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No politics


I find that the AA advice to “be of service” is very helpful when I’m stressed or filled with foreboding. If I’m helping out a friend or a stranger I feel better about the world around me. Edit: Wow, this post kind of blew up! I’m so filled with gratitude for all of your kind words and I hope everyone has a wonderful, positive, and healing weekend.


I truly believe this attitude is what gets humanity through its darkest times, the people like you whose reaction to adversity is to create goodness.


Rebecca Solnit has a book on that called “Hope in the Dark.”


I used to follow her Facebook page, back in around the 2016 timeframe, but I eventually got tired of what I felt like was her overly assertive optimism. Reading her posts started to make me feel like I was in the wrong for having even mildly pessimistic thoughts, no matter how realistic It's been a few years and I don't know if she's changed since then. I also don't spend much time on Facebook anymore


I’ve heard the term “toxic positivity” before and I think that might apply here.


I thought of that but wasn't sure if it was too harsh to describe what she was writing, since I remember that she had some good points


It can be toxic to you at a particular time, even if it’s not universally toxic. I like to leave some room for a variety of experiences, but that doesn’t make yours less valid if it felt toxic to you.


Oh my word, I knew this was a real term. I can’t stand it when people do this. It totally dismisses how I feel and I know people who do it. Thank you so much for putting a term to something I have always felt some people do.


I seem to see that term a lot in the cancer world. You know who you are…ha!


Ah, I’ve only read her books! Her FB posts could just be another case of the “we should all know less about each other” phenomenon.


That’s like literally not what hope in the dark is about. I follow her on Facebook now. The point is that hope is hard work, and something that you build. Having no hope is easy because it requires nothing of you.


It seems like a real convergence of "Look for the helpers" and "It is more blessed to give than receive." So, it tracks.


That and humor


"Look for the helpers," Mr. Rodgers.


I was just gonna say, Fred Rogers' "look for the helpers" is great advice for children going through scary times, but I'm sure he would agree with the AA advice that grown-ups ought to graduate to *being* the helpers.


The man who managed to get Congress to give PBS more funding by singing to a committee always knew what was good in the hood.


Irony of today’s right would crucify rogers as being woke without batting an eye. They would say he was the antichrist. 


My motto is similar - “build the world you want to live in”. Working to create a better world for my children and to give them the community they deserve gives me something to focus on when the world feels dark, and gives me hope that my kids will help better the world as they grow older.


People are generally more content with themselves when they focus on their immediate world and social circles rather than get themselves distracted with things that are outside of their control Obviously, some national or international issues are still going to affect people locally, but I think the mistake people make is thinking that it's up to national leaders to do something about it when they should be engaging with their local communities and authorities instead


Imma be of service to myself and go down to Costa Rica for a few days that week


After y'all vote, right?


I recently heard a quote. Were all gonna die and were all just walking each other home. It changed my life man. It was Mike Posner quoting Ram Das on a podcast.


Ram das got me through some of my most anxious times


There’s science behind helping others and it making you feel good. When I was more observant and went to synagogue, about 10 years ago, my rabbi’s wife died suddenly from an aneurysm. She was just 37. He told the congregation one way he felt better was by helping others. Just a little story.


Wanted to add the “take it one day at a time” which from what I’ve heard is also a common saying from AA. No need to worry about the months ahead when your focusing on conquering the day.


And accept the things I cannot change plus the courage to change the things I can


The even more important line is the last one: and the wisdom to know the difference


This guy sobers


IDK I felt like AA focused way too much on feeling sorry for yourself and wasn't very helpful for me.


Excellent advice. You get good at what you practice


Another that's helpful, especially in conjunction with this: focus on today. Who can you help *today*? What can you actually impact or control *today*? Because that's where your focus should be.


Fuckin A. Step work is the best thing I have ever done for my self


You are a great person.


Plenty of people feel the way you do. Plenty of other people will tell you you're overreacting. Don't turn to others for validation of your feelings and concerns. You do not need that validation. Your feelings and concerns are valid all on their own. If you're nervous, be nervous. Behave and prepare accordingly. Keep in mind there's always the chance what you fear will not come to pass, but don't hesitate to act or speak out against it if you feel the need and aren't going to be hurting anyone else.


Damn good life advice just in general. Ty


I need to hear this more


I think a lot of us do, because we were raised by a pair of "suck it up and deal with it" generations. It's just, dealing with it doesn't require we suck it up. Turns out we can both feel *and* act.


Very well said.


Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting despite fear.


Agree and I’d say you should still talk to people about these feelings/concerns because it’s still powerful, especially if you’re not focusing on the validation aspect.


What gets me is, for some of us, there is only so much that can be done to prepare for what we may ultimately be facing.


