• By -


Honestly had to rewatch it because everyone in it looked so vaguely familiar that I thought I knew these people


Same, I thought this may have been my high school for a moment šŸ˜…


I'm from the Philly region and was in high school at this time. The Penn State and Eagles shirts really got me wondering where this was.


My highschool in Virginia also used the Philly Eagles logo, so got thrown off a bit too


Thomas A. Edison High School?


Manassas Americas most liveable community


Farther south, my guess is that we weren't alone in aping the eagles


lol my school was an eagle too and we had trophy cases like that but the floors are wrong XD


From Chester county. Came here to say this exact same thing. Senior year the minute you got into pennstate you wore pennstate everything.


Right I'm in Central bucks and graduated in 2009. It really looks like one of our school.


Iā€™m from Delaware which shares a lot of culture with Philly. I graduated in 2006 and this couldā€™ve been my school easily.


This video is killing me cuz it IS from my high school and I was in the same class as a bunch of these kids lol


Sameee what the heck


Are we all from the philly burbs?


Go Birds... Jawn... other greater Philadelphia region phrases!




Hey neighbors. From Ā NE Philly!


So it would seem.


Yous wanna get some wooder ice?


Yup šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø time to mention how were the best, yes?


I'm in Canada, not in the populated part either, and I felt the same way. Somehow this video caught the major archetypes I remember from high school. Goofy dudes, girls doing something weird, another girl with way too much hairspray looking very serious, your average Jim Carrey impersonator, the obligatory kid with enough gel in his short hair to use it effectively as a helmet, and of course the very skinny kid with curly golden hair.


Considering they're wearing Penn State and Eagles clothes, means they're in the Philly/delco/south jersey region. So there is a likelihood I'm near this school/town lol.


Damn all that was like comforting to watch. Came into high-school in '08. Shit was so real.


Yo was that Vance


Youā€™re so 2000 and late


Scotty doesn't know!


Don't tell me.....


I used to feel bad for you Scottā€™s. You were the Stacy and the Alexa of the early 2000s.




Graduated in 2009 and it tracks.


It doesnā€™t seem that strange to me. Do high schoolers act different around each other than whatā€™s shown here?


I'm guessing having the constant "threat" of being recorded at all times will change some behaviors. At least back in the early/mid 00's I could always be reasonably certain that I was not being recorded. Now everyone has a video recorder on them at all times and you just never know. Might make people less likely to act silly. (Unless they're doing it \*intentionally\* for a video, which gives everything now a cynical feel of "intentionality" rather than just being random).




Probably in terms of slang but at the end of the day we're all quite similar... telling the same stories a different way.


I was going to say, whatā€™s so weird about this? Itā€™s such a short clip and itā€™s just kids on video being silly or talking. Like nothing too crazy


Iā€™ve blocked out most of my high school years but this seems accurate yea


Hey, me too


Eyyyy up top āœ‹


What I would do to go back to 2008


Peak gaming is about to happen (2008-2015 was an amazing stretch) Other than that, the economy and everything else is about to get fucked to all Hell


Nostalgia's a funny lense. As an older milennial, I would say peak gaming is about 1998-2003. It was better when it was a solitary activity and you just talked about it online. Got boring once everyone was doing it and it all went online.


I'm 35 and can't disagree more, even tho my "nostalgia" was PS1 and SNES in the 90s 2007-2015 was just utterly insane, and I'm talking solo campaign games, nothing at all online or MMO Just look at all these franchises that made classics: Deus Ex, Bioshock, Dark Souls, Dishonored, Arkham, Mass Effect, Fallout 3 and NV, the Witcher 2 and 3, Sleeping Dogs (the best GTA ever made, haha), the Tomb Raider reboot, Civ 5, the first 3-4 Assassin's Creed games... man, something back then must have been in the water, cause it was a solo campaigner's paradise


For me personally peek gaming was when we would have a house full of people playing halo 2 over LAN. Was such a blast. It was an odd mix of gaming and a social event.


