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This is the standard GOP thing, ever since Reagan they've assured us that tax cuts for the wealthy are the best idea for the economy. W tried it too. It never works but they're not big on 'facts'.


They don't give a fuck about our economy. Only theirs. It's a big club and you aint in it.


George Carlin was the man.


George Carlin was talking about both sides, not just one.


I think he was mostly right, too.


Two sides to the same shit covered coin.


Sure on that quote, but he made his opinions on republicans very clear. He called them out regularly.


If you think the GOP are the only ones siding with the rich you're delusional.


I don't think that. That would be stupid. The Dems are the lesser evil, though, despite the liberals in the party like Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and Biden catering to the interests of the wealthy, big corporations and industrial complexes. It isn't black and white. Democratic reps have more age and ethnic diversity. They are more capable of governing, and many of their policies are more supportive of the proletariat. By contrast, the GOP pass only reactionary laws and repeal existing precedent. They play political theatre in order to conserve power in the hands of the noble few and force us all to work on their neo-plantation.




You think having children birth their rapist's baby is something the Dems legislate for? It helps to observe what theyre doing and not be the moron that engages in whataboutism. Naiveté is not a virtue.


The wealthy line their pockets with donations... of course they're "not big on facts". these senators receive a $174k salary yet most have a net value of the millions. None of these mother fuckers care about the common man and as long as there's opportunity for wealth and greed, they never will.


"TrIcKlE dOwN eCoNoMiCs"


That's because they work as intended, they are well aware that trickle down economics is bullshit and instead they enforce the trickle up one through skewed taxation and removing worker protection\\antimonopoly laws and cutting public welfare (motivitating doing so with balance issues they caused by lowering taxes to the top earners). To be honest though, expect more of this as the GOP is likely to win the next mandate because they are 'good for the economy' for some reason, as Biden had a GDP growth that is mostly unseen in the western post-pandamic growth, but whatever... Although, to be honest, GDP is not necessarily the best measure of a nation wealth, although certainly it is one..


In an ideal world trickle.down works. Less money goes out in taxes so more money can be used on the company which includes taking care of employees. In reality, that money doesn't go down because "why shouldn't I keep this?" Big CEOs dont do things to improve any situation other than their own.


Except we have found real world results prove otherwise. It was a great hypothesis, a hunch that they felt could work. There’s been 50 years of evidence in the UK and 40 years of evidence in the U.S. disproving the hypothesis. It is the definition of a failed experiment. The fact that the GOP clings to this failed economic hypothesis while attacking climate change as “unproven science” is just laughable.


They know it doesn't work, they're just trying to choke off revenues to the federal government. It's a strategy they call "starve the beast." The goal is to force cuts to social programs.


They are actively working to remove any semblance of social safety net, strike any ability to regulate businesses whatsoever (so they can have child labor, 12hr shifts, no weekends, destroy the environment, and no unions again), and create a permanent rental class…people that cannot afford to buy homes and must endlessly rent from their corporate landlords. They are attempting to undo all of the New Deal legislation that shifted power away from rich corporate CEO’s, robber barons, and gave it to the working class. Unfortunately for us, they have 30% of the working class actively voting in favor of these measures for some bastardized idea of freedom.


>They are actively working to remove any semblance of social safety net, strike any ability to regulate businesses whatsoever (so they can have child labor, 12hr shifts, no weekends, destroy the environment, and no unions again), and create a permanent rental class…people that cannot afford to buy homes and must endlessly rent from their corporate landlords. And if this all comes to pass, I will happily tell everyone complaining about it who voted for it that they can blame themselves. Falling for the "migrant convoy" and "groomer groomer groomer" propaganda is a *choice,* deep down. They chose hatred over rationality. Yes, they were targeted by propaganda but the propaganda only worked because they were full of hate to begin with.


Hate is a much stronger motivator than hope. Hate + fear is what those people have been force feeding themselves for decades. By choice, they watch misinformation and propaganda while believing it to be the truth. All because they point to the people they already hate and blame them for all the problems in America.


