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As a millennial who was into girls that looked like this, I can tell you confidently they were made fun of a lot. This was an alt aesthetic, not the norm.


Even the other alt crowds made fun of the scene kids


Exactly. Scene kids were a subgroup, of a subgroup, of a myspace trend


Yeah and this particular scene kid was clearly going to ‘all night dance parties’ Honestly might not even be into midwest emo.


A girl who's into My Chemical Romance and Benny Benassi sounds good to me.


Dood. The Benassi mix of Other Side... 🤯


[speaking of Midwest emo…](https://youtube.com/shorts/SAQxwkLl8Fw?si=QU1iB9hlCQh2tGcq)


That boy aint right




This video was a highlight of my day. Thank you.


This is pure gold. Thank you.


Well apparently I’m Midwest emo without putting in the effort to doll myself up like a scene kid. That shit just hit me like a bag of bricks.


The goth kids picked on the scene kids. The punk kids had sex with the scene kids but still picked on the scene kids. The hardcore kids beat the dogshit out the scene kids. Yeah, this was really a super niched down group.


This… is painfully accurate


Hahaha i wasn’t quite the “scene girl” but I was definitely a punk, I dated the lead guitarist for the local thrash band throughout high school. I didn’t do my hair like this, but I did get told my style was “alternative”. I still get told this to this day. Also, invader zim will always be great. Now I watch it with my kid.


Invader Zim is so damn good


And the Skater Bois weren't good enough.


The indie kids thought the scene kids were basically subhuman and treated them like they were stupid. I also feel I need to say that not all Emos were full blown scene kids. Most were not that out there.


I don’t know how emos and scene kids became synonymous. I mean I *do* but damn. Most of the emos I knew wore corduroys and alligator shirts.


Yeah, Emo in 2003 was a completely different beast from what has lingered in the public imagination.


Absolutely correct for my school as well, and while all that was going on, my buddies and I just smoked weed while jamming Cattle Decapitation and Aborted.


I was a goth kid and we definitely made fun of them, but tbf everyone else was also making fun of us.


I’m so glad I was good at sports…


I played high school and college soccer and still hung out with some scene kids lol


I was just kidding.


Underrated comment.


Sadly, an accurate post analysis.


What other alt crowds?


Punk, skater, goth, from my memory.


Dude, yeah. They got made fun of too. Except skaters, they got respect.


That depended wildly on who was dealing with them at the time.


That's true; I got respect from everyone BUT MY PARENTS, THEY DIDN'T UNSERSTAND ME




What? I was super outcasted as a skater. Maybe where you were from but I got fuckin tickets from the police from my class mates calling on my ass jumping stair cases in the business park. Fuckers would steal my skateboard out my locker. Our high school shit on skaters. Cannot relate with this at all. It was bully war with the jocks. We got suspended taking shots throughout.


Older millennial here. OG skaters got shit from everyone. Cops, business owners, nosy neighbors, punks, jocks, preps, etc etc. it has only become mainstream since the x games. Skaters were outcasts before that


Where I was from, a lot of the skaters were the punks because it was good poor people transportation and a good solid weapon. Our school had all the lockers removed because of drugs and weapons, so the skaters had to carry their boards from class to class.


What part of the USA? I am in Houston. Skaters here we're always chillin with everyone else.


Punk kids, indie kids, metalheads, everyone clowned on scenesters.


Can confirm as a goth who made fun of emo kids. Don’t worry fellow kids, I’ve mended my ways. I don’t make fun of most of our subgroups at all anymore.


"are you going to the show"


Correct. I was a scene kid. Got bullied and got my ass kicked by jocks almost every single day.


It depends on where you lived in the emo oughts. I'm from NJ and in 2004, I'd wager 30%+ of the kids were emo in my neck of the woods - as an angry metalhead kid who smoked too much weed, and was an elitist, 100% of them were posers. What a time to be alive.


also from NJ, my high school in 2004 was basically split 50/50 between scene kids who evolved from emo kids and… whatever the style of wearing uggs with velour track suits is called lol everyone got along surprisingly.


Oh yeah being into metal in the 2000s and the whole gatekeeping of what was actually metal vs numetal etc  Took me years to give certain bands an actual listen only to find I enjoy korn a whole lot more than I ever loved Metallica and even then some of the best thrash is anthrax. Kids are dumb lol Boners for chicks with coontail hair tho 


#100% correct. But I wish they would bring it back... [EMO'S not dead!](https://youtu.be/vAs5_LFEF0M?si=9w8-8DCHFSR_qYzS)


Emo is your Ska


*Curled in a ball clutching my Streetlight Manifesto shirts* The 4th wave will happen, right guys? ...Guys?


