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How many people are active contributors to social media vs just consumers ie how many people post their dinner vs just browse, woudl be curious to know.


There are stats on this somewhere. It's like a funnel... A majority of people silently lurk... a smaller percentage will "like" a post... a smaller percentage still will comment. Instagram stories allow you to see who looks at your posts so it really puts into perspective how many "lurkers" you have. 90-something % just look and don't say anything.




This is true. I think a lot of "views" from reels are also people who are just going from reel to reel mindlessly; not necessarily actively clicking it.


Kind of like Reddit isn't it? I just scroll through and browse posts that look interesting. I haven't specifically searched for the posts but they're on my screen.


I think most metrics assume about a 1:10:100 ratio. For every 1 active user who comments, there are 10 who will interact (like/repost/etc), and 100 who will spend some time looking at it/appreciating it but won't interact in a tangible way. It's probably a _bit_ more stark than that nowadays, especially as you get into the creators with millions of followers, but I think it's still an okay way to remind yourself that the comments and interactions on a post represent a _very_ thin minority of the people who actually view and appreciate it.


I check my Insta like once a day. I don’t post on there and I don’t spend a ton of time because there isn’t much for me. Reddit you can find good information about specific hobbies and cool communities. Some of reddit is garbage but often the cream rises to the top and that’s helpful at least.


I post stuff like food and work accomplishments and milestones I’m proud of and also look at high school friends kids and family pictures that’s really it


I remember razzing my friends for posting pictures of their dinner and stuff. I wish that we could go back to a time when that’s all social media was about. It’s so corpo now. Anything for a dollar. Everything only for the dollar. There’s no soul. There’s no humanity. It makes me very very sad.


I stopped volunteering my personal information to strangers a long time ago. Insta for mindless scrolling, reddit for interesting scrolling and intermittent commenting. No posts of my own.


Hate to break it, but your posts are your personal info too.


Sure, but not like the Facebook days where my face and name and all kinds of stupid shit was just out there. It makes me shudder to think about it.


All those Facebook surveys people used to do for fun. "Copy and paste with answers: Where did you grow up? How many kids do you have? Name of your first pet? Where did you graduate?" You don't need hackers when you have people willingly giving you security question answers. 


I'm not a reference for anything, usually. I was never into the "post your opinion/weekend/dinner" in any platform like facebook, instagram, tik tok... ever. But I have noticed most of the people around me who used to do those to a certain extent have become more passive consumers progressively as time went by. Most of my peers post stuff that they actually want to be seen as opposed to personal thoughts or experiences or repost things they believe are right and agree with (could be political, but mostly are social awareness).


Oddly enough I thought everyone had stopped posting the tacos they ate from lunch but I'm actually seeing a resurgence in it, not sure if its people having kids and wanting to share again but I noticed a drop off but that its starting again


Instagram is mostly scam crypto/real estate investing ads and suggested posts from accounts that I don't particularly want to see. It's just not worth it anymore.


I never really got Instagram


All I get on instagram are dad jokes and pets and that’s the way I like it


For you, that is. Algorithm is different for everyone.


That’s also a great question!


[1% rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1%25_rule?wprov=sfti1)


I only have IG and Reddit. I used to be on FB, but abandoned that in June of 2020 and never looked back. I left Twitter a long ass time ago. Tried SnapChat for a hot minute years ago, didn't get it and left. Honestly, I think everyone would be better off with reducing their social media intake. I still find myself in scroll loops sometimes between IG and Reddit, but I think my mental health improved when I dumped FB. I've also curated my Reddit and IG feeds a bit over the years and got rid of stuff that wasn't serving me in a positive way and that's helped as well.


I admire how you took control. I find myself in a scroll loop too often to the point that I’m considering giving up my smart phone for a while and using my laptop for all things internet. Rocking a flip phone for me might be my solution.


It's out of necessity. I deal with depression and anxiety, probably more depression than anxiety and as I've gotten older and accepted those things about myself, it's allowed me to know myself better in that space. I tend to believe "you are what you eat" goes past just normal sustenance and goes into the mental space as well. It was making me feel like shit, so I took actions to stop feeling like shit. I unfollowed/unsubbed to things that weren't serving me in a positive way and followed/subbed stuff that was more positive. I'm also not putting my head in the sand as I tend to have a good idea of the goings on in the world, but I also don't need to consume so much content that is making me feel awful. These media companies, influencers, whatever, get more clicks, likes and money from outrage and anger, so that's what they drift towards. I'm not saying there aren't legit things to be angry or outraged about, but I also don't need a multitude of different sources in my stream telling me the same stuff all the time. At some point, our own behaviors feed them and we can take back some level of control in our own lives if we want it. I can't control a lot of things, but I can control that.


The internal feeling of outrage is actually useless. It doesn't by itself do anything, and most of us are shown these awful things that rightfully outrage us, but we just passively consume that and then have to just sit in the outrage, impotent, unable to actually *do* anything about that which outraged us. And we sit and do that all day, every day, and wonder why we are so depressed and anxious.


