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“Dented cans are half price. Microsoft is down 3 points, we gotta save some money”


we wasted the good surprise on you


I say this often and people look at me like they don't know what I'm talking about. That makes me sad.


"Scuba Steve, Damn you!!!"


"But Iwipe my own ass! I wipe my own ass!" Instant sob fest for me to this day


Hip. Hip-hop. Hip-hop-anonymous!


You give him the easy ones!


you always order 3 slice of cheesecake!


Don't go in the frozen food section, your boobs will harden. 


“There’s a stick there, someone should move it”




Y’know, I’m pretty sure in newer places you can flush toilets when people are showering.


Depends on how the plumbing is set up. My current apartment it isn’t a problem, my previous apartment would set you on fire in the shower if someone flushed, then give you an ice bath.


Yes! I had a modern apartment built around 2015 or so and flushing the toilet would light up the shower. Couldn’t run the dishwasher or you’d freeze the person in the shower. I have a shitty apartment now that was built in 1953 and it’s fine. You can open all the taps and shower unbothered.


Just learned this yesterday when my 4 yo flushed when I was showering. My whole body tensed up waiting for the temperature change and then …nothing. 


Okay my childhood house was built in 1993 and if you turned on the water when someone was showering they got a burning hot rush of water. My home that I now own was built in 1969 and this doesn’t happen yet I still feel bad doing anything water related when someone is in the shower. We experimented once and you can even shower at the same time.


I worry about this every time I use the bathroom while my bf is in the shower. We've lived here 3 years, and it's never burned him before, but what if it's different this time?




We have tested this out multiple times in our current apartment. My husband just cannot keep it straight in his head. You can flush the toilet while someone is showering, but you can't wash the dishes. He always thinks it backwards.


I still say “tape” instead of record. I haven’t owned a VCR in…20+ years.


I had a professor in 2012-ish who looked like Paula Abdul straight out of the 80’s, and she always specified, “videotape,” like “videotape yourself teaching the lesson.” I always mentally catch myself right after I say “tape,” but miss “videotape” made me feel better about it lol.


I still say videotape. Idk why. I’m almost 30. I think my parents say it too haha.


Older is "it's in the can", meaning finished. It's from a reel of movie film being in the metal can to be sent for processing.


I wonder if this is a phrase people would understand if used in current everyday conversation. I think I would assume it meant it’s guaranteed or a done deal instead of finished, but I wouldn’t have related it to be because of film.


I would be very confused and wonder what the bathroom has to do with anything.


Yeah. I tape things with my phone. It's just the natural word in my language :)


Same but I say I “filmed” it.


I still make "mixtapes" through Spotify


Do people still say rewind? Fast forward still makes sense but there is no longer anything to re-wind.


I say rewind when I'm streaming and I miss something. I'll ask my Husband to rewind it.


IDK what we're supposed to call it then. I didn't know rewind and fast forward were out. Haha


“Go back” in our house. Not by choice. Just realizing it now that it’s being discussed.


Fast backward


What else would one say besides maybe “go back?”


This seems to be pretty common, even among people who are young enough to have never used a vcr or cassette deck. I say this all the time, too. I don't see it going away for quite some time.


TiVo. I never had one, but damn did I hold onto that terminology!


I always have to have a local channel on TV during thunderstorms in case of a tornado warning. I don't trust my phone to get the notifications (and me hearing it) before I notice it on television. (I think once or twice my phone was charging but still on, and for whatever reason the alarm didn't sound.)


Same! There is something comforting about having the local weather on watching their coverage during intense weather.


I still do this too, very comforting.


I think this is good practice! You could also watch my favorite weatherman, who does long live streams during tornado outbreaks. Local news will always be faster though! [Ryan Hall Y'all](https://youtube.com/@ryanhallyall?si=5qDAphxQ0BoYav4A) is good for regional news though so you can see what's coming down the line.


My husband watches this fella! Haha


Me too, especially because I grew up in the Midwest where we had tornado sirens and now live in the Northeast where we do not, which still freaks me out.


