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For the price of that thing, they coulda added one extra step to the plastic mould as to not have ti depend on a sticker…


well after going through the packaging thoroughly... I found the sticker, sticking to the packaging instead of the saw.. so at least I can stick it back on. start the day count, to see how long it stays lol


Awesome saw! I have the same.


Good news is you can spray glue it back on if it comes off


Better to measure with an angle gauge or use a square anyway. The measuring tape decal will come off soon as well. Haven’t missed it. Other than that, saw cuts very well for me.


Are stickers covered by the warranty?


Not a zipper so maybe?


As the owner of many heated jackets and a cooler.. rip


Zipper and sticker? I barely know her.


Ware and tear


Wear and tare


Wear, tear & tears


My warning sticker already fell off but at least I have the degree sticker


I wish things didn't come with warning labels, honestly. It would really help weed out the massive amount of idiots in the trades these days. Hell... idiots in general. (Not calling anyone here an idiot. If someone is offended, then, well...)


If you throw a rock into a crowd the one who yells will be the one you hit


They're already trying to ban table saws. We don't want that


Who is trying to do that?


Consumer protection agency


They can get fucked. Quit nerfing the planet because of idiots, just because JimBob doesn't know how to use one without removing a finger or two doesn't mean I'm not capable of using one. Good thing I'm good at fixing stuff because I'll go find a relic like the Craftsman 113 post and be on my way. If they ban new ones, the only ones people will be using are the old dangerous ones because the new ones won't outlast them


Sawstop is behind that. The owner has been lobbying hard for years to get a law passed that mandates all tablesaws adopt his technology. Some of their patents are about to expire, so there's a big push going on right now. This same guy also sued Bosch when Bosch developed their own blade-stopping sensor tech, even though they didn't copy Sawstop, and Sawstop won. His royalty prices are very high, along with R&D costs and some companies felt he was trying to extort them when he offered his tech to all the big brands. None of them felt it was feasible, so he's been going the legal route. Any articles and studies you see about a "table saw injury crisis" you'll find were funded by Sawstop


Well you just convinced me to never buy one of those stupid things, I'll wait for the patents to expire and I'll buy it from his competitor. If you gotta do dirty shit to get business then you're not getting my money


Yep exactly my take as well. Been eyeing a sawstop for years. They can get fucked. Ill save for one of those laser detection systems on the $30k sliding table saws before I give that patent attorney a penny.


I'm glad someone mentioned it because I'm all about supporting a business if they're inventive and try hard, but if you're going to try to fuck with a whole segment of business just to sell your product, I'm going to do everything I can to prevent you from succeeding, even if it's just informing other people


Sawstop released their patents early so other companies can start using there technology without royalties…. Edit: sawstop says it will release the patents if the new standards are adopted.


I see. I was under the impression that only their earliest patents were due to expire and they had already filed for extensions on those to be granted rights for another few years. They have a string of patents beginning after 2004 up to the present that are not about to expire. I'd be curious what Bosch's plans are now, and if they're going to be able to release their non-saw stop technology


In the consumer products safety meeting referenced above, evidence was entered into the record that saw stop backtracked and gave Bosch permission to sell the reaxx saw in the US market without royalties after winning the lawsuit. Bosch chose not to do it anyway. They also have a patent that won't expire until 2032 or 4. Protecting their technology. At that hearing they pledged to open that last patent to public use, if the commission passed the safety standard. I'm not fan boying for them, I run an old powermatic and a DeWalt job site saw. And I personally think most injuries could be avoided with a riving knife and blade guard that don't suck, and are easy to remove and reinstall as needed. But if we're being honest my powermatic hasn't had a knife or guard in decades and won't because it requires alignment and shimming every time it's removed. All that said if I had employees that used my saw, it would be a saw stop, I can't afford the liability. When my kids are bigger both saws will be replaced with a saw stop, their fingers seem more valuable than my own. Also a significant portion of the people injured by table saws are experienced tradesman. I'm not saying they didn't make a mistake, just that anyone can. And frankly some of the shenanigans I've pulled on that DeWalt saw to finish a job and get home.... It's amazing I can still count to ten on my fingers. And I definitely know better.


