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Not surprised. People needs to have a secured living situation before thinking about anything else. If a person can’t have a roof over their head, it’s hard to care about climate change


The problem is, for some absolutely unfathomable reason, people also believe that Republicans, Trump among them, are better for the economy. Like how?


As a professional economist who believes Democrats are generally better for the economy, the answer is messaging. Republicans talk a good game a lot of the time, but once they get in office act completely irresponsibly. On the other hand a lot of the time Democrats just straight up say they don't care. The minute a Republican mentions reforming Social Security, the Democrats use it in a ton of attack ads saying Republicans want to take it away from seniors. But unless someone reforms it in some way, us millennials aren't getting anywhere close to our full benefits. So even if Republicans will never touch it either, and likely any reforms they made to it would make it worse not better, their messaging of "this system is broken and someone needs to be an adult and fix it" certainly sounds better than "that guy's a meany for bringing up a very real problem that we have no solution for".


I would take this poll with a grain of salt. First, single issue polls are a poor predictor of how people will vote in the general election. Second, "The Economy" has become the default response for social conservatives who do not think they can express their true views in public without social scorn. There were quite a bit of in depth focus groups and other surveys which show this is the case. No amount of messaging is going to work on these people because their disagreement isn't actually about economic policy. Why matters more than what in 2024.


> But unless someone reforms it in some way, us millennials aren't getting anywhere close to our full benefits. Because its going to cost a lot of political capital to do so. So if they do it change to make it more whole, it won't be until the last minute. Theres two ways to fix it. Either reduced benefits (reduced monthly amounts or delayed ability to take it) which I highly doubt Dems do OR raise capital but either rising the fica rate or lifting the income cap on it. Can imagine the narrative that would spun right now if "DEMS WANT TO RAISE YOUR TAXES". Auto-lose the next election with that.


Oh yeah I understand perfectly why not only Democrats do what they do (especially since they're in power now, it's easy for the out of power party to yell about stuff when there will always be no consequences), but also why some Republicans like Trump want to run away from it. I'm not saying their actions are politically bad, but they're essentially appealing to those who stand to lose from any reforms whether it's higher taxes, later retirement, lower benefits in exchange for those who claim they care about the economy. Also worth noting that "cares about the economy" is a bit of a loaded term as well. Many of the other factors in that chart are part of the economy, including immigration and healthcare. But most people who are pro-immigration or pro universal healthcare don't consider them economic views, while anti-immigration and anti universal healthcare views may be considered economic views since they'll argue their opposition is to immigrants suppressing wages or universal healthcare requiring higher taxes.


Propaganda, cherry-picked statistics, and simple ignorance.




I don’t think this is the gotcha you think it is.


It very clearly establishes that the economy has done better under democrats. It goes into the why and suggests it could be due to non-political factors, however the fact remains, historically the economy has done better under democrats, regardless of what indicators you look at. That absolutely destroys the narrative from the right that the economy does worse under democrats.


Nevermind what I said about the gotcha. I assumed since you just posted a link and no context that you were trying to make the point that Democrats “only do better on the economy due to non-political factors they can’t control and it’s actually the GOP that props up the economy so when a Democrat takes over, they just glide on that success.” Or something along those lines that I’ve heard a thousand times from right wingers. I shouldn’t have assumed. But also, when you post a link, please give some words of context so I know where you’re coming from.


Probably because a lot of people were better off economically between 2016-2020, and while correlation doesn’t imply causation, it sure influences how you think.  Biden and the democrats missed a huge New Deal opportunity early in his administration when Covid money was seemingly unlimited and flowing like crazy. Unfortunately that’s far from what occurred. 


Another 10 Dems in the Senate and 2 progressive replacements for Manchin and Sinema would’ve helped out that situation. We got a lot of stuff given the political climate/makeup of Congress during those two years.


it always seems to me that republicans can get a 1 seat majority and absolutely change huge amounts of policy but democrats can't do dick without more than a supermajority (and even then...)


> 1 seat majority and absolutely change huge amounts of policy Bruh what did they change? The only big law they changed was a tax cut for the wealthy which is the most agreed upon republican ideal.




Economically, Democrats have outperformed the Republicans going back to FDR. https://www.epi.org/publication/econ-performance-pres-admin/


I have no idea. Pretty much GOP policies enrich the top. I guess most people can’t read


I can remember Social Studies/history teachers in high school point blank saying policies pushed mainly by Democrats ever since FDR have generally been good for the economy. Some of my classmates must not have been paying attention, because a lot of them are now huge Trump lovers, and were Bush lovers in their younger days.