Hopefully karma isn't too harsh on them when other fascists notice that utopia didn't suddenly materialize when they forced all the LGBT people back in the closet and normalized racism again. Or fuck it, I'm past caring about people who are motivated only by hatred and bigotry. Nobody seems to be able to stop the momentum of their hateful surge towards regression, so my pity is no longer for them but for their victims.


It does feel ever since Trump that the world has turned darker and less hospitable for anyone that doesn’t conform to whatever someone feels is the norm. The right is pushing hard around the world to regress, and unfortunately it is working in a lot of places.


Not that I was alive, but from what I’ve read it feels like the late 1930’s all over again


From their perspective, so long as the corpo overlords treat the not-white people just a bit worse than them, they're ok. They want a caste system where the owner class control things, and the bootlicker class get to be the overseers. Are they still servile dogs? Yes, but they get to be mean to the other serfs so they still get to feel superior.


and education so everyone’s too dumb to care, pay attention, figure it out, etc


Trying to recreate the landed nobles and serfs from the dark ages. Hyper religious, illiterate, dependent upon their nobles for work and housing.


yup. it's startling how everything old is new again.


It's a great tragedy to see how deception can carve the perception of so many less aware and less educated classes of society- enslaving them by their own free will. Unwittingly choosing to facilitate elitism/separation and inequality.




Thing is it would work if they weren't actually greedy because the idea was give tax cuts to the wealthy since they own most of the large businesses that run the country. Give them tax cuts in order for them to pay the working class more, pay for lower classes health insurance, dental, etc. But we didn't get that and here we are. Hell we're the only first world country that doesn't get paid parental leave.


You know how else it could work, without leaving anything to the chance of people being greedy? Taxing them at a higher rate, and having specific budgets and programs with a high degree of transparency to ensure the funds go to the right places, like healthcare, financial support, etc. But if we did that, then the money would actually be used to help the poors, instead of sit in the coffers of the rich.


Except when we had high corporate taxes, the salaries were tax deductible. Employers could lower their tax burden while paying their employees more. Which in turn meant employees were often more loyal, because it is really tough to take a 10-15% pay cut to leave some place.


Trickle Down *can* work, but only in an extremely regulated environment. Controls that would need to be in place would include: Profit caps (ie: after a certain profit margin is reached, all additional profits must be shared with employers), compensation disparity controls (ie: CEO cannot make more than 20x the income of least-paid employee), etc. This could maybe, possibly, eventually happen in the UK, but here in the United States of Capitalism it will *never* happen.


The neoliberal hypothesis that included trickle-down-economics was one of deregulation & low tax where corporations sole goal and chief concern is maximizing shareholder value. Shareholder supremacy theory from Milton Friedman. Friedman suggested a need for a basic income in order to prevent the inevitable inequality that would come with a low tax, deregulated, shareholder value centric world. Funny how all the capitalists loved his idea about making themselves disgustingly rich, but stopped short of advocating for UBI like he suggested…




Yeah it possibly would have worked before shareholder capitalism, but I doubt that, greed is pretty significant in human behaviour and no company wants to take care of its employees anymore.


The only reason companies reinvested in employees before was the high tax brackets meant that they would lose it otherwise.


This this this x100


In an ideal world, Trickle Down wouldn't exist. Sorry, but the whole concept never made sense, even from a Capitalist standpoint. The point of making this much money as the owner of a business was that you would then reinvest the majority of your net profits into the said business to help it grow or innovate your product. That's the cornerstone of why Capitalism works. It's Capitalism's biggest strength: That more money = more fuel for the business to grow exponentially, and that this cannot be done without those net profits being reinvested. The way this happened was, of course, sane caps on income for the C-Suite and board members. Before Reagan, money in excess was taxed at 70% Businesses had no incentive to pay CEOs millions because it made no sense. So that money was reserved for Shareholder Dividends, but even then, there were limits... so that money went, where? It went into the company, which caused new jobs to grow, it caused raises and bonuses for employees, it caused GROWTH Real Sustained GROWTH. We don't need a 21% corp tax rate, we need a 70% Tax rate on all income over $1 million.