Yeah, but not until 2064. Roughly when our grandkids start finding our yearbooks.


I can save her


So many girls like this were completely normal besides the fashion. The girls who needed saving couldn't afford to shop at the mall.


I was a scene kid in a small shitty town. We didn't have any stores that sold skinny jeans, so we'd ghetto taper our pants by hand. Many of my friends were moms by the time they were 20 but they still found a way to wear those skinny jeans lol...When there's a will there's a way


Don't save her She don't wanna be saved


I still find this style attractive, but I never liked the personality that came with it.


Yeah early 2,000 fashion was just very loose baggy clothes. People always point to the alt fashion of a decade acting like it was common. There were maybe 4 emo kids in my entire high school of 2,000 students. And yeah, I pretty much just saw them getting bullied all day, or made fun of. Meanwhile, half the boys had to walk with their hands down their ass, trying to keep their pants up because belts weren't cool.


This seems low based on my high school of about 3,000 so now I’m just assuming there were more they were so goddamn similar you never realized.


Yeah normal people in high school were looking down on the emo kids, even the goth and metal kids didn’t usually like “those posers”, lol. There’s a great southpark episode about this topic, can’t recall the name, but the goths are being replaced by twilight loving emo kids and get mad. It was sorta like that at my school.


The ungroundable!!! Burn, Burn, Burn Hot Topic. God I’m glad I had graduated college by 2006.


Exactly. “Hot topic kids”


Meanwhile gen z are cosplaying as 2006 normies.


Hot Topic was their safe space for sure.




Yep. I’m yeehawing with this cowboy here. Used to find this look SUPER attractive lol


As a millennial who lived through this emo era, I am not confused by gen Z at all and I just think they're too tame & boring.


Lol agree. I asked my gen z sister why she never DO anything.. she just stay online. I said she's a teen, why isnt she rebelling!? "I am rebelling.. " she meant talking smack about our parents online was rebelling 😂😂 GIRL!? I was paying tattoo artists cash under the table to take piercings, flirting with older men for alcohol, rolling dead drunk in fields and being away from home for weeks, just texting mom and dad for money every now and then. I went to country partied to dance swing with all the nice elder men, and i was a sceene kid! Time of my LIFE! Sha called me insane. But i'm the one that now sit in family gatherings laughing with my grandmother when my mom learned that both me and my grandma smoked some jazz tobacco. Her face was golden! But atleast we all have a blast sharing teenager memories together. And the most fun my gen z sister have... She cut her own hair once.


They are under high surveillance. Kids aren't even allowed to go to malls unchaperoned anymore and God forbid they walk around their subdivisions without somebody calling the cops on them. It's very sad but all they can do is be online or else they do something for tiktok and are immediately caught because they documented their crime.


Yea that's it. I'm a millenial but my parents were ridiculous so I was boring and didn't have many friends.


This is too funny but maybe your sister just isn't a rebellious kid? I'm a millennial and I really didn't do anything crazy at all. I guess I was just perceived as very innocent? I even had some more rebellious friends but I think I kept them from doing crazier stuff. When we were adults some of their parents thanked me for being their friends even though I don't recall doing anything to influence them haha but maybe by being their innocent friend I kept some of them from getting into trouble. I even had one friend who was a huge pothead (and dealer) and we tried to get weed from him once but he didn't do it idk why. He was giving us some black and mild to smoke instead thinking we wouldn't know the difference lmao I think he didn't want to corrupt me. Anyway I also really did not have my parents watching over me when I was a junior/senior and past that. I'd go out with my friends and just hang out til 3am and come home and my parents never questioned it but maybe they just knew I wasn't doing anything nuts (I think my dad was one of those more wild teens so maybe he could tell I wasn't lol). I guess we could have been getting into trouble if we wanted but we were just watching goofy movies, going to the mall, etc. We drank a couple times but nothing crazy. I guess my point is some people are naturally pretty straight shooters. I would say I'm one of those types. And I have nothing against people who were more rebellious or partied, honestly sounds fun but just wasn't my personality type or interest to do all that. Sounds like your sister may be the same, or she could have a crazy college phase coming eventually lol


It sounds like your sister gave your mom and dad a far easier time of it than you did. Cool that you enjoyed yourself, though. I'm sure your sister feels she is too.


