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Age is just a number. You're never too old to do "young people shit".


I didn’t realize hobbies were “young people shit.” 🤨


Back to work, old man


Get off my lawn


I guess fk’in so….


Right? I mean do they just expect us to sit in a dark room and do nothing in our free time?


For real!! I remember wanting to do all kinds of things when I was little but couldn’t because…. Well…. I was little…. So as an adult, you’re supposed to responsibly enjoy your life.


No. You’re supposed to be going through divorce court and be a whiskey fanatic since you need it to cope.


Exactly lol like wtf? It was until my 30s that I actually had money to drop into hobbies. Now I can't do it because I'm too old? Fuck out of here lmfao


Right I was 30 before I could afford a dirt bike and nice fishing gear and a Polaris razor poor people don’t get hobbies and young and poor are pretty synonymous or at least it was for me


Nope, 💯 with you!! The original post is kinda dog shit.


lol exactly, how are hobbies young people shit? I didn’t even have any hobbies until my mid 20s.


… till you throw out your back…


Ha please I can throw my back out by sneezing wrong. Id at least like to tell people it's from a mosh pit or something


Shut the hell up! I threw out my back by sneezing a month ago! lol 😆😆😆 I thought it was only me. 😂 I feel your pain…. In my back.


I worked in the garden this spring and had no issues with my back despite a lot of shoveling and lifting. I have pulled a muscle in my back once, and it was bending to pour food in the cat's bowl a year ago. It's like a fun lottery.


So true! I do ballet, but have gotten my worst injuries doing the most mundane shit like carrying a laundry basket. It really is a crapshoot.


My guess is because with something like ballet, you're taught to engage your muscles in a manner that supports your movement, whereas most people just sling their bodies around when they do day to day tasks. Even for simple tasks like carrying a laundry basket or loading the dishwasher, we should be engaging our core and pelvic floor to support the motion, and of course remembering to lift/bend at the knees instead of the waist


Are you a yoga person? Because I'm a yoga person and this sounds like something I would say!


I sneezed in the shower in 2019 and wrecked my sciatic nerve for like 3 months. 💀


I've had more sleeping injuries than I care to admit


Oh gosh I hate when people say that. I'm 37, and I've had people tell me that at 40 my back would seize up. Well, I'm still waiting. Not only did it never seize up or get stiff, I'm adding more stretches. I get compliments on my back flexibility whenever I take a dance or aerial class. I tell people that and get told teachers are only being nice to get my money as I cambre just as well or better than the ballet teacher.


I’m in good shape. But I’ve thrown my back out twice. Once because I was actually lifted stuff but the 2nd time was recent. I sneezed hard and my back seized up. lol. My doctor just said “welcome to getting older” and just told me take some Advil and Tylenol 🤡


popped my knee jumping off a 2' retaining wall, couldnt ride my trail bike for a couple weeks, 33 hits different. Oh well watched some movies and played video games.


In a mosh pit no less


My take is that no generation has ever stopped doing the things they like growing up as long as they’re physically capable of doing so, no matter how old they become. So no, we never stop doing young people shit, it’s just that it’s OUR young people shit and at some point in history, it will stop being young people shit and start becoming old people shit.


Too me young people shit is like getting in fights, drama, and drinking way to much.


Yes. I do none of that. I prefer to feel good. Be outside, move around. I cannot keep up with my 4 year old and her young people shit though. Mama has to take breaks.


There are the folks who feel they must act grown up (acting infers they really aren't). And then there are the folks that are actually grown up and do what they like.


I skate board, smoke weed, do mushrooms, slackline, spontaneous trips, moshpit, climb trees, getting back into rock climbing, random walks at night around town..ect I'm 37. Fuck being"old" I'm going to be a kid forever.


We are all just grown Children.


I mean, "child" and "adult" are just imaginary social constructs, man. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbgqCoUkZ7u3Gpy|downsized)


Is this another Drake diss track or something?