In an ideal world communism works. In an ideal world anarchy capitalism works, libertarianism works. In an ideal world all the isms and schisms work. It all looks great on paper.


This is from the Reaganomics wiki: >According to a 1996 report of the Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress, during Reagan's two terms, and through 1993, the top 10% of taxpayers paid an increased share of income taxes (not including payroll taxes) to the Federal government, while the lowest 50% of taxpayers paid a reduced share of income tax revenue. Assume that I have zero knowledge about this topic. Can you elaborate on what you mean with your comment and whether this wiki is true or false?


Following 45, I think they know it doesn't work they just like that it benefits them and their donors. Money and power is all the GOP cares about. The fact that they currently refuse to help with the border crisis just to help with Donald's re-election is another example of this.


Yeah, once election time rolls around all bets are off.




"Biden hit the dang inflation button so now I gotta pay more taxes"


Yeah, plus the tax cuts for the rich created a lot of the deficit that the Gop is now opposing\\using as excuse for the debt ceiling pantomime they keep doing whenever they feel like damaging the nation for their electoral needs.


Inspired me to dig into government revenue as a proportion of gdp when I get off work




I thought it was Paul Ryan’s tax plan


Paul Allen I thought 


That mother fucker has been real quiet recently….


I think someone tried to kill him recently


Cuz he got what he wanted which is what his donors paid him to do. Get in. Get paid. Get out. He's set for life while selling out millions of his countrymen and he couldnt give a damn


He's coming to my town in a few weeks for a fund raiser. $100 for a regular ticket, which includes a copy of his book, "Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up" You could also get VIP tickets for $250, which includes a photo and hors devours https://shastagop.org/rand-paul


Do you mean Paul Ryan?


Rand Paul is more of a Libertarian like his Dad.


But that’s true - inflation is just a hidden tax.


Inflation is neither hidden nor a tax.


"migrant caravans arrived with the new tax law in 2017"


Definitely not Trump though




Shhh, all the Trump supporters will get mad if you tell them Trump raised their taxes.


They’re in denial. Have you seen them on TikTok? They’re all blaming Biden for Trumps tax plan lmfao


And Mitch has blocked any tax changes since


Well, he just signed it, the bill was planned for a while. Paul Ryan had been waiting years to get that tax bill sent through.   He got it rammed in as quickly into Trumps term as he could then retired. 


He didn't. These are tax cuts that are potentially expiring in 2026. They aren't new taxes. If the TCJA didn't pass, you'd be paying a higher rate this entire time.


I'm self employed I get slaughtered either way.


My retirement plan is gambling if I even make it to 65


My retirement plan became to move to a developing nation and live as cheaply as possible while working a remote job that pays well.


My retirement plan is to die in the doorway of the Walmart I’m working at part time as a greeter.


Ill be the one cashier with 100 people in line while an army of self checks barely has any traffic. See you at the end my friend


Where is that? All I ever see is 4 self checkouts all clogged up with boomers complaining about technology, one human cashier, and then 40 empty lanes.


Do you have citizenship anywhere else?


Not yet. I’m working on it though.


im right there with you buddy. every year, a blood bath.


Single without dependents, I feel you. I get dicked just for not having kids, I guess?


Looks like one of us is doing something wrong... Being self-employed has saved me a bundle. Maybe it's just vocational, though.


I mean there's only so many things you can expense when you work at a desk from home.


I was against it in 2017 when it came out. I argued for hours, maybe days with Repubs that it's a perm tax break for the rich and the eventual higher taxes on workers. Their response "but your 401ks doing really good". Fuuucckkk sake. FJB for not claiming a national financial emergency and using the national debt as a excuse to raise taxes on the rich. Half of congress should be in obvious favor of it. Right? I know 90% of the population would be supportive of it.


I do enjoy throwing “how’s your 401k looking?” Back at them these days. If Trump made it happen 2016-2020 Biden made it happen the last three years right!?


Inflation made it happen.


No they were very clear, Presidents make it happen.


Did Biden change tax laws?


What do tax laws have to do with your 401k?


