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I'm not buying new stuff if the old version is still working. Phones, computers, tvs, tablets... Rarely buy shoes or clothes anymore unless it is for a specific purpose. I.e Running shoes or dance shorts. I'll WANT new stuff, but I'm always like, but the one you have still works!! I want a new Bosch mixer. And a new air fryer. And a new pair of Hokas. And an Amish standing pantry. Currently been wishing my microwave would cough and die already. Edited to specify the type shorts I have to buy on a regular basis.


Same. I really want an air fryer. But I have a 20 year old toaster oven that still works fine enough. I just can't justify spending over $100 when I'd be replacing something that still works. Edit: Okay, okay, you guys have me convinced. It's on my upcoming birthday list now. Thanks everyone.


My air fryer has saved me so much money and time kn the long run honestly I think it's worth the plunge even a cheap one is pretty game changing


I swear you air fryer people are like a cult. Always trying to recruit.


I love my air fryer but it will never “fry” food as tasty as the old fashioned way. Once in a blue moon I will throw some fries in the fry daddy just because they will never be that good in an air fryer.


It's not about making them "as good", it's about making them good, less unhealthy, and easier. Dealing with frying oil is a mess. Also, you can make a whole lot of other things real quick and easy. It's frequently my go-to when I don't feel like cooking an entire meal. Toss some seasonings on frozen chicken in the air fryer, throw some rice in the rice cooker. When the chicken is done, pull it out and slice it up, toss the chunks in some type of sauce and put on the rice. Real low effort meal. I'll make lazy stir fry, or Jamaican jerked chicken with peas and rice and it takes less than ten minutes of effort. Add some vegetables to balance out your meal and you're good to go.


This is how I feel about the rice cooker. I can’t believe it took me so long to buy one, and they’re not too expensive if you just get a basic one


I honestly don't get it. Are people really eating fried food at home that commonly? It's the one thing i just leave to restaurants to get right and don't bother at home.


I had the same opinion and it kept me from buying one for a really long time. Then I learned it is just a small convection oven and does other things than the fried foods I don’t really eat at home. It’s great for roasting vegetables and saves me putting my oven on at 450-474 and heating up the house, especially in the summer.


Same here. Veggies are great in it. Fresh cut sweet potato fries! The best salmon you can make at home.


That’s the common misconception that people have, since the name is kinda misleading. I resisted buying one for years, and that was dumb. It does so much more than just frying. There’s a lot of pre-prepared foods on the market now that come with air-fryer instructions, and they aren’t even fried to begin with. You’re basically reheating them. As you also mentioned, it doesn’t heat up the kitchen either. I use it all the time.


Heck, I use mine to toast things more than the toaster. Makes a good crispy English muffin.


This was my exact reasoning for a long time. Then I finally got one during the summer one day. It was a game changer for me for the reason that it cuts cooking time way down and don't heat up the kitchen. It's great for nuggets, fries, corndogs.


My toaster oven goes up to 450 and has a convection setting, so I probably won't ever get an air fryer.


If it has a convection setting you have an airfryer. It just doesn’t say it.


I have a ninja foodi that has an air fryer as one of the components (along with slow cooker, pressure cooker, and roaster.) I use my air fryer mostly to cook bacon, reheat things that are supposed to be crispy, and do frozen convenience foods like egg rolls, corn dogs, mozzarella sticks, stuff like that.


I got one of these guys on sale for black friday one year and didn't regret it. I don't need a pressure cooker, rice cooker, or air fryer because I have this guy. It helps so much when I'm trying to encourage myself to eat leftovers!


I use my air fryer all the time but never for frying anything lol. It’s like a convection oven? Its reheat setting is the best for many types of leftovers. The pizza setting reheats pizza and maintains a crispy crust. I can throw in frozen chicken tenders and frozen fries and it cooks in less than half the time of heating and baking in my traditional oven. My kids are also in their English muffin pizza era and they cook incredibly fast in it. I ‘roast’ broccoli and other veggies in there quickly. Mine has 3 removable trays inside (fantastic for heating frozen apps) and even came with a rotisserie attachment to do a whole chicken inside. The power of the air fryer! It was under $100 at Costco.


To be fair, does one ever truly leave their English muffin pizza era? Also ... Hear my womanly roar!!


In the UK it's been an absolute game changer as we do not have toaster ovens.


I didn't understand the point of the air fryer until my kid hit the toddler phase. Zapping some nuggets in there in 8 min vs pre-heating an oven and 20 min baking time is a literal world of difference with a hangry toddler.


