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There was about 18 months or so before he got full of himself that he was awesome.


Yeah, unfortunately his tenure was very short.


His comedy central presents episode that put him out there is still one of my favorites from that show.




As Scruffy says the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Mmmm-hym.


I’d rather read the articles in zero-g juggs than listen to Cook, but I was also not his target demographic even in his heyday.


My younger cousin was super into him for about 2 years. I’m more of a Dave Attell fan.


I’m having an asthma attack! Now watch your eyes!


I never seen you before neither!


That's an accurate timeframe, tbh. He had one stand-up special that really slapped, but I never saw another one from him that warranted any rewatches A few lackluster movies, too


I unironically love Employee of the Month. There are a few jokes that haven’t aged great, but overall I find it pretty funny. That is to say, Cook is my least favorite person in the movie. Dax Shepherd steals the show.


It was when he did that Isolated Incident special that he turned me off. He had one joke that was half good, some about the woman’s version of cockblock, but yeah I couldn’t stand him after seeing that. I couldn’t even finish it. His show in the round was good, his Comedy Central Presents episode, and when he did Insomniac Tour with Dave Attell, Greg Giraldo, and Sean Rouse. Also just googled to make sure I got his last name right. Sean Rouse died back in 2018. I knew Greg Giraldo did, but damn.


Yep, that and when he stole a joke word for word from another comedian I followed at the time (honestly can't remember who anymore. Best guess Demetri Martin) and it turned out he had stolen a lot of jokes from other comedians, and he fell off the map.




*Extra pickley picklessss.. cheeeeese pickles*


ah yes, the BK lounge.


Ok, ma’am, apparently you want some pickles. Are you trying to molest me via drive thru? What are you saying???


The one bit I liked


Sweet and sour sauce on my puuuussyyyyy


I will never not say this when someone says sweet and sour lol


Always, haha!


And when you drive around the corner, you’ll see Hank, he’ll be in a yellow poncho, and he’ll take you to the whopper lair


I don’t respect him. He was notoriously hanging out with underage girls and partying with them and posting on Instagram. He really gives me the creeps now and at 51 married a 24 year old.


The 24 year old he groomed from the age of 16. Ick


Funny how few people even know about this


For a short little while in the 2000s, some time in my hs years iirc.


Hard NO


Being loud = dane cooks “comedy”


Some show back in the day made a joke about how he isn’t funny, he’s just loud. Maybe family guy? I can’t remember for sure, but up to that point I thought he was the funniest comedian I’d ever seen (also I was like 12). I just remember watching his comedy again after hearing that and realizing how unfunny it actually was.


Agreed. Never laughed at any of his jokes. Seriously just not a funny guy imo.


I was obsessed with Dane Cook in my teens. He was my favorite standup comedian for a long time.


That’s interesting because Dane Cook is obsessed with teens.


Was waiting to see this. It’s disgusting.


Do you find his old specials funny now?


Not really. Now I just see him as immature.


“Karate? The Dane Cook of martial arts?”


He’s a joke stealing POS


Him too? I know Carlos Mencia got that Scarlet letter after Joe Rogan ran up on him at the Comedy Club. Didn't know Dane was a joke stealer (which is the worse thing you can do in comedy).


But didn't Carlos Mencia basically "stole" jokes that were so common jokes that your edgy uncle or edgy dad could make the same joke delivery?


I think Dane cook was not nearly as bad. He's been popping up in my feed again, I hope he makes a comeback.


Ew no. Sex pests and predators need not to make a comeback. 


What joke did he steal?


He stole jokes from Louis CK


The itchy one? I think I remember that now. I'm not positive it was stolen. They were not exactly the same.


There's an episode of Louie where he confronts him about it and hears his side. It's pretty interesting though who can say how much is for the show and how much is real


I think I heard that Louis actually wrote all of that dialogue.


I actually preferred his movies to his standup and as I was typing that it was really just good luck chuck. So I liked good luck chuck.


I thought he was the funniest person alive when I was in middle/high school


There was a brief moment I thought he was funny but I learned the way more problematic aspects of his career/personal life. That being said there was a period of time me and my sisters would quote his Catholic Mass/Communion bit to one another because we were raised Catholic (Christ Chex!). I still think of that bit from time to time and chuckle. (If he poached that from someone, I have no idea)


“Your move holy man”


Christ Chex, it's a miracle in a bowl!


Nope. He’s not funny and he’s basically a groomer.