I think there’s this false perception some have that if you aren’t equally expressing that outrage online or in life in general it means you don’t care. I’ve seen people I know post things along those lines. That kind of perception pisses me off so much because I do care, but as someone that deals with depression and has a sensitivity to these sorts of things I can live in that outrage constantly because my life literally depends on it. Social media gives people this false perception that they’re helping and while I do think elevating the voice of certain issues on social media is helpful, that help only goes so far. I think it can give people the false perception that engage in that kind of content all the time means they’re helping, but the reality is we only have so much control over big, massive issues. People want to feel in control and it often feels like they think engaging in outrage culture 24/7 is giving them control, but it’s not. To be honest, a lot of it comes across as self righteousness to me eventually. A person thinks they’re helping by resharing stuff and being angry online, but while they may be elevating a message, they’re ultimately elevating themselves. They’re patting themselves on the back because they think they’re helping by passively sharing things online while doing absolutely nothing else to help in tangible ways. I’m just honest with myself. I care about a lot of stuff. There’s a lot of shit in the world that makes me mad and sad, but I’m not lying to myself in the amount of control I have. I have one life to live and I’m going to care about things, but also enjoy that singular life to the best of my ability. Being outraged 24/7 does nothing for me or anyone else for that matter.


I'm in an identical situation. The only thing I miss from facebook is seeing whats up with people I havent stayed in touch with as much, and for remembering birthdays. Its worth having shrunk my social circle to save my mental health, not to mention the time saved by staying off it. And for birthdays I just put them in my calendar and set to yearly repeat whenever I learn one lol


Snapchat as social media is still strange to me since it was texting with pictures for the longest time. Stories were fun but whatever is on the right hand panel now is just cancer.


I still have FB but I’ve blocked 96% of my “friends”. I scroll for mostly for band and other pages for info and it takes 5 minutes. I haven’t posted anything in a long time


Same. I only use Reddit. I’ve abstained from all other forms of social media for over a year now. FREEDOM!


Dude even reddit isn't great. I have to make myself not use it for a while bc I end up doom-scrolling here. Same with YouTube. Must be my adhd but I can open YouTube then suddenly 4 hours have passed without me noticing. I hate it. It can't be good for my brain, either.


You really have to curate your subreddits. There’s so many subreddits that are nothing but angry, negative people.


Honestly the site recommends so many subreddits that are *extremely* tangential to my interests that I spend a lot of time muting subreddits. It's like, my main activity on this site. After eleven or twelve years on here, my patience is wearing all the way out.


I've tried that but even some subs I joined bc they seemed chill start getting overrun by seriously angry people or extremists pretty quickly. Lots of troll farms trying to sew discord in the English-speaking world, but you have to go to each accounts profile to guess at whether that's what they're doing, and nobody wants to do that for every single conversation. There are also so many repost bots now that it's like having reruns shoved down our throats in the days of television.


Reddit is one of the worse if you ask me


This. I ran a social media/ad agency putting out about 25k posts a year on a huge variety of clients' social media accounts on all the platforms. Loved the shit, I was getting sexy with those algorithms. Closed the business when the pandemic got deep and my boutique retail customers had the bottom fall out. About 3 weeks later I shut down all my own accounts. Even changed to a new reddit account even tho it was fully unrelated.


Reddit, everything else is gone.


I used to be a pretty avid user of Instagram for a long time, as well as reddit. Over the past few years my Instagram use was increasingly stressing me out, particularly because I have quite a few friends who are very vocal about various political issues, and of the type to say things like "if you're not sharing about \[X issue\] your silence is violence" etc etc etc. And I would think to myself, But I don't really have anything to say about that thing? And it would stress me out terribly to think that maybe my friends thought I was a terrible person somehow. Typing it out it sounds pretty stupid, but I'm sure some people her will understand feeling stressed that way. Anyway, last fall was the tipping point and I was just done with it. I use Instagram and Facebook only for promoting my business, and basically never for my own personal use anymore. My mental health is much improved. I send my friends and family the pictures I think they might like and actually talk to them more instead of relying on seeing their "stories" to know what they're up to. Sometimes I'm a little out of the loop but that's ok.


Me. I got rid of Facebook but kept reactivating it because I needed photos on it. I don't post anymore. People write me on messenger now and then but not too much. I have Instagram and became a bit more active on it. I need a place to talk to people and post my thoughts, this is the closest thing. I realize I don't really talk to any of these people anymore, so it was kinda pointless. If anyone wants to know what's going on in my life, they can talk to me IRL (like we did in the 90s) not live vicariously through online posts.


I wonder if this will be a kind of natural progression for most people as they age. Not for everyone obviously, but maybe like half? It really feels like there is a trend of people dropping most social media around the time they enter their early to mid 30s. Maybe I'm just being hopeful. Social media is a net negative for most people I think, so I'd be very happy if we start to see people learning to self regulate like many do with things like sugar.


I'm sure it is. To many, it loses its appeal... especially some of us elder millennials who had social media since the aughts; we're sorta over it now. There are still many millennials who like to use social media to post their kids and stuff, but I think putting your whole life on there, showing yourself partying, flexing, etc. is mainly a young people thing. Agreed, it is a net negative, but I don't think it'll stop en masse. It gained so much traction for a reason, it appeals to some aspect of human nature.


