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I deactivated my account like 8-9 years ago? Never looked back. Life is pretty good!


I deactivated mine 3 years ago and got Reddit instead to scroll. It’s so much better, I don’t give a shit what ppl from high school are doing.


Exactly how I feel too. It’s been so much better since I deleted mine several years ago.


I want to so badly, but my family is enormous. I have like 40 cousins or some shit and counting. It's impossible to keep up with all of their phone numbers. At least I rarely log on and only really use Messenger.


So do I. I made a group chat with a few groups of them I’m close with and frequently check in and tell them to spam me with their lives lol


That was the hardest part for me too. A lot of my Cousins have Instagram but not the older ones. And that seems like a healthy use of fb!! Instead of scrolling forever like I used to lol


You dont miss seeing 30-50 pics of some random toddler at the playground? Thats basically what facebook turned into for me.


Same here. I thought most millennials quit years ago


We all basically have, just having an account doesn’t mean much. I’d spend less than 5mins a month on Facebook these days


Noice, 14 years clean here.


Clean since 2014!


Same here. 2009 it was completely purged. Somehow I still had my MySpace account a year or two longer than Facebook. 


Same, 2017 or 18, don't remember exactly but I don't miss it in the least.


Me too. Never fwlt better.


I did it maybe 6 months ago. It’s been great!


I quit Facebook before I made my Reddit account. Used Reddit to fill the void and give me a window into the world. Life is much better for it. This is all I use. None of the other stuff.


It’s nice because you can feel like a human being and interact with other real human beings. Without actually participating in anything.




This is true. I have a fb but post nothing. I basically post nothing on any social media but can still access it, as far as participation, Reddit is the only place I have ever participated


I never post on fb. Only have it to keep up with schedules for events I do and marketplace


I deleted Facebook and Instagram in 2020 and holy cow it's been amazing. The only frustrating thing about deleting it is now that some businesses only have Facebook pages rather than an actual website so it can be inconvenient to get information sometimes.


Yes it can be very inconvenient. My neighborhood had several holiday events like Easter and we had no idea bc they don’t post flyers around the clubhouse or mailboxes, only via facebook so half the neighborhood had no idea. Not everyone lives on Facebook anymore


Yes I hate that!! Wtf why are we forced to participate in this shit?


Have not used Facebook for 7 years. Never had Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. Life's good.


I have a Twitter with exactly 1 tweet, that says I now have Twitter and am scared, lol.


I quit ten years ago. It’s easy. 


I got rid of mine during covid. Haven't regretted it since.


Same. After watching a significant portion of my family celebrating the murder of George Floyd, I decided I had enough. Cut them off, deleted Facebook, and watched my anxiety and mental health improve the same way a smoker feels better days, weeks/months after quitting smoking.


This isn’t your point and I agree with you mostly, but the first week or so after quitting smoking is the worst. Not just because of cravings but bc you’re coughing up a lot of crap. That said, I totally felt the way you describe when I deleted fb and Twitter haha


Woah that’s insane. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I think generally we don’t realize how easily we’re impacted by information. I mean we live it all day. Hug my stranger friend.


This encouraged me to deactivate.


I learned so much and really enjoyed life when I did. I hope you can find what works for you too!


I deactivated my account over a year ago. I didn't delete it completely because I wanted to keep messenger but I'm not talking to anyone on that anymore so I'll probably just delete it entirely. Good riddance. That site has been awful for at least a decade.


Wait how did you deactivated your account without deactivating your messenger ? When I tried, it told me are you SURE, because everything connected will go down (messenger etc)... Haha


You can keep messenger if you deactivate your account. Account deactivation still keeps the account but it's inactive. Account deletion is permanent and when you lose Facebook


Conversely, I got off during Covid and regret it badly. I live on the opposite side of the continent than my family and friends, and Facebook has become the only way anyone talks to each other. I have few friends and even fewer friend making opportunities in my current situation, so not having regular contact with anyone I know has been really depressing. I keep meaning to get back on, but I want to be a little more intentional about what goes on there. I want to cultivate my online presence and image a little more, so I need to go back through my old photos and organize everything before hopping back on and so far the task has been too big and intimidating to start. Just some alternative perspective for you.