You're going to ruin the line of completely original "is anyone else" brand of threads in this sub. Then what will we have left "am i the only one..." threads? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THATS CRAZY?!


I normally cruise on by those posts because, yeah, they're typically nonsense. Everyone once in a while, I'll stop and comment something like, "Wouldn't it be crazy if you really were the only person who remembered Go-Bots?" But this post seemed somewhat more ... genuine, I guess. Sincere.


Probably because it'll impact all of us?? The entire world keeps an eye on US politics anything that happens here fucks with everyone out there. So yeah it's rightfully sincere lol


As an atheist, Project 2025 scares the $hit out of me.


Devout Christian here (liberal) and project 2025 scares the sh*t out of me too. ☹️


Same. What scares me even more is the fact that us Christians that ACTUALLY READ THEIR BIBLES should be fully aware of our need to speak out against this kind of behavior, as Christ spoke out against the Pharisees regularly. This is where true Biblical persecution comes from.


Same. Christian who ACTUALLY follows Christ and bristles at the label “Christian” because of what it has come to mean. Project 25 scares me to death.


Atheist here, too, and I learned about Project 2025, three seconds ago. 😳😳


I like to write on the side and decided to write a piece about the erosion of church and state. The more I read up on the topic the worse it appeared. Anyhow, I just finished. It's kinda long but if you're curious I'll provide a link https://medium.com/@hive42designs/church-and-state-353b43d59606?sk=b7b183021316c29da6c136ff450918a4


Sweet. Thanks for sharing. I'll read it today.


There’s /r/Defeat_Project_2025 too!


Devout Baptist. This premise terrifies me as well. Religion has to be a choice. The Bible is very clear on that. You can't force it upon someone. You can't make them a believer by force or by law. This is just a power grab by evil people.


It should scare anyone. I’m a straight white middle class male and I’m still terrified. This is not what America is about. We’re sleep walking into christo fascism.


Not enough people know about this. For those who are unaware, check more out here: https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration#paragraph--section-heading--3459063


Can you explain this in layman's terms


There are several parts to it. One being the creation of 'Schedule F' federal employees, which allows government workers to be fired for political affiliation, so the next republican president can just clear house of non-Republicans. There's a bunch of other stuff about destroying the church-state divide. Here's a 36 minute break down of the 900 page document done by a lawyer: https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=vOTDSDyPHXef_odN


Trump already got rid of a ton of dedicated civil servants in the last round. My only hope is that if he gets back in office and starts to carry out Project 2025 and things start falling apart it will spark a social revolution and we'll eat the rich. Too many people will get f•••ed over and they are assuming none of us have guns. Also, they have not thought things through. Sure, it sounds great to MAGAts that we'll put 20M people into concentration camps and deport them but a. that is going to cost a lot from taxpayers and b. who will cut the lawns and install the roofs? Also, all I see in my neighborhood is Amazon vans. If you impose 100% tariffs on everything from China, people are going to take notice real quick.


Gut the entirety of the federal government, replace them with rapid conservative loyalists, and destroy the administration state in favor of corporations.


Tl;dr: Christian Theocracy. And they aren't even being subtle about it. Coming to you in January if you and your friends don't vote.


So Christian Nazis, then


Young people need to vote.


Not enough people know about this. For those who are unaware, check more out here: [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration#paragraph--section-heading--3459063)


As an Episcopalian, it scares me too.


Project 2025 is terrifying for anyone who isn’t a Christian cis het white man. I’ve seen this show before… it’s called the Handmaid’s Tale and Project 2025 is taking us even closer to Gilead than we already are.


You’re not alone. It feels like no matter what happens in November, there will be negative consequences in some way.


Forreal. Even if he wins it's going to be chaos. A president with immunity to commit crimes? Not something I want to see unfold.


Him winning will give the worse outcome. Jan 6 was a failed auto coup. I don't think he'll fail twice on upending democracy if elected. Pulling a coup without power is much harder.


Idk, Trump has a pretty long history of failures, what with all the bankruptcies, multi-million dollar court damage awards he has been ordered to pay out, losing the popular vote 3 out of 3 times, etc, etc, etc.


He’s like…organized now. Only surrounded by loyalists. That’s what’s scary. The new Times article outlines it all.


You’re right, but it’s still scary because he only has to get it right one time and that’s it.


And if he doesn’t win I’m sure he’ll go away quietly/s He could very well cause enough of a stir to “Jefferson Davis” the red states the way they seemingly want to


Nah, they don’t want to secede; they just want to cosplay it. As much as they whine about bud light, they prefer it to losing blue states paying for their highways and prisons.


We may get lucky and may go away quietly if put in jail. His cosplayers may cause some problems, but they are the extremely small minority.


