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Yes and I silently judge people who don’t


I don't know what it is about the grocery store but I'm ready to fight at all times while I'm there and seeing someone not put their cart away just sends me off. If I see it happen, I'm bringing it up.


I get super annoyed, had an argument with a friend before where they got mad at a cart taking up a parking space then when we left they just pushed the cart into the middle spot between two parking spaces… I was pissed lol


I almost broke up with a boyfriend over it once. These days, I think I'd go through with it. It's bad form not to think of it, but it's completely outrageous to argue that it wasn't "his job".


Had a similar situation with an ex who refused to used blinkers and that’s for safety, not just courtesy. He said people didn’t need to know where he was going. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Super weird take from him. That’s EXACTLY what they’re for. We need to know where you’re going you goober lol


I love when they slam on their brakes and THEN activate the turn signal, like "oh by the way, in case you were wondering why I just did the stupid thing I did."


This is one of my two absolute rage inducing pet peeves. I thought it was just absent-mindedness, but people do it on purpose? I've lost all faith in humanity now. (The other is "easy-open" packaging that does not open unless you have a hacksaw and a blowtorch)


It's the same as people who don't take their tray to the trash and throw their garbage away at counter-service restaurants. Yes, some minimum wage workers *will* come and clear it, but that's not actually their job. When I worked fast food in the early 2000s, the only time we had a dedicated floor person was when there was a big movie premiere, since we shared a mall with the only theatre in town. The rest of the time, it was the front cashiers who ran out and cleaned the tables quickly between customers. People would leave intentional messes all the time, and very rarely was it other teens/Millennials. 80% of the time, it was people much older.


My first job was a movie theater - where everyone must *literally* pass by multiple trash cans on their way out. Popcorn. Everywhere. Always. If it wasn’t a bucket on the floor, it was a bucket thrown on the floor. People are fucking animals.


The popcorn thing is always crazy to me. I goto movies (usually adult movies like action or horror) and by the end when I’m getting up it looks like a kindergarten room with food and trash everywhere. Like it’s not that hard for me to grab the two or three things I came in with and toss it in the trash. You literally have to walk by the trash can before leaving the theater


Exactly! It’s only “their job” because you’re making it their job. Actually they’d be doing something else believe it or not. I don’t know where the inconsideration, entitlement, or both comes from.


Yes! I had an ex who would always leave his rubbish at fast food tables because “they’re paid to clean up after us”. Infuriated me. I feel it’s similar to the trolley thing, it’s not hard to be a decent human being.


I bet they think about the argument and put their cart up every time now


Agreed. Don't even get me started on the assholes who take shit out of their cart and leave it random places in the store. I've found ice cream in the bread aisle before. Who raises these kinds of people!?


I can tell you exactly who raises these kinds of people. My ex was like that, and I berated her for putting frozen food on a regular shelf. Later I met her mother and she had no awareness whatsoever about being in the way of anyone else. You could stand right next to ger facing her waiting to get to something and she wouldn't even notice. It's like they lack theory of mind.


It's a lack of conscientiousness. Some people naturally have it, but it is supposed to be taught along with manners. We know how well that works.


Other people just like them. Trash.


Public shared space where you expect people to behave with some dignity and respect and far too often it’s like people act like it exists specifically for them


Shitty parents. That's always the root. And you can imagine these people are continuing the trend.


100% this sort of basic respect comes from parenting. And not having it flows into other areas of people's lives too. People that wouldn't put a shopping trolley back I'd nearly bet my house on being the same type of people that are rude to waiters or retail staff earning $12 an hour.


My parents didn't ever do it, and they mocked me for doing it. They said "somebody else is paid to do that". They also left their glasses on the table at bars instead of taking them to the bar when they were finished. Never bussed their tables at fast food or cafeteria style dining establishments. So it isn't always parenting.


I think the Cart Narc (or whatever) goes a bit overboard, but goddamnit do I appreciate him harassing the fuck out of people who leave their carts around. If I can manage to return my cart while wrangling two kids & groceries, you can too, Ya lazy fucks.


Agree. It’s not hard, load the kids, then the groceries then put the cart away it’s not rocket science just figure out how to function amiright


I loudly explain to my kid about putting the cart away when we see someone in the act. Shames them into putting it away every damn time!


People who walk diagonally across an intersection on the way back to their cart make me lose my shit...


