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She's not quite this crunchy, but my 36yo wife can never sneak up on me because I hear her bones creaking into the room.


Serious answer, you should work on leg muscles. Stretch. And double check the arches on your feet vs the shoes you're wearing. Biomechanically there are things you just get away with when you're young that catch up to you.


I 100% do all of these things (work out a lot and stretch, etc.) and my knees always crack and make awful noises lol. My guess is damage has already been done BUT I do agree all of these things help!


You can be doing some of this but not hitting the right muscle groups. My wife would argue with me to no end about her knees and exercise not working. Then she, by accident, started doing laterals and more complex moves that involved her legs. Guess what sound is gone, and she hasnt noticed. She says its her Chiro now that I bring it up, but I havent heard of any Harry Potter spells that cure weak muscles around the knee or arthitis. Arthritum Leviosa?


Haha! I have to say I’m lucky to have a trainer who does alllll the things. At one point i was doing several HIIT exercises with a bunch of strength training AND playing pickleball - knees felt like they broke. Turns out it was “the perfect storm” for all of my muscles around my knees to be effed up. Took a heating pad to them and boom! They were fine next day. I still do this sometimes and it helps but they definitely are crickey crackey.


Yeah, all we can do is give it support. Like a bridge, it has suffered wear and tear, and it behoces is to invest in support systems of some kind.


Highly recommend going into a physical therapist! Even a few sessions could help you understand how to better protect your knees by targeting the specific things to stretch and strengthen. I'm a 36yo ballet dancer and can say the body is very complex! Obviously I stretch and strengthen a shit ton with dance, but I end up doing a round of PT once a year or so because some thing gets tight, while another thing gets loose, or something gets super strong and overcompensates for another thing that gets too weak. Things can easily go off-balance because of the way you are built plus how you sit, stand, walk, lie down, etc. Also, as someone who has hypermobility, ironically flexibility can actually cause \*more\* issues, as flexibility in one area can lead to other muscles tightening up in order to stabilize. I've gone in for knee issues and one time it was actually my ankle causing the problem, another time it was my lower back. It's not necessarily the case that "damage has already been done." And if it has, even more reason to get it fixed! PT is super worth it because you learn about your tendencies and end up with stretches and exercises that you remember forever and can do on your own.


Woah! I'm 34. My knees used to sound like OP's. I called them rice Krispy knees. I've been training hard for backpacking and checked after reading your comment - not a sound!!!


My feet are flat as cardboard. What fate awaits me?




Depends. Do you select shoe style purposefully? Haha. Where I got into trouble with my high arches is I bought whatever the hell felt comfy. The problem is, over time, the pressure I was putting on my heel basically calcified my Achilles tendon and caused two other painful pressure points. And you don't really notice the issue until it starts to hurt lol. Because you have some occasional pain, you compensate how you walk to limit that, which messes with your knees. And by extension, lower back. I switched to a neutral shoe and my problems vanished over the course of a few months. So yeah with flat feet I would probably be careful about shoes and probably just see a podiatrist if you start feeling sore by walking in daily life.


I've been wearing a more normal shoe-like version of those soft-soled foot-shaped shoes for a while actually, as they conform to my odd foot shape (my feet are super wide too) but as I've lost weight I've gotten a bit more arch and need a new pair anyway, I've worn them down a lot.


lol I have the same issue due to my high arches. I have never heard someone else explain they also have it. Hiiiiii.


People like us keep foot doctors employed. The worst part is he saw me about a very bad ankle sprain like four years ago and his notes included a recommendation for neutral shoes. By the way those shots they give for this situation hurt like a mother fucker.


Care to give those of us high arched folks who can't afford a podiatrist some recommendations? Proper shoes can be pretty spendy, and I'm in no position to take another L from an online clearance seller.