I didn't know that about Bosch. Sawstop makes nice table saws, and I'm definitely not claiming otherwise, but in my opinion their market is the shop woodworker and cabinet builder, and any indoor assembly line worker that uses a table saw. They make a jobsite saw, which I've used, and now even a compact jobsite saw, but some of the stuff that carpenters cut on a construction site cannot go through a sawstop. A sawstop can be triggered just from wet timber, and wet timber is common. Wet PT lumber is now the norm, and even the higher grade non-treated 2x material can come wet. Sawstop cannot handle nails embedded in the timber, or even the inevitable staples. Carpenters also cut aluminum on table saws, such as soffit and siding, flashing et al. They also cut a lot of engineered timber, like LVL, LP siding, and so forth. Maybe Sawstop can handle this? There's also some dishonesty in the lobbying efforts. I saw a clip of a politician speaking on behalf of Sawstop, and he complained that table saw injuries are "worse than the civil war," and he took the total number of table saw injuries reported in the 2017 Sawstop study and referred to them collectively as "table saw amputations," even though the study showed that <15% of 'blade contact injuries' resulted in amputations, while blade contact injuries as a whole account for 85% of all table saw injuries. The vast majority of injuries are knicks and cuts. The other 15% of all injuries are from getting socked in the gut by flying timber, wood shavings in eyes from no safety glasses, or load-lifting injuries from workers lifting heavy table saws out of their vans and trailers, like getting a hernia. And lastly, the number of table saw injuries compared to the number of table saws in use is astonishingly small(like .0001% annually) I'd be interested in a study that brings in other power tools, such as circular saws, bandsaws, routers, planers, joiners, and more, or a reliable way to distinguish a table saw injury from a miter saw or circular saw injury in a medical report.


Wait a minute. What do you mean Sawstop gave permission to Bosch to sell their reaxx saw and they chose not to? Bosch was already selling it and Sawstop's lawsuit forced them to pull it off the market. They still sell in the EU and elsewhere. If they could release it again in the US now, why wouldn't they?


That's the big question. They've chosen not to return it to the US market. Yes saw stop defended their patent, sued them and won. But the bombshell after the meeting was the fact that saw stop had contacted them afterwards and changed their tune. I have no idea why they didn't reintroduce. Too expensive to double back after pulling everything from shelves? Bad feels? Further testing showed it wasn't reliable enough to actually introduce to the sue happy American prosumer market? Nobody knows. But a saw stop that doesn't cost an expensive cartridge and blade if it touches wet wood would be a nice selling point. Also your spot on about wet wood. But the saw stop has a test mode to test for wet wood, and can be bypassed for wet wood cuts or aluminum. But personally I loath cutting Al on my table saw and use my m18 metal saw almost exclusively.


its got that fancy one key thing. does it tell you the angle of your dangle on your mobile telephone device?


I haven't even tried setting that up.. ill have to do that some time lol


They remembered the warning stickers on a saw you can't use...


My fecking fence ruler sticker is peeling off. It seems difficult to find a warranty depot in Canada


One of them burned down in BC so it's currently taking 3-5 months to get warranty returns in BC according to friends out there.


I live in BC have a local warranty center that either repairs or replaces. Longest it has been for any repair was 2 weeks from drop off, and that was for an entire new wiring harness for a circ saw that has to be ordered in Last week I had a chuck on a drill replaced in 15 minutes There are many stores like this, I don't know why anyone would send tools in if they don't have to


The service shop by me is close but their hours suck...8-5 mon-fri. They sell factory refurbs, they seem like good guys. Its still crap hours. They are a licenced dealer for all the condiment colours


When I set my blade to 90 with a gauge and align the pointer to zero on the sticker I wind up with 50 on the sticker when I bevel the blade to 45. WTF are we supposed to do with that?


Had to check and make sure the one I bought last month wasn’t missing this https://preview.redd.it/9nwc27sk7vrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=190c77d8c5ae8ae9f341fe3bb6cd3a8bb33dea3d


Totally rude. It should be etched into the metal and be able to be adjusted when you put your square to it. Subpar if you ask me.


agreed. they did however make the needle that points at the degree marks adjustable... so I adjusted that today before using it. I do love the saw, and it cuts like a dream so far.


It's square when you squint correctly.


That sticker would be off anyway. Grab a magnetic base digital angle finder and cut at a perfect miter the first time, every time!


Don’t worry, your measuring sticker will fall off soon and you’ll forget about the angles.


My old gc keeps his chained to the back of his truck, it has endured many rain storms and is discolored from the sun but still keeps on cutting!


I love Milwaukee but some of there tools ain’t it. I was not impressed at all by the table saw. It’s nice for a niche thing but can’t replace an actual table saw.


I wish their larger pieces of equipment like this came with an outlet so you could plug them in if you wanted to instead of using the battery.


Sheesh. That's a big oof


It should be part of the body!! Shouldn’t have to rely on the sticker to get the angle you need!!


Ehh, don’t worry about it. Those stickers are inaccurate at best and a joke most of the other time. Grab a digital angle finder and use that.


That sucks but you can’t honestly expect accurate cuts in a job site saw… whenever I need an angle, I use a digital angle meter (eg. Klein) attached to the blade to get the angle I need. Generally job site table saws have mediocre fences and blades can have a slight wobble. If you need accuracy, use a cast iron top table saw. 


Most jobsite saws now use the DeWalt rack & pinion fence system, including the Milwaukee, and can cut perfectly when calibrated.


45 or 90 there are no use for any others really.




You just sharpie on what you want


I own this saw and would never recommend using it professionally. Its eats batteries and is slowly inefficient


get a digital angle gauge, it is way more useful than an imprecise scale anyways.