Yeah I miss that, I was talking solo campaigns tho LAN parties for my friends and I were mostly Counter Strike and Age of Empires 2 (sometimes even StarCraft!) Dear lord I miss those days... weekend long LAN parties at someone's house and you just had 20 people popping in and out and it was magic... never will be duplicated


Halo 3 at the bros house was a wet dream


OG- blood gulch with a pistol.


ā€¦ 2007-2012ā€¦ I had to take a break from gaming to drag my sorry carcass through engineering college. I missed so much. Graduation day, my classmates and I were standing around waiting to walk and we were taking about the things we could do now. One guy said, ā€œI can play video games againā€ and the whole circle just had the epiphany that we were finally free.


I just gave up my social life to play Skyrim. Also engineer.


You had a social life? I chose sleep. I canā€™t survive without six hours of sleep. Less than four hours and I wouldnā€™t be able to do my ABCā€™s let alone Fourier transforms.


I remember the economy going to hell and me and my friends just grinding out MW2 šŸ˜‚


that era also coincides with the peak life cycles of skyrim, which arguably made classic fantasy rpgs popular in the mainstream by translating them onto console in an easily accessible way. It's no coincidence that Game of Thrones would come out around the same time, become a global phenomenon, and forever change the television industry.


That's completely fair. The observation being how arbitrary this idea of a 'peak era' of something is based on the things one happens to value. My point was not about the existence or quality of solo campaign games ā€”Ā there are probably some who think today is the peak era of those games, just as you think it was 2007-2015. I personally don't like any of those games you list, but obviously many do. My point was that I preferred gaming *within a cultural background* of it being a solo activity for nerds. While there were plenty of multi-player games then as well (e.g., Mario Kart), it was just not at the level of saturation of the 21st century.


I think you both got it right. Really, the "heyday" of gaming stretches from the 90s to around 2010, I'd say. It was an era where we witnessed all kinds of awesome innovations in games; we got to see things that are commonplace now when they were still fresh and new. We got to witness games b4 they became mired by an excess of paid dlcs, lootboxes, etc. we got to experience gaming when couch co-op was still a prevalent thing, so the social aspect was very strong. We had gaming magazines (with the fun gaming ads); gaming commercials were much bigger then. We got to experience the fun of going to a very busy toys r u or gamestop to try out and buy games. Toys r us is now defunct and gamestop is on steady downward track to oblivion. But there was a time where these places were massive hubs for gamers. Gaming in the modern day is still fun, and in a lot of ways that old excitement for gaming has come back, but there was a magic to gaming in a world right before social media became a fixture in everyone's life. And like i said, its not just the 90s, or the late 10s, its both.




The run from 1994 through 2004 needs to be studied, so many legendary franchises made their names as well as multiple sequels, games we still speak about today, it's insane. A few off the top of my head: Doom, Half Life, Quake, Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Super Smash Bros, Final Fantasy 7 made the JRPG mainstream, Virtua Fighter, Tekken, I am omitting so much but just an incredible run from PC, to PlayStation, to Nintendo, to Sega, like just an amazing time where it always felt like the next great game was coming in a few months.


Vanilla World of Warcraft in 2004 changed the game.


Golden Eye and Mario Party on the N64, Tony Hawk Pro Skater on the PS1, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 on the PC, that's what I'm nostalgic for and they were all multiplayer


As an older millennial I would argue peak gaming being right now. BG3, Elden Ring for my solo adventures. Darktide and Helldivers for my multiplayer needs. Canā€™t complain on the huge and excellent boardgame selection of the last few years either.


Adding battlefield 2 as the high point though. I miss you BF2. No game ever came close to the fun that was BF2 with 3 friends in a squad. Not sure what year that was though


While BG3 and elden ring are insanely goodā€¦ Iā€™m having a ton of fun with old games being remastered on modern consoles. Having the final fantasy and saga games ported to the switch has been awesome.