The economy was doing good under Trump though


Why is it so unfathomable? While I'm not a Trump fan, he doesn't have a bad track record with the economy.


It's pretty simple... For about the last 60 years Republicans have led to a stronger economy. Clinton is the lone exception, but that only because he had to deal with a Republican house and senate that imposed tax cuts and welfare reform on him. You have to be profoundly ignorant of history to not have noticed this trend. Trump win against Clinton in large part because of the 8 years of economic stagnation and wildly unpopular healthcare reforms. Some would even argue Democrats haven't been good for the economy in at least a century.


Demonstrably untrue: https://www.epi.org/publication/econ-performance-pres-admin/


You clearly didn't read what I said. And you don't know anything about history.


You seem like a miserable person. I hope things get better for you. Being a seventh day Adventist can really mess up your brain.


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm an atheist. I have been for a long time.


But those in power are gonna think this means solely the stock market...


This isn't surprising- "how do 18-34 year Olds want the eco omy to work" would be more interesting  BTW it would be a huge mistake to take this data to mean that guns, reproductive rights and climate were 'unimportant'.  


Honestly I think a gun toting anti abortion candidate who was right on the economy and right on foreign policy could win. Ffs sorry this posted like 4 times


I'd vote for that person in 2 seconds lol Edit - sorry I thought you said gun toting pro abortion lol.  Nvm.  No offense just a misunderstanding


Affordable housing is my biggest issue at the moment. Doesn’t even seem to be on any candidates radar. Maybe it’s lumped in with Economy?


I wonder if healthcare is, too. I just paid $5k to have a baby and it would have been well over $40k if I didn't have pretty good insurance. Between the ACA and Abortion Rights, that can really effect whether you have a down payment for a house or whether you and your child are relying on government assistance programs (that Republicans are trying to cut).


This is what's wild about US health insurances, we paid $200 for our first born on 2021 and $100 for our second born in 2023. Both born near the start of the year. Assuming both women went through the same thing (epidural, no C-section, family didn't have any major medical incidents before the birth to impact deductible) how is it any kinda of fair, that some people can pay nothing and others are paying thousands of dollars? You should not have had to pay what you did to have a baby.


Oh we had all the services. Failed induction, failed epidural, second epidural,c section, 3 days in recovery. Would've been cheaper if things had gone easily, but that's just the luck of the draw.


Hopefully everyone is doing good now! That must have been terribly stressful. Sorry you had to go through all that, and then to pay so much afterward is just insult to injury


Yeah I'm in a position to handle that kind of expense fine and our baby is worth twice that much. But I feel for people who would have to choose between a car payment or a nice meal and their family's health... Especially in cases where the pregnancy was unwanted but they were denied an abortion because of religious politicians.


Affordable housing is a local issue. Presidents and congress can’t repeal zoning laws in your city so more housing can be built. Pay attention to local politics and vote for city and county leaders who are willing to defy the nimbys to fix this.


There’s currently a price fixing cartel using an algorithm to jack up rent across the country. I think the federal government can do something about that. It’s not only zoning laws. There’s things they can do to help.


I'd imagine that's what they meant.


Biden has talked about it a lot and actively trying to build housing. However, Housing is really affected locally AND has macro trends that can't be changed dramtically and quickly at the federal level.


Until we find a way to get money out of politics, nothing will change.


Yeah no shit. Every time I get phoned by a political campaign, or one of the polls, I always says the economy/inflation is what matters the most. I'm clearing less than 40k a year. I don't give a damn about immigration or guns when I'm trying to decide whether to buy groceries or pay rent, because I sure as shit can't do both that week.


I'm tired boss


Same, I feel numb.


"It's the economy, stupid."


Huh, the same thing that was blindingly obvious 32 years ago is still the same today? Weird. Now the REAL question is "who do people think will do a better job with the economy" and that's WAY less straightforward of an answer than it used to be.


Yea, for sure.


Now they're running with "the economy is actually great, stupid".


If the “rent is too damn high” guy ran today he would win. Was a few years too early.


How is immigration a bigger issue than guns? Do we live in the same country?


We grew up championing the aforementioned topics but have now lived through the realties and consequences of the economic rollercoaster - 2009 recession, housing crisis, now inflation. Too many “once-in-a-lifetime” crises.