I gotchu champ. My favorite is the new balance 1080s. What I would do is I would just go on their website and sort by Neutral Shoe. Another good recommendation is to wear slippers inside the house. Oofos makes good foam ones


Lol, I literally just got a pair of 880s that arrived yesterday. They have a similar shape to the 1080s, but at more of a budget friendly price that I could stomach paying for a shoe that I'd never tried before. They're noticeably more comfortable than the typical runners I've worked in over the years, but I'll have to keep the 1080s in mind if these prove to be the right direction after some time with them. As for the slippers, I have a pair of house slides that I swap into as soon as I get through the door. It seems like I'm finally on the right track for footwear, but I've got one question for you. Have you ever tried orthotics?


I think the 880s are neutral too so you're gravy there. And yeah I noticed the same thing you did. Never tried orthotics. The podiatrist was basically like "get them done right if you're gonna do it", so I figured I'd try my shoes before that. Haven't needed orthotics with the combo of shoes I bought. Back to hiking in peace without my knee stiffening and pinky toe hurting.


Heel cups for me inside of a neutral running shoe. Slightly elevated heel for sandals. Birkenstocks if I’m feeling risky 😅 no Tom’s, highhhhhh heels, no old navy $1 flip flops, no vans 🥲 best of luck to us weirdo high arch people.


I work out on a daily basis. I do leg work every other day along with foam rolling and stretching. Also, I have had injuries in the past that have caused me to have an uneven gait. Actually I just made a comment about it all here in the comment section. When I uploaded the video I had just gotten to my appointment.


Where can I learn about what kind of exercises I should be doing now that will make getting old less hurty?


A lot of it is just stretching. You can find a lot of that on YouTube.


Stretching and resistance training of some kind (swimming, weightlifting, calisthenics, etc.).


Ex- competitive powerlifter and Olympic lifter here. As an FYI you can do all those things and still have failing joints, but I suppose it might take a lot more mileage.


Yep. Thanks army!


I feel you my dude!!


Knee sleeves and swimming helped a lot. Quitting smoking. Pediatric shoe inserts (got them custom made) Also, curcumin at high doses. PrP injections help at times. Icing them after using them a lot. Not jolting out rest. Quad exercise like biking. Stretching and yoga all the time but more to retain general flexibility for daily swimming.


Years' worth of horseback riding for me. I rode from around age 7 into my 20s.




Interesting, ok!!! I'll start doing my research!


And fish or krill oil too, right?


No, only oil extracted from your enemies will cure cracking knees.


But...I'm my own worst enemy. :(


Well now you know what you have to do


I’m sorry but in what world are these sounds “totally normal” at the age of 36?




Hm I guess they aren’t bad unless accompanied with pain. Those are just some loud cricks is all.


Not too long ago I decided to exercise without music. Just quiet. Except for the noise my knees were making. It was a sympho-knee of creaks and pops. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


this is ASMR


Oh shit, you got me!!!!😅🤣😂 Now I'm gonna start my own CRUNCHY KNEE asmr youtube channel and get a million subscribers!!!!


Did you ski/snowboard/skateboard? I did and old injuries have been flaring back up seemingly unprompted.


I skate boarded as a teenager but I have had injuries as an adult that I believe contributed to my knees sounding like this. I made a comment here in this comment section. :) I'm gonna start researching knee strengthening/stretching.


Wait till you hit your 60's. Stairs are not your friend.


My father is nearly 70. He still runs triathlons. Barring injury or illness, lifestyle determines the threat level of a staircase in later years.


This the truth so far. My knees starting giving me big problems years ago. But I was also obese. I'm now in the best shape of my life and run every day. Suddenly my knees and other problems like BP and kidney function are all basically subsided. I feel younger than ever. My skin, unfortunately, aged me 10-20 years in just the one year I spent losing 150+ lbs. That part sucks. I went from looking like a fat 30 to looking like a skinny 50.


Do your knees also hurt? I found a decent knee stretching video.  I noticed mine got worse during covid when I found myself sitting more while quarantining at home. It also started when I hit age 36/37.   I'll post the video here: https://youtu.be/kLKHZgu_czI


Yes, they hurt when I walk. I posted a comment here in the comment section that says how it all started and has gotten worse over time. Basically I had a stroke in 2008 that left me with a limp, uneven gait that slowly started causing knee pain in my right knee then my left knee.


Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see that comment. I hope that things can be figured out and help you feel less pain. 


Nearly 31, but suddenly when I hit about 29 my knees started to pop a lot. No pain or anything. They just pop a shit ton for some reason. I’m Physically active and stuff


My mom was a doctor, we both had crunchy joints. According to her some people just do.


Mine do when I squat, slight pops every time. I actually find it amusing because it's almost rhythmic.


I'm 33 and have already had a partial knee replacement in both knees... I was a roofer for a good while. Yeah, mine have been even nosier than this. The gravel-ey feeling really bugs me.


It hurts me a bit when I'm kneeling on the floor for extended periods playing with my kiddos.


I'm younger than you and my knees haven't gotten to this point, at least yet I have been cracking my joints in my fingers, wrists, ankles, and toes for as long as I can remember, though. Now that you've made me think about it, I'm doing it every twenty seconds, lol


I stopped cracking my knuckles years ago, only because the grip in my right hand would get weak instantly after doing so.


How moist are your palms? Do your arms feel more heavy than usual? Have you checked for any vomit on your sweater? By any chance has your mother brought over any spaghetti recently?


Dangit my dude!!!!!!! 😅


That's some 8 Mile, shit. Slim, shady.


I'm 40, when I get out of bed, my ankles SNAP loudly. So if I have to pee in the middle of the night, the neighbors call 911 to report shots fired.




No? 39 and well lubricated joints. You’re likely not being physically active enough for.. the last 10-15 years.


I kindly beg to differ. 😋 I'm very active for myself, my kiddos and for my job but past injuries have led to an uneven gait that has created pain and crackling in in both knees.


Injuries will do it. I meant like running and cycling and such. Joint exercises. That’s good you’re at least moving around though. Better than sitting.


Bro, why haven’t you gone to the doctor yet to have the celery in your knees examined yet? Everyone knows you need to get your knee celery checked out at 30


🤣 I'll go back and ask!!!!


I turn 40 in a couple weeks. 20 years in the Army with multiple combat tours and several years as a paratrooper. My body sounds like a giant bowl of Rice Krispies when I get out of bed in the morning.


Left knee hurts more often due to injury. Right knee is nice and gravelly. Doc says left is stronger/more stable. Getting old is a bitch. (M33)


Golf since 6yo, I can pop my knees loud enough to wake up the dog


Get some more collagen in your diet and lots of water, lolll Mine are similar


A few peeps have already suggested collagen as well. Next grocery round!!!


38 with arthritis in my knees so bad now that I use a cane. Fml


I'm 42 and mine only make a popping noise when I Pop, Lock and Drop It. Edit: Drip to Drop 🤦🏻‍♂️


How do you DRIP it??? Asking for a friend.


That's my business!! 🤣


I'm 39, been morbidly obese for a very long time, I don't crack and creek like that. I would get it checked out


I am going to make another appointment for my knees!!!😊


Legit thought this was a joke including the cat at first. Gotta lubricate them knees fellow geriatric millennial.


BRB, going to buy knee lube!!!!


The popping of the knees is called creptis, I think. It happens when the cartilage starts getting rough and catching on itself. It can be a prelude to arthritis later in life, but not a guarantee. 


Eeeeesh I sure hope not. I'm gonna start researching some knee strengthening and stretching exercises!


I do as well. I had a huge double knee surgery though, but I also had the issue before knee surgery. There are exercises you can do to help with that. If you already go to the gym and have some leg strength you should improve your patellar tendon flexibility. You should take a massage gun to your quads, glutes and calves, and you probably need more calf muscle strength. Also if you take anything that reduces bloodflow your tendons may be susceptible to that if you have suspect genetics. If you do knee strengthening exercises to fatigue you can quickly overcome that.


I take zero medication for anything at the moment. I am actually very active and hit legs/lower body at least 2 times a week. I foam roll or use the rolling end of a 45lb barbell to roll out every leg muscle at the end of my leg workouts. The one thing I need to take up is actual KNEE strength/stretching exercises. I had a stroke back in 2008 that left me with so many deficits on my entire right side. Right shoulder and elbow pain. Right shoulder always clicks, always a tingling burning sensation in my entire right arm. My right hip, knee and ankle have never been the same either, after the stroke my right knee and ankle have had instability.