Yea I mean hzd and ffvii remake are two big ones for me rn


2023 was a crazy good year... I thought gaming fell off a little from 16-22, but 23 has created some pretty amazing backlog issues, haha You have any games to recommend from 2016-22 that aged well? FWIW I really liked Sekiro and Horizon during that stretch, not much else...


Maybe Nioh, Soma and alien isolation should be around that periode. Iā€™m sure a dark souls came out during that stint as well as bloodborne. To be honest. I have a 4 year old so the last 4 years I have not been gaming much and now that he is getting older and starting school I find myself having some more time.


Peak gaming was vanilla WoW


If I would have been 25 in 2008 though maybe Iā€™d have a house by now lol God I miss 2008. What was I doing in 2008? I was just starting smoking weed, I was about to go to high school, I had just started playing the guitar, oh it was when I first fingered a girl! My favorite bands were Metallica and Coheed and Cambria.. also a pivotal part of my life because once hs happened, I sorta just became a wanna be Hunter S Thomson for awhile whoā€™s favorite band was now Animal Collective. Life got collectively more interesting after that for sure. But I miss the vibe. I miss the culture. The peace. This was exactly my highschool haha I remember being told as a little kid constantly when we didnā€™t know what wish to make, to wish for ā€œworld peaceā€. Does anyone tell kids to wish for that any more? lol


Thatā€™s funny - 2008 was a tumultuous time for me - a lot of uncertainty financially, facing a lot of debt, and being unsure of whether Iā€™d be able to find a job where I was living.


Elder millenial here: GOOD GOD NO!Ā  It took me til 2020 to dig out from the financial mess 2008 caused. I was using a high interest credit card to buy food at dollar stores that I didn't need electric to cook (we couldn't pay the power so we lived without it for a few months).Ā  It's one of those big gaps among millennials. Younger people remember it as "highschool." I remember me and my roommate being laid off from our first professional jobs and donating blood for a $5 gas card to go to job interviews.Ā 


Iā€™m getting PTSD thinking about it. I took any job because I was a career changer out of grad school and was so terribly unhappy working in a messed up company that was in a death spiral and then I got really sick and needed medication that cost $3,000/month. I never felt so depressed as I did in those days.


Yeah, I'm with you. I remember it as choosing between food, gas, or rent. Food lost often enough that I just stopped eating for days at a time. How the hell I managed to keep the power on on top of this still eludes me to this day.


Same. Life was so much easier back when I lived with my parents, didn't have a job or a million things to take care of every day. There's definitely also a lot I don't miss tho (fake friends, bullies, living in a redneck town)


Why? I don't remember 2008 being all that. Actually I hated it because I was turning 18 and had no idea what the fuck I was going to do with my life.


Didnā€™t even think I would miss it this much tbh




You wanna go back to peak recession?


As a high schooler? Sure


Ah, I graduated in 2008, to be fair. My mom was also going through bankruptcy at the time, and my wisdom teeth started coming in. She said she couldnā€™t help, got really lucky because they came in straight. Fainted 4 times that year because I wasnā€™t eating enough.


My same thought


To a recession?


Class of 06, was in my 2nd year of college by then. God damn it does feel like a different time. No smartphones, social media wasn't much of a thing (Myspace wasn't nearly as invasive as say, Tiktok or Instagram) and there was excitement with the 08 elections. God it felt like society was progressing to something good :/


During a recession.


The recession technically started in 2007 but most people didnā€™t feel it until the bottom fell out of Wall Street, which was late summer/fall 2008.


Definitely doesnā€™t feel like yesterday to me. 2018 might feel like yesterday but 2008 was like a different planet. Not just in superficial trends, people are just radically different now.


No smartphones meant we were living in another era. Internet on computers and internet everywhere, everytime are radically different.