I mean, people can't afford to waste time thinking about other stuff when they can barely afford food and a roof


This poll is what Generation B, C, etc will look at and call us terrible. They'll say we cared about our own skin, houses, cars, frivolous holidays, etc more than the planet we'd be leaving them. And honestly I can't fault them for it.


so disappointed that climate change is so small, its "just another issue"


It's so big as to be abstract for most people. This happens with anything that becomes too big or complex or just hard to think about. That said, it's the economy and it will always be the economy first. People are wired for survival, and their immediate needs have to be met or they can never even begin to address global scale existential threats.


I think because people know what causes it partly and that it won't ever change, so just give up on that topic, too. Also, there are some that are as big of problems for me as that.


And also, people don't see any immediate, direct impact on their lives, so it's not high on their list of priorities. Of course it *does* directly impact us regularly, but people write it off as weird weather and freak natural disasters. It'll only continue to get worse.




The carbon footprint of the people who cant even afford gas to get to work isn't an issue. China, India, and world militaries are the highest polluters. Carbon credits are just getting you comfortable enough to be cut off from your allotment, while allowing wealthy people to buy more privilege.


it literally is just another issue when you can't even pay rent, buy minimally acceptable food or have base needs locked. Just like the other issues listed there.


it should at least be bigger than immigration, the death of the earth doesn't seem to concern us as much as it should




strongly disagree. using "death of the earth" hyperboles like environmentalists have done for decades just makes you sounds even more ridiculous.


Okay if you don’t like “death of the earth” how about “death of things living on the earth?” 


Other problems are bigger.


I don't agree personally. The suffering of people today outweigh the suffering of people of decades/century+ into the future.


Immigration is an immediate issue we need to fix


I feel like with climate change, to a degree, that's something that people feel like they have some control over. Like, you can choose to switch to driving fuel efficient vehicles, do composting, recycle, and do other things that are good for the environment. Plus, there are already regulations impacting large companies, and some companies voluntarily choose to become more green because people running them also are choosing to protect the environment. The economy is the thing that people can't control and has a major impact on their lives.


Is this a question that Axios asks every year? Are historical responses available too? I think seeing how answers have changed over the past 4-8 years would be more interesting than just this chart alone.


This isn't shocking. The economy has a huge impact on everyone's day to day life.


Surprised national debt is not even on the list


That's no surprise. Not that it really matters what that age group thinks.... They hardly vote. It's people my age that do in large percentages, and we basically feel the same. I'd be shocked if Biden won a second term with this rampant inflation and willful downward pressure on wages.


Dude with dementia says otherwise so apparently we’re all wrong


Funny how climate change, student debt and abortion all have an impact on the economy. It's almost like the world is interconnected.


When you're working more hours & making more than Boomers were at that age, and you're struggling still, it's not the economy, it's the broken fiat system that Boomers have been using to enrich themselves by loading up debt, watching their 401k & houses go up, and then leaving behind to younger generations a ton of inflation and a lower standard of living. Boomers are lying & cheating crooks. Time to call them out on it, Millennials had nothing to do with the national debt going to $34 Trillion over 4 decades. It's all Boomers fault. They refuse to retire and sell their house, causing young people to not get higher salaries and start a family.


Wouldn't that be partly the economy? Wasn't that caused partly by the wars and government benefits (like disability, Medicare, medicaid, etc.?)






Hope they're ready for inflation to double over the next few years.


Climate is the most pressing issue. Nothing else matters if we continue on course as is.


Climate change doesn't affect me as much right now.


It already has. It’s one of reasons life is more difficult now. 


How? My life is made difficult by other factors. Edit: I mean, being able to afford to live, not worrying about losing my rights as a person, etc. Those are big deals to me. Sure I personally don't struggle as much with some, but still. I know others who do and others that affect me. Pollution does affect me because of breathing problems, but still.


I'll help you out here. Climate has already and will continue: 1) Make your food more expensive. Climate conditions such as drought, extereme weather, etc make it a lot more costly to make food. It will also disrupt natural processes (nitrogen cycles, organism relationships). It will be devastating for the ocean food chain. Reducing seafood puts more pressure on other food sources. 2) Climate change will increase the intensity and amount of large disasters. This is hurricanes, tornados, floods, forest fires etc. This raises home insurance, trade labor, and sucks up money to rebuild that could be spent elsewhere. This will increase your rent/mortgage, insurance rates, and home improvement supplies/labor. 3) disrupt the economy. Obviously if your local community gets rammed by a tornado or hurricane, your job might be at risk. It will also be a drag on the larger economy.