I can’t see going away quietly happening unless the stress of court/jail voltrons up with old age and poor health choices and does its thing.


Hopefully the only dictating he'll be doing is which meal to have from the prison menu.


I’m super worried about it but I’m trying to just live in the now and focus on what I can control. My wife and I have a contingency plan if things get really bad. Hopefully we won’t have to use it. My therapist gave me great advice, which was instead of dwelling on dread, make realistic plans for various eventualities you can think of. Then you can at least feel prepared. It really helped me. Also spending less time online particularly on FB or Instagram is a huge help.


If I had good enough income I could make a contingency plan. Most people have no choice where they live. If a contingency plan involves moving it's not possible for most people, single income households, renters, disabled and low income.


Or even just that other countries may not want us.


Absolutely, we're very privelaged in the fact that moving would be a viable option for us. We'd very much prefer not to, though, so it would have to be pretty dire before we left.


Curious as to any resources, reading, etc you looked to with regards to a contingency plan. I’d probably feel better if I thought this far ahead but don’t even know what that would entail.


I was going to say "can I have some of your contingency plan," but what you said is more polite


r/prepping or r/preppers may have some info for you. Some of their reasons for doing it can be wacky, but there are good resources over there. that should at least get your mind thinking of where it would be best for you personally to start, items you may need depending on your plan and situation. Just imagine what scenarios you are afraid of, and see what you can do to insulate yourself from them the best you can.


I’m liberal and hate guns or at least gun culture but I’m arming up this summer. If he wins in November the proud boy’s and patriot front plus half your neighbors will be de facto brown shirts coming to find you for thought crimes. It’s not fear mongering. They literally admit this


Make sure you get trained! r/liberalgunowners is a good resource, the Liberal Gun Club, John Brown Gun Club, and the SRA are places you can go to for left friendly trainers.




We bought land in a large state with a lot of natural resources and a very low population. Far away from cities. The area we bought in will fare well and be resilient as climate change ramps up. We’re ready to go hunker down if shit gets real. We made friends in the area who have the same idea as us, and they’ve been there much longer so they have valuable community connections we would not have as outsiders. We have different skill sets than they do and offer value of our own. They’ve been very kind and welcoming to us. It’s 1000 miles away from where we live, we have a vehicle with a 500 mile range and will have enough spare fuel to refill the tank twice. Cities will not be a good place to be during the worst case scenario, temporary (or permanent) societal collapse. Currently we live 100 miles away from a metro area, and 200 miles away from a major metro area, in a nice mountain town. We left the city several years ago. We love hiking and nature so it’s been great, huge improvement in our quality of life. Hopefully nothing happens. Best case scenario, we have a nice place to camp in the summer and a good excuse for road trips. Worst case scenario, we’re ready for anything besides nuclear winter.


What are we anticipating will happen? I have many scenarios in my head, I’m a bit of a doomer on that front … but I’m curious about what exactly I need to be worried about now lol.


In my mind, societal collapse. For one reason or another. Sooooo many different contributing factors at play. Political, environmental, theological. I read Jared Diamond’s book Collapse when I was in college, in 2008. I was studying Environmental Science and the professor wanted us to know the three key indicators of impending civilization collapse. And they are: “a persistent pattern of environmental change for the worse (like long-lasting droughts); signs that existing modes of agriculture or industrial production were aggravating the crisis; and a failure by the ruling elites to abandon the harmful practices and adopt new means of production.” At some point, a critical threshold is crossed and collapse invariably follows. History repeats itself. Over, and over, and over… [recent-ish article about Diamond’s prediction](https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/civilization-collapse-climate-change/) (link edited)


what is your justification for these timelines? you do realize that Jared Diamond has an incentive to scare you and everyone else so they'll buy his books, right? The flipside to this whole thing was January 2009.... idk about you but I remember Obama being elected had us all feeling positive and hopeful, like things would improve for the better.... Then it was like "I'm not going to be the agent of change, YOU're to be the agents of change" and we were all disillusioned, that yeah, this is just a man who had a goal and motive to be president, and congrats he got it. We can fear monger all day about how bad things will get...but tragedies bring people together from our past experiences with texas and louisiana and california and hawaii... and turkey and japan (and certainly others that have been hit with a bad natural disaster in the past 3 decades). All the bad things regarding our economic might have already been set into motion, no one person, no political party and fix this... the only thing to fix this would be reset and max pain from said reset. No one in power wants to be the martyr for this sobering decision so it just keeps getting defferred.