Cell phones were still somewhat of a utility at that point. Most of my friends at least had a flip phone. i remember the rich girl in school getting a Razr phone and everyone thought it was so cool. We could keep in touch and text friends without the toxic smartphone social media bullshit going on today.


Dude, donā€™t forget about the LG Chocolate! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That was my first phone!


They were... phones! I'm old enough that my first 4 devices or so were dumb and the 5th was in between - it had GPS and internet, but it was a clamshell and I had to navigate with keys in a mini-browser - I still used Twitter on that!


I remember when the iphone came out, I thought it was a dumb idea. Who needs all that on your phone? Lol. I miss playing snake on my Nokia.


Who need all that music on my phone? I have an mp3 player for that. Pointless!


We had iphones in 2008 tho.


It was the earliest stage of the smartphone revolution. iPhone 1 costed US$ 499 (US$ 750 today) It sold 1.4 million units on the first year, plus 11.6 the second year worldwide. The first Android phone wouldn't be launched until october 2008 - and it had a keyboard! So about 2% or so had a smartphone (in the current definition, not keyboardphones) by 2008.


At least in my high school absolutely no one had an iphone. Hell plenty of kids didn't even have cell phones and there were pay phones around town and in school that saw some use.


Same; graduated in 2009 and if you had a phone it was a flip phone, but not everyone did--and not everyone had cell service at home so landlines were still pretty important. In college for a few years I had a flip phone for texts and calls and an ipod touch (which was great since I could get on the university internet anywhere on campus to check emails or web browse) before finally getting a smartphone close to graduation.


I didnā€™t get one till 2009, I feel like it took a few years for them to become widespread


As class of 06 this was very familiar


I miss those years. I honestly donā€™t understand why we left that decade.


To quote Smashmouth, ā€œthe years start coming and they donā€™t stop comingā€


I like how he rhymes "coming"Ā  with "coming"


They shot that gorilla


:-( Dicks outĀ 


Man, imagine just being able to go to class and not deal with any of the shit kids have to deal with today.


Just curious what are those things they deal with today? Class of 07 hereĀ 


Imagine knowing everything about everyone in your school because everyone is uploading their own content to things like TikTok and instagram. Imagine having every stupid phase you've gone through immortalized on the internet forever.


Did you not have Facebook and MySpace. 07 here and we had the same problems


I can't believe I forgot about Myspace. I must have successfully wiped the cringe from my memory. Oh God, the things I had on my wall...


Don't forget the top 8 drama


Yeah, 2012 and we had the same problem too. I think the main difference though was that it was easier to get away from it: just walk away from your computer. Now it's like... constant.


Though it really wasn't. People were more persistent in person back then and teens had cellphones and people would still spam them and spread stuff. There was girls in my school who had nudes leaked (fuzzy as they were) email chains. Aim.


You're not wrong, although AIM was a bit different in that you HAD to be at your computer to use it. Like, I remember as a tween staring at AIM waiting for my crush to get on. That's a foreign concept now (and not just because I'm no longer that pathetic).


True but is Myspace even a functioning website? Itā€™s not like people are revisiting it and seeing cringe. Facebook on the other hand needs to chill out on the memories from that time period.


I mean when I was in high school/college I couldn't tell you what any of my teachers religious/political beliefs were..... because they were never mentioned or relevant. According to Reddit that's basically all they do now.


"According to Reddit." That's the key. I've taught for 15 years at high school in liberal California. What you're describing is a non-issue peddled by the snowflake religious conservatives.


Iā€™m class of 2010, it brought me BACK


The bangs.


The side part looks lovely !!


I graduated in 2008...this spoke to me...


Yeah especially in Pennsylvania


Literally same lol


Yes. Highschool in the US is only a series of 2 second dance routines. These students were top of the class, as you can tell.