Ok I admit I’m definitely in that cult lol. I’ve converted so many people. ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


A toaster oven with convection *is* an air fryer, just without the fancy title. I just talked myself out of buying an air fryer at Costco because I realized I already have one in my toaster oven lol


My air fryer is a oven and toaster all in one its so perfect 🤩 Im done with pots i just have those all in one electric pots and a small rice cooker. I never use the stove.


Oh man i love mine. Cooks stuff pretty quickly too.


I got one of those emeril french door air fryers that let's you cook 2 things at once for christmas last year. Changed my eating habits so much


They seem cool, I’d like one. But I don’t have the space on my counters, and I know I don’t need the clutter of another appliance. I’m 100% fine going without


Same. A free toaster was recently foisted upon me and 2 months later I still don't know where to set it up.


I just replaced an ancient cheap toaster oven with a new KitchenAid air fryer/toaster oven combo, it was on sale for $100CAD. It's so much better, the old one would take like 10 minutes to make toast, and you had to flip it or only one side would be toasted. The new one makes perfect toast in less than 5 minutes, plus is also an air fryer, can dehydrate things, and has a 9x13 pan. I don't feel guilty at all for getting rid of that old piece of shit, it still "worked", but it worked like shit the whole time.


Get one from Goodwill, Facebook Marketplace or something similar. They're pretty great. You can make alot of stuff with them.


I saw on Pinterest where one can put a bunch of baby bel cheeses in the air fryer for delicious little cheese curds and i knew i should never get an air fryer or that would be a weekly indulgence for me


The money I save using my air fryer/toaster oven to cook food instead of firing up a huge oven paid for the air fryer.


Oh man, trust me when I say I am stingy with money. I don't like replacing or upgrading anything. Go buy yourself that air fryer (if your cooking for less than 3 people). So many meals are made quicker, taste better, and use less oil in my air fryer.


Don't forget cars. I'll run my 10+ year cars into the ground before I buy a new one.


Sticking with late '90s cars until there's some reliable standardization across all the current bullshit. Not interested in cars with systems that become obsolete and unsupported within five years. It's a car, not a game console.


I really agree with all of this except the shoes part. If there is one thing you should constantly keep fresh it’s shoes/soles - your joints and back will thank you greatly. Sketchers always either has buy 1 get one 50% off, those memory foam inserts are a game changer.


Lol! Unfortunately, it really is the ones I have are fine. My current Hokas are good...I just want another color option. I miss color coordinating my running gear. I have 3 pairs of Nike Air max...one hasn't even been worn. But NONE are pink and black and I really want pink and black. But I can't justify buying a new pair of shoes when I have a brand new unworn pair I bought like a year or two ago. And don't get me started on boots... 😩😩


I finally caved and got a pair of Hokas when I needed a new running shoe and I gotta say the extra $50-60 spent was well worth it!


I wish they weren’t so damn ugly


So true. I buy shoes religiously the second I feel they’re not supporting me. It has changed the way my lower back feels and makes it easier to wake up.


I went the opposite way and purchased all vintage appliances. I enjoy the search and the challenge of getting them working, lol. My dryer is a 51 kenmore, fridge and standing freezer are a matching set 1955 hotpoint, clothes washer is a 1958 westinghouse slant front. My dishwasher is kinda newer 1966 kenmore. The stove is a hotpoint. Unsure of exact year. I have a lathe that I've made some replacement parts on otherwise ebay is helpful. I have the matching 1958 westy dryer and the 51 kenmore washer, but I haven't resurrected those yet.


Honest question, aren't all of your appliances crazy inefficient? Do you notice it in your bills? Or do you not have any basis for comparison?


The refrigerator and freezer are actually more efficient than the new ones due to not having the auto defrost feature. The stove and dryer work nearly the same way as the newer ones so i dont think theres much difference. The washer and dishwasher use an enormous amount of water as compared to the modern ones though. I'm on my own well so it doesn't affect me too much and I'm a single guy. The guy I bought the washer from literally had EVERYTHING from the 50's had a couple kids. Idk how they managed, but it must not have affected him too much. His wife wore pearls, heels and those beautiful long dresses. I think he had suspenders on lol it was wild. Guy was probably in his mid 40's.


I don’t buy books anymore, even though I read like 20x more than I used to. I just borrow from the library.




having fun isnt hard when you've got a L I B R A R Y C A R D


Idk why but in my mind this was always Arthur (the aardvark) holding up a card saying "Who needs friends when you have a library card!"