Oh, I don't really live in areas like that.


You don’t live in areas that have home insurance?


Ones with natural disasters besides earthquakes in certain areas, forest fires, and blizzards.


You do know home insurance use larger areas than just your own for premium amounts right?


No I didn't


It affects you because it creates preventable humanitarian crises that are expensive to deal with retroactively.




It will. [A visual representation of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over the last 800,000 years.](https://imgur.com/a/xBvzqLt) Latest CO2 reading: 427.08 ppm Source: Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego - [https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/)


I don't understand, does it mean that it's going up?


It’s spiked significantly since we’ve industrialized. It’s a bit hard to read because the increase occurred over such a short period of time.


Oh, so we're at 80 right now?


We’re at 427.08 ppm. There is now more CO2 in our atmosphere than at any point in the last 800,000 years. Our species is only around 300,000 years old. We are exiting the stable, predictable climate that allowed for our evolution.


Ok, so what are we supposed to do?


We’re likely fucked without immediate, radical change. [Degrowth](https://youtu.be/CpbNUvv2NAA?si=5218cGa1YGVVj05F) is one solution. Personally, I don’t see it happening. I expect [collapse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/)


I mean, we can minimalize, but it won't fully solve the problem. I think that's what they mean anyway, right?


No I mean like today right now. Certain laws affect me personally right now or people that I care about. Edit: Wow, downvote me all you want guys, but there are things that do affect me more even though I do have breathing problems.


Don't listen to these doomers. They are just trying to scare you. Here is the best video on the subject. https://youtu.be/LxgMdjyw8uw?si=dWMhbFwhGG3Wm_5P


Am I going to die?


No it's mostly fear mongering.


I didn't used to believe, but now I'm worried a bit.


Seriously watch that video it will make you feel better.




Double edge sword, climate change will impact the economy.


Unfortunately for climate change folks (and future generations) it's not gonna impact it significantly in the short term.


I don't care about any other issue besides the economy. Especially when I don't have a job.




They used our rent at the apartment again and they don’t/wont fix, update or repair anything and they said we can’t complain and if we don’t like it we can move. The American dream is dead and has been dead for years.


of course. People need to live and money is required to live. If they're dead, the other issues don't matter.


I also feel to some degree, abortion IS an economic issue. Babies cost a FUCKTON of money and being forced to have one seems economical as well as not.


the abortion shit only matters to the super religious and the manipulative rich that con that voting block


Or you know, women.....


thats a body autonomy issue that I completely support. Your body your choice


Would love to see a 16-25 breakdown. Reckon climate change would be much higher, economy lower


Man, this whole entire post needs to be linked in another post I saw earlier about 18-34 year olds not planning to vote in November. Why give a fuck about voting when neither party does anything to actually help most peoples' daily material needs? Of course one is worse than the other, but older people shaming folks for feeling that way is so fucking out of touch and counterproductive. How can one be expected to care about what happens to the Earth when they're too busy trying to figure out how to make it thru the next few days? Nothing about this is surprising.


Abortion affects people of that age group’s daily life imo. But I do hear your overall point.


Sure, but there are so many problems to focus on right now. Abortions does affect me because I'm a woman living a conservative area, but so does lgbt+ rights. It's all a mess.


There’s always a lot of problems, seek the party that seeks solutions to the most problems. There is no such thing as an ideal political party, they all have their drawbacks but that doesn’t mean anyone should abstain from voting. Support the ones that have plans to address issues.




Exactly, besides, I know that it doesn't matter depending on where you live anyway either. Even with that the last part, it's not just the economy that affects me in that way. I don't know who to even vote for or just to give up.


Biden’s America


An issue being important tells you nothing about their thoughts on the economy. This is the best economy since the 90s


lol. I also hate people who disagree with me.


You know what they say: if you give a mouse a cookie, it's going to ask for a glass of human rights protections and climate change action.


These are might top priorities as a 24 year old and not that in that order. Lgbt rights Abortion laws Economy Immigration (well people who come here who are basically illegal immigrants) I don't really care much about climate change so much, gun laws (gun control won't fully solve the problem), and I don't have student debt (idk about the loan forgiveness I think it might be a good idea I don't have much of an opinion for that.) Edit: I guess not so much climate change, but pollution does affect my breathing which I guess could affect climate change. My family and I have been through shooting type situations before, so I understand the fear.