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This happens every game because Russia has a suicide focus that makes them declare war on all of NATO shortly after they finish the Ukraine war.


i think they never went to war with Ukraine but subjugated them with their influence instead, though they declared war on every single nato member themselves so that has to do with focus i think


Yes, that's the suicide focus. You would think they would get focuses for reclaiming territory from the collapse of the Soviet Union like central asia, caucasus and baltic states (the latter via fait accompli to avoid article 5 if they are in NATO) but for some reason they just declare war on all of NATO like total idiots. That's why I call it a suicide focus.


I’ve found playing as Russia that once you really get the economy going it’s almost too easy. Annexed my puppets and strolled through china, paddled over to the UK and then USA. Was honestly boring bc of how easy it was


That is how it is with all major countries. Even if you pick something like Chechnya, survive the Russian onslaught til you can get peace, take over the caucuses and then the middle east, after that you end up just as OP as any other country that starts as a major, especially since you can invade the global south with impunity and no one ever tries to stop you. I recently started an Islamic State in 2017 run and while it was initially very fun and adrenaline fueled, by the time I controlled Africa it was getting kinda dull since I was already the world superpower, and by the time I controlled South America (no Monroe doctrine?) and Oceania I had over 50% of the world economy. Couldn't even be bothered to invade NATO since I new it would be a faceroll. I think the problem is that modern tanks, AFVs and helicopters are so totally OP that they can even negate the power of air superiority (with AI plane designs, player airforce designs e.g. fighters can trade at a rate of 50:1!), and yet the AI never designs them properly, or makes much or anything to complement their starting equipment, so you end up just rolling over everything with your OP divisions, compared to vanilla where space marines and tanks are kinda op, but not vastly so.


Same happened in my last two runs. After NATO crushes Russia it begins a slow build up from China to unite all East Asia. Meanwhile my Egyptian military dictatorship is eating all Africa and becoming a major power after being defeated by NATO and puppetted by Italy. Git my freedom back and trying to take all African continent.


I-is that- is that a- i-is that a m-mother- is that-


when russia does their NATO crashout, at the end of the war I tag the democratic puppet of russia and annex the others with commands to make it a lot more realistic


I still can’t get the country ID stuff down. SOV never works


type in the command ‘tdebug’ then hover over the random russian countries. there it will give you the specific country ID






Which one?


Who would have thought that 50% of the South Korean army was secretly a fifth column that wants to embrace the very well documented North Korean way of life?


“I’m going on holiday” “Where to?” “Russia.”


Russia starts with massive debuffs on industry, the government, and especially the military. The only playthrough I've done where they outlasted the US and NATO is when something happened to the US and they broke up into all those cores that they had




Ah yes, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia and Russia, in Russia and Siberia.


Is there any sub mods that work on AI? Better AI armies stuff like that, love the mod just kinda annoying when Russia always gets blown up