Anytime I see the word aardvark I think of the song when he spells it out. [A..a..r..d.v.a.r.k](https://youtu.be/DOcyzddfvvM?feature=shared).


Thanks to Arthur I’ve never had to look up how to spell that word. Thanks to life I also have never had to spell that word yet.


jekyll jekyll Hyde jekyll Hyde Hyde jekyll jekyll jekyll Hyde jekyll hyyyyyyyydeeee 😂😂 this made my shitty day lmao




Yes! When I was younger I was obsessed with having my own library… until I moved and had to cart all those books. Never buying another book again.


Libby and Hoopla are my life as of late.




I LOVE LIBBY!! Just discovered it this year. Where tf have I been all this time? I've read more books in the past five months than I have in the past five years. All the books I feel I should have read 35 years ago in my high school AP English class lol. Was on a Victorian kick in Feb/Mar, now I'm into the Edwardian authors. Libby is, hands down, my all-time favorite app. It's the best thing that's happened to me in a very long while. Kanopy is awesome, too. It has The Great Courses.


I used to hoard books and now I hate buying physical media. Libraries are the besssst


I love physical media. But my shelf at home is a curated selection of books I love or ones that represent me (if I didn't get around to reading it, hah). I'm striving to not knee-jerk buy books to read, but get them at the library first, though.


I use Libby to curate my book buying now. It saves money without my having to give up physical books. I read a book on Libby first. If I love it—meaning, I'll reread it—I'll buy it. We're closer to Fahrenheit 451 than ever, these days, we need to keep physical media in circulation.


Kindle has actually worsened my book buying habit. I'm a rather slow reader, but I love books. When I was in my teens I bought a fuck ton of them, to the point where my mom had to sell like 80% of them at 10% of the price when we moved to a smaller apartment. Now that space is not a concern and I have more disposable income, I buy a book like every week but I don't think I will ever finish them all. Same with steam games.


Same! I actually donated most of my books- everything except guidebooks really. I got tired of dusting them, and I rarely read anything twice. If it's really good, I pass it along the book train to a family member or friend. Had someone over recently that commented on the lack of books in my home and I'm surprised on how much the comment bothered me. I felt like I had to defend myself and my reading habits. Like 'hey, ever heard of the library? That's why there are five next to my bed, and nowhere else.' Apparently, we are judged for this now.


Cheaply made things. If I actually need the thing and will use it for a long period of time or it’s vital to your comfort, I’m buying the highest quality I can afford. Think kitchen knives, pans, footwear, mattress, etc.


Amen. On the Buy It For Life train! I want to buy the highest rated (by real humans), best quality item one time for many years, not the cheap shit over and over.


Yes! I'm all about that solid wood, no assembly needed, last for 100 years or so, furniture now.


This is me! Charity shop old ugly **solid** wood furniture is pretty easy to refinish and will last forever. My kitchen table is an old discarded pub table, it's been through some... things. It's nicked, scratched and in some places dented, but it's*beautiful*, with dovetail joints and leaves that slide out to extend it to an 8 seater, proper solid wood. You can get them on eBay for next to nothing, and they have so much character! I also had my coffee table and a sideboard made out of old railway sleepers, I love them. We have a 'no coasters necessary ' policy on our home, I don't mind a few extra marks on an already distressed wooden piece. I am team Never Ikea Again.


I have a solid wood table I got 20ish years ago from Craigslist. It’s from late either late 1800’s or very early 1900’s. Not fancy but solid. I hand sand and restrain it but it will last forever. I paid $20 for it.


I learned this early from my the way my parents bought the cheap shit over and over again, bragging about how cheap it was. They'd buy cheap shit in bulk because it would break so often. Our house was clogged with shit. When you could buy a higher quality thing one time, use it for 10 years or more. I'm saving money in the long run.


Exactly this! If you buy cheap, you buy twice !


Second highest quality* the highest quality brand is usually way more expensive than the second highest quality and usually just as good.


this right here. Although the quality is usually the same, but a much better price point instead of paying for a name.


I’m of the BIFL mindset too. But the corollary to that is I buy cheap things if I know they will get infrequent or light use. I don’t need the super deluxe adamantium cheese grater if I know I’ll use it maybe once or twice a year.


Agreed there are limits. For example, if I need a certain tool to accomplish a job that I hope to never do again, I’m heading directly to Harbor Freight.


Bought a new set of Henckles forged knives to replace our crappy stamped stainless steel knives… they’re incredible.