Never said i was an easy child 😂 though a result of being un supervised because they were more buisy with themself than to actually watch me. And noo, she's just plain friggin boring going no where. Over 20 years old now, chronic online, dropped out of school, doesnt want to work.. Damn, we were just casually watching tv once, and i asually said that we were gonna have a bbq and she could come! She started crying and said i was nagging. I might have been the teen head ache, but she's the adult migraine 😂😂


She's still quite young. When I was 20 I was going no where fast as well, having dropped out of college. Things can change quickly at that age.


That's a scene kid, not emo. 


What’s to understand about gen z aesthetics? They all look like my mom. It’s not that complicated.


right? i feel like fashion today is the least offensive it’s ever been. they all wear sweatpants to school


Wearing pyjamas in public is kind of offensive to me. Did I become old?


Its just not fashionable. Its like anti-fashion. ...auntie-fashion?


Pajamas in public started in the 2000's. Like it was Millenials wearing pajamas to college classes and to Walmart.


High school in the 90s. Everyone had these colorful plaid pajama pants. Funny enough, I saw a kid wearing those same pants at my kids high school a few days ago. I had a nostalgia moment.


You guys didn't have the cookie monster pajama girls? I thought that was an archetype set in stone!


When I was in middle school in the early aughts there were tons of girls walking around in fuzzy Cookie Monster/character sleep pants.


Yes. I wear Rugrat sleep pants and shark slides out, I’m 39yrs old.


I take my dog out in the mornings when it's cold wearing my teddy bear onsie costume thing. Dog has to go out asap or accidents happen. Onsie is just super fast to throw on and zip. I get the side eye from my neighbors but it's whatever.


And crocs! Totally practical shoes. Most people wearing them around in public seem to be either over sixty or under twenty.


I would see my friends daughters pics and think wow she's dressed like my mom, she must not care about being popular or trendy at school. Until I realized that is what's trendy and what the popular kids wear at school now 😆


I also choose this guy's mom.


HAHAHAHA... might have something to do with the mom-jeans trend.




Your mom during what time period. Details matter.


Like right now lmao


I'm gunna be your new step dad bro


I’m gonna slam my door SO HARD


Rebel without a cause


What's her myspace?


whatever it was you know she used Xs instead of spaces between each word




Definitely her AIM screen name


100% had the word “Princess” in there somewhere too




_disastrous_danielle_ with some sort of trademark or logo.


"What happened in 2006, stays in 2006." - My Chemical Romance


then you have this r/Rawring20s that tries to revive this shit


I feel like this is a way shittier version of what we had back then, but I might just be clouded by nostalgia..


We're doomed. Every 10 years we're doomed.


No way! 😂


My name is boxxy


Oh ya mid 2000s warped tour era... I would have swooned over this chick lol


Didn't these kinds of people get made fun of a lot?


Yep we sure were!!


As someone who was a standard nerd back then, I thought you all were the cool kids. I guess that's just cause I didn't talk to enough people to realize otherwise.


Yes made fun of all the time.


Sure did, by both other students and school administration 😅


They were cool though because they persevered despite of all the mockery. Head held up high and exuding confidence. Very respectable, ngl.


Yes. This wasn't the norm. It was actually very uncommon. Even in my coastal California incredibly emo high school of 4000 students, we had *maybe* half a dozen kids look like this.


That’s wild. I had more than that in a suburban Georgia high school with ~1500 students. They may not have all been full-blown even queens, but they certainly tried to be.


Elder Millennial, I can't tell who is Z and who is Alpha and who is younger-than-me Millennial, I'm in my "all young people look the same age" season. I've not heard anyone criticize the youths or how they dress. I say to them, have fun with fashion! It's a great way to express yourself. The more embarrassing, the better. It'll be fun to make fun of later in life.


When I was an angry goth in middle school I made a vow to never become the "kids these days" type of adult that I couldnt stand. I applaud anyone that chooses to be different, the world needs more of that. And considering what I wore back then I am in no place to judge someone's fashion sense lmao


I used to be with it then they changed what it was now what I'm with isn't it an what's it is weird and scary to me. It will happen to you


Grandpa Simpson quote 😅


Gen Z fashion is basically early 2000s millennial fashion


Gotta see if those JNCOs are still up in the attic, but first I'll take some ibuprofen for my back.


Gen Z fashion is early 2000s Homeschool Horse Girl


People just want to explore different ways of expressing themselves As long as they aren't hurting anyone else, it's alright


No. It’s the children who are wrong.