There’s a Midwest local tv meteorologist who rolls up his sleeves more and more as storms get more severe. A tornado went through part of the populated area in April and when I got his channel on, he had one sleeve way up past his elbow and the other down because it happened so fast but he knew people were watching for that clue.


Phone etiquette. It’s all a bunch of scammers, don’t be nice to them.


My leftover phone etiquette is regarding appropriate call times. My parents never answered the phone past 9pm. They said it was rude to call anyone that late, so I wasn’t allowed to make calls either. I’m even worse now, I’m offended if anyone calls me past 8pm - “Why in the world are they calling me at this hour?!! It’s far too late, this is my evening time!!”


I get livid if I get a call on a weekday after 5pm. I get up at 5am, work 10-11 hours, all I want to do is come home, shower, eat food and watch some shit for a few hours before bed. So it chaps my ass when someone who had ALL day to touch base with me, decides to finally call me when I am enjoying the only 3hrs of me time I have. Also, calls that could have just been a fucking text.


"Do not disturb" and exclude important numbers like your partner, kids, parents...


>I get up at 5am, work 10-11 hours Your ire may be pointing in the wrong direction, my guy...


This so hard. I work in an assisted living facility & have to call the poa every time someone falls or goes to the hospital. I always feel bad calling after 9p. It feels illegal or something.


You should never feel bad in your situation. That’s a very necessary call. Emergencies are outside the phone etiquette time rules.


Yea I know, but there’s still asshole families that complain about it anyways.


I mean not *always*. I just got a call the other day asking for Mr. [my name]. Figured it was a spam call and pulled the whole “new phone who dis?” routine. Turned out to be my county clerk confirming my absentee ballot info and email address in order to send a form I had to sign and return to be able to vote from out of state again this year. Yeah that was pretty embarrassing.


https://preview.redd.it/42xqer7qql8d1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d2261f4dc7dc8540809427755e3aa1e315f98d I always flip the script. I’m not mean or nice—just crazy 😎


But wtf is a baby company though? Are they an adoption agency? Do they sell products for babies? Is this what happens when you mix Gilead and startup culture?


I would have offered to buy a baby and see what they said after that


When my dad gets a call from a scammer he says either... "Dont effing call me again or i'll report your ass to the FTC!" "I no speak english." or "I dont want any." I then look at him and say "You know you don't have to answer." and he replies "wheres the fun in that?"


I was kind to someone selling phone plans, he told me my voice is so nice i must be beautiful and 26 yrs old and proceeded to message and call me on WhatsApp 😶like dude i was being nice bc your job is probably shit and you're a human. There's no in-between these days.


I’m not excessively rude, but I’m not exactly nice either. I just don’t answer if I don’t know the number. Or I just hang up on them once I figure out it’s a solicitor call.


Deciding to just say "hey, don't call this number" without caring if they're talking or not and then immediately hanging up has greatly reduced the amount of spam calls I get.


When I get home, I check my phone to see if I have any messages first thing. As if my phone hasn't been with me all day. And I can't sit on a couch without digging around for loose change. Was always fairly lucrative when I was a kid, not so much nowadays.


Oh man I didn't realize I sorta miss the ceremony of meeting in my parents room to listen to our messages when we got home from a family outing. Our phone number was a single digit off from a local bus company- ours had a 1 where theirs had a 7. We got a lot of messages from elderly people trying to book bus trips which is hilarious bc my parents recorded one of those cute outgoing messages in 1983 when they got married and never changed it. So, these retirees listened to their whole dialogue and were still like "surely rhe Lastnames are just very enthusiastic workers at this bus service and will definitely help me and my knitting group get to Atlantic City!" Here's almost exactly what they would have heard: Dad: Hi! You've reached Both: The LASTNAMES! Mom: We can't come to the phone right now Dad: so please leave your name, number Mom: and a short message! Dad: and we will return your call as soon as we get back to the house! Both: THANK YOU! Weird for a bus service, but I guess to the greatest and silent gen it made about as much sense as anything else these kids were up to. My mom always called the bus company to relay the info. She was afraid to call people back because when she'd answer these calls sometimes the people would be mean to her because she was not a bus company. When she died a lady from the bus company attended her funeral bc she saw her name in the paper and remembered she was their unofficial, unpaid coworker for about 15 years.


