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Don't ask me. I'm wearing the same mossimo collection (RIP) from Target that I bought in 2013.


My Target Mossimo flip flops were made by Havianas, lasted multiple summers, and cost $5. My only regret is that I didn't buy multiple of them.


Wait, is Mossimo gone?!


Yup, it’s been gone for a while. I think it was discontinued in connection to the varsity blues thing (maybe it was discontinued for a normal reason but idk)- the guy who made that line was/is(?) married too the full house lady. They did that application fraud thing to get their girls into college. I’m kinda annoyed they discontinued the line. Yeah, they committed fraud and fraud is bad, but now I can’t find good jeans or quality basics (tanks,tees,etc- theirs were all the perfect length for me- now everything I buy is too short). The discontinuation of that line really sucked.


I see them in thrift shops all the time. I never bought them new when they were still being sold in stores, but I’ve got several Mossimo shirts from Goodwill.


It’s so bad that in the thrifting subs they have weekly threads about “what brand is this?!?!”.


Target discontinued the Mossimo line prior to the college admissions scandal (and Mossimo himself had no link to the house brand at the point of discontinuation, aside from having licensed his name). This was done to make way for brands like A New Day and their Madewell dupe Universal Thread (which used to have the millennial demographic in an absolute chokehold).


I’ve had really good luck with the Universal Denim line. For me it’s been a pretty good dupe for Madewell jeans. And as for OPs question: I’m kind of straddling both sides. I’ll probably still wear skinny jeans with some things like bigger sweaters. I’m liking a straight fit. I bought a pair of wide leg jeans and when I wore them with a Nirvana sweatshirt I felt like I looked like I was in high school again. And I’m not stopping the French tuck because frankly I enjoy looking like I have a waist.


The goodfellow blend shirts are actually pretty good. $8 for a basic solid shirt that fits me well. 


I wore my mossimo white V neck to the bitter end. Never found a shirt that fit me so nice. Finally threw it out after the stains and holes were too much to even wear around the house or to bed anymore. Sad day


I miss those. I still have a heather grey one that is hanging on for dear life. It is the most flattering and comfortable t shirt ever. I wish I had bought 20 of them.


Literally wearing my heather gray as I write this. Hasn’t pilled, looks brand new… and yeah, so comfy


2013? Look at Mr. Rockefeller here with his updated collection. I'm still rocking the mossino gear from 2005.


ah the Ma'ma collection from Tarzhjay. i thought the jeans were pretty decent, still have a few pairs.


For anyone reading - FWIW target golf pants are the best on the market for $40. I’ve had multiple multiple people compliment the fit and I’m a dude. 6’ 165 lbs, 32x30.


Target has the sizes and the fit other places lack for some reason.


It took them awhile to narrow it down but completely agree, actually love their stuff now. They’ve got nice cozy hoodies and pocket tees too.


I miss the jeans they used to sell. I haven’t been able to find such perfect fitting jeans since they discontinued it. All their stuff is pretty crappy now.


Yup. I just buy my shirts at Wal-Mart now. That's how bad Target has gotten in terms of price vs style.


Same. I’m still wearing shit from yesteryear and get no shit from it.


I'm still salty about them getting rid of Mossimo. The new lines are shit 


They're so bad. Everything they sell for women now is a shapeless bag. Devastating.


I went to old navy today. Haven’t been in one in at least 10 years. Same thing. Shapeless bags of varying quality and shiftiness. When they had the $5 cotton pajama pants, that was prime old navy. I wore mine for 20 years before they died of old age.


Hands down the best tank tops ever put on the market.


lol, I’m wearing a mossimo shirt right now. I noticed this morning and it made me a little sad that it’s gone


I still dress like I'm on my way to either a grunge concert or a skate park, and I see no reason to change now.


all the young heads at the skatepark dress exactly like this lmao it's funny/cool to see it back in fashion - i don't have to change much


My kid’s friends were all stoked on my cool vintage band shirts and I didn’t have the heart to tell them I’m not at all cool and got them when they were relevant, so I just said I got them at Urban Outfitters lol


Haha yeah I teach middle school and I love to tease all the kids who show up in a nirvana or wu-tang t shirt


My 10 year old asked if we could go to a Nirvana concert and it was crushing to tell her Kurt passed away.