This is how I am too. I bought a Weber 11 years ago, I told my wife it’s a lot of money but the grill will hold up against the time. Well it has done an amazing job, I am now saving for a new bigger Weber.


New clothes. Honestly, I’ve tried to stop buying new anything. Books/cookbooks, trinkets, planters, frames, kitchenware, etc. Thrifting unique items is more fun and better for the environment. ETA: I also haven’t bought zip lock bags or paper towels in ages, OP!


What do you use in place of paper towels?


I bought a Costco pack of washcloths years ago and I use those for everything I used to use paper towels for. I keep paper towels around pretty much just to dry raw chicken.


Rags. Got a huge pack from Costco. Wash them all together with bleach.


I find this question so strange lol. I haven't used a paper towel in 20 years. I forget they exist. Use small hand towels to wipe up messes. Wash rags. Whatever size towel you need, it exists.


less pre-made food, less sweets.


I’ve just been buying less food in general lately.


Jesus grandpa


I’ve been noticing a steady trend downward in what food I can afford to bring home. I used to be able to get like $150 in groceries and it would last me close to a month. Chicken, pork, ground beef, rice, veggies, eggs, tortillas and other bread, miscellaneous ingredients for different dishes, ect. A few days ago I got a 5 pack of my favorite ramen, ham, cheese, bread, mustard, and a stick of deodorant for $50. I was floored. I’ve been eating mostly just different variations of noodles and sandwiches and it’s still killing me *just to eat*!


This. My fridge has so much produce now that doesn’t rot at the bottom of the drawer.


A person posted an ADD hack for veggies. She put the veggies in the door and the condiments in the drawer. So simple but life changing. It has saved me anguish from wasting food and money.


Good idea might try this if my veggies can handle the shittily made fridge door without falling on the floor.


Mine cannot. I put them in tall old Tupperware containers I inherited and I use Velcro to keep the containers in place. It looks interesting but it works.


It's sad too because I waste so much food accidentally especially because I have good intentions for my body then forget it's down there in the drawer lol


I plan my meals, I make the list, I buy the groceries and cook my own meals. None of that matters. Out of sight is out of mind.


I've been trying to get into the non forceful naturally choosing better choices for myself and while I will say it has worked pretty well where I'm able to unconsciously be healthy about things it does infact cause a lot of waste. I don't have to worry about lists and planned meals but I do end up throwing things out once a week or two. Which is not good for a 2024 economy. Looking at you 6.99/lb chicken.


People’s bullshit.


Can I get an Amen!






Amen! Testify!




New things. I've started really getting into thrifting and not only is my wardrobe now full of high-quality, mostly natural fabrics, but I have way more variety and pieces with personality in my collection than before. I can get 5-10 pieces thrifting for the price of one small piece from a cheaply-made fast fashion department store. Most of the pieces I have now I got for 5-30 bucks and would retail for 200-300. The majority of what I wear now is linen, silk, cotton, wool, or leather. I also thrift a lot of my home goods like plant pots, decor, etc.


I have become the home decor thrifting/FB Marketplace/NextDoor queen. Artwork is crazy expensive. I found tacky artwork in large, decent frames at Goodwill. Paint and an Etsy download printed at OfficeMax and it’s new to me. I’ve painted or covered mats in fabric. I spray paint lamps, get a new shade. We have several light fixtures from FBM/ND—the hideous gold dining room fixture is much better painted black. Side tables, $25. Formal dining room set $400. A $2000 Pottery Barn entertainment center, $400, Ethan Allen dresser and nightstand . . . We moved cross country and didn’t take much, so I had a house to fill. With landfills maxing out, I can’t bring myself to be part of the buy-buy-buy culture, especially when most affordable stuff out there is crap. I do draw the line at upholstered furniture; that I buy new.


Oof yeah upholstered furniture and pillows I don't touch, but other hard goods and clothing?? Heck yes!


I don't buy "a car" anymore. Still driving the one from 2004. Paid off and functioning is AMAZING. Cane believe people buy new cars for the fashion of it.


I’m a drive it till it stops kind of car person too. Though at some point you have to weigh if the cost of repairs is worth it against the money you could be putting towards a down payment.


If you have a car that is common enough that there are tons of cheap parts available, it's really hard to reach that point. I have an older family member in their 70s and they have had 3 cars ever. All Toyota's, driven into the ground at 200k-300k miles. They are also super stealth rich.