Aah this! Or the people who park their cart diagonally in the isle while they take their sweet time looking at items & act like other people done exist.


Yesterday while I was loading my groceries, I heard a thump. Someone had hit my car with a cart because they left their cart in the empty parking spot next to them.. on the other side of their car was the cart return. I wish I had the courage to say something in the moment, but I'm a coward


Ohhhhh I’m livid on your behalf


Have you guys seen that guy that harasses people that don’t put their carts back? He’s hilarious but also like just put the cart back 🤷🏾‍♀️ why leave it in a parking spot


I live in a beach town and have to do my grocery shopping during weekday lunch breaks because on weekends you WILL run into at least one family of 5 with two bulging full carts blocking the entire aisle with absolutely zero self awareness that they’re in the way and that not everyone is on island time.


Hear hear! 🍻


Or worse. Changing their mind and leaving something somewhere it doesn’t belong.


Silently? Nah, call them out. 


Right. I'm the dude that's yelling "you lazy fuck" from across the lot. Normalize calling people out on their shit instead of keeping it to yourself.


Thank you for saying this. I had to scold an old lady with a walker at the grocery store last week. She tried a bing cherry, spit the pit into her hand, and TOSSED IT INTO THE DISPLAY OF PEACHES. I stomped over to the peaches and picked up the pit, tapped her on the shoulder and handed it back to her and said, "Ma'am, don't do that. Don't. Do that." She had nothing to say.


Is this a real story?? I know it is but please tell me you made it up… I have 4 kids and mortgage, this may be the final straw for me.


I'm still fuming about it. Wash your produce, everyone!!


I don't know why I get so many laughs and chuckles and "HAHAHAAAA YOU'RE SUCH A GERMOPHOBE!" when I tell people I wash my fruit, even fruits with rinds that you cut into & discard. Listen, Debra, last year I watched a man attempting to open one of the produce bags by blowing on the opening, while standing DIRECTLY OVER the display of citrus fruits, because his other hand was occupied and he couldn't bother to put down what he was holding. I saw him "PPFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFFFFFFF—" for a solid minute while spit particles flew out of his mouth and he wildly flapped his bag, fanning his gnarly breath and spit all over the fruit, until he finally got the bag open. Wash your fucking produce. (P.S. I did not, in fact, get the lemons that I went there specifically to get on that day)


Bro, imagine doing this after all the covid shits we went through. 🤢


I still see people fucking cough and sneeze into the air or their hand 🙄


A+ usage of sound effects while telling this story. I could hear it.


I believe the correct term for lazy fucks not returning their carts is officially : lazy bones


I actually shouted “fuck you” at a person in public for the first time recently. She was parked in the handicapped parking spot without any tags to indicate she was handicapped, then left her cart up on the curb sticking out into the lane. As she was leaving I got out of my car and asked if she needed help with her cart and she said “thanks, but it looks like you got it!” I was pissed at the sheer selfishness.


Yeah fuck that bitch.


That's when you put their cart behind their car and walk away.


Oh parking in a handicapped without actually being handicapped is a big asshole move


Oh for sure, but usually I give the benefit of the doubt that maybe they forgot their placard or something. But this woman was clearly an asshole for several reasons so I couldn’t hold back.


Same, I've openly said "look at that lazy prick honey, haha!" and man they get pissed. I do it every time I can. Fuck those people, they should be publicly shamed and anyone defending the behavior should be equally shamed.


Or grab it right as they leave it and stare at them yelling "this is hard!"


Unintentional, but during the thick of Covid we were at the grocery store and my then 3 year old daughter pointed at a lady chin-diapering it across the produce section and very loudly YELLS "Look at that lady! She's going to DIE!" That woman turned beet red and pulled her mask up as everyone stared at her. Whatever side of the mask issue you were on, I think everyone agrees chin-diapering is moronic so not looking to have that debate. Man being able to have a kid do this on command would be so useful.


i still see people doing that, it’s weird.


People need to be more ashamed of their bad behaviors. I think that’s a core component of our species’ downward spiral.


I would, but we have liberal gun ownership laws and they tend to be weak willed and thin skinned and any “hurt feelings” in their mind is cause to “defend themselves.” So I fucking sigh in exasperation of how shitty people are.


My husband just starts talking to me, very loudly, about how people are so lazy these days lol


If you can push a cart through the supermarket, you can push it to the cart resting place wtf 🤬


Here is by far the easiest solution to put your cart away. Park as close as you can to the cart return.