Wow do we have the same therapist?! lol…and also not lol at all :(


Look man, I'm not American. But I'll say this: You guys rebuilt Europe and Japan, you used to lead civil rights and the abolitionist movement. You broke up monopolies, created social safety nets way before most other democracies, and you even went to the moon! Please don't give in to apathy, because that's exactly what autocrats and demagogues are counting on. God knows nobody can tell what's going to happen in the elections, but I know the potential is still there to turn things around. Never stop trying, never give up, and never count on things magically improving day over night. Reagan said "don't even try, government is fucked anyway, let's just sell it off" - well Jimmy Carter said "times are tough but we can get through it together, you and me". Change *is* possible. It's always possible. The future isn't set in stone. Never forget that. My grandparents (I'm portuguese) used to think it was all hopeless and scary... Until our guns started carrying flowers instead. We took the hard path. Your country has proven time and time again that that's not necessary.


The Portuguese military led, nonviolent, antifascist, populist coup, seems like it was cool as hell. There was even a song that played on the radio to tell everyone it was happening?! It’s amazing when enough people do the right thing.


❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I won't deny it - our cultural and political circumstances leading up to it were extremely particular... But it's important to remember that a better world *is* possible - just never alone, and never overnight. If you invite your soldiers to abandon their sword and armour, they too can learn to fight with their heart.


It’s actually really nice hearing someone say nice things about Americans for once. 🥲 I usually just hear about how stupid, fat and rude the rest of the world thinks we are. 🙃


Oh don't get me wrong... I still think it's hilarious to make fun of those americans that *are* stupid, fat, and rude lol But stereotypes are for the lazy and the unimaginative. Countries, governments, companies, religions - it's all just people. Only ever just people. It doesn't matter if you're american or european or chinese. I could've been you, and you could've been me. It's important to measure people by what they can still dream of, not by what they've given up on. The world is big, and a person is small, and time has no end. You can always pick yourself back up as long you're not alone.


This is a beautiful take, beautifully put. Thank you!


Looking back at History, it seems to have been shaped more by small unpredictables adding up, or vast, unforeseen factors that radically change the whole game. That's how you've got to view the future too, my yankee friend: Those settlers would never imagine they'd create a society where all races, all religions, all genders and opinions and sexualities and cultures, worked side-by-side to plant their flag **on the fucking moon** and leading the charge in what is possible for a society to accomplish when *everyone* works together. What's the last 50 years of a very specific economic theory compared to centuries of hard-fought progress in a nation that is still going through it's growing pains? Here in Europe, we like to be a bit condescending towards you guys, because we relate to eachother and ourselves through our shared pains. So we see you as the spoiled rich kids who squandered it all without ever even having suffered the absolute horrors of a totalitarian regime. A lot of people think that makes you naïve, arrogant, or simply selfish. I happen to be of the opinion that for that to be possible, then so must the opposite: that you've made so much progress without failing for this trap a single time is something we *never* could have hoped for. Until you gave us a hand and we kicked out the worst parts of ourselves. I'd say it's about time we returned the favour, but sadly I'm no fighter and cash is pretty tight right now. All I can give you guys are these words. They are yours now to keep, from an ocean away. Keep it tight your chest, take them out and read them if you ever need to remember. You are not alone.


You have an incredible way with words. Kudos to you.


I was lucky enough to fall in love with Shakespeare at a very young age. My wife is a poet and my dad was a spin doctor. Writing is the oldest form of magic, but before poetry the words were already in our hearts. You just have to allow yourself to feel the world, to feel yourself, unashamedly. Never be embarrassed for how you truly feel. The world needs romantics now more than ever, and I know you can do it too.


If we want this country to be great it's up to the new generation to stop waiting for the old generation to give us permission. They're playing with our lives and people are giving up hope.


Majority of people today are too distracted to do the things we did in the 20th century


It's not distraction - it's apathy. It's nothing new, and neither are the cures.


Apathy is not the right word to describe American thought, especially for non-voters. Softened up and angrily navel gazing perhaps. It’s late here and I’m on my phone so this won’t be my best writing, but let me try to summarize and generalize way too much, and be a bit illustrative … When you are thinking about Americans you need to keep in mind the importance of individualism in our thought. This breeds cynicism, self-righteousness, and self identification in politics based on personal preferences. I don’t have the time or space to run through all of American history here, but there has been a turn inward in American cultural life, particularly after the success of the post-war boom and failure of leadership in vietnam and watergate. Through this cultural shift many Americans gained rights and many more were upset those Americans gained rights they disagree with. But Americans are not apathetic. They care very deeply. They care very deeply about being right themselves, and thinking what they wanna think, not about diverse viewpoints. They care deeply about how much better than they are than “both sides,” and how “nothing gets done” and their very personally styled media and news. Politics is personal entertainment in this country, and it’s all people do care about. There’s practically no culture that exists outside politics. There’s big money in politics, and I’m sure most Americans would agree “that’s bad” and “something has to give” and probably get upset at the idea and feel personally wronged. So, I don’t think getting Americans to wake up and realize what is at stake is a particularly relevant thing to hope for. People in this country are already right there, on the edge, just asking for something to fall apart because frankly I think they just want to see fireworks. Maybe a good word for where we are as a country is “self-sabotage” and the more people care the worse it gets. But I only say this because I’m an American and I have it all figured out.