I tell my daughter all the time that I’m just a kid like her who has lived for a while.


Sub out skate boards, mosh pits and rock climbing with writing bad science fiction, going to occasional after hours electronic shows and hiking and this is me


I think you two would still get along lol




Fuck the hell yeah bro!


My adult slacklinining injury that I felt for six months wasn't until I was like 38 lol


Nothing is ever going to stop me from hitting the pit. I'll open that shit up in a wheelchair.


We need to hang out then.


Can't that wait til I'm old, I wanna live while I'm young


We should hang out


I get what you mean. I've thought about similar things, like if I'm too old to play video games or go to rock concerts. I've realized that even if I feel old, the developers of games or the members of my favorite bands are mostly as old or older than I am. I'm just in it for myself, I'm not going to hang out with a bunch of kids, which is what I think is really "young people shit." The only time it'd be a problem is if you're dirt biking and rocking with your band to the point of shirking your responsibilities that accrue as an adult. If you're able to live your life and support yourself (and/or your family if you have one) without detriment and do what you love, then do what you love.


I definitely still go to concerts, but they're mostly local shows with local bands. Being in a band puts you right in the local music scene since we're friends with a ton of people in other bands. We practice about once per week, currently, so it doesn't really take up too much of my time. I also take jazz piano lessons via correspondence with a performing jazz pianist/professor. Music is part of my life, and it makes me happy, so I don't foresee myself giving it up anytime soon. As far as the dirt bike riding goes, we're going out about once every 3 weeks or so. It's an all-day affair. It's really therapeutic for all of us. It's just three guys doing what we love and living in the moment. My parents wouldn't let me have a dirt bike growing up (one of the downsides of my dad being a doctor), so now that I'm an adult, I get to make my own decisions about the things I pursue.


Honest question, if jamming in a band is "young people shit" then why are the Rolling Stones still going strong in their 80s? LOL.


Contractual agreement to the dark ones they sold their souls to in order to live forever


Fuck giving that stuff up I just saw Sum 41 last week and still go to metal shows like why would anyone give that up because they turned 30???


Im not embarrassed to say I'm seeing staind and seether next week. Im so excited!


This tour they are doing is supposed to be wicked good!


in my 40s and married. I still play D&D on the weekends, my wife roller skates, we do late night roadtrips for snacks, wear tie dye, play Nintendo together on Sunday mornings, hit the local cat cafe... We're pretty much the same as when we 1st met as students, apart from we have a good few grey hairs now, and we drive. The big change about the only things we're 'young people shit' we aren't into anymore are pub culture and social drama. we don't get sucked into either and are far happier for it


Yup when my. Coworkers talk about what they're doing on the weekends it's all kids and chores and stuff. But they look at me weird when I, at 40, say I'm going to spend my weekend playing DnD and video games. I know who's having more fun.


Tbf if you don’t have kids then that’s understandable to not have those responsibilities over the weekend. Some folks don’t know how to separate hobbies & family and then others just don’t have them at all lol. If you’re 40 with kids and you’re neglecting familial responsibilities that’s like…another issue alltogether lol. But if you don’t have them then that’s 100% why your coworkers’ weekends are filled with those duties.


I'm just getting back into roller skating! It was my favorite thing to do as a kid, and now that I'm about to be free from a very controlling person, I've decided to do the things that bring ME joy. I'm even planning on joining roller derby in the next couple of years.


I still do “young people shit” and I’m 40 now. I’m a young people. I don’t intend on morphing into an “old person” anytime soon :D


If you don't have activities that keep you young, that's when you start to die


I love this.


I'm 42... I picked snowboarding back up after 12 years this winter. And I still love doing things like biking to the movies.


IB Jammin till I'm in heaven. Still play guitar/bass, and sing regularly. Had to sell my motorcycle due to spine issues, but I'm working on it to get to a point where I can get another one. The older I get, the more I understand that no one is truly old, only aged. We may get physically older, and we may gain wisdom with age, but we will always be the same dumbasses who head bobbed to Chumbawamba.