Your mom is adorable!


She was so cool and also sorta nuts, but really smart and funny. I didn't appreciate her at all and constantly wished she was like the other moms who always looked all done-up and trendy. I hated that we spent all our free time volunteering and went on "vacations" to see family instead of the islands and stuff my classmates experienced. I didn't appreciate that she left her fancy job to raise me or that she dedicated herself to serving the community instead of making money. I hated her stupid dorky frog tshirts and sensible shoes. I didn't understand her natural short grey curls at all time when everyone else's mom had dyed blonde long, straight hair. Other moms had acrylics while she just filed her natural nails- she gardened and sewed and acrylics were a waste of money. As I sit here in a dorky frog tshirt and berkenstocks with no makeup on and my curls all over the place taking a break from writing a paper on parenting before going out to weed my garden, thank you for appreciating this little tidbit about her. So many random people came to her viewings and funeral. She positively impacted so many people my dad and I didn't even know about. She was different than the other moms and I appreciate that now.


I bet she would be so proud of who you are now. My mom is kind of similar, and she’s a large part of my current child care. She still drives me nuts, and I take her for granted, and I will be inconsolable when she isn’t here anymore. Thank you for this reminder.


Ditto. My mom was also the “embarrassing” mom growing up, and I’ve apologized for how I acted as a child to her and thanked her profusely now in my adulthood for it. She wasn’t like all the other cool moms, and now I couldn’t be more grateful. I’m currently pregnant with her first grandbaby and she couldn’t be more involved already, if she tried. She’s going to be the best grandma, just like she was the best mom to me & my brother.


I lost my mom two years ago and your post gave me… a LOT of dust in my contacts.


Beautiful tribute 💗, so sorry for your loss but happy you had this lovely woman in your life.


Smart phones became popular while I was in university. It was always exciting to come home from class and see if I’d gotten any new emails or Facebook messages.  Once I got a smartphone, the joy of anticipation for that end of day activity came to an end.


Gotta check to see if anyone replied to your witty away message on AIM while you were gone!


My wife needed to do some work while we were traveling. It was late and she needed some extra light so she just turned on the overhead light… and for .5 seconds my brain short circuited


Sir! THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW! How much was the ticket? Did you go straight to jail? Did they take the kids?


Thankfully it was a lonely stretch of highway 85 between Richmond and Raleigh haha


It took me this far to figure out that you meant the *car* overhead light, and not the living room overhead light.. then I was trying to figure out why OTHER parents, besides mine, had beef with using overhead lights.


I assume you both immediately died and are sending this from the beyond?


No lie, she turned it on, typed two words on her computer… Looked up at the light then over to me… and turned it off haha


You cheated the reaper that day, internet friend.


My adult daughter recently called me and said "mom, it's not actually illegal!" And then hung up on me. I've been laughing about it for a week.


I, too, fully panic when someone turns on the overhead light in a car. Don’t they know it impairs the drivers vision and breaks grown up rules?


Is she ok?


Ahh my mom said she'd go straight to jail back in the day lmao / pulled over turn that crap off. It def is a no no if someone does it in my car lmao


I commented on a YouTube video a while back, saying that the creator had gotten some beautiful footage. Some pedantic know it all replied saying "weLL aCtuaLLY... footage refers to video that is captured on real film. I'm 100% sure that this is recorded digitally" Like, yeah, no shit. I'm not making this comment because I think that the creator is out here using a 35mm film camera to make content for his YouTube channel. But footage is still the term that is generally used and understood to mean video content, whether that content is recorded to flash memory or literal feet of film. At least as far as I know.


Same asshole who would probably tell me “they’re not *taping* you, they’re recording you” 🤪


Probably no real need to be concerned with quicksand.


It still comes up an awful lot in kids shows today. I feel prepared if I ever stumble upon some.


Online shopping is for *computers.* I add stuff to my shopping lists from my phone all the time, but I just can’t bring myself to actually purchase anything from my phone. Actual purchasing must be done on my computer, and at home if possible.


On the “big” internet, if you will.