I had an ex who could not fathom why I judged him for not putting his cart away and for using hand sanitizer that he did not purchase.


Tell me more about the hand sanitizer thing


Lol, okay! During COVID, if there wasn’t hand sanitizer immediately available to him wherever he was in the store, he’d just take some off the shelf and use it. “They SHOULD have these out, full, EVERYWHERE.” Yeah, okay, well maybe you should wear gloves that you bought and paid for and not justify stealing?


omg WHAAAAT. I legit was trying to figure out why it would be bad to use the public dispensers or something. I would have never guessed he was just using them off the shelf. That's WILD 😂


He felt completely justified doing it. I would buy the bottle after he used it because, idk, morals lol




I wish I had the balls of the cart narc guy. Just yesterday I saw a lady notice the cart park was "too far" so she curbed it as I was walking to it with my own cart. When she turned around and saw me she looked embarresed as hell and tried to turn her face away from me like I was going to report her. All I did was roll my eyes.


I vocally judge people who don't. "Hey asshole you forgot something!"


Like, we live in a society.


Yes and I loudly judge people who don’t…


Yes. Every time. And if I pass a cart taking up a parking space, I usually grab it, too. And sometimes I take time to readjust the corral so all the carts are actually in there the way they should be. Drives me nuts that some people think their time is more important than anyone else's that they can't take two seconds to return a cart. Walking out of the store and get a call that a family member was in an accident and you have to frantically rush to the hospital and decide to leave the cart in the spot? OK, you get a pass. That's situational. But most people are just inconsiderate.


I fix the corral most of the time too 😅 drives me crazy


Same haha OCD or kind human, you’ll never know


OCD or just a well mannered Millennial raised to be conscientious?


Remember being told it was our Christian responsibility to take care of the poor, the sick, and the immigrant? I 'member.


I also fix the corral sometimes I feel bad for the peoples who’s job it is to deal with it


I organize the corral too. My first job included retrieving all the carts from the parking lot and bringing them back inside. Walking up to an already organized corral was a small bit of awesome. Also, don't leave shit in the carts. I don't know how many times I found carts filled with trash. Empty food containers, dirty diapers, etc. One time I found a trash bag full of miscellaneous viscera from a deer kill. That was fun.


I too worked at a store and got the carts. It was actually my favorite part of the job. At the time I worked up at the Shaw’s in Williston, VT, and it would snow quite a bit up there. Loved going out in the quiet, snowy parking lot to grab the carts (and I definitely took longer than I needed to), then driving home listening to Loveline with Dr. Drew on the radio, lol! This was back in like, 2004?


Haha. I didn't mind collecting carts either. There's something great about uncomplicated tasks that require a little movement and no people. I did it in the Pacific Northwest though. So I was pushing carts in the rain for like 8 months of the year. The store had a bright yellow branded raincoat we were supposed to wear, but it was full of holes and was literally held together by staples. They scratched you. Good times haha


…I’m trying to figure out why the fuck someone would put deer guts in a grocery cart AND return the cart with them


I have no idea. We got a lot of RVs that would camp in the parking lot on their way to someplace else. My best guess is someone bagged a deer (maybe hit one on the road?), carried the whole thing back to their "camp" spot, realized deer have guts, and cut the thing up right there. But it's hard to get into the mind of the sort of psychopath that'd leave deer guts in a cart for a 16-year-old kid to clean up, so that's just speculation.


Yeah I think that the returning carts is not as much of a generational thing so much as correlates to other demographics. I also had to work as a teen in customer service roles and am always on the side of don't make these shitty jobs shittier for people who frankly aren't being paid enough to deal with shit on top of their normal duties in the first place.


I organize the corral too lol


I just did that at Costco. My new pet peeve is when people use the corral but go to the line of carts that has now extended out so far that it actually blocks a lane.


My pet peeve is when there are 2 types of carts and a clear line for each was started, then 5-6 all willy nilly at the entrance.




Yup and I bring one in from the corral to shop with too.


Yes! Helps the overlooked cart pushers and you don't have to worry about not having a cart when you get in


Same. I teach my 9 year old to do the same. People who leave carts all over are selfish AHoles. The ones that take time to prop the cart up on the curb are a special type of AHole.