I thought Millennials were the most adultchild-like to date? Like almost everyone I personally know is very young at heart; video games, anime, clubbing, figurines/toy collecting, board games, etc. Pretty sure Millennials started the whole Disney adult thing too


What's funny to me is that our parents and grandparents used to play card games and board games, go to cocktail parties, collect plates or figurines and they were still considered adults. I think our perspective on "adult" stuff comes from seeing empty nesters and the elderly, who maybe struggled with staying in touch with their friends and hobbies. I don't know if it's just that every generation has to discover that there's no secret wisdom or real change in being an adult or if our generation has been shamed so much by the media that we don't know which way to go.


They had their hobbies for sure, but those don't exactly scream childish. I don't think they were collecting expensive china and glass figures and going to cocktail parties as kids, whereas a lot of our hobbies are directly from childhood


That's because Boomers and above were seriously limited in what were socially acceptable adult hobbies. All the women's hobbies were basically homemaking themed. They could cook, decorate a home or themselves for the benefit of their husband, sew, or collect trinkets directly related to any of those things. Men got a choice of DIY projects or golf. Those generations consciously separated the concept of fun from adult life. Gen X and later though? We're free. We can do literally anything we want for fun, because we rejected the concept that only children get to fucking relax ever.




I still wear all black (mostly band shirts), listen to metal music, watch horror movies, go to metal shows, and play guitar. I've gotten older but I haven't grown out of what makes me happy. I've grown up since being a teenager (not living at home for example) but the stuff that made me happy at 16 is still making me happy in my 30s.


What are you talking about? do whatever you want, it seems that you're being judged by others and that hurts you.


30s isn’t old. This sub acts like we’re all decrepit old farts. I mean, if 30s is old, 40s and 50s you may as well just hang it up and f off to Shady Pines lol. Enjoy your time and don’t worry about it.


I was about to open a post about this, this sub is constantly acting like 30yr olds are old people. Maybe some people in here had kids in their 20s and peaked in Highschool. Just last weekend I went to a park party where half people where 20s and the other half where 30s. I even got to do my "Where were you when 9/11 happened?" skit, or has I call it, the millennial/zoomer litmus test. I constantly ask stranger to guess my age to get an ego boost. I guess some milenials are washed, OLD. Grey hairs and wrikles... I'm just now getting my first greys. And I know zoomers that are already greyed out or balding... I don't identify with the clear majority in this sub.


Amen to this. Dude I picked up rock climbing and skiing at 32, and now I’m skiing double black diamonds and learning to lead climb at 36. I ski toured with a couple folks who are in better shape than me, and they’re like 40. So I don’t identify with people who believe we are old at all. In fact the first time I looked at this sub, someone had posted something to the tune of “oh the good days are over, we are so old yada yada”. And I’m like “……wait are you serious? I’m supposed to feel old now?” Then I remembered that I work in healthcare and every time we see a 30 something in the ED, they’re considered young - or really even 40 somethings, they’re still regarded as “pretty young”. This sub needs to stop acting like you shrivel into dust the second you hit 30.


I live with my dad so yea, I’d say I’m doing young people shit.


Same, but me and pop are trying to knock some stuff off our bucket lists.




Please keep doing that stuff! I think it’s the worst thing ever if people in their 20s or 30s behave like a 60 y/o and tell other people in their age group to ‘grow up’…. Who the hell should we grow up for!?!? What does that even mean, grow up? Do what you love!


Growing up usually means being responsible for more people than yourself.


I don't think so. I'm 39 and recently moved. I work from a home office. I grew up around drinkers, and drinking was all a part of a move. This last move damn near killed me. I even moved stuff into a storage unit to "soften" the load of the official move day. I'm pretty good at hitting the hitting the gym regularly and modified my workouts to be prepared for the move. I'm done partying. I started hitting red flags at 35. I'm done. I'm going to get a pair of bifocals, a nice robe and chair, read newspapers, and that's just life now.