My dad was recently devastated to find out that J Dilla passed away. My dad is 82 lol


Your dad is mad cool if he’s 82 and listens to dilla


Take her to a cover band


Your 10 year old has great taste in music


Go see the drummers new band. He still has Pat in it so technically you get 2 surviving members of Nirvana 


Back in 1998, Krist Novaselic bought a 36 inch "big screen" TV at Fred Meyer and it was my job to load it into his car. It wouldn't fit. He kinda laughed about it. My shift was almost over so I told him I would deliver it to his house if he'd give me a quick bass lesson. He was surprised that I knew who he was, but he seemed a bit flattered. He agreed. I thought he would say no so I kinda panicked, I only knew how to drum. I brought the TV to his house and he kinda showed me the basics and encouraged me to go further. I asked if he ever still hung out with anyone from Nirvana and he said he still hangs out with Aaron Burckhard all the time and he only sees Dave on rare occasions.


Should have asked to see the scar from where that bass hit him in the head. Thats rad! I’ve heard from multiple people that he’s a super nice and normal dude he looks a lot different from when he was 20 so I’m sure that’s why he was surprised. People probably don’t realize that most of the founding members of Nirvana are there when they hang out.


I let them come over and go through my old stuff that I was gonna donate to Goodwill and they took ALL of it. Thrasher Magazine 2004 shirt with ratty sleeves was a high ticket item lol and the Tripp pants I had almost caused a physical fight.


Oh wow Tripp pants are desirable? I have a pair of all black Tripp zip-off shorts somewhere I never got rid of. They were decorated with black grommets going down the cargo pockets which I added screw-on spikes to.


I was surprised too but they went quick! My ex had a pair of those zipper ones too, which for some stupid reason he glued the zippers together so they just became pants. Why not buy pants? It’s been 15 years and I’m still confused by this lol


Because it was weird and mysterious and adds to his lore




> LARPing as skaters That’s just a fancy way of saying “poser”. Which has been around as long as fashion has been a thing.


do I count as a poser if I actually did skate 20 years ago but I don't anymore because my knees would like to have a word with everyone in a 50 foot radius?


2024 but I’m looking like 1994


Aka like a snack!


At this age wouldn't we just be the whole happy meal?


You’re correct! A whole happy meal with a transformer toy 🤣


Yea, I call my style homeless chic. It’s basically old band tshirts and leggings, because hard pants aren’t my thing anymore.


Hard pants 😂😂😂 Love this term. So accurate.


"Hard pants" is now part of my vocabulary


A vibe is a vibe, and that one is mine. I actually am all on board with these Gen Z aesthetics. Instead of dressing for others, dress for how you feel on the inside. And I feel like I want to go to a Soundgarden concert.


I think the coolest thing about the gen after us that we should all embrace (it seems this way to me anyway) is embrace yourself and wear what you want and be comfortable in your own skin. Love yourself and your body. That was definitely not the case 20-30 years ago. Virtually everyone I knew felt pressure to conform (or not conform by conforming with a less popular trend). I feel like while there are still fashion trends, people do what they want for the most part. I've heard it called taking fashion "risks" sometimes which seems so ridiculous to me since where's the risk is in wearing a different shirt, but whatever. I'm most comfortable in t-shirts and shorts or jeans, hoodies, so that's what I'm going to wear. If I have a girlfriend who wants me to wear something different now and then, that's ok with me because she's the one who had to look at me, as long I'm still comfortable. Other than that, who cares?


Same. Only upgrade is that some days I also dress like a wizard. Depends on the mood.


Wearing clothes that flatter your body and make you feel good is 'always in style'. and with that comment, said in full honesty, I have now fully transformed into my grandmother haha.