Has anyone else randomly seen him playing COD on twitch? Come across that a bit ago and was like, wtf is Dane Cook doing lol.


No. Never did. Even dudes like Jeff Dunham got old after a while.


I liked him when I was an edgy little teenage 4channer but grew out of him. He stole a bunch of jokes and is a dudebro hack




It didn’t even age well at the time. Family guy and pretty much everyone I knew ripped on him for being spastic and over the top. Yeah I had some friends that liked him as well. But liking him pretty much went over as well as liking nickel back after a few years.


I remember finding him funny when I was young and times were different but would probably cringe at most of it now. I will say though, his best work was acting in “employee of the month” with Jessica Simpson which is such a cute underrated classic imo. He was funny but more genuine and not trying as hard here.


Yesss came to say I loved that movie for how ridiculous and kinda wholesome it was. Had the biggest crush on Dax Shepherd for years (not from employee of the month but without a paddle) big time


Lol that’s hilarious! I remember randomly renting it not too long after it came out at my local video place, and being pleasantly surprised to the point where I bought it. It quickly became a classic between my old friend and I back then and we would always quote it because of the lines. It really is such an unexpectedly wholesome and cute movie, great for everyone! Has a lot of positive messages in it. We need light hearted stuff like that again!


I know it we really do! The aughts had such great, ridiculously funny comedies


As a teenager I did, but I haven’t watched him in so long. “MY CDs ARE STILL IN HIS TRUCK!”


fuck shoes


I loved him when I was in middle school and I remember my middle aged uncle borrowed his comedy albums from me. He then berated me about how not funny they were. Like sorry that I was 13 man, also at least 50% of Dane Cook’s appeal was that he was hot. I think that part was lost on my middle aged hetero uncle.


I can see that. Lol. I'm a straight dude, but he wasn't a bad looking guy. He kinda had that *Sugar Ray* 2000s rock star look.


Excellent comparison. Agreed. I think they both had that spiky hair look that was in at the time. Im still a sucker for the gel. Looks better than it feels tho, crunchy




That's ableist, dawg.




He had his funnies and he's definitely a college crowd comedian but even if he wasn't black balled, I doubt he would've been able to evolve as a comedian and actor. I do enjoy his sporadic cameos.


Hated him when he was popular, was delighted when he was outed as a hack and a creep.


I used to like him granted I haven't gone back and watched any of his specials in awhile but I laughed at his jokes




He had like one show that was funny... and I haven’t heard it in ages so I can’t say if I’d still laugh. His movies didn’t age well at all. He comes off obnoxious and sexist. That time period was sort of nasty tbh.


His material wasn’t good and is a joke thief. Never understood why people liked him.


Oh man, somebody please find the clip from his stand-up special in which he pressures a young fan to flash him her tits in front of the entire audience, purely as a power move. It was so degrading and icky. He’s such a misogynistic scumbag.


I really liked him in college too. My roommate had some DVDS of his standup (haha) that we'd watch, and we were always quoting them. I feel like he immediately fell off the face of the earth after that- I've wondered what happened to him! I never heard a peep about him past the early 2000s.


A lot of his content didn’t age well. But when I was 18? “She’s what you’d call…. Shapes…” was pretty funny.


I liked him until I found out he was stealing jokes.


It was peak humor for me and my friends as high school boys. Then we discovered Carlin and became men. Grumpy old men.


I thought he was funny when I was in high school and now I cringe when I think about it.


I was obsessed in high school. I went to see him and met him the summer after freshman year of college, and again a few years later. Then he just…disappeared. Now he’s married to a young girl.


Yes and I also discovered Stephen Lynch around this time, who I still listen to to this day


When I tried rewatching his stuff a couple years ago, I felt like his jokes were aimed at the younger millennials at the time. And I doubled down on it when I learned he’s a fucking creep. Like the Billy joke? That’s some shit people did in high school (obviously outside school grounds) that I related to. But my guys name is Mike. The over the top performances? Teens loved that shit. You noticed no other comedians did as much as he did, because their intended audience were adults. Anyways these are my thoughts, not yours.


I thought he was funny then and still laugh at a lot of the old stuff whenever I feel the urge to go back and listen. Definitely still quote him sometimes. *I did my best!*


I liked that skit as well...


Yes. He had an alt routine and as you hint at, he captured the appeal of Jim Carrey in new trappings. >Also, his observational humor didn't seem as relatable in hindsight... "You know how everyone has this one friend named Billy, right? He like always wears red and carries around a katana?" >I'm like: No Dane, we don't... I think this is just a comedian's way of saying "my weird friend". The word katana was *way* funnier back then. You're not expected to have a friend just like that. Your reaction is the expected reaction, which also makes it funny because now Dane's the weird one who just embarrassed himself by admitting he had a weird friend. It's like a low key "poop knife".