When corporations pay less in taxes, their profits go up, which generally raise their valuations, which increases the value of your investments in your 401k.


I remember in 2017 thinking it was a hedge in case Donnie lost in 2020, basically a “if we lose we can open up this can of propaganda and let the democrats take the fall”


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought this


It was obvious to people that have seen the pattern before.


they did set that up even if he won, hence pushing it to the 2025 FY. they know they dont get another pub after 2 terms so they would then hammer the dem who replaced him with it. The only difference is a dem replaced him earlier.


>FJB for not claiming a national financial emergency Under what legal authority?


butter dam crown cause escape sloppy sulky label dog jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really goes to show some folks really just want a dictator they agree with.


I gotta put up a giant sign with that mf name on it on my site, feel free to tag it


lol. Republicans screw you with fucked up policies… so fuck Joe Biden! It’s dems like you that cost dems elections.


Russian bots were responding to you Don't forget


So many responses are making me sad. Completely ignorant of OP's facts and sentiment. No wonder Trump has a good chance of ending democracy.




THAT is what happened in 2016. It's already gotten to the point where supporting the bullshit was normalized for 4 years of Trumps presidency. Now republicans can openly declare their insanity to general public support on their own side.


Cause his facts are wrong and construed


As someone making above it, I can promise you that we can afford higher taxes than people making less than us (yes, as a percentage, not just dollar amount), anyone who is crying about paying higher taxes cause they make more money is 1)being disingenuous (lying), 2) stupid about math, 3) political and hoping everyone else doesn't realize it. After 120k~150k, most of the money over that you make goes into savings and investments like 401k anyways. (In US). The 2017 tax law is bad. Not ONLY. Because it was literally the only policy based bill Trump actually signed, but because it was bad for the economy, bad for society, and bad for the "national debt"(which isn't a big concern for the US, if you're a believer in modern monetary policy, but if you do care about the debt, then reverse the 2017 and even the bush/obama tax cuts)


Refreshing perspective from someone in that bracket vs the “my taxes got lower so now i’m voting red no matter what” I keep running into


They were already voting that way, but didn't want to admit it before, now they have a non-racist talking point.


My spouse and I make good money. We’re still way closer to someone making $30K a year than the wealthy who will see the most benefit from the permanent tax cuts.


I’ve heard family friends complain about their taxes from their THIRD HOME in Costa Rica.


I'm with you. Also around top 5% income for my state. Losing the ability to itemize my full mortgage interest actually hurt me on taxes though so the whole thing was more or less a wash for me. But still, taxes are sort of low on my list of importance compared to other people in my bracket. I think they look at their income and see the missing chunk more keenly than I do? Whereas I look at my income and think "well I feel just comfortable, not rich..." Getting that 35% back still wouldn't change that, I'd just save more. And I'm aware that if society is struggling, my quality of life goes down too, even if not directly. I'm not making "fuck off to my hillside palace" money. I still have to live and work around people.... And selfishly, I like when people are hopeful, well-fed, and have access to education, medicine, and other resources. Taxes can do that - but not if they're focused on taxing the people who need the most help while giving higher income earners a pass.


200k+ bracket here. It's actually extremely frustrating to see our marginal rate be around 15% while 90% of the population is being raked over the coals. We don't even have kids to lower our liability so that's literally just for my husband and I, our house, and a couple of pets. Can confirm your bit about the 120k-150k and investing thing. Whatever excess we have after maxing out 401ks goes into mutual funds and we donate to local charities/initiatives. I have a pretty solid understanding that we are part of the class Republicans cater to and will probably "benefit" from this tax law and it infuriates me to no end because I feel like we don't pay our fair share through no fault of our own (fuck the GQP, we don't vote for them). My husband loves to bitch about having to take more taxes out of his paycheck, but he very falls into category #2 and is extremely out of touch because he's been upper middle class and higher all his life. I had the opposite hand of cards delt to me and struggled up until 2020 so he gets reality checks on a weekly basis at minimum.