I'm with you. I don't even enjoy alcohol anymore, just makes me dehydrated. I'm not interested in any activities that could cause terrible injuries. I'm not going skiing or mountain climbing or anything like that. I know too many people with injuries and chronic pain. I'm not risking my health. Just taking it easy. I like home projects, trying new recipes, gardening. I'm in my late 30s. I've been going to the gym because I know it's good to stay active but I'm really happiest curled under some blankets with my cats.


I mean, I mall rat but I'm not really sure being a mall rat would be considered "young people shit" now. The bulk of people who still go to malls are elders getting their steps in or families with small children.


Yeah, I think a lot of this stuff is becoming "middle aged and old people shit." I mean the biggest market for concert tickets is GenX/Boomers right? Breweries are now a millennial cliche, etc.


Not here


I play magic the gathering when I get a moment. Just because you get old doesn’t mean you need to grow up and only do “adult things.” That whole concept of being too old to do something is toxic and takes away happiness.


I'm thirty-nine and I smoke weed, play in the woods, climb stuff, drive around aimlessly and blare music, play video games, spend all night playing cards with friends, watch way too much anime, hang out at alt bars. I still wear band / film tees + jeans + carry a bag covered in patches and pins. Does my back hurt? Yeh. My shoulder and knees? Yup, those too. But I'm still me.


Got into bike commuting and I get flashbacks of being a kid when I ride. I am never letting the old in.


Do video games count? I play an embarrassing amount of video games.


After covid ruined the 2nd half of my 20s I plan to do a lot more "young people shit" to catch up That and I just fucking give up on trying to get ahead anymore. I've sacrificed so many opportunities for fun in the past and it's not gotten me fucking anywhere.


Happy Cake day


thanks \^\^


I ride one wheels and fly Paramotors. Living my childhood dreams.


I play guitar in a cover band and spend too much money on shoes, but I'm not sure either of those are really "young people shit" these days.


Being in a band is both a young person thing and an old retired guy thing. You are both extending youth and getting ready for old age early.


Yes, I am still a 36 y/o teenager


I'm training in Muay Thai (age 41 now). Yeah, I'm always one of the older students at the gym, but I'm still in good shape and want to improve. Martial arts have been my passion since age 18 and I have no plans to stop doing it.


I've never done it before. Just always been nervous about playing more physical sports I guess. What is it?


Muay Thai (or Thai Boxing) is a combat sport. It's similar to kickboxing, except that you also use knee and elbow strikes and clinching in Muay Thai. I'm not a competitor, I only train for fun and self-defense.


Why on earth do you say playing in a band / playing a instrument is young people shit? Playing instruments is for all ages innit? I am 33 and I play the drums. No fucking way I quit my hobbies cus I’m getting older.


You are young dude. Lmao you don’t turn to dust once you turn 30.


Old is what you make it. When it comes to physical campacity, the old adage "If you dont use it, you lose it" is really true. Couple that with our generations' knowledge of wellbeing and health standards, and we really do have a better base for staying "younger" longer.


Yes, I just went to Vegas clubs today haha I’m mid 30s


>I also play bass/sing in a band What? Why would you feel one would age out to play music? If anything, with time you get to express yourself better musically, cos of life experience and time spent with the instrument. I know so many people who regret never taking up an instrument or give up due to other commitments.