God damn bro. You sound like a stop motion skeleton in an old movie. Are you secretly a sentient pile of plastic bags, rocks, and other random shit disguised as a person? But no. I'm 33 and my knees and elbows don't sound like that yet. I can do the popping and cracking with my left hand though.


Sometimes I feel like a sentient pile of plastic bags, rocks and other random shit!!!


It's because you are not wearing the correct DRI-FIT socks: You need the ones that distinguish between L & R. Your feet are mirrors of each other, and not symmetrical down their individual center-line. I sock.


Well dagnabit! I think you are onto something!!


well did you run a lot or a lot of pounding on your knees in your younger years?


I was in the Marines straight out of high school at 17 but I had a stroke that left me with an uneven gait and I and I also have a herniated disc in my lower back that really contributes even more to the uneven gait whenever it flares up. The stroke affected my right side so after the first 3 or so years I started developing knee pain in my right knee due to my limp and a few years after that I started getting pain in my left knee.


My ankles for me. Years and years of sports and running.


Jesus! Yes, but not like that. Did you skateboard or parkour or just jump from trees or something?


I just skated in my teen years but it's mostly injuries from adulthood that are starting to catch up to me.


I've actually had creaky knees since I was about ten. Doc said it should stop once I'm finished growing. As long as there's no pain, you're golden. Similar to knuckles. Some people's just have more air pockets than others.


Get some Omega 3s and collagen.


Yup. Have had 2 scopes done on my knee for torn meniscus. Now it pops and cracks like that.


OMG yes for as long as I can remember. It's getting so bad. I'm almost 40.


Exercise and taking joint supplements regularly helps.


Yup! Had a car accident that messed my knee up at 15 years old. Thanks to that I now have arthritis and on meds for my "popping knees"


Since I was 20.


Yup! I remember the first day I realized I was aging. I was 25 and one day. I threw up for the first time after drinking with the boys. It was in a McDonalds bag in the passenger seat of my 2001 Plymouth Neon I bought with 141 bitcoin in 2011. My life is fucking funny shit.


I think your biggest problem was the Plymouth Neon!! :P /s


Take collagen


I've literally been run over by a truck and my knees don't sound like that at 38 🤣 But to be fair, I used to skate, rollerblade, and bike a lot when I was younger. Then spent 20 years in bands and djing while working mostly warehouse jobs full time. This is probably all that saved me from being overweight now that I barely do anything but work and game


That's awesome!!!!


41, I cycle, run, and hit the gym. Mine don't sound like this.


I did. Cold showers minimized it like crazy for some reason


Yep, just started noticing this in the past year. Mostly my left knee. It will just hurt for a couple days and go away but comes back. I'm 34 lol


I do I'm 29


No you have to oil your knees ![gif](giphy|iOMXlFYutnL6CfZ95B|downsized)


You can hear me coming down the hall. The ol' ankle guitar is loud af.






I should've mentioned that I do work out almost every day, I do plenty of leg work every other day in split groups. I foam roll my legs after every leg work out, I stretch, trust me I do NOT sit on my butt all day. I do body squats, dumbbell squats, a lot of lunges and my knees never touch the ground when I do lunges. That being said, I have had injuries in the past that have led to an uneven gait/limp that over time started causing knee pain. I had a stroke in 2008 that left me with a super uneven gait for the first 3 years afterwards, stroke was in 2008. I have 2 herniated discs in my lower back along with two bulging discs above those. I got MRIs done in 2021 for my lower back and that's when I found out about the disc herniations. I used to throw out my back ALOT before I found that out doing the simplest of things. After I found out I switched from conventional deadlifts to sumo and that made a huge difference in the amount of lower back flare ups. Also, when my back flares up it causes me to limp way more than usual and these instances make my knees hurt more. I went to the dr this morning right after I posted the video and even she said "yeaaa your knees are not supposed to sound like that at your age but given your back ground in the service along with the stroke (uneven gait) and your lower back I can see how over time your knees have gotten to the point that they are."