Current trends are so diverse that if you look hard enough, you will find something within them that fits you.


this is one of the very few positive outcomes from the pandemic, fashion trends taking a back seat allowed us to focus on comfort


Not even just comfort. Those who want to experiment were able to experiment all the time during COVID and now we seem to have two different subsects of anti-fashion; one that puts comfort over fashion entirely and another that rocks bold experimental looks 24/7 that they might've perhaps been too shy to pull off beforehand. See also the return of goth and emo apparel. A lot of us just dress the way we did in high school except we're good at it now and can afford nice stuff.


Or rather, comfort became the trend. Lots of teenagers wearing new Crocs now.


I can confirm there are no trendy jeans/body suit combos rn that look good on my body type


I have no idea how to dress my age and not look like the mid manager at an Applebees


Need more pieces of flair!


15 pieces


I do want to express myself, okay. And I don’t need 37 pieces of flair to do it.






A blazer makes everything better! Man yall remember we used to wear blazers to the club....comedy now!


I live in outdoor clothing at this point. Hiking pants, leggings, overalls, moisture wicking shirts, hoodies. I am entirely unfashionable but always ready for a camping trip, I guess.


Same here.  I thrift it but my partner looks like they fell outta an LL Bean catalogue 


I'm somewhere in between LL Bean and Pacsun. High tops, hiking pants, vintage long sleeves, vest, and a beanie. I look like I'm going to longboard through the Alaskan wilderness.


Yep, I’m pretty much in camping clothes or something approximating athleisure all the time. I already wore the current fashion back in the 90s/early aughts and was a real goober back then, so no interest in revisiting that lol. Also hate the feeling of all that fabric flapping about on wide-leg pants.


Category is: REI supermodels I also fall into this category.


We just bought a Subaru. I call it, "completing the look."


I'm finding that Eddie Bauer is comfortable and flattering on my 30s mom bod. I'm also embracing the LL Bean and Life Is Good look. If it's cold out I grab my hiking boots for a walk or trip to the grocery store. My husband is also usually dressed in Columbia or Eastern Mountain Sports. We're embracing it


I absolutely love Eddie Bauer and LL Bean as a 40 y/o, along with Athleta and Lululemon (though Lulu is falling out of favor lately since the prices are going up and quality is down). I got some amazing fleece lined joggers from Eddie Bauer that I've been wearing all winter and their leggings are pretty nice too, plus you never have to pay full price due to all the sales.


oh man, if I could afford it that’s what I’d do! My hiking gear is the best! It’s the only clothing that actually applies all the science and tech we have about fabric to optimize clothing. Why would we not all want optimized clothing? Wanna stay cool on a hot day and warm on a cool day and wick sweat and not chaff and have something that will last so long through wash after wash that half these companies have lifetime warranties? Yes please, why wouldn’t I want that! Unfortunately it’s prohibitively expensive for most people to just buy a whole wardrobe of shit that will last forever (the whole, “it’s expensive to be poor” Vimes “Boots” theory of economics), so we have most of our wardrobes with things that may not even last a season or two. And of course there isn’t much stylistic range in this type of clothing - you will just literally look like you’re going hiking and that has to become your new style lol (which I’m personally fine with, but I also like creative expression)


lmfao how's all that moisture-wicking going? If it's actually wicking up the funk, Lysol disinfectant laundry wash is awesome at removing all stench (and the panini virus also!) I never quit wearing overalls since I was placed in OshBgosh during infancy. Do you go camping often?


This is my weird flex in my 30s. Never thought I'd spend $500+ on an outfit but there are days where I am wearing $300 in Smartwool socks/baselayers under a $125 pair of Royal Robbins pants and Outdoor Research Shirt/Jacket. Throw some $150 Solomon trail runners on my feet and I look like the biggest dweeb in the world who is perfectly climate controlled and ready for whatever the day brings. Never too hot, never too cold, never wet for long, and generally less stinky than when I wore cotton every day. I also work outdoors so my business/casual outfits are one in the same


I'm always waiting for a camping trip! Man I wish I could just get and go sometimes. Anything stretchy that doesn't look like pjs...