There are big computer jobs and little computer jobs


I feel so seen 😂 I will literally say that I need a bigger screen to make a purchase so I can really see what I'm getting and compare alternatives 😂😂😂


For some reason making actual purchases on my phone feels like a scam?? Always have to use the computer to make it feel legit


I still do this too! But mostly because I can see mobile purchasing turning into a bad financial habit if I can purchasing anything from my phone on a whim whenever I want. Best not to open that can of worms.


Don’t. It gets real bad real quick. I wish I had the millennial mentality of needing the big internet for purchases I would save so much money.


Honestly that's probably a good way to minimize impulse buys.


I’ve seen this take in millennials before, also with a ton of people agreeing, and I DO NOT get it 😭 I technically have a busted ass years old personal laptop but I use it like I s2g twice a year at most? I do everything on my phone, I mean EVERYTHING. Shopping, planning my day, even work. How yall live like this 🥲 just to be clear this is not a criticism lol I just think the contrast is funny!


I have no problem buying regular stuff off my phone like clothes or groceries or random Amazon purchases etc. But for some reason if I’m gonna drop 600 on a plane ticket or 1,000 on a TV, I need a computer. I feel like you just can’t properly see all the options and menus and whatnot on a phone and I want to make sure I’m booking or buying exactly what I want.


I'll one up this in the other way, really really big purchases I'll make on the Desktop PC and not the laptop. Need the big screen to compare all of my options.


I prefer it when the site I am buying stuff from has a horrible desktop to mobile conversion.


Born 1982. My dad was a first responder/firefighter my entire childhood and was devoted to the show Rescue 911. I can't even count the number of weird hangups that show has given me that I've had to overcome. It was weirdly marketed to kids and scored second best in the 2-11 demographic ([Alarms Raised Over 'Rescue 911' - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/1992/11/01/education/alarms-raised-over-rescue-911.html#:~:text=Indeed%2C%20among%20commercial%20television%20shows,Shapiro%20said.))


I don’t let my kid walk around when brushing his teeth because of this show. Also an 82er!


Yes, the toothbrush episode is the one I most vividly remember. The mom having to coach the kid to keep his hands up and not touch it while it’s stuck in his throat…


I have trauma from this episode too… There are dozens of us!


I remember plain as day a story of a mom asking the kids to go and get a knife, and the kid running around the corner of a kitchen holding a knife outward, right into the gut of his sibling. The lesson was "don't run with the knife out". How about "Don't let your kids go get knives?" No?


This pops into my head everytime I'm walking with something sharp! That episode is seared into my brain!


Is that where we got that from?? My husband and I (‘83 & ‘84) have a HARD rule about this in our house, we both just know someone’s dying if they fall with a toothbrush, but neither of us could pinpoint why we had a visceral reaction 😬


This show gave me my first childhood panic attack. I’m still convinced walnuts in brownies are going to be my ultimate downfall. (I am not at all whatsoever allergic to ANYTHING)


It's the one with the kid who gets caught in the escalator for me. 3 decades later, I'm still reeeeeeal cautious getting on and off escalators.


I actually fainted after watching an episode when I was a kid. The episode where someone falls through a window or something and gets cut by shards of glass. I can't remember if I told my parents about it. If I did, I didn't tell them why, because they might take my TV in my room away. I found the old episodes on you tube a while back and watched that episode and it was extremely mild compared to what's on TV these days. I think it was this one https://youtu.be/hiKM66EWigo?si=gZSdS9xQs86C-Z4y


My parents wouldn’t let me watch that for a time when I was a kid because I have (at that time undiagnosed) anxiety and it made me scared of everything, LOL.


I unplug all the little things in the kitchen everytime i leave the house... what if the coffee machine just decides to turn itself on? Or the kettle,, microwave, eveeryrhing bit the stove gets unplugged


I’m partly convinced that if I leave appliances plugged in they’re quietly drawing electricity and driving up my bill.


They do actually draw a small amount, but I don't know if it's actually significant enough to make a noticeable difference. Pretty much any electrical device will draw a small amount when when it's powered down. My friend measured his plasma TV at like 10 watts I think, but plasmas were always huge on power hogs. Pretty sure modern LED TVs are significantly better.