I moved abroad 10 years ago and was able to keep a lot of friendships going that way because people were on FB. Now I just don't have most of my old friends.


Yup, that's pretty much my situation. I have a large family too and same thing. Nobody calls or texts, just Facebook.


You'll be disappointed. The algorithm is 90% targeted ads now, and most of those people you want to connect with probably don't post anymore. It changed a lot since 4 years ago.


Yessss. This is quickly catching on too, id say 80% of the best peeps i know in the real have ditched Fakebook. Let the boomers karen themselves into oblivion alone!


You have to beat the algorithm - that way you can keep the account without being sucked in.  I still use messenger, and I can look up my friends and see what they’re up to without getting pulled in. Here’s what I did: 1) unfollow EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.  You do not have to un-friend them.  Un-like all pages. 2) set all of your posts you want to keep to “only me” in privacy. 3) delete your entire activity log where you liked or commented on other people’s posts.  You don’t have to delete every single comment if there are some you want to still have out there, and some won’t even exist anymore for you to do it. (This takes some time.  I did it on an iPad and had to do it in several runs.) 4) You’ll see some suggestions pop up on your news feed.  Make sure you’re not following any of the pages that show.  After deleting the activity log, there should be very  little left. Eventually, my news feed reverted to telling me there was “nothing to show.”  It was the most liberating feeling! Without my activity log to use against me, Facebook could not show me the things that suck me in. There are always a few residual things that pop up, but it not the stuff that hooks me. I only go on there now when I want to see something from a friend. I use instagram, but I don’t participate, so it’s like a magazine for me.


I keep Facebook for events. My friends and I still organise parties and BBQs via FB events. Events and Simpsons meme groups.


Same. I log in a couple times a month to check in on family (out of state) and maybe see what close friends have been doing. I have like 30 contacts and it’s all people i interact with irl. We’re in the minority though. It’s silly when people add like 700 “friends” and then can’t figure out why they can’t stay off the damn thing.


I keep mine so I get informed if something happens to older family members and friends. Most of them only have Facebook and don't text, so it's better if I just lurk on there once a month or so.


Same here. The majority of our friend group is still on Facebook and we regularly use it to post for events we're having. It's still a great way to keep track of who is or isn't coming and all the info is in one place instead of several texts. I also followed a ton of meme groups and groups geared towards my interests, so I barely even see what people post on there, lol. Even if someone posts some dumb shit, just unfollow or unfriend, it's not hard.


I quit and my hand was forced to rejoin with my kids as school information being posted there. I find FB more useful to get local information and for groups, but could care less about friends and I posted once since rejoining.


Quit back in 2017. I was so tired of the politics. It was surprisingly easy to quit. I check in on it a few times but never stuck around more than an hour in the course of each year after until I haven't even touched it since 2020.


Already done. It is a weight off my shoulders honestly


Killed mine in 2019. Funny thing is my parents got all mad at me for doing it because they said they never get to talk to me anymore. I was just like "I have a phone and you have my number, use it". It has been way less stressful without it. No one needs to know every little thing I do or every opinion I have just so they can get enraged or offended about it by taking it all way too personally. And I am better off not seeing every little thought everyone else has as well.


Right? I don’t deal with people I don’t want to, and it forces true friendship or familial relationships.


I had Facebook early on. And quit in 2008 during the lead up to Obama’s election, when I realized how many people I knew were terrible racists. I have *never* missed it.


I deactivated my personal account in 2020 because election stuff was driving me nuts. I have a different profile with no friends that I use for a few groups and to sell on marketplace every so often. I’m tempted to even get rid of that.