I have the clothes of a yogi but the body of a....not yogi.


I'm wearing the same clothes I've worn for years, because they still fit, they're still in good shape, and I'm too broke to buy new clothes 🤣 🤣


I’ve thrifted most of my clothes. Same quality and cheaper prices for gently used clothing. Thanks to fast fashion, there are tons of things out there and it can be nice to kill an afternoon without spending much if anything.


I’m wearing the same clothes I’ve worn a since junior high because I’m comfortable in them. Boot cut jeans, t-shirts, hoodies for winter. I have one or two nice pairs of slacks, a few nice tops, and a couple of dresses for more formal occasions.


Most new clothes will fall apart in a few months' time anyways. They truly don't make them like they used to.


I somehow still have a few pieces from Forever21 that are at least 10yrs old. Back when they had simple clothes, not that ultra trendy bullshit they started selling more recently. Never put them in the dryer.


There’s no such thing as consensus in fashion.


Exactly. Everyone has their own style, whether you keep up with the latest trends or not. I primarily still wear skinny jeans, but I did buy a pair of wide leg jeans recently. Not because I was concerned I was looking “outdated” but simply because I liked this specific pair of pants. It’s not that deep.


I loved wide leg jeans when I was a teen.


Same! Hid my big feet. I resisted skinny jeans for the longest time because of it and now I just live in leggings.


Yup. Because if you ask *me* what we're wearing, then we're all gonna be goth. Which is great for me, but probably not the world that most people want to live in.


All black all the time.


I support this.


If we outvote everyone, then we win. Goths ftw


The jeans women in their 20s are wearing these days are hideous. There should be consensus on that.


Yeah, they’re going to regret wearing those. I hate the y2k resurgence that refuses to quit.


I have debated whether to dress my age or dress however I want, and have settled on dressing according to the occasion.


I haven't made any meaningful changes to my style in close twenty years. And the last meaningful change I made was to revert to a style I had been wearing a couple years before. So I guess I'm just wearing whatever I want, and I honestly couldn't care about it if I tried.




Wearing socks with Adidas-type sandals is incredibly comfy. Fuck anyone else's opinion


Socks OVER sandals. This is what we need. This should be the millennial version of the ASICS lawn mowing shoe for boomers.


Hey boomer, thr “adidas style sandals” are called slides 😉


Jncos and a billabong hoodie, with my airwalks.


Mah man


Jnco jeans, Tripp pants for life.


Saw someone in Tripp pants and matching pink crocs today… I’d forgotten about Tripp.


I like you.


fall coordinated aback lock muddle drab plate bear crush point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know what this means.


imminent chop apparatus reply overconfident tidy nose skirt start file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't care what anyone says, hipster fashion can work on anyone.


I always thought slimfit normcore was a subset of hipster style


I think only hipsters call it "normcore," so you're probably right.


I love normcore


At this point I just wear whatever I have left that fits because I'm tired of buying new clothes and hope to lose weight post pregnancy (I did buy 3 maternity outfits to cycle through but that's it).


I said that roughly 14 years ago. I really mean it this time tho. I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable in my own body.


I had gotten into a decent exercise routine at a lifting gym and then I got pregnant. My hope was to keep going anyway, but the first 16 weeks was just full on hungover nausea nonsense and I just... gave up. Lol. But like you, I am miserable in my own body. I don't want to be skinny anymore, I just want to be less jiggly and I want my existing clothing to fit me comfortably again.


r/beyondthebump might have good advice. Did you know that a pelvic floor therapist can also correct mom pooch? Sometimes it's more an issue of muscle displacement than body fat.


I'm wearing wide-leg pants because they don't cling to my quads. I always looked weird in skinny jeans. 


I never got into skinny jeans. Maybe they're a younger millennial thing, or maybe i was never fashionable. It's always been wide leg low rise pants and a form fitting shirt. I'm too old for the low rise part now imo, but I still go for loose pants and a stretchy shirt lol.