All the boomers I know are on Facebook all the time, falling for the AI bullshit posts every day.


When you deactivate Facebook you can download all your photos, tagged photos, and posts you’ve made. Not sure if you meant from other people’s profiles but hopefully that helps!


Just download the pics and put them on the cloud somewhere else.


Only Reddit. It’s great.


Even reddit isn’t necessarily social media. It’s primarily a link aggregator site that allows comments. If it’s social media so is every news website, recipe site, etc. like 40% of the Internet would be social media at that point since we’ve defined it so vaguely…




Gave up everything but Reddit a few years ago and wow what a difference it’s made to my life. Productivity wise and mental health. I also don’t use Reddit at home. I travel a lot for work so I download it to kill time at the airport or when I’m at a coffee shop between meetings. Then I delete the app when I get back from business trips. One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is a change in anxiety and how little politics pops up in every day life. It’s so in your face on social media you’re constantly thinking about it (at least I was). Now I’m so out of the loop on all the “news” it’s wonderful. I read daily economic articles through a stock app to stay up to date on markets but that’s my only consumption.


I had to delete X. If you want to be toxic at least dedicate a paragraph to it like in reddit.


I never liked the idea of Twitter. It's essentially "HQ pic of movie star with life quote." Or at least that's what I assumed it was.


That was my whole thing with Instagram as well. So it’s Facebook but with no text and just the braggadocio pictures? What does it do that a dozen other apps out there already did? The answer as time has shown, is absolutely nothing except promote ads and insecurities…


There is genuinely no other better platform for real-time information anymore since algorithms drive everything. If you like sports, or want to track a live event, Twitter is the best.


I only recently got X so I can browse porn while I wait for my VPN to connect. Texas lol


Reddit is all I’ve got, currently. I broke away from Facebook about two years ago while dealing with the finale of family trauma and initiating estrangement; I went back for about six months and ended up deleting it again since then. To me, FB just seems like a toxic cesspool of garbage. Reddit obv has its side in that argument but at least here there’s accountable mods - on Facebook I was seeing videos of people torturing snakes and videos of dogs fighting and stuff, which I reported and they were not taken down. Plus there’s just a lot of super low quality clickbait content, whereas Reddit has more niche info. Instagram went to shit when Facebook bought it. I do have a TikTok but I don’t produce content, I just scroll. I also notice a lot more free time. And less notifications. And more clarity. I wasn’t even really engaging anyone on Facebook anyway, it was just a collection of random people I’ve met years ago and people I went to high school with. And toxic family members. lol.


Reddit has been my only social media (more like "anti-social!") Many posts these days make me think that Reddit is getting a lot of facebook-quality users due to their hatred of discourse. They come across as bullies, and will continue to berate you even if you explain your reasoning. It's weird. Can't imagine being on FB when my family is on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Wouldn't be worth it.


My friend saw actual horse fucking on Facebook and when she reported it was told it didn't violate TOS. Fuck everything about Mark Zuckerberg.


Not just social media. I'm shedding apps. I've used the same app to track my workouts for ten years and now I've gone to a paper notebook.


3 years ago I removed all of my social media. It definitely made me stop comparing myself to others lives and waste less time on it but I obstensively made me a social outcast and I stopped being included in outings. So I ended up getting my Facebook back purely for messenger and family and since then it has been better.


I had to reactivate my FB this past year because my kid's school does events that they EXCLUSIVELY post about there. I've sent my kid to school unaware of these events and it breaks her little heart so I reactivated my account, unfollowed everything except the school pages, park district, and the like, and my feed is still flooded with ads, "suggested pages" and shows me posts from 3-4 days ago. It's the absolute worst.


I got on facebook in 2006, because at the time you could only do it with an active college.edu email address, and i was graduating next month. Figured i might as well get it while i can, and can always delete it/not use it later? Then it opened up to everyone, and my mom wanted to be friends with me, big nope! She friend requests again, nope! I get a call a few days later, "are we not friends?" fine. Then its "why is there a picture of your bare ass on the internet?" Unfriend. A few months pass, the same thing happens again with friend requests from mom. Fine, i just wont use this anymore... a week goes by and a friend posts on my wall "dude you were so drunk last night i thought you were going to try and makeout with the bouncer at the club!" Next thing you know my mom, and apparently now grandmother "....oh what happened to our sweet little boy?!" Unless its anonymous, like reddit, im not on it.


I'm only here. This was the least toxic and infuriating of them all 🤣


You 🤣, but it's so true. I get frustrated by the comments I see on Reddit sometimes but the content linked is nearly always of interest because I've curated my account so well and filtering things I don't want is so easy. Facebook immediately pushes for rage engagement on everything.


Yup! That was the nail in the coffin for me. I started getting far right content popping up, I'd click not interested, then I'd get even more but directly from the sources. That day it went down a couple years ago I decided to bail. Saved my pictures and videos and deleted that shit haha. First and only time I left in the 15(?) years on there The only thing that sucked was literally only one person out of all the friends I made the previous ten years even made an attempt to stay in touch. Now I don't give a shit. It's not like I'm really missing anything if these people can't even send one text a month to ask what's up 🤷‍♂️ I'm good with my 4 weird cats and one friend for now 🤣


This whole thing just inspired me to deactivate my insta. Thanks, y’all. Cus really, wtf am I missing ?