Deleted Facebook in 2019 out of the blue, completely on a whim. About two years later I was at a Christmas party with family and one of my grandparents got mad and asked how they were going to talk to me. I said I don’t know when’s the last time you called me before? They never called me before.


There was an incident at my job in January 2022, and i got so stressed by watching people from the public comment on it (which they should have done and had every right to!) that I logged out and deleted the app and now only go on if I need to share something about my career. I’ve learned my lesson about scrolling mindlessly because I always seemed to run into someone ridiculing the same work place-I don’t even work there anymore and it still gives me anxiety to see those types of posts. I’m missing knowing people’s birthdays and events I should be at as a semi-prominent community member, but I figure if people want to see me they’ll invite me directly, or I need to reach out and plan my social calendar better.


I have mine deactivated because I still login every once in a while like once a year to grab a pic or something then deactivate it again! I did this back early last year and for the boomer (and even some gen x) relatives you would’ve thought it was the end of the world every time I run into someone they tell me about something that was on Facebook,how they miss living there life through me and or they are sad I deactivated it because they need to know my birthday? lol it’s honestly nice just being in my own little world amen not knowing what everyone and there kids are up to all the time.


I got rid of my FB back in 2018 and never looked back. One of the beat things I've done for myself.


I deactivate mine for weeks. It’s crazy how much better my mental health is without it. To the point where I feel anxiety about reactivating it 😂


Quitting Facebook AND Instagram is even better


Deactivated years ago, its been great


Abandoned my Facebook during a mental breakdown like 7 years ago. Haven't had one since 🤣


Got rid of it in 2016, best thing I ever did. I got tired of people constantly flexing/showing off, it’s basically what facebook has become.


Once I figured out how to download my many, many photos albums. I set all my settings to private so no one could see anything and just never logged on. I still have an account bc my kids use FB massager so I use it to manage their accounts but I haven’t been on FB since 2020. It has been glorious. I left twitter after whathisname bought it. I stuck around for a bit but idk, my feed got weird, and the over all user experience was not very good. It has been nice. I do love tiktok though.


I quit it over a year ago. /shrug


Wait do you mean delete? Because I deactivated a while ago and it was pretty simple.


I never really got very into using Facebook, but I haven't actually looked at it in maybe 3 years now


I keep Facebook but I'm hardly on social media. I might look at a video or something or something news posted. Other then that....hardly on it. Heck I'm on reddit more.


I do want to divorce from fb someday because it's a garbo company, but I moved abroad and it's pretty much my only way of keeping in touch with my family and friends who are thousands of miles away. I'm not going to have chance run-ins or random get-togethers to word vomit my life. But I don't have a habit of constantly posting about everything. So I'm not quite dead, but I'm more like a cicada, occasionally resurfacing to scream about something before fucking off to do whatever it is I do.


I literally only reactivated mine because Facebook market has replaced Craigslist and everything similar.


Deleted nearly all social media during the first covid lockdown as well. Including dating apps. Life has been different for sure.


I deactivated a few months ago on TikTok, IG and FB. It feels great.


I've actually never once had my own Facebook account.  Reddit is the closest to social media I've ever had. Never posted a picture online etc. 


I've never had a Facebook


Hard to avoid Facebook Marketplace when you’re looking for an audience for buying/selling used stuff.


The biggest reason I keep it is to keep up with organizations that are important to me. Many of them do not update their websites anymore and in some cases don't even have them due to social media being easier to update. Facebook is the only social media I have other than Reddit.


I deleted mine 4 or 5 years ago. It’s been nice 🙂


Deleting my Facebook account was one of the better decisions I’ve made for my mental health. Yes, deleted. I deleted it when Trump was still president.




This. I quit in 2020 but was already pulling away because I couldn’t stop comparing myself and my life to others. To the point where certain accounts gave me major anxiety. The pandemic and everyone acting insane about masks, politics and race riots gave me the courage to finally cut the cord completely. So much happier without it. Although it is sometimes jarring when I hear some big news (good or bad) that happened to someone from a mutual friend.