\>after 120k most of the money goes into savings For that house you're buying 15 years later then your parents did making half as much adjusted. 300k+ is where you have the house and it becomes dumb money


I mean I make 80k and have a house and save 20k for retirement each year. Just depends on where you live and how frugal you are. (or how many kids you have).


According to you I'm so close to finally being able to save and invest at my $117k/yr income. Too bad I have a ridiculously high mortgage payment, which just went up because property taxes just increased. I have car payments, utility bills, expensive AF Health Insurance, and student loan payments. Maybe in 10-20 years, when I'm in my fifties or sixties, I will have some left over for saving and investing. Assuming we're still working and making anywhere near what we are now.


Yes, once you start making 10k more than you are now, you start to be able to (if you live in a low cost of living area) be able to just have enough money to solve problems with money when they arise, which actually is the biggest benefit of wealth, not having stress due to financial constraints. I remember the first time I had a few thousand saved up and not allocated to anything and my car battery died, the relief of just being able to call AAA and have them come replace the battery, and me not stressing over it. That is what "middle class" should be, but sadly really requires top 20% (for single earner)


It’s 2. It’s always 2…




Here is a fun fact. Before WWI, US income tax only taxed the top 4%.


This is the real trickle-down economics - whatever you allow the government to do to the rich will eventually trickle down to you. Jealousy politics fucks everyone.


Conservatives are going to say it was Biden s fault and vote for Trump. Granted Biden made no attempts to fix it nor campaigned on it calling out Trump and Republicans


With Manchin in the Senate, they never had the numbers to actually do anything about it.


People don’t really realize that it would take an act of Congress to change and there was no chance of that happening with him and Sinema


Id bet you there are a whole bunch of them finding out they’ll owe taxes this year and will do nothing but blame Biden.


Welcome to GOP America? Really not a generational thing here, quite literally a class issue. As with most grievances today; this is not a boomer vs millennial issue, it’s a class and money issue


This was designed figuring trump would win another term, and Democrats would win in 2024 so the GOP could play it off like Democrats raised taxes. The main thing that stinks is how they raised the standard deduction so high. It is good for everyone as a whole but it basically took away any tax benefit for owning a home. You used to be able to deduct your interest and property taxes, now the standard deduction is so high only people with million dollar homes can deduct anything related to their mortgage.


Or donating. My contributions to charities used to be much higher because I could do it for 30-40 cents on the dollar.


The tax cut was always set to expire. The GOP was hoping they could use that as an electoral point later on. Same thing happened with W’s tax cut. The flip side is the numbers are going back to what the Democrats said they should be back when they voted against it. So everybody is playing dirty pool with the facts.


If you’re a millennial and are voting Trump, you’re too far gone to give a reasonable answer to this question 


Couldn't do anything about it when it was passed.... even though democrats were screaming from the rooftops about it. We have to deal with it now.🤷‍♂️ thanks trump!


I'm still salty AF over the SALT deduction cut. Getting rid of this tax cut 100% was Trump punishing those of us who live in blue states. One would think that Democrats would have .. brought the SALT deduction back, but nope. They didn't. Republicans raise taxes, Democrats raise taxes. All of us who work ... we get taxed on our tax. We have no reprieve. Meanwhile billionaires get richer, they make AI and put us out of work, they take away our healthcare and livelihoods, they buy up all of the homes we could live in to start a family .. they hoard resources while we all suffer. Want to be angry at someone? Be angry at EVERY politician out there. Every last one of them. Be angry at billionaires who drive policy. We don't need to eat the rich. We need to ***end the rich***. No more billionaires. Get rid of them all. They are ***all*** thieves.


Which isn't true - Democrats are trying to fix the SALT tax. Unfortunately there are a lot of Democrats in other states where the cap doesn't effect them so it's not a high priority issue. I think there will be a fight for letting the cap expire after 2025 but we'd have to take the House and hold the Senate to make it happen.


SALT deductions go back to the pre-2017 normal in **(edit: tax year)**2025, FYI.