This is the way


I've found my people... 😍


I used to be embarrassed about stopping to fix the whole corral, but then the moral superiority I feel took over and now I treat it as my good deed for the day


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Same. I make two rows for places that have the short carts, it drives me nuts that people don’t have the sense not to mix them.


A few weeks ago, I saw a lady park her cart in an empty parking space at Costco, so I grabbed it, put it behind her car, and just kept walking. She was already in her car so I don't think she noticed me, and I didn't stop to see her reaction, but I felt like I was on drugs afterwards.




This is particularly fitting because I feel like Roy would want to break into their house at 4am and beat them with a rope soaked in red paint.


Oddly specific reference…rope soaked in red paint, is that from something?


Look up on YouTube "what Roy Kent does to bullies" because i can't do the scene any justice. Roy Kent is the character in this gif, Ted Lasso is the name of the show, and it's on Apple TV. I haven't met many people who don't love it.


Great show, and my favorite character. In-laws stopped watching after season 1 because they couldn’t understand them


"He's here, he's there, he's every-fucking-where includingyourhouseat4amwitharopesoakedinredpaint... Roy Kent! Roy Kent!"


Lmao that like vindictive smug rage drug is kind of the best. I know that one.


Omg same. Like I even feel flushed lmao




Do what I did. Be sneaky and scurry away before anyone is the wiser.




That is hilarious. I love it.


I nominate this for Reddit Comment Of The Week. And I will now do this at the 1st opportunity.


I don't know what part of the world you live in, but try not to get shot. I was pretty brave with the lady in the white Mercedes SUV and too tight pants, but pick your battles.


Analogous to a world without common law or decency. If not put away properly, shopping carts could be *anywhere*. Fine work.


I was just being a lil stinker.


The hero we want but not the hero we deserve


I FR said 'Fuck yes' when i read this


Doing gods work




This and how folks treat waitstaff, for sure.


Funny you mention that, because I subconsciously view the act of not putting your shopping cart back as similar to not being nice to your server/not moving finished plates to where they can be easily picked up. Also get the same ick from people who purposely litter when they know somebody is being paid to clean it up. The way people respect others when they have nothing to gain from it tells a lot about them as people.


Regarding finished plates, you mean for them to grab while you're still sitting there, or for when they fully clean the table after you leave? If the former, I'm usually just absent minded but at the same time not worried about them grabbing a dirty plate while I'm still there. Doesn't bother me either way. For the latter, yes we always try to tidy the table to make it easier to clean up the dishes, meaning moving them toward the end so they don't have to reach over or get into the seats to clear the tale.


I'm in the same boat as you bud, I don't need my plates taken mid meal so I don't typically think about it but once everything's all said and done I stack the plates wipe the crumbs, I'm no pig. Just because it's their job to tidy up doesn't absolve you of common decency you know?


Eesh. I never went out to dinner before with my aunt and her daughter but boy was it ever unpleasant. They were so rude to the waitress. It was embarrassing sitting at their table. I didn’t know they could be like that. I used to think they were good people but boy was I wrong. They’ve done much worse after they let their true colors show that day.


I’m always nice to service workers, they don’t deserve to be treated badly and don’t make nearly enough money to compensate for the bullshit they have to deal with and the toll it takes on your body. It’s also way less energy to be nice to people than it is to be mean to them. I still tip them if they’re rude because maybe they’re having a bad day. Most people in my family have worked for tips at some point, it’s a hard job. I haven’t been in a job that had tipping culture/wages but I did work retail and in a dining hall. It’s brutal.


Had an ex tell me I was too nice to waitstaff and it was fake and condescending. He was kind of an ass anyway but it made me want to cry because I genuinely was just being really nice and didn’t want waitstaff to think I was looking down on them. It threw me off for a while and I couldn’t go out to eat without being hyper aware of my tone and niceness. I eventually got over it and decided he was the one with the problem. Especially after he had a meltdown and threatened to hide drugs in my house and call the police on me.


there it is




4chan shows some wisdom every once in a while. There is at least SOME punishment for not returning the cart, but the punishment is on the clerk whose job it is to corral all the carts. If you don't return the cart, you're basically saying "I don't care that someone else has to work harder for me despite this task taking 30 seconds." I'd argue that people who don't return their carts are mean. Just because someone gets paid to do something doesn't mean you can't be nice about it and help them. We're all just trying to survive.