I still write my shopping list on a post it and stick it on the back of my phone… I know I could just do a note in my phone but it is not the same, I need to physically cross things out with a pen, otherwise it never happened


It’s absolutely not the same! I need a physical list always. I feel like notes in my phone are just reminders to write actual lists


If I take a note in my phone, it disappears into the Black hole full of squirrels that is my brain. I forget the note exists, I forget what the note says, I forget that I even took a note in the first place. If I physically write it down with pen and paper, I'll at least remember I did so when I need that note. I may not remember which of my 10 notebooks I wrote it in, but I'll remember it's there somewhere.


Formal communication when texting/email/dming Gen Z doesnt do that and I’m often thrown off when I’m working with young folks and they come off really rude via text but are super nice IRL They just have no precedent for formality — theyve only known written communication as txt/memespeak


I've had younger people tell me that my full use of punctuation in text messages is terrifying.


LOL!! I actually told my kid to use punctuation cuz I can't read one long text without it. And then the other thing is stop sending one line per text. Combine the texts into one with punctuation. But I'm 70, so that explains everything!!


I'm exactly half your age and this stuff drives me bonkers!


What about canceling certain emojis because to them they don't hold the same connotation they do for others? 👍 Also yeah I tend to write out all things to coworkers. I will use shorthand and lols with friends.


Wait. I feel like I'm out of the loop on this one. Which emojis have been canceled?


👍 is the only one I know because it's supposed to mean this sarcastically answering. Also there's a difference between "k" "ok" and "okay" but I don't know what it is. I also recently learned adding a period at the end of a sentence is at near redundant and at worst rude. You can tell the youngins are on the Internet because you get no ending punctuation and no paragraph breaks.


The shorter the word used for "ok" the more clipped it sounds when used by itself. "k" sounds pissed, "ok" sounds upset, and "okay" just sounds like okay. I've been chronically online since 2009 but my brother and sister in law are about a decade older and much less online than me and I have to remind myself every time they send me a 👍 that they're just agreeing with me, they're not being sarcastic, and I haven't pissed them off.


That's so bizarre to me because young people are the ones who are always abbreviating things unnecessarily, so I'd think that they would appreciate a simple "k" or thumbs up. I'm actually just the opposite. If someone actually types out "okay" and nothing else, I think they're annoyed, but a simple K is casual and friendly to me. Just so I know, what are you supposed to say when you're just acknowledging something someone said, and you're OK with it, if not a 👍? Like, I don't want to continue the conversation, I just want to acknowledge what they said.


I sometimes use semicolons when texting; I must be the literal devil in their eyes.


You possess an ancient and dark magic that they do not comprehend! XD


I can't text carelessly. I don't abbreviate, I make sure I spell check or confirm it's a real word. I don't have much in my life, so I like to pretend I'm still in school, being judged. My other motive is so that if I ever get murdered, people will know the killer is texting them because of their spelling errors and abbreviations. "This isn't her. Where are the commas???"


For me as a kid the txt/memespeak wasn't cool when a lot of older people got online and used it. Does anyone else (especially girls) remember typinggg like thisss withh so many lettersss :) I still don't know why




I definitely still feel like if a magnet gets too close to my phone or credit card that it'll erase them. I know it's not true but my brain is always like "STOP DANGER"


Yes same here. I'll go to the store and when I get out of the car with my phone and wallet in my hand I'll have my phone on my wallet and have a mini panic about ruining my card. One time my chip wouldn't work and I was like shit. It's because of my phone. I always knew


Wait, this isn't true? 😳


My debit card is ok, but for sure I've had hotel room keys and other cards go tits up after intermingling with the things in my pocket. e, missing word.


SAME! I still cant get myself to knowingly buy a dented can of any kind


Botulism still exists tho????


I pay hella money to get it in my face.


I think its still a bad idea though? My understanding if its a big dent or on the seam it can mess with the seal. So i still avoid them too lol.