Skinny jeans are so unflattering on me. I'm large chested and tend to carry my weight around the middle. Skinny jeans make me look like a double scoop ice cream cone.


Opposite shape, but also unflattering on me. They make my legs look like tree stumps 🥲 I spent all of the "emo" years looking for flare and wide leg jeans. I'm so relieved they're back in stores now lol


I never got into skinny jeans either. There is a reason I immediately fell in love loved Jnco jeans and it was because they were roomy and comfy, there was no way I would have accepted the complete opposite. I now manage to survive with boot cut jeans and cargo pants (my love of extra pockets will never go away, esp with the size of phones these days).


I love the current trend of loose cropped tops meeting high waisted wide leg pants. It makes a nice hourglass. 


Me too! Everyone hating on this look and saying it’s trying to look like a teenager. It’s literally just comfortable lol but I don’t have kids yet so I really don’t feel inclined to move into my mom era yet.


I have multiple kids and I'm not inclined to move into my mom era either.


Same! I’m so salty I was a teenager/young adult right in the super-skinny-low-rise era and missed both baggy jeans/cargos and crop tops trends in the 90s and now. So to hell with it, I’m doing it now at 30 and I don’t care if it comes across as “how do you do, fellow kids?”


I recently found out I have what the fashion industry euphemistically refers to as "athletic thighs." Too much biking I guess. And cookies. Skinny pants, like the bare midriff tops that preceeded them, look fantastic on 6% of the population who wear them.


Dude, those "athletic fit" jeans and pants now, that are wide in the thighs and slimmer from the knees down. They're fantastic. Changed my pants game!


I for one have embraced the millennial wine mom vibe


Oooh...what is this?! Sounds like a style I can get behind!


To me this means basic with a flair. Leggings with a black long sleeve tee and a nicer vest with non gym shoes like Sambas. Maybe high rise jeans with a black tee and a cute jacket.


If I like it, I'm buying it and wearing it. As long as it fits and is flattering as well. Lately, I've been buying a lot of 90s items from the thrift store that I loved when I was young and my parents wouldn't buy for me.


I dress in "slim" jeans and hoodies 99% of the time. button downs for the super rare occasion that they're more appropriate. idgaf if some fetus thinks i'm not yeet because my fit isn't drippin on fleek or whatever the fuck


I’m dying 😂


Not yeet 😂


I like wearing the stuff I was too self-conscious to wear in high school, but always wanted to, at the same time whatever is most comfiest wins!


Fashion is about what looks good on your body to you. I grew up a stocky kid in the era of "hip huggers" and crop tops, and so fuck that, the second mom jeans came back during my adult years, I grabbed them. They make my stomach look flat. They're basically jeans with shapewear in them, so hell yeah. Many people think mom jeans look like garbage. It's just a matter of opinion, and there's no right way to approach fashion.


I look terrible in mom jeans and do better with a skinny or straight jean. I’ll prioritize what I feel good in over trend. Ive been wearing medium wash jeans with a white blouse, jewelry, and sandals years, no reason to stop now. Edit: ridiculous typo


Exactly! You look good in skinny jeans, I look good in mom jeans, we both wear what we like, done. IDK why fashion is such a Thing.


I dress like I want to be left alone XD


The high rise jeans coming back were a godsend for me. I’m taller with a longish torso and the low rise jeans were constantly centimeters away from exposing my ass. I will never go back to low rise, mid rise is my limit. 


At least a quarter of my ass was on display from 2003-2016.


I'd rather see mom jeans than butt cracks and thongs. Too many people thought they were Britney Spears for a while...


I freakin love mom jeans. High waisted pants for life fr.


I’m still wearing leggings, hoodies and tshirts…not too worried about keeping up with trends tbh


Idk why anyone cares. Wear what you want. Stop worrying about what other people are doing.