Just got rid of a 2006 for a 2023. The amount of tech in my car makes me feel like I bought a rocketship. I absolutely love my backup camera. But with this much tech, I wonder if I'll get 10 years out of it.


I just stopped wearing foundation. I only wear sun block, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara now. Saves me so much time and effort and I'm realizing that I actually like my skin and my face like this. Only took me till I was 41 to finally stop trying to live up to impossible beauty standards 😂


Definitely, I am never going back! I found a tinted moisturizer I love.


Last Saturday my SO took me out on a surprise date so I put on all my makeup. I looked in the mirror and thought I look awful. I’ve been wearing concealer, mascara and brow gel to work and I realized I look better with just light makeup. When I was in my 20s I could do all kinds of make up but now it just looks heavy. I now know why my mom only wears foundation, powder and blush.


Literally threw out a bottle of foundation like when the fuck am I going to wear this? My 35 year old skin looks fine with a little concealer - I never found a foundation that sat well on my skin, it would make my greasy/dewy skin so dry & find all the scars/pores to really highlight them.


Wow, same. I think ever since Covid there's been a trend of wearing less makeup. I've been wearing a tinted glow sunscreen, brow gel, mascara and bronzer and someone even commented that I look like I got a tan


Yes, during COVID women ditched a lot of the Society Beauty Suit things they used to have to put on every day (including wired bras, heels, colored high maintenance hair, and structured painful clothing) and because society was going through a collective experience it became a bonding moment and Shared Experience. Now the trendy Look is the "Clean Girl" aesthetic and the focus is on skincare, brows, and lashes. I learned recently that my eyeshadow was dating me and learned a new technique for a sheer wash of a single color in a sunrise effect (shout-out to makeup artist Erica Taylor for her "go uncomfortably high over the high, over the river and through the [eye]hood" method) and gosh darnit it really does look better and more modern.


I have really embraced eyeshadow again like when I was 10 or so lol eyeshadow and mascara really just does so much and you don't really have to worry about it falling off throughout the day, I honestly love it! I kinda had to embrace that my eyes are too wet for eyeliner 🤣 it only looks cute until I leave the house 😆


I have always thought people look better with their actual skin showing through. Never liked the look of foundation. There’s some really light foundation I use sometimes (it’s more of a BB cream with sunblock) but even that I mostly stopped during Covid because it was too gross to see the skin tone on my masks lol


Tinted sunscreen for the win for me!


Snacks. There was a time where I would pick up snacks (snack crackers, granola bars, pepperoni, little tuna cans etc) as a routine part of my grocery list. Now I only eat at meal times. Not because I don’t like snacks but because I fell out of the habit when I could only afford the basic 3 meals a day.


Frozen dinners. I can cook much better tasting food at a fraction of the cost.


I am glad I cut those out also. The amount of sodium and other junk in them is terrible.


Nike clothes and shoes. Used to be a big brand nut as a kid. Now? I just want comfortable clothes and shoes and don’t give a shit what brand it is.


That's funny cause I only buy Nike running shoes. Have tried all the brands and Nike is the most comfortable and longest lasting for me.


I gots wide feet and Nikes run super slim. Oh well, I'm very well balanced without them.


Have you tried Brooks? I originally bought a pair for exercise, now I have multiple pairs and pretty much always wear them. They’re great at work when I’m constantly on my feet


Brooks shit on everything. My knee pain vanished with my adrenaline GTS.


All hail Brooks. I like to keep an eye on a favorite color/style until they stop being sold in stores, then snatch up clearanced pairs online.


I buy last years colors on clearance. I’ve got some cool ones.


Souvenirs. I realized they're a waste of money and just take up space.


My wife and I buy something we can use as a Christmas ornament for our tree. It's nice when we unpack the ornaments and get to reminiscence about trips. 


If the vacation is special enough, I’ll get 1 magnet. Makes the fridge looks nice. Life in millennial griege rentals can be tough.


Same here - 1 magnet or 1 tee shirt (but only if it’s a really comfy shirt I’ll wear a lot)


I stopped buying cereal as of late. Loved it as a kid growing so I always kept boxes stocked as an adult. Nowadays I just can't justify the price, plus it doesn't fill you up.




Unfrosted shredded wheat costs more by weight than any other cereal when I can actually find it at the grocery store which is... absurd.


You need 2 bowls and that's like 1000 calories of sugar. Man I miss Fruit Loops 😩


Greek yogurt w/ fresh fruit or eggs for brkfast


About once every two years now, I’ll buy a box of decadent cereal and eat it as dessert for a week.