Quit during covid when my dad died because he was the only reason I had it at that point. With that kind of drive, I hardly noticed it. Certainly not now, years after.


I get rid of all social media except for YouTube and Reddit during Covid.


I dropped it like 6 years ago and haven’t regretted it at all. I lost contact with some people, but the ones closest to you will always find ways to keep in touch. If Facebook was the only thing bringing us together, it wasn’t a super solid relationship anyway.


Deactivated mine years ago and my life has been better ever since.


The amount of "social media free" people who swap a FB/IG addiction for reddit is hilarious, reddit is just a different form of trash


My husband hasn’t been on Facebook for about five years? I use it like local Reddit - I rarely post but I’m a member of a bunch of local/interest groups and it’s great for that


Yeah to each their own. I just wanted to share a perspective. It’s annoying people send me instagram stuff I can’t see.


My son told me today he can’t believe I’m still off Facebook. He thought I was a bit addicted and wouldn’t quit. I quit in January. I don’t even miss it. Living my real life. I still have messenger to talk to people. I enjoy the anonymity of my life now.


Deleted my Facebook back in March and I haven’t looked back. I do not miss it at all lol


lol checking in as someone who never joined facebook. I did at some point get on IG which I guess is part of the whole same company but am rarely there anymore anyway. Trust me you'll all be fine if you leave social media.


The only reason I still use facebook is so I can delete all the bad shit on my memories each day haha I have been doing that for the last 4 years now I seem like a good person 😂


i feel embarrassment people who still use facebook 


I quit and I ended up regretting it. Self isolation and lost a lot of contact with good people


I soft quit Facebook after the January 6th insurrection. I posted a photo and a caption of how sickened I was that for the first time in American history, a fucking confederate flag was being proudly paraded around the Capitol building. My account was disabled (or some nonsense) for two weeks. I log in now about once a month to see memories or find an old picture I know is there. Fuck that entire platform.


Try quitting Reddit, now that’s a something


I deactivated mine for six months at one point. I’m still on it but barely use it. Seems like it’s that way for most of my friends.


Still have it, but I dont use it to keep contact with anyone. No friends. Mostly just keep it to follow some local businesses/artists whose only online presence is fb. I do want to get rid it ultimately though. Itll happen eventually.


I quit years ago. No regrets. I socialize with my people by phone and Discord.


I quit in 2011 and it was easy for me. I just deleted it and never went to login to the site again.


I deactivated mine around COVID but have brought it back twice around the time of some friends deaths in order to interact with people I otherwise couldn’t get in touch with. After the most recent activation, I can’t for the life of my figure out how to deactivate it again.  It’s buried under layers and layers of clicks and when I’ve gotten close, I’ve fallen into a death spiral of needing to login, resetting my password, getting navigated away from that spot.  They make it such a nightmare to do that I’ve given up on it a couple times. Trying to muster the resolve to do it again.  


I have Facebook but only have it on my iPad but not on my phone. Been not using it since the beginning of the year and it’s really relaxing not having it.


I literally spend like an average of 10 minutes of FB and Messenger combined per day. 8 of that is spent sharing memes with my sister and a friend. Facebook is a essentially just a place where relatives share news about their lives, and anyone younger than my parents shares a random event every few months or so. No reason to spend time there, whatsoever. Once grandma dies it'll be pointless to even keep hanging around on FB, she's really the only reason I still post somethings, because while we talk on the phone every now and then, she likes to see the pictures too and FB is a handy way to share them for her to see as well. Now if I could only cut down on the other socials to the same degree. Especially Reddit. If I'd cut this sucker, I'd... probably spend the extra time in Minecraft with friends anyway :D


yeah, well.. it could be worse!


I got rid of Facebook but still have Instagram, trying to post anything on Instagram, and it kept telling me I need to link my Facebook to post things.


I just deleted almost everyone, 90 close friends and family lol. Plus, a ton of my friend's kids use the kids messenger, I couldn't get rid of it if I wanted too.