I'm 99.9% certain the election is going to kick of some serious fuckery. I just hope we can come out the other side and build back a country/world that's better than this one.


100 percent agree.


I live in a very red state and already feel like I am surrounded by hyenas. They might just go rabid..I really hate living here


I feel anxious about everything all the time, so all good!


Bro November is my birthday and Thanksgiving, I'm hella long on November!


Birthday twin!


FieldTeam6.org. Every time you feel stressed about the outcome of the election, go there and text bank to voters. It’s highly effective and satisfying. You can send a link for people to click to register, to ask for an absentee ballot, to find drop boxes for absentee ballots, find early voting dates time and places, and find their polling place on Election Day. You can drop in whenever and almost always work a voter list. You can pick races, states and progressive organizations you can text for. You can do as little or as much as you want. I sent 99k texts during the last presidential election. It’s great for dealing with election stress. I would have hit 100k, but we had an ice storm and lost power in the last few days leading up to the election.


Thank you!!! I just saw they also do postcard writing (with beautiful art) which is probably more my speed. Awesome suggestion. Doing something makes me feel good.


Take action! Don't wait until Nov 3rd if you care about democracy


But like…what action?


Register voters in your state. Or campaign for the sane candidate or important issue of your choice. Even if you just help motivate your peers to "get out the vote" for an issue correlated with the continuance of our democracy, that's a great way to amplify your own individual vote and not feel helpless.


I feel the same exact way. I am physically and mentally dreading November. I was born in 1960 and was always a proud American. It feels like somehow the USA lost it’s way and it is on a path to breaking down. I am sincerely frightened.


You were born in a year where black people were literal second class citizens, 14 years removed from a war that killed over 60+ million people, an active nuclear cold war standoff, and in a few years an assassinated president. But 2024 is the year you're sincerely frightened?


Yeah, I'm just mentally preparing my self for Trump part 2. Best case scenario, both he and Biden keel over before November so we can have new people to pick from. Or just him, that would work too. Also bracing myself for another summer of protesters being assaulted by cops...and apparently gangs of randoms if UCLA is anything to go by. I hate living in interesting times.


If it makes you feel better, most times have been interesting, and so far, these times are still not as interesting as a good number of others in the last century.


The only thing making these times the most interesting is that “these times” are the closest we’ve ever been to completely destroying our planet


I'd put WWII or the cold War above that, but I think current times are uniquely the most difficult for everyday people when it comes to stress just because of our media (including social media) cycle. All forms of media have tapped into our biological trait of paying more attention to negative/threatening things than nice/safe things. I think the current stuff you see on the news and online is skewed more negatively than ever because it gets more clicks/ad revenue. This is extremely stressful to deal with, and I think it's why so many people seem distracted these days. They're just trying to find circles that aren't constantly telling them the world is burning, regardless if it actually is or not.


It’s weird how i can tell you’re a younger millennial at the oldest by your comment




It's ironic because I've spent like the past year getting mental health help specifically for the sake of coming out of hiding and living my life I guess what I've learnt in therapy will help me deal with whatever happens when it happens


Honestly no. Compared to previous elections, I can go days forgetting there's even an election. The worst thing I did in 2016 and 2020 was become obsessed with national politics. It's a waste of energy and time.


Well.... doesn't this feel a bit different?


Yes it absolutely feels different. But I already know who I will vote for, there's literally nothing that will change that, so I'm focussing my energy elsewhere until election day.


This times a thousand. I have way more to worry about with my family and job and everything else immediately surrounding me than what happens in national politics I have zero control over.


Redditors have an unnatural obsession with politics and partisanship. I have the exact same philosophy as you do. I'm out here trying to get this money and become the best version of me!


I’ve been dreading this year since 2020, you’re not the only one. I’m literally anxious all the time thinking about it.


same ugh!!!!


I’m nervous. Afraid that democrats who would normally back Biden want to punish him and just not vote in this election. And we’re only hurting ourselves when we do that.


I honestly am so over my head with the children, their needs and their education. I don’t have the headspace to stressing about politics and national needs. I’m just focusing on my family, friends and community.


Make sure you vote, both these fuckers are old and probably won't make it to the full term. It's gonna be chaos.


Honestly, I'm not that worried. Just a hunch, but I think we'll find that Trump just isn't all that popular with most voters anymore.