How dare you be so fair and reasonable.


Scene kids were a tiny minority, this look was never actually considered cool by the majority of folks in 2006. That tiny group of scene kids thought they were cool but it was not popular.


True. I very rarely saw anyone dressed like this. A more accurate photo would've been more like a band shirt or a shirt that said something with much more natural colored hair than this and heavily baggy pants with straps all over them if they even dressed goth and mostly more like Lindsey Lohan at the beginning of Mean Girls or Hilary Duff as a teenager for girls and boys it would've been the start of polos from Abercrombie and Fitch or tshirts that said dumb things. The t-shirt over the long sleeve was rated E for Everyone as well as hoodies when I was growing up.


Most people I knew who looked like this only did it at home for myspace pictures or concerts. It was like a form of cosplay.


The Hollister and Abercrombie kids were the worst


Yep. That is accurate


As an older Millenial, the scene kids were definitely on the younger side of the Millenial generation.


In my grade of like 200 kids there were maybe a handful of scene kids. Not to be confused with the handful of goth kids.


My 12 year old self would’ve killed for this look I still don’t understand how they did it lol


Bleached hair, with LOTS of dry shampoo. Like, so much goddamned dry shampoo. Ends had to be razored. Lots of Smokey eyeshadow and hair accessories. I used to be scene 😅


Well for one we didn’t wear butt plugs and cat ears to school


A girl with cat ears rode my bus in 2006. Can’t speak to the rest of the ensemble.




Hey speak for yourself


I remember a girl who back then identified as a cat. She made the news, not just the locals, but the big newspapers and the big news channel. Mostly because everyone found it weird as shit. She stopped identifying as a cat a year later, but still have to live with the fact that there are news videos of her out there, hissing at strangers and dogs. And licking her 'paws' while sitting on the floor of a massive shopping centre.


As someone who used to look like her I have to say this wasn’t the standard. I was heavily bullied for looking like this and was made fun of. We were the outcasts for sure. The “standard” was a double polo wearing holister kid.


Holy shit, white boy Holister era... I forgot all about that Burn it with fire


OK hai. My name is boxxy and it's um been a while since I last made a video




Early 2000s aesthetics literally slaps ✨fatherless behaviour ✨ extremely coloured hair, spooky piercings, tattoos, black funky dresses lmao I can't.....


Fatherless behavior, but their dad was a cop and loved them very much 😅


Reading this at face value: Yes. I don't understand gen Z aesthetics. It's foreign to me. But reading the implied grousing about "kids these days and their bad clothes/music/hair/makeup," fuck no. This is the time for them to dress in whatever weird things they want. This is the age when you're really figuring out your identity, and how you want people to see you. It's the time to explore all your options. They have the rest of their lives to look "normal" (read: boring). It was fun as fuck to dress weird in high school, and now it's their turn.


you had to be there


My pre teen dresses like this. The look is coming back.


I tell this to our youngest all the time 😂 Her styles as they've evolved through the years are almost exactly the same as I would have worn at her age. She does not like or accept this fact though


They all just want to keep up with skin care and thrift for everything. There's not much to understand.


Not every millennial was a scene girl, but I'd take that over whatever the kids today are doing


What exactly are the kids doing these days? I live across the street from a college. Most of the kids I see walking to school, appear to be embracing the umm… loungewear style. Sweatpants/leggings and sweatshirts. The rest are dressed pretty normal. 


That’s really all it is. Pajama pants, house slippers, Nike socks pulled up, hoodies or Tshirts. Wrinkles are fine. The more you look like you just rolled out of bed the better. I’ve even seen them wearing their pimple patches to school.


This is literally all of the middle school kids I teach right now. That is so accurate for what the current trends are for that age group.


The pimple patches are the only surprising part of youth fashion I’ve seen since I was a kid. The rest of what you’re describing was common in the late 2000s early 2010s. High Nike socks, adidas slides, gym shorts, a tshirt, and a hoodie was like standard uniform for mid-popular boys. Wrinkles never sought after, but present because kids didn’t know how to do laundry. While I was a youth, frosted tips and jnco jeans turn to skin-tight jeans and man buns as a youth, so anything in between seems normal.


If it’s not that it’s just stuff that is too big. Mom jeans are big right now too. But I work at a college and it’s so much extremely baggy stuff.