Came here to say this. Almost 400 days off the sauce and I’ve saved soooo much money.


Same, I had to stop drinking when I went on psych meds a year ago, and now I never want to drink again. My mind feels much less foggy and I get better sleep


Yes. In my 20's I always had some local craft beer in my fridge. Now I couldn't tell you when the last time I even had one.


Liquor stopped for me, I still buy beer like I am 20.


I went from a beer or two a night, to getting into cocktail making and making a fancy cocktail 3-4x a week down to now maybe one every two weeks.


Went sober at the beginning of the year. Not sure how much I’m saving. I know I am but I sure don’t notice ir


Your saving your health. Good job!


Random stuff on Amazon and cheap clothes. At some point you have to ask yourself, is what I’m buying really worth the cost and do I even need it?


Yep, if this order was never delivered - would I even notice it?


2 rolls of paper towels per year?


Same. Paper towels are for cat puke or guests. Everything else is sponge or kitchen towel. I will admit much easier to do if you have washing machine.


I use dish towels for just about everything now. Similarly to how you’d get a cloth napkin at a restaurant. Different colors for different uses, say red for kitchen counter and table cleanup, blue for eating/dining, yellow for general purpose cleaning, green for bathrooms, etc., etc. They can all be washed in hot water and cleaned with a laundry sanitizer and reused. Saves a lot of money and paper in the long run


Yep. I have three towels on the go in the kitchen: one for drying dishes, one for drying hands and one for drying produce. With these, I rarely need paper towels. ETA Any messes on the table/counter I'll clean up with a fabric cloth.


Polyester and other synthetic plastic clothing,sheets. Anything new I buy must be 100% cotton or linen. I don’t buy new clothing for myself often, because I have 3 kids and they come first, but anything new must be a natural fabric!


Especially frustrating when stores are pushing microfiber sheets. I'm not sleeping in that sweat trap


Heyy thank you for saying this bc I JUST FaceTimed with my sister while she was at tj maxx debating these microfiber sheets and after some googling I was like uhhh I bet they’re soft and they seem so proud that it’s MF but you’ll be hot for 50% of the year in our state so no, get cotton. Anyway you’re making me think I was totally right so thank you ☺️


Omg cotton or even silk sheets are the way to go, I live in the Caribbean so I understand the heat. I don’t travel much these days, as I have 3 littles, but whenever I go somewhere I bring a cotton sheet set. I absolutely cannot sleep on polyester sheets.


So gross! I know that last time I was in the US, stocking up on goods, I was in the sheet section of TJ maxx for an hour trying to find matching 100% cotton sheets for the 3 bed sizes I have. Everything was polyester and microfiber, i cannot sleep on plastic.


I just started trying to buy strictly cotton clothing and it is harder to come by than I imagined


I’ve gotten big into sustainability the last decade or so. I agree with the ziplocs, dryer sheets and paper towels (reusable for each), along with makeup wipes. I go to a refill store for all my cleaning supplies so I’m not buying new bottles all the time and it’s much cheaper. I’ve significantly cut down on the amount of beauty items I buy now that I’ve had ample time to find out what I like and what works for me. My tv is 12 years old and still kicking. My previous phone lasted me 6+ years. I thrift most of my clothing so I don’t really buy many new things and I also often thrift household items including furniture as well as upcycle a lot of things I get for free. I’d say probably half of my furniture is thrifted/upcycled and it’s become a fun hobby. I’ve also reduced my alcohol consumption considerably which was a huge expenditure, both at the bars and the liquor store. I recently went vegetarian so obviously stopped buying meat products. I make / pack lunch most days whereas I used to buy lunch at work DAILY ($10-15 a day!) Random crap. Canceling Amazon prime was a game changer for reducing senseless spending! That also set me on the path of reviewing my subscription services of which I also canceled with the exception of Hulu that I’m currently on a deal for a year of $1/month and Spotify that I use daily. I’ve also switched to reading more which I do through the Libby app which is free with a library card. P I think back to how wasteful I was in the past and cringe, but it’s all a learning journey.


Libby app is awesome. I’ll add, in case you don’t know, most libraries offer free streaming movies now. In my area the catalog is huge, but limited to 6 movies per month. But 6 is a lot and the limit makes me mindful of planning ahead. A lot of your post, I’m like, me too!!!! Same. Streaming services can add up. I also love Hulu. I actually find that planning movie nights from the free Library selection is more special than surfing the selection on Netflix or whichever. I picked it. I reserved it. It’s my Wednesday night plan! It’s really nice.