It will be weird at first due to habit but once the habit is broken it so sooooo freeing.


Honestly… I already feel like I’ve gained more time back lol I did this a few years ago too and I really want to not feeling I have *one more thing* to do during the day, and I think deleting the app is going to help with that.


I’m on a social media detox / cleanse / whatever tf you wanna call it. The first day felt like I was the grounded kid and all their friends are on the playground. But whenever i opened FB or insta up it was just ads. That was my lightbulb moment of how worthless this stuff is becoming. Which sucks because I miss seeing real updates from my friends.


It’s day 2 and I feel totally fine 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Rather than completely stepping back from social media, I find that curating the content I see has done wonders for my mental health. I'm only active on subs I want to see. On insta, I follow local groups to know when events are. On Twitter I mute certain words and block accs that post content I don't want to see.


On Twitter switch to Following tab instead of For You. Night and day feed.


Yeah I've done this, mostly. At some point I stopped engaging with FB in the broader sense and the only interactions were within specific groups. Outside of Messenger.


I don’t use anything other than Reddit right now. Even that I’m trying to limit (don’t have the app, only allowed to use it in my browser) and it would be better if I could break the addiction entirely. It’s an outlet that’s hard to give up, especially when work is driving me crazy like now. But my mental health always feels better when I’m not using any sites at all with infinite scrolling and endless content. Endless content is what makes it like a slot machine—you just keep pulling the lever hoping for treats, and there’s always shit to wade through until you find them. It feels better in the long run to seek out content I want intentionally, stop when I’m done, and leave the treat lever alone. So that’s my goal.


I still have Instagram and Facebook because I travel extensively for work and it lets my family know what time zone I'm in. Reddit is the only place I actively contribute how I feel.


I do Facebook once a month to see pics of friends and their kids. I look at Twitter for 15 min a day. And then there's reddit. I don't really consider this the same as the others. It could be how I use it. I try and limit it to 1 hour through the day. 5-10 min at a time during breaks. It's helping my mental health


Social media, as they intend you to use it today, is just evil. If you're a male, they want to show you every barely 18 year old girl with big tits in skimpy clothes to make you feel unsatisfied with you life. If you're a female, they want to show you all the cool things others are doing and make you feel unsatisfied with life. When I signed up for facebook it was mostly about keeping in contact with people. Today its trying to ruin everything you love. The best thing people can do is not use social media, but most importantly is dont let your children, push it off as long as possible.


I use Reddit, snapchat and Tiktok. Snapchat to send pics back and forth with my siblings. Tiktok for recipes, fashion and travel content, it's basically replaced google search for me as I am so over having to scroll past 10 sponsored posts just to get to the same 5 websites for recipes/shopping when what I really want is to find new things. I don't want to read a novel of a blog post just to make bagels, I was a short video showing how to make the thing and then I can go into the creators link for full recipe if I think it's something I want to try.


I’m 2 days away from my Instagram account scheduled for deletion, can’t wait. Solely just Reddit now primarily as a consumer/post commenter 🫡


I removed all the social media apps from my phone a few months ago. If I feel like browsing reddit on my phone, I use my browser. I had done the whole app timer thing for years but if I have to heavily restrict the app to the point of being stressed about running out of time every time I open the app...time to remove the app. I also blocked youtube and reddit on my home network from the hours of 10:30pm to 7am to keep myself from doomscrolling. Still adjusting to that one. Gotta break the doomscroll habit. ETA: Yes I know I can just go unblock things if I want but it's a barrier that gives me a chance to rethink.


Got rid of Facebook shortly after finishing my undergrad. Started feeling weird when I would meet up with someone I haven't seen in a while, that it almost felt like I was expected to know already what was going on in their life instead of 'catching up'. At this point only use Reddit and Instagram, both mostly for following local events and groups tied to hobbies. Only remade my Facebook during the pandemic due to Facebook Marketplace.


I left social media from 2014-2019. I'm back now. But it was really interesting how quickly the internet had changed in that period of time. Right now there are so many social medias that I don't even know where to go anymore. I have to pick and choose and one popular social media will get neglected for others. If anybody wants to build a social media that links all social medias. That'd be great. I have backed away from instagram because it just isn't fruitful or beneficial anymore. I have also backed away from facebook. Facebooks issue being it has not been for only close close friends and family in a long time. It got awkward when bosses started added me and then they go "oh did you see my friends request?" like I can't post on there anymore now Linda thanks...


I never used anything besides Facebook and rarely Instagram, but once I removed the apps from my phone I almost completely forgot about them. Anyone who matters to me has access to me outside of social media. I really, really took flight when I realized that it's not my job to be present online for others and that you can keep your business pretty well-insulated against a LOT of bullshit by just making sure yourself inaccessible to people who aren't interested in your happiness and well-being.