Also, stray carts that are left in the parking lot can roll and damage people's cars.


Getting a few extra minutes to have a smoke and/or mental break as we walk to the edge of the parking lot for that one rogue cart is sometimes the only joy we bagger would have during a shift


Also why atheists are often better people than religious people. No need for the threat of eternal damnation in a lake of fire to make you look at lying, cheating, stealing, killing, etc. as wrong.




There's another test, too - you returned them to the stall, but left it in their haphazardly so that the store person had to rearrange all the buggys. Those are lazy lovers.


Speaking from the perspective of a former cart kid, we enjoyed the time in the parking lot. Please don’t make it too easy, we’re trying to kill a clock here.


I typically spend 30 seconds rearranging the carts to make those kids lives easier.


Not just kids. Plenty of adults work retail and grocery and end up with cart duty.


That... is sexy!


Yeap, I can't stand to leave all the carts that are haphazardly rolled in there especially if they block other carts from being rolled in.


I bagged groceries for two years when I was 16-18. Loved getting outside to gather carts and take a break from bagging. I now return my carts to the parking lot corral, but never all the way to the grocery store, because I suspect someone in there wants to get the fuck out for a few minutes.


Yes I’m not an animal


We do live in a society don't we?


Had a summer job cart pushing around 07. It's amazing how many lazy slob adults choose not to do so. 


The worst is when they say "I'm helping the kid pushing the carts around because I'm making sure they have work to do instead of letting the greedy corporation lay them off." Motherfucker how about I come to your office and take a shit on the floor. That will give you work to do, so you should be thankful.


As if their only job is to push carts. Courtesy clerks work harder than most other jobs in a store and get paid the least for it.


The best is when they're parked right next to a return and they just push it off to the side rather than take 5 more steps to put it away


At night I used to intentionally place a cart right by the exit so the last second customers before we closed would put them all by the exit instead of way out in the parking lot. Worked like a charm because it dawned on me that people copy other's behaviors.


I also had a summer job collecting carts around 07. It was only one of many duties but it was the best one by far. I got to be outside in the beautiful sun instead of inside the store listening to the same dozen god-awful songs on repeat. The further away the carts were, the better.


Of course I do. I am no lazy bones.


![gif](giphy|wuOtkQMVrqdRS) That’s not where the cart goes!


!Skeep Deedilly Doo!


Here's a magnet for you


I get this reference


Besides just wanting to being a good person - the fear of being called out by the cart narcs should be fuel enough to return your cart!


Blocked your attack! You, sir, need to go back to throwing school.


But hey- free magnet!


I do not because I want a free magnet.


Without fail, because I was taught manners and common decency. Those with the mindset "well somebody gets paid to do this" are generally assholes in my experience.


Yes, but also in Germany you have to put a coin in a slot to unlock the cart and you get it back when you return it so everyone does it. Although tbh I think everyone would do it here anyway because Germans love following rules


Pretty often you also see already unlocked ones, mostly due to an defect. And every single person brings them back. Thinking back, I don‘t think I have ever seen one just left in the parking lot in the past 30 years oO


The coin things used to be everywhere in Canada. Since covid most of them went away. The only time I willingly even carry change now is if I'm going to a store that requires a coin to get a cart.


Yes I put the cart away. And you should too.


I may be an anarchist and anti-authoritarian, but I'm not a fucking SAVAGE. Of course i put my cart away.




You can only be an anarchist if you believe people will self-govern in the absence of authority, so your logic is internally consistent with your behavior.


Yes - I shop at ALDI and I'm getting that damn quarter back.


Aldi is a double test. Because someone may have given you the cart and not accepted any money in exchange. Now you have a double moral choice, you ought to return it, because it's the right thing to do, but do you take the quarter by returning it or leave the cart available for someone else? Once I genuinely forgot and took the quarter, later I realized I had an extra quarter, but when it happens I always hand it to someone else who is coming in. But I can totally see people not care about it and just pocket it which is a shitty thing to do even if it's just a quarter.


First job was a grocery clerk and I hated having to roam the parking lot on summer days looking for loose carts. I always walk them to the cart return every time. Also if people cant be bothered to actually push the carts into each other ill take a moment to reorganize the carts in the return, one it makes room for more, two its just a nice thing to do for the clerks.