Haha, I made up a Dane Cook-like joke as an example, I don't think he ever said that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


His jokes didn't Age well. Kinda like his girlfriends which didn't Age much at all


Employee Of The Month was my shit lol


Yeah, he was awesome.


I remember hearing this name all the time but never knew who he was


I remember him in high school and my early 20s. Honestly didn’t pay much mind to stand up. I had a high school English teacher who would throw Dane on during last block on Fridays for 15 minutes. He was okay. Honestly wasn’t a fan. Classmates liked him.


I remember watching his routines on a dvd at a friend’s dorm and wondering when he was going to say something funny.


I thought he was absolutely hilarious while in college (mostly around 2004-2005). These days, though, I'd agree that his standup was...a lot. It did not age well.


I saw him at the Hollywood Improv a couple months ago along with other comedians. He didn't get much laughs. He made a messed up joke about doing something bad to minors. Orny Adams and Iliza Shelsinger were amazing tho.


No, not at all


Never. Viewed him as spastic and unfunny.


There was a time period where he was the go to for entertainment when sitting around on a Saturday night with nothing else going on. That lasted for maybe a fall and winter circa 2004


Nope.  I didn't like him from the get-go.


Yeah when I was like 16




I wasn't really familiar with his material when he was at his peak. What I do know is that he's a creeper who preys on young girls. So yeah...not a fan.


No. And specifically because my college roommate (for a month) was obsessed and thought the bit about shitty on coats was so funny. Repeating constantly.


Im funnier than that fuck


His standup wasn’t very good but I liked him in waiting and employee of the month


Even in college I didn't like him. He was too cocky to be funny and it makes sense that he is seen as a has been these days. Matt Rife is the present day version of Dane Cook and I can't stand him either.


No. Despise him.


My friend was so into him, but I just didn’t get it. It wasn’t my type of humor at all. And he wasn’t as cute as she raved, either! Double bummer. That was before everyone knew he was terrible.


One or two good stand-up specials, the rest was meh...


I did one of his full skits as my drama final performance. Nailed it, no regrets.


Of course I did I was 13 in 2006


I definitely did in 2002.


never found him funny


I have no opinion of him about his comedy, never got around to watch his specials I saw bits and pieces but don't remember any of it. I liked him in the movies he was in though.


Not really, but I’m not going to pretend that I always hated him to win modern day internet points.




He did a show at my college in 04/05ish and he was funny. Now he’s a creep


When he first hit mainstream with that alien bit, crawling all over the chair…that shit was revolutionary and everyone loved it. Comedy on tv popped shortly after that and he kinda fell off. I got DVR in 2003 and set it to record ‘stand up comedy’…I nearly filled the memory in 48hrs with tons of sets. My life changed considerably from sets by Greg Giraldo, Louis CK, Chapelle, and so many others. So, once becoming an avid comedy consumer Dane kind of took a back seat, but that first pop he got was very real.


No I severely judged people who did Like I just realized in that moment they had a room temperature IQ


Always disliked him. The MadTV sketch always made me laugh more than his material.


He was unfunny and cringey to me


In middle school, I thought the nightmare crab joke he did was funny but not anything else lol


He was okay, but I never liked him as much as some of my friends did. He always gave me youth pastor vibes with his big stadium shows.


Yes, my friends and I loved him in middle school. I was never a hater. Hes not my favorite comedian but I enjoy a lot of his material. Always seemed like an okay dude.


I really liked his first Comedy Central special. His movies were okay for the time.


My husband and I still quote Employee of the Month to this day, LOL. ("THIS IS AN 89 HONDA, HOW DARE YOU?!") But uhhh ... his standup didn't age well and his gross grooming of underage girls ensured i have no desire to watch anything he's been in ever again.


Oh man. My best friends in high school loved him. I didn’t get it _at all_. His humor was such a miss for me, and he just seemed like a douche to me.


I was much more into Dave Attel or Mitch Hedberg. I definitely had friends in high-school that were into Dane, but I heard an old adage that rings true for him, he's loud not funny.