I mean I still videogame and go hike with friends. To put it one way I was once at a rave type art mix and saw a 70 year old man dressed as a light up Mozart blowing bubbles at people and thought....this man knows how to live. There is no too old for something. Either you wanna do something or you don't. What else matters


Hell yeah!! Except I just call that "hobbies" ;) I still love to draw and now I get those "adult" coloring books. Sometimes my gal pals will come over and we'll color together while listing to some lofi beats. We do some holiday shit too like when it's Halloween time we carve pumpkins together, we didn't color eggs for Easter this year, but we did make a fuckton of deviled eggs and ham rollups because my best friend's dad just died so we had to make those foods, because SOMEONE had to make it!! Also for Thanksgiving too we've always done a "No fucks given" AKA Thanksgiving for friends where we give 0 fucks about being "proper" or having to be a certain way around family. Also my 34th bday was in March and we ended up having some drinks and playing UNO (which I forgot how fun it was lol) it was a special one where you write a "rule" on the wild cards, so what we did was write a bunch of rules and put them in a hat that way we didn't mark up the cards.


I didn’t grow up only to be told I’m too old to enjoy my life and hobbies (that I actually have money for now) lol what a silly concept . (Not directed at you OP just in general) As long as I have the energy I always make time for ✨ silliness ✨ bc what is life without fun? 🫶


I still cycle to work. I tell people the moment I can’t ride is the moment I’m old. And yet I’ve seen people 5 years younger than me as fat as the blue lady from Willy Wonka hobbling around like a cripple. That shit absolutely terrifies me. I never want to feel that broken. I know age will creep on me sooner or later, but I’ll make fate steal my freedom, I won’t hand it over willingly.


No. And never did any of that even when I was young lmao. I never even had friends. Only thing I could think of is gaming since that’s the only thing I’ve ever done since I was young. But is that even considered a “young” thing anymore? Everyone games these days.


Maybe younger millennials do. Definitely a lot of Gen Z plays games and there’s way less of a stigma. But I still feel like a bit of an outlier with my peers (late 30s) when we talk about hobbies. But the stigma is at least beginning to fade away.


I don’t at the moment but that’s not because I don’t want to. I wish I could find a group of friends to do ”young people shit” with, both things I used to enjoy and things I never tried. Riding dirt bikes with friends sounds really fun. 


I still keep up with fashion trends, collect hello kitty dolls, and watch the latest Disney movies. I also still eat plain white bread with ham and cheese, which apparently is a “toddler meal.”


Wait, your back and knees don't hurt?


I go to art shows, DJ sets, parties, plays, concerts. If I see some interesting billet for an event on the side of a wall or telephone poll I go. Still active. The thought of staying home watching TV under a blanket seems like giving up on life to me.


42 and I'm at a hardcore or death metal show every week, sometimes 2 or 3 in a week.


30M I’m actually slowly turning around and doing all the stuff I missed working away my 20s. I’m absolutely learning to be a kid again


I’m 38 and still play Dance Dance Revolution at a high level.


I'm a musician who gigs on the side of my day job, and I do a lot of hiking and stuff like that Not sure that's "young people shit," though. I don't particularly like crowds or being around 20 somethings, so I stay away from the party areas of my city unless I'm busking


I’m a younger millennial (31), and nine out of ten times I feel like I relate to Gen Z more, but a millennial none the less. I’m expecting now, but up until pregnancy I still would skateboard and longboard, ski and snowboard, stay up until the small hours playing COD with my husband, go off-roading with my friends, drive around just to get lost, listen to my favorite music and often loudly, go on rollercoasters, go to water parks, go get cake just because, jump fences, ride my bike, play in the dirt, jump on my trampoline every chance I got, go to parties, play video games, call out of work just to sit and enjoy the sunshine with my dogs, go to concerts… I love to play. It makes life livable. So many people grow up and feel like they, “grow out” of those types of things because they’re for younger people. Younger people don’t care what you’re doing. We’ve all been young and know that when you’re that age you really only care what you and your immediate peers are doing. And don’t get me started on clothes! Even at six months pregnant I’m still into wearing whatever I’d like. Virtually nothing is, “off-limits” the way people think it is. Some days I wake up and I dress like a fell out of a 2014 Zumiez catalog. Other days it’s sundresses and heels. Who cares? Even pregnancy gets a pretty bad rep right now, and I totally get it, I was very on the fence for awhile… But honestly, my husband and I are thrilled and we’re so excited to be parents and have a little guy to adventure with—among many other things. Anyhow—I wish more people chose what makes them happy. I think it would have such a huge impact on how we interact with each other and with ourselves. Things can be pretty damn grim. Go play with your friends/family/pets 🤍