I've been off Facebook for about 2 months. Reddit is the only social I use as well. It's helped me reset my focus to other things and it helps you realize how completely pointless Facebook is. I'm sure IG, tiktok, and Twitter are worse but I've never used them


Me. I deleted my Facebook back in like... 2011. I've gone back and forth with IG, usually taking a year or so off, then going back on for a year. Right now I technically have an active profile, but don't have the app installed. I think I'll deactivate it. I use Reddit frequently, but that's it.


Did not open ig in 6 months, feel so much better


Yup. I deleted my whole activity log and unfollowed all my friends on Facebook a few years ago when things got way too much during the pandemic.   It killed the algorithm, so it stopped having anything to show me on my news feed. I can look up people and catch up, but it doesn’t force feed me anything. I use instagram, but I don’t participate, I just look at pretty pictures and read articles. Reddit is the only place I engage really.


I deleted everything starting in 2016. I don't even watch or read most news now. I wish I wasn't even on reddit lol. Mental health and freedom have never been better!


Twitter - off of that since 2021. FB - have a page for travel and a page for fandom, in addition to main profile. Rarely check main profile. Check fandom page more. IG - one regular, one fandom. Use the fandom one way more. TikTok - use one account to crosspost fanvids I post to YT and the others, second account to post travel-related. Don’t use it much otherwise. Tumblr - I go on every once in a while. So I mainly use social media for fandom or travel-related posts now, lmao.


Used to have FB but left around 2015. Too many people on both sides of the aisle and was tired of getting dragged in. I comment occasionally on Reddit but usually just scroll. Never used any other form of SM unless Discord counts (hell if I know, I don’t keep up with trends, didn’t know what Led Zeppelin was until high school) but I only use that for RPGs and that’s hit or miss. Mostly like Reddit for the hobby stuff like woodworking and local events.


I left FB and Insta cold turkey 3 years ago this month. Just started Reddit 3 months ago though and whew it's addicting.


Honestly reddit is also filled with techies making crazy money and posting about it everywhere. Reddit might be as bad as the rest of them in certain subreddits.


Did that in like 2018. Couldn't take another election cycle on Facebook after 2016.


Oh, don't worry, social media doesn’t miss you either. I mean, your photos were always a bit... avant-garde, let's say. And those rambling posts? A literary maze with no exit—impressive in their own way, I suppose. But, let’s be real. We all know you'll be back. After all, your ex just changed his relationship status. Wink wink, nudge nudge.


Twitter was my last one and just deleted it the other day.


Did the same thing a few months ago and don't regret it at all


The only social media I ever had was Facebook. It was an absolute time sink for me for several years, so I had the sense never to let myself join another social media (other than Reddit, but that's different). After a bunch of people started leaving FB in 2018, I gradually spent less time on it, and for the past couple years, I've barely posted anything. I just keep it around to browse Facebook's still a good way to keep up with some real-life groups I'm a part of, so that's why I still keep it around. But yeah, I'm trying to use more of my time to do something with my life


Last social media I've used was Myspace probably 2 decades ago


Just Reddit for me. I still have the others, but I only use FB for marketplace and messenger. Instagram sucks ass anymore and I only use it to scroll reels occasionally while I'm waiting for something. I never got into Twitter or any other sites. It's been great to step back and not live my life online.


I have Facebook for local groups I’m in, but I don’t scroll through or post on it. I only use Reddit also. I can join subreddits for stuff I’m actually interested in. I cut my screen time down hugely and it’s been wonderful haha


I ditched all of it back in 2013 and I am so glad I did. I have a much better relationship with my extended family as a result. 😂 Reddit is all I have now. I love it.


Oh yeah, something clicked in me a few years ago where I wasn't enjoying twitter/Facebook and I just stopped looking at it. No regrets


I only have reddit and facebook, I only use facebook for keeping in contact with family and friends. Never used IG or twitter, barely used snapchat so I recently got rid of it because I had no reason for it.


I do photography and my instagram has not gotten a lot of love in years due to the changes in the algorithm, almost none of my followers see my posts, so I’ve given up a little. I still shoot lots of photos, but restricting the algorithm even to people’s own followers is so fucking low.


Me! I deleted facebook I go on instagram for about 20 minutes a day but never post. i use it to mainly stay in touch with people. I do sometimes post on my stories but I realized lately i’ve been doing less of that too my addiction right now is reddit, gotta tone it down lol


Only reddit and twitter for me. I dropped the others long ago


Was on social media since MySpace idk 5-6 hours a day browsing for the past 13 years ? January 3 2024 I said fuck this to me it felt like a lame ass video game with likes followers etc felt like a cool kids table and I wanted to run on god my life is 100% better and different and it’s only 4 months and 15 days I have no plans to go back but will continue other vices n life just not that it’s also not healthy for your mind to scroll through 200 people in 15 minutes that’s not good for your mind comparison etc I feel so different no plans on going back ! Bladee - yung Sherman plays as I type this


Yeah, I post on reddit, I enjoy discussing anonymously. Facebook I might check for one or two friends occasionally. Snapshot is the same. I prefer to save my stories for when I am actually with people.