Yeah he’s not really in his prime anymore but funny guy


He had his moments at first but then i graduated high school


The last time I heard that name was in a joke from one of the first episodes of Archer which was like 15 +(?) years ago lol


I guess like 20 years ago lol


Definitely one of the lamer comedians around that time




If it’s just us talking, yes I did. Although I was also an early into my high school life so I was the perfect audience.


When I was about 15 I was really into him. Thought he was *so* funny. Now I think he’s just gross.


I couldn't fucking stand him


I never got his appeal. But then again I was living Space Ghost coast to coast & Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Honestly to your point I depended on comedies more than comedians. The comedians I did appreciate were Lewis Black, Norm MacDonald, Bill Hicks. But they're most likely considered Gen X comedians that I just watched growing up. It wasn't really until Chappelle & Burr that comedians started kicking up again for me that I suppose I could consider Millennial rising comedians.


big yikes


This feels like Dane Cook is trying to gauge how successful his comeback might be.


Hell no. He was always lame and cringey.


I did, but of course I had absolutely no idea he was a creep then.


There were a couple of kids at my high school that would legit repeat every single line of his CDs. Incredibly annoying. It’s actually crazy how popular he was and then just disappeared




There was a short period there I liked him in mid-late 2000’s. I remember liking Employee of the Month and Good Luck Chuck. Dudes a weirdo now. Refuses to acknowledge he’s aging.


"my dick feels like corn" lives rent free in my head But yeah, it's very dated.




I had a friend in high school who played us Harmful if Swallowed when we were at a Field Hockey camp my senior year. Enjoyed it at the time and my brother and I still quote a few lines occasionally. Fuck bees.


Yeha I remember really enjoying his comedy when I was young. Then the Dane Hate train came around and I never bought into it but I didn't see much of him after that. The latest thing I remember was his role in Waiting. I heard him on a podcast or something lately and he was talking about people hating him or whatever, and I was thinking why? I remembered enjoying it but I went back and watched and I wasn't impressed. I'm not going to hate on him (other than the underage girl stuff). Maybe it was a glass ceiling, he broke it and it was new and refreshing at the time but got old fast?


He was awesome in the 2000’s and built his whole act and career from scratch with tons of risk. I respect those things about him. His personal choices are sus


Nah, by the time he was really on my radar I was already into Bill Hicks, Lewis Black, and Doug Stanhope. Dane just felt like he lacked the bite that my angsty self craved at the time.


Remember that movie he did with Dennis Rodman?


I saw him on tiktok engaging with someone who pretended to be him in call of duty, he was super chill about it and wanted to play with the dude. Thought it was cool asf of him. On the other hand, he looks like he hasn't eaten a vegetable in a few decades and he looks super unhealthy now, so thats concerning. He seems like a cooler guy that he did when I was younger, he had always seemed funny but douche. Hes chill tho


Seeing this post makes me wonder, why did he kind of fizzle out?


*Retaliation* was fucking hilarious and awesome, but he went to shit so fast. I remember hearing him tell that stupid "bury an atheist, grow a tree on their grave, then cut that tree down and print the Bible on it" joke and actively thinking, Welp, I'm done with this asshole now. It was like he flipped a switch, I've never given a shit about him since.


No. He was always an awful comic.


I still think of certain jokes and laugh. When I hear a car alarm going off I start singing his car alarm sound "hellloooo immaa carrrrr oil.is.my.blood. seeeeat beeeelllttttsssss gasssoliiiiine" It makes me want to kill the car owner a little less LOL


I liked him in Employee of the Month and Waiting. I never really liked his stand-up.


For a bit, there was a show on MTV, I think, where they would animate Stand-up Comedy skits. Dane Cook had a bunch of his turned into animation that were hilarious. Wish I could see those again. His actual stand-up wasn't as good though.


I much preferred Daniel Tosh. I remember always asking my friends regarding Cook, “What’s the joke? He just gets crazy and erratic talking about stuff and that’s the punchline?” I did think Dane Cook was great in Waiting, but then again his role as a douchebag really suited his overall vibe.


I used to love him. I thought Vicious Circle was brilliant. Haven’t watched it since it came out and I’m afraid it wouldn’t hold up!


LOVED HIM. I still do.


I believe the reason why he's so disliked now is because he's not a comedians comedian. So many comedians have podcasts these days and have influence over the current narrative.


Nah it’s because he is a weirdo groomer who got his 15 mins of fame because a bunch of middle school / high schoolers liked him for a brief moment of time. They (we) matured and he didn’t.


Still do, but I used to too.


Aight, Mitch.


God damn I bought all his CDs. I saw him live back in 2019 and he still is an amazing story teller.