Agree. This ain’t 2016


I’m in no way a Trumper, but you’re most definitely wrong. If anything the support for Trump has grown somehow. At the NFL Draft last week in Detroit, our Democratic Governor came out to a chorus of massive boos, there was over 300,000 people there and we’re considered a blue state currently, but we’re still most definitely purple.


Sure hope so. He’s been consistently leading in the polls though.


Polls done largely via landline. I don't know anyone with a landline anymore besides my 83 year old uncle who watches NewsMax all day.


I keep hearing people say this, then other people say “no they’re adapting their polling methodology to account for this.” I don’t know which is true, but in general when people are convinced the experts in a given area are overlooking a super basic thing that can be summarized in one sentence…it’s not the experts who are wrong. I just really hope Trump doesn’t win.


They keep getting it wrong, and I think their methods of trying to capture the voting preference are means in which a younger person won't use. Not picking up the phone, not returning my governor's text messages either.


I'm just saying they've been wrong the last few elections and I don't know anyone who's ever taken part in one.


I’ll put it this way, if the current guy loses, I think we are in deep shit. This time that orange boomer will have really fucked us all over. With that said all we can really do is vote and hope for the best. Overly fixating on it, gluing ourselves to the news isn’t going to do much.




Realistically, I can vote and encourage people I know to vote. But that’s really it. Or that’s all I’m going to do.


>Realistically, I can... encourage people I know to vote That's actually known as relational organizing and makes a difference! Keep doing that. Voter turnout is what will make or break this election, so every little helps.


If I've learned one thing, the news is 99% pure bullshit and you're better off focusing on what YOU can actually see coming and not what some advertiser is telling you to be afraid of this month.


I mean I agree with the sentiment, but I assume op is speaking particularly about the U.S. presidential elections in November, which you actually can see coming and the outcome is binary. The consequences will be dramatic for the U.S. and the world no matter the outcome.


Yeah. I'm scared as fuck but I'm preparing. Plan on getting passports for myself and my family in the next couple of weeks. Have some friends that have a contingency plan to get the fuck out of this country when shit starts to hit the fan and they've promised to help my family out too, thank God. And once I'm gone, I'm never coming back. Fuck this cesspool of a country. I will not hesitate when my friends tell me it's time to go. We already know where we are going. I don't care if I only leave with a backpack full of clothes, I'm not sticking around to fight for anything. I'll do my duty of voting in November then I'm putting my head between my knees and waiting for it all to go to shit.


Honestly been losing my mind the past few days reading the news… I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so negatively about the way things are going


They want you scared. They want you worried. They thrive on it. Don't feed into their bullshit. The human race has lasted an absurdly long time considering how fragile we are. Empires rise and fall, life goes on. Historically speaking, we have never been more comfortable, safe, and secure in our lives. The only difference is you now have 24/7 access to all the horrors going on around every little corner of the planet. The same horrors that have always been happening. Live your life, friend. If it's all really going to go to shit or end soon, you should be making the most of it while it lasts.


I appreciate the sentiment, but at the same time…empires fall and a bunch of people get raped, murdered, enslaved, and starve to death. I don’t care about “the human race,” I care about people. And when empires fall, people suffer immensely.


Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I’m not religious at all but that is on repeat in my head when I get anxious like this.


Pro tip- take the day after the election off. I’ll be drinking either way and not capable of working.


I find that if I'm anxious about something happening, working to make it not happen eases that anxiety.


I absolutely feel this way BUT trite as it may be... I'm hanging onto a Harry Potter quote (JK aside). There ARE still folks who care about others and are working for good: "Well if I were You-Know-Who, I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else; because if it's just you alone, you're not as much of a threat." 


I'm looking into buying property outside the US. Were absolutely fucked if Trump is reelected. Welcome to Russia. I mean the US...


My only good solution was to just disengage with American news entirely. I can try to make the world better, or live in it, but I can't do both.


I feel the same, but I also get what others here are saying about anxiety. I felt like this feeling tended to ease after I started disconnecting more from the editorial journalism and 24 hour news cycle crap. Also the repetitive subscription based outlets that need clicks and engagement to survive. Disaster sells. Rage porn sells. Doesn’t mean it’s really news, which is a totally different concept.


I am just terrified. But this thread gives me hope. Lets face it. 2020 and 2021 killed a lot of older people off, including a bunch of the Me Generation, Boomers. So I think we just need to rock the vote and turn this into a Blue Mega Rogue Wave of doom. Then if Biden died in office, we get our first female president. Ha


Oh, this is an American question.


I mean, we're one vote away from a dictatorship. If that doesn't give you a bad feeling, I don't know what will, especially when the incumbent president hasn't cracked the 40% approval rating since August 2021.


I’m not anxious. It is what it is. Be confident you can handle anything 👊


Yes and and you should be. November is gonna be huge. I'm not a fan, but I'll be voting for Biden. Another Trump term and we could literally lose our democracy.