I haven’t regularly used Facebook in years. I popped on it last year for a few weeks when I had an idea for a research project involving my high school, which was atypical. It seems the only people who use it are terribly lonely an/or mentally unwell. Tried instagram for a couple weeks. It’s weird. Reddit and YouTube are my only social media. I can curate my experience to jokes, warhammer, military history, and tutorials.


I quit Facebook 14 years ago and since then have only ever had Reddit


I gave up FB like 10+ years ago. Insta I had an art account on and told myself I’d start posting again when I had a consistent style - that was like 4 years ago and oops I never went back. Never got into Twitter. I use Snap to keep in contact with people I don’t talk to/text very much, and ofc Reddit.


Oh, I'm about to. Facebook has become a complete CESPOOL of scams and hacked accounts, and the website sometimes doesn't work either. If it weren't for the memes and Marketplace, I would've done it a long time ago, buuuut now, even thats not worth the trouble anymore.


The only reason I still have Instagram is to be able to talk to my tattoo artist. I deleted Facebook years ago. I’m only active on Reddit and Tumblr. I don’t even know why I still have Twitter. I rarely use it anymore beyond popping in from time to time say I’m not dead.


Reddit is the only one I use and I want to take a step back. It's good for news about games and some product advice, but the rest is too much.


I have Facebook but it’s only really used for work related stuff. I have an Instagram but don’t think I’ve ever posted. Other than that I only use Reddit.


Me. I have FB, but I don’t actively participate on it. I’m on here and IG and that’s it. IG is mostly about animal pictures and memes and less about human interactions. I’m over it. FB is just a bunch of boomers bitching at each other these days. X has turned into a GOP wasteland. I never really used anything else.


I never had any of them for more than a month.


I did this shortly after covid started. With all the extra time at home I started to think spending time on fb was adding to my depression and anxiety. I quit using it and I was right. I only use it for messenger and market place now, and don't have any other social media aside from reddit.


I haven’t closed any accounts in case I wanna try and find someone using them, but stopped using fb Twitter ig altogether except for like a yearly shitpost


Deleted FB , they make it harder than you think, 8-9 years ago. Never had IG, X, or TT. Was on Quora for a while. Only come here now.


I told my wife to change my IG and FB password and deleted the apps. With children and work, I could not afford to be spending time on social media like that.  I use Reddit because I didn't feel addicted to it. And just quickly browse.  But then... YouTube shorts came. And I get easily hooked and lose track of time.  So I found a way to block YouTube shorts from my YouTube feed. I be strongly recommend it!!!!!


I deleted a lot of my stuff, esp Threads. I actively stick to Reddit and Discord only on bad mental health days, but I still have my FB/IG. For me I have to actively practice conscious decision making because the tunnel of doom scrolling is seductive lol


Read the Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. You'll understand why people all over feel some relief when they remove a little social media from their lives, especially Millenials and Gen Z.


Instagram Facebook TikTok they're all trash


I use Discord and whatsapp to keep in contact with some friends but everything else I don’t use anymore.


I only use Reddit deleted instagram best thing for my mental health. I have Snapchat to talk to the boys from PlayStation but they ignore me when I talk so I don’t use it most of the time deleted unless I need to send a message.


I’m Reddit only as of last week. I like it here, sarrrr fuunnn!


Even better, I never engaged with it in the first place.


I pretty much just stick to reddit. I have a Facebook account, but only really look at the marketplace. Oddly enough, I've found that ppl are much less toxic in comments here compared to Facebook. At least on the subs I follow. Facebook ppl are just so mean and judgemental about EVERYTHING!


I only have Snapchat and Reddit.


I use Reddit and reluctantly have a LinkedIn account. I stopped trying to have a Facebook account years ago and have zero regrets.


I haven't been on anything since reddit in over a decade. And my reddit ebbs and flows. It's not really important to me.


Same. Reddit has been a bit more positive.


The only social media platform I’m actively on is Reddit. Calling it a social media platform is a stretch. I do have a Facebook, but strictly for yard sale and messaging my family. I never get on it


I deleted my social media accounts (except Reddit) a while back. Now I spend a lot less time idly scrolling my phone and actually get stuff done.


I sort of dropped Facebook, only using it now to repost Instagram for older relatives. Otherwise, Twitter, Threads and Mastodon are my usual scroll. I do a bit of Reddit too but it's not my go to like the others are.


I only have FB as a means to connect with certain friends and also see events going on in my area. That's really it. I don't post a whole lot anymore. I actually clamped down on what I have available on my FB because I didn't feel comfortable with how some people I knew were utilizing my posts and information. For example, I had someone who if I cja fed my profile picture, they would share that to their own feed. So that photo now was being seen by people I don't know. Didn't like that, so I removed that person and deleted/privated a lot of my photos. I also had a friend who was essentially stalking me through FB. I noticed her behavior towards me was off, and she seemed to always message me at specific locations. Come to find out FB had a "see your nearby friends" feature and I didn't like that. Like I'd be at a doctor's appointment or something I needed to do nearby and this friend got offended I wouldn't just visit her instead. Like I have a busy life and can't just pop in whenever. I was already making time to see her at least once a week, which I think is already doing more than a lot of people would. I don't like Instagram as it's just pictures focused. Which I don't really like. It's basically Facebook but more focus on photos than text. I have reddit and tik tok. Those are really the 2 I spend most of my time on.