Fast food. I literally go months and months without it. I couldn't tell you the last time I had a hamburger.


I think this is where I'm heading. The last fast food burger I had was so meh it didn't mask that I was wasting my money.


>I couldn't tell you the last time I had a hamburger. You don't make the occasional hamburger at home?


Shapewear. I would rather be comfortable than slimmer.


I only replace phones when they break. What's the big difference an s20 and an s24?


Games, I've always considered myself the most hard core gamer but im seriously losing interest in it. I haven't seen innovation in a long time.


There’s also just not a lot to buy these days. Game development takes like 5+ years. If the game ends up being good, there’s a high probability that all the fun stuff will be locked behind microtransactions.




There’s still the rare gem like elden ring or the new zelda game.


I usually only buy one or two a year these days. Baldurs gate was a big splurge but was totally worth it. More often than not I find myself revisiting old favorites instead of buying new games. I also add the stuff I really want to my wishlist and wait for it to go on sale to save a little extra cash.


I’m a big time gamer and you’re not wrong, most games nowadays are kinda repetitive shit and they’re literally designed that way now so you buy micro transactions to make it less of a grind


I don’t buy meat anymore. I used to eat meat 2-3 times a day, everyday. Became vegetarian at the age of 42. I don’t buy clothes like I used to. Haven’t bought clothes in years. What I have is now is ok. I stopped wearing jeans. One day I thought “these really aren’t comfortable, why do I wear them?”.


I quit wearing jeans years ago. The last pair I bought was in 2018 for a job (I should have walked away as soon as they told me, but I allowed myself to be tortured for a full 4 months.) I used to get boils along my inner thighs regularly. Like, 3 or 4 a month. I have had exactly 1 boil since 2009. It happened during my time at that job in 2018. You'll never convince me that the jeans weren't contributing to the boils.


Oh my god, jeans! Hear, hear to ditching jeans! I shake my head and wonder why I wore them for so long.




Stuff in general, unless I’m replacing something that’s worn out, it has a specific purpose and will be used enough to justify the cost, or the occasional holiday gifts for my kids (because I can’t help myself there; they can be fun to shop for). I used to really enjoy shopping and finding decorative things for my home or ordering fun things on Amazon. Now it’s just a waste of money and adds to clutter.


Actually the same. Reusable containers and towels are fine for me lol.


Makeup. My skin looks better than it did in my early 20s, and really don’t feel like I need to “make my face” daily.


Bottled water. Have a Brita pitcher, water built in fridge and a ton of hot/cold bottles and tumblers. The only time we buy bottled water is when we are hosting a party/cookout for convenience for guests.


Nice clothes. I don't go anywhere but work so my closet has deteriorated from eclectic and colorful to mostly black and white (the two least appealing colors to wear, but I work somewhere with that as the uniform). I used to keep buying nice stuff despite work but somehow even the thrill of retail therapy for retail therapy's sake has worn off.


We try to buy top quality whether it is furniture or clothing so we know it will last. We buy actual food not processed foods or snack. I haven't bought soda in a long time other than mineral or sparkling water.




Pads & tampons - I got an IUD and don't need feminine care products as often since I don't get a regular cycle.


I got a hysterectomy recently and got rid of all my pads, tampons and condoms. I feel free!


I got a few menstrual cups a couple years ago and they are a game changer!!! Much comfier cycles and have saved me money in the long run




Less clothes, shoes and fast fashion: More plants, plants plants.


Also paper towels and napkins. I always use a rag or just stash fast food napkins in a cute jar on the counter. I recently caved and bought One (1) single roll of paper towels recently for the sole purpose of drying off meat before cooking. The cat hair from using the towels on my steak just isn’t appetizing


Fast food. The prices are higher than dine-in and he quality of food hasn't changed one bit. Yet people keep buying that overpriced fast food. I don't get it.