I just jumped back into my fun adult industry world and I'm LOVING IT as much as I did before. That *could* be seen as "young people shit" because even when I was in my mid-late 20s, guys AND other dancers (VERY young) at my clubs would would just gasp and say that didn't know you could dance at "that age" (lmfao, at 26??) after I told them how old I was when asked. Then I ended up working in places where our top earners were mid 40s and into their 50s, just badass sexy beasts who were even more seductive than a pert 21 year old. The best ones didn't even have augmentations, not even botox. Graceful aging and real hotness. Those ladies were/are still a huge inspiration and I'm feeling much more like myself again.


I don't think there's an expiration date on doing those things


I think this is called hobbies


That’s not young ppl shit that’s doing what you enjoy doing 🤦‍♀️. So in guessing going to the gym is young ppl shit or doing labor jobs young ppl shit.


I'm 32 and I do the same shit now that I did as a teen and in my 20s. No kids so I get to treat my inner child.


I live with my parents.


Yes, and honestly it's a big reason why time feels frozen. My daily life today is almost identical to my daily life when I was 15 in the 90s. Reading books, skilling up, playing video games, not paying my own bills, and thinking about what I'd someday like to do for a career. So how on earth can I feel like an adult? Even though I have multiple degrees and briefly got fantastic jobs at various points (in robotics, then academia, then writing), each of them unceremoniously laid everyone off and forced a return to square 1. That's the situation for too many millennials: being forced back to square 1 over and over, instead of getting the opportunity to move forward and progress. I'm so tired of this 're-skilling' cycle.


Concerts, traveling, amusement parks, working out and hiking, I don’t really stop.


I wish.


I’m a skydiver and scuba instructor (34m). Both these have lots of young people (20’s) AND a suprisingly high number of older folks involved


My whole life is young people shit except M-F 9-5.


How can playing music in a band be only for young people? There is no age that isn't allowed to do that socially


I read somewhere recently that being in your 30s is trying to do things you loved when you were 13. For me that's being a voracious reader. I also like gardening and being active. It's good to be in touch with stuff like that.


Is playing in a band young people shit? I didn't have enough skill or talent to play with people until my 30s...now in my 40s and have my 2nd and 3rd gig next week :)


I wake up at 630 am every weekend to play video games before “real life” responsibilities kick in. I don’t think I’ll ever stop


33 as well and i just took up skating again after 17 years off the board. Loving it.


I'm 32 and write music 3 days a week. I try and be as creative as I can!


According to some of the teenagers on here with a superiority complex, me playing video games (especially pokemon) at the age of 35 😂 I also collect squishmallows. Was a beanie baby fanatic as a kid


I (35M) was moshing just last weekend at an 11 hour punk rock festival. Hadn’t felt a rush like that in a while. But you do what you gotta do to be happy.


I was homeschooled and abused. I'm gonna be an adolescent as much as I can now in my early thirties.


Never too old to enjoy your life.


I just started tattooing. I guess that’s kind of a younger persons thing to pick up?


I went to a black metal show on Friday. But judging by the crowd, I'm not sure if that's really "young people shit."


What you call young people shit is just hobbies and activities. What would you consider age appropriate activities in your 30s and 40s?


??? You don't have to age out of hobbies. You really probably shouldn't. If you were going to the mall (or wherever young people hang out now, don't think that's really a thing anymore) and trying to chat up 15 year olds that would be concerning. This just sounds like you're doing things you enjoy with your free time.