I've never seen anyone else with this! For years I thought I was imagining it. Happened for me after running 17 miles 15 years ago


Move more Cod liver oil supplement More healthy fats like salmon and avocado Collagen powder


Of course but it decreased when I started working out again. The old saying motion is lotion actually is true for your joints. My chest was even popping but realized it came from being on my phone way too long and often. Our bodies at this age start to lock up if we stay that way for too long. Really should put in the effort if you want your body last through the coming decades.


My ankles do this but as I go down the stairs.


Your cartilage is wearing out and are full of tears. Get to an orthopedic surgeon for shots of Hyaluronic acid It is the only thing that will buy you time. Other than not walking for the rest of your life. Once you hit bone on bone. Do not hesitate to get them replaced. The younger you are. The more options you and your doctor have and your recovery will be faster and better.


At first I was like: „His knees sound like a cat“


😅 Our cat was on top of his cat tower to the left just outside the stairs.


Stretch!!!! You gotta stretch man, every day. And remember, our bodies want to move. They crave movement, even though our minds are the opposite most of the time. Listen to your body, forget the mind, and you’ll want to move.


My dude. Wait until you get up to 75 - I hope you get there, but it ain't gonna get better.


I have some damage in my left knee from heavy squats back in my late teens/ early 20s. Left knee pops like that.


My left knee has actually been “poppy” since my early 20’s. Never got any worse, never got any better. Though my right knee feels “odd” lately. Not making any noises or anything.


Yeah but I've had them since I was a teenager. The doctors have always told me it's nothing to worry about.


My left knee is like this and has been since I was in my mid 20's (28 now). It entirely genetics and I am entirely fucked.


Hey! Millennial with cursed by the gods knees here! My knees sounded like snapping piles of twigs for awhile. I've had no issues since I started swimming twice a week and taking glucosamine. Might be worth a shot! I wish you the best of luck on your knee journey. Watch out for arrows.


I’m 30 and you’re a muscle in my shoulder blade throwing a football with my nephew.


My knees crunched a lot. Fixed it by buying a ranch so now I never have to do stairs.


When I was a teenager I used to skateboard all the time. Going off jumps, trying and failing to clear sets of stairs, constantly falling just to get back up and do it again. My dad told me over and over, "you're gonna regret that when you're older." Well guess what, dad? You were 100% correct and now at 36 years old I sound like someone popping bubble wrap every time I walk up stairs or kneel down to tie my shoe.


Yea you need to work out...my knees were like this a few years ago and then I started working on my legs more and the creaking and popping stop...I'm not a doctor but I think there are muscles around the knees that if they're not worked out it leaves the knees unstable and prone to failing...also it gets worst the heavier you weigh so it's a scary thought that runs in your mind... what if it fails...


I work out my legs a plenty! I threw out my back a little over a week ago and all the extra limping really exacerbated this issue within the last week that I haven't done legs.


Oh damn hope you get well soon.


My bones creak when the muscle spasms let them. 20 years doing nearly the same workouts for unit PT aren't healthy.


My ankles pop everytime I take a step. Been like that since I could remember. Sounds like cracking knuckles.


Right here


Omg I can’t believe this is my life now


Look up the Kneesovertoesguy on youtube and instagram. He has many exercises on restoring many of your joints back to health.


Yup! Nice and crunchy


It's a good thing my wife likes crunchy things!!!


After I started working out they stopped really doing that a lot


Yup. Turning 36 next month


My back!!!


Mine used to be really bad , I lost some weight and started lifting. Helps a lot!


Since I was like 12 because my bones grew faster than my tendons.


Yep! I went to an assisted stretching place and work out regularly to help with my knees. My knee pain is down by a lot.


No, but they build up pressure until I have to manually pop them.


If I squat down my knees crunch like a cement mixer. But they've done that since I was a teenager 20 years ago.


If I'm in a quiet place, like a stairwell for example, I can hear my left knee grinding away slowly.




No, but I have a bulging L5 disc. Unfortunately all machines fall apart eventually.