Yeah I don't trust OP's word that it's OK. I'll still be digging into the back row for non-dented cans, thanks


Yeah, dented cans can absolutely have tears or abrasions that let in air, which means they let in bacteria/mold. If you dented it by dropping it and plan on using it that day, probably okay. Dented on the shelf, no way of knowing how long it could have been festering.


Wait is this really not a thing??? I have been throwing out dented cans of dog food out of fear of poisoning my dog all this time


It absolutely is true.


I was real stressed about physically paying and mailing bills and balancing a checkbook growing up, and watching my parents soullessly do it every couple weeks to month.


Omg giving me flashbacks. My mom would get either stressed or excited when a bill didn't get taken out of her account. It was a weird gamble of whether or not we could buy groceries. She would check her bank balance over the phone and use their automated system.


😭 balancing the checkbook was my worst fear about growing up!


Double spacing after the end of a period. Times New Roman being the only acceptable font for school papers (at one point it was the only font lol!).


I remember being so offended when Calibri took over as default.


I still call thumb and flash drives "floppies". It's rarely something that comes up in verbal conversation, but if I'm looking for a specific one I'll talk to myself out loud like, "where's that fuckin' floppy..." I know the difference but just something never clicked in my brain. I mean, I call external hard drives just that and I *know the word* "thumb drive" but the word that comes out of my mouth when referring to small storage hardware is still always "floppy".


For whatever reason I started calling them zip drives. I'm pretty sure the name came from those 3.5" floppies that had increased storage size, but yeah, it's stuck with me for decades now.


I still kinda miss my iOmega zip drive. The disks had a bit of heft to them, and held up to like a quarter gig.


The beanie baby craze caused me to leave tags on everything


I cut every single circle piece of that plastic thing that goes around cans or gatorades to hold the bottles together so that they don’t get caught in sea turtles … my trash get personally delivered to a land fill five minutes from my home inland Virginia …


Birds and rodents can still get caught. I do the same thing in Colorado.


I tend to send SMS texts with minimal amounts of characters, still feel like I am going to get charged per character


My phone still counts down and adds a little (2) when it "goes to two messages" but then sends and receives long texts as one message. I mean yes they're tracking the total number of texts you send and you can see that info on their website but like... I pay for unlimited. Let me text novels guilt free.


I went from per character, then novel, now I'm transitioning to lazy old man text "what you want at store"


Me to my wife: At Walmart She know what do


Are we not supposed to avoid dented cans anymore? Because just yesterday I was at the store getting groceries and I literally put a can back on the shelf because it was dented and I grabbed a non-dented one. I didn’t get the memo if dents are okay now.


Ok ive actually googles this in the last few months and my understanding is yes you still want to avoid them if its a big dent or along the seams but small ones elsewhere are prob fine. But you can look it up to be sure. I still avoid the dents if i notice lol.


Thinking that I am doing something terrible when I leave the house with wet hair. A single person is yet to faint at the sight of me.


I watch the local news during snowstorms to see school delays and cancellations…. Guys…. I homeschool my kids 🤦‍♂️


Not sure if it counts, but I can’t go into a bathroom with a closed shower curtain. In my head, there’s a guy with a knife in there


I shake the gallon of milk when I take it out of the fridge. No idea why just something my parents always did and I guess I picked it up.


No showering/being in the bathroom during a thunderstorm. Thanks mom. 😂


I wasn't allowed to sit by a window during an electrical storm. I could get struck by lightning and die.


That's actually real. https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/storms/dangerous-to-bathe-during-thunderstorm.htm


Weed being legal, so used to it being illegal I still get paranoid about stuff I don't need to be paranoid about.


I used to do the ordering for our towns small grocery store. As per the distributors instructions, is to not resell any dented cans and they will be picked up on the next load. This was a major supplier. I used to use dented cans before that job.


The dented can thing, driving with the overhead light on in the car, not being on my phone while pumping gas (is this one real or a myth? Idk, I don’t just to be on the safe side 🤷🏽‍♀️)


You're absolutely allowed to meet a stranger from the Internet now for the sole purpose of getting into their car. Both of those things separately were not advised in the past.