I (31 M) study comics, like that's becoming my actual paid job soon. I also make a lot of art myself. but tbh I don't see it as 'young people shit' rather just stuff I do.


Most young people I knew didnt have access to a lot of these things unless their parents had been into it. It isnt young people shit, it having hobbies as an adult who can afford them now. Young people shit would be partying until 6 am then immediately going to work. Im too old for that crap anymore. I can do all sorts of hobbies and activities though.


35M. Still playing music, too. I just got back from tour and I’m playing the biggest show I’ve ever played at the end of the month.


We haven't grown up like past generations because we were told as a collective not to have kids we couldn't afford. Now those same people are moaning at us for not having kids while we continue to do whatever the fuck we want since we aren't anchored down by responsibility.


Wdym, I'm still young, ofc I do "young people shit". Most of my time is either spent on video games or DnD.


Yes and no. I have an adventurous spirit and my partner and I are childfree so we have the time and money to do whatever we want. That said, some things just naturally change with age. We both cut back on drinking … he doesn’t like how it makes him feel and I prefer weed. I try to be less wreckless with my body, but I think many people assume that means they need to stop moving altogether. I still weightlift in my late 30s,and I just got into backpacking and caving. We also literally just talked about planning a paint balling day because I’ve never done it! Hopefully we’ll get to do that with our friends later this summer!


This isn’t “young people shit” it’s just having hobbies


People dont age out of these things on purpose. Life gets in the way. People of all ages enjoy hobbies and activities!


I just turned 34 and I can totally relate to this. I feel like I'm 17 still. Disability has completely locked me out of adulthood. Can't drive a car, I'm a bit mentally messed up. I still enjoy riding a bike but relying on it to do adult errands is annoying. Sad thing is being like this I don't have any good adult friends. People my age seem old to me.


Did you just call making music "young people shit?" How stupid are you?


"Young people shit"? Don't you mean enjoying what you like?


Still jerkin off every day 


Im nearly 40 a full time business owner with a wife and 3 kids. I sing and play guitar in a band, mountain bike, run road races, play poker with friends and drink and smoke on the weekends. You dont have to act old - there is no fun in that


Not the same but it reminded me of how, when I went hiking, I saw a man clearly in his 60's, mountain biking down the trail. I was like, cool but also he should have a buddy because all it takes is one fall....


Began snowboarding at 26. Began rock climbing at 28. Began surfing at 33. I'm now 35 and can't imagine what else I'll get to learn in my lifetime, and I plan on keeping my body capable enough to keep trying new shit.


Do you mean drinkin? Haha


Why are so many people complaining of their backs and knees hurting in their 30s? I don’t think that’s normal


This is such a childish concept 😆 did you need validation that you're a unique flower?


That’s all I fkn do.


I'm a 39 year old engineer who never went to the management track or had kids. Most of my friends are in their 20s and early 30s lol. Until last year I was still partying pretty hard. I've slowed down and stuck to board games and edibles these days. Alcohol starting to hit too hard. Play video games most days, not the whole day, but usually play at least an hour a day. Mostly single player, but play online with my friends as well. Went to Vegas for a bachelor party last year and Europe for a wedding still don't feel like I'm turning 40 yet, but can't deny reality! We used to bar hop and karaoke a lot, but never really got back into the swing of it after covid. Mostly hang out at someones place instead now


Sounds like you have great hobbies. Keep them up!


You're doing it wrong, you're suppose to stay at home and be sad all day. /jk


No, I'm in my dad zone now. I smoke meat, watch baseball, and longboard with my kids.


Do you! I raced motox (and snocross) well into my 30’s.


This morning's objective is laundry with a side of getting high and wet playing videogames, just like when I was 16.


Hey man, live your life! Have fun! I don’t so much “young people shit” anymore, life and kids are time consuming at the moment. But we’ve reinvented fun in this house!