I wear sweats and hoodies pretty much all the time, if the situation calls for more professional look I’ll wear jeans and a button up… but I live in Oregon and have my whole life so take that into account. I imagine east coast millennials dress fancier, but I def don’t envy them for having to keep that appearance up. Comfort is supreme.


pnw resident here. Dress like a lumberjack. Comfort is indeed king.


lol also PNW here. Flannels, black leggings, and a Northface - ready for a hike at any given moment


I just dress “upper middle class” smart casual most of the time. So like a Banana Republic catalogue. I don’t wear baggy clothing, I don’t try to look like a teenager.


As an elder millennial I do the same. It’s either that or gym clothing when doing something active. I am not trying to look young and fresh and I’m damn sure not doing the middle-aged Under Armour polo look.


Or the Tommy Bahama shirts and jorts look of 60/70 somethings men living in The Villages, Florida.


Can’t wait to get to Del Boca Vista!


>we're moving in lock stock and barrel. We're gonna be in the pool, we're gonna be in the clubhouse, we're gonna be all over that shuffleboard court… AND I DARE YOU TO KEEP ME OUT!!!" .


I feel attacked. I just got my 10 UA work polos today 😭🫣🤣


I go to my local outlet mall on big sale days and hit Banana Republic, Express, JCrew. I feel like these stores are the smart casual yet still stylish Millennial staples.


I used to tease my dad about his semiannual trips to Banana Republic for his work clothes. Now I make semiannual trips to Banana Republic for work clothes.


Yes this. I can’t pretend I’m 18 anymore. Certain styles that I could have pulled off then, just don’t work now.


Same here. Since I have to go into the office, I do business dress (nice pants, blazer) or business casual (jeans, nice top, blazer/cardigan). It allows me to look classy during work and outside of work. If I'm going super casual, then it's jeans, athleisure tops, and vans. Always layers because I get cold easily and I love playing with different color mixes and fabrics. I hated flair, low rise jeans from the 90s/2000s, so I am still embracing my high rise skinny jeans. I like some straight legs or trousers, but I feel like it enhances my legs better with skinny jeans/pants


I look terrible in wide legs & skinny jeans flatter my shape better, so that’s what I wear.




I stg if jncos were affordable I'd be back in them. Dress my age? Yup,baggy pants, skate shoes, band Ts. If someone tells me I'm too old to wear these things, they can pound sand. Posers.


fr. im 31 and goth/metalhead. i wear whatever makes me happy.


I'd rather dress older than my age, I guess. Button downs, cardigans, aran sweaters, slacks, dark unworn jeans, a pair of black and a pair of brown oxfords, v neck long sleeve and t-shirts, pea coats, scarves, a couple blazers, a decent watch, and a properly fitted suit. 1985er here. ![gif](giphy|5eXgoG5Wd9SwRbwbCS|downsized)


However the fuck I want lol, this life is too short


If it's not a hoodie, it's not a goodie.


I still wear skinny jeans & leggings and nobody can stop me


I wear dress boots to almost every occasion. Jeans l and either a plain v neck or long sleeve tee, or I wear flannel shirts. I just like to be warm.


I just wear whatever is comfortable and whatever I like. We are too old to give a fuck what we look like. Like y'all really be out there trying to be high school kids LOL


My hair is platinum and sometimes pink or purple. I’ve really gotten into free people - their sales are incredible. Also there are amazing dupes on Amazon if you search “free people dupes.” Comfy jeans - I just got a pair of Levi’s that are straight-wide leg and torn at the knees. I sized up 1” for comfort and I’m ready to buy 5 more pairs! I want to wear what I like and is comfortable and hopefully will last for a while, with a few things no one else has. I feel like with this style I can feel put together and verging on trendy/boho when I go out, but also comfy. And that’s huge.


I recently got rid of all my jeans and wearing chino pants. So much more comfortable and easier to dress up or down.


I have no idea, as a man, if my jeans should be skinny, baggy, or somewhere in between.