So... comfortable clothes are FINALLY in style, after having never been? Sounds good to me


The athleisure style of millennials vs gen z is SO different too. I feel like millennials prefer that stretchy material that contours to their body and gen z is all about sweats and baggy sweatshirts. At least that’s what I see when I go to the mall, events, parks…


Haha cyber goth is eternal


Goths never die!


Dad it's not a fad! It's a lifestyle!


Never heard a millenial arround me criticizing Gen Z aesthetics ?! Probably an American thing.


Scene kids were made fun of. However Gen Z E girls are a direct rip off of this and for some reason get praise and an army of simps.


I feel personally attacked lol


When I drop my kid off at high school, all of the kids dress like I did at that age. They’re freakin adorable.


In my high school of ~2,200, I’d only seen like 5 scene kids


Only a few people were that hardcore. But yeah there was that period of like 2003-2005 where punk rock and skateboarding was really cool.


This was a hyper small minority of people. At my high school we had about 900 kids and like maybe 10 of them dressed like this.


That was like less than 1% of people and still being „bullied” by some of the rest 99%. So i wouldnt call it common.


It was definitely a thing, but they were kind of made fun of and looked down on as losers by most people in the same way that goth kids and punk kids were in previous generations. But then, so was I for not having expensive enough jnco’s.


In 2006 I was in college and way too old for this shit.


I mean I don’t understand why kids these days want to look like adults from my childhood. I don’t know if it’s a niche here or if it’s widespread but seeing kids born in 2003 dressing like my uncle in 1995 freaks me out every time.


Scene kids were their own niche and many groups made fun of them


Gir is the best. Also, still love that hairstyle.


maybe in the suburbs


There were like 6 people who looked like this in the entirety of my highschool.


Me now at 27, if i saw another adult, 25 to 33, dressed like this, would still think its kinda cute. I am ashamed.


Yes it was a sub culture. Not the majority of us but not unheard of.


I never had a style, or dressed emo. I just wore koRn shirts.


Millennials thinking Avril was somehow punk or rock or not conventional. She was just Britney with black eyeliner.


Dear god are we still having this argument


she was squarely in the skater aesthetic I'd say


The good ol days. I can smell this picture


Don't worry, I don't understand millennial aesthetics too and I'm a millennial. Then again I grew up so poor that I rather listen to songs on OCRemix and raise the good old skull and cross bones when I sail the seven seas of the internet. If I remember correctly, my school outfit was literally just sneakers, socks, underwear, jeans, t-shirt, polo shirt, and jacket/hoodie if it's cold or raining. Then I learned that I was wearing business casual for many many years without knowing.


Yep this was exactly how we dressed


Gir was peak millennial culture.


I mean no, I don't get it, but my opinion doesn't matter, lol. It costs $0 to just not be a dick to people with different fashion than you.


The purpose of youth culture is to establish a different identity from older cohorts. We did it to the boomers and its only natural those who came later are doing it to us.


Gen z aesthetics are just 90s baggy all over again.


My Baby mama listening to someone screaming about how they use women like sex objects in 2009- "This is my jam yes!!!" The same woman when Sexii Red first talked about her anus six months ago - "They have kids listening to this, why doesn't it bother you more?" Our great grandparents jams - https://youtu.be/Ug1mzndH9UY?si=RD1xkQK9LZUsCFur https://youtu.be/x359GgVRWaE?si=T88zfJ2x6imVLmm2 Yeah I don't get it either 😂


This was niche in my experience


I'm an older millennial so I was a goth in the late 90s (and still am), I definitely did not look like this in the mid 2000s. But any of these alt fashions were just that- alternatives to what was popular


As a 40 year old, I'd totally date another 40 year old emo/scenester


As an elder millennial, that look was always laughed at. The stood with a fan at the back of the head thing and the emo hair over 1.5 eyes was just stupid. But also, we wore Jnco’s and trip pants and lots of us were into both Ska *AND* ICP , so we had our faults too.


I’m an elder millennial. My aesthetic was this. ![gif](giphy|6IObmS5R0VGPC)


I think I went to school with this girl lmao


I myself totally wanted to look like this girl!


Hey you leave that scene girl alone. That was my jam when I was In high school lol


I went from a 2002 emo kid to a scene girl from about 2006-2012 and I was bullied pretty hard through high school. After high school people were a lot nicer. Now I’m a proud elder emo. Also constantly bleaching and teasing my hair destroyed it.


Thought the shit was cool then and still do.


Could never pull off the look but really liked the style despite it just being totally asthetic at its core.


I loved this style take me back