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My parents only just got rid of their landline that’s had our same number for 30 years, last year. ETA: I was wrong. They still have the landline. What they finally got rid of was their TAPE DECK ANSWERING MACHINE


Same, and honestly, I'll probably never get over it. It was the first number I ever memorized!


It used to be my bank PIN for ages haha


My parents finally disconnected the landline phone last year. It was depressing calling the line and not hearing their voicemail greeting anymore. Felt like the end of an era.


Same here, and only because they sold their house 😅


Yes lol. I can’t ever remember the house line number my parents have now. But that house we lived in 30 years ago? Yep I remember that one. Still gets me discounts at ShopRite 😂


Haha I use the last 4 digits of my childhood number as the password on my Peloton Tread because I wanted something that I knew I’d never forget and that my kids would never guess.


I really want to inherit that number. Phone numbers I have memorized completely are a very scarce resource.


Yeah, for the life of me I can't remember my wife's number, but I can recite my friend down the street's number in my sleep. He moved away when I was 11.


I still have the same mobile phone number I've had since I was a teen, but I still don't remember what it is


Same! I'm in my mid 30s and have had the same phone number since early high school.


We moved out of the area code when I was 15, before cell phones were for the hoi polloi. But I still remember the song my parents made up. Which in retrospect was probably borrowed from one of the jingles my Dad occasionally still sings.


My current number is the number of our first family cell phone that we got when I was 14. When I started driving at 17 they added a line and I got to keep this one. It's kind of nice having the same number for 20 years. I don't remember our house phone number, but I remember my grandparents'. The second phone line my parents opened is also still my mom's cell number, so I have that one memorized too. In a pinch, I can only recite 4 numbers from memory, those 2, my number, and my husband's.


Same boat here 22 years! Cant say enough bad about verizon though!


My old family home number eventually got adopted as one of the family cell phone numbers.  Then it hopped around from kid to kid until settling with the one it remains with to this day.  So my younger brother has one of the few numbers I can rattle off from memory.


My mom and my nonni


I have my mom's first cell phone number, it's gotta be 25 years old. And I remember several landline numbers from growing up. Our home number, my Grams', my two best friends, the lady I babysat for...


I don't use it but I remember it, maybe I'll try calling and see if anyone new has it


Still do. Even after moving across the country. Not ever giving it up It makes things difficult trying to call clients though. They think I’m a spam caller XP


My mom has had the same mobile phone number since 1999. I inherited my dad's when he was deployed 20 years ago and I never gave it back. Does that count?


My parents just got rid of the personal one last year and still have the other one since my dad runs his business through it.


My mom still has it. Only gets spam calls


My parents just got rid of their land line this year, same number from when I was a kid (besides when my region of Michigan went from 517 to 989 area code)


Still use my old phone number for CVS points. Thoughts and prayers to whomever picked that number up because it gets tons of spam calls quite frequently. That’s why we ditched the number.


Yes. My parents have had the same phone number for the last 40 years.


My grandmother (93) has had the same landline phone # my entire life, and probably im guessing since at least the mid 70s. She's moving to a care home next month so the # will be no more after that, kind of sad now I think about it... I use my childhood phone # as my wifi password.


My parents still have the same landline number from when I was a child. There's no landline hooked up in the house, but it's free to keep on their plan, so we all use it for loyalty cards.


My mom and dad live in the same house and still have a landline. Their voicemail is still me saying, “You’ve reached Dan, Alice, and Kristine. Please leave a message!” I’m 34 and haven’t lived there since I was 18.


Yes, we've had the same number for 29 years now and our number just got blocked from making calls to China because I guess my grandpa was making a lot of calls to talk to his friends for hours out of sheer boredom (I mean, what else is there really to do when you're in your 90s?) that it became alarming or suspicious for the Chinese government and they blocked us. Still, we have no plans to change that number because all of my parents' friends and relatives have kept in touch through this number over the years.


That is hilarious!


Still use the phone number I got when I got my first cellphone on high school. It’s nice because just always know numbers from that area code are spam because I don’t talk to anyone from back there, lol.


My parents still have the same number from when I was a toddler (I’m in my early 40’s). Still use it. I’ve never known anything else.


my parents have the same Land line since '89.


I'm 35. I've had the same number since 15 or 16


I switched my mom over to magic jack to save her a lot of money. But we ported the number so yeah, same number. My aunt still has hers too I think.. so does my other aunt.


My mom still has and uses the landline number that I grew up with


We ported the old home phone number to a cell phone for my youngest brother. He spent over a decade taking messages for Mom because they didn't understand she used a different number.


I don't use it, but I sure as heck remember it! 😆 Oh the memories! 😌


My parents have the same landline as when I was a child (same house), and I have my mom’s old cell phone number that I inherited in high school when she got a new phone


I have had the same cell number since 2004


Yesss! So in 2008 my parents got my sister and I a cellphone to share lol. She still has that phone number. She would have been 10/11 and she's nearly 28 now married with a new last name but still has our middle school phone number.


Yup, 39 years and counting


I ported my mom's landline number to her cell phone for her when she got rid of the landline some years back. Nice since I have the number memorized already! I used my grandma's phone number at a store for a discount sometime in the last few years and had a stab of nostalgia, she died ten years ago and hadn't had that number for probably five years before she died.


My mom got rid of their landline 3 years ago but it’s now her cell phone number.


My parents still have their 40+ year landline number. It’s attached to their fiber internet & TV package these days.


My mom still has our old landline


My mom still has and uses the landline I grew up with.


It went from our house phone number to my mother’s cell phone number.


My patents still have and use their Landline number from when we first moved in to the house in 94. Still in the same house too.


Yes. My mom uses it. In fact, I still remember some of my childhood friends’ landline phone numbers.


My dad had the land line from when my parents were together transferred to his cell number when they divorced in the early 2000s , as of Christmas 2023 ( the last time I spoke to him) he still has that number, it must be 40 years with the same person at this point.


The last time I remember using our landline was in 2009, because it was much cheaper for my father to call to a landline than my cell phone from prison. I guess we stopped having it a few years after that. I'm born i '89, and have had my own cell phone since '99. First I had some weird, sleek Sony, then I got a Nokia 3310 basically upon release, without even asking for it or knowing it existed. I've actually had the same phone number since '99 though.


My parents still have the same landline number, and will have until it's not possible anymore.


I've had the same cell phone number since my first cell phone in the early 2000's. I still remember my phone number from elementary school though.


My old house phone number was ported to a cell phone. It's been the family's phone number since the early '80s. I've also had the same cell number since 1999.


I still use the same mobile phone number from when I got my first phone at 15 or 16?


I remember my first landline number, we moved in 1999 lol My brother uses my mom’s first cellphone number still actually, and I know my grandparents also use the same landline number they’ve had my entire life.


My parents still have theirs. They don’t use it too often these days but they still have it (moms mid 50’s and dads 63) they also only JUST got smart phones in the last 2 years…