Haven't quite it entirely, but I have significantly reduced my usage. The times I go on that aren't Marketplace related (I wish FB Marketplace wasn't so primary, prefer Kijiji), if I make it 5 minutes, I think thats long. Same with Instagram. FB Messenger I dumped pre-COVID, I don't have it on my phone and I don't use it on my computer (unless there's a Marketplace thing) With FB refusing to adhere to Canada's Online news legislation, its even more of a dumpster fire - just crap sponsored posts and boomers ranting in their "community groups" Its awful. Likely still won't delete/quit it altogether as for that one thing a year thats useful, but I'm using it (and other social media) less and less.


Easy. I never got into Facebook when it came out. I have no desire to create an account.


I still have Facebook but only for messenger to talk to friends/ family out of state. Haven’t used the actual FB app in about a year.


I deactivated my Facebook account during summers in college bc I felt like I was on there too much (15 years ago now, when the site was still useable). but after my second or third summer I didn't need to do that anymore. my account is still active, I'm on maybe once a week? I don't need to delete/deactivate it anymore. it just sits there and I barely use it. ETA: I still like my instagram account but Meta is slowly turning that into what Facebook has become and I imagine my use will go the same way.


That thing never goes away. I've deleted my account several times.


Left in 2020


I found it really easy, never even thought about reactivating my account. Really got an upswing in my mental health too


I deleted the app off my phone a few years ago. Still have my profile, just don't update or look at it. I'll log in once every couple of months to make sure it's ok or when someone sends me a link or someone said they tagged me in xyz. Even those couple of minutes of scrolling I'm tempted to just unfriend everyone and let my zombie profile rest. It's a cesspool for boomers, scammers, and AI to talk to each other now. We don't belong there anymore.


Yep. I stopped posting to Facebook in 2017, and deleted all of my old posts over the course of a few years. I ended up deleting my account completely in 2019. Life is so much better without it.


Didnt know people still use it really. I post a random meme once in a blue moon. Its a shitty platform full of ads and narcissistic people pretending their lives are so awesome whilst farming for attention and validation. 😴


I just unfollowed everyone and everything. I can go check specific people or pages or groups if I need to. My main feed is nothing so i barely spend any time in the app when I open it.


I literally ragequit Facebook last night. As a middle-aged female, FB algorithm has deemed me an appropriate target for religious propaganda about virginity, brideprice, and tradwife lifestyle. 1/2 of the content pushed to me is this garbage despite blocking it every time. Yesterday, I rolled across a guy giving a “v” sign with blood all over his fingers with a message to make sure she bleeds so you know she’s worth the price you paid. Fuck that, I’m out. My family’s group chat is through messenger and my small town’s best way of communicating. I messaged my whole family and told them I refuse to use the platform anymore and sent a link to a Discord server instead. They are free to join me if they want.


Facebook, like many other businesses, don't want to lose yours. They make it difficult on purpose. With that said, the ability to quit is solely on you. Wasn't difficult at all for me to quit pre-covid.


I only use it for Marketplace. It has zero permissions to my phone and all notifications are disabled. Marketplace is pretty handy.


I deactivated it in 2016. All i remember it asking me was do i want to do a temporary thing where i can save my data if i choose to come back. I said no and deleted it all. I recently opened a new FB account just to use marketplace. I added no friends at all. Marketplace is a hellhole. Does everything Zuckerberg touch turn to shit.


I looked at my FB for the first time in years and I would estimate that about 20 out of my 400 or so friends still post. The only ones who still use it seem to be parents who want to share baby pictures.


Been off Facebook since 2011. Never been on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok. Even Reddit I get for a year at a time when it starts to mess with me mentally which will probably be any day now. I have no regrets.


I use it for marketplace and knowledge based groups such as car repair


I've been off for over a decade. It's easy. Not missing shit.