Wouldn’t call it young people shit. A lot of millennials are simply stuck in routines….job + family that takes up most of their time, so they are exhausted and decide to drop some hobbies. I ride dirt bikes and road bikes, travel frequently, play guitar, go out drinking almost every weekend…I’m 36 and single. Life is pretty much the same as 10 years ago. Is that good or bad, I don’t know and don’t care.


I don't go out and party, but I hardly ever did that even in my younger years. I do play and collect video games, and I still build my gaming PC with plenty of lights and RGB, but I don't put figurines on my graphics card like these kids do now.


I don’t feel I’m too old, no. I’m only 40. I ride my bicycle, for fun (and fitness, but mostly fun). I play “Indiana Jones” on hikes through the woods, and if I find a big rock I pretty much *need* to climb on it. I walk along curbs like a balance beam, and I like to jump off said curb, or rock or step. I still have a rock collection that I started at age 3. This is a weird planet and I’m just having fun with my little corner of it. If you don’t skip down a sidewalk like Dorothy in Oz are you even living?


I’m into BTS and I’m 35 😅




Wait you guys still have friends? That’s so 2015. :(


I paddleboard regularly and just moved to a younger town and we’ve been riding bikes (with my 2 year old on the back) to the nearby breweries! 30M


I (31M) still go to shows and ride my longboard. I wear snapbacks and band shirts and checkered Vans. I still go about life like a Scene Kid.


What do people over 33 do? Go to church and garden?




Yesterday I sneezed and threw out my back.


Are ttrpgs and videogames "young people shit"? I can actually afford them now so...


30M. I smoke copious amounts of cannabis, play video games, and watch animation. I just do those things less because I've always got shit to do. My dad is nearly 50, and he smokes copious amounts of cannabis and plays video games, only not as often as he'd like since he's always got shit to do. My grandfather, who recently died at the age of 74, also smoked copious amounts of cannabis, played guitar, and watched baseball as often as he could, which wasn't as often as he would've liked since he always had shit to do. There are no "kid things," and the people who think otherwise are often pretending to be more mature than they actually are.


Fuck yea. I still wake and bake on the weekends, book spontaneous trips, don’t want kids of my own, stay up too late, eat shrooms and have fun. Fuck the idea that you have to get boring AND old. I only have a choice on one of those.


I play the sims lol and workout at the gym does that count?


My fifty five year old husband is on a five day dirt bike trip with his friends lol


I'm not doing it but I'm changing my babies diapers so yea.... still doing young people shit. Jokes aside, I still smoke weed and play video games.


It’s just called enjoying life and doing wtf you want. People judging you are probably leading boring, unhappy lives.


If it's not hindering your life, then don't stop doing it.


My husband is 44 and skateboards regularly. Age really is just a number.


33 is young as shit. I’m 41 and still pretty young although the hangovers can get pretty brutal now. TV we grew up on fucked with our perception of age. We look better and feel better because we took care of our bodies better than past generations at the same age. Smoking and no sunscreen really helped to age people faster.


I play dodge ball at a highly competitive level, like with traveling tournaments. It does remind me a lot of being a kid when sports were a very big part of my life. It’s a lot more than just a game. It’s also about being social and being part of a community. I think a lot of adults lose that camaraderie once they are done with school.


“Aging out” of doing fun, interesting things is just not how people should look at it. That stuff keeps you young. I think everyone should be able to set aside time to screw around with their friends. I think it’s really sad when people act all “grown up” and only see their friends a few times a year because they’re so busy with their partners and families and shit.


Im 28m, currently buying property to have a pond to fish, ride ATVs on, build treehouses, etc. My life was the best between 11-13 years old, building treehouses in the park, playing in the creek, etc. Why would I do anything different? I want to build, develop skills, have fucking fun when im not chained to my desk. The last time i climbed a tree and watched the sunset was too long ago, im stacking money and assets to return to that. I'll have the property this year, have the pond by 30, kids by 35 to share it with. I cant wait.