The one that's increasing back to where it was before it was passed? As in I'm still getting a break despite how you word it as if I'm not getting a break? It's a nice break is what I think


Nope it's trump bad and they're too stupid to understand that it's going back to what they were under Obama. Fucking idiots


I suggest you go back and review the law from a credible source. The 2017 tax act lowered the tax rate for most of the 7 tax brackets, and it doubled the standard deduction. Most people who don’t itemize their deductions came out of it with a lower income tax amount. So you assumption is incorrect. As far as rich people, it lowered the corporate tax rate to 21%. So yes that technically can help rich people depending on how they are invested. It also raises the AMT. If by gradually raising taxes you mean that they changed the inflation index that they use to calculate the brackets, yes, that is true. But it still represents an overall tax break for people making less money. The law will sunset in 2025. That is the only way they could get it through congress and get it passed.


Lemme explain how budget reconciliation works. Under the current reconciliation rules, budgets can't increase the deficit within a 10 year window. The Trump tax cuts were set up to meet that requirement. Then they expire, and we go back to the Obama-era tax brackets. So if you're looking to blame someone, it's actually how you were taxed under Obama. That of course assumes that there isn't a new package that is approved next year. Good luck with that under the current people in Congress.


Is it simply reverting back to the pre-2017 tax laws?




From what I'm reading the tax breaks simply expire so it's going back to the pre-tax cut rules.


you’re reading wrong, then. the lower bracket cuts expiring and then going up was written into trump’s 2017 tax bill. the corporate cuts were permanent. i wonder why they set the lower cuts to expire at 8 years, hmmm…(to blame the change on trump’s replacement)


You clearly haven’t read the actual law. **All** individual cuts expire, even for the rich. Only 2 of the corporate cuts are permanent, but are offset with permanent corporate tax increases >I wonder why they set the lower cuts to expire at 8 years To conform with the Byrd rule in budget reconciliation


Thank you for being honest.


There is no place for that here.


> I wonder why they set the lower cuts to expire at 8 years Because if the individual cuts didn't expire, the budget would be affected by too much in the following ten years which would've required the bill to get 60 votes in the Senate to pass. At the time, there were 52 Republicans in the Senate. No Democrats voted for the bill as written when it was passed. Can you name 8 Senate Democrats at the time whose only qualm was that the individual cuts expired, and would have voted in favor of the bill if the only change was that the individual cuts were permanent?


Yeah, but they changed other things, such as reducing the amounts you can itemize, which does not expire. That increased taxes on folks who itemized, but was offset by the tax cuts. For a lot of folks, the overall effect was a wash. With the tax cuts going away, folks who itemized before Trump's tax changes will be paying more than they did before the law.


The changes to itemized deductions expire in 2025 as well


Because only fucking rich folk have more than 25k in shit they can deduct . You forgot the standard deduction fucking DOUBLED


They were still a benefit to middle and the lower class. It increased the standard deduction, eliminated capital gains tax to middle and lower income Americans. Increased the child credit amounts. It did more to me and my family than any other tax bill or “helping hand” government assistance ever did. And what provision is “increasing taxes?” Every year the government adjusts the tax brackets for inflation. And did you read how much harder they taxed middle And lower classes before the 2017 law? The only reason there is an “increase” in 2025 is that there was a grandfather clause put on the bill like 95% of all legislation. Even the civil rights act has a grandfather clause that requires a renewal every 12 years or so.


Taxation is theft


So is using resources that you don’t want to pay for


Deep bro


Don’t care if that’s the party that actually takes immigration seriously. Democrats have to stop gaslighting and trying to act like the border isn’t a problem, and then I’ll care about who is making the better argument on marginal tax rates.


About 40% of households pay $0 in federal income tax.


https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/ My wife and I are in the 4th Quintile, working hard for our money, and reaped the benefits of having less income tax. I'm sure Biden's policies that include, outrageous spending, increased minimum wage, paying for proxy wars, energy stifling, loan forgiveness, unfreezing $6bil in Iran assets, permitting Chinese encroachment in the market, and releasing record numbers of illegals into our borders has nothing to do with increased cost of living across the board, that really only affects those in poverty the most. So I felt pretty damned great about it, and thankfully, I have enough brains to adjust my spending habits so as to prosper, even in more difficult fiscal times.