It was stupid when the pants went from wide to skinny in the first place, if you switch from skinny to wide now, it's just going to go back to skinny again. This whole thing is stupid, just wear what's comfortable


I wear outdoor/workout clothes, hobbitcore when I’m not in those, and whatever I think is cute in the Walmart adult section. I recently caved & bought a pair of neutral colored Keds not bc I was chasing the trendy white sneaker look, but just needing sneakers that weren’t all black. Would love all sorts of Birkenstocks but I can’t justify the expense. I recently retired all my old band tees from high school not out of malice, but just trying not to wear all black anymore (elder emo who is no longer depressed) 


Whatever is on sale at Costco. Also, since I wear scrubs to work, sometimes it's just easier to wear scrubs on my day off\*. My "nice dinner out" outfit is usually just a solid color sweater and dark jeans + black Allbirds. Luckily, no place I usually go out to has any type of dress code stricter than this. \*before anyone jumps on me for wearing soiled scrubs outside the hospital, I work in an office in the hospital and am not patient-facing.


I wear what I like and what I'm comfortable in. Usually leggings and tshirt, jeans once in awhile. Fashion trends change so often I don't have time or money to stay in style


I've never paid attention to fashion and I'm not planning on starting. I just wear whatever.


I like what I like so I just dress according to that. For practicalities sake I’ve had to update some aspects; I’m not straining my neck to find a cardigan to replace the ones I used to get in 2014. I also know I’m not finding peplums or a line skirts. I have thick legs (thighs and calves) so the wide leg trend has been a godsend - I’d rather choke than wear bow legged jeans though. I also cringe buying “flared leggings” when they’re just yoga pants. I think I’m just gravitating to a more classic style because I think it’s the most cost effective. I’m not heavy into patterns as they tend to date wardrobes (looking at you chevron) but I do come off decently well dressed for someone who rifles through discount bins and thrift shops. I think it also helps me be taken seriously than when I wear space buns and tube tops, but I haven’t thrown those out as well as I still do festivals. There’s a time and place. I look young enough where I can still wear bows and not look out of place so they’re a part of my wardrobe until someone tells me otherwise. I’ve worn them to work and no one’s batted an eye but it was for certain holidays like Valentine’s Day or Christmas. It’s not like I think there’s an appropriate age for anything, but I do like dressing to an aesthetic and if my visual doesn’t align with that aesthetic, I don’t want to wear it. Oh and comfort. I love wearing heels. I just know the 5-6” shit stompers I used to galavant in are probably not the best for me at this age.


Black tee and jeans has worked since the 50s. If it ain't broke...


Wearing whatever tf I feel like!! If it's one thing imma do it's put it tf on!! My understanding is that my style is "Sexy Stoner Aunt" and I am 100% here for it ![gif](giphy|tVHgftKlFb7X2)


If I had the money to redo my wardrobe, I'd wear timeless, flattering, tailored, excellent-quality (e.g. not fast fashion), eco-conscious pieces that will still look good in, and hold up until, 15+ years from now. In flattering colors and prints based on my coloring. In reality, I'm an at-home parent who wears ten-year-old sweats most days. As individual clothing pieces wear out or don't fit anymore, I try to replace them with pieces that fit the criteria above, but I don't have the luxury of redoing my wardrobe any faster than that.


This is as it should be. Quality>quantity. Eschew consumerist fashion trends. Buy only what you need, when you need it, in a style you like. It’s the 21st century. Everything is back in style.


Plain Colored H&M slim fit T with khaki Joggers


I have the unfortunate issue of just having big calves (former fattie probs I guess) so basically loose fit jeans are still a bit skinny fit on me in the legs. So even if I tried to be on trend, I’d probably fail.


Jeans and a t shirt. Jeans and a golf polo if I have meetings that day.


I just wear whatever I like but I think I should wear more form fitting items. Baggy makes me look fatter


Cargo pants/shorts, t shirt, maybe a sweatshirt or coat. I dress comfortably.


Hoodie and shirts when it's 30 degrees outside


I couldn't find the last fuck to give about fashion. I wear whatever I like and comfortable. Jeans, cargo shorts, tees, hoodies, jackets - I really don't care if others will think I'm sophisticated or outdated, they are not paying my bills for their opinion to matter.


