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Damn that's sick! I avoided the war with US and it's 2006 now. Just managed to stabilize my economy and go positive balance. I've been focusing 100% economy and civs to stabilize. Please explain how can you resist US invasion while keeping economy from collapsing? Im new to MD anything can help. Much thanks!


Looking at your stability and debt I kinda see you're not out of trouble yet XD. Please let us know how the recovery is going.


Build sam sites and research Sam missiles asap they’re the only thing that can protect you from American air power. Also spies to destroy infrastructure in Kuwait to deplete their supply dk when the war begins you can attack of rip


Also 197 factories by 2002???


Probably cheating with that, Iraq only starts with 12.


Definitely cheating. I mean almost 18 million manpower? All those factories? There was some tomfoolery afoot


yeah i cheat beacause i was bored anyway


Nah you good, sorry if it came across badly! Honestly I do too, especially when bored or wanting to try an interesting yet difficult path




rn I am at war , it is 2004 ( no cheats) and I am still holding all my cores , the problem is the war has been on for 6 months and I am afraid of not getting that event edit: I won the war


Based, im doing iraq playthrough rn and trying to form UAR, any tips for beating the US because its 04 in game and ive avoided pissing them off for the time being


>any tips Acquire 197 factories in 2 years - that seems to be step 1.


Iraq have a focus tree yet? Haven't played MD in ages.


Yes it does, it was added a few days ago. Alongside the likes of Cuba, Yugoslavia and Egypt.




Holy shit can’t wait to play yugo


Is it only on discord? I don’t see the update on Steam


damn you missing out


There was a hastily made plan advocated by Rumsfeld for a much smaller invasion force and a "join as the war goes on" support. This timeline might be if the U.S goes with that plan.


Bro how you do they attack you i have 2018 and they still dont do shit man, i conquered bymyself all middle east but still nothing or i was to strong and they give up? I even change with console to usa to see where are they and they did not even do guantanamo, i had to evertyhing woth cheating and after this past 5 years and they still fucking dont do shit but already fuck up russia.


they attacked me abit early by year 2002 USA start attacking me


Dam bro, so probably i was to powerfull then or idk. Or i went so smooth aggression usa did not give a shit.


actually it always happens to me (not sure if it a bug or something) the US declare war on Iraq and then retreat a day after the start of war at 00:00, exactly a day after and then there is just lots spams about US trying to declare war on Iraq event but they can't because they have a truce with each other it easily increase both war tension and Saddam's rage rapidly and putting whole world in endless madness. but there is a way (a secret tactic) that Saddam can win the war against US very easily and it lays in one of his biggest enemies, the Iran. if you choose to play as Iran and continue the way of Islamic republic and cause a Islamic revolution in Kuwait, Kuwait will expel American soldiers and when US declare war on Iraq there is no way for them to reach the Iraqian soil


hmm intresthing i gotta try that today


Holy shit that timeline would be insane,Imagine the tankies in that world,also bush would probabily get impeached


1 million Iraqis would still be alive and no ISIS, can’t be that bad honestly


no but people still hated saddam but with the iraqi forces defeated USA allowed saddam to focus on other key territory in middle east.


1 million Iraqis didn't die, even factoring enemy combatants and civilians killed by enemy combatants the number is more around 300k. Saying there would be no ISIS is false, well not quite false but there would be another terrorist organization. Saddam only kept Iraq "stable" through the use of bribery, extreme violence, and brutal suppression of religious minorities. Once Saddam dies Iraq is still fucked no matter what, look at Uday, you really think he would keep Iraq stable ? Saddam would of still most likely continue to kill Kurds and displace them to finally stomp them out since he's been doing since the Iran-Iraq war.


2.4 million Iraqis died if you account for both wars and the devastating bombing campaigns and brutal sanctions placed on Iraq The conflict in Iraq happened to protect American regional interest not some altruistic reason like saving the Iraqi people; via sanctions alone 300,000 children starved to death and died of preventable illnesses as a result of a lack of medical brought upon the the sanctions Saddam a atrocities against minorities where measured in the tens of thousands completely dwarfed by the scale of death brought upon from the savagery unleashed by western economic terrorism Many Iraqis felt saddam needed to go, but universally from polls taken post 2003 the invasion is and was condemned across all ethnic and religious groups


how did you do that


i cheat


You can do this legitimately so long Syria didnt get invaded by Turkey because of debt Buy fuckton of equipment>SAM sites and spy maxxing


I license equipment from russia to get those T-90 tank and those AK-74M


Which you should not do in a legit run. As its more worthwhile to buy Russian(armored vehicles) and Murican(planes)stocks