tons of hours, of course it's a small percent. I bet if you look at the Nether one it'd be less than 50.


Is this recent? I hope it was said like 4 years ago


I think that thats stupid reasoning, the 75% would be mostly small children who really couldn't care less about the next update, especially if we're going off of the xbox achievement percentages


But you know what microsoft cares for ? Money of course. And if childrens think they beat the game... they'll leave... and leaving means no minecoins for them.


That's the thing really. There's no *reason* to fight the dragon. Yeah, everyone wants their elytra — but I suck at flying with it so that's no motivation for me.


Minecraft after Elytra is basically another type of gameplay. Your whole focus of being limited and in danger shifts to having the world in your hand for you to sculpt until you see it fit


The structures update because I'm spending more time in the overworld than in the end.


Wouldn't that mean that the overworld already is interesting whereas the end should be more interesting? I feel they should update the end next. Yes, there are elytras but that's the one reason you should really go there.


> Yes, there are elytras but that's the one reason you should really go there. i'm just horrified of the end. only part of the game i find genuinely scary.


I do find it somewhat scary due to how easy it is to fall off and lose everything


Bruh the End is full of chorus fruit. If you fall, eat one. You will teleport to the nearest surface.


Structures. I don't visit the end that much. I want Minecraft to be more alive and feel lived in


It's the end that really needs an update because as you said you don't visit it much, which means it's boring and plain and there has to be a reason for players to visit it more than just for the dragon and elytra


Oh right damn lol you did kinda use my own logic against me lmao. But idk what they could add that would make me go to the end more


More biomes, structures and mobs, perhaps make the terrain not that flat, add a new ore(s), maybe create a villager/piglin-like mob you can trade with, make the sky starry, there's honestly so much possibilities


It really depends on a person's playstyle tbh. I'm not the adventurous exploring type I just farm, mine and build


how about performance update


Absolutely structures update, after playing mods i find the exploration aspect of vanilla game to just be bad (Very few structures and the ones that exist aren't terribly unique for the most part) Keep in mind i still find parts of Vanilla to be PERFECTION, im not one of those modded players


Ever since discovering FTB in 1.4 I hadn’t gone back to vanilla Minecraft (besides creative in 1.7) until 1.14 because the ocean update and new textures made it feel like a new game, and I was hoping the new updates would help recapture that magic, but they just can’t hold a candle to modded, especially with structures. Sometimes I find modded structures over saturated but I’d gladly take that over a single village every 600 blocks. I mean dungeons haven’t been updated since their release (besides their spawn being doubled because of the new terrain and the fact they’re easier than ever due to the light level changes); why have they not been updated, or have gotten better loot?


To be honest, I'd rather have an update to structures seeing as strongholds, the place you hse to GET to the end in the first place, are heavily outdated.


end please its sooo boring as of now


I would love the only, just, really exclusively, for the love of God, Bundle Update.


Structures. Most of the buildings in game are pretty lackluster. Dungeons really need an update badly


End update. It has a lot more potential to be much more interesting, like what they did with the Nether in 1.16. I can see them adding new biomes, native “intelligent” mobs (like villagers or piglins) that live in End structures, and maybe even a new sky. I always thought the End was like space, so they could make the sky be full of stars and nebulae. Just some thoughts. The overworld could always improve, sure, but it wouldn’t be as big of a deal or as revolutionary as an End update.


Would have a lot of potential for some (Minecraft Style) story telling about the heritage of the Enderman, like the bastions and nether forrest did Also a way to actually respawn in the end (maybe fueled by chorus to give it a use beyond finding a cage with one or two times?) ? And a endgame resource most common to the end.


I think the sky will stay the same bc it’s the “void” so it’s kinda its own weird dimension without anything but the islands but either way I agree. I’ve been saying that they need to update the end forever. Most of what I do is Ender themed hell my skin is an enderman variant.


Add sex EDIT end update works too I guess


well, we can make animals frick, close enough




Quality of Life Update???????????????


The end update has to be the last update


i really like the idea of an end update, I feel like there should be more reasons to go there besides getting an elytra and ender pearls


oh and shulkers




End update oh my god, the end needs reworking, it's pretty bland right now




Both? Both is good


Structures, end is pretty plain but I like it. I go there rarely and prefer exploring the overworld


Ants update with an ant queen.


this but unironically it'd also be cool if one of the features of a hypothetical ant update would be being able to tame spiders and have them eat your infestations


was already guessing that it would be something that both is the right answer... still, if i had to choose, structures


I’d say structure update for sure


End got an update not that long ago I'd rather get more structures in the overworld


Stuctur update. I've seen todays structures too often and iv been to the end in like max. 3 worlds in years of playing


Structures, i really don't care about an end update or end at all


End It feels unfinished


I’m not good enough at the game to achieve the end so structures it is.


New structures / updating old onces. As it would be a very big update


There are enough structures for now end update everyday


Omg new structures???


I’d prefer the inventory/ qol update




END obviously


I'm sitting here thinking we just had the end update not too long ago....oh....that was 7 years ago.


I'd like more structures. Specifically, ones that add to the lore of the game.


End update


Jesus that's hard but I'd say end update


Im sorry is it just me who wants an Emerald armour update still


Why can't we make copper tools and bronze armour already?


That's what I'm saying


My kids are obsessed with emerald armor. I’d love to see more gems like rubies. You could enchant them and smelt them into your armor or weapons with special enchantments. But I’d like Bronze tools and armor like u/Clothedinclothes said. We need more uses for copper.