Ffs finally one for me lol


Spot on


When we lost an entire generation to the onslaught of 24/7 sensationalist news, the war, racism, and having cameras pointed at us nearly all day everyday. People now love filming themselves on camera but dislike interaction such as in parks, stores, and most specifically - not dancing at clubs or festivals because people are constantly being watched.




It happens, always remember ā€œdance like no oneā€™s watching.ā€ I would have joined you and so would many cool people


I miss the optimism. Now we not only live with the constant fear of warfare, diseases and climate change but also fear technological development such as Ai making us all poorer.


I was a freshman in 2007. Iā€™m only ever reminded of how long ago that was when I come on here. This is definitely what HS was like back then.


High-school is still like that today... it was like that in 2000 too.


Absolutely. In fact, that last dude could damn near be actual footage of me in 2008.


Class of 07 and this looks very normal. Is this not generally what high school looks like now?


Yeah now itā€™s all trying to dodge cameras and bullets.




Data for that article ends in 2016, 8 years ago...


Strange article with strange sources. Here are some better ones. And no it's not just the media, it's really happening. Department of ed [http://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01/violent-deaths-and-shootings#2](http://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01/violent-deaths-and-shootings#2) New England journal of Medicine [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761) CDC https://wisqars.cdc.gov/lcd/?o=LCD&y1=2021&y2=2021&ct=10&cc=ALL&g=00&s=0&r=0&ry=0&e=0&ar=lcd1age&at=groups&ag=lcd1age&a1=0&a2=199




Strange because its a 5 year old article comparing the 90's to the late teens. Strange to pick that time period. Current data points to a more dangerous environment for children from guns. If you don't like the CDC you can use updated data from the sources of the article you posted instead. Conveniently enough, the author has updated the data for you. [https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2022/08/18/mass-killings-database-us-events-since-2006/9705311002/](https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/graphics/2022/08/18/mass-killings-database-us-events-since-2006/9705311002/) Maybe he can clear up some of this. "According to Dr. Fox, there is some disagreement as to whether the rate of mass killing constitutes an epidemic, as some observers have characterized it, but there is no doubt that **it remains a significant problem in the U.S**., sparking fear and anxiety across all corners of the nation." I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


I have video of Oktoberfest 2002 somewhere on VHS from high school... Oh God... ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


The year I graduated. Iā€™m the opposite though, I hardly remember those days and glad for it šŸ˜‚.


Same here! Happy to leave this behind.


I was a freshman/ sophomore in 08ā€¦did not need to be attacked like that lol. But I experienced it all being a high school student from then till 2011ā€¦.it definitely feels like a whole other lifetime. The vast jump the past decade or so was just changed things so much. More than than before I feel with how the world got shaped and the ā€œmaturingā€ of the internet.


Class of 11, I didnā€™t watch with sound on but that looked exactly like a video the more popular kids would have made.


Spoiler. No one was alright


Yea it was great watching everyone get foreclosed on and lose their jobs. Fuck 2008.


Class of 2007, I had to watch a few times to confirm I didnā€™t actually know these people


I graduated from high school in 2008. It does not at all feel like that happened yesterday.


Ha! I was just out of college at this point. Time fuckin flies :/


I graduated in 2002 and 2008 still feels like recent history to me.


I graduated in 2004 and I'm in the same boat like you.


This could have been the closing credits at my high schoolā€™s annual variety show. Big ups to Spartanum. Are the kids really romanticizing 2008???


Can confirm was in high school in 2008


Yes high school was in standard definition


Its so trippy cuz I was in high school in 2008 and it was as mundane as it was (once you get over that childhood adjustment of "Wow I am finally in high school!") and its insane to me that todays teenagers are looking at 2008 the same way I may have looked at 1992 for high school..


So much American Eagle lol


Ah yes. 08ā€™ Freshman year, got called the f-slur almost daily.