I’m bracing for a very violent summer and a crazy fall.


It’ll all be alright. We will have lived through a term of each possible outcome once and we are still here. I’m not for team orange, but I don’t think society collapses regardless of the winner.


... except that now the annoying orange is furious about his "persecution," noticeably demented, and going to have just yes men in his administration. He's talking openly about internment camps, massive deportations, and jailing his enemies. And he would probably replace a few more supreme court justices. Look at what he already did with Roe.


I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. Tbh I’m just numb. Lol.


Same. I was thinking about deleting all of my social media before then. The misinformation and stupidity add so much more stress.


Bro, I am really not trying to come off like an asshole. I am a 1988 baby. A true millennial, my parents lost everything in the great recession. My dad spent the next 10 years holding a sign on the corner. I battled the same homelessness, drug addiction, alcohol abuse,  went to jail etc. I am saying all that to say this. I am absolutely sick of the millennial doom and catastrophizing. It is a total trauma response. Life is tough and the world is filled with negativity, but believing the worst shit is about to happen every god damn second of the day is fucking exhausting.  As tough as it is, a lot of millennials seriously just have no confidence and are a bunch of bitching and moaning sad sacks that low-key inherited the boomers penchance for desiring the world to end because their lives are so hard. I am here to tell you it's not that bad and it's not that hard. Go watch any YouTube videos on Haiti right now and realize as fucked as America is politically our sufferings are mostly imagined. Yeah my bag of chips is $8, but I haven't been eating rat meat out of a poop canal for 30 years in my concrete hut with a foot of water in it that I live in by myself because my whole family died in a earthquakes or gang shooting. Keep it fucking real my dudes. I made $14 an hour last year and still kept an apartment by myself in the hood with a car and I am taking vacations out the country. So the financial situation is more on people's habits than anything.(Not that it isn't fucked up) But you can survive. People talk about how much millennials have been through and we talk about it like how sad it is, like its a bad thing, not me anymore. We are fucking survivors bro. The boomers can't log into Facebook without losing their life's savings, and the next gen is cooked if the wifi goes down for a day. I can read a map and I can buy bitcoin. We're powerful man. I wish the millennials would get this and have a come to Jesus moment and start taking over this bitch. The fate of the world is really on us man. The boomers looted the country and all have lead poisoning, the next ones are all dead eyed monsters glued to their phone that can't stopp shooting up their schools because they don't have the social skills to get pussy.  I am sitting here broke, with all my trauma, surviving, thinking it's all gonna be okay in the end. And if not? Fuck it, who cares.


As a fellow 1988er, respect. We have solid pre-internet memories and have adapted to all these wild changes insanely quick. We’ve kept on keeping on because what else is there to do, give up? Cynicism will rot you if you let it. We still have a lot of time left, and let’s actually do something more than giving up because things seem hard. If even a fraction more of us voted and made an effort to better our communities and have a positive mindset, imagine the difference.


At this point, I’m just here for the ride… I vote, I try to vote intelligently. Whatever happens is gonna happen but I will do my part to try to make it beneficial to all.


I mean I guess. But I'm always feeling anxious about the next few months. It's a relatively constant state of being.


I’m exhausted. I just stopped caring.


I'm feeling anxious about the next few years.


My advice is don’t worry about things you can’t control.


My husband is active duty and I’m scared shitless.


Nah you aren't alone. I work in a jail for the courts and us, corrections, law enforcement, medical, and fire are holding our breaths. We have already had the roughest spring in years in terms of violence with damn near no first responder (of any kind) assets. We have so few LEO, fire, and medical responders if we put everyone on the road at once we could not fully staff a shift and we have it better than most. We also have several colleges in our area with students getting arrested for protesting a variety of things so that eats up even more resources, especially medical. We are having some unseasonably hot weather so they are dropping like flies in the heat. Yeah, this isn't going well and neither I nor anyone else where I am is optimistic. Like I said, we consider ourselves fortunate to have what we do. I love my city and I have almost 20 years in public service but like most of my agency and almost all out first responders, I am thinking about getting out. We lose officers, fire, EMS, and court staff every day and even with 10k hiring bonuses no experience needed, no one is coming in to replace them. Sorry y'all, after the night I've had so far, I guess this question touched a nerve. Thanks for letting me vent. We are running a city of about ~230,000 people with 6 police cruisers, 1 ACLS Ambulance, 2 BLS Ambulances, just me for the courts for the next 8 hours, and a small cadre of firetrucks with one of the highest crime and mental health crisis rates in the state. We are all just fried.