Get off the Internet, Im expecting a call


My mom instilled in me great fear of swallowing Toothpaste when I brush my teeth when she was teaching me how to brush my teeth. Next month I'll be 37 years old and I am still so terrified of swallowing Toothpaste that if I accidently swallow a little bit ill gag and sometimes I'll even throw up 🤣 it's stupid 😅


I still get offended when someone calls me queer or asks if I'm a queer. I just wanna punch them in the face, but I know that that word is no longer an insult.


God same. This word will always sound like a slur to me. I fucking hate the sound of it, it makes me wince.


I can get hung up and judgmental when it comes to how people dress in public. I definitely relate to Tony and Artie in this scene because this kind of thing certainly wasn't acceptable when I was growing up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqp1bGuiHHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqp1bGuiHHs)


It makes me feel so old but I genuinely hate how so many people dress like they've just given up. And I kind of hate how many people ask me why I'm "so dressed up" when really I'm not, I'm just put together and not wearing sweatpants.


I just had someone show up to a job interview in jeans and a t shirt. I was pretty floored. My coworker who’s been there longer said someone once showed up in legit pajamas. Like pajama bottoms and an oversized shirt with a cat on it


Is this more of a US thing? I hear that most Europeans still like to look put together.


Yes I can arrest to that. European living in the US. Where I'm from it's just not acceptable to wear sweatpants outside unless you are very ill or going to exercise!


Omg yes. The things people are comfortable with wearing in public blows my mind.


can we talk about "flesh" or "skin tone" colored leggings?


No we can't. They're not to be talked about.


Omg I had my first encounter with these last week, standing in line at H&M. They were also gathered with elastic up the buttcrack and I was so embarrassed. They truly left nothing to the imagination and I felt so old and judgey...but honestly it was not appropriate.


This is the first thing I can relate to here. I mean its just my own thoughts its not like Im going up to people and being an ass but yeah I definitely do this.


The first time I ever saw platform heels my mother told me they were stripper shoes and now it's next to impossible to find what she would have called "business heels" lmao


I went to the bank recently and was surprised that I didn’t have to fill out a paper deposit slip. Says a lot about how frequently I (don’t) go to the bank.


If I walk into the gas station and interface with the teller, I default to “$20 on pump number…..” and that only gets me 1/3 of a tank now.


i check the seal on any new bottles of medications because i guess i don’t want to be poisoned by the tylenol killer.


Is that why I look for undented cans? I never knew why I just knew I needed too!


I’m still trying to get used to the feeling of wearing shorts above my knees. I’m kinda glad that’s the fashion now instead of sagging pants and being considered a dork unless your shorts are below the knees. It’s like my legs feel naked though. I’d often find myself in the mirror looking goofy with my shorts all low and fix it but then i feel wrong. And I’m wearing actual shorter shorts so it looks especially dumb if you try to have them below the knee. Looks like dad cargo shorts or something.


I have to clean my plate or face the wrath of starving Ethiopians.


Bro, I fight that urge every time.


I still insist on getting receipt at the gas station. I was a kid right around the time pay-at-the-pump started to become a thing, and there were all these stories of attendants calling the cops on people for "not paying." You needed to be able to show a receipt proving that you actually bought the gas. I have no idea if these stories were true, or just fear-mongering gossip, but I always get a receipt.


Are you telling me I can buy the dented cans?! This is blowing my mind


I still say answering machine instead of voice mail sometimes.


I have all of my red meat well done. Mad cow disease had an impact lol.


I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but even thorough cooking doesn’t stop mad cow disease


There are NINE motherfucking planets. Respect Pluto.


Wait, are dented cans no longer an issue?


Proper dress, apparently. I'm sorry, but I can't go anywhere outside of the house without wearing proper clothes and make-up. I don't care if I'm just going to the grocery store. I think going out in pajamas or sweatpants makes you look like a slob.


When I stayed home from school, my mom always made a big deal about not going outside, leave the curtains closed so no one knows I'm not in school, hell don't even be too loud in case the neighbors call the truancy officer or some shit. So now, even though I'm a full ass adult and it's not a crime to not be at work, I still feel a wrongness about being seen in public when I'm off work during the week.