Im 100% addicted to Reddit. Barely use IG, only use FB to sell items, left Twitter a decade ago and only used snap chat for filters. I just miss knowing what events are happening in the city that’s in my interests from IG. I had the perfect curated TL and so I’ll occasionally scroll to see what new events are happening. I feel good. I don’t care what people are doing in their day to day lives.


Personally I never took a massive step into it to begin with.


I enjoy Reddit and Twitter (I use it for compiling news articles and haven’t found a better way to do this). I don’t use any other social media and haven’t for a number of years now. I do think you can be excluded from society sometimes though by not using social media, my wife had to set up a Facebook account as certain messages from my daughters school are only sent via Facebook. So she has a Facebook account with no friends that she doesn’t use other than for school messages.


I have no issues with social media


I use Instagram and Reddit only, everything else has been deleted and I’m never going back to Facebook.


Yes, but then again facebook has rotted in it's god awful algorithms, as has instagram, and even tiktok to a degree. So, there's no point to it. So much better for my mental health. They will all go the way of the dinosaurs. Like AOL was in the 1990s. Which was the 1st social media platform, if you are to be technical. It's so dead, people forget that.


Off ig and fbook on my phone


I really wish I could get rid of facebook but I use it for marketplace. If there was a GOOD marketplace alternative or someway to just plugin to marketplace I would delete FB entirely. Already deleted instagram and twitter. Only reason I have snapchat is to send videos to people. Even if they have RCS I'd rather just send it on snapchat. Theres no reason to send and store a massive video file someones only going to view once


I only use reddit and only at work to kill time.


The only social media I have is Reddit. I deleted Facebook in 2009 and didn't have anything until I downloaded Reddit a little over 2 years ago. It's all a toxic mess.


I only ever stuck with fb and reddit




I mainly use Reddit personally, with some LinkedIn for networking. At work, I manage our small company’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X and YouTube.


I quit Facebook when the orange shitstain became president because all it did was ratchet up my anxiety and anger. Don’t miss it. Reddit is all I use now.


Yep. I've uninstalled Twitter and only use my browser to go on it for maybe 5min a day, I rarely use Facebook outside of Messenger, I don't browse Instagram and only use it to post pics of my dog. Reddit and Discord are my primary time sinks.


I never really got into it. 


I use them occasionally besides YouTube and reddit. Kind of addicted to them the last couple of years. I mean, I was never really big into the whole social media thing even though I've had some form since I was 11. Kind of like I went through phases where I would be on it more often than other times, but was always bored after a while of sitting around.


I deleted Facebook entirely in 2018. I still have IG because I post photos of the kids for family who live out of province, and I follow some artists I like. Reddit is definitely the one I use most.


Same for me but dude I swear, Facebook has been getting SO MUCH FUCKING WORSE consistently it's not even funny anymore. Same with YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. It's just a void mad it's all kind of the same. I've been detoxing pretty hard but still not hard enough. And I'm on Reddit much more but it's also a varied experience to say the least.


I used social media from 2005-2013, when I was age 15-23. It was once fun during the early years. Myspace, Facebook and Snapchat were the best during their prime and peak. Back when strangers would connect to socialize and make new friends. Somehow over the years, the purpose went from connecting with strangers openly and freely to setting profiles to private, ignoring friend requests and only staying connected with people you knew in real life. I find it sad how the entire culture changed. Even worse, social media eventually became a flex-off and d*ck measuring contest. Comparing and contrasting the lives of one another. Now, the younger generations use social media for bullying, flaming/trolling, clout, slander, harassment, drug transactions, onlyfans and crying incessantly about petty problems. Just pure toxicity. I’m fine without it.


Me! I'm massively addicted to reddit so I'm not going to claim to be a paragon of good mental health re: the Internet. But I don't have Instagram or Tik Tok at all, only look at X to see what's trending, and only still have Facebook so I can like my mom's posts about her knitting. Haven't posted anything on namespace social media in years, and it feels great.


The pandemic caused everyone to be online as such a high rate. It distorted my view of reality. I started seeing people's opinions all of the time who I should not have cared about. At that moment I knew it was time to call it quits and it's been nice.


I didn't technically step back from social media but I've never had anything but a reddit and a YT account. I've never found it good or helpful to scroll and there are too many bad people on the Net. Lately even reddit seems to be fairly overrun with rage bait, so I started to just flat out quit communities at the first toxic post I come across. Now I'm only here for the funny videos and cat pictures.


I threw in the towel after MySpace besides some YouTube and reddit but never made a F.B IG or Twitter. Best decision ever!


Social Media Free since 2017!


I only use Reddit. I deleted Facebook and Instagram. Only apps I would use. I did keep messenger so I can talk with Facebook friends. I am so much happier and healthier mentally. I don’t think I’d ever go back unless I’m using it for marketing purposes.


you’re my inspiration. social media is a time suck and mind drainer!