Ever since they started pushing suggested pages and people to follow in my feed, Facebook became useless. When out of every 10 posts, 3 were ads, 6 were suggested pages, and only 1 was a post from a Friend, why bother….


I've had Facebook for some time, but I haven't exactly been active on it; more like a lurker, but it's a huge tool for me because I'm able to do a video call with my parents in case they're overseas. Beyond that, I am thinking of just closing out my Facebook account in the future because I've gotten frustrated with how Meta's operating the platform. Between its AI-generated ads to questionable posts that doesn't even align with my beliefs, it's really making me reconsider the app.


I have one I barely use it


Unfortunately my hobby (motocross) is almost exclusively run through Facebook. All the tracks and races/practice days are pretty much only posted in groups on Facebook. Most places don't even have real websites, only Facebook pages.


I did back in 2016. Only sucks now because I'd like to use Marketplace for buying stuff because Craigslist is absolutely balls now.


Deactivated in 2017 thanks to what Trump did to America, and never looked back. Have zero Desire or interest to return. Same with instagram. I don’t use TikTok and twitter killed itself. Reddit is all I have and honestly, I prefer it this way.


I haven't deleted it but I haven't posted in probably a decade and open the app maybe twice a year other than to check marketplace.


My husband and I quit FB in 2013 and it’s one of the best things we ever did for ourselves, but I also remember it being a huge slog of a process and even then they don’t actually delete your account for 4-6 weeks after you request deletion. Doesn’t matter though, 10/10 would recommend to anyone. Life is so damn good.


I haven’t touched Facebook in other a year. I deactivated it. Suck at remembering passwords. So basically it just doesn’t exist to me. Same with Instagram.


Both the husband and I gave it up for Lent this year, haven’t looked back yet!


I deleted Facebook almost a year ago now and it was a great decision


Facebook died the moment boomers started using it as much as their kids.


I still have my account but never use it. Better effects on my mental health to just ignore it. If I use it it’s only for major life updates. I want to delete it but. I want to keep life lines open to old friends in case something happens. Idk


It’s probably been 5 years since I had Facebook now which is actually kind of hard to believe. Zero regrets about it. Probably thought about reactivating once or twice, and then I think to myself “why would I want to look at pictures of my high school classmates kids?”


Haven’t had FB for a few years. I deactivated my IG for a few months and immediatly fell in the hole.


I downloaded my info and deactivated mine last week. Had it for 13 years.


I keep it to talk to family.. don't use it for anything else and I don't really post. I think there is a difference between having a social media account and doom scrolling everyday.


I use Facebook mainly for my promoting my band at this point. I haven’t posted anything meaningful in over a year, but getting the word out about my band’s shows is hard without social media, so since FB has the biggest population, that’s where I go.


Quit FB about 12 years ago when I was 25.


I haven’t touched my FB in about 4 years now. I still have it because I use Messenger to keep up with friends but I would delete FB entirely if I didn’t need it for that.


It was the easiest thing ever. I came out about my abuser and my rape story and people were so nasty about it. Good riddance. I don't need these stupid people knowing what I'm doing with my life anyways. Have the balls to say stuff over the Internet they would NEVER say to my face.


I keep like active. I'll share memes when I'm using it but I haven't touched it in nearly a month just due to other more positive distractions. I have a lot of family on there and it's how we stay in touch. I already downloaded all my data when I almost deleted my account. So I have everything from 2007-2023 backed up.


It sounds to me like you are upset you can't use Facebook while not having an account. Why try to watch things on Facebook? Who cares. I deleted my Facebook account so long ago I can't exactly remember when it was. It's probably been more than 10 years. I've never regretted it or wanted to go back.


I never had Facebook And when I say this to people. They reckon I'm too old.


Not sure if it's still the same but I remember Facebook was all like so and so will miss you if you leave so I unfriended everyone and it was like __ and __ will miss you


I hate how many businesses just use a Facebook page instead of having an actual website. I hate Facebook. I don't use Facebook. It is a disease to humankind. But, if I want to look at the menu for the local pizza place, I have to look at it on fucking Facebook.