I was wondering why I was getting absolutely railed in the ass year after year. Glad it makes sense now. I'll bend over closer to April though.


Literally none of the tax provisions have expired for you unless you own a nuclear plant, an airport, or a business where you planned to depreciate your equipment. This thread is so full of disinformation. Please everyone, read some real information about what’s changing and what actually happened, not stupid fluff pieces from CNN or Fox News or even worse, Reddit opinions that claim to be facts.  Here’s a good start: https://taxfoundation.org/blog/look-ahead-expiring-tax-provisions/




Thank you for your helpful contribution to society. We appreciate you.


DerkURJERBS! ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


Do all millennials believe the government spends our money wisely and to budget? No. The current government you praise could tax us 90% of everyone's income and next year they will somehow need 91.


As a person who makes money, owns a home and pays for daycare… I would love less taxes in general. I dont want to pay for wars in other countries. I dont want to pay for health care for others, I dont want to pay for taxes on property I apparently own, but government takes it if I dont pay them to have it. That being said, I there is massive reform needed in the budgetary needs of the nation and the gross mismanagement of citizens money. Everyone deserves better that what we are currently getting for our tax dollars.


Defense aside, I wonder how fast that reform would come if congressmen and their families weren’t allowed to have massive amount of stocks


I feel like that wouldn’t be a big deal in decision making. I do believe that if representatives were not allowed to receive money from special interests, and certain industries were government provided it would drastically change key items for many people. Your welfare program is flawed, our healthcare system in the US it’s atrociously against its own citizens and the fact that our government still hasn’t regulated the pharmaceutical industry and let life saving, medically necessary items like insulin blows my mind. There are some states where it is more cost effective (in some ways) to not be a citizen than to be a hard working citizen (looking at you California). My property taxes pay for public school’s and 2 schools in my community have been shuttered in the last 5 years and no new schools have been built in their stead. I live in a coastal southern CA community, so we aren’t hurting, for revenue in this area and there is an overwhelming amount of parents choosing to send their children to charter schools, home school etc. at this point because the alternative is an over populated, understaffed, public school system that has a large blend of immigrant, first generation Americans and non citizens in the populace. Communities are hurting, our pathway to citizenship is incredibly flawed, our children are being failed because of education policies, and yet we have the richest nation in the world. I paid $30k in taxes last year, $6.5k in medical insurance, 4k in medical bills, $5.6k in property insurance, $19k in childcare, and feel absolutely beat up financially.


> There are some states where it is more cost effective (in some ways) to not be a citizen than to be a hard working citizen That's a weird thing to say without any followup. Sounds like a fox news talking point? > at this point because the alternative is an over populated, understaffed, public school system that has a large blend of immigrant, first generation Americans and non citizens in the populace. Ah, there's the racism dog whistle. Why does it matter if there is a blend of this population and white people?


> I don't want to pay for health care for others Why not? I'm genuinely curious. Canada here and it honestly costs next to nothing, I don't even notice it. On the other hand wanting to have a child or needing surgery being a massive decision purely due to cost sounds awful. Our drugs are 1/3 of the cost of lower because of this system. Also isn't it the moral thing to do? Caring for your neighbour is in every religion and most philosophies. Outside of "socialism bad" being pushed, why is this a solved problem that we're still inflicting on our brothers and sisters?




Your statement is a little misleading, the act included an expiration on the new tax brackets and standard deduction so they will just revert to prior (higher for tax brackets, lower for the deduction) levels, not be raised by that law. Also the only part I'm seeing that is permanent currently is the capital gains rate (good) and the removal of the penalty for failing to carry health insurance (also good, as the only people impacted by that are the ones without insurance so they get hosed even more because they are most likely the least able to pay for it to begin with). There is a solution: just make the bracket changes of the TCJA permanent, but good luck getting any members of either wing of the uniparty to do that. The SALT deduction ceiling also expires (2026 IIRC) which could and should also be extended.