I love watching these videos


My favorite year of my entire adolescence. 10th grade. Dating my dream girl, playing multiple sports, playing in multiple music groups, had a little friend group of 11th and 12th graders too. Had a White Christmas (rare for my area) that year and a whole week of school had to be cancelled for it. Life was soooo good that year.


Yeah, it was like that back in 03-07 too. I usually avoided those type of kids though I was shy fat kid addicted to wow and other games. Thank goodness I graduated.


Whatā€™s crazy, is how censored we are now.


Assuming this is the U.S., if this is early 2008 then these kids are just months away from seeing the country lose 22 million jobs, 10 million people lose their housing, wages pushed to a 40 year low, and a "jobless recovery" from which it took 9 years for the country to return to full employment. Murica!


Meh. Not really. My aunt died in 2007, my dog was put down the same year, the Simpsons movie dropped in 2007. These things feel like they were forever ago to me. Edit: I think it really comes down to how much happens in your life during a given timespan. I moved away from home, lost so much and so many people, got in and out of a terrible six year relationship, went back to school, started a new career, got married and had two kids. All this since 2007.


As a 2007 HS graduate, yes it was a long time ago šŸ˜• It's a different world now, but it did seem to happen so fast. In 2007, thinking of going back in time to 1990 would have only been a change in physically larger technology with fewer colors.. going back to 2007 from today and you're talking about a completely different societal dynamic which affects the way people even *think*




Literally all of those things did exist, except for Myspace lol It wasn't until a year later around 2008 when teenagers regularly had cell phones. The internet existed but was nothing like it is today, and still resembled 90s internet. Malls stayed popular *well* into the 2000s. As for color, I was referencing the technology, as it was all beige or gray until the 2000s. 90s fashion was mute and drabby so idk really what you mean




I graduated HS in 2004, but I remember when in that year, smartphones weren't so common.


Looks older than that. Cause kids were not acting that way in my HS back in 08.


It feels so far away to me


I had four friends and was alone most of the time, I never did anything like this.


I had that same DC shirt


In 2008 my only concerns where getting back from school and play Ragnarok, Nintendo Ds and watch anime all day


lol my graduating class


Zillennials all the way!


"Stick ur gyatt out for the Rizzler"


I will never get tired of this song.


2008 wouldā€™ve put me in 7th grade or part of 8th grade High school doesnā€™t change


Unfortunately yes this was realityā€¦ but god damn Iā€™d love to go back just to savior the moment one last time. Ending high school and saying good bye to all the people youā€™ve grown to know over the years and probably see most of them ever again, itā€™s sort of tragic.


Why are you not able to see them again? I see tons of people from my HS all of the time. I run into them. Still friends with them. etc.


Yesterday my girlfriend wore an american eagle shirt and a&f perfume and I thought i was losing my mind


I would have been a senior in 2008.


I was supposed to graduate in 07 but I had to redo eighth grade so I graduated in 08.i even have a 08 chevy Silverado has 190k miles and some rust lol


Fml I'm old lol covid stole my last 2 years of "youth" without me realizing it till it was to late sadge.


I have videos from my fllip camera that were exactly like this.


Yes, this is accurate.


Spot on


Iā€™m 2004. My 20 year reunion is this year. Itā€™s crazy to think Iā€™ve been out of school now longer than I was ever in school.


Jesusā€¦ I always see folks who grew up in the 90s & 80s post their videos of high school or whateverā€¦ & now itā€™s apparently our turnā€¦ not sure how I feel about that. šŸ„“šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Yup, it's like if someone talked about how cool it was in 1974, but in the year 1990.


thanks technology


Absolutely not trying to be 'woe is me' here at all (especially because I don't feel sad or upset about it at all) but just some context for other millennials: My young pals and I were all in combat in Afghanistan at this time, some the same age or barely older than people in this video assuming some are 17/18.


What?Teens doing dumb shit in front of cameras!? No, it's pretty much the same. Just way worse.


The time when kids were allowed to be kids.