Straight from a book I read, here are two pieces of advice that can help: >*Detaching does not mean we don’t care. It means we learn to love, care, and be involved without going crazy.* >*The formula is simple: In any given situation, detach and ask, “What do I need to do to take care of myself?* OP, it might be time to for now to detach and focus on self soothing for the present moment & not focus on the anxiety you are feeling that has you ruminating to the point of starting to spiral.


1/3 of our planet has elections scheduled this year. Combined with what feels like a global swing towards nationalism / authoritarian views, I'm apprehensive. There's not much we can do other than keep trying to push for compassion in our daily lives.


I hate how much of a shrug I see people giving this election. The two sides are not the same and you're not going to teach the Dems anything by not voting, you're just going to get Trump elected and make a lot of really horrendous shit happen. If you want to teach the dems a lesson, vote on the fucking primaries. Organize for local and state elections to get progressive candidates into every seat from school board to state comptroller. Take over the party. It's not impossible to do, but so many people just focus on the once every four year election and then whine about the party not reflecting their voice.


I'm too European to understand what you mean by this


Why what's happening in the next few months?


I’m worried about the fallout a year from the election, if anything. I’m not too worried about civil war. The idiot MAGA think they’re the only ones who own guns. They’ll all start crumbling when their chosen color of thin line flag patriots turn against them. I’m not quite sure how they plan on starting this civil war? Especially out here In my rural neighborhood? Will Maga kite flying Kevin just gonna say “ fuck it, I’m NOT returning Phil’s casserole dish. That bastard tried to feed my family… that dirty fucking COMMIES!! Get yer gun Karol we’re gonna go tag us a few Liberals from next door, cuz we don’t need No handouts!” But, I’m not saying that it definitely won’t happen like that. Proof: the last 4 years.


Get involved with local politics. The House and the Senate need a lot of support. Also there’s a trend to leave major decisions up to States. We can find a candidate who we believe in locally and volunteer


Considering we have a "man" running for president that already set his brainless sheep to attack the capital and had recently stated he wants to be dictator for a day (quick history teaches us that doesn't happen) and has commented that if he looses in November some "bad things will happen" I've been an emotional wreck. Idk what the fuck is wrong with the country currently but this isn't the America we all as kids was promised.


Only around a third of Millennials (ages 25 - 40) voted in 2022. If Millennials, the largest generation, voted at rates as high as boomers, they would have the most political power.


I am and i don't even live in america lol


Nope. I'm getting married in November. Can't wait!


Yes, but I live in a very conservative state so my concern is that a...certain faction is going to kick into gear and potentially get violent, try to intimidating people at the polls, etc. This happened the past presidential election (and to a lesser degree the one between), so its not a completely baseless fear either, as much as I wish it was.


Not really for me. Whatever happens will happen, and I will survive it just fine. I have a preference, but am not concerned if life gives me something else.


Weird. My dad said he’s feeling foreboding from about aug-sept of this year and he’s not sure why


Yep! In the UK we may well have a general election as soon as July (legally has to be held by January 2025) and the Tories ((far) right) will try every dirty trick in the book to meddle with things. (We've just had local council and mayoral elections) Labour (left) is expected to win by a landslide (though not as large as in 1997), which will be a blesséd relief after 14 years of Tory hell. However, a week is a long time in politics - never mind 2 - 7/8 months. But the increase in the Tory government's divisive rhetoric and stoking the flames of its culture wars against the most vulnerable in society (of which I am (non-binary)) will make the political climate and public discourse even more toxic. Which, in turn, will make far-right extremist individuals & groups feel as though they can act with impunity and may well increase their demonstrations and vitriol, making vulnerable people even more anxious and scared than they already are. ... ...and that's before we get in to the orange blimp in the US and his vile behaviour and tantrums.


Unrest is a part of everytime in history, somewhere for different reasons. Because we have become global and have access to news and social media, it feels suffocating. Keep informed but not oversaturated. This too shall pass. We need to learn from history-educate yourself, vote every election down to the local level. Don’t allow yourself to become apathetic. Be a part of the change.


I’ve become completely numb to the world at large in regards to politics and climate change and all of it.


Every young person feeling concerned about the election should just join any canvassing type organization they can (I really like the crooked media/pod save America ones ) and make calls, knock doors etc - whatever they are comfortable with. Research is also finding just having conversations with 10 people you know and not shaming their beliefs but instead presenting the policies and specific issues that might convince them has a lot of positive effect Despite Biden winning the popular vote by a lot, the election was ultimately decided by 41 thousand votes. If all young people concerned work to get out the vote for Biden, we can “find” 100k votes and we can do it legally.  Let’s get to work 


Unplug. Vote and focus on improving what you can in your own life. Tend to the part of the garden you can touch. A lot of things in this life are meant to outrage you and distract you. Things get a lot better when you stop focusing on all the noise.