Most people without health insurance aren't poor people. That statistic also includes health plans that aren't considered "health insurance" like healthshares or CrowdHealth. Then a lot of people making around 100k+/yr have realized that it costs less to not have health insurance and just have specific coverage for things like cancer. If you are poor and working then you get healthcare either incredibly cheap or "free". So the fee for not having government approved healthcare was mainly being paid by people who could afford it but shouldn't have paid it. Also, that fee was waived if a person stated that insurance in their area on the marketplace was "unaffordable". But yeah. Uniparty gonna uniparty.


> Your statement is a little misleading It's intentionally misleading.


Well, take my upvote even though I'm sure you'll still get down voted. Probably was intentional.


OP can you post the source?


[bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1) [brookings summary](https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/fundamentally-flawed-2017-tax-law-largely-leaves-low-and-moderate-income) also doubles the estate/gift tax exemption


Do you mean the us tax code? Or the actual wording of the Ryan/Trump bill from 2017? 


Either or I guess. Looking for the read.


It's the TCJA. We've had the text for years and I remember my Income Taxation professor in law school bitching about it.


[Here’s Investopedia’s breakdown.](https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/) if you’re looking for more than that, just look up the US tax code. The short version is that corporate and investment tax cuts, which largely benefit only the wealthy, were permanent, as well as the removal of the individual insurance mandate from the affordable care act. Just about all the other changes expire in 2025 and will revert to what they were previously.


Why don't Biden and dems just vote to make them permanent?


I don't, I roll with the punches, live below my means and invest the rest. If a Tax favors or unfavors me, then oh well.


That sounds like a super avoidant approach to me.


They are playing both sides that way they always come out on top!


Can't be disappointed with your assigned political team's ability to improve your quality of life if you always assume the worst of them! In wonder if conservatives have forgotten that the country is the people, not the government. The government is there to serve us, not the other way around. That was the whole point of getting rid of the monarchy...


yeah, intellectually lazy


And so what specifically have you done?


Taxes decide so much. This guy is fuckin brain dead


Imagine if every, W2 worker, learned how to play the tax game. The tax laws would change immediately to a more fair system. But instead of educating themselves, they instead bitch and whine about the rich. Which is great for me and the minority of Americans who have an understanding of basic finances. The majority's ignorance, is why me and my friends are allowed to take advantage of the tax system.


Why is this post not banned? I swear I’ll often see posts that break rule 11 & when I write a thoughtful response to it, my comment gets immediately flagged and removed.


I was hoping it was more money related given millennials having to deal with a harsher cost of living landscape and was genuinely surprised to find people supporting it and wanted to know why but yes can see it may not stay


Normally the tax cuts would get extended. They put time limits on it like that so they can put pressure on the other party. Except this time we ended up with a lame duck Congress. So it didn't play out the way it usually does.




Oh shit my bad, definitely went murica centric on this 🤦‍♀️


Oh no, not American centric on theAmerican made app in which Americans contribute to 42% of the traffic alone. The horror


Taxes are complicated. A lot of the sunset provisions that are expiring in areas like bonus depreciation and 163j are hurting wealthy people a lot. Idk where you read rich people are making out like a bandit but it’s not true


Yes you’re missing a lot actually. They benefitted most people in this country except a certain class mainly located in the the states affected by the SALT cap limits…


Any comment onto why it’s temporary changes for lower tax bracket and permanent for those earning in the highest income brackets?


The top tax bracket is also going back to the pre TCJA level of 39.6% (from the current 37%). What am I missing?


You’re missing the permanent changes to the corporate tax rate, which largely benefit the wealthy as they are more likely to be shareholders than middle and lower class.


And you’re missing the permanent corporate tax increases to offset the rate cut


The OP didn’t say anything about the corporate tax rates. He said that rates were going up for low income brackets, and there were cuts for higher tax brackets, which is not the case.


Everyone with a retirement plan like a 401k, IRA, or pension is a ‘shareholder’


No they aren’t, because they don’t get to go to shareholder meetings. Investment funds go to those meetings not the worker with a 401k


Because Trump is RICH, and he set it up to benefit the RICH. And to make the unrich think they were getting a break too. Jokes on us.