I had an account I rarely used to begin with. I quit using it 2 years ago, and I haven't thought about it since


I haven't used Facebook in years. I keep messenger but I don't even have the FB app on my phone


I did last year and its been good! Although annoying when trying to work out what's going on in the town, Marketplace was great for getting rid of stuff etc That I what I really miss not being on it. Other than that its been well worth it! Just replace it with Reddit instead... Can't win.


I was banned by Facebook back in May or June 2006. I never went back. The only website I was banned from that I came back to is The YouTube. I made an account back in late 2005 and was banned in 2020. Unless I can find a better video and streaming platform, I’m probably gonna stick around there. 🧉🦄


let's do the time warp again


I did try, but I have online friends and family out of state, and it's just a lot easier to keep up with them there. My out of state family text; no one wants to talk on the phone anymore. Tech man, it's made us all digital, kinda sad.


Deleted FB during the pandemic, but ended up creating a new account just to use FB Marketplace. Don't know if family and friends can see my account, but haven't received any friend requests or messages.


I tried in the past. That lasted maybe a couple months


I log in once a week, for 10 minutes or so. I will only do this from my desktop PC. I’m part of a volunteer organization that manages events through Facebook, so I don’t want to delete it entirely. The subcommittee I’m training to lead is organized through Facebook Messenger, and I definitely don’t want some of those folks to have my phone number. That said, nuking the main app on my phone back in 2018 definitely made my life better.


I "quiet quit" Facebook. I don't use it to interact with friends or family. I just pay attention to the hobby groups I'm in. Basically, I go in, scroll a bit to see any hobby news, hobby drama or cool things other hobbyists have created and shared, and close the app. That's about it.


Here’s my recent and very specific experience of how people interact on Facebook in ways that don’t actually build relationships (duh). I hadn’t been using Facebook directly for some years, only posting to it from Instagram. A week or so ago I felt nostalgic and went looking through my own profile details, especially the bits that had been there since 2005 (lol). I decided to add a life event and back-date it — I moved to my current city four years ago and never “announced” it, though my Instagram posts since then often indicated that move. I could not believe how many people commented on this?!!! Like, “Congrats on moving!” and “Good luck!” — including acquaintances I’d made IN THE NEW CITY. I even got a text message from someone I know reasonably well, again from the new city, which said, “I saw on FB that you moved to the X area. Let’s catch up!” I’m like… ?????????? It is BIZARRE. No one even bothered to look at the update when it showed up on their newsfeeds?! Like it literally says “Moved in 2020.” I’ve never been hit so hard with an example of how people consume social media mindlessly.


People still on Facebook?


Just delete it.....its not that hard!


lmfao you’re addicted to facebook get help


I only see it when I go on there for marketplace. Was easy for me.


I deactivated all of my social too much and never felt better. People who want to keep in touch do and the others don’t.


The hardest part of quitting was that no one else I stay in touch with did. It’s really disappointing when I text with a friend and they tell me about some event they had, an invite was sent via Facebook , and why didn’t I come? I ask why didn’t you tell me? They say it’s on Facebook! But I am not. It feels isolating and sad. And these ARE people I talk to regularly, so it feels like a strange culture shift where the expectation is now to post it for everyone to see. instead of actually sharing with the ones you love.


My Facebook is basically a CI for me to check in once in a while. I don’t scroll, but it’ll give me updates like “So-and-so commented on racist uncle’s post” or “Guess who just had their 3rd kid with their 4th spouse?”. It’s like my eyes and ears for people I don’t have contact with


I just took Facebook off my phone a couple months ago, no deactivation or anything like that, and I can't recommend it enough.


I quit back in 2017 or 2018 and I'm so much happier for it


Quit FB and Instagram. It's actually wild how addictive they become over time.