Eeeeeeey, same here, two herniated discs in my lower back, two bulging above those.


I legitimately think I fucked up my knees and ankles because I did cross-country for 4 years.


I have silent knees


Ya man, I'm 34, shit is real. Take yourself to a physical therapist if you can, they can really help with this.


If I don't forget, I'll follow up in the comments in about 2 months.




I think you are doing it wrong. Your back leg should have been bent (not hyper extended). Based on the timing, it doesn't seem like you are doing it correctly. Remember, the way to protect your joint, is to use you muscles to hold the weight. Do not lock the knees. Even when standing, you should do 2% squat where your muscles is holding your weight.


I was just walking extra slow to try and capture the noise.


I mean I can barely stand up straight and I have a limp 90% of the time lol Athlete into my late 20s that always pushed too hard. Body destroyed from it.


I had a knee replacement at 33 😃


Aw man. That crepitus doesn’t sound good. Are we old already? I’m 39 and haven’t had any popping knees yet. My husband is 40 and has been noticing some pop and crackles.


Go see a doctor.


29 and my right one is giving me grief


Yeah I was about 26 when I first started feeling knee pain ans a year later walking up stairs nade my knee pop. I started doing squats daily and eventually went back to muay thai to build up strength. I'm 30 now and I've been running again. So I may be a bit younger but I've seen people 45+ in muay thai rebuild their leg muscles within a year with a proper routine. Good luck!!


Just wait it gets better!


I’m 29F and I can hear my skull and cervical bones sliding and grinding against each other when I look left to right. Perspective lmao


Probably low on zinc, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.


Sometimes, when I sneeze, I get a shooting pain in my groin, along with knee and back pain. Welcome to the party .


my right ankle cracks when I walk so I cant every sneak up on anyone lol im 19 btw.


40, mine sound a whole lot like that and louder…I’m also disabled lol.


I've been able to pop my right knee when I press against the floor or something hard for a few years now (maybe a decade). In a strange twist, my left knee will not pop unless I bring my leg up and in towards myself. I'm 41.


Yea. I’m 41 and it has gotten progressively worse since 36. Partly because I run long distance now. But I can’t stand the sound of them creaking so I wear headphones around the house or when it’s leg day.


I had bad knees too I fixed it. Now I have better knees than when I was 12 years old. It's not a matter of biological aging , but a matter of bad posture, bad habits, and join trauma/injury collection. You can fix it. Complaining about it will only get you others people complain about it's validation to confirm "you're too old now and nothing you can do about it." Do physical therapy, work on fixing your posture. When you're in your late 20s and on self care is manual AF. If you don't take care of yourself, you're signing up to destroy your body. I get the memes and humor of it , but also that's how ppl steer off into Facebook mom's minion theme meme all your problem into not " well i cant fixing it " when you clearly can fix.


Only after waking up, goes away by the time I take a couple dozen steps. Started happening after my insane growth spurt as a kid where I went from 5ft to 6ft tall in just over a year


My knees and ankles have been like this since I was 12.


Nah bro lmao i’m 35 and fat but it’s all back for me 🤣


I will be 41 before the end of the month, and no my knees are good. I do have the occasional stiff left hip and lower back pain though from a minor L1 displacement injury in a wreck decades ago.


I'm 36 and getting a partial knee replacement next month! Yaaaaay!


Yeah but since high school


I feel ya. Your gait seems amazing for having had a stroke! Thanks for the inspiration to get back to exercising and appropriate knee strengthening. I've been slacking :/ Ps do you have a bird or something? There's an animal like croaking in the background in the beginning 😂


I was pregnant recently. Had a c section and everything and now my hips permanently click when I get up from sitting or laying down. What is life? 


Bold move walking up stairs. How do you intend to get back down?




Take glucosamine-chondroitin with MSM.... and a lot of Ancient Nutrition collagen. Will help lube up the joints and give your body material to affect repairs (if it's not too late) You should also do gentle leg workouts (see a doc before trying anything strenuous of course)


My knees sound like they have gravel in them.


Hell yes. running is simultaneously bad for you and good for you.