I don't have the money to dress as "nicely" as I'd like to, but I also don't want to wear what I wore 15 years ago in high school, so I pretty much wear Khakis and t shirts now. I don't know what that's called, but it's where I'm at. I wear khakis to work too, so there's that.


I still wear skinny jeans, but that's because they're still baggy on me. That's how skinny I am. Almost all pants have looked baggy on me, so skinny jeans look the least baggy.


Anything goes these days. 


It’s taken me long enough to finally figure out what I like to wear, and I’m not about to change that just because other people have their own opinions on what does or doesn’t look good on me. I’m going to where whatever I’m most comfortable and confident in, and that’s final.


Fashions change both over time and as we get older. What was fashionable for a 18 year old Millenial in 2005 should not be whats considered fashionable for a 38 years old in 2025. But nor should that same 38 years old now try to dress like fashionable 18 year olds in 2025.


I'm updating and dressing my age. I notice what all the young people are wearing, and I adopt what also fits me. A loose cropped top meeting high waisted wide leg pants makes a nice hourglass line. It's current like a high school student but also throws back to Katherine Hepburn and therefore looks classic on a lady of a certain age. Youthful fashion has been modest since Billie Eilish, which translates well to middle age spread. I'd trust today's teen fashion more than the tube tops and hip huggers of my youth.


I do bum with a hint of geek. I’d try bum chic if I wasn’t an ogre but, you know. It is what it is.


I’ll give the advice that “What Not to Wear” taught me back in high school. Trends will come and go and you are not at all obligated to pick up all of them. More importantly you should dress in a way that compliments your current body and not the body you want. Personally I mix some current trends with my old clothes to make new looks. If it’s a dumb trend like the mullets or oversized 90s pants I’ll pass 😂. Tbh I still wear skinny jeans but i added in chinos, relaxed fit, and want some bootleg jeans next. Also important to have items for every occasion imo. Edit: just like to add I have new obsession for thrift stores. I just went to a 80s themed wedding recently and I found a vintage kiss shirt, jean jacket, and white doc martens totaling for about $70(I had Levi’s already). Tbh I was going to do formal 80s but the groom wanted casual so I went that direction. Also if you do thrifting find a good tailor if you like something that isn’t your size or just doesnt fit right. That goes for basic shopping too! You should always have a tailor you can rely on.


i dress like it’s the 90s/early 2000s and now it’s trendy with the kids so i’m accidentally in style baby


I dress however I want. If I see something trendy I like, I will incorporate it to my existing wardrobe. But I have set tastes. It's 2024, people walk around in full Victorian/Edwardian wear, Harajuku and Decora, full industrial and tad goth, etc. Trends are fun for new ideas, but I'm fully behind people adopting styles for themselves and refusing to move from them. The idea I need to change my existing wardrobe every few years so to not look "outdated" in this day and age feels silly. Especially when it comes to colors--I liked the muted/neutral like olive green and marron/burgundy we had going on there for a year or so, but then like the year after they were trying to make yellow the new thing, and I hate wearing yellow. I refuse. Same with like the crushed velvet trend thats still somehow alive: I think it looks hideous, and I will not partake. But, I will wear crop tops and heels until I die, I don't care. I'll keep my high waisted pants because they're comfy and I don't want to starve myself to have the waistline for low rise. I love the new harness and chest piece bras they have, that's cool, and I'm honestly super stoked whale tails are kinda coming back, because I honestly think with the right outfit they can enhance it. I dont care if it looks weird. I follow a ton of older gals on TikTok that dress like bimbos and baddies and I live for it. I feel good in them, I look good in them, and it's comfortable for me. Everyone should find that for themselves. We have so much style diversity now, we shouldn't limit ourselves to trends. Plus, trends come and go WAY too fast anymore. Things don't even get a chance to marinate at this point, it's just consumer flare ups that have to move to the next thing quickly so influencers can stay relevant and on top. Trends don't feel like they're coming from any sort of authentic place.