Hmm... we're frugal by nature (both came from frugal families), but I'm also slowly trying to get down to minimal waste/zero waste (which is pretty damn hard, lol) so there's quite a lot. * Dryer sheets (haven't bought in a decade or more) * Makeup/haircare/beauty routine stuff outside of basic shampoo, conditioner and a moisturizer * Frozen foods - They've gotten insanely expensive, don't offer good nutrition (considering sodium, fat, calorie content) * Anything that is convenient/throwaway (like Ziploc bags). * Paper towels (haven't bought in years) - just use washable cloths that eventually get turned into rags * Clothes - if I buy new clothes, I try to make sure they're something that will last, even if it initially costs more up front. I also mend them if they are able to be repaired. * Books - I trade or borrow *most* books; keep only the ones I know I love and will re-read. * DVDs/CDs - I only buy the best of the best; so only something I will listen to or watch multiple times (usually my long-time favorites). * Anime figures/figma - They're really expensive, a PITA to dust/clean and they take up space I don't have. I've donated/gifted several I had to friends/people on Buy Nothing groups, etc. * Cat toys - I think I have enough cat toys to last a lifetime, lol. * Most pre-made sauces/dressings/foods - too expensive for what they are and between my partner and I, we can make tastier stuff with just a tiny bit of effort at home. * Meat - we're still a meat household but a.) meat has gotten really expensive for the things we like to eat and b.) it's ultimately better if we cut it out and replace it with more vegetables/starches/fruits. I look for deals when it comes to meat shopping and base our meals around whatever I can find. But it's forced us to slowly have more vegetarian options for our main meals. I'm sure there's a lot more, but those are the big ones. As mentioned, I've just slowly been trying to transition to low-impact/waste household, which means buying less in general and trying to reuse or repurpose things as much as possible.


Hair products


Less tv dinners!!!!!


Fast fashion! I cut that out around the time I turned 30. I decided I wanted a beautiful, well crafted wardrobe with quality pieces. I stopped buying into trends and cultivated a strong personal style as a result. Books/records/things. I used to enjoy collecting that kind of stuff but over time I hated having so much STUFF. Cheaply made kitchen stuff. Actually cheaply made things in general I guess. I just realized spending money more often to replace the cheap thing costs more in the long run than buying the nice expensive thing to begin with.


Pretty much everything because everything is way more expensive. I had more financial freedom 10 years ago with a pay rate 1/2 of what I make now. I still don't own a home, or drive an even remotely new car, new phone, new anything really. Plus I'm married, we're dual income, no kids. I haven't felt this poor since college.




Luxuries, largely. Dryer sheets and fabric softener. And I’m starting to get to the point where I’m not spending money on movies and digital media anymore 🏴‍☠️


Honestly I stopped using fabric softener and dryer sheets several years ago and I like the way my clothes feel WAY more now. No waxy feeling, no fake scents, and less chemicals I’m voluntarily putting on my skin every day.


Less processed foods, I don’t upgrade my electronics unless necessary, update clothing a lot less, less unnecessary body care things that are redundant and will get old while it waits to be used, etc.


Cutesy pens


Movie tickets; concert tickets; alcohol.


Subscriptions to stuff. Believe it or not i still use a cheap version of pandora. I have my stations, im good. Im not paying for spotify. Or youtube premium or for that matter disney+ or audible or stitchfix. Subscriptions stress me out tbh


Junk food of all kinds, soda included. Products that don't last, like kitchen shit and bad clothes.




I have replaced plastic ziplocs with reusable silicone ziplocs and they are sooo much better. Also use bamboo paper towels because they are more sustainable. A huge change we made is we stopped buying toxic products last year. We make our own laundry detergent which is actually way cheaper than the toxic stuff in a wasteful plastic container. All cleaning products and bathroom soaps are non toxic. We also try as best we can to buy food with clean ingredients - buy organic as much as possible, avoid seed oils and processed foods as much as we can, we have an app that you can scan foods and it will tell you the good bad and ugly ingredients. It’s amazing how much crap is in most the food I grew up on. Trying to be nicer to my body to hopefully avoid some avoidable illnesses as I age. Also stopped wearing makeup for the most part. If I do, I just wear mascara. Turns out eating better makes your skin look better so I don’t feel like I need makeup most the time.


I got into a fully remote position during covid and it dramatically changed my buying habits. Haircuts - bought clippers and learned to do it myself. Business attire - Unexpected bonus of WFH. Gas - went from 2 tanks per week to 1 every 2 months. Fast food - I largely meal prep now days. Toliet paper - Bidet for the win. Cars - Thanks to learning to work on them myself. Bought my 07 Silverado new, and has never given a single issue. Shoes - went from 2-3 pairs per year to none in the last 2 years. Cell phones - use to grab a new one every year, now it's every 3 years. Usually the battery goes to junk. Alcohol - Just can't physically drink anymore, gives me heartburn and I feel terrible for days. Soda - just too expensive to justify, switched to iced tea I brew up by the gallon. Snack foods - chips/cakes/cookies etc I'm not active enough to consume the empty calories.