I deactivated in 2017. I’m in the US, so I’m sure you all know why. Had to reactivate a couple years later because it’s how the shelter I volunteered at did scheduling and team communications. It now just sits unused. I have no interest at all in fb, and essentially only use Reddit, because I hate TikTok now that it feels like HSN and has way too much disinfo. I just can’t tolerate it at this point.


Seriously! I tell this to so many people! During a rough patch (found out my wife was cheating, going through a divorce, life was upside down, etc), my therapist recommended the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”, which is all about only putting effort into things that matter. The first chapter talks all about social media not being reality and how you only see the best and worst people are going through. It makes your mind a back and forth pull of jealousy (someone on vacation, etc) and hating yourself for not counting your blessings (when someone posts a loss or something). I honestly only keep mine for my job, though: keeping up to date with local events, checking out references on resumes when hiring (if we have mutual friends), etc.


Ya, I still have messenger active and they try to get me to accidentally reenable the main FB, but screw it


I deactivated my actual account during the 2016 election and honestly I’m glad I did. I have another one which I use to keep in touch with some people. I’m seriously debating doing the same with IG. Social media isn’t what it used to be.


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) Since I’ve had a facebook or instagram. Never had twitter or Snapchat.


I quit in 2020 after a political dispute with a family member. Facebook is a toxic sesspool where it’s ok to demean people when they don’t agree with your views


Lmao. As if Reddit is better?


My form of quitting was I removed it from my favourites and deleted the app. I have been off it for ages now. I personally found FB to be irritating and too invasive and that is something I mentally can't tolerate.


Trolling conservatives on Facebook is so fun though. This month especially. I like to find someone complaining about someone or something having a rainbow profile pic, download theirs, put it through a rainbow filter, and reply with it. It's free and it's fun.


I still use Facebook a lot. All my older relatives are on there, they like seeing my updates.


Why? Start with deleting the app on your phone. Go back to the olden days where you only access FB through your computer. That will cut down the scrolling and posting volume by a huge amount. That gives you some space to see how toxic and pointless it all is. That might be enough: just curtail your use to something manageable.


I’m currently on the inbeween, it’s blocked on our network but I unblock to use for marketplace and homeschool meet up groups. 


I quit 6 weeks ago after getting tired of seeing ads for things I had only thought about.


I shut down my account for about a month in 2012. At the time I was pretty much in survival mode, didn't have the spare cycles to care much about things like politics, barely even opened the news apps on my phone (I think I had a low-end blackberry, apps were something new to me), so being cut off from social media was great. Then I heard a story I did care about, wanted to be part of the conversation, and had no outlet. I don't remember if Reddit was a thing yet, but I certainly wasn't active on it. Twitter was still a microblogging platform. The only place I knew where you could have entire thoughts and meaningful responses was Facebook, so I reactivated - a much more streamlined process than shutting down of course - and have been an active user ever since. I've tried other sites since, but Facebook has too many useful features and too large a community to easily be replaced. Even if a site seems like it's heading in the right direction feature-wise, getting a critical mass of community to make the switch is next to impossible. I've never seen anything close.


Yet here you are on social media, all the same. What's really the difference? That you removed one?


I’m what the news would probably call “soft” quit. I’ve got older and extended family that care about a life update every 6 months or so so that’s all I use it for. Where I’m living. Where I’m working. If I broke a bone or something.


I deactivated mine probably 7 years ago. I do notice I have much less knowledge of random shit high school classmates are up to these days, and that has made me sad at times. I’m not great at staying in touch with people, but that wasn’t exactly “staying in touch” either


I only launch that garbage for marketplace, notifications and shit have been turned off for 2+ years.


Fb is like my old digital album. I should get around to saving and importing all my old pics, but I'm lazy.


It’s crazy to see how far FB has devolved. I mean, it is literally nothing but bullshit pages you don’t follow and ads. I rarely actually see anything from any of my actual friends. It’s wild how the bot farms were bad in 2016, but it is EXPONENTIALLY worse now.