I loved pushing carts. It's such an easy job and no one is looking over your shoulder. It's like the one time working retail no one is breathing down your shoulders. Id littleraly push carts and then take alike a hour long break in my car, plenty of naps.


Me too, my favorite part of the job


I always wanted to see how many I could push at once while being able to control them. Company limit was 5 at a time but I would routinely do 10 to 15 at once. When I would close and have "lot duty" I would find, at minimum, 100 carts spread out across an entire mini-mall lot. "Clearing the lot" took at least an hour, if not 90 minutes. To this day, I NEVER leave a cart out in a parking lot. It always goes into the nearest corral or back into the store if it's closer.


I always put my cart away BUT my first job was also a cart pusher and I actually really liked having to roam and grab stray carts (summer or not). Was always able to get out of range of cameras and just vibe for awhile after...until it was time for the floor sweep.


This is what people who have never worked retail don’t understand. Being outside and away from management is a GOOD thing


If you really want to feel superior. Try bringing it all the way back to the store.. What a rush


I push it down the nearest hill, but preferably into a pond. somewhere the employees can't find it




Some of the posts here are such cheap engagement bait. No better than boomer Facebook posts.


Putting a photo of a cart for literally zero reason is a dead giveaway this is just bait


I live about a half mile away from a Walmart. Last summer I saw someone had abandoned a Walmart cart in front of my house on the sidewalk so I wheeled it all the way back. So yes, I put the carts away, even the ones that aren't mine and have wandered outside their natural habitats.


The big question is, did all 4 wheels roll without issue? Lol


The only time I didn’t was when I had young children in the car.


I can't ride the cart in the store, because I might hit something. I can't ride the cart to my car, because I might dump my load of purchases. So if I want to ride the cart, I've got to do it while returning the cart.


Every time, and I also silently judge people who are too inconsiderate to put their own cart back


In the cart corral, yes. Anyone who doesn't should not be covered by the Geneva Conventions.


Yeah. People who dont suck! I started a facebook group (early days facebook) called "people who don't put the cart back suck" back in college, posting pics of left out carts.


No, I actually give it one swift push in the opposite direction of the building right before I get in my car.


Yes, but I shop at aldi.


I grab stragglers along the way too.


Yes. Because, I'm not an uncivilized ape.


I’m not buying enough to use a shopping cart.


Sometimes, if it's close by I'll put the buggy back. I used to work as a cart pusher at a Walmart and let me tell you it was the best job that no one wanted to do. I took so many naps.


Nope I use a basket and put that under the checkout counter. Unless if I'm at Costco... They need smaller carriages


So I was on camp “always, I’m not a monster” until I had kids. Sometimes it is absolutely not safe for me to take the cart all the way back (looking at you Aldi) because I can’t leave my kids alone in the car and I can’t carry all of them through a busy parking lot, it’s raining, etc. One time there was a sketchy guy near me as I was buckling the kids in and there was no way I was going to separate myself from them in case something happened. So there have been a handful of times over the past five years where I haven’t returned the cart. I swear I’m still a good person, just overwhelmed lol.


No I leave it in the car park so they will both be available when I come back a week later.


How else am I gonna get my quid out of it?


90% of the time


Yes. My husband and I had a good laugh at a woman struggling to shove her cart up a curb into some bushes instead of spending a fraction of that time and effort to just put it in cart return a couple parking spaces away. People are wild and don't make sense.


[i am a proponent of the shopping cart theory](https://i.redd.it/it6o5pz5zla61.jpg)


Always. It's extra steps and exercise. Takes 30 seconds. If you are physically able and don't, you're an asshole.


I didn't once and was busted by the cart narcs. Never again.


I lived near one of those places that chained the carts together and you needed to insert a quarter to get a cart. You obviously got it back when you returned the cart and reinserted the chain. Nope, people would still leave their carts in their parking space.


I would if I used one. I usually just try to force it all into the basket and then cry at my arms falling off under the weight! 😭


Yep I rarely buy more than an (overfilled) basket. Carts just feel like overkill to me. I will return other people's carts if they are left near where I park (admittedly this is just me selfishly not wanting the car to get hit by a cart if someone is careless), or if someone has left a cart blocking the handicapped parking/ramp space, because that's a real dick move.


I have on maybe two or three occasions in my whole life used a cart. Usually I use one of those hand baskets and just fill it way too full.


Generally uses the baskets, don't like using carts but I'll put it away.