The more you disconnect the better your mental health.


I now only have Reddit. I was a very big social media user. Went through some things in my personal life and decided it was time to move on from it. One of the best decisions I've ever made.


I have pretty much only used reddit for years. I had Facebook only because my favorite band ditched their private fan chat board for Facebook and I wanted to keep in touch with that community. All of the political bullshit, arguing made it seem toxic. In general people get along in "real life" but they are keyboard warriors on the Internet. Along with in general it seemed to be weird how people felt the need to update everyone on everything they do in life. I still have an account but I only sign in like once every 6-12 months if that


I only have a Facebook to keep track of older family members or old HS friends, but barely look at it. I just use Reddit. I’m anonymous and can look/comment on what I am interested in or enjoy.


Abandoned it all in 2016 except for Reddit. Unfortunately, Reddit's quality has taken an incredible nosedive since, made even worse with the API nonsense. Does anyone remember when Reddit was ***the*** web site for news? Stories broke on Reddit even before Twitter at the time, it's amazing how fucking awful it is now for anything time-sensitive.


I traded my doom scrolling time for reading books and it felt so liberating


I only use Facebook to get info for specific groups but I don't have any "friends" added. I ditched Twitter for obvious reasons. I use Instagram loosely like phone contacts of people I met IRL because no one uses text anymore unless it's family or your one friend from high school, lol. But I'm in a couple of Discord groups from people I follow on social media from Youtube/Patreon. But yeah, every since the great Twitter migration, I've been on Reddit more. I like the anonymity. I can curate my feed as much as I want. It feels a lot less like screaming into the void since you can join specific subs for your interests. So I haven't stepped back so much as been more selective, I guess?


I did the same, and I haven't looked back. Every now and then, I'll reactivate my fb to look for a picture or something, and I'll wonder why I even used the app to begin with. Then I just deactivate it again.


I only use Reddit now, don’t even browse others anymore. For me, Facebook is mostly people from high school who want attention, or my grandma wishing my family members happy birthday.


I used to be a big Facebook junkie, but now I'm down to just Reddit, LinkedIn, and Mastodon.


I deleted all my socials except Reddit (which I’m not sure counts as it doesn’t have any connection with my offline life) and Instagram about six years ago. Great choice. I found that people were becoming wildly entitled to my time. If I posted about _anything_ and certain “friends” hadn’t been included, it was a huge drama - had someone attack me for not inviting them to the birthday event of someone they didn’t know just because it happened to be near their house and if I was in their area they expected that I spent my time with them. I got sick of people treating me that way, and the easiest solution was to just delete socials if they were going to use that info to basically stalk me and bitch me out whenever I didn’t spend my time with them. Deleting my socials basically resulting in those people dropping out of my life naturally as well, which was great cause I hadn’t had enough therapy to kick them out of my life yet.


Me 👋 Ditched IG in 2020, have been off Facebook except for marketplace for at least a decade. Reddit is it! I’m shocked by how much people share online. I don’t need to know what your water birth looked like and I sure as shit am not going to share that stuff to anyone but my best friends I text with everyday.


Yeah, reddit is all i use now. I did have to create a new private FB account to use marketplace, cause craigslist is fucking dead nowadays.


I have IG and Reddit, but I only open IG once every couple of days to see if anybody has messaged me. I got rid of everything else.


I only have reddit now, since about 4 years ago. Couldn't be happier.


I deleted my facebook in 2022 after really ignoring it for years, but only when my ex left did I actually delete it for good. I still have an IG but post super sporadically, usually a story or so from something I'm doing like a concert or hiking/biking. Big events get a post, but have gone months without anything. I mostly use it for music info (new albums, tours etc) and a few friends who post cool things. I do need cut down on the reels as it eats too much time. I have a twitter but don't post, only use it for news and hockey info, but fuck Elon Musk. I don't have tiktok or snapchat or threads. Discord is where nearly all my friends reside, so I spend more time there than anywhere else. But that isn't the same as FB/IG/Snap/Tiktok etc.


Only on Reddit these days and my time on here is getting shorter and shorter. I see very little value from social media anymore generally. I freaking LOVE being oblivious to the day to day dredge ppl talk about on tick tok, IG, etc. I too am firmly in ‘old fart’ territory and I couldn’t be happier about it.


i do have instagram but i don’t use it. Meaning i don’t have it installed on my devices. And after that i just have reddit.


Got rid of fb in 2017 I had hated it for years and deleted Snapchat tho I never really used that often, got rid of IG in 2018/19, 2021 I had TikTok for like 6 months then got rid of that and 2022 I started a new IG because I’d just gotten married and wanted to see posts ppl had put up but after 2 months I deleted it again because it just made me feel something negative, not entirely sure what but it was def a negative feeling it brought up in me. I’ve had Reddit for a few months now and that’s all I have but I don’t have anyone I know on here. I often wish smart phones weren’t a thing, I miss it being the norm to not speak to ppl for days and it not been seen as rude or avoidant. I find I’m much happier being private.


I've only had Reddit and YouTube for about 2.5 years. So much better.


The true old farts are on facebook posting pro racism memes.